News of the World (2020) - full transcript

A Civil War veteran agrees to deliver a girl, taken by the Kiowa people years ago, to her aunt and uncle, against her will. They travel hundreds of miles and face grave dangers as they search for a place that either can call home. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

Good evening.

It's good to be back with
you all here in Wichita Falls.

My name is
Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd,

and I'm here tonight
to bring y'all the news

from across
this great world of ours.



Now, I know how life is
in these parts,

working a trade
sunup to sundown.

No time for reading newspapers.
Am I correct?

Let me do that work for you.

And maybe, just for tonight,

we can escape our troubles

and hear of the great changes
that are happening out there.

Starting local, then.

Our own Houston Telegraph

from the first of February,
this news:

"The meningitis epidemic

"continues to spread
without prejudice

"across the Panhandle
and North Texas region.

"So far, it has claimed

"97 souls... just a two-month period."

In federal news,
our own Dallas Herald reports

of our delegation
of the state of Texas

up there in the capital
of Washington commencing...

- Here.
- Much obliged.





I'm not gonna hurt you.

Come here.

Aah! Don't bite!

Who are you?

Do you have a name?

I don't understand.


I don't speak Kiowa.


Come on.

It's all right. It's all right.

Come on.

You can't stay out here. You...

Give me your hand.

Mm. These are
Indian agency papers.

"Johanna Leonberger."

Is that your name?


Whoa. Whoa, whoa.

Let's see what we got here.

Gonna check it on that side.

Got your loyalty oath?

No, nothing.

Where'd you serve, Captain?

Third Texas Infantry.

Surrendered Galveston
26 May, 1865.

Any sidearms?

No, sir.

Just bird shot.

Says here
you're from San Antonio.

What's your business up here?

I read the news
from town to town.

I was headed down
to the Red River,

and-and I seen him.

I think he was transporting
this little girl here

for the federal authorities.

Looks like the Indians had her.

Here's her agency papers.

Just found them.

Let's saddle up.

You're good.

What the hell do I do
with this child?

Fetch her to Red River.
Command post will know.

Hyah! - Hyah.


So, the army found you
three weeks ago

when they cleared the Kiowa
out of Montague County.

You've been living with them
since they kidnapped you

when they attacked your family
in Hill Country

six years prior.

Dear Heaven.

"Her mother, father
and sister were..."

Well, they passed.

But you have an aunt
and an uncle...

...still living down there.

Near Castroville.

So, that's where
you were being taken.

I know Castroville.

I used to live near there
before the war.

Lot of German folk down there.



Uh, remember
your German family?


All right.

Come tomorrow, we'll find
somebody who can take you home.

All right, me, too.

Come on. Ah, ah.

Come on. Come on.

Pardon me.

Lost child here.

Got a child issue here.

Much obliged. Bless you, sir.

- I got a lost... lost child.
- I can't use this.

That's all I can do for now.

Thank you.

What's your business?

Here to see your Indian agent.

He's up north of the Red,

on the reservation.

Well, I found this child, see,

and the lieutenant
who was patrolling the road

told me to bring her
to see you.

Well, what do you
expect me to do?

She needs taken home.

The agent won't be back

for another three months.

Strays are his responsibility.

Looks like
you'll need to take her.

I-I can't take her, sir.

I work and travel
from town to town.

I can't take her.

Listen, friend.

Wait for the agent
or take her yourself.

It's up to you.

If you will, please.


Good to lay eyes on you,

Hello, son.

Wonder if I could have
a word with you

and Mrs. Boudlin.

Well, of course, sir.

So, three months, huh?

What are you going
to do with her?

Wait for the agent, it appears.

Got kind of a wild look
about her, doesn't she?

No, she's scared.


Be careful, honey.

Don't get too close.

All right, now, see here,
child. I have to work.

You're gonna stay here
with these kind folks.

Friends. Friends.

You got that, child?

Well, shoot, Kidd.

She don't understand
a damn thing, does she?

Thank you kindly.

All right, let's start

with the local news
from The Carthage Banner.

"The Red River Ferry is sunk

"near Cross Timbers.

"Waters are still
too high to cross,

and parts down to Elm Creek
are completely washed out."

Yanks sending soldiers
too blue to muddy their boots.

That's why.

That's right!

Well, now, The Clifton Record

is reporting big changes
that are coming to these parts

that'll have a bearing
on all of these travel issues.

On page one:

"The Pacific Railroad Committee
voted today

"the Missouri, Fort Scott
and Gulf lines

"are to be consolidated
into a new line

"that will run
from the Kansas border

all the way
to Galveston, Texas."

"This will be
the first railroad

to cross
the Indian reservation."

Now, for some federal news.

"President Ulysses S. Grant..."

Oh, to hell with Grant!

Grant's a butcher!

"...has ordered..."

"...has ordered
the Texas legislature

"to accept
Amendments 13, 14 and 15

"of the United States

"before any return to the Union
can be considered.

Those Amendments include
the abolition of slavery..."

Say no to abolition. Never!

"...affording to
the former slaves

the right to vote, and the
repayment of our war debts."

I'm saying no.

I say Texas first
and damn them amendments.

I ain't digging no Texas soil,

sweating and bleeding
for some rich Yankee type.

I suggest y'all watch yourself.

Suggest y'all the same!

What are y'all even
doing here, huh?

You ain't dealing
with the Injuns,

fixing our roads,
minding our river crossings.

All they're doing is
beating up on Southern folk!

You know, all right.
I hear you. I hear you.

Go back home where you belong.

I hear you.

Northern blues
are not helping us a lot,

and they're asking
for a great deal in return.

We're all hurting.

All of us.

But I'm thinking we got a part
to play in all of this as well.

There's more than rain
and Indians

and Northern blues
troubling our roads.

I've seen it myself,
coming in from Wichita Falls.


We're all hurting.

These are difficult times.

- Appreciate it. Thank you.
- Thanks.

Much obliged. Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Thank you for your attention.

Excuse me.

Pardon me. Pardon me.

She's gone.

Little one! Child!

Where are you?

I-I was singing her a hymn,

and I turned my back,
and she was gone.

She didn't take the horses.

- She can't be gone far.
- Oh, she could be anywhere

in this damn woods.


You come out now.

There's a river down there.

Right behind you.

Little girl, where are you?

Where you at?

We need to split up!

Yes, sir, Captain.


Johanna, no! Johanna!

It's not safe!

You'll fall!

Step back!


Get down!

Set her on the bed.


She's just soaked.


Surer than I live,
that child's trouble.

Running off like that?

I said she's wild.
Didn't I say that?

Please, Mr. Boudlin.

Well, it's the goddamn truth.

You-you just got to look
at her to know.

Child's got a curse on her.

Well, shit, Captain.

What the hell are you
gonna do with her?

I'll take her.

I found her. I-I'll take her.

You sure about that, Captain?

damn near 400 miles.

Those roads have changed
since you lived down that way.

The little girl is lost.

She needs to be home.

Much obliged
for you keeping her.

I'll be back first thing.

She ain't been used in a while
but still runs pretty good.

You carrying?

Scattergun bird shot.

I, uh...

kept mine from Palmito.

Well, I'm sure you need it
more than me.

Got 20 rounds, too.

I'll fetch it back to you.

Mm, it won't make no matter.


Why are you doing this?

Johanna. Johanna!

Come on now. Come, come.

Another sleeve. There we go.

There we go. Okay.

There we are.

Come now. Come now. Come now.

There. Oh!

By the grace of God,
don't you look pretty, hmm?

Makes no matter to me
what you wear.

We'll be on this road
for about six days

till we make Dallas.

Then across Central Texas
to the Hill Country,

it'll be a few weeks.

We'll have to stop
and give readings, of course.

We have to pay our way.

I'll keep an eye out
for trouble.

Settlers killing Indians
for their land

and Indians killing settlers
for taking it.

I guess you know something
about that.

I'm Captain Kidd, by the by.

Captain. Captain.

You're Johanna.

You, Johanna.

And it's a pleasure
to make your acquaintance.

Make no mistake.


This is the bacon.

I guess I'll make some.

"Please" would be nice to hear.

That's the way it works.

That is coffee.

Yeah, coffee packs a punch,
doesn't it?

It's an acquired taste.

That's sugar.


Bit more to your liking, huh?

Easy, now.

All right, that's enough.

That's enough.


See all those words

printed in a line
one after the other?

Put 'em all together,
and you have a story.



Well, go right ahead.

That's my wife.

Down in San Antonio.

I'm gonna get some more water.

Come here
and help me load this up.

If you wanna make your fortune,
then that's the place to be.

God does not see
black and white.

The divide that runs
across our nation.

We must keep America whole.

Texas says no,
but I say to you all,

under the eyes of God,
that our nation,

our great nation,
must be made complete!

Mrs. Gannett.

Hey, Kidd.

She yours?

They paying you
to take her home,

or you doing it out of
the goodness of your heart?

No, they're not paying me.
I just know the road.

But I'll take a pair of rooms
if you have 'em.

Yeah, I got rooms.

Thank you.

Thank you, ma'am.

No. No, no, no.

We don't use our...
our hands and fingers.


Look. See this?

Spoon? Spoon?

This... this is how we eat.


And, uh, and we don't sing.

We don't sing at the table.

What you all looking at?

Ain't you never seen
a child eat before?

What's her name?


She doesn't have any English.

So, what does she speak?


- Mm.
- What?

Wh-What... what did she say?

She said you've been
calling her the wrong name.

Her name's Cicada.

Well, it's Johanna now.

Johanna Leonberger.

This man...

She says she got no home.

No Kiowa family, neither.

You see the hair?

They cut it
when they're in mourning.

This child is an orphan
twice over.

Can you tell her that
I am taking her to family,

to an aunt and an uncle
down near Castroville?

Kidd, she don't got any idea
what that means.

Well, they're the only ones
that will take her.

She's got no place else.
Nobody wants her.

I hear them roads are bad
Castroville way.

Yeah, yeah, so I hear.

Mr. Gannett used to take 'em.

Before he went to California.

Maybe he just didn't want
to come back.

I do not have a clue
as to the care of a child.

Never had the need
nor the patience required.

She's still alive, ain't she?

That's not nothing.

Road taking its toll?

Sleeping through the night

isn't what it once was.


Your stories can only
keep you company for so long.

So, what you gonna do
once you've taken her?

I may just keep heading south.

Work passage on a ship
out of Galveston.

Go see those
far-off places I...

read about to people
every night.

How long's it been?

Close to five years now.

Castroville's San Antonio way.

Yeah. Yes, it is.

Isn't it time you went back?

Made things right with her?

Looking at you now...

...I'm thinking
you don't have a choice.

Good evening.

My name is
Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd,

and it is an honor to be back
in the bustling city of Dallas.

A busy town,
and y'all are busy folk,

so let's get right to it.

Now, when I got in yesterday,

I collected
the latest newspapers,

looking for suitable readings,

something to take us away
from our troubles.

From The Times,
on its page three...

A word, Captain?

Name's Almay.

And these are my associates.

Mr. Almay. Gentlemen.

Enjoyed your reading, Cap.

You take us away
from our hard thoughts.

Thank you.

So, where'd you serve, Captain?

Infantry, Third Texas.

- Ah.
- You?

First Texas Infantry,
Northern Virginia.

Lot of good it did us.

Poor men fighting
a rich man's war.

Left us lying here
in the gutter.

Way I see it, we fought,

but ain't no piece
of this ours.

It's late, Mr. Almay.

And what is your point?

Point is, us old soldiers
got to live, right?

I have a little business
proposition for you,

seeing you traveling alone
like you are.

This young girl.

What do you want?

How much you want for her?

This child is not for sale.

Word is she's that captive
out of Wichita Falls.

Mr. Almay,
you are well-informed.

News of value travels.

How about $50?

All right, a hundred, then.

And you can rest easy knowing
at least she'll get paid.

I mean, look at that fair skin.

I bet you were a lucky man
out there in the desert.

You are scum.

In the alternative,
we could just take her.

- All right, boys.
- What's going on here?

Oh, thank the Lord.

We're local traders, sir.

We became concerned
about the welfare

of this here child
in the clutches

of a strange man such as this.

- Search him.
- I am responsible for

returning this child
to her family down south.

- That's her papers and my oath.
- Stay still.

Your hands.


- You got that?
- Yep.

You take this girl,
and you get on your way.

- Let's go.
- Move.

- Go on.
- Write 'em up.

- I'll be seeing you, Captain.
- Keep walking.

You hear me?

I'm coming for you as soon as
I'm done with these blues.

- Name.
- J.G. Almay.


12 Polk Street,

Dallas, Texas.





Hyah! Come on!


Come on. Come on.

- Come on.
- Hyah!


Come on. Down, down.

Hey, Cap, didn't I say
I'd come for you?

- Go.
- Didn't I say that?

Come on. Come on.


Ha! Ha!

Higher. Come, come!

Let's go.

Hey, Cap!

You're good for a man of years.

But ain't you just
so damn tired of all this?

- Help me.
- Didn't we have our body and soul broke out there?

Seems an awful shame
for it to end like this

when you can just join us.

This world... pickings for some,

slim pickings
for the rest of us.


Oh, goddamn it!

You go.

Take the horses and go.

I shoot. You go.


No, no. No, this is worthless.

See this? It's for birds.

It's for birds, understand?

You're not thinking
straight, Cap.

She ain't worth dying for.


Get away while you can.

What do you say, Cap?

Talk to me.

Mr. Almay!

You have me...

in an uncomfortable

How exactly are we
gonna work this out?

I figure a share for each man

and an extra for me.

Considering what you did
to my associate over there.

That sounds pretty fair to me.

So, what do you want me to do?

Just got to turn over
the girl. That's all.

No. Johanna, no!

They don't want our money.

- They want you!
- Captain.

Oh, Cap, what you trying to do,
tickle us to death?

Well, we don't have a deal yet.


I think it's 'cause
you're out of bullets

and all you got left now
is bird shot.

Am I right, Cap?

All right, Almay.

Damn it, you have a deal.

All right.

I'm gonna lay my gun down
on this here rock.

How about you do the same?

Here's my sidearm.

Let me see yours.

I'm laying my weapon down.

Here's mine.


- Captain, boom?
- Boom, boom.

Clay over there
is gonna show himself.

Then how about you do the same?

Sounds good!

Stay down.

Oh, goddamn it!

Well, now you done gone
and spoiled it, Cap.

Looks like we're back
on opposite sides.

Looks like it.

All right, Cap.

Looks like
I'm coming for you now.

Come on.

♪ Captain... ♪

See that? See that bird?




Yeah, that's good.


- "Goo-toh"?
- "Goo-toh."

"Bird" is "goo-toh"?

- "Goo-toh."
- "Goo-toh."



Since you're so smart...

..."prickly pear cactus."


"Pear cactus."
And there's juniper out there.

And-and there's some sage.




"Sage." Yeah.

That's right. It smells good.

- "Good."
- Yeah.

So, what else can you
teach me in Kiowa?


"Daum." What is "daum"?


The-the earth.

All right.


The clouds?

The sky.

"Daum pahn doo-goh daw."

Like, coll-collected?

"Daum daw"?


"Daw" with a...
is a spirit.

A breath.

A circle.

For us, it's more like
a straight line.

A line.


"Li-an," yes.

We're all journeying
across the prairie

in a straight line

and looking
for that place to be.

And when we find it, we go
straight out and we plow it,

and we plant it
all in a straight line.


Very good.

"Velly gut."

"Velly gut," indeed.

Sehr gut, Onkel.

Whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

"Sehr gut, Onkel."
You just spoke German.


Can you remember anything else?

What else can you remember?


What is it?

Oh, dear God.

Hyah! Hyah!


You just leave that.
You just leave it.

Forget it.

I guess we both have
demons to face,

going down this road.

Good day, gentlemen.

Road's closed.

Ain't nobody unaccounted for
getting into Erath County.

Is that the law?

It is now.

I'm carrying nothing
of any great value.

What's your name, sir?

Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd.

And your reason
for traveling, Cap?

The news.

I read the news
to anyone with ten cents

and the time to hear it.



My, my, my, my, my.

Carrying some damage back here.

I-I got the wagon cheap, and...

the holes came with it.

Well, your newspapers
sure got holes in 'em, mister.

There ain't nothing in here
about Erath County.

Hell of a lot's been happening.

Ain't that right, boys?

But I don't see it here.

You know, we've been busy.

We done fixed them Mexicans.

Injuns, too.
Pushed them clean out.

Mr. Farley, he killed
a right smart of Indians.

He scalped them real good, too.

We're building
a whole new world

down here in Erath County.

But ain't none of it writ here.

That news didn't travel.

Let's take care of that.

Why don't we have us
a little read?

What do you say... man?

Go on, move.

Wash out that blood.

Don't be staring. Keep working.

When he gets done here,
bring him into town.

What business is Mr. Farley in?

Mr. Far...

Business to never mind
your business.

What's your name?

John Calley.

Is Mr. Farley
family to you, John?

Nah, Mr. Farley, he ain't
any kin of mine. No, no.

I ain't got no kin
now Tommy's gone.

But I work for Mr. Farley
all same.

What happened to... to Tommy?

Mr. Farley gone shot him.

For hollering and questioning.

Got thoughts of things
in his head.

He couldn't keep 'em in there.

Loud, loud mouth.

Have him read that.

Hey, Captain.

Mr. Farley says to read this.

Stoke it up.
This fire's got to burn.

Dime-ah? Dime-ah?

Dime-ah? - There you go.




You, sir.

Good evening, ladies
and gentlemen. My name...

My name is
Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd.

And Mr. Farley has asked me
to come here tonight

to read to y'all the news.

He's been kind enough
to supply me

with a copy of his own
Erath Journal.

Sure looks like Mr. Farley
is a very busy man

in these parts.

He's an editor and a publisher,
a businessman, a lawgiver.

And all of you fine folk
working for him, at that.


But the way I see it,

none of that is news.

So let me see
if I can't tempt you

with something else.

The Harper illustrated.

It has a story reporting
from the lonely little town

of Keel Run, Pennsylvania.

I got a bad feeling about this.

Just give him a minute.

Now, Keel Run
ain't known for much.

And I'm counting
none of y'all have heard of it

since, well,
it is in the North.

Why should you?

Keel Run is
just one of a thousand

little towns across our nation
birthed by the work of many

but enjoyed by the few.

Now, Keel Run is no Durand.

It does not trade in buffalo
but in coal.

And just like you,
every morning,

its men rise early
from their beds

only to descend into
the great, black coal mine.

"On the morning of February 11,

"37 men of the Run attended
their first shift at noon.

"But before the next hour

"was up, Keel Run's
wheel of fortune had turned,

"for the mine,
the coal mine itself,

had caught fire."

The first dozen died
in an instant.

Another seven not long after.

But I'm not here
to tell you the story

of those unfortunate souls

or of the mine owner

who'd been so lax
about their safety,

sitting up there
in his fancy home,

counting the money
produced by their labor.

No, no, no,
I'm here to tell you

about the 11 men who lived.


Who survived that fire.

The 11 men who fought back

against their deadly fate.

- Yeah!
- Yes! Yes!

Thought I told you to read
from the Erath, Captain.

Well, see,
Mr. Farley, I was wondering

if folks might prefer
some storytelling

- from places outside of Erath.
- Let's hear it!

Just for tonight, Mr. Farley.

I think you ought to read

from the Erath
all the same, Captain.

Sort of thing these people
expect to hear.

Let's hear what he has to say.

How about we vote on it?

How about we don't?

Now, I can read

from Mr. Farley's
Erath Journal...

...or I can keep on with the
story of the men of Keel Run.

- I vote men of the Run!
- Keel Run?

- All right. Very good.
- Let's hear it, Captain.

That day, those 11 men
were facing a mortal enemy...

Go now. Shut this
fucking thing down. Now.

- Go. Go!
- ...intent on destroying everything

they ever cared about,
everything they'd built...

- Show's over, folks!
- ...every pillar of progress

- of their own civilization.
- Show's over! Now, go on home.

And I tell you,
those men refused defeat.

In the dark,
they kept their heads

- and they worked together!
- Get out of here!

- Those men fought back...
- Go home now!

- Move! Go on, get out!
- ...against the odds,

for better lives,

- for freedom!
- You think that's funny, boy?

- I got him!
- Whoa!

- Johanna!
- Captain!


Y'all, clear out! Clear out!

You should've just read,

I was just giving the people
a choice, Mr. Farley.

Well, you can read now.

You got no idea
what we deal with down here.

Mexicans, blacks, Indians.

Give 'em an inch,

and every one will slit
your throat where you piss.

The war is over, Mr. Farley.

We have to stop fighting

Oh, we will.

When it's ours alone.

Come here. Don't...

Stand up!

Yeah. Get up. Stand up.

You ready to read, Cap?

No. No.

No! No!

I like your stories.

I tell you,

I ain't never heard
of news reading

as a business before.

It's not a rich man's

as you can see.

Well, so how-how did you
bother in it, then?

I was a printer by trade.

And I had a printworks
in San Antonio.

Printed up newspapers.

Then the war came.

When it was over,
it was all gone.

I lost everything.

Had to make a new life
for myself right there.

Couldn't print the newspapers
anymore, but I could read 'em.

And that's what I've been doing
from town to town.

You got family and all?

Left a wife in San Antonio.



Well, all right.
This is you, John Calley.


All right.

I could come with y'all.

Yeah, I heard all about
Hill Country.

That's Kiowa land.

If they find you,
they'd kill you.

The railroad's that way, John.

Go make something of your own.

At least...

take this gun.

I could get another real easy.

Just take it for her.

Say, Captain...

...those men holed up
in that mine,

they really beat the fire
and get home?

Yeah, they really did.

Right there.

Well, goddamn.

Ain't that something, huh?

Good luck to you, John.

Thank you.

Come on.

Good luck.

Will you teach me
that song you always sing?

The one that goes...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

We have to stay
on the main road!

Main road!

We go.

You don't have to do this.

They aren't there anymore.

Su-hanna go.

Mama, Papa tot?


They're dead.

I want to get you away
from all this pain and killing,

get you clear of it.

Going back, it's not good.

Need to put it behind you.

Move forward. Huh?

- Li-an.
- Yes.

Stay on that line.

And don't look back, hmm?



- Captain!
- Hang on.

Take the reins!

Jump! Jump, Johanna!

Yeah, good. All right.





Where are you?








Thank God.


Young man, I'm looking for
the Leonbergers of Castroville.


Do we read story?


No, no story here.

No dime-ah?

No, no dime-ah.

We go there?


Yes, we go there.

No. No, Cap.

- No. We go dime-ah.
- No. No.

- We go.
- No.

We go!

We go. No.

No, we go.

This is... this is
where you belong now, Johanna.

This is your home now.

Good day.

I have business
with the Leonberger family.


This child is
Johanna Leonberger.


My sister, she always
went her own way.

We said, "Stay in Castroville,"
but she and her husband Wolf,

they wanted to be
out there in the valley

where the land is cheaper.


So, she thinks
she's an Indian now?

Well, s-something in between.

She needs time to adjust.

She must work.

She must learn...

The proper ways.

Of course.

You know, my sister, when
we found her in the bedroom,

they cut her throat.

The baby sister...

they bashed the brain out.

Best if she forgets all that.

She needs new memories.

Who knows what
they will have taught her?

But we must try
to see her as a blessing.

And we need the extra hands.

You want money
for bring her here?

No, I don't want your money.

Buy her books.

- Books?
- So she can read.

She likes stories.

I will go.

You want some food
for the journey?

No, thank you.

He's leaving, child.

You ungrateful girl. This man,
he brought you on home.

That's all right.

Maybe she doesn't understand
what's happening.

I think Michael did this.

"Expressly agreed."

I'm not sure
that that's accurate.

We'll have to inform Mr. Young

about the rewriting
of this contract, no?

This here.

Hello, Willie.


My God.

Gentlemen, this is...

my d-dear old friend
Captain Jeffrey Kidd.

Pleasure to meet you, sir.



She's at the church.

In the garden.

It was cholera.

There's nothing
you could have done.

Doctor said.

It was being away
for four years of war, Willie.

Four years with all
the killing and all the blood.

Of wanting to go home
every day.

Of wanting to see her
and feel her.

To talk and laugh
and dream and...

...and think
of having a family.

Instead, I got a letter
delivered to my tent...

...saying she was gone
and already buried.

That's when I knew.

God's curse on me
had taken her.

It was sickness, Jeff,
just sickness.

It wasn't sickness.

It was judgment

for all I had seen...

...and all I had done.

I've known you 50 years.

Since we were boys.

We didn't ask for any of this.

But it fell to us
to do the fighting.

We lived.

She died.

That's not judgment.

It's just what
we had to face and...

...carry the rest of our days.

Ha! Ha!


We had to tie her.

She runs away.

She's a child.

She... no work.

My mistake.

She doesn't belong here.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


Captain, Johanna go?


If that's what you want.

Captain, Johanna go.

Now, ladies and gentlemen,

for this final story
of the day.

"A man dead and buried

"has risen from the grave.

"Three days ago,
in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,

"a Mr. Alfred Blackstone
of 47 years

"fell into a stupor.

"His wife called the physician,
but there being no pulse,

"it was determined
that Mr. Blackstone was,

- most unfortunately, dead."
- Aw.

"He was buried very swiftly
on the grounds

"of the local church,

"where, as divine providence
would have it,

"a wedding was due to
take place the following day.

"But nearing the church doors,
the bride abruptly stopped.

"From the cemetery beyond,

"she had heard
this inexplicable sound.

"The desperate, unmistakable
hammering of life.

"In a state
of frantic excitement,

"she ran to a nearby grave
marked 'Alfred Blackstone.'

"And within moments,

"the entire wedding
congregation was digging.

poor Alfred Blackstone

"was pulled from the earth
very much alive.

"And from his widow
Blackstone's embrace,

"Alfred turned to the groom
and said, and I quote,

"'Feller, when you get
in that church

"'and she says,
"Till death us do part"...

...don't you believe
a word of it.'"

My name is
Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd.

This is Miss Johanna Kidd.

And that is all the news
of the world we have for you.

We thank you, and good night.