Night Sweats (2019) - full transcript

A skateboarder investigating the mysterious death of his roommate is led into the inner workings of a self-help company, and the pharmaceutical lab behind it. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
No, I--please help.

Need a hospital.

Hey, dude!

You made it!

-It's been too long, huh?
-Yeah, come on in!


You're a city guy now!

Shit is dope, bro!

♪ Yeah, I am moving
to the neighborhood ♪

♪ Moving to the neighborhood

♪ I am moving
to the neighborhood ♪

♪ I am moving to
the neighborhood ♪

♪ I came from the ocean

♪ Still I'm breaking my stroll

and so you don't like
the way I look ♪


Up here!

♪ Take you all to meet the fam

♪ Don't you sneak me on by

♪ Guys have their differences,
come on ♪

This is Kev and Shawn.

I think I have a lighter.

♪ Tell me to non-believers

♪ Yeah, I am moving
to the neighborhood ♪

♪ Moving to the neighborhood

♪ I am moving
to the neighborhood ♪

♪ Moving to the neighborhood

♪ Moving to the neighborhood,

I am moving
to the neighborhood ♪

-Hey, Yuri!
-How's it going?

-Good, you?
-Good, good, this is M.K.

Hey. Nice to meet you.

M.K. and I were just shooting
some testimonials together.

Cool, very cool.

Skateboarding should be
a part of the Olympics.

It's like dangerous,
you've gotta be skilled.

-Whatever, I'm telling ya,

it's happening.

Denver's gonna have the Olympics
within the next 20 years.

Yeah, right,
they had their chance.

Oh, what, they had
that false start once?

-That's nothing.

That's my building.

Is Jake up there?

Yeah, he's probably passed out.

You wanna come up?


This is it.


How long have you been here?

A couple of months,

ever since I moved
to New York City.

You know, me and Jake
have known each other

since I was like five,

so he told me
that he had an open room

so I moved here from Boulder.

-Aw, buddies.

Um, do you want a drink?

Only if you let me make it.


I'm not gonna roofie you
or anything.

That's not creepy at all.

Sorry about the mess.

-Yeah, is that okay?


Hottest bartender
in six counties.

So you pretty much
freelance at True Healing

and serve at that restaurant?


I'd rather be
on a stage somewhere, but...

Sorry, I fucking work
at a coffee shop.

To shitty jobs.


May I just use the restroom
real quick?

Yeah, yeah,
it's right down the hall.

Make yourself at home.

So this is my spot.

It's really nice.

-Is this cool?

Wait, Yuri, did you hear that?


Yuri, stop.



Jake, you all right, man?


Hey, hey!

Jake! Jake!


Jake, look at me!

-I'm gonna call 911.
-Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my God.

Call, now, now, now!

Jake, Jake!

Hey, yes, I have an emergency.

It's 171 102nd Street,
Apartment 5F.

Yeah, it's my roommate,
he's throwing up

and having a seizure right now.

Yeah, I need an ambulance.

Hold on.


I'm an EMT.

I was next door and I heard
what was going on.

Uh, okay.

-Who is this?

Hey, get out, get out.

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah, no, no, no,
somebody's here to help.

What? No.
No, I don't know what he ate.

Go get some water.

I'm just getting him
a glass of water.

No, for him.

The guy--the EMT,
he told me to get one.


No water?

Hey, what--

You got this under control.

They told me
not to give him any water.

Then don't.

Wait for the ambulance.

Hey, sir, sir!

He's unresponsive,
we gotta go.

Can you just ask them?

They said we just have to wait.

I have to go to work
at the restaurant tomorrow.

You can go.

I'm just gonna stay here
in case he needs something.


I'll call you tomorrow.


-I'll pray for him.





I'm Dr. Kline.

We have him stabilized,
but he's exhausted.

Hey, dude.

What happened, man?

Did you notice anything strange
in his behavior

the last time you saw him?

No, I mean...

Hey, bud, I'm taking off.
Are you gonna be all right?

Yeah, I'm good.

Feel better, man.

I guess he didn't
go to work today.

We immediately thought

but despite the sweating,
there is no fever

and no increased
white blood cell count,

and that rules out viral
or bacterial infection.

So what could it be?

We scanned his brain.

We didn't find
any blocked blood flow

or inflammation.

Did he have a history
of seizures?

No, I don't think so.

Then that leads me to toxicosis.

It's poisoning.

Can't say exactly what,

but something potent
and chemical.

So is he going to be okay?

He's stable.

We'll keep an eye on him

and we'll call you tomorrow.


Hey, Dr. Kline,
it's Yuri Burkin.

Um, I'm just
returning your call.

I was wondering
what's going on with Jake.

Yuri, I'm sorry.

Jake--Jake died this morning.


He started seizing again
at 6 AM,

he had respiratory failure,
which led to cardiac failure.

No, you said
he was gonna be fine!

I'm sorry, we thought he was.

-Why didn't you call me?
-We tried you.

We're notifying his family.

We haven't gotten
the test results back,

but we're gonna keep you
in the loop on this, okay?


Yuri, take care.


I'm Samantha Freemont,
Medical Examiner.

Can I come in?


There's the sweat residue.

That's a lot of sweat
for no fever.

Yum, yum.

This doesn't look
like any food poisoning

-I've ever seen.


More like ingested anthrax.


Just kidding,
there would've been fever.

So we'll submit this
to toxicology.

Did he usually eat here or out?

I mean, the kitchen was nasty,

but he still made food
a few times a week.

-He had pasta the other night

and I saved some of the sauce.

I can take that.

Maybe something got in it.

Rat poison perhaps.

Did Jake have a job?

Yeah, he worked
at a self-help company.

It's called True Healing.

He shot trauma interviews.

True Healing.

Any exposure to chemicals
or pesticides out there?

I don't know, I don't think so.

What about drugs?

-Was he a junkie?

No, I've never seen him
take any drugs.

He's had a little weed,
you know, once in a while, but--

Just a little weed, eh?

Well, maybe yesterday he decided

to try ecstasy
for the first time.

Took the wrong hit.

I'm not seeing
or smelling any mold,

so mycotoxins are out.

As far as the rat poison,

it would have to be
a whole packet,

and I just don't see
how that could get in the food.

Here's the sauce, anyway.

I'll get it to the lab.

But I think it's a case
of contaminated drugs.

I just can't see Jake
taking drugs.

Well, there's really
not much else it can be.

Unless it's homicide by poison.

When will we know?

All right, I live here,
I need to know.

Well, the toxicology test
will be done in two weeks.

But listen, I'll do
a full autopsy on him

within a few days.

That may give us
additional insight.


Just don't go back in the room.

And if you're concerned
about the apartment,

stay with a friend.

Yes, that's why I've been
telling you to run every day.

I know, I know--

I'm g--I'm gonna have
to call you back, Paul.

Here you are.

Guys, I am so sorry, again,
about that wait.

Um, I asked for barbecue sauce?

Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

These fries are cold.

-Could I get some new ones?

-All right, I'll take a burger.

Burger, you got it.

Actually, no,
I'm sorry, hold on,

I don't want a burger.


Can I get some more coffee,

Mary Kate?

-There's some guy here

looking for you?


I'm so sorry about Jake.


So did you take the day off?


That's good,
you should just take some time.

I was online all day
trying to find out more

about True Healing.

They don't really have
that much online.

Yeah, I know, their website's
under construction.

They've got a few business

but there's really
nothing there.

They're putting together
a video library.

Psh, yeah, a video library.

You know, they're not
just interviewing people.

I found something
in Jake's room.

-A bug.

A bug?

A microphone.

They planted it inside of
a trophy that they gave him.

-Oh, my God, that's crazy.

-Why would they do that?
-I don't know.

Did you notice anything

when you worked with Jake
at True Healing?

Um... no.

Not really.

I did see some of those trophies
lying around.

Why the hell would they
be spying on people?

That guy.

What the hell was he doing?

Can I stay with you for a while?

You can stay with me tonight.

-Hi there.

Alisa, this is my friend Yuri.

-Nice to meet you.

He's a skateboarder.

Wow, great.

-I know, I'm sick.

This is great,
I've got a houseboy now.

What's a houseboy?

It's a boy in my house
that does what I want.

Houseboy, take off my shoe.

I'll take off your shoe.

And the other one.

And now rub my feet.

You're funny.

Now I need you
to open Sparky's skull.


And hand me my stash.

Good housie.

Shut up.


I want you to get naked first.

Over there.


You okay?


You sure?


What is this for?

They're just from
the restaurant I work at.

Hate that place.

I wanna quit so bad.

You should!

You're right.

They're hiring a replacement
for Jake at True Healing.


Nick just sent me an email.

You're not planning
on doing it, are you?

It's just they pay really well.

That company, I mean...

I wouldn't do that
if I were you.

You're probably right.

Like I just don't want anything
to happen to you.

You don't need to protect me,
you know.

I know.

Give it up for Jake.

A hundred interviews, wow.

True Healing, True Healing,
True Healing.

True Healing.

-Maybe it's in the footage.
-It's not in the footage,

I checked the footage!

We don't have it, it's gone.

Who knows--who knows where--

Can I help you?

I'm here for the job opening.

Do you have an appointment?

No, I thought you might
be able to fit me in.

Hold on.

Come on.

-I'm Jessica, by the way.

Nice to meet you.

I'm gonna introduce you to Nick.
He runs the company.


Hi, I'm Yuri Burkin.

And I'm Nick Frankenthaler.

I'm here about the job opening?

We haven't advertised that yet.

How do you know about it?

I met a guy at a party
who told me about it.

What was his name?

I don't remember.

Yeah, all I remember
was True Healing.

Well, he was correct.

We need a new videographer.

Bye, Jessica, thank you.

-I'll see you later.

Atta boy.


Welcome aboard.

-You all right?



Charles. Quit that.

This is Yuri.

He is our new videographer.

I want you to show him
the system, all right?

-And do it before 10

so we can get him out
into the field.

Okay, sir.

All right.

Hey, I'm Yuri.

Uh, Charles.

I'm the Office Manager
and Chief Information Officer.

This is the directory screen.

This is our video library.

Each of these is
a video interview.

Our video library contains
hundreds of interviews

about every kind of trauma.

So from being in a car accident
to having an illness.

We monetize the content
by selling access

to psychological professionals,

universities, and companies.

So you sell these videos
to companies?

Like what companies?

Um, our primary client
is Griffen,

a pharmaceutical company.

They use the videos
for research into trauma

and how they can treat it.


Yes, also at some point,
we'll be launching

which will feature
the video library

and be a resource to people
with similar traumas.


Do you know
where Jessica is today?

She's not in today.


Let's get you set up
at your station.

This still has stuff
from the last person.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

So what happened
to the last guy?

It didn't work out.

We had to let him go.

So get set up here.

Nick wants to train you
at 10 o'clock.

That was way too slow.

You have to speed that up.

Got it.

Okay, now this city
is a cauldron of trauma.

There are recent developments

that we wanna capitalize on
for these interviews.

There are specific questions
that we ask

to prompt these subjects.

It's all in the packet.

Nothing too complex,

but it is vital
that you get it right.

Ah, Mary Kate.

Do you two know each other?

No, um, hi, Yuri.


-Nice to meet you.
-You too.

M.K. is a regular contributor
to the library.

Uh, come in, sit down.

-Here you go.
-Oh, no thank you.

Let's get started.

Yuri, you've just met M.K.
for an appointment.


-Um, so as--
-Put the mic on her.

So, as you know,
we're looking for a story

about a recent trauma,
like an injury or an illness.

It can be something
which happened to you

or another person.

Something which happened
to another person?

Yuri, roll camera.

Um, not recent, but...

So there was this one time

when I was probably about 10,

and my mother had kicked me out
of the house for no reason,

so I had to go and live
with my two neighbors,

Bill and Rita.

They were pretty cool at first,

but Bill had
this record collection

down in his basement.

One day, he took me down there
to look at it.

I should've known.

So I'm looking
at one of the records...

and Bill comes over
and he starts touching me.

I'm really scared.

And so he just starts putting
his hands all over me.

Down my pants and everything.

I thought it was over,

and my face
felt like it was burning.

And then he takes
his dick out...

and he makes me open my mouth
and he shoves it in

and starts thrusting
back and forth.

And it just--it hurt so much.

And then he finished.

And I was crying.

And he told me
never to tell anyone.

And I didn't for years.

Did you ever tell the police?

Stick to the script.


So he's still out there?


After this happened,

what effects did it have
on your life?

It ruined it.

And it wasn't the only time
it happened.

What's up with these questions?

Excuse me?

How likely is it that
your trauma might happen again?


It's like I have a sign
on my head

that says, "Come violate me."

Have you ever considered

I've thought about it,
but I don't want to try it.

I cut myself instead.


I'm a cutter.

I have a razor in my bag.


Goddamnit, Yuri.

'Cause it makes me feel better.

I actually keep some blood
in my locket to remind me.

Shit, M.K.

Okay, we're done here.

Cut the camera and come with me.

I don't know what you were
trying to pull in there,

but stick to the goddamn script!


These questions have been
carefully calibrated

to get the information we need.

I don't care
how awkward you feel.

Stick to the goddamn script!

Yes, sir.

And I don't want you
making personal connections

with these subjects.

Got it.

All right.

Thank you.

You'll be going out
to Queens for this one.

Your first subject's name
and address.

He knows you're coming.


Good luck.


Hey, M.K.

That was pretty intense
in there.

I hope you're okay.

I didn't know you had been
through anything like that.

It's cool, I'm not bugged out
or anything...

if you wanna talk about it.

Call me.

Hi, Gene?

I'm Yuri.

Come in.


You ready?

Pills... not... working.

Wait, the pills
they gave you?

Was it Sedinox?



Yuri, it's Samantha Freemont.


There's been a development.

I hope you haven't been
back into Jake's room.

Uh, no.


We did the autopsy
this morning.


We were looking for
signs of toxicosis.

Damage to the throat,
the stomach, the intestine.

It wasn't there.

So it wasn't poisoning?


When we opened up
his skull, Yuri,

his brain, there were
tiny holes in his brain.


Yes, like a sponge.

He died of an encephalopathy.

Like mad cow disease.

But this one
we've never seen before.

How does it spread?

We don't know.

These prions that cause this,

they're tiny little proteins,

they're smaller
even than a virus.

They could be spread
by eating, body fluids,

or even a cough or a sneeze.

That's not what
I want to hear right now, man.

I'm in the fucking apartment
with a guy

that has that shit.


Yeah, and there's a guy outside
who's spying on us.

Well, give me your address.

I'm gonna come over
with some backup.

Hi, yes, I have an emergency.

50 East 31st Street,
apartment 3F.

Yeah, I got this guy,
he's got this brain disease.

He's sweating, he's gonna
start puking any minute,

and then he's gonna have a
seizure and fucking die.

You have to come now.

Come now.



Fuck you!


-When are they getting here?

-Five minutes maybe.

-The guy's gonna get away.

The guy.


Dr. Freemont,
I figured something out.

It's True Healing.

You gotta call me back
as soon as possible.

Dr. Freemont.
I figured something out.

It's True Healing.


Hey, it's me. Let me in.

Yeah, the medical examiner,

she told me
it's a new disease,

it like, um,
puts holes in your brain,

makes it like a sponge.

So there were holes
in Jake's brain?

Yeah, that's what she said.

He said he was
getting headaches.

Yeah, these assholes
are the reason he got it.

True Healing knows about it.

They've known about it.

What do you mean?

I mean the whole thing!

The appointment,
the interview.

The whole reason I was there
was to mic Gene.

And as soon as
he started puking,

that biker was right up.

So True Healing
is like a sham?

Yeah, I mean,
they don't give a shit

about people's trauma.

They're targeting people
with this disease.

I knew those guys
were full of shit.

They never cared
what happened to me,

they just wanted
to know about Chris.


Chris, yes, he--
he worked at the restaurant

and he died too
like a month ago.

That must be why
True Healing first contacted me

and started doing
interviews with me.

They wanted to know about him!

So they were asking
you about him.

Yes, yes, they asked me--

they asked me what he did
before he died

and all that.

And they had asked me
if I went to his funeral.

They're tracking the disease.

That's why they're
following you.

To see if you're infected.

They're tracking me too.

They must be doing
something illegal

with those samples,
otherwise they wouldn't

need to be so shady about it.

What if they're selling it
to terrorists or something?

God, this is insane.

It's gonna be all right, baby,
I'm gonna figure it out.

You're going back there?


Don't try to be a hero, Yuri,

you're gonna get us
both into trouble.

I won't, I promise.

This is New York City,
not Bumfuck, Idaho.

You don't have a clue.

Those guys killed Jake, okay?

I'm not gonna just
let that slide.

Whatever, just don't
get yourself killed.

-MK, you don't have to go yet.
-I'm late.

Hold on.


Oh, God.

You frightened me, Yuri.

How were your interviews?

Fine, except one of
the dudes threw up

and had a seizure
halfway through it.

No way, he got sick?

Yeah, I was right there.

Now I'm coming down
with something.

No, no, Yuri, you--
no, you're, um...

you need to...
I shouldn't, um...

Why you bugging out
so much, Charles?

Do you know something
that I don't?

No, it's simply that
I have a thing about germs...

-and I'm concerned.
-You don't like germs?

-No, but...
-You don't like germs, huh?

So, uh, wouldn't be good
if I came up close

and started breathing
all over you, huh?

Yuri, Yuri, please,
Yuri, Yuri, please.

-Please, please, please.
-What's going on out here?

Why don't you tell me?

Tell you what, Yuri?

What's going on.

Why was I in a room today
with someone

with a deadly disease?

You had a bad interview,
I'm sorry.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You don't know?

Listen, dude.

I saw everything,
I know everything.

And on top of that,
I have it on video.

You got 10 seconds
before I call the cops.

Unless you wanna
tell me everything you know

about this disease.

Step inside.

It's just precaution.

Yeah? Why didn't
I get one of those?

We had no way of knowing
your subject would be sick.


You knew he might have it,
but you weren't sure.

That's why that biker
was downstairs,

waiting to get
a blood sample if he was.

I told you,
I got everything on video.

Where's the footage?

Tell me everything you know
about this disease.

Has anyone else
seen that tape?


How you feeling, Yuri?

Getting headaches?

You're infected.

You can feel it.

So you go ahead
and threaten me all you want.

All you're doing
is digging your own grave.

Well, if I'm gonna die,

then I might as well
take you down with me.

You don't have to die.

We have a prototype treatment
for the disease.


Griffen Labs?

What do you think
we've been doing?

We're trying to save lives.

I can save your life.

But you gotta
give me that video.

Good choice.

I have a dose
of the prototype here.

We can take care of you
right now.

Have a seat.

This has done very well
in all of our trials.

Give me your arm.

Yuri, do you want
the treatment or not?


Stop him, Charles!


That way, hurry!


Uh, Nick!


I got everything I need now.


Yuri, where are you?

Yeah, I'm in Bushwick,
near True Healing.

We're nearby.
Give me the cross street.

I'm on Thames,
approaching Varick.

Stay there, we're coming.

Yuri, I asked you
to stay in the area,

and instead, I find you
on a street corner in Bushwick

holding a syringe.

Sorry, I had to bring down
Nick Frankenthaler

and his whole
corrupt operation.

They're doing dirty work
for Big Pharma.

This is audio
and video evidence.

Hmph, well, look at you.

Listen, as a matter of fact,

I've got some officers
heading over

to True Healing right now.


-This is Atkins.

-What's up?
-That's Jones.

I brought in the EIS,

the Epidemic
Intelligence Service,

'cause this situation
is just way beyond

my jurisdiction.

Well, that's what
we're here for.

So what you got there, bud?

Nick said it was
a prototype treatment

for the disease,
I don't know.


They might have a compound
they're testing out

on this new prion disease,

but I wouldn't inject that
under any circumstances.


Most of these compounds
have horrible side effects,

or they can even speed up
the progress of the disease.

I think I'm gonna have
to take it anyways, I...

I think I have the disease.

Okay. You may or may not.

But we're gonna
set up a hospital

for you and anyone else
who might be infected.

Tell you what,
give us a few hours

with that syringe,
we can get a better idea

of what's in that before
you start injecting yourself.

An encephalopathy.

Like mad cow disease.

Hey, why are we here?

I need you to go up
and lay low for a while.

Put on some tunes, relax,
drink a bunch of water

while we set up this facility
and run that lab test.

When will you guys be back?

Give us two or three hours.

Here, put on this mask,

and don't leave
your apartment,

we have to contain this thing.





You're dead.


What's with the...

I'm sick with
what Jake had.

Are you having headaches?


It's bad.

Why are you here then?

I wanted to see you.

I, uh...

I got all this evidence
against True Healing

and gave it to
the medical examiner.

What did you find out?

They've been collecting
samples of the disease

for a pharmaceutical company...

probably to make a drug for it.

So they knew about this
disease starting to happen

and they didn't care.

They just let people die.


Like guinea pigs.

Oh my God.

Now I mean they won't
be able to do it anymore

because of you.

You're a hero.

Hey, what's up?

Um, this is my friend,
we were just talking.

-What was your name again?

Hi, Roger, I'm MK,
and this is Yuri.

What's with the face mask?

I'm sick.

With what?

You don't want to know.

So is this your
soccer jersey, Roger?

Yeah, I'm in a league.

Play three times a week
in season.

So you're a big jock,
aren't you?


Let's go get a table, okay?

Get us a couple rounds.

Sounds good to me.

♪ It doesn't matter

♪ The point is that
it's good enough ♪

I gotta go.

-I'm leaving.

Yuri, wait.

-Wait, wait, don't go.

So what, are you gonna
stay with this guy all night?

Yuri, come on,
don't be like that.

Are you trying to have
another traumatic experience?

I mean, this guy's
a fucking asshole.


I told you, you don't
need to protect me.

I just care about you.

Came all the way here
to see you, and it's just

I'm all messed up.

If you need to go
to the hospital, you should.

I'm just trying
to have some fun, okay?

Fun, yeah, I get it,

I just thought
we had something.

We went out
a couple of times.

All right,
I gotta go home.

-I'll talk to you later.

Don't worry about him.

♪ Everything that you do

♪ Is good enough,
you're good enough ♪

♪ Just the way you are

Yuri, shit, I told you
not to go out,

and what the hell
happened to your mask?

I know, sorry.

You know, you are not
making my life easy.

Now, gimme your keys.

Get your diseased ass
out to our van.

Jones, clean up
this apartment.

-All right, you, get in there.

What happened
with the syringe?

It was water.

You guys going
to the hospital too?

Gentlemen, this is
your captain speaking.

This ain't a free ride.

We need some intel
from y'all.

Now, all we know
about this bug

is that it's a cousin
of mad cow,

but we have no idea
how it's transmitted.

Any ideas?

Yuri, think back.

When do you think
you were exposed?

Yeah, okay, uh...

It wasn't at Gene's,
I had the headache

-before then.
-Right, had to be.

Fuck, okay.

It must have been at Jake's
when he was dying.


I think I touched some puke.

Did you have a cut
on your hand?

No, I must have, must have...

Eaten it?


Two and a half, three days.

Timeline makes sense.

Vomit transmission.


We looked at vomit transmission
and it didn't pan out.


Thanks to the graciousness
of the NYPD,

your friends from True Healing
are back there.

The more they cooperate with us,

the better they'll do
with the judge.

I'm not saying anything.


-Hey, Charles?

-Tell me what you know.
-No, Yuri.

-I'm gonna infect you.

-Yuri, please!
-I'm gonna infect you!

I don't know anything, okay?
It's Nick, Nick knows!

If you say one more word,

I swear I will kill you.

He can't do anything
to you right now.

He won't hurt you,
don't be afraid of him.

Charles, I took you in.

-I gave you a career.
-Don't listen to him,

he's manipulating you.

You could help us right now.
You could stop this.

We were monitoring
the disease.

Oh, you are dead!

-Shut up.
-You fucking little snitch!

Shut up, shut up!

We've been tracking this thing

ever since it broke in Brazil.

We think the first case
was in a farmer

outside of Saão Paulo.

-No, Charles...
-Then we got word

that it came to New York.

So Nick made us relocate here.

I could never figure out
the transmission.

But it wasn't always
spread through the vomit.

Because the first
two cases in New York,

Abe and Chris,
lived in different boroughs

and didn't know each other.

But if you didn't know
how it was transmitted,

how did you know
who to interview?

I would crunch the data.

Nick would decide
who we should follow.

Nick, how did you decide?

You're such
a fucking piece of shit.

Charles, hope you
didn't get hung up

on this vomit question.

You know, it's fully possible
that Yuri was exposed

when he touched the vomit,

but these other guys,
the ones before,

they could've had
a totally different

ingestion exposure, like...

maybe they ate
at the same restaurant.

The same restaurant.

Chris worked at MK's restaurant.

That's right.

Chris Pondorf worked
at the Swan Diner.

It's possible that Abe
came out from Queens

to eat there.

Yeah, Jake ate there too!

I saw an interview
that he had with MK there.

That must be it.

It's a lead.

Yuri, can we stop by there
on the way to the hospital?

If we can figure out
this transmission,

it might give us a clue
for your treatment.

Yeah, let's do it.

All right, you're on
the front lines of this thing.

Put this on.

Can I help you?

Yeah, Tom Atkins, CDC.

We have reason to believe
that this restaurant

might be a reservoir
for a new disease.

Are you talking about
what Chris had?

Correct, Chris Pondorf.

Do you know of anyone else
who got sick after eating here?

Uh, no, I don't think so.

This guy.

Did he come here?

I never saw him.

Could ask MK.

She's the other
lead server here.

She also knew Chris
better than I did.

Wait, how much better?

They got together
outside of work sometimes.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

-Atkins, is it possible

for somebody
to have this disease

and not die from it?

Uh, yeah,
an asymptomatic carrier.

I don't think it came from here.

Come on, MK, pick up.


Hey, it's MK's friend Yuri,
is she here?

-No, she's out.

Um, can I talk
to you for a minute?

It's serious.

Hey, can I ask you
a couple questions about MK?

What is this about?

Have you ever seen
this guy before?

Yeah, he works for
that True Healing company,

he's been here a few times.

Fuck! Um, do you think
he ever had sex with MK?

I mean, probably,
the door was closed,

but I think so.

-I'm sorry.
-No, no, no, it's not that,

it's--here, look,
have you seen this guy before?

Yeah, I went out
with her last week

and she went home with him.



Um, okay, listen.

MK has a deadly new disease,
all right?

And she gave it
to those guys,

and other guys
around the city,

and now I have it, all right?

-I need to get a hold of her.

Look, the first guy
I showed you,

he died from the disease, okay?

The second guy's
in critical condition

in the hospital,
now I have it,

I need to get a hold of her,
I need to contact her.

She won't answer
my phone calls,

can you call her for me?

-Please, please?
-Yeah, yeah.

-Hey, MK, what are you up to?

Uh, not much.

I met this guy at the bar.

Oh, are you busy?

When are you coming home?

Uh, I think we're gonna
go over to his place.

Um, can I have his address,


You know, sometimes
I worry about you.

Oh, that's sweet, hold on.

What's your address?

It's 180 Lexington Ave.,
apartment 4B.

180 Lexington Avenue,
apartment 4B.

Okay, got it.

Okay. I'll see you later, Alisa.


Thank you.

A sexually transmitted
prion disease.

I'll be damned.

Well, guess I don't need
this thing anymore.


I got some extra strength
aspirin if you need it.

No, I just can't believe
she fucked them all.

I fucked her
without a condom on.

Fucking idiot.

Don't beat yourself up too hard.

Things just got a whole lot
better for you, bud.

Think about it.

If she has it,
isn't showing any symptoms?

That means the disease
doesn't kill everyone.

Right, right, yeah!

Go faster.

Come on in, don't be shy.

-Thanks, I'm not.
-I know.

This is it,
my humble abode.

It's cute.

How long have you been here?

About two years.

Can I use your bathroom
real quick?

Yeah, it's uh--
it's right through there.

I don't understand
how she could have it

and not have symptoms.

We've already seen
that the immune system

doesn't activate
for this disease,

and it's very possible
that the disease prions

are in her body lying dormant.

They're just not triggering
the way they do in others.

She must have noticed that
everybody she was sleeping with

like dies.


Denial is a powerful thing.

In the 1900s there was
a cook named Mary Mallon,

Typhoid Mary.

Asymptomatic carrier
of typhoid fever.

She used to cook
for these families

and of course inevitably,
they'd all get sick,

but she denied it
to the very end.

She didn't want it to be true.

Oh, wow.

If she is
an asymptomatic carrier,

that means that there's
something in her DNA

or in her blood
that makes her resistant,

and if we can get
a sample from her,

we can isolate that resistance
and use it with you.

It's your best shot, bud.

No, no, no, if she sees that,
she might run.

We'll keep it in here
until she's agreed.

Yeah, okay.

Are you expecting someone?

What? No.


Uh, Roger?

Yeah? Who is this?

It's Yuri from the bar.

I need to talk to MK.

Dude, she went home with me.

Yeah, I know, man, listen,
all right, she's dangerous.

Dude, get outta here,
all right, man?

No, no, no,
let me in, man!

Jesus, what the fuck
is this guy's problem?

I don't know,
he must be real jealous.

I don't give a shit.

I want you so bad.

-Who is it?
-Uh, delivery.

Centers for Disease Control,
open the door.

Tom Atkins, CDC.

Were you having sex with her?


Where is she?

Dude, what the fuck you doing,
this is my apartment!

What is this?

Get the hell out of here!

Listen to me,
all right, it's you!

You have the disease.

You're the one
that's been spreading it.

-Is this for real?
-Shut up, Yuri,

-that isn't funny.
-I'm serious, all right?

You had sex with Jake,
didn't you?

This is so stupid!

We aren't boyfriend
and girlfriend, you know,

-I know that, all right?

It's about the disease, okay?

Either you slept with him
or you didn't.

It is none of your business.

Uh, unfortunately, it is.

Who is this guy?

What does he look like?

He's tracking the disease.

Well, you know what?

Sorry, you're looking
in the wrong place,

-I'm not sick.
-I understand that,

but there's a very
real possibility

that you're carrying
this disease

without showing
any symptoms.

-What the fuck.
-That's crazy,

that's not possible.

Yes it is.

He's right.

MK, it's...

MK, you must have known.

Abe? Chris? Jake?

They all died.


I didn't have sex with Jake.

No, no, there's something
between both of you.

That first day in the park.

You weren't just friends,
all right?

I pretended not to notice
but it was there.

I didn't have sex with Jake.

Yeah, but did you do
something else with him?

Right, right,
you lied to me.

You said you were just friends.

We were just friends.

I didn't want to upset you.

Upset? Goddammit, I fucking
loved you, all right?

-I trusted you.
-You didn't love me!

You just wanted to screw me
until you got sick of it

and then be done with me.

Sorry to interrupt,

but we need to get
a blood sample from you.


To test it to determine
if in fact

you're carrying the disease.

It could help us find a cure.

Well, what if the test shows
that I have the disease?

What's gonna happen to me?

Some more tests.

Give some more blood,
no one's gonna hurt you.

Look, I don't blame you,
all right?

It was an accident.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

So what does this disease do?

Um, you have trouble

get bad headaches...

memory loss, hallucinations.

Then what happens?

You get real nauseous
and you throw up a lot.

Then you get
a bad seizure.

Until you stop breathing.

What's she doing in there?

I didn't hear her flush.


Hey, MK.

Shit! She went
out the window.

MK, stop!

Don't run away from me!

I'm fucking dying!



Hang in there, bud.

One, two, three.

Hold him down.

Easy, easy!


We need to get the blood
out of this locket ASAP.

Yuri, you're up!

Easy, easy.

You are very lucky.

There've been over
20 cases across the city

and you are one in a handful
who got a transfusion.

♪ It's spiraling
around you now ♪

♪ War drums are beating loud

♪ Got sights set on the crown

♪ Never gonna stop,
never gonna stop ♪

♪ We're rising
like the sound ♪

♪ Two worlds colliding now

♪ We're burning
to the ground ♪

♪ Never gonna stop,
never gonna stop ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ Don't say I didn't warn you

♪ Where searching to destroy

♪ Above the city noise

♪ I'll find you in the void

♪ Never gonna stop,
never gonna stop ♪

♪ Bring silence to your voice

♪ Just at the breaking point

♪ Taking away your choice

♪ Never gonna stop,
never gonna stop ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ It's gonna come,
it's gonna come ♪

♪ Don't say I didn't warn you

♪ Don't say I didn't warn you