Night Pastor (1998) - full transcript

A priest keeps the city clean from sinners. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[Nana's Game]

Are you sure?

Master Chang's show has been there before.

They said Li's Haunted
House is filled with wrath.

Plus, we had contestants hospitalized

from excessive shock last season.

Even soul retrieval didn't work for them.

Must we be so extreme?

Do you have a better suggestion?

- Chinsan?
- It's been filmed over and over again.

What about Minsyong?

The haunted house there is pretty good.

It has already been deeply analyzed.


You want to be a giveaway?

We are going to do a
live broadcast this time.

The airtime will be

three days before the prosecution deadline,

which is in exactly 72 hours.


It'll be the first time for

a reality show to be broadcasted live.

With that and the legal
prosecution deadline,

aren't we taking advantage
of the murder case?

I am feeding to the voyeuristic appetite

of the audience to boost our CTR.

I want Season 3 to have better results

than the previous seasons.

Any more questions?

Ms. Kuan, please listen to me.

The Li's Haunted House has been empty

for twenty years.

There's no water or electricity there.

Get handymen to handle it then.


What about the candidate selection?

If we're doing a live broadcast,

let the audience choose
controversial people.

What else?

What about the executive's concerns?

Who are you to worry about their concerns?

Just worry about your own duties

and forget about the rest.

I must do it this time.

[The murder of Li's family is shrouded in suspicion.]
The murder of Li's came as a shock to the society.

At the time of the crime,

The man of the house, Li Wang-tsai

and his daughter Li Chian-nuo

were brutally murdered by the criminal.

His wife is still

mysteriously missing and we cannot be

sure whether she's still alive.

[Scene of Li's Family Murder Case]
The police cannot find

[Exclusive News]
the critical evidence from

the house behind me at the time,

which led to the suspect's acquittal.

Because justice was yet to be served,

this residence to became a haunted house

in the eyes of its neighbors.

[Li's Family Murder Case Reaching
Prosecution Deadline.] So, you think

[Murderer is still at large?]
he's the murderer?

Yes, he's the murderer.

[Host Yi-siang]
Plus, let me tell you,

[Guest Jhong Ruei-chi]
as soon as the case

exceeds the prosecution deadline,

you can't do anything about that man

even if he walks out in broad daylight.

[Host Yi-siang]
Does that mean there weren't

any witnesses at the time

[Guest Tang-niu]
That witness only saw him

run out of the house in a hurry.

That's not enough to convict him.

Plus, let me tell you.

The most spooky thing is,

the entire house

was filled with his bloody footprints.

But the problem is, they can't find

any of his fingerprints

on the murder weapon, that vase.


I heard this Dharma Master

once visited this residence at night.

Did the victims say anything to you?

[Dharma Master King Kong]

victims can't speak.

It was the spirits who spoke.


the spots I circled with a red pen

are all spirits.

I see them!

It's obvious that this house

is filled with multiple evil spirits.

First of all,

we can see a coffin spirit here.

There's also a chimney spirit in the house.


this house is called

the 'Heavenly Blade Array'.

Something will certainly happen

to people who live here.

[Footage from 1998s]
I live near this place.

[Li's Family Murder Witness's Accounts]
When I was running,

I saw someone rush

out from the Li's residence.

I remembered his face

and reported to the police immediately.

Do you know the Li Family?

Yes, I do.

They are all very nice to me.

We greet each other all the time.

The lady is especially nice to me.

She invited me to have fruits.

I hope the police

can find the murderer.

I still can't believe

something like this could happen.

This is Reporter Jhang Yu-sin

reporting to you at the scene.

[Footage from 1998s]
You claimed to be a witness.

[Li's Family Murder Witness's Accounts]
Did you really witness

the handy man committing the murder?

If you wrongfully accuse someone,

you'll ruin his entire family!

Fang Cheng-wei.

It's time for the one and only

Fang Cheng-wei again.

Today, I'm going to try to cast

the long-lost Maoshan Ghost spell

and see if we can find a few

distinct spirits.

Let's go.

There are a few abandoned tombstones here.

Do you see that?

A very distinct white shadow!

[Contestant No.1 Ghosthunter Youtuber
Fang Cheng-wei]

Hello, Everyone. This is Qiang's Judgement!

We'll go when the foreigner takes action.

Don't leave me!

You're such a bitch!

Let's go!

What are you yelling for?

I see you call her a dirty name!

So what?

No... Don't talk to me anything!

Get out!

Get out!

What are you gonna do?

You push me!

You push me see see!

You push me again!

I pushed you again.

I kiss...

I kiss your asshole!

[Contestant No.2 Infamous Hero
Hao Cheng-chiang]

They said I irresponsible
for covering my face.

Let me ask you,

how responsible are those

who hide behind their keyboards or

conduct animal abuse?

If I'm selected for Bravery Test 72,

I'll take off my mask

and show my responsibility for those

who are only brave enough to type!

[Contestant No.3 Trenchant Blogger
Mina Liou]

You young children these days cannot

imagine how popular we used to be.

When I returned to the hotel one day,

I opened the door and discovered

there was a girl with

long hair hanging upside down

outside my window

and smiling at me.

I thought she might be my fan.

So, I took a bottle of wine

and went over there to greet her.

[Contest No.4 Experienced Singer
Jhong Ruei-chi]

Hello, Everyone. I'm Hua Mei-mei.

What kind of cuisine

will Mei-mei bring today?

It's a sexy carrot dish!

That's right. It's a carrot.

Let's peel it slowly and gently first.

A knife and a carrot.

Cut it gently.

I cut my nail!

[Contestant No. 5 Darling Master Chef Hua
Mei-mei] People call me the Darling Master Chef.

But I'm actually a sexy chef.


I've watched your ever since I was little.

Me too.

But I didn't expect

a big star to be scared so easily.

You don't understand.

It's for the sake of the program effect.

I put on an act.

You're such a good actor, Jhong.

I really though you peed your pants.

Did you notice that

Mina Liou is actually very pretty?

Must I be ugly if I don't show my face?

You're right.

But since you're so pretty,

why won't you show your face?

I'm not an internet celebrity.

I'm a blogger.

Besides, I'm waiting for the right moment.

Sorry, Everyone. Wait a moment.

My flashlight...

Sure, we are actually pretty happy

to see the real you
because of Bravery Test.

I know you are as popular as me.

Do you think there's a chance

we can collaborate?

She doesn't want to collaborate with you.

What about me?



I'm sorry, Everyone.

Because we can't start
the engine right now,

we might need everyone to

walk ahead instead.

Yes, we'll walk down there.

It'll be really quick, just right up ahead.


I'm wearing high heels!

It's pouring outside.

It's pouring outside.

I'm so sorry.

Sorry to trouble you.

Wait for me!

I have a lot of luggage

and I'm wearing high heels!

That's strange.

Why would the car break down here?

It seems like

we're not welcomed here somehow.

Didn't someone talk about

program effects just now?

I was talking to her.

It wasn't a group chat.

Wait a minute.

There are two forks in the road.

Which way should we go?

She just said to go down.

It should be this way.

Let me ask that granny over there.



is this the way to the Li Residence?


Are you sure she's human?


There's no bus running at this hour.

Let's go.

Wait for me!

Wait for me, you guys!

Why is this road getting worse as we go?

It's so cold.

I'm dizzy.

This place is very ghastly.

Are we there yet?

My heels are stuck in mud.

Welcome to this season of Bravery Test 72.

The rules are very simple.

If you can stay

for a full 72 hours in the Li Residence

and complete all instructions of the show,

you can participate in the people's choice.


The person with the highest votes...

can take home one million dollars.

Anyone who leaves the game

halfway will forfeit the prize.

We wish you can all
stay until the last minute.

We hope the bravest one wins.

Where should we put this?

A fist and a half below your chin.

A fist and a half.

[Welcome, Fang Cheng-wei. Room:
Master Bedroom Owner: Li Wang-tsai]

Don't you think it's

psychotic to send an invitation

on behalf of the deceased owner?

This entire show is psychotic.

The audience who wants to see us

scared shitless is even more psychotic.

How can you two say that?

Aren't you two popular because of

those fans?

You came here to increase your popularity.

Please, I'm here for the prize.

Jhong, aren't you a has-been

who wants to regain popularity?

Young girl,

I'm an experienced artist

in the entertainment industry.

Experienced artist?

You internet celebrities are the reason

why I can't get work now.

You're unprofessional and talent-less.

All you know is creating fuzz.

You don't even know how to put on a mic.

Who says we're unprofessional?

Looking pretty requires
professionalism too.

Exactly, Jhong.

You can do that too if you want.

Or, maybe you don't have a hot topic

or any talents.

You youngsters have no manners.

I don't want to talk to you anymore.

It's so declicious.

But I can't eat too much at night.

I'll gain weight. No more eating.

You're going to Hell for
wasting food. Finish it.

You are just as bitchy in person.

Mei-mei, I'll finish it for you.

What about you, Mina Liou?

Why did you participate in this?

Because I don't believe in ghosts.

Don't be so sure! This is a haunted house.

They might hear you.

Have you seen any ghosts?

They will come for you

when you're alone.

I'm terrified of being alone!

Don't leave me!

Your boobs touched me.

You're so bad. Do you like them?

Give me one.

Mei-mei, give me another one.

- Give me another one.
- I don't want to!

- Please...
- No!

Give me.

I'd rather eat a banana. I don't want to.

You can't even compare with a banana.

Shut up.

Eat banana,

good for the body.

Hua Mei-mei is so sexy in person.

I'm so jealous.

Jealous of who?

Hua Mei-mei?


jealous of that banana.

Ren, is Hua Mei-mei your type?

If we describe her as a vegetable,

she'll be a green pepper.

Not many people dare to eat green peppers.

I dare.

My mom says I wasn't a picky eater.

That's why I grew up to be big and strong.

What's the use of being big and strong?

I'm afraid other parts of your body

isn't strong enough.

Don't worry about that.

I, Shrimpy, have a great reputation.

You can go ask anyone.

All staff members know.

Are you kidding?

Anyone who tried it would praise it!

Sorry to bother you.

I'm Fang Cheng-wei.

I'll be here for three days.

I'll leave after that.

Boys and girls,

please bear with me.

I'm tossing salt and rice.

Please excuse me. Watch out.

Watch out, watch out.

Hello, Everyone. I'm Hua Mei-mei!

Do you know where Mei-mei is right now?

Mei-mei is at the most popular

Li's Haunted House.

Is it scary?

Of course it's scary!

Do you want to protect Mei-mei?

That's nice! Thank you.

Amitabha, Amitabha.

Please, please, don't give

us any instructions tonight.

Let me have a good night sleep.

Please, please.

[Starting Time: 0:00 Midnight
of February 22nd, 2018.]

[Welcome, Jhong Ruei-chi Room: Storage Room
Owner: Li Wang-tsai]


you know I have a hard time

getting work lately.

Everyone wants to see young men now.

I'm having financial troubles lately.

I was thinking your Bravery Test 72

is a pretty good show.

Can you make arrangements for me?

But I've already decided

to let the netizens vote.

That's even better.

It's easier to make arrangements.

I can open a spot for you.

But you have to show me results.

No problem.

Just tell me what you want to see,

and I can do whatever you want.


listen carefully.

72 hours will pass really fast.

It's okay.

What the hell is that?

It's just creepy!

But it's alright.

Me and and my bestie

Masked Blogger Mina Liou!



Ghosts don't exist.

Ghosts don't exist.

In fact, Mina Liou

isn't wearing a mask this time.

When she takes off her mask,

she's actually really...

Mina looks really beautiful!

I really like her!

- You're the ugly one.
- We walked all day!

My legs are so sore

from walking all day!

[Hang up children's clothing.]
Thank you for the present!

[Night Tour of the Haunted House]


[Pee in the first floor bathroom.]

Damn it!

[Fang Cheng-wei looks so handsome today.]
This place is super eerie.

[I'm have a Sixth Sense too.]
There's a sense of

[I'm cold too!]
coldness lingering in the air.

[Give the Team Leader a hug.]
It's chilling, you know?

When I passed by the stairs,

I felt dizzy all of a sudden.

There must be a hidden interference here.

This place is so eerie.

Can you feel that?

Although there's fire here... Look!

Do you see that?

A deer head!

No normal person

[The deer head is disgusting!]
would keep a deer head at home.

[The owner is so strange.]
That's so weird.

[Was there a shadowy figure just now?]

[Did the ghosts come out?]
do you see that?

It's freezing here.

We're still so cold

even with the fireplace lit.

This is a disturbance
in the magnetic field.

What are you doing?

Carrying out my mission.

This is the famous

Mina Liou.

Introduce yourself to everyone, Mina Liou.

[Hi, Mina.]
[Is Mina going to marry the Team Leader?]

Introduce yourself, please.

How old are you?

Do you have a boyfriend?

Did you all see that?

She's so dominating.

That's a true goddess!

Mina Liou, please tell everyone

what it feels like to step on a cockroach.

Did you hear that?

Hear what?

I can't pee.

Please pee.

Don't shrink so much.

♪ Marry and her merry doll ♪

♪ everywhere that Mary went ♪

Open the door!

Open the door now!

Hurry, open the door!

Open the door!

♪ She would bring her along ♪

♪ her little doll ♪

Hua Mei-mei,

what are you doing here?

The instruction I got is

to sing on the swing.

Then what are you crying for?

You're such a terrible singer.

We should be the ones crying.

I heard a little girl

singing along.

I only heard your voice.

Hua Mei-mei,

you look so ugly now.

I can't help myself from filming you.

Let me introduce her to everyone.

She's Hua Mei-mei.

[Hua Mei-mei is such a bad singer!]
The way she looks right now,

[Her voice is terrible.]
I'm telling you, this is worth big bucks!

[Mei-mei seems more like a ghost.]
You're welcome to take screenshots.

[I want a photo of her too.] Put it
at your door to exorcise evil spirits.

Put it in the bathroom to remove odor.

Put it by your bed

for birth control.

Hua Mei-mei, say 'hi' to everyone!

[Team Leader is hilarious.]
Remember to send me a gift!

I'm Hua Mei-mei!

[What happened? What's that noise?]

Did you make that noise?


I came out when I heard the noise.

What's on the ground?


What is this?

Open the door for me!

Let go! I'll open it!

Hao Cheng-chiang, who
are you trying to scare?


Watch out!


Look at that I-I-line...

Hao Cheng-chiang, you have bloody urine?

Damn you, you're the impotent one!

I didn't pee yet!

It's that thing!

Are those bloody footprints?

Bloody foot prints!

These are really bloody footprints!

No, that's...

Seeing ghosts on our first day...

So much blood!

No, no,

look at this.

This is real blood. It really smells.

There's a little girl here.

Little girl, line...

Look at this!

The bloody footprints are all gone!

They did!

I want to go back to my room!

It's really late now.

Let's go to our rooms and sleep.

We'll deal with it tomorrow.

So annoying.

That blood really smelled.

Did you use chicken or pig blood?

I used my girlfriend's menstrual blood.

You're so disgusting!

Just kidding.


will Mei-mei be sleepless tonight

and cry in bed tonight

after we scared her like that?

I really want to go comfort her in bed.

Why are you here?

Why are you still alive?




Stop sleeping in.

Wake up!

It's time for breakfast.

Wake up!

Wake up for breakf...

Rise and shine!

Wake up for breakfast.

I want my eggs to be runny.

You think I'm a restaurant?

Go make it yourself.

Why are we eating bacon?

I don't want to gain weight.

You're fat enough as it is.

No she's not.

Mei-mei is in perfect shape,

just right for me.

Don't eat the bacon. Eat me.

Or, I'll eat you.

I'll eat bacon instead.

You can't even compare with a pig.


This breakfast is really

ordinary and boring.

That's the budget of the show.

Don't eat it then.

Don't eat the breakfast then.

Drink my milk.

That's not enough.

Mina Liou,

come eat breakfast.

Oh, please.

The fried egg...

it tastes horrible like this.

You're the only one who want it runny.

Everyone else like it fully cooked.

Isn't that right, Mina?

Mina Liou,

what's wrong?

If this family is still alive,

they are probably eating
an ordinary breakfast now.

The newest reality show Bravery Test 72

has been widely popular since it aired.

Besides having heated discussions

about the authenticity of the show.

Netizens are also

making a lot of assumptions about

the brutally murder case in the past.

Setting the authenticity

of the show aside,

Bravery Test 72 has already set off

a wave of discussion throughout Taiwan.

Have you seen the comments on the internet?

They've caused a network paralysis.

I've seen them all.

Help me out, Mam.

The boss is already paying attention to it.

Enough is enough, okay?


no reality show has ever

received over one million CTR

within such a short time.

If you just let me do it

and let the topic escalate,

the CTR rate will surely continue to rise.

It won't be bad for me,

for you, or for our TV station.

Why must you choose the Li Residence?

What's your purpose?

I don't understand what you mean.

You were a trainee reporter

for the case at the time.

After that, you disappeared.

Now that the prosecution
deadline is coming up,

are you trying to put an end

to this matter

or make use of what left of it?

It's true for both.

I didn't believe it when people said

you're coldblooded at first.

I've been working in the
industry for so many years.

You're the first person who dares to

make a hype about the deceased.

Aren't you afraid of
hatred from the family?

Very gutsy.

Continue with what you're doing then.

But let me remind you,

the TV station has a bottom line.

I have my bottom line too.

Go on now.

Thank you, Sir.

Behave yourself.

Why did you commit the murder?

There was no evidence
found after days of searching.

Did you find any evidence by taking

the suspect back to the crime scene?

Sorry, we can't reveal any details.

Wait a minute!

The suspect named Zeng who's accused of

murdering Li Wang-tsai and his daughter

is currently at the crime scene.

What we want to ask is,

how much more evidence do we need

to convict the criminal

and serve justice to the victims?

Why did you change my news report?

Trainee Reporter Tang,

I'm sorry to change your work

without your approval.

I'm so sorry, please forgive me.

The suspect's fingerprints do not match

the fingerprints on the key evidence.

Although he's guilty of theft,

there's no evidence to
convict him of murder.

How can you make him a murderer?

A witness saw him

escape the crime scene in panic.

He has the lady of the house

Lin Siou-chin's DNA in his fingertips.

The reason why he wasn't
convicted today was because

they haven't found the decisive evidence.

Isn't that what everyone thinks?

Sir, we're not the police or the judge,

we have to report it honestly

instead of following the public opinion.

That's not fair to the party involved.

We should do

what everyone wants us to do.

What's the point of
offending our consumers?

Why are you so upset?

Sir, listen to me...


our ratings shot up yesterday.


They interviewed the Handyman's ex-wife.

The Handyman?

Relay my words,

I'll give whoever manages to find

relative of the Handyman,

a raise,

a huge raise!

Go, go!

Eat shit.

If you can raise our ratiings,

I'll eat your shit.

Who is it?

Hang on!

I'll call for help!

Fang Cheng-wei!

Fang Cheng-wei!

Jhong, are you crazy?

You don't have to kill yourself!

Who are you calling crazy?

I just got the instructions.

Someone asked me to
come change the light bulb.


Someone pushed me down!

This is murder!

Hurry, go find someone to help me!

I can't hang on much longer!

Me neither!

Fang Cheng-wei!



You said you looked out the window

and no one was there.

I was on the first floor.

I couldn't see even if
someone really pushed him.

What were you doing?

I was live-streaming.

My fans can testify that.

I was taking a shower.

I saw that.


I can testify to that.

What about you?

I was on the roof,

being in a daze.

In a daze?

Alright, I believe you didn't do it.

But if you want to do a prank,

don't do a prank like this in the future.

It's really dangerous.

Are you going to quit?

I didn't want to talk about this

in front of everyone.

You were live-streaming
and you told your fans

that I was just acting.

That crossed the line.

Why were you eavesdropping on me?

Are you my fan too?

Besides, Jhong,

do I have to

make such a great effort to scare you?

Jump off from the stairs,

that's so uncreative.

What do you mean make a great effort?

You're such a coward.

Is it necessary to push you off?

Come to think of it,

Jhong, you wanted to

make some effects for the show

and pretended someone wants to push you.

But you had poor techniques and failed.

Jhong, if I didn't hold up you...

Wouldn't you turn from a has-been star

to a passed away star?


You're high-fiving each other?

A human life is at stake.

I'm a human being after all!

Why don't you quit?

There won't be news about you

even if you die anyway.

Fang Cheng-wei, you've gone too far.

That's because I heard him talking with

Tang Kuan-kuan on the phone.

He's the inside man on the show.

He's here to deliberately scare us.

Jhong, you...

That's such a dirty move!

I heard Jhong talking on the phone too.

He said Fang Cheng-wei
is too hard to handle.

So, he's going to start with me first.

Are you really going to that to me?


You dress like that every day.

All men wants to do something to you.

You... you...


Who turned off the lights?

How did it get dark all of a sudden?

Are you guys there?

Are you guys there?


did you see someone just now?

Mina, did you see that?

Someone was standing right there.

Please, come play with me.

Mei-mei, where are you going?

Hao Cheng-chiang!

My shoulder, my shoulder!

Call an ambulance.

Okay, okay.

No, no.

I'll just bear with it.

It's only two days.

I don't want to quit like this.

Don't be like that.

What if you have a bone fracture?

You're going to get muscular necrosis.

What if you have to amputate it?

You're an internet celebrity.

Do you really need the money?

You don't understand.

My mom is lying in the hospital now.

I need this money

to pay for her operation and treatment.

My channel isn't earning a lot of money.


just give me some painkillers.

I'll go see a doctor when we finish.

What just happened?

A pair of hands

reached out from the stairs

and grabbed my foot.

I lost balance and fell down.

Sorry, it's probably because we

didn't our wires smoothly.

That's why you fell.

That's right. The wires.


There really was a pair
of hands grabbing my foot!


Besides, I saw...

What did you see?

I saw a man holding

a little girl's hand as they

looked at me on top of the stairs.

Yes, that's what I just saw.

That's why I ran out.

Shrimpy, let's go organize the wires

and fix the circuit

to prevent any more accidents.

[View Count: 31310] [It's incredible!
It's totally like The Conjuring!]

[The ghosts must want to chase them out!]

[Their acting is so fake! I
refuse to watch it.] [It's so scary~]

[The prosecution deadline is approaching.]
[The ghosts' psychokinetics are exploding.]

[I'm scared but I won't tell.]
[Shit! Who are they trying to scare?]

What an old trick.

Are they playing 'Phone Call from Hell'?

[Everyone assemble at the livingroom]
What is that?

The 'Phone Call from Hell'?

Haven't you played it before?

Rumor says if you dial twelve 4s

on 04:44 am,

a Hell's messenger will answer the phone.

Have you ever made it through?

I called it when I was little.

It went through.

He said,

'The number you dialed does not exist,

please check it and dial later. '

- Lame.
- That's so lame.


You're not afraid?

Why don't we try making

a phone call to Hell in the haunted house

to see if we can actually connect to Hell?

Dial it then.

This phone really looks

like it's from twenty years ago.

Ignore him.

He's just gaslighting us.

The number you dialed is empty.



Stop gaslighting.

Jhong, answer it.

It's fine. It's fine.

It's fake. It's fake.

Hello? Is this the police station?

Someone broke into my house.

This is No. 724th Alley, Twilight District.

I'm Li Wang-tsai.

Fang Cheng-wei, check it out.

Check it out.

It's fine.

The show probably did it.


must you go into such an extreme?

It's enough that Hao
Cheng-chiang broke his arm.

Now you're trying to scare us with

Li Wang-tsai's emergency call?

What are you talking about?

After they discovered you're my inside man,

I stopped giving any instructions.

The message.

I'll confess.

I admit to everything

you said before.

I admit to colluding
with Tang Kuan-kuan too.

So it was you after all.

Alright, alright.

I did the bloody footprints
and the bloody urine.

I fell from the balcony on purpose

to get more footage.

Th-that phone call...

It really wasn't me.

I just asked Tang Kuan-kuan

and she said it wasn't them either.

How is that possible?

Check it out yourself.

The message on the phone is gone.

So, what was that about?



prepare for the next stage.

There's a lot pot on the table

with identities and events inside.

Everyone, please prepare the character

and plot you drew for the act.

What identity?

What are we acting now?

I want everyone to do reenactment

on the scenarios of this murder case.

Damn it!

That's too much.

The production team is psychotic.

I refuse.

If you refuse, you are forfeiting the game.

They scared me anyway.

Let me win.

The Handyman.

The Taiwanese Handyman?

That role suits you well.

I'm the daughter,

Li Chian-nuo.

I'm the father, Li Wang-tsai.

The witness.

I'm the mother, Lin Siou-chin.


I want to play the piano.

Play the piano with me.

Hurry, hurry.

I want to pay the piano.

♪ Marry and her merry doll ♪

[Viewer Count: 83013]
[Fang Cheng-wei is so adorable!]

[What are you saying up
there? He's handsome!]

[I want to learn the piano too. Teach me,

[Piano players look so manly.]
[Mina and Cheng-wei look so right for each other!]

[The song Mary and her Merry Doll is spooky!]
Teach me, I don't know how to play it.

[Viewer Count: 88356]
[Wow, Mina plays better than Fang Cheng-Wei!]

[Mina plays better!] [Good job, Mina.]

[Mina practiced it before.]
[Cheng-wei keeps looking lovingly at Mina.]

[Be together. Be together.]
[Fang Cheng-wei is mine.]

[Fang Cheng-wei is stupefied.]
[Look at me, Cheng-wei. I play the piano too.]

Mrs. Li,

it's all been fixed.

I'll go get the money.

Hand it over.

Hand what over?

I saw you put it in your
pocket. Hand it over.

Don't just falsely accuse someone.

So what if you're rich?

I have rights too.


why is there a scoundrel in our house?

Play your piano.

Get out of our house.

Get out!

- Why are you attacking me?
- Get out of our house!

Why are you attacking me?

It's just an act.

Must you take it so seriously?

You don't understand.

It's called getting into character.

Go away.

Go lie in the bathroom.

What exactly did you do? Say it!

What exactly did you do?

Say it!

Tell me! Why did you do this?

What exactly did you do?

What did you do?

Why did you do this?

Must I have a reason to steal and kill?

[Viewer Count: 163434]
Are you done yet?

[They are fighting!]

[Isn't it supposed to be a horror film?
Why is it an action film now?]

[Mina Liou is doing such a nice job!]
[Jhong Ruei-chi really look like a vicious murderer.]

Happy 7th Anniversary!

Alright, calm down.

Calm down! Calm down!

What are you doing?

What's wrong with you?

What's wrong with me?

She's the one with the problem.

She was the only one

who survived the murder.

After that, she went missing.

I think she

had an affair and

killed her husband with the adulterer!

The murderer is Lin Siou-chin!

Don't blab your mouth when
you don't know anything!

Taking advantage of the deceased

won't make you better.

You bastard!

How did you know the conflict

started from the Handyman
stealing the watch?

The news didn't report it.

I have my sources.

I'll tell you a secret.

But you can't tell anyone.


I've been possessed by ghosts

so many times when I
explored haunted houses.

I faked it

most of the time.

Ghosts wouldn't just

possess you for no reason all the time.


I really thought

something's really there

around me at the time.

It could be resentment,



or reluctance.

Later on, I discovered

that the ones who suffer

the most aren't the deceased

but the ones who survived.

Those who are alive but aren't loved

or have the ability to love someone else.

It's their pain that

attracted more

things of the same frequency.


the more I understand the story behind it,

the more I can

sense something in there.

Their pain

became my pain.

Sometimes, I think

I became one of the

wraith ghosts in that house.

Who are you?

If you're just a normal contestant,

you shouldn't be so emotional.

When we did the reenactment,

your eyes were full of anger

as if you turned into another person.

Why did you come to this show?

What's your purpose?

I'm Lin Pei-jyun,

Lin Siou-chin's daughter.

Do you still feel uncomfortable?


are you okay?


please wait a second.

I'll ask to doctor to come see you.

She didn't remember anything.

She forgot who she was

and where she came from.

She had nightmares everyday

about whether she killed someone.

Who was in her dream?

She can't tell from reality or her dreams.

But when she woke,

she would forget everything again.

Miss, are you hungry?

It's okay if you don't have money.

Come in. Come in.

Come on inside.

The owner gave her a bowl of noodles

and a job.

She tried really hard to do a good job

and made sure every bowl was clean.

Until one day,

she discovered that she was pregnant.

According to the results on the report,

you're already 13 weeks pregnant.

I recommend that you rest well.

This is your ultrasound picture.

She didn't know how she got pregnant.

But she decided to keep the baby.

If she didn't make that decision,

I wouldn't exist now.

Mommy, I'm tired.

Hang on. We'll be home soon.

♪ She would bring along her little doll ♪

Why are you still alive?

Why you?

Why you?

Why are you still alive?

Mommy, did I play well?


The doctor said

she might have PTSD

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!

To protect herself,

she chose to forget
those horrible memories.

Until one day,

her memories came back.

The Li's Family Murder shocked society.

At the time of the crime,

the man of the house, Li Wang-tsai

and his daughter Li Chian-nuo

were brutally murdered by the criminal.

His wife is still

mysteriously missing and we cannot

be sure whether she's still alive.



She remembered everything.

But she couldn't handle it.

So, she left me a suicide note

and told me the whole truth.

I'm the child of the murderer and rapist.

What are they talking about?

They are falling in love.

Where's the sound?

Tell them to turn on their mics.

Take care of it now!


I'll go.

It's better to let them be alone.

I found this under the piano.

Do you want to listen?

♪ Mary and her merry doll ♪

♪ Everywhere that Mary went ♪

♪ she would bring along ♪

♪ her little doll ♪

That's great!


Will Daddy like it?

Of course.

Daddy like anything

Nuo-nuo plays.

Play it again.

Mrs. Li, your water heater has been fixed.

It'll be 500.

Okay, wait a minute.

You're such a good girl.

Mrs. Li, your home is
very nicely furnished.

Give the watch back to me.

What watch?

The one you just put in your pocket.

I didn't.

I saw you do it.

Ms. Li,

don't do that!

Mrs. Li!

I'm sorry, Mrs. Li!

Are you okay, Mrs. Li?

- Mommy!
- Mrs. Li!

Get out!

Mrs. Li!

You bad man!

You bad man!

Mrs. Li!

You bad man!

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!


Mommy, are you okay?

Mommy! Someone help my Mommy!


Mina, what happened?

Did Fang Cheng-wei bully you?

Alright, it's okay.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

It's okay.



I want to play Mary and Her Merry Doll.

Help me record it.

♪ Mary and her merry doll ♪

♪ Everywhere that Mary went ♪

♪ she would bring along ♪

♪ her little doll ♪

Mommy, did I play well?

Really? Will Daddy like it?

He doesn't know how to play it, right?


[Viewer Count: 321901]
Someone help my Mommy!

[Is Fang Cheng-wei addicted to
Cosplay now?] Help my Mommy!

[Who is he talking to?]
Someone help my Mommy!

- What are you doing, Fang Cheng-wei?
- Someone help my Mommy!


Go away!

Go away!

Go away!

Go away!

Go away! Go away!

Fang Cheng-wei!

Fang Cheng-wei!

The phone!

Hello, this is the Li Residence.

I'm Li Chian-nuo.

Where are you calling from?

This is way too much!

You scared the crap out of me!

What happened?

Why are you all here?

Mina, your hand!

Your hand! A child's fingerprints!

What the hell!

The monitors blacked out.

Ren, we lost the picture.

Take care of it on set.


We still don't have sound yet?

No, not right here.


did you cause

this blackout deliberately?

[Viewer Count: 396636]
[It's at the critical moment!]

[They blackout every time Mei-mei screams.]
[Is it a perverted ghost?]

[Thanks for seafood! Praise for seafood.]
[I'm so scared.]

[Continue with the live-streaming.]
[Justice for the little girl!]

[Are there any gossip on the Handyman?]
[Is this foul play from the TV station?]

You're finally awake.

You slept through the whole day.

I'll get some water for you.


Keep listening.

I don't want to.

Trust me. Keep listening.

Lin Pei-jyun,

what are you planning to do?

We already found the key evidence

to solve the crime.

We already notified the police.

They are on their way here.

The reason why the police
didn't crack the case at the time

was because they went
down a wrong direction.

The Handyman only stole
and didn't commit the murder.

The real murderer was someone else.

Do you know the Li family?

Yes, I do.

They are all very nice to me.

'Someone brought oranges to us recently.

They are really sweet and tasty.'

The lady is especially

nice to me.

She invited me to have fruits.

Thank you.

- Bye.
- I really wish the police

can catch the murderer soon.

The latest news that we're
bringing to your attention is,

there's a new light breaking upon

the lingering Li's family Murder Case.

Thank you, Department Director.

I'm the one who told Tang Kuan-kuan

to follow this case no matter what.

What did you say?

We get credit for cracking the case?

You flatter me.

The police are already on their way

after receiving the information.

Excuse me,

we're going to collect the wires.

Is this over?

Who wins

between us?

Is that important?

Just let us take that for safekeeping.

That's okay.

But these kinds of
old-fashioned cassette players

are hard to repair if it breaks.

That's alright. Just show him.

It got a bit stuck when we played it.

The police are about to arrive.

What are you doing?

Ren, what are you doing?


So it was you.

Excuse me.

May I ask if there anyone around here

who can help us set up utilities?

I can do it.

I live nearby.

I'm very familiar with the area.

The lady is especially nice to me.

She invited me to have some fruits.

Someone brought some oranges for us lately.

It's really sweet. Try some.

Thank you.



Kuan, do we need to continue? If...


Pull out the cassette!

Stay back!

- Stay back!
- Okay, Ren.

[The killer is here after all.]
Let go of Mina!

[The murderer looks psychotic!]
[Help Mina!]

[Where are the police?]
You think you can run?

What is the point of running?

I'll only be convicted of obstructing

personal liberty and be
released in a few years.

By then, the prosecution time will be over

and the evidence will be destroyed.

Are you sure the evidence
has been destroyed?


Somone help my Mommy!


I just need to lie down for a while.

Mommy! Someone help my Mommy!

Ren, Ren!

Please help my Mommy!

Chian-nuo, be a good girl.

I'm afraid the bad man
will come back for you.

Go hide in your room

and I'll take care of Mommy.

What are you going to do?

Don't be nervous, Mrs. Li.

I know you like me.

You're just too shy to tell me.

It's okay. I've liked you for a while too.

No, I don't.

Don't say that!

You Psycho!

Let go of my Mommy!

Let go of my Mommy!

Chian-nuo! Chian-nuo!

Happy 7th Anniversary!

What are you doing?


Hello? Is this the police station?

Someone broke into my house.

This is No.724th Alley, Twilight District.

I'm Li Wang-tsai.


♪ Mary and her merry doll ♪

♪ She would bring along ♪

♪ her little doll ♪

♪ People met them everywhere ♪

♪ Mary and her merry doll ♪

Siou-Chin, I found you.

Open the door.

Open the door now.

Open the door!

Open the door!

Mrs. Li,

I'm so sorry about that.

Mrs. Li, are you home?

Sir, Sir!

Confess your crime!

I didn't do anything wrong!

It was you guys

who broke Siou-Chin and I part.

We were in love.

You are a rapist!



We were truly in love.

You haven't seen the way she looked at me.

She was smiling.

And she gave me her bra...

and underwear.

She loved me.

She loved me.

She loved me.

Stay away!

Back up!


Mina! Mina!


Lin Pei-jyun, no!

I will avenge my mother!

If your mom wanted a revenge,

she would've done it already!

She did that to protect you!

If it wasn't for you,

a nice family wouldn't be destroyed!

It it wasn't for you,

I won't be the child of a bastard like you!

Let me go!

Let me go!

Let me go!

You're not someone's child!

You're Lin Pei-jyun!

You have your own life!

You have me!

I'll be by your side!

I'll be by your side.

Eat your favorite marinated egg first.

That's too big of a bite.

I love you, Mommy!

I love you too.

I'm sorry.

It's okay now.

It's okay.

[New Other Boundaries]
Possessed by a ghost tonight!

[New Other Boundaries]
Welcome to the New Other Boundaries

[Host Jhong Ruei-chi]
I'm Jhong Ruei-chi.

[Host Hua Mei-mei]
I'm Hua Mei-mei.

[Host Hao Cheng-chiang]
I'm Hao Cheng-chiang.

Since we are super popular now

and the entire internet
is talking about us,

they are hoping we can do show.

That's why we have a new show together.


you're blocking my beautiful legs.

They are doing really well.

Your side dish is here.

Thank you.

Here, marinated egg.

Let me try it.

They have really good marinated eggs here.

I don't want to be a reporter anymore.

I want to find a job after I quit school

so you don't have to work so hard anymore.


you will do great things in the future.

Study well

and work hard on your trainee job.

I'll figure out

the money problem.

Come on, get ready.


Don't put on a long face.

Come on. Say 'cheese'.


Ms. Kuan, why didn't
you turn on the lights?

Nice work, Everyone.

The meeting for the new season of

Bravery Test 72 begins now.

♫ Love burns like a candle ♫

♫ only one second left ♫

♫ If I hold on ♫

♫ Will it be a happy ending ♫

♫ I envy those who are blessed by God ♫

♫ Under your protection ♫

♫ I will always know what love feels like ♫

♫ Love is not the only destination ♫

♫ No amount of love can offset the pain ♫

♫ No amount of love is worth a smile ♫

♫ I promise you I will survive ♫

♫ I will dry my tears and
forget all my troubles ♫

♫ Forgiveness helps us
understand the beauty of life ♫

♫ Everything will be alright tomorrow ♫