Next Exit (2022) - full transcript

When a research scientist makes national news proving she can track people into the afterlife, Rose sees a way out and Teddy sees his chance to finally make it. These two strangers, both harboring dark secrets, race to join the do... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

You scared me.

Did you get what I asked for?


Hey, Dad.

I'm gonna beat you.

I'm gonna beat you at this game.

All right. We'll see.

The number
of homicides and suicides

continues to climb
since the release

of the groundbreaking footage
of Reo Nakata

playing cards
with his dead father.

Dr. Stevensen
of the Life Beyond Institute

is live now to address
Congress's motion

to shut her study down.
Let's take a listen.

It is irrefutable.

Our consciousness continues
beyond our physical bodies.

Death is merely a transition

to another existence... we can now see...

...track and record

due to the findings
of my Life Beyond research.

At our institute, we now bridge
dozens of new participants

daily from this world
to the next,

which has led
to astounding breakthroughs.

Soon, we will
be able to comprehend

what was previously
the great unknown.

With countless possibilities
ahead of us,

it is imperative
we continue this research.

Much like many explorers
before us,

we have seen our world expand.

It is now our duty
to discover how far.

Contrary to recent news,
my Life Beyond study,

like all proper
research programs,

is strictly a
volunteer program.

It is a clinical,
not criminal enterprise.

Congress is attempting
to shut us down,

but their efforts only show

how much they fundamentally

the facts of our new reality...

Hey, it's Chad.
I'm here for the TV.

You got the cash?

It works, right?


What do you have to say

about the shootings
taking place?

Everyone needs to calm down.

Congress will sort out
the legislation

- but in the meantime...
- All yours.

...people are adding
to the chaos, all right?

We really need to know more
before any decision.


Hello! This is James

from Dr. Stevensen's
Life Beyond study.

Can you please confirm
your password?

Uh. Yeah. It's,
uh, 35 capital FML.

Just checking to confirm,

you declined your flight
to San Francisco

- and requested a car?
- Yeah.

They told me
that would be okay.

Of course.

I'm sending your car rental
information now.

Pick-up is noon today.

I'll be there.

Everything is in order.

Have your confirmation
QR code when you arrive

- and we'll see you soon.
- Okay, thanks. Bye.

So, are you one of those people?

That must be exciting to...
just let it all go.

I respect that.

Can I do anything else
for you before you go?

Let me help you with the TV.

Hey, I can get that.



Whoa, hey!
Give me back my money!

Just give me the fucking money.

I'm gonna keep
standing out here.


You crazy bitch!

No, I got it.
Noon pick-up. I'll be there.

Great. Thank you.

Fuck yeah, Stanley!

Hey, I'm going to San Francisco.

What? You're one of them??

That's right.

We're here live
in San Francisco.

Crowds have gathered
just outside Dr. Stevensen.

I'm just eating breakfast.
Come in. Come in.

The next round...

What the hell's the dog
doing here?

And they're coming out now.

They're taking their positions.
This is very exciting.

Here's Dr. Stevensen herself.

Killing themselves
over this bull bunk.

They say robberies are down
because the robbers

can't get people to do
what they want anymore.

Like dying isn't dying.

Well, it's... it's been proven,
Milton. It's science now.

But science is supposed
to make ya smarter, not dumber.

Hey, look, Milton, um...

I've got to go.
I've got somewhere to be.

What? I put you
on the team for today.

You said you wanted this gig.
You can't do this.

I'm here for Stanley.
I'm... I'm leaving him to you.

We're so
excited to be here to help see

and support
our brave new participants.

Let's give them
a round of applause.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

It's not the fucking Oscars,

There's nothing to celebrate.

I'm going to San Francisco.


I'm not asking
for permission.

Teddy, you're...
you're young yet.

You don't know how much
you have to look forward to.

Come on.
We both know that's not true.

I mean, did...
did you see that Niko guy on TV?

I saw a bunch of people.

Every station, every newspaper.
Like him. Like me.

I mean, I'm on that list.
This way...

this way, I... I finally have
a shot at something.

You can't really think that.

You're gonna need some
of this for Stanley, all right?

So this is supposed
to be goodbye?

No. No. I'll... I'll come back
and haunt you.

Okay, listen,
they made me the reservation.

I don't understand why
I have to put a credit card down

- if it's already paid for.
- I'm sorry.

- But it's company policy.
- Right.

If you'd like,
I will call corporate

- and triple-check.
- Please. Do it.

I can help you over here, sir.

Hey. Uh, yeah.
I have a car reserved for me

- for a noon pick-up.
- Great.

I just need your credit card
and driver's license.

Yeah. Ah... Here you go.

Perfect. Thank you.

Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
This expires in a week.

I won't be needing
it past then.

You'll need
a valid driver's license

that doesn't expire for two
months in order to rent a car.

That makes no sense.
It's valid for when I need it.

Just so you know, Blossom...

Rose. have to have
a credit card

if you want us
to rent you a car.

This is insane.
This is literally insane.

They made me the reservation.

- Just one second.
- Thanks.

All right?

Are you two together?

- Hey.
- Excuse me?

She should be
so lucky.

It seems the same company
has reserved both your cars.

And they both have
the same destination.

When's your appointment?

- Um, seven days.
- Mine's in five.

You a serial killer?

Yeah, no. No, I say.
No, definitely not.

No. Promise.
Never killed anyone.


Well, maybe
we could help each other.

In killing each other?

Well, uh, no.
Getting to Dr. Stevensen's.

- You're British, huh?
- Innit.

Do you have earbuds?

Awesome. So you, uh,

you want to take the first shift
and then we'll do a swap out?

- You can't drive.
- That's not true.

I can turn the wheel
and everything.

Can even stay
on the right side of the road.

Or is it the left?

I'm just kidding.

We just need to get away
from these rental fuckers.


An adventure, right?

You know
what's at the end of this.

Yeah, everything
I've ever wanted.


It's Blossom, right?

- Rose.
- Ah.

I go by my middle name.

So you prefer Rose or Rosie?


By the way, uh, I'm Teddy.

- That's a pretty name.
- I'm not interested.

Excuse me?
I wasn't offering.

Can you, uh,
crack your window, please?

- It smells like smoke in here.
- Oh, that's actually not me.

Um, I, uh, I... I don't smoke.

Well, uh, I work with
some guys who do, and...

Yeah, when they're not
lifting stuff, they, uh...

they just light up.

So, and I don't see the point
in doing laundry anymore, so.

Oh. Please don't, uh.

- Ah.
- Seventeen missed calls.

Oh, and thanks for the license.

Yeah, I, uh, can't be arsed
with that paperwork shit, so.

Yeah. Um...

so, what do you do?

Did? What... What did you do?

Um, what did you do?
You're a mover?

I actually, uh,
I used to have my own company.

Had a few, actually.
And, uh, you know...


Sometimes you need
the extra cash, right?

Do you want
to put those earbuds on?

Maybe you can
use the Bluetooth.

Hey, look,
there's an article about us.

Human Rights Activist
Maya Cam. Camp-yon.

- Cam... Camp-yon.
- Campion.

Camp-yon... Campion
issued a formal statement

declaring that the right
to die is a civil liberty.

Damn straight.

And who the fuck
are these senators

who are trying to control us?

People who don't believe,
or don't want to believe.

I got you chips.

How can you eat that shit?

What? Is there a better time?

I wonder if cows
get to be ghosts.

- Definitely not.
- How do you know?

Because there'd be
a whole bunch of mad angry cows

haunting the shit outta me.

Ah. Hopefully pigs make the cut.

Oh, it's an insult. I'm the pig.

- It's just a thought.
- Hmm. Hmm.

Just a thought.

Any other thoughts?

Things have changed.

If you have something left
to say to someone who's passed,

we are here for you.

Our three mediums
are standing by...

Hey, someone
really wants to chat.

...deliver your
messages to your

loved ones on the other side.

Ah. The mystery
continues, eh?

- Retrial.
- Where are those earbuds?

I haven't seen them yet.

- Willing driver.
- With no valid license.

- Only on a technicality.
- I'm not taking any risks.

Oh, right, yeah. Me driving.

That's the biggest risk
right now.

Did I tell you I also know
how to use the blinkers?

- King or queen for you folks?
- Two rooms, please.

- The further apart, the better.
- We're trying to conceive.

- Two rooms that we do have...
- Whatever two rooms you have.

Oh, um, if you find me
dead in the morning,

she did it. Yeah.
Be sure to thank her for me.


- 6:00 a.m., you got it?
- Just so I know,

is it gonna be like this
the whole trip?

I need to be in San Francisco
in four days for my appointment.

That requires us
not fucking around. Okay?

Anyway, that's not
what I'm talking about.

What are you
talking about?

You don't have to be
an asshole the whole time.

Excuse me?

You heard.

Let me make something
really clear to you.

We're not buddies.
We're not pals.

We're not
in this together. Okay?


How many people know what
it's like to be us right now?

6:00 a.m., the car leaves.
Be in it or don't.

- Sharp.
- Razor.

Oh, my God! Stop following me.
I don't want to be your friend!



On the sector from Wall Street,

the blue chips fell victim
to a sell-off...

They are so easy...
the first pitch and fouled it

deep back
into the stands behind...

Hi, is this the front desk?

Is there anything good
to do around here?

Hey there,
I don't want this in my house.

Sorry, but my grandmother...

this study is so important.

So let's get to the question

that's on
everyone's mind, I think.

Are you asking people
to end their lives?

I'd say
this is a beginning for some.

why can some people see ghosts?

I still can't! So,
how do you explain that?

Mm-hmm. That's right.

Uh. Some of our participants
have had experiences

with ghosts,
and others haven't.

Uh. What we do know is
that not everyone comes back,

and we have seen
that those who do come back

have a strong connection
to Earth for a reason.

Like... like Niko did
with his young son Reo here?

Exactly. Uh, this is why

the participants
in this controlled study

are so important.

They're ushering us into the
next era of human existence.

These people are among
the bravest and most valiant

men and women
in all of history.

And it all started with

young Reo letting you know
about his father visiting him?

Yeah, that's right. Uh,

our first big breakthrough
began when Reo's mom

saw him playing a card game
that only his father knew.

The strong connection
between Reo and his father

brought them together
and the rest is, well,

history in the making.

Reo, how does it feel to be

a part of such
a world-changing event?

I just want to
see my dad again.


Kid's the biggest thing
in the world and he has no idea.


Come on.


6:00 a.m. sharp.

Hi, how you doing?
Um, I've locked myself out.

Do you mind just helping me?

Yeah. Dying for a piss,
you know.

- Thank you. Cheers.
- All right.


Are you decent?




This is ridiculous.

Uh. Oh, fuck.

Oh, fuck.



- I knocked a lot.
- Can we go?

We're headed South, right?
Avoid the snow?

Oh, God.
I need a Tylenol.

You cool
if we miss New Mexico?

I'm cool
to make sure we get there.

Hmm. I think
I plotted us a good route.

Awesome, let's go take it.

I'm done. Let's go.

I got the keys, asshole.

So you're saying

that this irrational rise
in suicides...

irrational? People are in debt.

Even if they do have
a job that pays,

it's still not enough
to own a home.

They can't support
their families.

If there's no end, why not
consider the other option?

It's easier than getting
Canadian citizenship.


Why are we
gettin' off the highway?


If only there was someone else
who could drive.

Such a shame.

Do you think this means
other things could be real?

Ghosts aren't enough?

Like fairies, or, uh, jackalope.

- That's stupid.
- Why's it stupid?

Because jackalopes aren't even
proper mythological animals.

Just invented
by a bored taxidermist.

I bet you loved
telling other kids at school

- Santa wasn't real either.
- Santa is real.

He's a drunk pedophile
letting little kids

sit on his lap
at the mall every year.

I supposed the tooth fairy
is a crack whore as well.

So what made you want
to volunteer for the doc?

What made you?

- You're good at that.
- Practice makes perfect.

I want my life
to mean something.

You know, to be a pioneer.

To finally have my shot
at making...

Have you practiced that?

You got like an Instagram
handle for the afterlife?

Oh, and your
reason's better, is it?


- You're embarrassed.
- I'm not embarrassed.

Hey, hey. It's okay.

Is it pathetic?
Because mine is.

No family. No kids. No home.

You know, I was gonna come
to the States and make it big

and have this perfect wife,
and travel the world.

I've been here ten years,

and I've never even left
New York State.

And now?
Now, I finally get a chance

to go to California
and be a part of something.

Now that's fuckin'
beautifully pathetic.

- There is no beauty in this.
- What? Why isn't it beautiful?

I mean, it's not just the end,
it's the beginning.

And doing it because
you don't wanna answer

your fucking phone
is more pathetic than mine.

- I lost everyone.
- So? I never even had anyone!

- But I did!
- So?

So why...
why are you doing this?

Because I can't even
kill myself.

I tried. I tried pills,

chased with vodka
and rubbing alcohol.

I was found three days later
in a pool of my own vomit

with half-digested pills

Only thing that happened was
that my landlord yelled at me

for ruining his wood floors.

So fuck 'em.

I need someone to do it
for me because I can't.

All I know is that
this hurts all the time.

And I have tried
to fix it, but...

- Whoa!
- It's not my fault.

- Whoa!
- It's not my fault.

I mean, I... I didn't mean to.
Oh, fuck.

Fuck. I...
it was an accident. I...

It wasn't an accident.

Ye... yes, it was!

No, no, no. You didn't...
No, you didn't mean to.

This has been happening. Look.

What a douche.

I'm supposed to be fixing
my own shit, not other people's!

Well, now I know what he meant
about the wood floors.

Should we call the cops?

"Hey, we just helped
some guy kill himself,

but, uh, we're in a rush,
so can you give us a ride?"


Come here.

- Wait.
- We got to fix the tire.

This will work, yeah?

- Yeah.
- Okay, so get it on there.

Where's the jack?

- Balls!
- Yeah. Big fat hairy balls.

Did you see a garage
as we drove through?

I saw five burger joints.

So we walk or we wait.

What do you think,
dead guy?

Joe. Dead Joe.

I feel like he's more of a Jack.

What do you think, Dead Jack?

Still no service?


Fuck! We have lost two hours.

- We'll be okay.
- Breakfast didn't help.

Neither did sleeping in
or Dead Joe.

- Dead Jack.
- Dead Jack, fine.

You want to walk over there
and see if we get some service?

Do it.

You know of all the ways
I would have killed myself,

I never would have done
what Dead Jack did.

- He could have killed us.
- Missed opportunity.

What does rubbing alcohol
taste like?

When you drank it?

People always say, "That tastes
like rubbing alcohol."

I was just wondering
if they were right.

I was 11 when I first
tried to kill myself.

I tried to overdose
with a bottle of vitamins.

Yeah. It didn't work,

but it did give me the shits
for about a week.

Then about a few years ago,

I jumped off a subway platform,

but I mistimed it so I just
bounced off the subway car.


When I was a kid, I tried to
slit my wrists with paperclips,

but my arm got too tired
so I just gave up.

That's a fucking cliché.

The vodka was warm and cheap.

It all tasted about the same.

- Next time you should try lime.
- Hmm.

Do you see that?

Is that?


- Let me see what I can do.
- Yes.

Thank you. Thank you.

We've, uh...

been calling him Jack.

That's funny.
That's my name.

Poor misguided soul.

Think they'll find a better way.

No shit.

I mean a better way to live.

Well, we're lucky
you came along.

Yeah. Well, I walk
this road twice a day.

We've had to cancel all
but two of our masses this week.

I'd say you're overdue
for a reformation.

It'd be nice to see
the Catholics

do away with a few things.

Like mortal sin,
condemning of birth control,

or the idea
that suicides are damned.

Yeah. Well...

I already got rid
of that one actually.

My little indulgence.

So you're walking this road
every day hoping...

You'll end up finding Damascus?

Uh. What's Damascus?

Saint Paul.

The risen Christ appeared
to him on the road to Damascus,

showed him the light.

Yeah, I guess
it's a little like that.

Scientific discoveries
and religious reformations

don't go hand in hand.

Oh, seems to me that
the two could help each other.

Then why did the Catholic Church
come out against Dr. Stevensen?

Because she is playing God

and hurting people.

She's preying on the vulnerable.
Stealing His gift.

Let me, uh, focus on this
so I can get you going.

All right, we can do this.

- Lift this. Ready?
- Yeah.

Three, two, one.

Jesus fucking Christ!


Okay, okay. It's in.


Don't worry
about the other Jack.

I'll call it in.

Would you hear my confession?




So I guess
he's not done walking.

Uh. Can you look up

how we, uh,
get back to the highway?

Mm. Yeah, straight ahead.
Route 90.

I asked Jack earlier.
Father Jack. Not Dead Jack.


- So you're Catholic.
- Yeah.

I've been confirmed
and everything.


So how many people do you think
breathed a sigh of relief

when they found out they weren't
going to hell for their sins?

Well, I've been
to a bar mitzvah.

I made confession in Italy.

I took a shit in a black cab.

I lit my sister's prom dress
on fire when I was 14.


You would have too,
if you would have seen it.

I kissed my grandma's friend.


- I've been on a yacht.
- Oh. Fancypants.

I crossed the Thames
in an inflatable swan.

No, you didn't.

Yeah, I got arrested
and everything.

Okay. I, uh,

I... I've been to a cockfight.

That is disgusting.

- I've been to a rodeo.
- How is that not disgusting?

I ate our goldfish.

- Like, the family goldfish?
- Apparently, yeah.

I've never been
to a baseball game.

I've been to dozens.

Wow, you really
love baseball.

I hate baseball.
It's the dumbest game ever.

The entire sport is designed to
make everybody else do nothing.

The pitcher tries to throw the
ball so the batter can't hit it.

The batter tries to hit
the ball out of the park

so the catcher can't catch it.

And the basemen guard the bases
so the runners can't run.

It's designed to make everybody
stand around and do fuck-all.

So why'd you go?

'Cause that's what you do.

Okay, hold on. So,

uh, just carry on straight
down the highway.

I do like your British
accent better than Siri's.

I thought you didn't
like the British accent.

But I like the way
you say the directions,

just that.

Continue down
this path for three days.


You can
just change regional.

We can do Indian one as well.

You can.
You can put Indian Siri.

- That's what I want.
- Turn left.

Turn right.

Okay. Never have I ever
robbed a store.

- Really?
- What? You presumed I had?

Why? What gave you
the impression

- that I would have...
- No. You know what?

- ...robbed a store?
- I'm not gonna walk

- into this trap.
- What were you basing that on?

This is a trap.


never have I ever
had sex for money.

No. Really?
Oh, I gotta hear this story.

Fuck, no.

All right. Okay.
I'm going there.


Never have I ever had
an affair of any kind.

Oh, you're bad.

Never have I ever
been caught masturbating.


We used to play this
to pass time on patrol

and, uh, guess
I was just playing along.

Feel for you, brother.

To cheeky wanks.

Okay. Wait, wait.
Okay. Me, me, me.

- All right.

Never have I ever.

Never have I ever.

- Are you with me, brother?
- Are you okay?

- He's okay.
- Here we go.

Never have I ever...

peed my pants.

As an adult, post-high school,
post-high school. Amen.

Yeah. Of course.
Of course it's him.

I thought we was a team.

I fucking knew it.
I knew that was you.

All right. Let's see
what other commandments

we can break.

We've got what?

- Theft?
- Yes.

- Sodomy.
- Sodomy.

- Peeing.
- That's times two.

- Yeah.
- Peeing.

- You.
- Mm.

Never have I ever...

...killed a man.

- To Jack.
- Mm.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- Get the fuck out of here.


- Holy shit.
- Yeah.

Yikes. Yikes.

How many is that?


You shot five men?

Why do you always assume
we Texans are shooting people?

Don't answer that.

It was the sun.

Twenty miles
from the border. Yeah.

It was an accident.

Not that it makes
any difference.

I know this is gonna sound corny

but I always wanted
to serve my country

so I got asked to guard a wall.

Mostly just processing people.

...these two,

their access
is denied, you know.

And we were just
following procedure.

We've denied
this husband, wife access.

And he's pretty mad

but I don't speak Spanish
so I just...

I just showed him
where the nearest exit was.


So the next day,
I'm on patrol. Standard.

We see these two,

and they're making a run for it.

We go after them but...

...they're goin'
the wrong damn way.

And they, uh,

they run
into this shed, all right.

Come up with a plan.

We're just gonna scare 'em.

All right. We slam the door,

you know, bang on the shed,
scream some shit.

We were in the middle
of the desert.

We knew...

they weren't going nowhere.

Next day, we... we head back
to the shed

and, uh,
it was the afternoon by then.

When we slammed the door shut... gets stuck.

So we had to get
a crowbar to open it.

And he's got
his arms wrapped around...

three small kids.

These kids...

their bodies were empty.
Their faces were... melted.

It was 135 degrees inside.

We cooked them.

Can you see them?

Right there.

That lady doctor...

she may be able to see 'em...

He's not okay.

But she ain't got it all right.

They're here to hurt us.

And she's fucking letting 'em.

I know how to solve it.

John, you're cut off,

- time to go.
- Sam.

- What the fuck, man!
- Dammit...

...not again, John!

You're paying for that!

Missed it.

Every freakin' night.

- Come on.
- Where's the gun?

Yeah. Where is the fucking gun?

Where's the gun?

It's right there.


Don't make me ask twice.


Time for you two to keep moving.

Yes, ma'am.

Time to go home.

Give my gun.

No. You get it tomorrow.

Teddy. Hey.

Teddy, let's go back
to the room.

All right.

Let's get you into your room.

That guy was insane.

He's just so scared.

He held them
to the end. That dad.


You know, my dad,

he couldn't even wait
until I could ride a bike.

I was a super-fast learner.

Other foot.

How could he have known
what was wrong with me...

back then?

- You know, it's weird.
- Hmm.

I've never been so close to him.

What do you mean, "close"?

New Mexico.

I always thought I was gonna,

you know, make it big.

Drive west and show him.

You know, I got his address.

Snuck it from
my mom's purse years ago.

He sent it all back.

All the letters I wrote...

photos, drawings, unopened.

He fucked off back to the States
where he came from

and pretended like
we never even happened to him.

You know, I coulda...

college, I coulda worked.

A smart job. A real job.
You know?

If you saw your dad again,

what would you say to him
if you had the chance?

First, I'd break
his fucking jaw.

And then I'd tell him,

"I'd rather kill myself
than live the life you gave me."

Oh, fuck.


- What are you doing in my room?
- Oh, fuck.

That's my bag.


Uh. I'm sorry.
What are you doing in my room?

Fuck. Leaving.

- Did you tuck me in?
- Fuck off.

You did!

My underpants are missing.
I'm joking. They're still on.

- Oh, thanks.
- Mm-hmm.

- Seriously, thank you.
- Yep.

Okay, fine.
I'll drop it on one condition.

- I hate conditions.
- Of course you do.

Let's try and have
some fun today, please.

You know how I feel about that.

I do, but I don't want to be
like that guy last night. Okay?

I don't want to hate life.
I want to embrace what's next.

You're not that guy.
That guy's got PTSD.

Okay, so what's fun?

- I did it! Go!
- Drive! Drive! Drive! Drive.


You goddamn hooligans!

That was fifteen bucks.

I'm still shaking.

ever picked up a hitchhiker?

- You need a ride?
- Yeah, that'd be great.

- I'm Karma.
- Oh, uh, Teddy. Rose.

- Hey.
- Hop in.

Where you guys headed?

- San Francis...
- California.

Uh. We're in a hurry.

I'm headed to Santa Fe,
that work for you?

Um, I don't mean to pry.

But did you guys
just rob that place?

Yep. It's part of a process

that we're working on.

Do you mind shutting the door?
We... we really are in a hurry.

Yeah. I wanted to rob a bank,

but we settled
on a case of beer.

Ah. So where's the beer?

- So what's in Santa Fe?
- Oh, um,

my aunt lives just outside
the national forest near there.

She's a psychic,
healer, hippie chick.

I'm gonna go meet her
and her friends.

Oh, cool. What for?

We're celebrating
a family ritual.

- Sweet. Party in the desert.
- Yeah, kinda.

It's important to reconnect
in moments like these.

I mean, the universe,
there's so many shifts lately.

Shifts. Yeah. Totally.

So, uh, uh,
what you celebrating?

The Quadrantids.

Better than any other
meteor shower you've ever seen.

It would be nice
to see some bright stars.

They're not stars. No.

It's, uh, it's dust, actually,
from the tail of a comet.

Just ice and dust

that's been left behind
from hundreds of years ago.

Ice. Okay.

- Sparkling cosmic leftovers.
- Shit. We need to get gas.

I love that.
Sparkling leftovers.

So you're going
to San Francisco?

Are you two Participants?

- Oh, you mean...
- Actually,

it really depends
on what you mean.

Dr. Stevensen's study.

- I wouldn't do it.
- Well, you don't have to.

Well, just not yet.
The science isn't there.

It's being verified
more every day.

Just because we can see them
doesn't mean we understand them.

Over a hundred billion people

have lived and died
on this planet.

Where did they all go?

There would
be ghosts everywhere.

You're talking about the
Earth as a closed system, but

as you said,
the universe is infinitely vast

and that's even if our rules of
time and space apply to theirs.

I get it.

I would just wait
till the science shakes out.

Did you guys see that?
Is that a meteor?

Oh, my God, you guys.
It's the Quadrantids.

Let's go find a good spot

to see them
before it gets dark.

Come on. Let's go look.


She's not coming?

Are you sure
you don't want to come?

Uh. I gotta get
something inside.

- You sure?
- Yeah, you go ahead.

All right, I'll be back.


Come on.

Come see something worth seeing
before you end it all.

It's really fucking cold.

And windy.

What is it?

Oh, yeah.
I just realized I left my phone.

Oh, it's okay.
You don't need your phone.

You know, no matter what,

what you do here still matters.


It looks like I won't be
losing you two after all.

A federal judge has denied
Dr. Stevensen's injunction.

They're saying it is likely
only a matter of days

before the trials
will be shut down. See?

Don't tell Rose.

- Hello?
- Hi. I'm looking for someone.

I'm not sure
if he still lives here.

You coming?


I'm not that far.
They can come get me from here.

Enjoy the journey.

All right.

- Where's Karma going?
- On a star mission.

Fuck, it was amazing.
I wish you had been there.

- Teddy, I found your father.
- Hey, would you...

Uh. For the gas.


Do you know anyone by
the name of Joe who works here?

Joe? Yeah.

He's on his way down to Molly's.

Down that way, you'll see him.

How do you know Joe?


Do you know
what you're gonna say?

Yeah, um...

No, I know exactly.

I mean, I thought...

I thought
it'd be different, but...

I'm ready.

I'm ready to tell him
that he's not forgiven.

That he fucked up.

That he's the reason.


I'm gonna go in.

Get a seat.

Watch the fireworks.


enjoy this.

Mind if I sit here?

- Now you mention it.
- Do we have a fucking problem?

You tell me.

You don't recognize me, do you?

I've waited over 30 years

to say some things, so I suggest
you shut your mouth, Joe.

I'm Charlie.

Joe's in the corner.

Hope he breaks your nose.

What are you drinking?


- Whiskey?
- Yeah.

Speak up.

Paul! Paul!

- Oh, man. Royal flush.
- Holy shit.

- No way.
- No, I told you, man.

Royal flush.

Yeah, that's great.

I've never seen
one on there before.

- Joe, that's wonderful.
- Yes.

Congratulations, man.

Four years they've had
these machines

and no one hit a royal flush
before. It's, uh...


Hey, Paul. I... I...
It's got me 5,000.

You know,
you can't use it for nothing.

Still. You know...
give me another round,

uh, to celebrate.

And one for you too, Paul.

And you,
what are you drinking, huh?

What is that, whiskey?

Oh. And another one
for my young friend over here.

Oh, haven't seen one of those.

Just haven't seen one. Wow.

Hey, what happened?

- I don't wanna talk about it.
- You had him.

It doesn't matter
where we're going.


You need to say it
as much as he needs to hear it.

Especially because you are dying
and he is the reason why.

Where's Joe?

End of the night.
Time to get out.

- Where did he go?
- Couldn't say.

- Don't know, or couldn't say?
- Just who are you, friend?

Some piece of shit,
got a hard-on for Joe.

Who the fuck asked you?

it's time to move on.

Don't fucking call me boy.

- Yeah, that's right.
- Hey. Teddy...

Go on and fucking hit me! Go on!

- Hey!
- Fucking hit me!


He's leaving.

- Now!
- Ladies.

Nice boyfriend. Tough guy, huh?

Get the fuck
out of here. Get out.

- Teddy, I didn't know...
- You wanted me to do that.

You wanted to see me...

- ...fucking fail, didn't you?
- Hey. Hey, take a breath.

Don't tell me what to do.
I don't need your help.

I'm sorry.

Okay? I thought that was
going to be good for you.

Good for me?

You thought that...

was good for me?


You got bored
with what, alienating me

so you thought
you'd wind me up for fun

and see me wrestle
some daddy issues?

You're fucking sick.

Blossom, how do you make
suicide pretentious?

- I don't know. Ask Blossom.
- Okay.

I'm so fucking tortured.

I don't even know
what to do about it.

You are not even mad at me,

- So don't act so stupid.
- Stupid?

- Fuck you!
- Fuck me? Fuck me?

I didn't want you.

The worst day of my life was
finding out you were coming.

I almost hit your mother.

- What are you doing?
- Why would I want you?

You fucking lifelong parasite.

She'd say, "Oh, he's gonna be
something amazing."

But I knew better. I could
see it. You were nothing.

- Are you mental?
- I didn't want you,

you stupid, fucking, pathetic...
you worthless, pathetic...

- I deserved a life!
- ...piece of shit!

- Fucking failure!
- I needed you.

She needed you!

She had to work
two jobs to keep us going.

I never saw her. I was alone.
You can't grow right

- when you're alone.
- You were a defect.

No. Nothing was wrong
with me back then.

I was perfect.

You know, I spent so long...

trying to show you
that I was better than you.

I tried so hard to be perfect.
And I fucked it up.

You know what?

I don't give a shit
about what you did.

I didn't need you then
and I don't need you now.

What about you?

No. No daddy issues.

He's dead.

I'm sorry.

Hmm. It's okay.
I didn't know him.

We didn't need him.

It was always just
my amazing mom...

and her perfect daughter,
and what was left.

I used to get into these fights.

My sister was always
bringing home awards, and...

I was the one who got expelled

for busting a girl's cheek open
with a lunch tray.

So I'm not the only one
who pisses you off?

No. Sadly.

I messed up
my college scholarship.

I was left
with a mountain of debt

and then I... I missed it.

She died. My mom.

I didn't say goodbye.

I was just so ashamed and...

scared that they'd judge me
so I didn't pick up their calls.

I was so stupid. I...

Do you see her?

I just want
to make things right.

It showed up
after your mom died?

After my mom,
I lost my jobs and my apartment.

And she took me in.
My... My sister.

I hadn't seen her in years.
And, just like that,

she gives me a room
in her house, this...

gorgeous house.

My sister and her husband,
Nick, they look like

a jeans commercial
for the perfect family,

complete with
their beautiful daughter.

And it was going well.

Really well.

And then this one week,

Heather goes out of town
for business.

And... and Nick.

Suddenly this...

this shift.

He starts letting off steam.

Heather's always right
and he's always wrong.

I get so pissed off at Heather

who ended up
with this perfect life

and I just think,

why can't I just have that,
even just for a night?

And I lean into him.

I wake up
with a hole in my stomach

and Nick is fine...

like nothing happened.

And that's when I see it.

This darkness.

Staring at me.

It... It knows.

It knows I've got
a self-destruct button

in my heart...

and it's fucking irresistible.

Oh, I can be happy...

for a minute,

a day, maybe even a year...

but sooner or later,
I'm pushing that button.

You never spoke
to your sister after that?


I kept waiting for that call.

But no, her calls are concerned.

And that's worse somehow.

I just don't want
to hurt anymore.


Um, look, I, uh,
I need to say something to you.

I don't want to talk
about that stuff anymore.

No. No, no, no. I need
to tell you something else.

I don't wanna talk
about that stuff either.


Milton... handsome bastard.

I knew I'd hear from you.

Yeah, we're just
on our way to Arizona now.

Are you coming home?

Ah. Um,

I've met someone.

That's fantastic.

But I think
you'd really like her. She's...

She's smart.


That's wonderful. I told you.
You just never know.

So are you two coming back?

Will I get to meet this girl?

Hey, um, no. I've gotta go.

- Can you, uh, kiss...
- Teddy!

- ...Stanley for me, okay?
- Teddy.

- That's a choice.
- I feel like it's fitting.

Yeah. Oh, I'm glad.
Yeah, that's...

Oh, I've got one too. Fantastic.

- Twins.
- Yeah.

It's just what
I wanted actually.

Yeah. I was gonna ask you
when you were going in

could you grab me
a pair of these?

- Looks great on you.
- Perfect.


Hey. Teddy, we're here.





What is this? Where are we?


Who is it?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. It's you!

- Hi.
- Hi. Hi.

Come inside.

Steph, come downstairs.
Your Aunty Firefly is here.

Come in. Hi.

Hi. Oh, my God.

- Oh, look how big you are!
- Where have you been?

She's here.

Oh, uh, can I get you guys
something to drink?

- A coffee maybe?
- Hi, kiddo.

Oh, look at that.

Look at that.

Um, maybe a glass of wine
would be good.

You have to see my room,
we changed it!

- You have to see!
- Okay.

Bring her back. Mommy wants
to see her, too.


You know, I forgot my manners.

- Heather. Hi.
- Oh. Teddy.

- Teddy?
- Yes.

Sounds like
there's a story. Come inside.




How many
messages did we leave?

We left a lot.

Just wish you would
have let us know you were okay.

That's all.

You owed us
more than that, Rosie.

You have an amazing house.

Amaz... Amazing house.
It's, um, amazing.

It was a steal.

They all are
up here in the desert.

Apparently, nobody
likes living this far.

But we think it's gorgeous.

You ever been to Arizona?

No. No. Fir... first time.

- More wine?
- Oh, uh, no.

Well, it's an occasion.

Of course it is.
I'm so happy to see you.

- It's... been too long.
- That's not what I meant.

- Well, do tell.
- Well, actually, uh,

Rose and I have
a lot of ground to cover

- tonight...
- Mm-mm.

- You can't be serious.
- We've got time.

Well, no, no.
I've got stuff to do tonight.

And I don't...
I don't feel well.

Yeah, well, suck it up.

Big baby.

- Such a baby.
- Oh.

God, this is a story.

Yeah, well,

it's a doozy
of a story how we met, huh?

I don't know that
I could tell that right.

No, you can't so...

No, no. I can. I can.
I can tell it right.

Um, so the...

the thing is Teddy
and I are, uh, taking a trip.

And, um...

I really needed to see you
before we go where we're going.

- Where are you going?
- Rose...

It's difficult to say.
Um, I'm just gonna say it.

- You know, I left the grill on.
- No, no, I'll be fast.

Where are you going?

where are you going?

Just, my God! Out with it.


We're eloping.

What? That's...
That's amazing.


Uh. We're going
to Vegas tonight.

Gonna do a drive-through
wedding thing.

Oh, my God, that's insane.

Yeah. We're selling the car.

And, uh, then
we're gonna go to Europe.

Yeah, I've always
wanted to go to France.

And then we're gonna go
to Oxford where Teddy's from.

Uh. London. London is where
Teddy's from.

We've known each other
less than a month.

- Holy shit, Rose.
- Yeah.

I didn't know at first.
I mean, how do you ever know?


But this one night, he, uh,
told me his truth, and...

I told him
the worst thing about me,

and, uh, it was okay, so.

You marry that person.

We don't have jobs there yet.

But, uh, we've got enough money
for about six months.

And I'm... I'm just gonna...

...look for a teaching job.

And Teddy's got this
brilliant idea for a startup,

so he's gonna get
that going there.

And, um...

we've been making these lists.

Um, things we've always
wanted to do.

We've been doing that together.

For some reason, we've never
let ourselves do that before.

That's it.

That's why I wanted to see you.


I'm so happy for you.
It's crazy.

It's not... not bad crazy.
It's just... it's amazing.



Well, you, uh,

you take care of her now.
You promise.

I'll do my best.

It's nice to meet you, man.

Hey, Ladybug.

I just wanted to say, um...

You know
that every time you disappear,

another little piece
of my heart breaks.

And when you used to do this,
I would call Mom.

Heather, um, I know
that I've made your life

a living hell most of the time
but I... I left last time.

- Nick and I, we...
- We're good.

- What?
- He's my husband.

This is my family.

Then I'm sorry. I thought
you should know that I...

You don't need to apologize
anymore. You've been

apologizing your whole life
and it doesn't help.

I don't need you
to fix my problems.

I just want you
to take care of your own.

Honey, we...

- we gotta get dinner for Steph.
- Oh,

of course. Yes.
Let me do that now.

You guys drive safe, okay?


Hey, that was a...

that was a great thing
you did back there.

It was the best thing, I think.

What did Heather say?

She wants me to sort my shit.

That's good. Isn't it?

It'll never go away.

You know, what if... what if
we just stopped right now?

- I can't make it stop.
- No, look, pull over,

okay? Let's... Let's talk.
Let's take a break.

Did you go over there so
you wouldn't have to cross over?

Was that the entire point?
The... The trip?

Skipping the flight,
all of this?

I felt something,
some force,

- drove me there.
- No. You drove you there.

You can stop.

I have to keep going.

This is it.

Too early
for protesting, I guess.

You have your IDs?


Give him your ID.


You'll need your QR codes
at the check-in desks.

Follow the road
to the parking lot.


May I have
your QR codes, please?


And you, sir?

We can't have anyone

on the premises
who's not a Participant.

Thank you.

All right.

- Great to have you, Blossom...
- Rose.

Yes, of course.
Blossom Rose and Theodore.

You're a little early,
which is great.

Dr. Stevensen is finishing up
a press conference

- but, um, she'll be...
- I'm ready

to do this now.

Well, uh,

Dr. Stevensen
flew in just for it,

- but...
- I want to go now.

Nurse Ala?

- Uh. Just one second.


so let's see what we can do. Um,

we'll start your paperwork

and there's a video for you
to watch before your journey

so we can get you started
there in a few minutes.

- Does that sound good?
- Yeah.

Okay. Follow me.

And, uh, you, sir.

Will you be coming back
for your appointment or...

I thought this was
what you wanted.

Not anymore.

Okay, so
we are ready for you upstairs.

Um, would you like
to watch the video together?


You are on your way to being

an imperative part
of our Life Beyond study.

You are ready to step

into the next stage
of evolution with us.

You are a pioneer
who will forever be remembered

for your bravery
in building branches

between this world
and the next.

Is that it?

Okay, we are all set up

to track and record
your journey.

I'll be there the whole time
to help you transition smoothly.

- Um, do you have any questions?
- Will it hurt?

The IV can
be a little uncomfortable

but we can numb the spot first.

We begin with a sedative
to help you relax.

It's a lot like
going under for surgery.

Once you're in
a state of passing

and we can see that you've
crossed on our tracking devices,

then we terminate
your physical form.

None of that will hurt.

Are you ready?

Yeah. Let's just do it. Yeah.

So you can follow me

and we'll get you changed
and started in the Passing Room.


Sir, do you want to step
into the waiting room?

Can I stay?

It is important
that you have a calm

- and positive experience...
- He can stay.

Okay. Yeah. It's good.
Come on in.


Can I push this up? Yeah?

All right. And let me have you
make a few fist pumps.

Pump. Four,
three, two, one. Good.




Okay. Here comes the needle.

- Are you ready?
- Mm-hmm.

In three, two, one.

Is that okay?

That feel comfortable?


All right.

Shall we?


- No. Just one...
- Sir!

- No. Sir. Sir.
- Just give me...

Hey, hey, hey.
Just give me one more day.

- Sir.
- Teddy, what does it matter?

One hour.
Just give me that.

What if I can't?

Ten... Ten minutes
to think about how you can.

I don't deserve it.

Five minutes
to you realize that you do.

No, one minute.

One minute to think
about what you did yesterday.

Not... Not what happened
in the past,

not what happened
when you were younger...

and not the things
you can't control

or the mistakes you made.

Please. Just... minute.

Just give me one more minute.




I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I wasn't there.

I tried. I tried hard.
I couldn't. I... I...



She'll never know.

She will just disappear.

She's dead.

Rose, it's Mom.

She's dead.

Where are you?

Where are you?

- Where are you?
- I'm here.

I'm here.

Heather. I'm here.

Heather, I'm here.

- I'm here, Heather! I'm here.
- God damn it, Rose!

I'm here.

You can do it. Come on.

Just... Just
give me one minute, please.



- Hey.
- I can start with one minute.

So, what was it like?

It was like almost dying.

I don't know.
It was all of me all at once.

And it was okay.

I knew I wanted...

to keep trying.

You drive?

- Seriously?
- Yeah, you...

- You heard me right.
- Wow.

You want to die twice?

Oh, my God.

The car's on my credit card.

Thank God it's not on mine.

we need to drop this off, too.

No, let's just take it.

I need to go get my dog.

- What?
- What?