Nezvaný host (1969) - full transcript

A run-of-the-mill family is terrorized by strangers dressed in military garb who invade their private realm. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
The Film and TV Faculty
of the Academy of Arts

Presents a third year exercise



Head of Production Production

Director of Photography

Concept, screenplay,
and Director

Supervising Professors

Produced by FAMU Studio

I love you.

I've never loved anyone
like this.

Your pyjamas are inside out.

I won't fancy you.

I'll leave them like this.
It could bring us good luck.

Maybe something nice
will come true.

- Turn off the light, darling.
- Mmm.

I forgot to take my socks off.

It doesn't matter.

I can't live without you.

I will never leave you.

You make me feel so good.


- Wait, do you hear that?
- Don't worry about it.

Someone's banging on the door.
They'll wake the whole block!

It's probably my mum.
Or some drunkard.

- I'll take a look.
- Don't you go anywhere!

But then we'll never have
any peace, darling.

I'll be right back.
No one will disturb us then.

I'll be waiting for you.

- Hello.
- What do you want?

- I'm sorry, Sir, but that's...
- Is there someone else here?

- I beg your pardon!
- Shut up and turn the light on.

I just don't understand
what you're doing here.

Who is it?

I don't know why,
but I have dandruff all the time.

You don't need to be scared
of me.

What do you want?

We don't know you at all.
Where are you from?

Where I'm from...
You'd better not ask.

You have a pretty wife.

You can't stay here.

What are you talking about?

We all have to obey the rules,
and so will you.

I don't want to hear
any more of that.

- You really can't stay here, can he?
- No, no...

Will you stop it already?

Haven't I made it clear enough?

They sent me here,
so here I have to be.

I'll be like your brother, or friend.
Is that not enough for you?

- We'll sort it out somehow.
- But this can't be true.

I must be dreaming.

- I'll file a complaint.
- We want to be alone.

I'm scared.

When he's watching us.

Why are they treating me like this,

and I'm so good with people.

I know what people are like.
I know it very well.

I can... and I know what's what.

Do something!
He can't stay here.

I'll go get help. I'll call
the police from next door.

- You can't leave me here with...
- Leave... I'll leave the door open.

If something happens, shout.
I'll hear you.

I need help.

Right now.
In my flat...

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
I didn't know you had a guest too.

You too?

- Do you want some?
- No, thanks. I'm not hungry.

He'll break our furniture.

The insurance company
will cover that.

It's important not to provoke him.

Go ahead.

Lie down.

Just behave as if I wasn't here.
Damn it, in front of me.

This is the way things are nowadays,
you have to understand.

The one next door, your neighbour,
he's got a terrible bastard.

A different number
and you'd have had him here.

You'd have seen
what discipline means.

But I like to get on with everyone.

You see,
life is no walk in the park.

- Do you smoke?
- No, thank you.

I'd roll one for you.

If you mind the smoke,
I can open the window.

- Some people can't stand it.
- Smoke away.

And where will you sleep?

Don't worry about that.
I can sleep anywhere.

He won't sleep with us, will he?

Hey, you, come here.

I'll show...
But you're not supposed to know.

Damn it,
you're not supposed to know.

I'll show you... something,
but... you're not supposed to know.

But I trust you.
But you're not supposed to know.

- What do you think?
- What am I not supposed to know?

Damn it, the phone!
A connection, right?

But you're not supposed to know.

I also have a phone
in my office.

Stop kidding around.
You're not supposed to know.

Hello, this is position fifteen.
Can you hear me?

Position fifteen here.

I'm in place
and everything is all right.

End of report.


I've had enough.

Don't speak so loud,
he'll wake up.

You aren't lying next to him,
he snores like that all night.

What do you want to do?
You know they're everywhere.

If you loved me,
you'd do something.

I won't stay here.

Neither with him, nor with you.

We have this custom.

We welcome our friends
with bread and salt.

If you don't mind.
Hand me the salt.

Good you woke me up.
I need to report.

I don't know what got into me.

I couldn't hurt anyone.
I'm not the right type for that.

They're not answering.

Damn, this could be bad.

For all of us.

Stupid technology.

I'll look at it if I may.

I studied at a technical school,
I can repair any fuse.

Do you know what you're doing?

- Of course, a loose wire.
- I thought so.

It should work now.

As if I wasn't here.

The times are bad.
I'm glad you're getting used to it.

You're like our friend.

Hey, no friendly terms.
No friendly terms.

Someone could hear us...
Better there's no friendly terms.

- I'll turn the light off.
- I love you.

I've never loved anyone
like this.

Hello, this is position fifteen.
Can you hear me?

No change here.

End of report.

Your pyjamas are inside out.

I won't fancy you.

I have dandruff all the time.
I don't know why.

- I forgot to take my socks off.
- It doesn't matter, you...

I'll go to bed too.

I'll lie on the edge tonight.

And I snore.

I can't live without you.
I'll never leave you.

You make me feel so good.

Hey, no friendly terms.
It's better if no friendly terms.

Turn the light off, darling.

I know it's hard, but there's
no point in talking about it.

It's hard,
we have to get used to it.

I think I'll kill myself.

Life has lost its meaning.

Nothing lasts forever,
we have to stick it out.

He'll be the end of me.

My wife and I don't have
a moment's peace. He beats us.

She's even worse off than me.
You know what I mean.

What about yours?

- Are we complaining?
- I need to go.

I'm sorry.
Come round some time.

You didn't take off
your shoes again.

Where is he?

He went to get something.

He wants to surprise us.

He'll be back any minute.

The neighbour was complaining
about his guy.

You don't know how good we have it.

They're going through hell.
Not us.

That's him.

We need to give him a key.

What are you staring at?
As if you didn't know me.

Let's exercise.

So that you remember
for next time.


Get going!


I'll teach you.

Something must have
happened to him.

He was careless.

- What will become of us?
- I can't do this any longer.

Don't talk. Exercise!

Do you want a bit?

What are you doing here?

Stop messing around.

You got the wrong floor,
you moron.

I keep telling them they should
put the older ones on lower floors.

You do get some great grub.

Where I live...

I'll show them.

Go, go, they don't like you.

Stop fooling...

We were worried about you.

We don't know
what we'd do without you.

Hey, don't get offended, but...
Better no friendly terms.

You know how it is.
Better no friendly terms.

Sorry... Sorry.

For you.

For you.

For everyone.

I don't want to walk
around in wellingtons.

I want to feel at home here.

We always wanted someone
to live here with us.

We've always wanted
to have a son.

But now we don't need to.

- We love you so much.
- And I you, me too,

but as I said, better no friendly
terms, no friendly terms!

Don't forget to report.

Stand in for me tonight.

Can I?

I can.

This is position fifteen.
Position fifteen.

Everything is all right.

End of report.