Night Train (2009) - full transcript

Two Passengers and the conductor discover that a person has passed away on their Night Train cabin. They come across valuable diamonds on his person, that they wish to keep for themselves. So, to make it look like the man never boarded the train, they conspire to dump his body in a river that the train passes. Their scheme to get rid of the corpse escalates to the point where they have to chop up his body just to fit him into a small trunk. They then become paranoid, as they might turn on each other. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food



Not a good night
to miss a train, friend.

You have your ticket?

Hey, your ticket.

You speak English? English?

Okay, pay me later.

We gotta move out.

Bad storm up ahead.
It's only gonna get worse. Okay?

All right, Walter.
Get us out of here.

All righty, boy.

Shoo off! Shoo off!

Hi. Merry Christmas.

Kalashnikov Vodka from Moscow.

The same people
who make the guns.

Do me a favor.
Here. Go ahead. Take it.

Whatever blows
your hair back, man.

Who's winning now?



Rather be somewhere warm?

Uh... Yeah.

How much do I owe you
for the ticket?

You already paid for it
two hours ago.

Didn't say where you were going,
so I just charged you the full fare.

Yeah, just a little too much
eggnog at the office party.


All right, sir.
Time to take care of that ticket.

Rise and shine, buddy.
No free naps on my train.


Hear what I said?

A stroke, maybe.


You mean he's dead?

Yeah, heart attack's possible.

Maybe from all that running
in the cold.

Hey, you know what?

He swallowed a bunch of pills
when he first sat down.

He threw them back like peanuts...

...and then washed it down
with a slug of vodka.

Yeah, he took a few pops
before he boarded the train.

- Do you think it was cyanide?

Cyanide would have killed him
right away.

Seconal - Reds.

If you take too much,
it will stop your blood flow...

...and cut off
the oxygen supply to the brain.

You think you're going to sleep
and then you never wake up.

Alcohol speeds up the process.

Wait a minute. How was I supposed
to know what he was taking?

I wouldn't have offered him
a drop if I had known.

- Don't touch anything.
- Where you going?

I'm gonna radio ahead
to the next station.

Unless you want to ride
with him 'til morning.

Merry Christmas.

Oh, God! Hey!

- He's still alive!
- It's just a reflex.

Reflex, my ass. He jumped
like he was struck by lightning.

He's dead.

Hey, isn't it bad luck
if a dead man looks you in the eyes?

You know, I read that once where...

It means that Death
has seen you, and...

...maybe it will track you
or something.

I don't know where I saw that.

This is a funny-looking thing.

Put it back. It's not yours.


You hear what I said?


Look, there's a corpse right next to us,
and you go back to reading?

What are you doing?

The conductor told you
to leave it alone.

What is it?

What do you see?


This is Miles on the Nightingale.

Yeah, we're headed up
to Maple Creek, and I need to...

Hang up!
Just come back to the rear car!

You'd better get back to your seat
before I put my foot up your butt!

Trust me!

Go ahead. See for yourself.



- I thought I told you two to-
- Will you just look inside?



See how the light reflects?

No imitations can do that.

Had an uncle once who taught me... to tell the difference
between reals and fakes.

And if he were here right now...

...he would say that they were realer
than a nun's tits.

How much do you think they are?

- Oh, I'd say at least five.
- Thousand?


- Million.
- Million?


Depending on the latest
pricing tables.

Yeah, I already tried that.
They're locked in place.

Hey! Do you got
a hammer or something?

That might work!

Wait a minute.
What are you doing?

I still got a dead man to report.

Wait a minute! Maybe we should
think about this first...

...before we do something
we'll regret later, all right?

I mean, I'm not talking
about stealing it. I'm just...

All right, maybe we could keep half...

...and then give
the other half to charity?

How about the Boys and Girls Club?

That's a good group. Huh?


Look, this is a lot of money
in front of us right now!

That doesn't mean
anything to you? Huh? Miles?

Chances are someone else
knows he's carrying it.

What happens
when they come looking for it?

We'll be long gone by then.

I won't. You and her
get off this train. I don't.

So quit, quit your job.
Retire. Huh?

You got a wife? Hmm?

Well, maybe she'd like to live in
a warmer climate for a change, huh?

I can take care of my wife
without your help. Or a dead man's.

What if no one knows he's dead?

What did you just say, Miss?

If the body isn't reported,
no one will know he's dead.

He didn't buy a ticket.

That's why you came back here
in the first place.

No one will know
he was ever on this train.

But he's on this train.
My train.

What am I supposed to do,
let him rot to New Year's?

One second.

So we left Fall Brook, and we're
headed toward Maple Creek, correct?

How much time 'til we get there?

29 minutes, 16 seconds.

You know that down to the second?

I know everything about this train
except its favorite color.

- And this is a river.
It's the Sturgeon River.

Well, how much time
until we cross that?

We cross that in 19 minutes.

Is it wide enough that it
doesn't freeze over in winter?

I suppose.

Strong rapids?

I guess so. Why?

That's where we can dump the body.

I mean, with the rapids, there won't
be any connection to the train.

'Cause it's winter, it'll
probably get stuck under the ice...

...and found sometime in spring...

...all decomposed down to the bone.

Miles. I don't know,
maybe she's onto something here.

Yeah, a prison sentence.
One I'm not serving.

You won't be connected.

You're just the conductor.
You've just been doing your job.

And he was
passed out drunk the entire time.

He doesn't know anything.

I was, and I usually am.
Which is - it's true.

I'm getting off at the next stop.

So, it's as if we're strangers
and we've never met.

Yeah, and it's staying that way.

Miles! Don't...

Follow me, and it's your ass
that's gonna be dumped, not him!

11 years in sales...

...and I can't convince
a working-stiff conductor... keep a fortune
for his retirement.

Oh, did I mention I suck at my job?

Maybe you should try
convincing him again.

Yeah. Well.

He's made the call by now.

How can you be so sure
what he's doing up there?

Well, what the hell else
would he be doing?


You think he lied?


And he's keeping it all for himself?

Stay here!

The only way to get in and out
is with my key.

I'll grab a wheelchair we use
for handicapped passengers.

Right, now we're talking.

We should put him
into something, though... that nobody sees him
floating down the river.

We've got suitcases and a trunk
in the baggage car.

Is the baggage car far from here?

At the other end of the train.

Well, we just need
to wheel him over there...

...without anybody
on the train noticing.

I'll lead the way,
clear a path for you two.

How are you gonna do that?

Diversion, charm.

I'm a salesman, aren't I?

It's a good game.

Too close to the edge.

If you can't attack him effectively...

...leaves you weak in
your defenses. Okay?

Don't worry, I'm gonna
help you out, too.

Are you all...

...covered with traveler's insurance
on your stay here?

Well, my company, we specialize
in covering tourists such as yourself.

Here, check it out.
Travel delays...

Oh, oh, oh.

...medical expenses,
in-hospital indemnity...

...we've got rental car collisions...

...accidental death - Happens...

...and that's not supposed to be
in there.

What? Marquesas Islands?

- Marquesas-!
- Yeah, yeah, you like?

Marquesas Islands.

It's in the South Pacific, right by y'all.

Here, let me show you. It's, uh...

Yeah, you got Japan up...

And this is only one island
in the whole chain.

All of them, created by volcanoes.

Did you all see me back there,
kicking ass?

I mean, what am I doing in sales?

Check the next car.
There's an old lady sitting in there.

No worries. Okay, Miles? I'm just
gonna sweet talk her, like I did...

Don't worry, honey.
It's all under control.

You know what? In my line of work,
you got to improvise all the time.

Is that how you ended up drunk
on the train...

...with no idea what stop
you were getting off at?

Hey, come on.
We get delayed, we miss the bridge.

Relax! Okay?
I got it under control.

Come on!

Hold it!

The door seems to be stuck, Poochie.

Oh, good heavens.

Are we going to be stuck
in here for the rest of the journey?

Oh, thank heavens for that.

There we go, my clever little boy.


How are you and Poochie doing?

Well, between you and me,
we are suffering from a bit of gas...

...but we're still going
to have our midnight meal.

Oh, good heavens!

- What's he doing in my car?
- I guess he wanted to take a nap.

Yes, but he certainly does
look dead to the world.

A bit too much
holiday cheer, I'm afraid.

Oh, dear, that's why I left
my second husband Alfred.

He was having too much
holiday cheer seven days a week.

Poochie! Poochie! Poochie!

All right, stop!

Leave the poor old souse alone.

Would you like to switch cars,

Well, perhaps I'd better.

Poochie certainly
doesn't care for him...

...and I really trust
his taste in people.

I'll get your things.

- Oh, thank you, dear.
- Yeah. Call me Miles.

How much time do we have?

11 minutes.

This one's the biggest.


Take it away.


...tell me you have
a bigger trunk than this.



- No.
- No?


You said that he was gonna fit
into something.

That's why we brought him
all the way back here!

I said there was
luggage in the back.

Maybe it was unloaded
five stops ago!

- I don't know.
- Well, you know all...

You know all the train routes
down to the second...

...but you can't seem to figure this out!

Hey, packing dead bodies
was not part of my job training!

This is ridiculous.
- Dammit!

It's not gonna work.

Okay. All right, sorry.
I'm sorry. New plan.

New plan.

When we arrive at the next station,
I'm gonna take him off myself.

All right? Yeah!


I'm gonna put his arm
around my shoulder.

I'm gonna just walk him out
like he's drunk, like he's my buddy.

And I'm gonna take him off
into the woods or... the garbage dump, or...

Excuse me.

It's staff only in here.

I was just looking for a wash cloth.

A wash cloth?

Really, my lenses are dirty.


Hey, if she doesn't come back,
does that mean she loses her share?

- We're taking him back to his seat.
- What?

Yeah, we are going to forget
this madness ever...

- Sorry it took me so long.
- Yeah.

I had to leave the kitchen car
with some gopher.

Wait. What were you doing?


- Improvising.
- What, what, what?

Gonna be quick, all right?

We have approximately 7 minutes
before we cross the bridge, all right?

- Okay.

Hey, stop!

What's wrong, Miles?

- What's wrong?
- This is what we have to do.

You're about to carve into that fellow
like he's a Christmas turkey.

I took an autopsy class
last semester.

I know exactly
where to make the incisions.

You're not thinking straight, Miss.

You've got to clear your head.

My head's never been more clear.

Hey, put down that knife.

It's a meat cleaver.

We're taking him back to his seat.

I'm calling in the authorities.
It's already been decided.

Did you agree to this?

Well, we-
We didn't take a vote.

- Okay, well, let's take a vote.


Raise our hands, secret ballot.

Hey, there's no vote!
No democracy!

My train is a damn dictatorship,
and I'm the damn dictator!

So, put down that knife, cleaver,
or whatever the hell you call it...

...and return to your damn seat
and your damn senses!

All right, Miles.

You're in charge.

I'm sorry, Miles.
We agreed upon a plan.

Not his. Not yours. Mine.

And that's what
we're going to carry out.

You can't call the cops now,
unless you can explain... he got his head chopped off
from having a heart attack.

We don't have that much time
before we cross the bridge.

I'm going to take care
of his arms and legs.

- Oh, my God!
- We're gonna fit him into the trunk.

I guess this would be the downside
to working with strangers...

...the possibility that one of them
turns out to be a psychotic.

She's crazy, but she may be right
about one thing.

We can't call the cops.
There's no way to explain this.

She put us in one hell
of a corner, you know?

You know what?

I think it might be a good idea if I take
him off at the next station, you know?

Find a nice safe place to bury him.
Done. You know?

I mean, now that we know
that she's not in her right mind.

- Are you?
- What?

In your right mind?


I've seen a lot of bad things
in my life.

But even in my worst moments,
I always knew who I was.


Come on, you're still the same man
that you were before.

Everything changed
when we looked inside of that thing.

Yeah. I mean, we're talking
about a lot of money here.

It's not about the money.

When I looked inside I...

I felt...



Hey, I'm taking him off the train
at the next station.

- What?
- Yeah, go home to your family.

Sip eggnog, roast chestnuts...

...put some carrots out
for Santa's reindeer, okay?

- Miles?
- No, Miles is out of commission.

Okay? I'm in charge now.

- We're almost at the bridge.
- Forget about the bridge.

We're on a new route,
and I'm behind the wheel.

Okay, now, I'm gonna
be taking a higher cut.

Only fair. Right? Of course,
because now I'm taking a greater risk.

I think we both know
who took the greater risk.

We're taking it off the train
right now.

What are you gonna do,
chop me into little pieces if I do?

Well, I could take something...

...and I could just jam it
into your carotid artery.

You wouldn't feel anything...

...and then you'd go to pull it out...

...and then you'd loose all blood flow
to your brain in under 5 seconds.

We've got three minutes to the bridge.

We're finishing what we started.

Where's the bridge?
Did we cross it already?

I can't see it yet!

- This is crazy!
- Go inside! Go inside!

Where's the bridge, Miles?

Hey, here it comes! It's coming!


Let's do it! Let's do it!

- This is it! Come on!
- Pick it up! Lift it!


Let's do the damn thing!
Come on! Lift it!

Did we make it?


Miles, where are you?

Give me your 20. Over.

Chloe! Open the door!
Open the door!


Hey, no one's going
to hear you! No one!

Hey, you know what? Come on!
Don't waste your breath!

Don't waste your energy!
No one can hear you!

We're going
to freeze to death out here!

We're not going
to freeze to death out here!

I'll be coming right back!

What are you doing?

Hey, I'm coming back to get you!
I'm coming back! Stay here!

Are you crazy?





Oh, my God! It's so cold out here!

What are you doing here?

I stole these...

...and I was heading back to the
baggage car to save the two of you.

Give me the keys.

Hey, the moment you get warm,
get back to your seat. You, too.

Hey, I'm gonna go take this
into the kitchen.

Hey, no. I'll take that.

I got it.

Go back to your seat.

Oh, God.

All right, pal.

Go back to sleep, baby.
I just wanted you to know...'ll be moving into the nice wing
of the hospital soon.

Yeah, we're gonna
get you your own room there...

...the best doctors.

So don't worry what those
goddamn HMO people said.


I don't know.

I'm okay, a little tired.
Why do you ask?

Hey, sweetie, don't worry, really.

Why would anything
be wrong with me?

You're imagining things.

I guess you think I'm a lunatic
for what I did back there.


Who hasn't sliced and diced
a corpse from time to time?

Miles would have reported him
to the cops if I hadn't done it.

Look, you don't need to morally
justify yourself to me, okay?

I'm in sales, remember?

Although I can say...

I've never cut off a man's head
for a commission before.

It's not like I've ever done
anything like that before.

I'm not a bad person or anything.

I'm not a bad person.

I know. It's okay.

It's all right.
Hey, it's all right.

Hey, you know what?
You did try to save me, right?

I mean, if you were truly a rotten soul... wouldn't even
have made the effort.

Tell me you've got
a hammer in there.


- Smash the mother.
- Yeah.

All right, step back.

Hit it harder!

I'm hitting it pretty damn hard.
Shit. This wood is so damn solid!

Come on!

- It's not even scratched.
- Give me that!

I got it.

I got it.

Oh, Merry Christmas!


Hey, we're pulling into the station.

Come on.
We'll have to open this later, okay?

That's my stop. My parents are
waiting for me at the station.

All right. Well, give us your address,
and we'll send your share in the mail.

Hey, hey, hey!

No. No one's taking it.

All right?

If the box is staying, I'm staying.

What about Mommy and Daddy
waiting at the station?

It's my problem.

As far as you're concerned,
I got off this train like my ticket says.

What are you doing?

I'm keeping both of you out of view.
So I'm locking up this car.

You're locking me in here with her?
Now, what's the point of that?

My sanity.

What are you gonna tell
your parents?


Aren't they gonna wonder
where their daughter is?

I just don't care.

And I'm not gonna go back
to med school.

Where does life take you from here?

Somewhere far away.

Yeah, I heard that.

Thought you quit 10 years ago.

That's why you got to stop
when you're young, kid.

Miles, the baggage car was open.
I mean, was wide open, you know?

Yeah. Forget about it.
Here's your keys.

You want me to check the hoses?

Oh, they're gonna put this train
out to pasture next year.

May as well just let it rot in peace.

You okay, Miles?

Let's get out of here.

I wanna see my wife
by Christmas morning.

Hey, you know where I'm headed?

Marquesas Islands
in the South Pacific.

It's where Paul Gauguin
spent the last years of his life.

- You know, the French painter?
- I've heard of him.

Yeah, well, he left his wife and kids,
the life he knew.

Totally rejected civilization.

Sounds perfect.


You're more than welcome
to come with me, if you'd like.

Have you started drinking again?

No. Nope.
No, I haven't had a drop.

Here, see?
Look at that.

- And you know what?
- What?

I don't even want any.

- For the first time since I was 15.
- Congratulations.

I really do need a promotion.

You know how it is,
taking care of a family, and...

- Oh, you got to get another job, kid.
- Huh?

You can't take care of a wife
and baby working on a train.

Go back to school.

Learn about computers, airplanes,
something with a future.

What do you mean?
You're not gonna recommend me?

The train is a dead end.
It's a relic, okay?

But I wanna be a conductor
just like you.

You don't want to be
anything like me.

- I want to be!
- Are you fucking deaf?

You're not gonna be like me!

You're not gonna
work on a train! Never!

So, what do you say?
It's all coming together.

I'm free of the booze.
You're off your folks.

What do you say to a warm climate
and a new beginning?

Thanks, but...

...I spent enough of my life
following somebody else's dreams.

Do you know what I mean?

I'm frightfully sorry.
I haven't got a ticket.

The ticket office
appears to be closed.

- You can pay it later.
- No, no, my good man.

I shall pay immediately.

Tell me, is the bar on board
still open by any chance?

All night for the holidays.

Some dark Jamaican rum
would be just the ticket.

Perhaps you'd be kind enough
to send it down to the rear car?

Please, keep the change.

Merry Christmas.

Rear car is closed.

Oh, dear.

I was supposed
to meet a friend there.

Short fellow. Mr. Cairo.

Got on at the last stop.
Couldn't miss him.

You don't know where he's sitting,
by any chance?


You mean, you don't know
which car he moved to?

I mean, I haven't seen anyone
on this train by that description.


And no one has left a message
or asked for me?

- My name is Mr. Gutman.
- No.

Well, I shall just
have to find him myself.

Never mind.

Come on, Miles.
Where the hell are you? he was staying here...

Miles! This gentleman
is looking for a friend.

A short guy.

What happened to that man
who got on at Fall Brook?

All nervous, taking pills?

Oh, him?

- He's who you're looking for?
- So, he did get on this train?

Yes. No. I mean...

He got on board,
but he got off again.

He got off again?

He did? No.
When? I didn't see that.

He said he couldn't
pay for his ticket... he left before we
pulled out of the station.

Why didn't you tell me this before?

Oh, I didn't make the connection.

We go through so many
passengers around the holidays.

Well, do we? Since when?

It was my mistake.
I apologize.


Can't you call your friend
and find out where he is?

I shall never see him again.

He betrayed me.

He couldn't help it.

Don't you have
his phone number or...

Frankie, finish packing everything
in the kitchen.


Anything else, sir?

I'm here if you need anything.

Oh, Miles,
a very Merry Christmas to you!

Ah, Merry Christmas to you.

Oh, Poochie's really
looking forward to his breakfast...

...and I'm going to have
an apricot brandy instead of tea.

Why, I think it's perfectly acceptable
to raise a toast to Jesus...

...on his birthday, don't you agree?

Oh, how lovely!
Both elegant and festive.

Oh, and look, Poochie...

...bacon, especially for you,
just the way you like it.

Who's a lucky boy?

Oh, Miles, by the way,
that man's gone.

You know, the little drunken fellow
that Poochie didn't like.

Well, he's not in his seat anymore.

Do you think perhaps he got off
at the last station?

Because, if he did, I'd really
like my old seat back again.

The car you put me in
has got such a dreadful draft.

Miles, you'd better have brought
a chainsaw with you this time!

Where is it?

Give it to me...

...or you'll be cleaning up
both of their brains from the floor.

Just reaching for my keys.

Don't try anything clever.

No, sir. I like my brains
just where they are.

I've got to move to the back.

Well, then, move.

- All of you.
- Okay, it's all good.


Is it hot?

The sides.
Are they hot?


Put it over on the seat.

Go on.

Who else on the train
knows that it's here?

No one.
No one else knows.

My partner said
he was being followed.

He asked me to meet him on the
train because he feared for his life.

We didn't know him.
He overdosed on pills and vodka.

- She's telling the truth.
- Well... was on more pills than vodka.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Move back!
You're not taking it! It's ours!


That's why you must let me have it.

- We mustn't waste any more time.
- Just get out of here!

You don't understand.

There are others.
I'm not alone.

- What others? Who?
- Competitors, rivals, enemies.

We pursue each other,
work together, betray each other... around the world following
rumors of the latest sightings.

- Your lives are at stake.
- Please, please! Just go, go!

Anyone who looks inside it will
be dead by sunrise. No exceptions.

Look, the only one
who's gonna be dead is you...

...if you don't get your ass
out of here!

The worst-possible kind of death...

...death from the inside,
the corruption of the soul.

If you want to avoid this fate,
you've got to let me destroy it.

And I know how to do it, too.
I have a key. I'll open it.

And then smash it into oblivion.

Fine. Take it. Destroy it.

All we want are the gems inside.

- Gems?
- Yeah.

- Is that what you saw?
- Yeah.

How ordinary.

Miles! Pick up, pick up!

Miles! Pick up!

No, I-

No, no, no, no! You!

It was - That was self-defense.

He hit himself.

He was - He was trying to kill us.

It was self-defense because
he was trying to kill us, right?

No one's gonna believe that.

That was...

No one's gonna believe this.

Oh, man! He was...

It's gonna
be quicker this time.

It was self-defense.
It was self-defense.

We'll dump him.
Is there a lake or river coming up?

Miles, where are you?
I've got a G-20! Do you read? G-20!

- What's a G-20?
- An unscheduled stop.

Why are we making
an unscheduled stop?

Oh, God.

You're gonna go up front
and stall them and unlock the sleeper.

The second door.

What was he going on about?

Death by sunrise?
Corrupting our souls?

He was just trying to scare us.

Yeah, well, he did
a pretty good job at it.

I wish I had never seen
those goddamn diamonds.


What, are you color-blind?

They're emeralds.

Never heard
of green diamonds before.

They're diamonds.
White diamonds.

No. No. That's not what I saw.

Miles! Where are you?

How could you
not see the emeralds?

They were so beautiful!
They were magnificent!

Look, if you wanna see them again...'re gonna come over here and
help me move his goddamn arms.

The trunk hit the ice
just as it passed over the bridge.

Two fellows out ice fishing
said it split open upon impact...

...spilling body parts out
all over the place.

Arms. Legs. And a head.

What kind of sicko
would've done such a thing?

Miles, I'm gonna need
to see the passenger list.

Open it.

- Okay. Wait here.
- Where are you going?


- Nobody's in the sleepers, yeah?
- No, they've been locked up all night.

Hey, why are you throwing
my stuff up there with him?

You're gonna go up there.

- What?
- Get up there right now.

No! No. Not a chance in hell.
Why would?...

- Is your invitation still open?
- What?

The Marquesas Islands.
You and me.

You and me?

So, who drinks Kalashnikov?

We can't trust Miles anymore.

He's gonna crack
with those cops on board.

He's not like the two of us.
He doesn't want it badly enough.

It's gonna be you and me
from now on.

Well, what do we want so badly?
We all saw different things inside.

- You don't want it anymore?
- No. I just...

You just what?

I'm trying to figure out
what the hell is going on here.

I'm just-
It's just all so confusing.

It doesn't have to be confusing.

Go up there,
and I'll handle everything, okay?

How are you gonna save us?

You gonna pin it all on Miles?

Somebody has to take the fall.

How are you gonna do it?

When you trust me.

Why should I?

You know why.

You have to go up.

You need to go up now.


I already told you. I locked
all the compartments this morning.

None of the passengers
are staying in the...



I'm Detective Melville.

I take it you're not Peter Dobbs.

I'd be pretty upset
if my parents named me that.

This compartment's supposed
to be unoccupied and locked.

I was really tired,
so I picked the lock.

I didn't know it was such a crime
you'd stop a whole train over it.

What's your name, Ma'am?

Chloe White.

Says here, Miss White, that you were
supposed to get off at Maple Creek.

Supposed to get off?

You mean I missed my stop?

My parents are gonna go berserk.
My mom was cooking this brisket.

She's gonna go nuts.

You've been
alone in here the whole time?

Of course.

So, you always sleep naked
in beds that don't belong to you?

Depends on the bed.

Gosh, I didn't want to wrinkle
my Christmas dress.

We'll take the interrogations
in the dining car.

The interrogations?

You've got two minutes
to get dressed, Ma'am.

So, Peter Dobbs
is on this train for two hours...

...and you don't get a look at his face?

Well, he's passed out
the whole time.

I just didn't get
a good look at his face.

No, we didn't get a good look
at his face, did we, Poochie?

Well, he was asleep, you see,
when he was in my car.

And Miles -
that's our conductor...

...charming man...

...he said he thought he'd had
too much Christmas cheer.

He was really drunk.


All these little, mini liquor bottles.

Did you happen
to notice a luggage trunk?

Yeah, it was
an old-fashioned kind of thing.

And did you see if he went
to the front of the train at all...

...with the luggage trunk, Miss White?

He left to the front of the train
right before I went to the sleeper car.

When I went into the baggage car...

...the loading door was wide open.

So it was a screw up
at the last station, but if this...

...Peter Dobbs is missing...

...well, maybe he was the one
who opened the door... he could dump the body.

So where is this Peter Dobbs now,
if he's not on the train?

Marquesas Islands.

He wants to go to these islands.


Made by volcanoes.


Hey, what's going on?

Make sure you bag evidence.

Miles, I'm gonna be
staying on board the Nightingale...

...and when we pull into the station...

...the train will be impounded
as evidence.

Miles! I have
a loose air hose. I'm out of tape.

Get me out of this sardine can!



Hey, what are you doing?

Hey, what are you doing?


Hey, I can't breathe! Hey!

Hey! I can't fucking breathe!

I can't breathe!

I can't breathe!

I need you to go
to the baggage car...

...take all the suitcases,
and bring them back to the sleeper.

All the suitcases?

For both bodies.

Wait a minute.

He's dead?

That depends on how much oxygen
he has left.

It's just you and me now.

Come on, Miles.
It's the perfect plan.

They're looking for his body.
They're on a manhunt for him.

And when they don't find it...

...they'll close the case,
and we'll be in the clear.

So you can go get the luggage.

I'm not gonna have
anything to do with this.

You want to see your wife again?


You're completely gone.

You know that, don't you?

But I'm all you've got,
so go get the luggage.



Back up old man.


On your knees!

I confess.

- I'll confess to everything.
- I said get on your fucking knees!


Great, Miles.

Now we have three dead bodies
instead of two.

The man was right!

We've got to destroy it
before it destroys us!

We'll both be dead
by sunrise if we don't!

Open the floor.

- It's gone!
- Move!

Where is it?
Where did you put it?

Maybe it slid to the back.

The rear car is closed.

- Where is it, Frankie?
- Huh?

Where did you put it?
You took it.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Hey, I know you have it!
You're the only one else with a key!

- Miles-
- Come on. Where is it?

It's mine now.

I'm keeping the gold for myself.


Hey, listen to me, kid.

I got locked out.

Listen, what you saw wasn't real!

Yeah, right.

The gold was fake.

That's why you
threw a dead body off the train...

...and lied to the cops to keep it.

It is all a trick in your head.

There is no gold, no diamonds,
no rubies or emeralds.

- Nothing, not a goddamn thing.
- Miles, give it up.

Don't screw up your life over this.
Trust me.

Trust you?

Is that a joke?

You don't trust me
to watch over your precious train...

...but you trust a bunch of strangers,
no problem.

I tell you I got a baby on the way,
and I need help...

...and what do you say to me?

"Get a better job. "
Well, Miles, fuck you! Fuck you!

This isn't you talking, kid.

When you look inside of it,
it changes you.

Don't call me "kid" anymore.
Don't call me "kid" anymore!

You're nothing but an old man
who's done jack shit with his life.

You're a loser.

You can't even take care of
your own wife dying in the hospital.

I'm not gonna be anything like you.
I'll be able to provide for my family.

Argh! God!

Get away from him!

- Stop this train, right now!
- Stop it! Stop it!

- Stop the goddamn train!
- I can't from this car!

You'd better stop the train
in the next 60 seconds...

...or I'm gonna start digging
into vital organs.

The emergency brake
is in the other car!

- Stop lying!
- That's the truth!

He's right!

- He's right.
- Shut up!

And you better tell me
where you hid what belongs to me!

Stop the goddamn train!

I love you.

Please. Please help me.



- Oh! What? What is it?
- We have to go, Mrs. Froy. Now!

- What?
- Now, now.

- Miles, what are we doing in here?
- Shh, shh!

We've got to be quiet.
Those men out there are killers.

Oh, Miles, you're mistaken!

Be quiet!
They already killed Frank...

They both had to be killed...

...because they were both in my way.

The legend's true. It heats up
when somebody has to die.

He'd been searching for it for years,
obsessed, just like those others.

He never used
the same disguise twice.

Don't worry.

I won't kill you.


...I looked inside it, right?

That should cool it down.

What is it?

Where did it come from?

Depends on who you ask.

The man who came on board,
Mr. Gutman...

...he said that anyone who looked
inside of it would be dead by sunrise.

That's what everyone says.

I looked inside.

What are you doing?

I'm going to destroy it, what else?

Mr. Gutman said there's a key
to open it and once it's opened... can be smashed into oblivion.

Step away from the sink!

His dead body
is still in the sleeper car.

- The key must be on it somewhere.
- I'm like you, Miles. I do my job.

But don't you want to destroy it?

I want my government
to check it before I do.

Hey, hey! Don't shoot!

He's my engineer.

Why'd you come back here?

Walkies are out.
Controls are dead.

The train can't stop!

- It seems to run on its own.
- Call dispatch!

There's no radio, no phones.

We're being diverted
to a dead end track.

We're gonna crash.

Over here.

We've got to separate the wheel car.
Detach the coupler with a crowbar.

We got to do it now, fast.

Hello, Miles.

That old lady
should have known better.

When you fire at someone,
you should hit a vital organ.

Preferably the brain.

Get that crowbar of yours.

It wants us to kill each other.

Why should we let it win?

It'll kill you, maybe.

But never me.

I'm the one it's been searching for,
for all these years.

I'm the only one
that it really wants.

Why do you think it protected me
from that bullet, huh?

It loves me.

It really loves me.

And I love it.


Come on, take my hand!

I'm not...

Take my hand.

Come on, Miss!

Come on!
Grab my hand!

Grab my hand!

Grab my hand! Grab it!

Grab my... No.

I beat you.

Go. No.

