Night School (1981) - full transcript

A Boston police detective investigates a series of gruesome decapitations of various college coeds commited by a helmeted, black-leather clad serial killer which leads him to suspect a well known anthropology professor as well as his female live-in assistant. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
That's what you wanna
be when you grow up?


- A schoolteacher?
- Uh-huh.

Well, why, for heaven's sakes?

Because I like you.

Well, I like you, too.


Thank you.

Come on, Lisa!


There's mommy.

Bye, miss Barron.

Goodnight, Lisa.

We did finger painting
in school today.

Ain't you going home,
miss Barron?

Yeah, in a while.

Well, goodnight.

Goodnight, Harry.

I'm afraid all
the children have left.

Who was it you came for?

Who are you?

Stop it!
Stop it!

You idiot!
What are you doing?

Oh, god!

Oh! No!





Please! No!


No! Oh, god!


God, no! Don't!


Stop, please!
Let me off!

Let me off!



- Coffee?
- Yup.

- Uh, juice?
- Grapefruit.

How about my cereal?

Snap, crackle, pop.

That's terrific.

You're going to make somebody
a great wife someday.

Oh, promises, promises.

How come we didn't
figure out last night

that we didn't have
anything for breakfast?

We were pretty busy
last night, remember?

Yeah, we were,
weren't we? Ohh!

Ch, come on! We did that already.
Now let's eat.

I know.

We could have breakfast in bed.

That's all you
think about, isn't it?


See how I cleaned up
the house for you?

Anything for you.

So what new and exciting things
does Boston have to offer today?

Well, there's a guest speaker

at the Harvard club
at 2:00.

That sounds boring.

How do you want your eggs?


Your wit is outstanding.

Oh, I'm glad you like it.

You don't care at all

about your alumni
activities, do you, Judd?

Honey, it's just that I
did the Harvard bit.

I have no intention of becoming

one of their ageless

It wouldn't do you any
harm to stay involved.

I don't seem to be able
to get it across to you

that I like my lifestyle
just the way it is.

There's ice skating in the park.

There's an exhibition
of Chinese art

at the civic center.


Look, why don't we
drive down to the cape

and have lunch?

Sounds terrific.

We could take a long walk
on the beach.

Yeah. Okay, slave,

I'm starving.





You go on ahead.
I'll meet you there.


Your office?

Oh, Judd.

It's your day off.
You promised.

I'm sorry, Stevie,
but it's important.

Stevie, look,
why don't you just...



I wouldn't go
if I didn't have to.

I know, but...

Come on. Let me
make it up to you.

Book a table at the racket
club for about 7:00.

I'll be done by then.

It's my job.


Well, it's a lousy job.

Listen, I hope you
had a good breakfast

'cause this one's kind of messy.

Dave, hey!

Okay, sergeant, it's all yours.

Any angles, bill?

Not that I can see.

Just a neat job of decapitation.

Head completely severed
from the body.

That makes two
killings in a week.

Let's hope this isn't going
to become an epidemic.


Okay, get on it,
will you? Thanks.


Let's have a look.

Same m.o.
as the last one.

No fingerprints, no suspects,
no motives, no nothing.

Who was she?

Anne Barron. She worked
as a teacher's aide here.

When did it happen?

About 6:00 last night. I guess
right after school closed.

I give up.

Where's the rest of her?

This you're not
going to believe.

Why? Why would he mutilate
her over there

and bring the head here
and put it in a bucket?

You're the college genius.
I'm just a cop.

- You want shots of the building?
- Of everything.

- Beats the hell out of me.
- Who found her?

This morning, the director.
She's inside.

Roberts, clear that sidewalk
for crying out loud!

You're not going to get much out of her.
She's pretty shock up.

How long have you known
Anne Barron?

Oh, um... A couple
of months maybe.

She came to work here
in September.

Oh, such a sweet girl.

She loves children,
and they love her.


Can you tell me anything about
her activities outside of work?

Nothing really. She worked
here during the day

to put herself through school.

Do you know what school?

Yes. She attended classes in the
evening at Wendell college.

A girls school on beacon hill.

She was studying
to be a teacher. Oh!

We'll keep in touch with you.

Here, miss Armand. Drink this.
You'll feel better.

- Thank you.
- Everything will be alright.

I don't want the press here until
we get an I.D. from the parents.

Seal this area. Go over it
with a fine-tooth comb.

- We did.
- What did you get?

- Nothing.
- Then go over it again!

Okay, boss.

Meet me at the coroner's office
with the complete reports.

I'll have to go check out
that girls college.

Oh, that's great. I get
all the routine stuff.

You get to go
to the girls school.

One of the advantages
of a Harvard degree.

Kaka lrah,

- "which in Armenian means...?"
- "Here comes the bullshit."

Not a mark on the body.

No contusions, no
lacerations, nothing.

No signs of sexual assault.

Just a quick, clean execution.
Like a guillotine.

What can I tell you?

That's an odd word to use.

That's the one
that comes to mind.

I'll finish this report.

- Thanks, Joe.
- Judd.

- Taj, you remember
the Walker case last week?

- We found a torso in the bushes?
- Yeah.

How long did it take
to find the head?

Two days. Forensic
report... nothing.

You remember where you found it?

A duck pond.
Fingerprints... nothing.

- Submerged in water.
- In a duck pond, it figures.

This time, in a bucket...
Full of water.

Wait a minute. Are you trying to feed
me some of that fancy-schmansy Freudian...

This is no mystery, Judd.

We got a nut on our hands,

a psycho who just likes going
around chopping off heads.

And that's your
considered opinion, is it?

- 15 years on the force. -15 years?
And still a sergeant?

Sticks and stones, lieutenant,
sticks and stones.

I've got this invitation
to go away this weekend.

That's great.

I know.
I'm really excited.

I have a chance to go skiing.

The only problem is that
I've gut so much work.

Sorry I couldn't be more
helpful, lieutenant.

But with 300 students, it's difficult
to get to know all of them intimately.

Perhaps you can speak
to one of her classmates.

That would help.

I hope this doesn't mean we'll be
inundated with newspaper people.

There isn't much I can do
about that, miss Griffin.

Anne was one
of our night students.

Many of my girls do work during
the day and go to class at night.

She was studying anthropology
with professor Millett.

This is his class in here.

- They'll be through in a moment.
- Miss Griffin.

Yes, Kathy?

There's some television people
downstairs to see you.

I suppose I'd better
go take care of them.

Uh, you can introduce yourself
to professor Millett.

Don't worry about it.

I'll be in my office.

Thank you.

It's a sort of
naturalization process

confirming the peace
between two tribes.

This is the, uh,
most important of ceremonies

among the asmats,
the adoption ceremony.

Here we see the clan
preparing the man and woman

chosen to become members
of the other clan.

They thread long plaits of coconut fiber
in their hair, hiding their faces.

This and similar tribal
ceremonies are to be found

in the remote parts
of Borneo and new Guinea.

This secret
and primitive ritual, um...

I just can't believe it. We were
very privileged to photograph it.

The 30 men,
each from the two villages,

lay side by side
on their stomachs.

Then 30 women stand over them
with their legs astride.

And the two chosen pairs
of men and women

wiggle through
the living tunnel.

And as they pass, the women emit
groans as if in child birth.

At the end of the tunnel, they drop
their loincloths over the couples,

symbolic of the rebirth
from a common mother.

Then the newborns are
wrapped on coconut fibers

like swaddling clothes.

And the symbolic birth is over,

and the ceremony ended.

Thank you, Kim.

Scenes like this
are a direct link

with man's primitive past.

Modern man has only
to take a short step

to wind up in the primeval
jungle of his ancestors.


Any questions?

- Ah-choo!
- Bless you.

We'll pick this up next time.

Now, do be prepared
with pages...


Through 127.

Thank you.

What's the meaning of this, walking in
during the middle of one of my lectures?

I'm lieutenant Austin.
Police department.

Uh, miss Griffin said
I should talk with you.

About what?

Anne Barron.

Yes, I see. It's not that I
knew the girl very well.

She'd only been enrolled
for a couple of months.

This is the person
you should talk with. Kim?

- Yes?
- This is, uh, lieutenant...

- Austin.
- Right. From the police department.

She and Anne were very good friends.
Right, Kim?

- Yes.
- I just need some background.

We don't have much yet.

If I can help, I'll try.

Ohh, this whole thing
must be upsetting for you.


Well, anything that you
can tell the lieutenant

I'm sure will help.

Thank you.
You're so kind.

I finished typing your notes.

You want to go through them?

Yes, of course.

If you'll excuse me, lieutenant.

Thank you.

What is it you want to know?

Anything that comes to mind.

Did she have any close
friends aside from you?

Not many. She was really
a very quiet girl.

A boyfriend?

Yes. There was a boyfriend.

Who was he?

I don't know.

And you were her close friend?

She would never tell me.

She was secretive about it.

He was older than she was,

but she never said who it was.

Why would she do that?

Maybe we both knew him, and she didn't
want me to know of their affair.

A married man, maybe.

Something like that. How
could anyone do such a thing?

I don't know
what to tell you, Kim.

Maybe what your professor
said just now is true.

We've all only just stepped
out of the primal jungle.


Thank you.

Thank you.

How'd you get on, lieutenant?

She's a little shaken up.

Yes, of course. Well, she's
a very sensitive girl.

I think that she's more upset
than she's letting on.

This is miss Adjai, our exchange student.
Lieutenant Austin.


I'll have this copied first thing
in the morning. Goodnight.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.



Thank you for your
time, professor.

You know, lieutenant...

I think you're dealing with
a psychotic killer here,

a maniac that strikes
without rhyme or reason...

Without any tangible motive.

It's going to be a very hard
person for you to find.

Oh, we'll find him.



A salami on rye
and a cheeseburger.

- Hi.
- Hi, Carol. Just coffee, please.

Coffee. Okay.

Hey, you. I told you to clean
the tables 20 minutes ago.

He can't help it.

I've never seen such
a god damn stupid.

Hey, you. We're up to
our ass in garbage.

Get it out.

So now he belongs to us, huh?

- Thanks, Carol.
- Ha ha ha!

College girls. All they
talk about is sex.

I ain't got no degree, but I can
give a lecture on that subject.

Do you want anything else?

No, thanks.

You're in that, uh... professor
Millett's class, aren't you?

- Yes. Why?
- Is it true?

What true?

- That he fools around with all
his students. - I wouldn't know.

Who can blame him? A good-looking guy
like that and all those horny coeds.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't
throw him out of bed myself.

Hey. You're not walking
home alone tonight, are you?

After what happened?

I'll be alright.


Jesus, Vince! You scared
me half to death!

I didn't mean to.

Front door was locked. I rang the bell.
Didn't you hear?

I came in the back way.

I thought you weren't
coming home till later.

Aren't you pleased to see me?

Ohh... Yeah.


Aah! No!



What are you doing?

No. Oh.

Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Go... go away.

Go... go away.


Ah... Ah... No!


No! No!




No! No!



Our friend really has
a taste for the bizarre...

The old head-in-the-fish-tank

And to do that, he had to
climb two flights of stairs.

Carrying the head already.

Just to throw the head
in a fish tank.

See? Like I said,
it's bizarre.

Sergeant Taj, we have
a 214 situation.

- That's b-1214.
- The question is why.

- Good question.
- So what's the answer'?

Beats me.

Tango-14, are
you reading? Over.

The sandwich.

do you read me?

We keep coming back to water.


Well, they say our
distant ancestors

all crawled up out of the ocean.

Not mine. Mine came from a small
town on the Turkish border.

That makes two victims
from the same girls school.

And this one worked in
an aquarium feeding fish.

More water.

Maybe the guy we're
after is a sailor,

and he thought she was
some kind of mermaid

like... what do they call
them... those Lorelei...

Why do I put up with you?

Because I'm lovable.

Don't you ever take
your job seriously?

Aw, come on, Judd.

If we did, we'd end up
in the funny farm.

Duck pond... Bucket...
And fish tank.

What the hell are you eating?

A sandwich.
Would you like some?


Tuna fish.

Is professor Millett in? I'd
like to have a word with him.

I'm afraid that's impossible.

He's working and left strict
instructions not to be disturbed.

But miss, uh, Adjai...
Is that right?

- That's right.
- I'm not a salesman.

I'm a police officer, and I
can disturb anybody anytime.

I'll see if he can talk to you.

This way, please.

I, um, I didn't expect
to find you here.

I work here. I'm professor
Millett's research assistant.

You wait there, please.

Come in, please.

Have a seat, lieutenant Austin.
Be with you in a minute.

No, thank you, I'll stand.

Well, then, what
can I do for you?

- There's been another killing.
- Hmm.

That doesn't seem
to surprise you.

When man kills
for the sake of killing,

there's no reason
why he should stop.

Do you really believe man
can kill just like that?

Why not?

You see, animals kill when they're
hungry or when they're threatened.

But man is the only animal
who destroys his own kind

for the sheer pleasure of it.

The dead girl was one of
your students, professor.

Don't tell me these are
motiveless killings,

because I don't believe it.

Who was it?

Kim Morrison.

Both girls were in your class.

I'd have to be very, very stupid

not to think that there
could be some connection.

- Such as?
- Tell me.

- Coincidence.
- Would you like to know

the statistics on that
kind of coincidence?

Were you having an affair
with Anne Barron, professor?

I make it a strict rule never to become
emotionally involved with my students.

That isn't the way I heard it.

You shouldn't listen to young
girls' gossip, lieutenant.

They're barely out of puberty.

They're apt to mix
fantasy with reality.

Oh, come on, professor.

Were you having an affair
with Anne Barron?

- No.
- And Kim Morrison?

- Certainly not.
- Excuse me.

I thought you might
like some coffee.

Not for me, thank you.
I have to be going.

- See yourself... - I
think I can manage that.

You know, professor,
I think you're wrong.

People don't kill
just for the hell of it.

There's always a reason.

Insolent son of a bitch.

He's just doing his job.

- Don't start defending him.
- I'm not...

How many more cheap rumors?

It's common gossip
around the school.

Oh, Christ! You're not going to
have a jealous tantrum, are you?

I don't know what more
you want from me.

I love you. I'd do anything
in the world for you.

But it's not enough.

There's always going to
be somebody else.

You don't believe what
he's saying, do you?

- Why not?
- Oh, god.

You were like that
when I first met you.

I don't see any reason
why you should have changed.

Then you should have
known what to expect.

Hi, honey.

- You want some coffee?
- Yeah.

What's the matter?
You got the blues?

If it's a man, forget him.

They ain't worth
the aggravation.

They only thing they're going
to take home is money.

Hi, baby.
How's my sweetheart?

- Can I get you anything?
- Like excited?

I know what you want,
and it ain't on the menu.

Aw, don't say that.
That's a nasty.

I'm sorry.

I'm pregnant, Vincent.

You're not happy.

It came as a surprise,
that's all.

I'm not going to
have an abortion.

I never mentioned abortion.

How long?

Three months.

Why didn't you tell me
about it before?

I didn't know how you'd react.

I should have known.

That's why you've been
acting crazy lately.

So you're gonna
let me have the baby?

It's going to be
alright, I promise you.

How are you doing, Carol?

Fine. Anything
I can get you?

I don't like to turn down
an offer from a pretty girl,

but no, thanks.

Do you have to flirt
with the waitress?

I was just trying
to be friendly.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

I don't know what
I'd do without you.

I love you, too. I'm not
going to let you down.

Can't we get married?

I'd make you so happy,
I promise.

I got to go.

We'll talk about it later.

Please, Vincent?

Don't worry about it.

- Okay.
- I'll see you later.

If you believe
that bullshit, honey,

you'll believe anything.

Watch out. You'll never
make it to class that way.

- By the way, the project
looks very good. I'll see you .

Yes? Who is it?

Can I have a word with you?

Not right now, if you don't
mind, professor Millett.

Why on earth didn't you
tell me about this sooner?

I thought I could handle it.

You can't handle
a man like that.

He's a self-centered,
ruthless man.

You'd think he'd have more sense than
to have an affair with a student.

I've been so stupid.

Didn't you know he's living
with his assistant Eleanor?


His teaching days
in this school are over.

I'm not going to allow
that professor Millett

to use this college as a playground
for his sexual exploits.

Just get hold
of yourself, alright?

I really thought he liked me.

Just don't talk
about it, alright?

Kathy, you live alone,
don't you?

Would you like to spend
the night at my house?

We can talk, and
you won't feel so alone.

Yes, I'd like that.
Thank you.

You're very sweet, darling,
and unfortunately,

men are going to
take advantage of you.

We don't want that
to happen, do we?


Jeez, I hate to leave
you with this mess.

I wouldn't do this,
but my wife is sick...

- I know. Go home.
- If only that damn stupid had shown up.

Oh, Gary. We're better
off without him.

Lock up, set the alarm,
and go by the back door.

I know. Goodnight.

Damn it. That doesn't
belong there.

W-who's there?

Is that you, Gus?


Oh, god.

Oh, no.


Oh, shit!

Fucking lock.



Oh! Fucking creep!

Get away from me!

Oh, Jesus!


What did I do?

No! No. Get away!

Jesus Christ!





What the hell's happened here?

Oh, no.

Jesus, why me?

Why the hell do they pick on me?

Holy shit.

What the hell was going on here?

Look at this god damn mess.

Must've been a hell of a party.

Damn bums! It's the
second time this month.

Why don't you call the cops?

How about some food?

Would you let me clean
up, for Christ's sake?

Make with the food.
We'll take care of this.

You'd think they got
something better to do.

This must've been
some party, huh?

What went on anyway?

- Hey, Gus.
- Yeah?

Where's Carol?

Beats the hell out of me.

Hey, maybe she found herself
a piece of hot stuff.

She'll get plenty of hot stuff
from me when she show up.

What a mess!

Be careful. Don't cut
yourself on that glass.


How about some coffee, Gus?

I only got two hands.

What do you got to eat?

I got beef stew.
You like beef stew?

Yeah, I like beef stew.

Sounds good to me.

Carol... I don't understand.

I tell her lock up,
turn on the alarm...

It's not like her.

You can't count
on help these days.

Hurry up with the food,
will you, Gus?

Want to pass the sugar?

You shouldn't use that.

I know, I know.
You told me already.

I've been feeling
better. How about you?

I feel alright.
Here you go.

What's the matter?

Enjoy yourselves, boys.

Thank you, Gus.

- You're welcome.
- Alright.

Nice. Just
what I needed.

Mmm. Mmm.



What is it?

Oh, god.

- Hey, Gus.
- Yeah?

Ever use a hair net
when you cook?

Why? What's the matter?

Are you kidding?

I've got hair in my stew.


Mine's alright.
Nothing wrong with mine.

Mmm. Tastes good.

Where the hell
she put the stock?

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!

And what time
did you leave last night?

About 11:00.
I had to go home.

My wife was sick...

What the hell was the
head doing in the sink?

How am I supposed to know?

Duck ponds, buckets,
a fish tank...

- Now a sink?
- What's he talking about?

- Shh. Lifesaver?
- No.

- What about the kid?
- What kid?

That dishwasher that's
kind of tutti-frutti?

- Yeah. Very strange boy.
- Where is he?

I don't know.
He's no show up two days.

Where does he live?

I got it written down someplace.

Look, mister, we got
four killings on our hands,

and we don't even have
a god damn fingerprint.

- So get it, will you?
- Yeah, okay. I get it now.

Hey, lieutenant.

Over here, lieutenant,
in the garbage.

Call the coroner's office.

Okay, get on it, will you?

Here's the address he give me.

Section 13, municipal law... you are
required to register the correct address

of any employees.
You get that?

Ah, go to hell.


Boy, this must be
his summer place, huh?

- Gary Downs?
- Yeah.

- Police.
- Oh.

You work at the Lamplight?


Well, Gary,
why aren't you at work?

Is there a law that says I have to
go to work if I don't feel good?

The man asked you a question.

I got sick.

Hey, pretty, pretty.

Now, what's this,
a hobby of yours?

So what if it is?

It's kind of a sick
hobby, isn't it, Gary?

What do you want?

I ain't done nothing.

You sure, Gary?
Here. Have a raisin.

Gary, you know a girl
named Carol Mann?

She's a waitress at the cafe.

Very good, very good.

When did you last see her?

I don't know.

Try hard. No one's
going to hurt you.

The night before last.

Night before last.
Very good again.

Were you ever arrested
for indecent exposure?

Gary, surely you can
remember that.


New York, 1979,
Chicago, January 1980...

This one's a real doozy, Gary.

Three old ladies in one evening.

If those dumb broads provoked
you, I could understand that.

You probably had good reason.

Come on.
Let's get out of here.

Hey, where you going?

He's a Peeping Tom. Ever know a
flasher to commit a serious crime?

- There's always a first time.
- This ain't it.

Look, according
to my police manual,

it says that every officer

should investigate every clue

no matter how insignificant,

and that's just
what I intend to do.

So have a good time.

Hey, what...

Ah, shit.

Is the professor here?

Uh... I haven't seen him.

Then how did you get in?
Do you have a search warrant?

Since you brought it up,
no, I don't.

Then would you please leave?

Or would you rather
I call the police?

Oh, that would be embarrassing.

Then please go.


Very well.

Isn't breaking and entering a
crime, even for a policeman?

Isn't headhunting a crime,
even for an anthropologist?

What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing, except
I suddenly find myself

up to my...
Neck in heads.

Heads in duck ponds,
in fish tanks, in buckets,

and I come here
and find more heads.

Are you suggesting
there's some connection

between professor
Millett's research

and these awful murders?

Yes, miss Adjai.
I'm suggesting just that.

How can you make a comparison

between this kind of butchery

and the tradition
of eastern culture?

These rituals existed
years before

this continent
was even discovered.

The headhunters of new Guinea

are not cannibals or savages.

They seriously believe that in
taking the heads of their enemies,

they are possessing
their life force.

And by putting
the heads in water?

They believe they're
cleansing evil spirits

from the souls of their enemies,

leaving only the purity
of the spirit.

How did you know that?

I didn't.

- Lieutenant... - Don't ask me.
I'm not an anthropologist.

I only know we have three
bodies with no heads,

and all the heads were
found immersed in water.

Even the most depraved
homicidal maniac

wouldn't do that just for fun.

We've had a few kooks
in our time, but headhunters?

Not too many.

Is professor Millett in there?

Oh, he's up in his classroom.

It's not
a very nice thing to do...

To have an affair with
someone and then drop her.

I thought you had
more feeling than that.

Eleanor, I...

- Who the hell do you think you are?
- I'm sorry about that.

Even so, it's my responsibility

to take an interest in the
welfare of the girls here.

I think we know what your
interest is in the girls here,

and it's not for their welfare.

What time would you
like an appointment?

Anytime that's convenient
for you is fine.

Do you know where miss Adjai is?

She just left, professor.

Will you get that thing
outta the way?

Hey, take a hike.
Don't get so damn excited.

This is delta-1.
Go ahead. Over.

Lieutenant, this is Taj.

Are you sitting down?

What is it, Taj?

I'm right outside
Helene Griffin's house,

and guess who's staying
at her place out. Over.

Surprise me.

Our little friend Gary.

What happened to Millett?

Have some soup.

I lost him behind
a garbage truck.

- How long's he been here?
- Since midnight.

You have no faith at all.

All you need to be a good cop

is a good pair of shoes.

There he goes.

I sure hate to embarrass
you, old buddy.

Let's move.

Hey. He's all mine.

You cover me from out front.

Hey, watch your ass...

You ugly bastard.

Don't be nervous.

Does this bother you?



I'd better get it.

It's my office phone.




Oh! Oh, no.







Don't. Let...

Leave me alone!

- It hurts.
- Spread 'em!

What the fuck are you doing?

That's the wrong guy.

Where you going?


Take it easy, will you?

Where the hell you been?

I've been worried sick.

I did it for us, Vincent.

And for our baby.

Oh, my god.

I had to do it, Vincent.

All those women
you lusted after.

A family's sacred.

You and me...

And now the baby.

And any threat to that sanctity,

I must strike down.

I did it because I love you.

I don't believe it.

You must be hungry.

I'll get you something to eat.

- You must be completely insane.
- Why?

For performing a ritual that's been
accepted for thousands of years?

It's this culture that's
uncivilized, Vincent.

Where a woman isn't
allowed to defend herself

and the ones she loves.

You killed them all?


And if you insist on having
affairs with other women,

I'm going to have
to kill them, too.

That's logical, isn't it?


Yes, that's very logical.

They're coming
for me now, Vincent...

And if they come in here,
they're going to kill me...

And if they kill me, they're
going to kill our baby.

You don't want that, do you?

Not if you love me.

You do love me, don't you?

Eleanor, no! Don't go!
They'll kill you!

Listen to me, Eleanor!

Let go of me!



Get him!

Give me your gun.

I'll put out an apb.


Beacon Hill area.
West on Charles.

In pursuit of suspect
on motorcycle,

wearing black pants,
jacket, and helmet.

All available units
to block off area.

Delta-1 over.

- I hate to trouble you...
- What?

I got to go to the bathroom.

Do it out the god damn window!

Hang on, handsome.

He's heading south on Walnut.

Somebody head him off!

I'm on my way.

Holy shit!

Get an ambulance!

Dave, give me a hand.

Looks like his neck is broken.

Forget the ambulance.


Ain't you the smart Harvard cop?

- Am I?
- What do you mean?

This wraps up the
whole case, doesn’t it?

Does it?

Get him the hell out of here.

Alright, son.
I'll take you home.

"We beseech thee, dear lord,

"look down upon this,
thy humble servant,

"and have mercy upon him.

"Throw wide the gates of heaven

"and cleanse this poor departed
soul cf his mortal sins,

"that he may find grace
and eternal peace

"in thy heavenly kingdom.

"And as we commit these mortal
remains unto the earth,

"ashes to ashes,

"dust to dust,

"look not upon this earthly
flesh with harsh judgment,

"but embrace this,
thy servant's soul,

"into thy safekeeping,

"and in your infinite mercy
welcome this...

"welcome this unhappy man,

"that he may be cleansed
of his mortal sins

and dwell in the house
of the lord forever. Amen."

Miss Adjai.

Is the ceremony over?


I hope so.

So, who'd you expect,
the headhunter?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!