News from Home (1976) - full transcript

Chantal Akerman, the Belgian filmmaker, lives in New York. Filmed images of the City are accompanied by the texts of Chantal Akerman's loving but manipulative mother back home in Brussels. The City comes more and more to the front while the words of the mother, read by Akerman herself, gradually fade away. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Dear child. I received your letter
and hope you will write often.

I hope you won't stay away too long
and that you've found a job by now.

If you're doing well, we're happy.
Even though we do miss you.

When will you be back? Everything is fine
here, but Sylviane is home with the flu.

My blood pressure is low.
I'm on medication for it.

Today is my birthday. I feel sad.
It's quiet at the shop.

Tonight we're going out to dinner
with friends. That's all.

Your birthday is coming up.
I wish you all the best.

Write to me soon about your work,
about New York, about everything.

Lots of love from the three of us.
Your loving mother.

My dear girl.

I'm so glad you wrote back so soon.

Your letter made me feel much better.

I'm happy you're doing better.

Father enjoys it
when I read your letters to him.

We're not angry that you left so
suddenly, but keep us up to speed now.

I dream about you a lot
and your letters really cheer me up.

Father and I work hard.
The winter season is over.

Summer is coming. The weather
is mild, I hope it stays that way.

My health isn't very good.
I often feel hot and weak.

I thought it was just my age, but it's
not. So I'm back on my medication.

Sylviane had the flu.
She has gone back to school now.

Father has to lose four kilos.
He's on a diet and takes medicine.

Other than that, everything's fine.

Sweetheart, we hope that everything
will work out the way you want it.

Lots of love from daddy, Sylviane
and the rest. Your loving mother.

Dear Chantal.

I sent you some summer clothes,
because it must be warm there.

I hope I have the right address.
I didn't receive a letter this week.

Last week three letters
and this week none.

I hope you did receive my letters.

But sometimes it says New York 10025
on your envelope, other times 10027.

Which one is it? This summer, we are
going to spend some weekends at sea...

...instead of going abroad.

I hope the shop will pick up a little.

We have already started
with the winter collection.

The son of one of my nieces
is studying medicine.

Why don't you go see his parents in the
Bronx? They know you want to make films.

I hope you write back soon.

Lots of love from daddy, Sylviane
and the rest. Your loving mother.

I sent some summer clothes
to your last address.

Why did you move?
I hope you get the parcel soon.

I already paid for the postage.
I hope you won't have to pay anything.

If you need money,
I can send you some dollars.

I hope the heat isn't bothering you
too much over there.

Just buy a pair of good sandals.
I'm sure you can find them there.

I hope you get through
the summer alright.

I'm only receiving one letter a week.
Please try and write more often.

Your letters cheer me up.
We're proud that you're doing well.

Be careful when you go out on the street
at night. New York is dangerous.

We're going to Knokke for a few days.
I'm feeling very tired again.

I'm going to have another massage.
Sylviane is taking her exams.

Dearest, your father
and I send you big kisses...

Please write soon.
Your loving mother.

And write to aunt Tonia some time.

Dearest. I got your letter.
I was worried...

...because I hadn't heard anything
for two weeks.

Did you receive the summer clothes?
Please let me know soon.

I haven't heard from Colette, but I'll
send you some dollars now and then.

What kind of work are you doing
at that restaurant?

I'm glad you're learning English.
That will come in handy.

Even so, I miss you
and hope to see you soon.

Sylviane misses you too. At night
she sometimes dreams you're back.

Tonight we're going to visit
some friends. Everyone is tired.

Danny said to say hi.
We ran into him at a dance.

It's too bad that...

She's feeling down. Jean-Pierre found
someone else and wants a divorce.

She's at a loss what to do.

Dearest, please write often and let
me know whether you got the parcel.

Lots of love and see you soon.
From father, Sylviane and mother...

...and the rest of the family who often
asks about you. Your loving mother.

Dearest, I got your last letter
ten days ago.

I'm wondering what happened.
I sent you twenty dollars.

Let us hear from you soon. You know
how important your letters are to me.

Tonia is also curious to know how
you're doing. Why don't you write to her?

We don't have much news.
The summer wasn't very special.

But the next days will be very hot.
The business is quiet.

Father is worried
and I get bored a lot in the store.

Sylviane finished her exams
and she often keeps me company now.

We don't do much in the evenings.

We watch TV a lot.

Dearest, we think of you a lot and hope
you're doing well. Don't forget about us.

Kisses from daddy, Sylviane
and your loving mother.

Dearest. I got your letter soon after
I had written to you.

I'm glad everything is going well.
But do write a little more often.

You're busy, but try and write
some more anyway.

I understand you won't be coming back
for now. I miss you a lot.

We celebrated Judith's birthday.
I'll send you some photos.

Her speech is improving and she's
starting to read. She's a real beauty.

Right away she jumped on daddy's lap.

Why did Lilly want to have a baby
so soon? It's hard on both of them.

On July 18 we celebrated Sylviane's
birthday. Without you.

I'm sorry, the most important thing
is for you to be happy.

Lots of love from me
and from daddy who misses you too.

Your loving mother
who thinks about you often.

Dear child of mine.

I'm glad you don't have that job anymore
and that you're liking New York so much.

People around here don't understand it.
They think New York is terrible.

But perhaps they were too quick to judge.

I hope your new flat is affordable
and isn't in a dangerous area.

What do you do for a living?
Yesterday we went to Sonia.

We had a good time.
We met new people...

...whom we invited
to our house this Thursday.

Father has been very tired lately. He's
been sleeping poorly and wakes often.

He has many worries.
That's why the distraction is good.

I'm doing better,
but there's always something.

Sylviane is really growing up.
It's too bad she can be a bit apathetic.

I hope she doesn't
turn out like my sister.

We are having a heat wave.
I hope it won't last long.

I'm sending you a photo of Judith's
birthday. Never mind the way I look.

Why don't you send us a photo?

Lots of love from all of us.

Big kisses and see you soon.
Your loving mother.

Dearest girl. I wish I could finally
give you a big hug again.

Judith wrote to you.
She's hoping you'll write back.

Once again: did you receive
the 20 dollars I sent you a month ago?

Please answer my questions for once.
For Heaven's sake.

Please try.

How are you doing? Where and with whom
are you living? How much are you paying?

Do me a favour and go and see
your uncle once in a while.

Eric and Chris had a little girl.
They are overjoyed.

They have to find a bigger house. Chris
has gotten a taste for it, she says.

Nothing much is happening here. Too bad
you're missing Sylviane's birthday.

But as long as you're happy in New York,
that's what's most important.

I don't expect to see you back
anytime soon.

Should you need anything,
just let me know.

I talked to Marilyn the other day.

She no longer likes her job.

It may be silly, this way she risks
being fired, but it's up to her.

Just let me know
what you want me to send with her.

Please write again soon.
That's the important thing.

Father is always very happy
when we get another letter from you.

Everyone is asking about you.

Darling, lots of love from me, daddy,
Sylviane and the rest of the family.

Your mommy sends you a kiss.

My darling daughter.

I'm sorry I took a while
to write back.

I received your screenplay.
I think it's written very well.

Those people sure have a hard life.
You really did a good job.

I hope you'll be able to shake up
public opinion...

...about these social evils.

I'm enclosing 20 dollars, I don't dare
send more. I'll send some with Marilyn.

Father had a dream about you last night.
You were back and then you were gone.

He was sad all day.
I wasn't sure how to help him.

Write soon. When he knows you're
doing well, his fears go away.

Sweetheart, if only you knew
how proud your father is of you.

If I had the money, I'd come and see you,
but I'd have to win the lottery first.

Everything is fine here. We're working
hard. Father is far too kind.

A customer who still owed us money,
went broke. So goodbye money.

As long as one has their health,
that's the main thing.

I hope business will pick up
this season.

Father took out a credit insurance
that will cover 80 percent.

This kind of misfortune
happens more and more.

I won't trouble you with it anymore.

We just won't give up hope.

Father is looking for a patch of land
to build a house on. It's his big dream.

We will have to sell the flat
and take out an extra mortgage.

I would love it,
a house with a little garden.

Sweetheart, write as often as possible.
We want to know how you're doing.

It's great that you're doing so well.

Lots of love from the three of us.
We hope you'll write soon.

I received your letter and am happy
you received the 20 dollars.

I also sent a cheque for 100 dollars
to your new address.

I hope you received that as well.
Marilyn isn't leaving yet.

That has to do with Michel's work.

If necessary,
I'll send you some more money.

I'm glad you're doing well.
Your letter has reassured me.

I hope you're managing financially.

I'll send some more money.
I just hope the letter doesn't get lost.

Perhaps I can send some with Colette.

We are closing the store in Tournai. It
was hard work and didn't bring in much.

I hope the sale will bring in
a little extra.

I haven't been feeling well at all.
I always feel listless in the summer.

Perhaps I will take a break for a few
days during the vacation.

Lilia thanks you for your letter.
Did you write to Sonia and Ida?

Lots of love from daddy, Sylviane
and the rest of the family.

Write soon, sweetheart.
Your loving mother.

Dear daughter.
Thank you for your letter.

I'm glad you received the money
at your new address.

Father was at home sick.
He had a throat abscess and high fever.

I took care of him myself.
Luckily the abscess burst yesterday.

Thankfully he feels better now.

Without him the office is a mess.

I'm very tired now.
I look awful.

Eline will be married on August 25.
I'm not going, I'll send a telegram.

How are you doing?
I've been worried about you.

I wish you could just be home with us.

Take care, sweetheart.
I'm enclosing another 20 dollars.

Daddy is still too weak to write,
but he sends you lots of love.

Big kisses from all of us.
Your loving mother.

My dear daughter.

Thank you for your letter.
I'm just sorry it was such a short note.

I know you're busy,
but do try and write to us.

I want to know how you're doing
and if you're in good health.

Everything is fine over here.
Father's throat is getting better.

We've been working hard again
at the store.

But it's not easy.
I usually don't start until noon.

Danny passed his exams.
He's going to study photography in Paris.

His parents have accepted it, although
they would have preferred something else.

I haven't seen them
since their vacation in Spain.

They did call: it was hot and crowded
and they're never going back again.

Everyone is asking about you. Lots of
love from daddy, Sylviane and the family.

Your loving mother.

My dear daughter. I'm sorry
I didn't write back immediately.

Marilyn told me she won't be going
to New York anytime soon.

She sounded sad,
but said that everything was going well.

You mentioned a different job. I hope
it's interesting and not too tiresome.

I hope you're managing financially,
for I can't send anything this month.

You haven't mentioned your uncle.
Go see him. He's family, after all.

Irène's daughter Alice is getting
engaged. Guess to whom.

To Gilbert.
He isn't handsome, but he is sweet.

Alice loves him. Gilbert's parents
already bought an apartment.

Next month we're going
to the engagement party.

Sweetheart, we haven't seen
each other in a long time.

Daddy misses you a lot and hopes
you're taking good care of yourself.

If you think you should stay longer,
we will accept it.

I don't have much news.
Aunt Nadia isn't feeling too well.

She thinks it's something gynaecological.
She'll be examined soon.

Hopefully it's nothing serious.
Sweetheart, lots of love from us.

Daddy hopes to see you soon again. Your
loving mother who is thinking of you.

My dear girl. I'm so glad you had such
good news and wrote to us right away.

But you didn't say whether
you were planning to stay in New York

I miss you tremendously. But even though
you'll be staying longer, I'm not sad.

The main thing is that you're happy.

When will you send us some photos?

Lily and Alain are fighting. When they
see each other, they ignore each other.

It's definitely over, she says.
Alain isn't right for her.

She will be writing you soon.
She sends her regards.

I have another tooth ache. They're going
to pull two molars in September.

Other than that, everything's fine.
The shop is doing better.

The customers are very enthusiastic.

Daddy is right:
Work is good for a person.

Etty was here on Sunday with Daphna.
What a nice, smart girl she is.

The trousers you sent her
look good on her.

Darling, write soon and send some photos.
Love from all of us.

Your loving mother.

Dear girl.

I had to wait a long time for another
letter. Please try to write more often.

Furthermore, I was alone. Daddy went
to Italy and Sylviane was out of town.

How are you doing? You mentioned
you had a new job. What does it entail?

I'm glad you have so many friends.

Everything is fine here. Daddy's trip
to Italy was hectic, but useful.

Sunday we visited with the aunts.
It was very nice.

Aunt Nadia isn't ill anymore.

Father had a good time too.
You were the only one missing.

Father found some land
for the house.

He wants to build a separate floor for
you, where you can live quietly soon.

I'm a bit worried about the extra
mortgage, but I try not to show it.

I hope everything will be all right.
Sweetheart, write soon. Lots of love...

...from daddy, Sylviane and the family.
Your loving mother.

My dear girl.
I'm responding to your letter right away.

I'm glad you're managing.
Eric called me right away...

...when he got back from New York.

He told me about where you live,
that you looked good...

...but he didn't say anything
about your return.

Do you still have the same job? You must
be speaking English very well by now.

During the strike I was staying
by the sea. It made me feel better.

Many of our friends were there.
Other than that, nothing special.

Sweetheart, lots of love from daddy,
Sylviane and the rest.

Write back soon, darling.
Your loving mother.

My darling girl.

I was starting to get worried
when I got a letter from you indirectly.

I will send something for you. Something
small, because I don't have much time.

Now and then I have the feeling
I'm suffocating in the store.

But on other days
I enjoy it.

Don't be angry when I ask you again
when you're coming back.

If I hear from you regularly, I don't get
so worried. So write more often.

You never write how you're really doing.

How is your job?
Do you have friends there?

Father thinks you're lonely.

We went to the engagement party.
We danced until three o'clock.

It has cheered up your father.

Freddy is in the hospital with
thrombosis. He's in a bad state.

But I think he will make it.

It won't be long though, before he won't
have anyone to take care of him.

Lily and Alain have definitely broken up.
I hope you'll write again soon.

Sweetheart, lots of love from all of us.

My dear girl.

Finally a sign of life from you
after two weeks of silence.

But I'm happy with the letter
and the photos. You look great in them.

Father thought so too. You look pretty
with long hair. I miss you even more now.

It's terribly quiet over here.

Father started his vacation already
and comes with me to the shop now.

That's always better
than sitting at home.

I'm still tired,
despite a number of injections...

I'm not complaining. Next week we're
going to spend some days by the sea.

School will be starting again soon.
Sylviane is ready to go.

That was all, darling. Please write a bit
about your work and your life there.

My dear girl. Last night we were
pleasantly surprised to find your letter.

I read it to father right away.
It made our day.

It's been raining here for days.
I'm feeling very listless.

Every morning I get up feeling tired.
At night I feel better.

Father wants me to change my GP.
Sylviane has been very helpful.

On Sunday we visited
with Judith and Simon...