Night Things (2010) - full transcript

Two women find themselves trapped between life and death by a dark and mysterious machine. As they search for an escape, they must battle the Lures, a race of creatures determined to imprison them until nightfall, when the vicious Night Things come out to feed upon those who stray from the light. Soon they discover that their only escape is the evil machine itself. But using it may require the ultimate sacrifice... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
My husband, he's trapped in the car.

You have to help me.

All right, but your daughter stays here.

She's not safe in the forest.

Stay here, sweetie,
don't go outside, okay?

Stay right here.

Don't open the door.


Get us out of here!

Listen very carefully.

When you wake up, run
east through the woods

until you find a cabin.
My daughter, my daughter.

My daughter, I can't...
Untie us!

It took her, it took her.

Is she okay?
She's fine,

she's back at the cabin.

What the hell

are you talking about?
Run east into the woods

away from the road!


Julie, Julie?

What happened?

Where's Julie?

She said Julie is at a
cabin, away from the road.

Come on, Jeff.


All right, get inside.

Who the hell are you?

Oh, I just, I crashed my bike...

I didn't see you out there.

Don't shoot, I'm just
looking for a phone.

How do I know you're not one of them?

How do I know you're not one of them?

I don't know what you're
talking about, really, I don't.

I just, I just crashed my bike.

- All right, get inside.
- No, that's okay,

I'll just go find some...

You'll die if you stay out here.

Get inside, now.

Go, go!

- What's out there?
- Just don't let them in.


What's your name?


It's the light that keeps
them out, Haley, not the house.

We want as much light
shining out as we can.


Just do me a favor and sit over there.

- But I...
- Sit down now.


Julie, this isn't funny!

Get out here right now!

Where's our daughter?

I'm sorry, she's not here.

What do you mean, she's not here?

You said that you brought her here!

The door was open when I came back,

she must have gone to look for you.

- Julie?
- Stay away from that door.

It's Daddy.

Open this door right now.

- Get away from the door!
- Julie, sweetie,

open up so we can go home.

Get away from the fucking door!

Why is she in there, please?

She's not in there!

Look, that door has been
locked the whole time.

There is no way she got in there.

I told you the front door
was open when I got back.

She must have gone to look for you.

Then we have to go find her.

You go out there, you won't come back.

- Wait, Jeff, maybe...
- Look, I'm sorry.

Your daughter's gone, stay inside.

Maybe you guys should
just listen to her.


We have to go get her, now.

- Jeff, wait.
- No!




Close the door.

Is she gonna be okay?

She's in shock.

But she's asleep for now.

Well, maybe when it's late out,

you and I can go look for their daughter.

Since I've been here,

I've seen a lot of people
get caught out in the dark.

Haven't seen any of them again.

Well, what's in that room?

Don't worry about it.

Have a seat.

So tell me some things, Haley.

Like how you got here,
your job, your middle name.

Name of the first boy you kissed.


Because I've never
seen one of those things

imitate a person before,

and I'm not convinced
you're not one of them.

But you...

Okay, I don't have a middle name.

I know that sounds fake,

but my parents just thought
they were stupid or something,

and I'm a grad student at CU,

and I live off of student loans.

The name of the first boy
I ever kissed was Eli.

He was in 8th grade
and I was in 7th grade,

and he dumped me two weeks later,

'cause he said the mystery was gone.

Is that good enough?

How'd you get here?

I was riding my bike along the road,

and this car came up around the bend,

and there was some sort of explosion,

and I couldn't control my
bike, and it went off the road.

But when I came back up, there was a wall?

What the hell is going on here?

It's a cage.

It runs around the whole area.

And I don't know what those things are.

All I know is that basically,
it's like we're dead already.


What do you mean?

You can die 100 times
here, doesn't matter.

You just wake up where you started.

Where you started?

Where you died for the first time.

Where the cage killed you.

So you just come back to life?

I mean, that's...

How long have you been here?

I don't know.

Months, maybe.

So we're just stuck here?

There has to be a way out.

Well, if there is, I
haven't found it yet.

Believe me, I've tried.

So we just sit here forever?

Not forever.

The generator will run out of gas.

Or the light bulbs will burn out.

And then we'll run out of candles.

I don't think the lures will
wait for any of that to happen.

The lures?

That's what I call them.

The daylight things.

They try to lure you out
so they can trap you.

They used to just whisper.

You couldn't even see them,

it was like they were in the air.

Then they started to call out.

Yelling, screaming.

Like children.

And you could see them.

Faces in the earth, in the shadows.

Their hands.

They started to take people.

Pull them down, cover their
mouths so they couldn't scream.

Then somehow they learned words.

Like they were listening to us, to me.

And they learned my name.

They'd whisper my name from the trees,

before they buried
themselves in the ground.

But they never looked human until today.

What happens when they trap you?

From what I've seen,
they don't hurt you.

They just tie you up,
pull you into the ground,

keep you there for the night things.

Like they're servants or something.

And when the night things take you,

you don't come back.

Well I'm not waiting around.

When it's light out, I'm gonna
go out and find a way out.

I told you there's no way...

Well I'd rather die
looking for a way out

than just wait here for
them to come and get me.

Do what you want.

In the morning I'm gonna
siphon the gas from their car

to keep the generator going.

You mind telling me your name?


Well, Alexis, really.

A guy really dumped you

because he thought the mystery was gone?


In 8th grade?



Must record all
of this before I forget.

Working on the machine,

its concepts are beyond
anything I've seen.

Memories out of my head.

Reynolds led a team of us to Mexico.

We were looking for an
indented area in the jungle.

Like a crater, like on a satellite image.

We dated the impact to 10 million B.C.

The center was an ancient Maya ruin.

That gave us...

We set up camp near the ruin.

We dated it 8850.

It must have been one
of the last to be built,

since the Maya started to
disappear right around that time.

Creates a dark matter matrix.

How they learned to control
it, much less discover it,

I don't know, but that's
how they opened the door.

That's how they got here.

What the hell are you doing?

I'm sorry, I didn't wanna wake you up,

but I've never seen anything like this.

It's like some kind of machine, you know?

And you have this core device here,

which is connected to
these platform devices.

Three of them, right?

And they're basically capacitors,

but not capacitors for
anything I've ever seen.

So when the core is fully charged,

it transmits the power to the capacitors.

But why I haven't figured out yet.

This thing is incredible.

How come I've never heard of it before?

Who was this guy?

My grandfather.


This is my grandfather's cabin.

This is it.

This is why we're here.

Don't touch it.

He said they didn't find
anything down there, in Mexico.

He was down there for over a year.

Sending us letters and pictures.

Justine would run to the mailbox every day

to see if he'd sent us something.


My little sister.

She'd make us all sit in the living room

while she stood on a chair,
read the letter to us.

It was all pretty exciting
until the letters stopped.

When he finally did come
back, he was different.

He had this crazy look in his eyes.

Then he just disappeared.

He didn't tell the
university he was quitting,

or tell any of us where he was going.

And you found him up here?


He called us just out of
the blue 15 years later.

Justine and I were living in
our mom's house since she died.

We'd all thought he was dead.

He just said, "Alex, come up here.

"I have it, I have it."

And he kept saying he needed Justine, too.

He needed two.

I don't know what he meant.

I didn't wanna bring her up here.

I told her to stay home.

But she wanted to see him.

You don't tell everyone
all that, do you?


So why'd you tell me?

You're the first person to come here

who understands any of those diagrams.

Maybe you can get us out.

- Dark matter.
- What?

On the tape your grandfather
mentioned dark matter.

It actually makes up most of
the matter in the universe,

but because it's invisible
and doesn't react

with normal matter, no one
really knows what it is.

What are you, a physicist?

Yeah, I'm a graduate physics student.

I interned at Fermilab last year,

and Alex, I gotta tell you,
these diagrams look a lot

like the diagrams for
the particle accelerator.

Only much smaller, and simpler,

and not for any particles I've ever seen.

I don't know about this part
of it, but the three platform...

They generate the barrier, I think.

There's one right next
to it up near the road.

I tried destroying it, but I
couldn't do anything to it.

See, most accelerators have to be built

in a big, circular underground tunnel

so that the particles
don't run into things,

but dark matter, it doesn't
react to normal matter.

You could build it right out
in the middle of nowhere.

If we can deactivate them,
maybe even just one of them,

maybe it'll bring us
back to the normal world.

I told you, I tried that already.

Not destroy them, deactivate them.


I don't know.

But Alex, your grandfather
couldn't have built this.

I mean, the technology
is, it's impossible.

The power source, I mean, you'd need...

I don't think he did build it,

I think he just fixed
something he found down there

a long time ago.

Well if I'm gonna figure it out,

you're gonna have to show me one of them.

I'll unlock it.

So where'd you learn to do this?


Where is he now, do you
think he's looking for you?

I doubt it, that was in the 5th grade.

Alex, I think...


Damn it, Haley, where the hell were you?

You were supposed to
be keeping an eye out!

Well maybe you should've told me that.


We needed that gas, Haley!

What are we supposed to do now?

The generator's not
gonna last much longer!

Look, I'm sorry, okay, but
I found one of those machines,

it's right up here.

All right, let's go.

A switch.

I don't think this thing

has anything to do with the barrier.

Why not?

Because I just turned it on.

The switch has to be some
sort of circuit breaker,

which means it was off before.

Just must've gotten tripped up

during the original activation.

What does it do, then?

I don't know.

Let me look at the drawings again.

I need two people for each trip.

One to get me there, one to get me back.

But it will not work
with anything not human.

I tried using a raccoon I caught,

but the machine couldn't
draw enough power on it

to activate the matrix.

The forest creature that
I brought back with me,

it didn't work, either.

Forest creatures.

Maybe because it's
a dark matter life form.

Oh, the lures.

The method by which the machine

transforms life energy into
power is still a mystery to me.

But if I didn't know better,

I'd say the thing is fueled by souls.

One thing's for sure.

The machine's influence is corrupting.

It's already made me into a murderer.

She's still asleep.

I only hope it doesn't make me

into something worse.

You've listened to
this whole tape, right?


Does he say anything
about reversing the fields,

or anything?

I need to know how this is
wired so I don't blow us up.


I don't know if it helps,

but he said it would open doorways.


In some of his letters,
he talked about doorways

to other worlds.

We all thought he was crazy.


On the tape, your grandfather
mentioned something

about needing two people for every trip.

Does that mean anything to you?


Justine and me.

We were the ones he needed.

Justine, Justine!

No, Justine!

Justine, no!

What happened to her?

She died.

She didn't come back like the others.

That's when all this...

I'm sorry.

Wait, you said you pulled your
sister away from it, right?

What if it wasn't done yet?

What if interrupting it is
what caused all of this?

I wonder if that's what
he meant by doorways.

This things transports you to other worlds

or dimensions or something,

but you stopped it from
completing the journey.

What if there's not even
a barrier out there,

just a place where the two
worlds don't fit together?

How does that help us?

Because if it can transport you one way,

it can transport you back.

What if we start it up again,
but don't interrupt it?

If I can reprogram it, maybe
it'll get us out of this,

return things to normal.

Don't you get it?

It killed her.

It used her like a fucking battery.

Do you wanna volunteer for that?

What I'm saying is
maybe it wouldn't have

if you hadn't stopped it.

I had to.

The sun isn't supposed to go down yet.

What are you talking about?

You mean it's setting sooner
than it's supposed to?


How much sooner?

Three hours and 15 minutes.



Mommy, he wants you!

Who does, sweetie?

Is it Daddy?

Yes, Daddy.

Let's go free Daddy.

Come open the door, Mommy.

Come on, Mommy.

Daddy's hungry.

Tracy, no!


She won't come back, will she?

Like her husband.


When the night things take you.

The lures have always
been afraid of the dark.

Yeah, well not anymore.


They're getting smarter and bolder.

The days are getting shorter.

Sounds like we're running
out of time, Alex.

Okay, these things are arranged
in an equilateral triangle.

The car crash was right about here.

So over there, which
means if we move roughly

in this direction, we
can find the second one.

Yeah, that sounds right.

And then just follow the
barrier to the third one.

We should be able to
find it pretty easily.

I think I can figure out how to reverse it

from your grandfather's
notes and recordings.

Maybe it'll get us out of this, you know,

return things back to normal.

If we can get power to the machine.

Well maybe someone else will come.

We just murder someone?

Alex, I've been trying

to tell you...
Yeah, that maybe

it doesn't kill you if
you don't interrupt it.

Do you wanna take that
chance with someone?

Well, maybe someone will volunteer.

Let's just not think
about it right now, okay?

Tomorrow morning we'll go out,

we'll turn on the other two machines,

and then we'll just figure
out what to do after that.

That's where they come from.


You said the third
machine was over there.

That's where the night things come from.


Damn it, Alex.

What were you doing out there alone?

I was getting the gas, which
I wouldn't have had to do

if you hadn't screwed up yesterday.

I'm sorry.

Why did you even come after me?

You probably left the cabin unlocked.

I'm not stupid, Alex, all right?

Look, I'm just trying
to get us out of here,

but I can't do that alone.

Why didn't you ask me to go with you?

You didn't wanna go.

Oh come on, Alex, I would've gone.

Look, I know you've been here a long time,

and you're used to doing
things your own way.

But we're never gonna get out of here

if we don't start working together.

We have enough time to go turn
on the other two machines?

Couple hours, unless
today gets even shorter.

Then God knows how much time we have.

Your sister.

What was your sister like?

Friendly, smart,
arrogant, kind of like you.

That's why my last boyfriend dumped me.

For being arrogant?

No, for being smart.

How did you end up with a guy

who doesn't like smart girls?

Because I'm stupid.

What about the other grave?

My grandfather.

The machine killed him, too?

No, I imagine he suffocated
sometime after I buried him.

Whoa, shit!

I didn't mean to scare you!

Who are you?

My name's Tony, I was just on the trail,

and I heard this explosion, and I fell.

I'm sorry, I think I hit my head.

Is this private property?

Sort of.

I don't think he's one of them.

Why not?

I can't imagine one of them saying shit.

Are you kidding me?

Hey, maybe you guys can help me.

I was hiking with my
girlfriend and I lost her.

Have you seen her?

We haven't seen anyone today.

Did you call the police?

No, not yet.

I just lost her a few hours ago.

I'll just go back to the trail, I'm sorry,

I didn't mean to trespass.

You're not, but you're not gonna be able

to get back to the trail.

How far does this thing go?

It's a giant circle.

- What?
- It's a cage.

We're stuck here.

What are you talking about?

How do we get out of here?

We're working on it.

What is that?

I don't know.

What the hell is that?

It looks like it's being
offered as a sacrifice.

Or food.

You think the lures are feeding them?

Maybe that's why they don't kill us.

Are you okay?

Haley, Haley, are you okay?

Haley, can you hear me?


Just hold on,
Haley, just hold on, okay?

We're coming after you,
all right, don't move!


Can you climb out?

No, Alex, my leg!

What was that?


Hold on, I'm coming down!

- No!
- What do you mean, no?

She needs our help!

God damn it, get back, those
things will get both of you!



Haley, I need you to
stand where I can see you!

No, Alex.

Alex, wait!

Do it!

What the fuck, who did this to you?

Hurry, hurry!

Run, run!

Run or you'll die out here!

Alex, you're okay.

Where's Tony?

Let's go inside.

Don't you think we
should go look for him?

No, it's too late.

Come on, we have to try.

There isn't enough time.

Alex, we can't just leave him out there.


We have to get inside.

I'll start the generator.

Alex, Tony, wait, I...

Where is she?

The generator.

The candles, hurry.

What's down there?

What the hell is that?

That's a generator.

Is it gone?

For now.

Could one of you please explain to me

what the hell's going on?

- Shot me.
- She saved you.

She saved us both.

This is fucking nuts!

Feel free to walk out there and test it,

everyone else does.

No, no, I'm good, thanks.

So what, we have to activate
one more of those machines,

and then we're out of here, huh?

That's the theory.

I don't get it, why don't
we just light a signal fire

or something, get some
reinforcements in here, huh?

I tried it.

The wood just finds its
way back to the trees,

just like everything else living here.

Besides, we're in the middle of nowhere.

All right, okay, so we'll just,

we'll get out of here
sometime tomorrow, then,

which is fine, right?

We'll make it out of here all right?

And I'll find Sandy,

and I'll just never go
to the mountains again.

Tony, just calm down.

I'm calm, okay, I'm fine, all right?

You're freaking out, okay, just relax.

Yeah, all right, I'm sorry, okay?

Just gonna get some rest.

Is it okay if I sleep on this couch here?

All right, thanks.

How long do you
think these candles will last?

Tonight, maybe a little longer.

We have to tell him.

But he's freaked out enough right now.

Besides, we can't do anything

until we turn on that third
platform device tomorrow.


Did you figure out how
to reverse that thing?

No, I was kinda busy.

I have some ideas, though, okay?

Why don't you get some sleep?

I'll stay up and work on it,
and keep an eye on things.

Don't you ever sleep?

Are you kidding?

Should see me during finals week.


Just wake me up if you need me.

Subatomic dark matter particles

provided program of valid density set.

Done an analysis of dark
matter density in a solar.

Forehead, no, there was something.

Receptors on nerve endings.

Attached to ending.


Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Damn it.

My hands clean.

Encoded into these receptors
is density waveform,

like a set of coordinates.


the balance in the core

allows you to translocate.


are set by F times Z,

divided by the essential coefficient.




Sandy, how did you get here?

Come with me, Tony.



It wasn't her.

How did it get in here?

I don't know.


Alex, Alex!

It's okay, Haley,
you're gonna be all right.

Where the hell are they coming from?

Ah, there's a pipe or
chimney or something back here.

The old chimney.

Yeah, I think it leads to the ba...



It's gonna be okay, Haley.

- It hurts.
- I know.

Oh god, Alex.

It's okay, all right?

Just hang in there.
It hurts.

I know.

What the hell happened?

Sorry, all right?

It's my fault, I thought it was her.

What, thought it was who?

I thought it
was Sandy, I'm sorry.

Who the hell is Sandy?

My girlfriend, I
should've just woken you up.

It's okay.

It hurts so bad.

I know.

You just have to hang on, Haley.

Okay, just until morning.

Just until it's light out, okay?

I know.

We'll just talk, okay?

We'll just talk, and you
can just forget, okay?


Tony, why don't you tell us about Sandy?


Just tell us about her.

Well, she really loves
hiking in the outdoors.

Just listen to our voices, Haley.


I thought I loved the outdoors,

but I've got nothing on this girl.

She goes out hiking alone a lot.

I keep trying to make
her to go with friends,

'cause I'm afraid something
will happen to her,

but she just goes out anyway.

She says it freshens her mind, right?

Well this morning she was going out,

and for once she let me go with her.

I had to stop and tie
my boots along the way,

and the next thing I knew, she
went ahead, and she was gone.

- Tony.
- Damn it, I should've stopped

and I should've let her go ahead.

What else about her, Tony?

How did you meet?

We met in class like
a year ago, you know?

She was the kind of
girl that would disagree

with everything I said.

What class was it?

Women's Studies.

Well I need it to graduate.

What else, Tony?

What was your first date?

Was she here?

Those things know what she looks like,

so she must have been here.

They could be keeping her somewhere!

Tony, she was outside
when the sun went down.

She's not coming back,

I'm sorry.
How can you be sure, huh?

They might be keeping her somewhere.

We're not making it out
of here tomorrow, are we?

You guys are real uppers.

Seriously, just shoot me now.

I'm sorry, I lost the gun.

Haley, just hang on.

Just hang on.

Haley, I'm not gonna lose you, too.


No, no, Alex, it's me, I swear.

I woke up outside after the sun came up.

It's me.

Jesus, Alex, do I have to tell you

how I lost my virginity now?

It's me, I swear.

You're right.

We're gonna get
out of here today, okay?

I hope so.

Well, I started reprogramming
the machine last night, so

I think we have to tell him.

Tell me what?

So one of us has to plug
into it as a power source.

What are you talking about?

Well, it uses life energy.

It kills you.

You're fucking kidding me.

It might not kill you,
okay, we don't know that.

And just who's gonna
volunteer to do this?


You thought I was gonna volunteer?

You guys weren't even
gonna tell me, were you?

We're telling you right now.

We were gonna ask you.

Well my answer is fuck no.

Jeez, this place is a fucking nightmare.

Yeah, it is, okay, so why
don't you just shut the fuck up

and deal with it?

Stop it, all right?

We'll draw straws, it's the only fair way.

We'll go out and activate
the third machine,

and when we come back, then we'll...

What if I refuse, huh?

Odds are you're not
gonna have to be a hero,

so don't worry about it too much.


They're over here, too.

Shit, they're surrounding us.

Okay, there's none over here.

It's stuck.


I don't know, I can't get it.

All right.

Which one of you's gonna volunteer?

Tony, no.

Okay, we're gonna take
a walk back, and we're...

Damn it, Tony, we had a plan.

No, I'm making the plans now!

You're gonna start that thing up,

and I don't care which one of you does it!

I'm getting out of here, so move!

Come on!

Tony, we have to work together on this.

You're gonna get us all killed.

No, you weren't even
gonna tell me 'till I asked.

You were trying to trick me into it.

No we weren't.

Tony, we don't even know if it'll kill.

Yeah, but you're
willing to take that risk

on me, weren't you?

Oh no.

What are we gonna do now?

Don't know.

Alex, what are we gonna do now?

I don't know!

Alex, hold on a second.


- Your grandfather.
- What about him?

Look, you said that he probably...

We don't have time to
just stand around, Justine!

Haley, I mean.

Look, we're running out of...
Would you just listen to me?

You said that he probably suffocated

sometime after you buried him, right?

So what?

After you buried him.

Haley, candles, hurry.


Why aren't the lures attacking us?


You ruined everything!


What did you do?

I'm sorry, I...

Goodbye, Haley.







Oh no, Alex.



Where am I?

