Next Door (2005) - full transcript

A psychological thriller, where the main character, John, have recently been dumped by his girlfriend, Ingrid. He is seduced by his beautiful neighbors, Anne and Kim, and is taken to a mystical and frightful world where he isn't able to tell reality from fantasy. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food


Aren't you going to let me in?

Of course.
Come in.

Is someone here?

No, I'm all alone.

- Would you like something to drink?
- No. I'm just here for my things.

You won't find them there.

I've already packed them.

I'll get them.

How are you doing?

You can't go on like this.

- You need to get a life.
- I have a life, like everyone else.

- Don't smoke in here.
- You have to get a grip.

We were talking about you yesterday.

That's when I remembered
to pick up my stuff.

Why were you talking about me?

?ke wondered why we broke up.
I had to tell him.

- What did you say?
- I told him why.

Told him about it.
How things were.

Shouldn't I have?

- You had no right to do that.
- Sure I did.

We have decided to share everything
in our relationship.


Is he outside?

Yes. He didn't want me
to come up here alone.

We decided he could honk and
I would wave if everything was OK.

Was he worried I would hurt you?

I could never hurt you.
I only wanted what was best for us.



A film by

Excuse me.

Could you do me a favor?

What did you have in mind?

I live over here, and have
something heavy I need moved.

I can't do it myself.

No problem.
I'll be over shortly.

Can't you come right now?
Do you have anything else to do?

No, I just thought...

- My name is Anne.
- John.

I know.

Excuse me for disappearing.
I had to take care of something.

- What are those doing there?
- Don't you have it like that?


Different strokes for different folks,
I guess. Do you mind?

- No, of course not.
- I need this cabinet moved over there.

You can do it.

You sure are strong,
to be able to move that.

I hope it's worth it.

I don't understand.

- I'm Kim.
- John, your neighbor.

I know.

- It goes in front of the door.
- But I have to get out.

I forgot. I'll do it afterward.
Come and have a drink.

I think I'll just head home.

Are you so busy you don't
have time for a glass of wine?

Have a seat.

That wasn't so hard, was it?

Excuse me.

Don't you wonder why we want
that cabinet in front of the door?

Different strokes
for different folks.

That was just something I said.
I don't think people are different at all.

What do you think, Kim?

People are pretty much the same,
or totally different.

Go ahead and ask.

OK. Why do you do it? Why put
a cabinet in front of the door?

Why do you think?

I don't know.

Why do you think two women,
two attractive women. -

- Have to put a heavy cabinet
in front of their door?

Is that so hard to understand?

No, not at all.

Who are they
protecting themselves against?

- A man?
- Not bad.

- What does this man want?
- To get in.


Why does he want to get in?

Because he is attracted to
one of them. Or both.

Do you find it strange
that he is attracted to them?


Do you think it's mutual?


What do you think, Kim?

Not bad.

No, not bad at all.

Some more wine?

- No, thanks. I think I'll head home.
- And do what?

You don't have anything to do there
since your girlfriend ran off.

What do you mean?

What do you know about that?

Your apartment is next door.

We can't avoid hearing
what goes on in there.

- You've been listening?
- Of course not.

Why would that interest us?

Calm down.

It wasn't our fault
that she left you.

She wasn't right for you. It was
embarrassing to see you together.

- You talked to her?
- Why would we do that?

- How could you know this otherwise?
- That's what it's like to live next door.



Could you do me one more favor?


I need to pick up some medicine
and can't leave my sister alone.

This isn't my problem.

She was assaulted.

She was assaulted.

Out here.

By the man who lived
in your apartment before you.

The man who lived here?

He jumped her
and dragged her into his apartment.

He did terrible things to her.
Didn't let her go until the next day.

Since then she hasn't dared go out.

What happened to him?

We pressed charges,
but no one believed her.

- He wasn't arrested?
- He just disappeared.

No one knows what became of him.

That's why
she doesn't dare go anywhere.

Is that why
you have so many things...

Kim wants to be prepared
in case we have to isolate ourselves.

Can't you stay with her for ten
minutes while I run to the pharmacy?

Lock the door
and put the cabinet in front of it.

Is that really necessary?

She'll panic if she sees it's
not there. We don't want that, do we?

Go on in.
I'll be back shortly.

The cabinet.

- I thought you had left.
- Your sister had to...

What sister?

- Anne.
- She isn't my sister.

She said she was.

Why would she bother lying
about something like that?

Did she lie about anything else?
Say anything about me?

- She told me about what happened.
- What?

About that terrible assault.

And that you...

Did she say that?
That I had been assaulted?

That's a new one.
And you believed her?

Why would she lie about that?

Do I look like I've been assaulted?

- I don't know if you can see that.
- That wasn't what I asked.

Do I look like
someone who has been assaulted?

Where are you going?

Stop it!

Do you like my room?

Give me the key!

- Have you been here before?
- What? Of course not!

You have.
You just don't recognize it.

Bring me the key now.

I don't want to be here.

Are you angry at me?

You are.
Then I don't want to talk to you.




Kim, I'm not angry.

I'm not angry.

Were you very sad
when your girlfriend left?

- Yes.
- How sad?

So sad
that you no longer wanted to live?

I heard she cheated on you.

Wasn't that horrible,
when you realized she...

Did you ever think
she would leave you?

I wish I could meet a man
as certain as you.

There's a chair
to the right of the door.

On the seat you'll find the key
to the door at the end of the room.

Anne had another line installed.

Pretty smart, huh?
So you can call from room to room.

Real smart.

You like it?
This is where I live.

That's not true.

- Can you let me out now?
- So soon?

We're finally getting
to know each other.

I have no business here.

"I have no business here."

I'm not letting you out
when you're this angry.

- I'm not angry.
- Listen to yourself: "I'm not angry!"

- What do you want?
- I want to talk.

Have a seat.

Sit down.

Do you think I have had many men?

I have no idea.

What do you think?

Anne was once with two men
on the same night.

- Do you think that's possible?
- Probably.

It was in Greece,
or somewhere like that.

Would it turn you on to be
with a woman who had just had sex?

I don't think so.

Why are you lying?
You think it would be a turn-on.

Let me tell you a story first,
then I'll let you out.

- What kind of a story?
- You'll hear.

I'm about to start.
Close your eyes.

- Why?
- I want you to picture it.

One day, about a month ago,
there was a knock at the door.

I opened it.
There were three men -

- In plumber's garb...
What are they called?


They look at me,
then come into the hall.

I'm hardly wearing anything.
I had just come from the shower.

They look at me.

I can tell they are horny.

I say, "Why don't we sit down
on the couch first?"

We sit down.

the one who's sitting next to me -

- Sticks his hand between my legs -

- And starts caressing me.

The other one pulls down his pants
and stands in front of me.

I take him in my mouth -

- And start blowing him.

Then the third man comes up
and bends me over the couch.

He bends me over
and forces his way in from behind.

Suddenly I feel the other one
come in my mouth.

It runs down my throat.

Then they take me one at a time.

It hurts a little,
but I soon get used to it.

Did you like my story?

Didn't you?

I was just kidding.
Do you think I did that?

I just read it somewhere.

Come sit over here.

Come over here.

What are you doing?

That's enough!

Touch me.

Do that again.

- Hi there.
- Hi.

- How's it going?
- Fine.

- What's happened to you?
- Nothing.

Your face is bruised.

- I bumped myself moving a cabinet.
- Are you refurnishing?

- Looks like you got a beating.
- Who would do that?

I have no idea.

If there's anything
you want to talk about...

Thanks for your concern.

Those are not coming in here!
Look how much we already have!

- I can take them.
- No, you can't. You aren't even well!

Now you'll be stuck here
until the wee hours.

It's no problem.

You always say yes. That was
probably your problem with Ingrid.

Don't mention Ingrid.

Could you look up a number for me?

36 Swartzdorf Street, 5th floor.

Yes, that is my number.

Don't you have any other numbers
on the 5th floor?

How about unlisted numbers?


Hi, you have called Ingrid.
Please leave a message.

Hi, it's John.

I was just wondering
how you were doing.

I'm... much better now.

I feel much better now.

I was wondering -

- If we could get together
for coffee, or something?

Have a talk.

I'm sorry -

- About what happened last time.

I behaved like an idiot.


- What else did you tell him?
- This and that.

- Like what?
- Stuff.

- What kind of stuff?
- Stuff that happened.

Like what?

That was an accident.

Was it?

Did you tell him
I did that on purpose?

We agreed that it was an accident.

I thought so at the time.
Now, I'm not so sure.

- It slipped out of my hand!
- You poured hot coffee over my arm.

You can't go around
telling lies like that about me!

?ke made me realize
it wasn't an accident.

He wasn't even there!

- He asked what we did afterward.
- I took you to the emergency room.

The emergency room?

Isn't that what I did?

We had sex.

For the first time in six months.
It turned you on. Remember?

That had nothing to do with it.

?ke thought that sounded sick,
to get turned on by burning me.

You know what I think is sick?

This ?ke person
who asks his girlfriend -

- About who she has had sex with,
and when and how.

?ke thinks it's important that
we tell each other everything.

- Is he outside?
- Yes.

Was he worried I would hurt you?

I could never hurt you.
I only wanted what was best for us.

Ingrid? What has he done to you?
You were never like this before.

I wasn't myself before.
Now I am.

- Ingrid...
- I told him everything.

How I had to make up crazy stories
to turn you on.

- But that isn't true.
- Isn't it?

You got turned on when I told you
I had sex with other men.

- Please stop.
- No!

Maybe you want to hear it again?

How three men
were standing outside the door.

How they took me on the couch.
Is that the story you want me to tell?

How a man comes in
and starts fucking me from behind.

How he comes inside me.

Oh, John, I'm so horny...

John, I'm so horny...

Who is it?

Your neighbor.

What do you want?

I just want to talk.

I've had a pretty lousy day.

- Me too.
- What did you want to talk about?

I was wondering why I've
never heard a sound from in here.

We can be pretty quiet.

No one can be that quiet.
What do you do in here?

We're waiting.

For that mystery man
who supposedly is going to break in?

You expect me to still believe that?

Why can't we stop
all this lying and sneaking around?

Never mind.

Why are you so angry at Ingrid?

We heard everything.
Through the wall.

What did you hear?

We just had a little argument.

- What's so wrong with that?
- What are you going to do about it?

I think she wants to talk to you.


Open the door.

Stop kidding around.


You know you aren't allowed in there.

Someone else is here.
I saw a man.

It's just you and me.
The door is locked.

- I saw someone.
- It must have been Anne.

- Why do you keep locking me in?
- Why did you hit me yesterday?

Why did you hit me yesterday?

- Kim, you started hitting...
- You didn't have to hit back.

You're stronger than me.
You could have just held my arms.

You're right.
I could have.

Please, not now.

Do you think I have had many men?

I have no idea.

She was once with two men on the
same night. Think that's possible?


It wasn't here. She was on vacation.
In Greece, or somewhere.

Would it turn you on to be
with a woman who had just had sex?

Would you find that exciting?

I don't think so.

Who are you?

I'm on my way out.

You're John, aren't you?
I'm ?ke.

Hasn't Ingrid told you that we...

Yes, she told me.

She has talked about you too.

- What has she said?
- The usual.

It's only natural to talk about
your ex. Don't you think so?

She was worried about you.
Are you doing better now?

Promise you'll tell me -

- If there's anything
I can do for you.


Are you angry?

I can't stand it
when people are angry.

- No.
- No what?

- No, I'm not angry.
- That's good.

We should sit down
for a real talk some time.

You could give me some tips.

- About what?
- About what Ingrid likes, of course.

So I can get to know her better.

Do you want to leave?

Try this.

Doesn't it fit?

Ingrid told me about the coffee.

That wasn't nice.

I'm not one to judge people, but...

That's inexcusable.

May I ask you a question?

Is Ingrid that type?

I've always considered her
a careful woman.

Haven't you?

I didn't think she'd go for
that kind of treatment.

But I got the impression
it turned her on. Didn't you too?

You were wrong
the whole time you were together.

She wasn't
the innocent little girl you thought.

I think she liked what you did.
She's one of those.

She liked it, John.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

John, you've never experienced
anything more intense. Isn't that right?

It's nothing to be afraid of, John.

It's too late.

You've already done it.

Don't you remember?

Don't you remember?

You asked us
to take care of her for you.

That isn't true!

You should love her, John.
You weren't supposed to kill her.

I haven't killed anyone!

Go look.

She's in there.

Go look.

What's going on?

These are my things.

This is from work.

Where did you get this?

And this.

I got this from my sister.

Please tell me what you have done!

Why are my things in here?

These are my things!

Just go in.

She's in there.
Go on in.




What have you done?


- Are you there, John?
- Go away.

It's me.

Peter who?

Peter Reis.
What's going on?

What do you want?

I need you to look at something.

What's happened to you?
Are you sick?

What has happened in there?
What are you doing?

- Don't you have it like this?
- No.

Different strokes
for different folks, I guess.

- What are you talking about?
- Or else we're all the same.

Ingrid used to say that.

Either we're different,
or we're the same.

May I ask you something?

You're in the hallway
right now, aren't you?


What do you see?

A wall with a hole in it.

You don't see the neighbors' door?

Of course not.
You're the only one up here.

Can I come in?

What are you doing in there?
What's that smell? John!

- What's going on?
- Go away!


John, I'm so horny...

I should have left you ages ago!

I'll scream for ?ke
if you don't let me go.

Go ahead.







- Hi.
- Hi.

Sleep OK?

- Haven't you slept?
- No.

What have you been doing?
Sitting there all night?

- Are you still angry?
- Angry?

No, you don't understand.
I'm not angry.

I'm just tired.

Then come to bed.

You know that I would never
hurt you in any way, right?

Of course.

I would never
do anything to hurt you.

Not deliberately.

Of course I know
you would never hurt me.

Why do you say that?