Night Ride (2019) - full transcript

One night, Noémie, a stripper and bewitching call girl, gets into Jin's cab. Intrigued by Jin's muteness, she asks him to become her official taxi. As the nights go by, a beautiful but dangerous love story develops between them. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
That's good.

Been here long?

Eight months.

- What did you do before?
- I worked in the sweatshop.

Why'd they move you?

- Did they explain the job?
- Sort of.

The app?
What to say to customers?

- What not to do? The 200-a-night quota?
- Yeah.

And that if you make more,
you get half of it?


- How's your French?
- So-so.

If you have any problems,
you call me.

Who's the kid?

The new guy.

And you're in charge of him?
Good luck!

Think I had a choice?

Have you two talked?

And he understood?

Get to work!


Don't touch this.
It shows Xie where we are.

Don't stop for too long.


Let's not go to Thibaut's.

- Why?
- I'm always bored to tears.

- Bored to tears?
- Yeah.

Do you go to see Thibaut

or for what he gives you?

What's that look?

Why all the questions?
I love both.

I'm glad to see Thibaut.

And we do some E, get high.

We're not going just
so you can be a whore!

- Don't call me a whore!
- I can!




A little blood?

No, you're picking it up
spin and span.

One guy took all the water.

So the next guy
gave me a shit rating.

I have a meeting tomorrow.
Can you fill in for an hour or two?

Now what are you up to?

It's important.
Porte de la Villette?


This is the last time.
I'm almost out.

I don't wanna get busted.

I only made 90.

I'll never make it.

Sure you will.

What did you make?


- What?
- He's been here 5 years.

Avoid areas crawling with taxis.

How can I?

Look at your app!

You can see them.
Are you blind?

You can see black sedans near you!

- I'll never make it.
- You already said that.

You have no choice!

Take off!

I have your T-shirts.

- Cool!
- It's 10 euros.

- Open up!
- Okay!

What's up?

I'm coming!

Wait'll we leave to start jerking off!
I'm already late!


You've lost weight.
Are you eating?


I'll send a money order today.

Son, you send too much.

What's left for food?

Don't worry.

A few days ago, at temple,

I ran into Hou Chi-Qiang.

They're very happy with you.

What's the matter?

Stop talking about them
like they're friends.

They were there
when we needed them.

That's their business.

Are they giving you trouble?

Don't worry.

How's Grandma?

Grandma's fine!

I'm the exhausted one.

She refuses to walk with a cane.

If she falls,
who's gonna take care of her?

She's afraid
you'll fall in love with a French girl.

She says, if that happens,
we'll never see you again.

She shouldn't broadcast
that I'm in France.

The police came back.

Last Monday.

- Did they bust up the place again?
- No.

They were very calm.

Maybe they've stopped
looking for you.

I'd better go...

Give Grandma my love.

Tell her I only see Chinese people.

No risk of a French girl.

And Chinese girls?

Mostly Chinese guys,
for the moment.

But I'm working on it.

I'll be back in 2 hours.
You have to make at least 50 euros.

It never fails.

We say, "No presents." And I end up
cleaning out he department stores.


So... for Dad. I was sick
of seeing him in that old thing.

You won't believe this!

I just had a couple.
And the chick

wasn't wearing underpants!

I swear!

I was...

driving along, and what do I see?

Her pussy in my rearview mirror!

Take any photos?

Photos? How could I?
You're sick!

And then?

Then? Then I drove cautiously.

But once I'm in bed,
I'll think of her.

Go easy on that.

Don't worry.

- Want some?
- No.

I found a job.

What do you mean?

For after.

You're leaving Xie?
What about your debt?

- It'll be paid in 3 weeks.
- How do you know?

I count.
Don't you count?

What'll you do?


Like before!

Good luck!

I'll take it.

You're too slow, bros!
I'm off.

Bon appétit.

Drive safely.

Watch out.

Chef, did he pay?

Not a penny.

Hey, Yang!

The crook! He always does that!

How many rides d'you get?

Not enough. Get to work.

Leaving? Be careful.

Nothing for you.



A problem?

I had a great week.

Didn't we say
you were responsible for Chang?


You know
he hasn't made half his quota.


Someone has to
make up the difference.

Now I have nothing to live on.

Deduct it from next week.

- Who's it for?
- Naomi.

She's coming.

You know you're the only driver
who plays this kind of music?

Hope I'm not getting too familiar...

It's usually shit music...

Still, you don't look like a clubber.

- What does a clubber look like?
- He can speak!

You an immigrant or a native?


How long have you been here?

Five years.

Sick of me grilling you?

- How do you know that music?
- I was a DJ.


A pro?
Paid and everything?

- Did you write music, too?
- Yeah.

And now you drive?


What an idea.

But I'm quitting soon.



In a few weeks.

I've been quitting in a few weeks
for years.

- Is there any way to hear your music?
- No.

You must have something on your phone.

No, just other people's music.

If you compose, you've got SoundCloud.
They all do.

Got a phone number?


I work nights.

- I need a driver I can trust.
- No, I can't.

- It has to go through the app.
- Or not...

You're free, right?

Get info on the shows.

There are lots of fares afterward.

How can I know that?

Want me to drive for you, too?

And stay away from taxis.

- And don't tell the others any of this.
- Okay.

Chef, another one!

He could at least add some spices.

It's not expensive.

For a euro more,
he could add a little meat.

Throw in more stuff!

I'll take it.

- Dewei, you're in no shape.
- Mind your own business.

What's with him?

Not sure.

Problems with his kids in China,
I heard.


- You're too drunk to drive.
- I'm used to it.

I've only made 80.

And Xie's been on my ass.


- That's for customers!
- Drink it!

That's enough.


Are you okay?

Are you hurt?


You okay?

You went through a red light!

I'm talking to you!
Didn't you see the light?

What are you doing?

Jin, are you okay?

- The sticker!
- Where'd this guy come from?

And the label!

Did you see?
It's incredible!

I'll call the cops.

Get the papers!

You, go home!

An accident?

It was a close call.

We took everything -
the phone, license plates...

We need a new car, we have to equip it.
That's 50 grand, minimum.

I'm a witness.

The other car ran a light!

- Who asked you?
- Don't touch me!

Get out, you drunk!

Cars aren't that expensive!

Think hard, Jin.

What do you propose?

Mr. Xie asked you a question.

I've worked for you for 5 years.

I've never had a problem.


did you hear a proposition?


How much have you saved up?

Nothing. You know that.

And so?

Not a single answer.

Want me to leave you to Tao?

I'll work to pay you back.

Now, that's a proposition!

We'll calculate that.

My guess is,
in 4 or 5 years, we should be even.

Mr. Xie, at this rate,
I won't last 5 more years.

Take vitamins.

You're taking Dewei's car.

And Dewei?

None of your business.

You okay?


When are you quitting, again?

I'm not anymore.



What were you planning to do?

Go back into music?


Had you found a venue to play in?


I'm usually the fuck-up queen.

But I have the impression
you're not bad, yourself.

How do you say "Christmas"
in Chinese?


Say it again.

You gonna celebrate Christmas?


- And you?
- No.

I don't talk to my family much.

Any news on Dewei?

They must have transferred him.

Why won't he answer his phone?

It was intense.
They kept hitting him.

He'll resurface.

Why are you here?

I was at Tien's place.

I only needed an east tile
to have a 13 beautiful lanterns hand.

I knew the fucker across from me
kept two of them just to bug me.

I had nothing left to play.
I thought...

So how much did you lose?

A lot.

A lot.
They're gonna cut off my hand.

Jin, lend me a little.

What can I lend you?

- Think I won the lottery?
- Don't kid around!

I'm in deep shit!

Right! Just you!

- Are you worried about Dewei or yourself?
- We're fucked.

What's new?

I mean, we're fucked forever.

We're eating. We're in France.
If only I didn't have this debt!

That's enough for you?

- Wanna die driving that shitty car?
- As if we had a choice!

Sometimes you think like a Westerner.

After the meal...

I to go to bed.

No. "I will go to bed."

Right, the future tense!

Anyway, there's not much chance
of me going to bed!

Hey, cute guy!

Hey, cute guy!

Wanna learn French with us?

No, thanks.

Let's start again.

He's cute.

Tonight Hotel Moravia, 1:30. OK?



Drive, I said!

Don't you wanna sit up front?

Come up front.

Come on!

What's going on?

Can we go?

Wanna drive around the beltway?

Back in Beijing,

my best friend
had a motorcycle like that.

Late at night, I'd borrow it...

and take a spin
around the second beltway...

Pedal to the metal.

To breathe.

I should have died a thousand times.

Do I disgust you?

Uh... yeah.

Shouldn't I have said that?

If that's what you think.

Don't all men think that?

What does disgust mean?

Isn't it like "degust"?

"To savor"...
Like, "pleasing," right?



I should go.

I'm going.

- Tomorrow, at La Discrète?
- Yeah.

Basic Information:
Metadata - Authorizations

You mutter in your sleep.

Come on, get dressed.

We're going out.

You don't need the suit.

Before the accident,

you took in 250 a night.

Now you make that in two nights.

Aren't you motivated anymore?

I'll get it together.

Can you tell me
what's happening on rue Manin?


What's going on there?

Right here?

I saw you take a passenger
there on the app.

Then you went back several times.
But not for rides.

Oh, I remember.

I went back there on my breaks
because it's quiet.

And here?

Sometimes I stop there

because there are lots of tourists.

That's the last time
I'll bother asking you.

Next time,
I'll give your car to someone else.

You'll end up unloading clothes
in a sweatshop.

Tao! Li!

When are you leaving?

We're ready.

Then go.

Tonight, you'll take a spin to Holland
with Tao and Li.

Naomi, I'm...

What are you doing?

Playing with your phone?

Wanna kill us?

Give it to me!

Who'd you write to?

- No one. I was checking our location.
- What do you care?

We told you to drive straight ahead!

Gimme your phone!

Fuck, no signal!

What's with you?
What was that bullshit?

- I was supposed to see a girl.
- No way!

Who is she?

Where'd you meet her?

I don't wanna screw up.
If I stand her up, I'm dead.

I don't believe it!
You're in love?

He's in love!

What's her name?


A French girl?


Jin, you're my idol.

You're in another league!

We screw Chinese hookers,

and he's having an affair
with a Frenchwoman!

You didn't answer me.

Where'd you meet her?

My phone!

- Write to her!
- What's her number?

06 26 58 19 86

- 06 36 58...
- 26.

06 26 38 19 86.

- Fuck! 06 26...
- Step on it!

What are you always chattering about?
Lu-Pan, grab the Renault!

You, get back in the car!

- Can I have my phone?
- Hurry up!


it's Jin again.

Call me back, please.

My name's Maya.


- Why the fuck are you here?
- I wanted to see you.


You won't take my calls.

I left you messages.

I was stuck.

- They took my phone.
- Stop!

You don't have to explain to me.


You and me,
that's impossible.

I'm sorry.

So, they pay you,

you pay me,
and that's it?

Is that it?

Yeah, that's it.

I don't believe you.

I have to go back.

What's that?

Concert tickets.


You motherfucker!

Think you're the only one
in deep shit here?


Gimme my money!

What money?

If it's not back there by Saturday,

you're dead, you bastard!




I shouldn't have taken that shit.

I sorta threw up.

Did you hear what I just said?

I'm going away soon.



No comment?

I can't be happy about it.

If I don't go now,
I'll never change my life.

Do you miss Beijing?

Not tonight.

You could come to Marseille.

Are you kidding?


The apartment's big.

We could share it.


I have no papers,
no money, debts.

What a match!

What does that mean?

That... I sure can pick 'em!

Does it scare you?



But I wanna be with you.

How was it?

I should be asking you that.

When can I meet her?

- You'll be our best man.
- I hope so!

Where does she live?

Not here.

You walked just so
I wouldn't have the address?

Scared I'll steal her?

No, you idiot!

Xie saw that
I stopped there too often.

I'm leaving.

- I need cash.
- Leaving?

For good?

For good.

I need money, too.

I may have an idea.

Didn't that Holland job
give you ideas?


We have a car.

We just need a buyer.

You wanna unload one of Xie's cars?

You wanna die?

Do you need money or not?

We sell it and split the dough.

You take off and I play dumb.

That's low-life stuff, Lu-Pan.

I just had time to take a shower!

I work around the clock,
so you can get laid.

I may have an idea.

For what?

The car.

So you're into it!

Spill it.

Those Ivory Coast guys
at The Landy.

- I'm sure they'd be interested.
- Who?

You know those black-market garages
near Saint-Denis.

Oh, the Black guys!

What'd you call 'em?

Meet me there before we change shifts.


What year?


- How much do you want?
- 20 grand.

For a stolen car?
You're nuts!

- Too bad, let's go.
- Wait.

I'll make you an offer.

Fuck, Jin!

Why are we haggling with Black guys?

Shut up.




For a car worth 80 grand?

For a hot car worth 80 grand new.








Come back tomorrow.
I'll have the bread.

What's your name?



Hello, son.

How are you?


And you?

You don't look okay.

What's going on?


you and Grandma
have to move to the village.


I don't wanna go to the village.

- It's important.
- Why should we go there?

You can't stay in Baoding.

You'll have problems.

Now what did you do?

I bled myself dry for you!

You're nothing but trouble!

I didn't do anything!

- But I have to go.
- Go where?

Paris isn't good enough?

Find a Chinese girl
and come back to China.

I'm exhausted!

And Grandma's too old to travel!


Hou Chi-Qiang's gang
will come to the house!

Take Grandma to the village!

- What have you done, Jin?
- Nothing, Mom!

You can't play games with those people!

Mom, I've tried...

But I can't stay here anymore.

If you don't go to the village,
I can't leave...

and I'll have problems.

But, Jin...

The village is much too far.

I'll send money in a few days.

Enough to pay your bills for a while.

Jin, stop with the money!

Your hair is different.

It's been so long

since I stroked your hair.

I beg you, Mom.



We'll move to the village.

Where are you going?

To the South of France.

All alone?

I sensed it!

Is she Chinese?

We'll try to come.

When I have papers.
When things calm down.

Goodbye, Mom.


That's all my cousin could lend me.

Better than nothing.
Come in.

Driving's better than the sweatshop.

But nights are really exhausting.

I can't sleep during the day.

Night people must age faster.

People here talk a lot about happiness.

Back home, not much. Right?

It's not even a question really.

That's true.

Think you're happy?


I'm not happy.

But maybe I'll have a child one day...

and things'll be better for him.

I hope so.

Think Dewei's...

working somewhere else?

I don't know.

I'd better get ready.
I'm going out.

I'll go.

See you tonight.

See you then.

- No one saw you?
- No.


Locate my device



Fuck! Already...

We're looking for Omar.

- Omar!
- Yeah?

2 messages.

Turn on your geolocalization.

Fucking turn it on
and get your ass back here!

Hey, bro!

How's it going?
Where's the car?

- Nearby. Got the cash?
- Not all of it.


- How much you got?
- 3,000.

I'll have the rest tomorrow.

Fucking niggers! Let's go!

What did he say?

-What do you need?
- 3,500.

Knock off that monkey language!

We have a deal!

- It's not enough!
-That's all I have.

- We'll come back tomorrow.
- No way!

I've already sold the car!

You can't take it!

Where's it parked?

Where is it?

- Amin...
- Run!

I'll drive to Marseille.

I'll sell it there.

- I'll send you your cut.
- Okay.

But if I can't pay my debt,
they'll beat the shit outta me.

I'll go to my uncle's in Germany.

You sure?

It leaves in 10 minutes.

There must be plenty of suckers
in Germany.

Once I get rich, bring your girl.

- Don't forget, I'm your best man.
- I won't forget.

- I'm going to the bathroom!
- Me, too.

Stop being such a copycat!


Subtitles by Rosemary Ricchio

Subtitling: M141