Newly Single (2017) - full transcript

Astor William Stevenson is on the verge of a big step in his career, but when his girlfriend leaves him, insecurities surface and he transforms into a wrecking ball on a stream of darkly comedic dates and misguided romantic pursuits. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
I do, I love women.

Yeah, it'’s like
you'’re idealizing women.

Well, I kissed one once,
but that was it.

I saw your movie.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Adaline and Emily?-Mm-hm.

We just met,
so that means a lot to me.

Hm. Yeah.

It was different than
I thought it was going to be.

Like, different having
had met me before, or...

Yeah. I think so.


Did I tell you that
I used to date a movie producer?

No. Has he, uh,
made anything I'’ve seen, or...?

Uh, he made an indie movie that
was like very character-driven,

kind of like
what you'’re going for.

Oh, well,
I'’ve probably seen it then.

What... what was it called?

Medicine for Melancholy.

I don'’t know.
It sounds familiar.

I don'’t think
I'’ve seen it though.

Maybe it sounds familiar

just because of how
the title is, or...

How well did it do?

I don'’t know.

Well, I mean,
is it worth my time?

Should I see it?

I can'’t say that.
That'’s up to you.

Oh, come on.
Don'’t be coy.

I know it'’s not probably
as good as my film,

but it'’s not easy
to make a movie.

Come on, you can tell me,
on just, like, a personal level,

which one you liked more.

Um... I guess I liked

Medicine for Melancholy.


You can'’t say that.

It'’s just an opinion.
It doesn'’t matter.

You'’re right. I'm sorry.
I didn'’t think that would affect me so much.

I'’m going to go.

No, don'’t go.

- Why?
- I'’m sorry.

There'’s no recovering from that.

No, there is.
Sit back down.

Sit... c'’mon on I'm sorry.

I said I was sorry.

Now you say you'’re sorry.

What'’s your...

I do, it'’s probably...

Hi, I'’m Astor.


Um, this is David.

He'’s visiting from New York.
We went to college together.

- And Cheryl.
- We went to high school together.

Hi. Hello.

This is Astor.

- This is his first Tinder date.
- Ah, it is.

She has, like, a hundred
thousand followers.

I could text her right now
if you asked.

So you'’re a production designer?

- I am.
- She'’s the best.

That'’s what I hear.
I like your outfit.

Oh, thank you.

You actually look
better in person

than you do in your pictures.

I think you should
get new pictures.

Oh, thanks.
My mom said it'’s always best

to under advertise.

That way you always
exceed expectations.

- Are your parents still together?
- They are.

That'’s good, I like that.

- Hey, so Tammy Thompson? OK?
- Uh-huh.

- Born again. Married at 19.
- Right.

- Divorced last year.
- Yeah, yeah, Tammy, of course.

- She'’s, like, an escort in Vegas now.
- Yes. Boobs out.

She'’s like slutting it up
all over the place.

- She'’s in Vegas?
- So what do you guys think about feminism?

Yes, she'’s going crazy
right now.

Wait, I don'’t understand,
but she...

When did she break up
with her husband?

- Are you a feminist?
- Mike?

- Are you a feminist?
- No, she'’s not a prostitute.

- It'’s different than that.
- Are you a feminist?

I like this guy!

He'’s, like, not a man's man.

He'’s like a sensitive guy
I can tell that.

- I like him.
- Honestly.

- I like your shirt.
- Invite him, invite him.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

OK, so, David'’s in town from
New York '’cause he's directing

this play, um, that premieres
next Thursday.

- You should come.
- OK.

Thank... thanks for the invite.

- So, you'’re a feminist?
- Oh, no.

I don'’t believe in feminism.

No, really, I don'’t.

I think if you thought about it,

you wouldn'’t either.

No, I'’m a feminist.

I went to Vassar
for Christ sake.

Well, but you don'’t
wanna work though.

- Of course I do.
- No, you don'’t.

Ooh... I don'’t?

I mean, don'’t get me wrong,
I'’m... I'm... I'’m pro-women

and I think anybody should be able to do anything they want,
regardless of gender.

All I'’m saying is,
we are animal beings who have

developed over millions of years
of evolution

and during this whole period,
of millions of years,

men have done this one
very specific thing,

and women have done
this other thing.

And then come 1967,
that all changes? Forever?

Is that gonna last?

evolutionarily speaking,

it'’s just been a blip.

- Hello?
- Hey... Hey, Mom.

Hey, honey. It'’s late.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, I'’m sorry,
are you still up?

- Is it OK? -It'’s OK.

What'’s up?

Did you find a job?

I told you,
I'’m not looking for a job.

Oh, how can you say that?

Because I'’m not interested in what the world is offering me right now.

You know how difficult it is
for somebody like me?

I'’m not gonna take some soulless job on some daytime talk show.

I'’m hedging my bet.

What does that mean?

It means I'’m better,

than what things
have to offer me right now.

OK, well... how'’s the movie going?

I'’m making a new movie.

It'’s... It stars Taylor...


Who'’s that?

Oh, my God.

I can'’t even believe
I'’m from you two.

Well, what does Valerie think?

I haven'’t told Valerie,
we'’re taking a break.

It'’s none of her business,

if she knew, she'’d agree.

How long have you been taking a break for?

I went on a date tonight.

Mmkay, how was that?


she'’s a production designer

and her ex-boyfriend'’s Quentin Tarantino,
so there'’s that.

Oh, she talked about her ex-boyfriend?

No, Mom, she didn'’t talk about
her ex-boyfriend, I googled her,

that'’s what people do now.

I gotta go.

Oh, all right. Well, I love you.

I love you, too.

Uh, you guys wanna
start with 17?

Is that all right? OK.

Um, we can just pretend
this uh...

We'’ll pretend this, uh, sofa

is that dumpster you guys are sitting up against, and, um ...

I guess, Taylor if you wanna
start standing and walk into it?

If that works for you?

- Mm-hm.
- OK.

Um, so, again, I know we talked
about this, both, one-on-one,

but what'’s important is just to hit the major emotional beats.

So, if there'’s anything that doesn'’t seem like the way you would say it,

or, it just isn'’t working for you,
feel free to put it in your own words.

It'’s completely fine, OK?

- You good?
- Mm-hm.

All right, and action.

Hey, hey, hey, hey...

Sit down. C'’mon, sit.

Hey, everything'’s
going to be OK.

OK? Look at me.


We'’re gonna call the police,
all right?

And we'’re gonna
get your money back.

E... everything'’s gonna
work out.

Are you fucking kidding me?
The police?

You wanna call
the fucking police?!

Do you think that the police
actually care about this?

We'’re just a bunch of kids!

Are you serious?!

Look at me.

Uh, I didn'’t think you'd,
uh, really like me.

I lied about everything.

That money is everything.

I have nothing, OK?


I love you.

All right!

Thanks. That was great.

Great, that was great.
On this next one,

let'’s just do one thing
a little bit different.

What'’s this script?

"I Am Jeffrey... Deetch"?

Ah, it'’s "Deitch."
It'’s just this sci-fi thing I wrote.

Have you, uh, heard of
"Refrigerator Play"?

What'’s that?

It'’s where I lock you
in my refrigerator

and only let you out to perform
volatile sexual acts

you'’d otherwise be
too embarrassed to perform.

Izzy? What'’s the matter?


I'’m OK.

All right.

I just don'’t want you to think
that just because we met,

you know, tonight,
that you can'’t tell me stuff.

I think it'’s best,
just to get everything out,

at the beginning, you know?

Everybody'’s got baggage.

You'’re right, but I'm OK.

All right.

How long you been single?

Like a month?

That'’s not very long.

Yeah. It sucks.

Was he a Korean guy?


I kind of only date white guys.


What'’d he do?

He was a lawyer.

Is that who you were
thinking about a second ago?


What went wrong?

I just got bored.

Like, in what way?

Like, in all the ways?

We dated for five years
and we hardly ever had sex,

but he kept saying that it was
going to get better but...

I didn'’t know, I...

I kind of come from this world

that'’s sort of backwards
in a lot of ways.

And so... I don'’t know.

I didn'’t realize
it wasn'’t normal.

Is that important to you,
to have a lot of sex?


I'’m kind of a pervert.


You think I'’m a pervert?


I should go.
I have to work early.



I'’m sorry and I love you.

Are you drunk?

Uh... no.

I don'’t know why you left.

Please come home.

You know why.

No, I don'’t.

I love you.

I'’m sorry.

I'’ll call you back soon.


Hi, you'’ve reached Valerie.

Leave, uh--

You were always a rebound!

Oh, fuck it.

Are you, or are you not back?

Yeah, we just landed.

How'’d it go?

It was incredible! We won the festival!

You didn'’t hear?


Oh, my God, that'’s amazing!


Dude, thank you. Um, listen.

I'’m calling you because I got your message.

No problem with Taylor.

I'’ll make some calls tomorrow,

we'’ll get some more money.

Just put this out of your mind,

it'’s a done, I promise.

Oh, my God, are you serious?!

With her? Yeah, slam dunk.

Oh... thank you,
that is so great!

You wanna get a drink?

♪ Come with me

♪ Stay with me

♪ You know you'’ll have ♪

♪ Your way with me

♪ Can'’t you see ♪

♪ It'’s the destiny ♪

♪ Of love?

♪ Light the flame

♪ Play the game

♪ Ignore the rumors

♪ They had claimed

♪ Who'’s to blame ♪

♪ For the destiny

♪ Of love?

♪ And deep within

♪ The sea of stars

♪ To haunt me

♪ So, come with me

♪ Escape with me

♪ Be kind, be cruel

♪ Only stay with me

♪ For eternity

♪ That'’s the destiny ♪

♪ Of...

Do you wanna get married?

Sure, one day.

No, I mean, like, tonight.

You'’re fun.

And you'’re feminine.

You don'’t see those two things
together a lot.

I like you.

I like you, too.

You'’re not like
the rest of them.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Good morning.
What time is it?

Oh, it'’s like 6:22, sorry.

I have a call with China
at 6:30.

Um, OK.

Thanks, sorry.


Sorry, I just gotta
make that call,

it'’s in like two minutes.

That'’s OK, um, do you wanna
do something later today?

Yeah, maybe.
It depends on the call.

If I can, I'’ll text you, OK?



Hey, are you all right?

What'’s this number?

Are you all right?

No, I'’m not all right.
What'’s this number?

It doesn'’t matter.


Come home.

Hey, you'’re gonna be all right, OK?

I'’m not.

"Migrants in Europe face a new
danger in coming winter."


"The migrants coming into Europe
through the western Balkans,

in recent months,
have been resourceful and adaptable enough

to slip through unfriendly
police officers, raging rivers,

hostile borders
and razor-wire fences.

But there is one thing
they cannot evade,

and that is the looming winter."

Winter is no time to be alone,

You need me.

We need each other.

I'’m just calling to tell you I'’m coming by Thursday to get my things.


No, you can'’t.

Well, Jesus, Astor, you'’ve left me no choice.

That'’s not true.

It is.

Just don'’t do it.
It'’s that simple.

Have you been with anyone since I left?


Have you?


I'’ll be there at ten.

No, you won'’t.

I'’d appreciate it if you weren'’t there. OK?

Things don'’t ever change.

You can'’t just be a dick because of life.

I don'’t want to be a dick.

No. You don'’t get to say that

because I'’ve offered you
a solution to get better,

and you completely
refuse to even give it a look.

Despite the fact
that it'’s worked for me,

and my sister, and my dad.

Um, I have looked at it.

I don'’t know why, because it's
completely fucking crazy,

but I have looked at it.
So, you don'’t get to say that.

But did you though?

Or did you look at it with this
critical pointed eye

because you'’re so worried about
what other people think of you?

I'’m not worried about
what people think about me.

I just happen to agree
with the masses

who think
it'’s a dangerous cult,

who'’s out to take people's money
by selling them snake oil.

I'’m sorry, they're doing actual
harm in the world.

Yeah, see you say that,
but what have you seen?

What have you witnessed,
except for them doing good?

You said that to me!

You said what you saw
with your own eyes

was all a drastically
positive experience.

That it helped you.

So, why don'’t you want help?

I was placating you because
I don'’t want to lose you.

I love you

and I want to be with you.

I just don'’t want to have
to explain to our children

why they were raised in a cult.

We'’re going to fight over
our hypothetical children again?

I already said they should
choose for themselves.

You don'’t get to think
for yourself when you'’re six

and surrounded by kooky people.

What is so kooky?

Not what you read,
not what some friend said.

What have you seen except
for really nice people

who want to help other people,
and really do?

Do you know how difficult

your grandmother'’s funeral
was for me?

Can we talk about that?

How about that giant cross
around the neck of the minister?

What was that?

It'’s a symbol representing
the Dynamics.

No, it'’s not Valerie.
It'’s a cross.

A Christian cross,
and you know why they use it.

The symbol predates

- No, it doesn'’t.
- Yes, it does!

No, it doesn'’t...
That'’s not why they use it.

They use it for a reason
that was far truer,

probably in 1950-something when they originally picked it,
than even today.

They use it because it subconsciously has an effect on people

based on their childhood
spent in Christianity.

That'’s exploitative.

what is that whole part

where they normally
read Bible scriptures,

but instead you hear this
seven minute long,

lyrical poem by L. Ron Hubbard?

I'’m sorry, but that was
complete gobbledygook.

It literally sounded like a book by Dr.
Seuss, but way longer and worse.

And nobody even knows that because the whole
crowd comes up to the minister afterwards,

and they'’re like
"Lovely words, lovely words."

And he'’s like,
"It'’s not me, it was LRH".

What the fuck?

And then the ending?

Where people say
how they remembered her?

What was that?
Nobody had anything real to say,

they were all just like
"Oh, if it weren'’t for Susie,

I would have never reached
OT level whatever the fuck."

Is that what it'’s going
to be like when you die?

- That'’s it, I'm leaving.
- No, this is where you live.

- It'’s over.
- No.

I love you
and this is your home.

Where are you gonna go?

My sister'’s.

And then starting by bringing awareness

to the area of your heart in this moment,

and just getting a sense of if your heart feels open or closed right now.

- Mm. -And this is not in order to change it,

but in order to know.

- Mm. -And please remember, that, in loving-kindness practice,

the intention is the most important thing.

The intention to develop a more open and friendly heart.

Towards yourself and towards everybody you...

[doorbell ringing

Who is it?

It'’s me.

Astor, open the door.

Not until you agree
to not move out.



That'’s the deal. I don't quit.

It'’s my best quality.

You said we were gonna
talk about this.

We did. Ad nauseam.

You'’re only making this
harder on yourself, mate.

Why is he here?

To help me move.

Fuck you, for real?

You'’re going to bring
a stranger into this?

Please, open the door.

We'’re gonna talk.

- Turn this off.
- It'’s our song.

Have you become
a Scientologist now, too?

Don'’t be mean.

This is so hard for me.

I have nowhere to go.

Then don'’t go.
I want you here!

No, you don'’t.

That'’s not true.

Are you sleeping with him?

He'’s my sister's boyfriend.

You know why we'’re
breaking up don'’t you, mate?

Because I won'’t become
a Scientologist.

Don'’t think you're not next.

Hey, hey, hey.
Don'’t do this, all right?

You should just step out.

Nobody'’s making me
a Scientologist.

That'’s fine.

I'’m gonna go get a Mexican Coke.

C'’mon, will you just
talk to me for a second?

This isn'’t easy, you know?

Do you love me?

Of course, I do, but sometimes
that just isn'’t enough.

All you need is love.

No, that'’s a song.

Hey. You guys moving out?

- I am.
- No.

Ah, shit. Sorry.

It'’s OK.

All right, I'’ll see ya, Val.

Good luck.

C'’mon, let's just
move this back upstairs.

It'’s not too late.

You came to my
grandmother'’s funeral,

who you know raised me,
and you pulled people aside

and said they were
in a dangerous cult.

I'’ll see you at
your sister'’s birthday party

and we'’ll talk about it more.

Everything'’s going to be
all right.

Feeling, ah, lonely...

The nuclear family is, uh, is, uh, you know...

It'’s a cell, it'’s like a prison cell.

Most societies in history of the world,

you have people living in the extended family unit,

it'’s a tribal family with multiple generations living in the same house,

and shared labor, OK, and companionship and so on...

Where women are going home from
the office where they may have a very...

Hey, what'’s up, Astor?

Sup, dude?

How ya doin'’ man?
How ya feelin'’?

Not so good.

You wanna get a drink?

Uh, yea. Stand by.

Hey, Gloria.

Um, Astor needs to grab a drink.

Yeah, you know? Gloria'’s sick.

I just... I don'’t think tonight'’s good.

Just one drink, man.
I, um...

Valerie moved out.

Valerie moved out.

And I'’m pregnant.

So, unless you want me to--- Hey, man, you know,

just... tonight'’s just not gonna work.

But, later this week, for sure, we'’ll find some time.

Um, you know what you should do?

You should go downstairs.

Just get real fucked up.

You know what they say,

the best way to get over somebody

is to get on top of somebody new.

All right.

We'’ll, uh...

do it later this week, man.

All right, uh, later.


So, you'’re a dancer...


Like, at Rick'’s?

A modern dance company.


And you'’re a survivalist?

Is that a job?

Well, it'’s like a little bit
more of a hobby.

But I think it sets a pretty solid foundation, morally,
for a man.


So, like,
you have an earthquake kit.

Did you hear me? I said
I'’m a professional survivalist.

Do you know what that means?
I have, like, four months

of freeze-dried food for two,
forty gallons of water,

a water filter for radiation,
iodide pills,

gold, silver, a thousand rounds
of ammunition, a shotgun...

- You have a gun?
- ...with two--

Well, I have, like, a shotgun.

Like a...
for the sound mainly,

as opposed to a handgun.

Wait, here in this house?

- Yeah.
- Are you fucking crazy?

Oh, trust me, it'’s necessary.
You'’d like it.

As a woman, I think it would
probably make you feel secure.

But why do you have
all this stuff?

Mm, it was like
a hormonal response.

Uh, I was moving in
with my first girlfriend,

- and we got this puppy and--
- Oh, what kind?

Mm, it was a French Bulldog.

- That'’s so cute! I love dogs.
- Yeah.

So, this thing just
kicked in where I realized

if something bad happened
I'’d be the one responsible,

and I just didn'’t want this
thing on my conscience,

like, I'’d have to
call her dad up and be like,

"Oh! I'’m sorry, sir,

I'’m a pussy,
your daughter'’s dead." Or...

Then I lost my dog.

That'’s so sad
that you lost your dog.

I mean, like, technically, yeah.

I mean,
it was a domestic dispute.

You know how these things go,
the women always gets the kids.

You poor thing.

Aw, you'’re really empathetic.

Somebody just left you.

I knew it.

There'’s just
no other way to explain

someone as pretty as you
being alone at a bar

and then back here
so quickly with me.

I'’m just... I mean, it's OK.
Everybody gets hurt.

I mean, if that'’s what happened.

We don'’t have to talk about it.

I'’m sorry.
I shouldn'’t have said anything.

But, let me just say
one more thing.

What I really mean...

What I meant to say

was that I'’m 100 percent certain
that he did not deserve you.

You wanna see my gun?

All right.

- I don'’t usually--
- It'’s OK. I'll be right back.

What the fuck are you doing?

- It'’s my gun.
- It'’s a real gun?!

You said you wanted to see it.

Oh, my God,
you'’re a fucking psycho,

stay the fuck away from me!

What? I said,
"Do you wanna see my gun?"

- And you said, "Yes."
- I thought you were talking about your dick.

Whoa! Whoa! It'’s locked.

- It doesn'’t fire, it can't fire.
- Do not follow me.

How are things?

- Hectic. But when are they not?
- Yeah.

Thanks for doing this.

- It'’s no problem.
- I really appreciate it.

Hey, guys, uh,
let'’s get started.

Thanks for coming out here today,
I really appreciate it.

Um, let'’s just quickly go around the room and introduce ourselves.

Lawrence, one of the producers.

Henry, other producer.

Regina, Costumes.

Astor Williams Stevenson,

May, DP.

Max, PM.

Irina, production designer.

James, first AD.

All right guys, uh, thanks
for trekking this far east.

It'’s easier on us,
we'’re wrapping our last movie outta here.

Um, wanted to get you guys all here together for two reasons today.

First, just to put everybody in the same room together with Astor,

talk about the big picture;
the vision of this film.

And, second, so Henry here can say, "No,"
to all of your budget requests.

Or yes. So, good news.

We have locked
the horse track location.

So, I will be available
to answer logistical questions

on that
at the end of the meeting.

Right now, I think,
Astor'’s gonna say a few things.

It'’s real simple.
I just...

I know this is a story
about young love,

and I know it'’s a story about two people
who were damaged earlier in life,

but I just want to make sure we'’re also
telling a much broader story about hope.

Um, I wanna show that
two damaged people

can actually be there
for each other.

And I just wanna have a movie
with a happy ending, you know?

So many independent films,
almost all of them,

end without any sense
of hopefulness for this world,

or for love,
or really for anything,

and I'’m just sick of that,
and I think it'’s bullshit.

Um, these characters are very damaged,
they'’re sexually confused,

and they'’re coming up against
a lot of obstacles,

but it'’s really not
so much easier in real life,

and people are seeming to
make it work every single day.

So, let'’s show that.

The more positive side
of things, and, um...

make it real at the same time.

- Hey!
- Hey, How'’s it goin'?

How'’s it goin'?

Uh, I'’m good.

- How are you?
- I'’m good.

- This way.
- Nice, uh, outfit you got there.

Thank you.

- I think. I think...
- You... you look good.

- Thanks.
- Very spiffy.

- Oh! Sorry.
- Sorry... sorry.

Did you just do that thing, '’cause...
'cause I'’m a girl and you'’re a boy?

Uh, I think so, yeah.

I like that.

- Are you OK?
- Yeah.

How long have you
been single for?

Uh, like a week.

- Oh, wow. OK.
- How '’bout you?

Um, definitely more than a week.

So, you'’re not even,
like, really single yet.

- Well...
- Are you kind of, like,

worried that someone'’s
gonna see you and me?

We should just get married.



All right. Maybe!

Maybe we should, like,

see how good
the play is first, though.

- All right.
- OK?

Oh, hey, where'’ve you been?

You almost made her miss
the beginning of the show.

I said I couldn'’t go in
without you, so...

I was just right over there
getting us drinks.

You can'’t bring those in actually,
we'’re about to start, so...

I'’m not gonna throw them away.
The lights haven'’t even cued yet.

What about all
these other people?

They'’re not for me! There'’s, like,
four other shows here. We all share a lobby.

Uh, here, you know...

- Thanks for coming though.
- Mm-hm. You know me,

I'’m a huge supporter
of Avant Garde theatre.

Totally, of course,
and I think as a director

you'’re really going to
appreciate this.

You wanna sit over there?

Uh, yeah, yeah.
That'’s fine.

I don'’t know why we had to rush?

He'’s just nervous, you know?

It'’s, uh...
It'’s his first night.

You know how it is.

I hate stuff like this.

I know Avant Garde is just...
it just means shit.

I'’m so glad you said that.

I was just feigning excitement
to impress you.

- Should we?
- We could.

- He wouldn'’t know.
- He thinks we'’re gross.

- Disgusting.
- We are?

- We crawl all over...
- His clothes...

- All over his bed.
- Loves only him.

- Only him.
- Only him.

- Only.
- Only him.

- Only.
- Only him.

Only him.

- Only him.
- Only him.






- At the end of--
- At the end of the--

- End of the world.
- As the end of the world...


The Gimlet.

Incredibly refreshing drink.
Unfortunately, it'’s British.


Mm, it'’s so good.
Thank you.

You are welcome.

It'’s one of the few things
I can do right.

- That you can do right?
- Yeah.

Oh, yeah. No. So far, yeah.

Mm, so,
can I tell you something?

Depends. Do you wanna
compliment me some more or...

No. There'’s no more
complements tonight.

- OK.
- That'’s it.

Um, yeah, so, my...

my ex is actually
Quentin Tarantino.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah, but that... that'’s not why

I'’m production designing his next film.

I don'’t...
I don'’t want you to think that.

- Of course. Of course.
- No.

That'’s not why I was laughing.

- OK! I didn'’t know.
- Yeah.

I... I mean, does it bother you?

That... that I dated him, or...?

Because he'’s your
father'’s age or...?

- No.
- No, I mean, why would it?

I mean, you know.
It'’s like, you're a director,

he'’s a director.
He'’s just like a little,

just like a tiny bit more,
maybe, established than you?

I don'’t know.
A little more successful?

All right, fair.

- Um... not really.
- Mm-hm.

I'’m not really
the jealous type, so, it'’s fine.

- Here, come here.
- OK.

- It'’s OK.
- It'’s all right?

- Everybody makes mistakes.
- You forgive me?

No, I don'’t mean that.

I'’m sorry.

Hey, um,
do you wanna sleep over?



I mean, you don'’t have to.

- Mm-hm.
- Do whatever you want, but--

Good, thank you.

I'’m glad I have free will.

- But if you want to...
- Mm-hm.

- I could give you a new toothbrush...
- OK.

...and a t-shirt
of your picking.

- A t-shirt? That'’s--
- You don'’t get to keep it.

What?! That... OK.

- But you can pick out your own.
- I can... but can I borrow it?

- For the night.
- OK.

I wanna...
I wanna see these t-shirts.

- I'’m actually very, very excited about this...
- OK.

- All right, I'’ll show it to you then.
- OK.

- Can I take this inside?
- You may.


You'’re so fun.

- What?
- You'’re...

I'’m normal.

I think you'’re just...

haven'’t been with somebody
as young as me in a while.

You don'’t have to do that.

It'’s OK.

I mean, I don'’t really like it,

- All right.
- You lie down.

OK, just relax.

Are... Are you OK?

Uh, does it smell?

Did you throw up?

Uh, yeah.
I think I threw up on your dick.

Yeah, I think you did.

Does it smell?

Uh, a little. It'’s OK.

It'’s OK.

Yeah. I know, thank you.

Can you... can you
hop in the shower, please?

You came in my throat.

You'’re fine.

That was a first.

- What?
- I said, "That was a first."

I'’ve never thrown up
on someone before.

- Do you throw up a lot?
- No!

This is all your fault,
you know.

How'’s that?

Your dick'’s too big.

So, why didn'’t things
work out with your ex?

Uh, fundamental life stuff.



I love you.

Where are you going?

Yeah, I can'’t sleep over.

- I mean... I mean...
- C'’mon.

We just met, and, I have to
really get some sleep

'’cause I have that new film
I'’m starting tomorrow, so...

- OK.
- Mm-hm.

Is that gonna be
difficult for you?

Oh, working with him?

Uh, I... yeah, imagine so...

Is he gonna try to have
sex with you?


I kind of hope so, actually.

I mean,
I'’m still in love with him, so.

So, this is it?


I... I think, like,
me and you could totally,

just... we could be friends.

Or, you... you could,
like, call me up in four months.

I'’ll walk you out.

Nah, I'’m all right.

No, I want to. C'’mon.

Um, I... I'’d actually really
prefer if you didn'’t.

It'’s OK.

I will... I'’ll see ya.

I really appreciate that.

That'’s great, let's...
let'’s talk soon.

Hey, what'’s up?
Uh, shut the door.

How'’s it goin'?

It'’s goin' OK, you know?
It'’s going fine.

Um, it all works out,
you know, it always does.

we didn'’t get the news

that we were hoping for today.

We still haven'’t closed
Taylor'’s contract.

Are you serious?

Yeah, but it'’s OK,
I mean, look,

this is just a game
that reps like to play.

It was exactly the same
on Adaline and Emily.

If you remember,
we closed Ryan'’s deal two days before we wrapped,

yet he still showed up
every single day,

he still shot your movie.
It wasn'’t a thing.

No, you'’re right,
but these are teens,

so, I need to know
that they'’re committed.

They are committed. They'’re in.
I wouldn'’t worry about it.

Mary, Taylor'’s manager,
just wants to have one more call with you.

- With me?
- With both of us.

Well, is it creative?

I don'’t know.
She didn'’t really say.

Well, if it is, that'’s not
appropriate at this stage.

Look, you'’re working on
a whole new level here.

You have to play their game.

Just make them feel like
this is a collaboration.

- Which part?
- Everything.

All right, let'’s, uh,
let'’s do the phone call.

All right.

I love talking to people.

Mary Wexler'’s office.

Hi, yes. Lawrence Hanson
and Astor Williams Stevenson

for Mary, please.

Just a moment.

- Lawrence.
- Hey, Mary, how'’s it goin'?

Um, I'’m here with Astor Williams Stevenson,
our director,

if this is a good time for you?

Hey, Mary, it'’s Astor.

I just want to say
that Taylor is doing amazing.

She is so excited.

Um, and, I just know the movie
is going be amazing with her.

We'’re so excited to have her.

Thank you. She'’s very excited.

I'’ll make this quick.

This thong-underwear slash topless thing

isn'’t going to happen.

Um, Mary, just so we'’re clear,
you mean the pool scene, right?

Not the sex scene?
Because, Astor, as requested,

has already removed all
nudity from the sex scene

on account of Taylor
being a minor.

Correct, we'’re talking about the pool scene.

Um, OK, so, Mary,
just for clarification,

um, I don'’t know
if you'’ve read that,

but that'’s a completely
non-sexual scene,

that the state attorney general
has signed off per your request,

and it went to you
and her parents for approval

before it
ever went to her, so...

All I'’m saying is,
we were pretty committed,

from the beginning,
to working with people

that this wouldn'’t be
a problem for.

We'’re committed.

It'’s just the thong and toplessness.

We sent over alternative underwear, did you see those?


OK, um, Mary?

Uh, I'’m just seeing this now...
This is, uh...


I guess these are
work out shorts?

Uh, and a sports bra?

You know...

I'’m trying to imply
that the character

is sexually loose
because of a deep insecurity

not that she is in a yoga class.

We could also explore, like,
head replacement and a body double.

I'’ll have to get back to you on that.

So, let'’s move on to the second concern.

The spanking scene on page three.

How exactly are you planning on shooting that?

What do you mean?
The angle?

Because, it'’s from the side.

There... there'’s, so there's
no actual, literal nudity there.

We can see that in the script. I mean, in terms of the act.

Are you actually planning on having a grown man spank Taylor?

It'’s a...
It'’s a very low angle shot,

so it doesn'’t matter to me
who spanks her.

It could be her best friend,

or whomever makes her
feel most comfortable.

So, you'’re planning on actually filming that?

Uh, yeah, listen, Mary,
if it'’s in the script,

I'’m planning on filming it.
Which is why it'’s in the script.

Um, otherwise,
I wouldn'’t put it in the script.

All right, well, I'’m going to circle back with her agent

and we'’ll be back in touch. Thank you.

That did not go well.

Uh, yeah, what did
you want me to say then?

Because, I'’m not the one
changing things.

That went to her for approval way before it ever went to her client.

You know, you just have to play
their game a little bit.

What would you like me to say?
You want me to ask her

to come down here
and co-direct with me?

Look... I'’ll call her.

I'’ll work it out.
It'’ll all be fine.

Just me and her.
But you gotta get it together.

This is part of your job.

This is not the last time
this is gonna come up,

so, you better
learn to handle it.

All right.

Hey, honey.

Hey, Mom.

How'’s the movie going?

It'’s going all right.

You know, your father has some ideas

about your story.

- You should listen to him.-I don'’t want to.

He'’s really good at that kinda thing.

He'’s a very talented artist.

No, he'’s not, Mom.

He'’s not good at anything.

He'’s a delusional failure.
He'’s a failed artist.

Show me any art
that he'’s producing.

Show me where it is.
You can'’t.

He'’d literally be homeless if it weren'’t for the first half of his life

being supported by his father
and now, I guess,

the second half of his life
now being supported by you.

I guess you have to think this,
or whatever,

to support what you'’re doing,
but don'’t put it on me.

Don'’t make me
have to feel that way.

I can'’t be around him,
because you guys all pretend

like he'’s supporting himself
from God knows what.

But, meanwhile,
I'’m actually out there

busting my ass
trying to not be him.

If I were him
I'’d literally rather die.

Fucking delusional
failed narcissist.

It'’s OK.

I'’m sorry I upset you.

It'’s OK.

I'’ll talk to you later.

So, um, my sister is
coming into town tomorrow,

and then I am starting
my new movie.

So, I may not see you
for a little while.

That'’s OK.

I get it.



No, I liked it.

Have you ever had an abortion?

I'’m sorry, it was, uh, a really,
uh, stupid thing to say.

- I just asked--
- It'’s OK.

I shouldn'’t have.

I just haven'’t talked about it

with anyone before, so...

Even my best friend
doesn'’t know.

How '’bout your mom?

She must know?


You wanna talk about it?


You just went to Planned
Parenthood by yourself, or...?

No, my high school
boyfriend drove me.

He waited in the lobby with me,

he left because he got scared.

There were people literally,
like, protesting outside.

I'’m sorry.

It'’s nothing.
I'’m... I'm just being stupid.

No, you'’re not.


Hey, you look great.

Yes, you can put your
things there, if you'’d like.

How long have you been
writing it for?

Uh, two years, or so.

So, you want this day bed?

Because you can sleep here
if you'’d like,

but you can also have my bed.

No. No, I like... I like this.

OK, good.
If you get hungry then,

there is three months
of freeze-dried food under here

- and some shotgun shells.
- Oh.

- So, you can fully defend yourself.
- Oh, great.

Yeah, is that...

Preparing for the apocalypse,
are we?

It'’s complicated.

- Hey, have you talked to Mom, or Dad recently?
- Yeah.

I talked to her yesterday and she did not say you were coming,

which I thought was odd,
and you know I don'’t talk to Dad, so...

Well, I didn'’t tell her
I was coming,

because I haven'’t been
talking to her much.


So, what do you want for dinner?

Uh, anything.

Please, tell me,
are you still a vegetarian?

- No.
- Ahh!

- Nope, not anymore.
- All right, OK.

I really like Valerie.


Well, she'’s sweet
and she'’s really nice to me.

Why would you say that?

Well, because, you said
that it'’s maybe not over,

so I... I think that you
can get her back.

Why do you like her?

She'’s just so real, you know?

Like, when she and her sister
came to visit me in New York?

They were so together.

Like, they'’re pretty and cool,
and it'’s like they'’re not even trying,

it'’s just the way they are,
you know?

It'’s like they're real artists.

You married a Muslim
and it didn'’t work out.

You should understand
where I'’m coming from.

Hey, that'’s not fair!

Mohammad and I did not separate
because of religion.

It was way more
complicated than that.

Do you still talk to him?

He'’s my best friend.

Her whole family
were Scientologists.

Well, have you even
looked into it?


Yes and no.

He'’s still your best friend?

We were talking about
having a baby.

Madeline, you can'’t do that.

It didn'’t work out.
You gotta move on.

You should be dating.

I... I have been dating...

and the guys are worse.

- Don'’t say that.
- Why?

I wanna have kids
and he'’s kind to me.

You don'’t know
what it'’s like in New York.

Like, everyone is
so self-obsessed.

They'’re all holding out
for this dream of something.

And then... and then time
just keeps passing, and...

You know, I know these people.

They'’re all rock stars
at their jobs,

and then they just end up
getting old

and staying forlorn and...

and then when they
finally realize it,

and they try and, you know,

find whoever'’s left
to have kids with

it... it'’s too late.

And then they'’re...

and then they'’re
really just alone.

Like, forever.

- Jesus.
- Now, I don'’t want that,

not for you either.

Yeah, maybe I shoulda
fought harder for Jackie.

No. No, she wasn'’t nice.
I didn'’t like her as much.

Well, that'’s the thing.

We kind of were the same
so it worked.

- I'’m not very nice either.
- You are though.

I... I threw a beer on her
at Tribeca, in public.

Well, she probably deserved it.

Yeah, didn'’t she leave you
just when her TV show

got picked up
and she made some money?

You didn'’t know her that well.

It'’s... It was complicated.

It doesn'’t seem like it.

Hey, you remember when you came
and visited me in New York last?


Where did you go
when you didn'’t come home?

I don'’t think I can say.


I think I need to know.


Hey, Jackie.


Do you have a second?

What'’s up?

- It'’s been a long time.-Um...

I guess...
I'’m calling to apologize.


Things didn'’t work out
with Valerie.



I guess I'’m getting to the stage where I see it as a recurring pattern?

- Mm-hm.-And... was wondering

if maybe you would
have some advice for me,

having been somebody
who was with me for so long.

I am so glad you asked me that.

It really means a lot that you'’re facing this

head on for the first time.

I mean... offhand?

I can say you had some jealousy issues, for sure.

But then I wasn'’t really into it,

so, maybe that was founded.

You know, Ryan and I went through some real trust issues

and we found this really amazing therapist who has worked wonders.

♪ Baby, please don'’t go ♪

♪ I believe there'’s a man done gone ♪

♪ Baby, please don'’t go ♪

♪ I believe there'’s a man done gone ♪

♪ I believe there'’s a man done gone to the county farm ♪

♪ With his long chain on

Are you all right?

Why are you here, Astor?

Because you invited me?

A month ago, when things
were a bit different.

Why would you be playing
"Madama Butterfly" at a party

I'’m not invited to?
It'’s my favorite opera.

Uh, I like it?

Your sister hadn'’t even heard
of it until I played it for her.

Which has to be the same for you because
you two share the same goddamn brain.

Right, well, I practically live
in Switzerland at this point.

Because of Basel?

This is Italian.

I find it romantic.

It'’s about
imperialistic brutalism.

It'’s literally the story of
an officer who leaves his wife

and steals their child because she isn'’t white,
and she kills herself.

doesn'’t that sound familiar?

No wonder
it'’s your favorite opera.

Racial bigotry,
religious bigotry.

And by the way, Brutalism is
a form of 1950'’s architecture,

you quasi-elitist prick.

And you don'’t need to tell us
that Taylor Touring

is in your movie,
because we don'’t give a fuck!

You guys are all in a cult.

Maybe some of you don'’t
know that,

but if you'’re unaware,
you'’re all slowly being

sucked into a pseudo-spiritual
global pyramid scheme.

And just for the record,
I'’m not for sale.

Why do you keep
doing this to me?

You say you wanna be with me
and that'’s what you think?

Stop calling me.

I'’m not picking up for a reason.

I'’m sorry,
I shouldn'’t have come.

I'’ve been awful to you,
I'’m sorry.

I'’m sorry.

Slimy... You wasted
three years of her life.


Another flawless victory!

That is a great crowd.

You guys are gonna have
a lot of fun.

Really? '’Cause it
seemed like they hated me.

I'’m an artist.


Fuck them!
Fuck those stupid motherfuckers!

Who gives a fuck!
Sorry, you know...

- I looked into the camera!
- OK, let'’s do it again.

- Can we do it from the top, Anthony? I'’m sorry.
- Still rolling!

- I was, like, bam!
- You'’re good, you're good.

Fuck them.
Fuck those stupid motherfuckers.


Fuck them.

Fuck those stupid motherfuckers.

Everybody set?

- OK.
- Action!

- I need to talk to you.
- OK.

Ah, another flawless victory!

That is a great crowd.

You guys are gonna have
a lot of fun.

Really? '’Cause it
seemed like they hated me.

I'’m an artist.

There'’s no easy way for me
to say this, so...

just gonna say it.

I have very bad news.

Got a call from Jim,

who'’s Taylor's agent.

I'’ve never spoken to Jim before,

I'’ve only ever spoken to Mary,
her manager.


They are pulling Taylor
from the film.

Effective immediately.

It is, um... non-negotiable.

There'’s nothing that we can do
to change this.

He is very sorry, but...

it is the final decision.


Did you ask why?

I did.

Do you wanna know why?

Of course.

They have lost trust in you

as a filmmaker and also, um,

she no longer feels
safe with you.

Do you think
she actually said that?

I don'’t know, man.

Um, I'’m really sorry.

How can they say that?

We'’re ten days
away from shooting

and she was fine this morning.


We will make this film.

We will, I promise you.

It'’s just not gonna be now, um,

- and it'’s not gonna be with her.
- We can recast it?

We'’ll try again next year.

I don'’t understand why you'’re not on
the phone doing something about this.

On the phone with who?

All of our financing
is tied to her.

There is nobody that we can recast that will satisfy the financier'’s terms.

She'’s not some 40-year-old guy.

She'’s a teenage girl.

There is only one of her.

Um, I'’m very sorry, but...



- Hey.
- Hey.

Good, you look good.

- Thanks.
- Come in.

- You wanna drink?
- Sure!

- You want wine?
- Something strong.

- Uh, whatever you'’re having.
- All right.

Sit over there.

How'’s your work going?

The same.

We don'’t have to talk about it.

How'’s your movie going?

It'’s going all right.

Thanks for calling me.

I know how busy you are.


No, you need to look me
in the eye when you cheers.

Otherwise, it'’s bad luck.
Do it again.

- Cheers.
- Good.

Have you been a good girl?


I... I told you
not to wear panties.

I'’m disappointed.

Go to the bathroom,

take them off,
and come back out here.

Good. Now go over there.

Stand over there.

Turn around
and pull up your skirt.


Now, put my cock...
in your mouth.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. I'’m gonna cum.

You want some water?

You want some water?




What'’s going on?

Oh, nothing.




C'’mon, I feel like we just always have these surface interactions.

You can tell me
what'’s going on with you.

I like to know sometimes,
you know?

It'’s nothing.


I just...

I just really like you.

Well, that'’s not so bad,
I like you, too.

It'’s not the same.

I get it.

Shut up, I'’m being stupid.

Let'’s have another drink.

Not water.

All right, but... c'’mon.

Tell me what'’s going on.

If you'’re not going to
be honest with me,

I... I don'’t know what
the point of us

pretending like we'’re having
a conversation is.

I get it.

You'’re busy.

You have a lot going on and...

You probably never
think about me, except,

for like once a month
when we see each other.

That'’s OK!

I... I'’m not asking for more.

That'’s not fair.
I don'’t think about you just once a month.

C'’mon, I'd see you more.
I'’ve just been really busy.

Listen, you do
what you need to do.

You wanna...
you wanna see other women,

or, sleep with them,
or, whatever, it'’s fine!

I mean, you don'’t even have to
keep it a secret from me.

It could, like, be our thing
and I'’d be OK with it.

Just as long
as you made time for me.

Well, I don'’t know
what you'’re saying.

We haven'’t really
had a talk or anything.

I'’ve just...
I'’ve been busy working.

I think about you a lot.

Like, every day.

Like, every hour.

I mean, I do a lot of things,
and when I'’m doing these things,

I think about you.

But, I don'’t tell you,

because I know it'’s not
the same for you.

Well, that'’s not fair.

You really don'’t
know me very well.

I know you.

You... you really don'’t.

I... I am not, uh...

This... this is like a half me.

You... you haven'’t
even met a real me.

I'’m in...

Trust me, this guy you'’ve met?

Uh, you don'’t wanna
be with this.

The timing... the timing is off.

I know what you are.

I like this half you!

It'’s... it's a part of you.

You'’re like... you're an artist
and you'’re going for it

and that means the world to me!

I mean, I know what'’s
important to you.

I went to art school,
but now I'’m selling BMWs

because I got scared.

Everyone gets scared,
but you'’re not.

We can'’t see each other anymore.

Forget what I said.

- It'’s not that.
- You know, I could support you?

And... just for a little bit.

Just until you made it really big,
and it'’d make me happy.

I... I'’d gladly do it.


- Uh...
- Forget what I said.

I will never make you happy.

You think we have a deep connection,
but we don'’t.

You'’re just something I call up late at
night when I want to have a good time

because you look different
from most women I'’ve slept with.

And you have some propensity
for pleasing me

that far exceeds
my pornographic desires.

That'’s it.

You don'’t get to talk to me
like a child.

I know what you are.

I know what I am to you.

You made me say these things,

I mean, we can just have fun.

You are 29 years old.

You come from
a traditional Korean family

who wants you to marry
a nice guy

and you'’re gonna get married.

You'’re at your absolute prime
right now, both physically,

and in terms of anything
that'’s deemed not going down.

So, I'’m literally
wasting your best asset away.

Right now is when you
need to find a nice guy,

who'’s a little dumber than you,

who'’s gonna worship you
the rest of your life.

Not ten years from now.

Because now you can still
find something

that'’s pretty fucking good.
But ten years from now?

You'’re not gonna get shit.

Fuck... Fuck you!

You don'’t get to tell me
what I want.

Fuck you!

I know what I want.

I'’ve had nothing
but love for you.