Night Skies (2007) - full transcript

On March 13th, 1997 one of the largest UFO sightings ever recorded took place across the southwestern United States. The event became known as the 'Phoenix Lights' and was witnessed by community leaders, members of law enforcement, as well as thousands of everyday citizens. This true story, based on transcripts from actual hypnosis-therapy sessions, finally reveals what happened after the infamous incident ended and how six people, stranded by chance on a forgotten road, encountered more than just lights in the sky. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Senator, an attorney named
Peter Gersten has filed suit in Arizona,

alleging that there's a cover-up
regarding UFOs

and there has been
for dozens of years.

And millions of people have seen
these objects in the sky,

and the military continues to deny
that anything's going on.

Is that an area
that's of interest to you at all?

It's always of great interest to me.

I think it's of great interest.

I would point out to you that there was
a case a couple of years ago in Arizona

of some lights that were seen
over Arizona,

and that has never been
fully explained.

Come on!

Help me!

Help me!

Let me in!

Help me, someone!

Help me, please!

Let me in!


Where the hell are we?

No shit, Matt.

You sure you're not
holding that upside-down?

It wasn't my idea
to take the back roads.

Explain to me again why we left
a perfectly good highway.

Your husband wanted to see
the country, remember?

I never said I wanted to crisscross
the asshole of America all day.

Would you give me that?

This thing's older
than my grandmother.

I'm surprised we made it this far.

You coulda stayed home.

What, and miss the adventure
of a lifetime?

Fuck you, and would you
get that out of my face?

Excuse me, ass breath.

Come on, June bug.
Give me a smile.

Give it a rest, Joe.

You're so beautiful on camera.

He's right. You were totally hot
in that video he showed me.

What video?

You didn't tell her
you had the camera on?

Matt, stop causing trouble.

Yeah, shut the fuck up, Matt.

No, don't shut up.
What video?

It was nothing.

You were in those pretty red garters,
down on all fours, while Joe was...


- He's full of shit!
- How'd he know about the garters?

Maybe because he was with me
when I bought 'em.

Come on, June, do you really think
I'd do something like that?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.


I didn't show him.

I did.


How else would he have known
we did it doggy style?

You sexy little bitch.
Come over here.

Oh, my God!

Stop! Goddamn!

Let us know
when we find a real road.

I don't care what you guys say.

This is the American dream.

Free to travel anywhere
without having to worry about hotels

or restaurants or reservations.

And there's a place to sleep while
you wait for the mechanic to fix it.


I did a damn good job
getting this thing up and running.

You know how much I saved?
New ones cost more than a house.

Which is what
we're supposed to be saving for.

What's that supposed to mean?

Exactly what I said.

What is your problem?

You've been moody this whole trip.

I don't wanna talk about it.

Even if I did, it's not like you'd listen.
I mean, why'd you even give me this?

Don't tell me we're having
that conversation again.

Why should we? We've been engaged
longer than most people are married.

What do you want me to do?
We're in the middle of nowhere.

Forget it.

No, I got it. You want me
to call and see

if there's a preacher dressed as Elvis
ready to marry us at the casino.

What's the rush?

There's no rush.


Lighten up, Matt.

Hey, guys, who's got the "hootah"?

Careful, Joe!
You're gonna wake up Molly.

Don't go in there.
You might wake Sleeping Beauty.

Who could sleep
with all that banging?

What's up, girl?

- Hand it over, June bug.
- Hand over what?

Don't play stupid. The bet was
they couldn't make it the whole trip.

They couldn't even make it halfway.

What about double or nothin'?

You're on.

That's the closest thing to a sure bet
I'll have this whole trip.

Right on.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

Find the right road yet?

We shoulda
hit the connector by now.

This thing's worthless.

You're figuring that out now?

It's time to admit you're lost.

We're not lost.
We're heading in the right direction.

This road has to connect
with the highway eventually.

Yeah, the highway to hell maybe.

Is there anything in here
besides bologna and ketchup packs?

Oh, God! That's disgusting!

Guess I'll eat later.

Hey, should one of us
check on Lilly?

Nah, she'll be okay.

It's not her fault that my brother
is a gigantic penis most of the time.

Tell me again why we didn't stop
at that restaurant on the freeway.

The bathroom on this thing isn't
big enough to handle the aftermath.


You didn't hear what Matt said?

We don't need restaurants, hotels...
useless stuff like that.

Like hot food.

It's called roughing it, Mol.

Kinda like you
with your last boyfriend.

Oh, my God! Come on!
He was not that bad!


You okay?


What's up with Lilly?


And so the time to repent is n...

for the Lord...

soon to claim us all.

I need your help.

I need your help to spread
His word, my brothers and sisters.

Are you really going to let $20

stand between you
and eternal salvation?

The damnation of your soul
is no joke.

And so the time to...

Hey, Matt.

Wanna hear a real joke?


Christopher Walken
goes into a bar and he says,

"What do you get
when you crossbreed a lesbian

with a hippopotamus?"


"A lickalottapus."

"It's a huge tongue."

You've got problems.

What is that?

I don't know.
I thought you turned the radio off.

What was that noise?

You better hope we don't blow a tire,
or your ass will be changing it.

Lilly. Are you alive in there?

Yeah. I'll survive.

You guys see those lights?

What lights?

There they are again.

Oh, those lights.
Yeah! They're spectacular.

You're a fuckin' pervert,
you know that?

Goddamn radio.

There, Joe, in the sky.

Oh, yeah.

There's one over there.

What are you all looking at?

Some lights outside.

They're easier to see in the back.
Come on.

Well, that must've been entertaining.

Jesus, how many of 'em are there?

What's going on?

Come here.
Check this out.

You see 'em?


Come on, it's not like we're having
a close encounter or something.

Can you see 'em up in the sky?

Not yet, but I should be able to
once we get around this corner.

There. You see 'em?
They're right there.

Yeah, I see 'em.

Matt, watch the road!

Will you relax?



Lilly. Are you okay?

- June! You all right?
- Yeah.


Molly, you all right?

What the hell do you think?
Of course I'm not okay!

What the hell just happened?

I don't know,
but I'm gonna find out.

Where are you going?

Hey! You guys okay?

You almost got us killed, asshole!
Why'd you park in the road?

What are you so pissed about?

How could you not see the flares?

- Fuck you!
- Matt, stop it.

Fuck you!

Matt! Matt! Joe's hurt.
Get in here.

This ain't over.

- How did this happen?
- He landed on it when you wrecked!

It was an accident!

Oh, my God.

- Pull it out.
- How? I'm not a fucking doctor.

Pull it out.

Fine. Hand me the towel.

Put this over it as soon as I pull it out.

Got it.

Oh, God!

It's okay. It's okay.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Why? Are you a doctor?

I'm not a doctor, but I had
some medical training in the Army.

"Some" training?

Some training's better
than no training.

Please help us.

Fine, let G.I. Joe do it.

Name's Richard.

Okay. Let's take a look at this.

Can you get it out?

Right now,
this knife is his best friend.

What the fuck are you talking about?

If this nicked an artery and we pull it,
there's no way to stop the bleeding.


Calm down. It doesn't look
as though it's hit anything vital.

It looks worse than it is.

It looks pretty bad from where I'm at.

I'm gonna stop the bleeding,
and then we'll worry about the knife.

Okay, Joe?

And how the hell
do you plan on doing that, Dick?

Well, a first aid kit
will be a good place to start.


Can you hold this for me?

No, no.
I don't think so.

I'll do it!

Push hard, even if it hurts.

Have you got a sewing kit?

Anything with a needle and thread.

No, we don't.

Okay, how about alcohol?

You have any vodka?

Anything like that?

You'll be okay, baby.

Where the hell is Matt? Matt!

We got a problem.

We don't have a first aid kit?

Oh, Jesus, Matt!

- I forgot, all right?
- No, it's not all right!

I didn't do it on purpose!

I don't care whose fault it is.
Joe needs help!

Okay, everyone, relax.

I can fix him up, but I'm gonna need
to clean the wound first.

Now, get him up.

Hang in there, Joe.

Come on, okay.

It's okay, Joe. Okay, okay.

- Can you hold him?
- Okay.

Hold this arm over there.
Okay, okay.

Here we go.

All right.

I got a bottle of vodka

that I've been waiting
to get rid of in my truck.

Let's move the arm now.

See if you can get Joe on the bed
while I'm gone.

Keep his arm by his side,

and don't let anything
touch that knife, got it?

- Got it.
- Okay, good.

Okay. There.

You, hold on to this for me
until I get back.


What are we supposed to do
with Superglue?

Shut up!

- Where do you want this?
- Right there.

Lean back a bit, baby.

This is too much for me.

Oh, no. I don't wanna see this.


- Here.
- Is that for me?

Yeah, but you're not gonna like it
as much as you think you are.

- Hold him.
- Why does she have...

- Mother...!
- Take it easy, man!

Gotta disinfect the wound.
This gets infected, he'll be hatin' life.

Give me that.

It's gonna do me more good
on the inside right now.

Easy with that.

Give me the Superglue.

Superglue was invented
for surgery, all right?

Superglue and duct tape?
To seal up a wound like that?

It's all we got.

There. That oughtta hold it.

What about the knife?

We'll leave it right where it is
until you get him to an emergency room.

I'm gonna try my cell.


Now get the arm.

What else can we do?

- Give me that blanket.
- It's okay, baby.

Keep his arm and the knife immobilized
till you get him to a hospital.

It's gonna be okay.
Thank you.

No problem.

I'd keep him warm.

Come get me if anything changes.

You should know she acts
like more of a slut than she really is.

Joe's gonna be fine.


You guys go have fun while I try
and get us the hell out of here.

Hey, you were pretty great in there.

Wanna celebrate?

No, thanks.

Six years without a drop.

So much for the party.

A. A?

Kind of ruins the anonymous part,
but yeah,

and a couple other programs
along the way.

So, what, did you just, like,
party too much in the Army?

Well, that's one way to put it.

Let's just say I let things
get away from me, but I'm better now,

and people say I'm a better man for it.

Are you?

I was pretty damn good
to start with.

Well, I'm Lilly, by the way.

And... you already met
my boyfriend Matt.

That's one way of putting it.

I'm glad to meet you, Lilly.

And I'm Molly.

- No husband, no boyfriend.
- That so?

Oh, my God. Yuck.


There's blood on my shirt.

You're freaking out over this?
You can't even see it.

You know what,
your lip's bleeding.


God, the moon looks bright out here.

I don't see those lights anymore.

You know, maybe later.

I gotta get my truck out of the road.

Good idea.

We wouldn't want someone
to have a wreck, now, would we?

You know what...

Just don't listen to him, okay?

Come on, let's go.

We need to talk.

You're telling me?

I can understand Molly getting excited
about meeting a new guy, but you?

Jesus, Matt, would you stop?

His name's Richard.

I wouldn't have had to do that
if you weren't thinking with your fists.

Is that it? You're still pissed
'cause I decked him?

Who is that guy, anyway?

Oh, just some guy who saved Joe.

Yeah, well, you should stop
trusting people so much.

Don't walk away from me, Matt.

You're not gonna do this to me again.

Do what?

End another conversation
with your feet.

Give me a break.
You saw the guy's wrists.

It looked like he tried to kill himself
more than once. He's a mental case.

Why are you so paranoid about him?

I'm worried about you. That's all.

Right, right.


You hardly even
pay attention to me anymore.

That's not true.

You spent every weekend for
the past two months working on this.

It's like I don't exist.

I bought the RV for us, so we could
spend more time together.

You got it for you and Joe.

So now your problem's
with my friends?

I didn't say that.

You meant it.

I don't understand why you're
freaked out about a fucking RV.

I'm not freaked out
about the stupid RV.

Then what do you want me to do?


Fine. Can I go back to work?

The sooner we get out of here,
the sooner we can get Joe help.

Yeah. Do whatever you want.

You always do.

It's weird.
Power just went out on me.

Well, the miracle is
it ran for this long.

Either your truck
or Matt's RV better start soon.

I got a massage appointment in Vegas
I am not gonna miss.

We couldn't have that.

That's progress, though.

The radio wouldn't even work
this morning.

Well, looks like
the massage is on me.

Things could be worse.

Well, we better get this thing
out of the road.

- You drive.
- Okay.

So, tell me more about Richard.

Not much to tell, I guess.

I was born and raised in Texas,

played football at high school.

Joined the Army to see the world.

What was it like?

The Army or the world?


Big and scary.

And lonely.

Were you in that war?

Desert Storm?

Yep, I was there.

Did you ever kill anybody?


I guess that kinda helps explain

some of the bad stuff
that's happened in my life.

It's okay.

You could tell me the bad stuff.

I was a POW.

Spent a couple of weeks
being convinced by the Iraqis

to tell 'em everything I knew.

I was pretty much dead.

They, uh... beat me.

Cut me, shot me, burned me.

They hung me by my wrists
while they did it.


Now, you tell Uncle Sam that,
and he'll say I wasn't even there.

But I got the scars
that say otherwise.

Makes me being prom queen
sound pretty pathetic now.

I don't think you turned out so bad.

Anyway, I healed up pretty good.

I got hooked on morphine doing it.

It's pretty easy
to fall into a bottle after that.

Got my release, spent a couple of years
bouncing around Europe.

But I fought back.

Got a lot of help.

But in the end,
it was all up here.

Just me against myself.

Who won?

I did.



I have been spending
too much time...






How's Joe?

Sleeping, finally.

He was hurting so bad.

It's gonna be fine, June.

I'm sure Matt will have us
on the road soon.

Okay? He didn't mean
for this to happen.

I know.

It's j...

It's just so freakin' frustrating,

knowing that everything
we need is, like,

20 or 30 miles away
where we can't get to it.

I'm gonna go check
and see what's up, okay?

We might as well be
on the fucking moon.


- Jesus!
- Sorry.


What are you doing back here?

I was gonna ask the same thing.

I was looking for you.

You found me.

Where the hell were you?

I... thought I saw something.

Look, I'm sorry. I was
a complete jerk to you earlier.

I can understand it if you hate me.

You know I don't hate you.

I was just pissed off and scared,
and I took it out on you.

I know. It's just...

you seem to be
doing that a lot these days.

I'm sorry.

Actually, there's something else.

I know. As soon as we get back,
I'll sell this piece of crap...

and put the money in savings.
- That's not what I was gonna say.


I need to tell you that...



I can't wake up Joe.


Joe, wake up, buddy!

Hang in there, pal.

You better go get Richard.

- What's wrong?
- I don't know, but it looks bad.

Let me see.

Come on, Joe.

You said he'd be all right.

He should be.

His breathing's shallow but okay.

Let me check this.

What are you doing?

His abdomen would be hard if there
was internal bleeding, but it seems fine.

Then what's wrong with him?

What the hell is wrong with him?

I don't know.

He might be going into shock.

I need to look at the wound.

Help me get him up.

Gently, gently.

Oh, hell.

Holy shit!

Looks like it did
hit an artery after all.

You said he'd be okay.

What should we do?

We need to get him to a hospital,
that's what we need to do.

You have any luck with this thing?

This thing ain't goin' anywhere.

What about your truck?


Has anyone been able
to get a cell signal?

Cell phones aren't gonna work here.
We're in the middle of nowhere.


You gotta try something else.

I can't do anything
without a surgeon.

Fuck. Fuck!

Matt! Matt, what are we
supposed to do?

I'm goin' to get help.

Wait. No! From where?

I don't know. There's gotta be
a gas station or something.

Maybe I can flag down a car.

We're in the middle of nowhere.
You said so yourself.

We can't just stand here
and watch Joe bleed to death.

We gotta try something.

Power lines.


I saw power lines over by my truck,

leadin' over here into the woods.

Yeah, this dirt road's
gotta go somewhere.

Maybe there's a house
over in the woods.

Or there might not be anything.

I've gotta try.

You, you're comin' with me.

I don't think
that will be a good idea.

- There's no time to argue about it.
- Matt.

Hey, do you think it's a good idea

to be runnin' off
into the woods with him?

And I thought I was
the paranoid one, remember?

It's just the two of you
don't get along real well.

I thought you didn't trust him.

I don't, which is why I want him
with me and not here with you.

I'll be fine.

- Baby, I'll be right back.
- Okay.

I'll be right back.


Wait. What else can I do for Joe?

Give him some blankets
and keep him warm.


Lilly, everything's going to be all right.
We'll talk later, I promise.


The line goes off
into the woods... over there.

Let's go.

We're gonna get you help, baby.
Gonna get you help.

I'm not leaving you, Joe.


Please, God, don't die.

We're getting you help, okay?

How long do you think
they'll be gone?

It won't be long.

God, I hate just sitting here like this.

I feel so useless.

Looks like you and Matt
kissed and made up.

Yeah, once he realized
what a jerk he was being.

So did you tell him yet?

Tell him what?

That you're pregnant.

Yeah, I'm not as stupid as I act.

So how late are you?

Three months.

Is it Matt's?

Of course it's Matt's.

Then how come he doesn't know?

Because I can't imagine
how he'll react.

Yeah, well, he's gonna
find out sooner or later.

I know, I know, but that's okay.

I feel like I can tell him now,
you know?

There's something ahead.

Hope they're home.

What the hell is that noise?

I don't know.

Sounds electrical.

So what's the story
between you and Lilly?

- No story.
- Come on.

Bet you two have been together
since high school.

Try third grade.

I remember
my third-grade sweetheart.

Her name was Monica.
Turned into a stripper.

Biggest set of tits
I've ever seen in my life.

Of course, she wouldn't give me
the time of day when...




Where the hell are you?

Don't pull this bullshit on me!





No, no.

No, no, no.

Matt. Matt.

No, no. Stay with me, Matt.

Matt. Matt?

Oh, God.

No, no, Matt.

No. Oh, God.

Was that a gunshot?

I don't know.

Sounded like it.

Get inside!

Where's Matt?

Get inside the RV now!

But... but...

- What are you doing?
- What's going on?

I wanna know
where Matt is right now!

We need to get outta here.

Did you bring help?

Is someone out there?


- Get away from the window!
- What the hell?

Everyone, stay away
from the windows!

Whose blood is that?

What happened to my brother?

I need a hammer!


- You're fuckin' insane.
- I wish.


Listen to me!
We haven't got much time.

- Whatever those things are...
- What? What's out there?

I don't know!

What the fuck do you know?

What the fuck
do you know, asshole?

I know my husband is dying!

My husband is dying
ten feet from me.

It's all your fucking fault!

It's all your fault!

Son of a bitch!
You're gonna kill Joe!

He's my life!

Richard. Richard, please.

Please just tell me
what happened. Please.

Snap out of it.

Joe! Oh, no!

It's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be okay, baby.

Just hold on.

You never answered me.

Whose blood is that?

It's not what you think.

What did you do?

You don't understand.

So then answer
the fucking question.

There's not even any goddamn
flares in this piece of shit!

Would you stop, okay?

Just tell us what happened.

We found a cabin
about a quarter mile from here

on the other side of the hill.

We were walkin' up the driveway,
and then all of a sudden they...


He just disappeared!

He was gone. I don't...

- What do you mean he was gone?
- He's still out there?

You left my brother
alone out there?

He's not out there.

But that doesn't make any sense.

Believe me,
I know how it sounds.

We're gonna go find Matt.

I can't let you go out there.

Trust me.
He is not outside.

Jesus, those were
gunshots we heard.

Who are you?

What is that?

Listen to me.
There's something out there.

I'm begging you to believe me.

I didn't shoot him.
I swear I didn't.

You killed him.

No. I was close enough
to touch it.

I saw its face.
It wasn't Matt.

It wasn't human.
You have to believe me!

Oh, fuck! Just...

Why won't it stop?

Listen. What's that?

What's what?
I can't hear anything.

- Just listen.
... kill me!

That's Matt.

I can't see anything.

Molly, get the lights.

It can't be Matt.

- Do you see him?
- I can't see him.


It's Matt.

It's Matt! He's outside!

Help me. Hello?

Fuck, fuck!

Please help me.

He's outside.


Out by the road.

No, you can't go out.
It's not Matt.

Matt is out there.

- Let me go!
- No! Stay here!



Where are you?


Molly, help me.


Get inside!

What just happened?

I wish I knew.

Stay down!

Maybe they're gone.


Oh, God!

Did you see its eyes?

We gotta get outta here.

We can't go out there.

We gotta find our way
to the cabin.

What about Joe?

I'll carry him.

Where's my gun?


Joe's not breathing.


Come on, Joe! Come on!

Joe, come on!

Oh, God! Oh, God!

Help me!

Help me.

Help me!

Help me!

Help me!

Help me!

Let me in!


Look at me!

Look at me, Lilly!

Look at me.

They're gettin' into our heads,

makin' us see things,

hear things.

You hear me?

Okay. Okay.

I'm gonna find the light, okay?
Stay with me.


Stay with me.

I don't believe this.

What the hell
are we supposed to do now?

- Give me a hand.
- What's the use?


Look, I know you're scared.

But if we're gonna
get through this,

you gotta help me.

I can't do it alone.



Okay. Over by the door.

So that wasn't Matt we heard.


But I saw him.

You saw one of those things.

Reeled Molly in
like a fish on a hook.

Wanted to do the same thing to you.

Matt wouldn't have done that.

I never got a chance to tell him.

Tell him what?

Never mind. It doesn't matter.

So what do we do now?

Make it to morning.

Oh, God.
What are they doing to us?

Oh, God!

Yeah. Come on.

Please, no, no, no!


What have they done to me?

They took my baby.

Please do it.

Kyle to base. Checkin' on that
possible dead body at South Fork.

Roger that. Report is unconfirmed
at this time.


Kyle to base.
Looks like I spotted something.

Requesting 1052.

Roger, Kyle.
1052 is alerted.

Kyle to base.
Positive on that D.B.

Send that 1052 ASAP.

Roger that.

1052 is on their way
with an ETA of 20 minutes.