Newland (1994) - full transcript

A brother and sister arrive alone in the new country of Israel after World War II where they hope to find their lost mother. The complexities of life with colorful characters in the refugee transit camp and nearby kibbutz makes it hard to reconcile their real lives with their deeper dream of still finding the Newland. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
A Chaim Sharir Production

An Orna Ben Dor-Niv Film

Original Screenplay
Kobi Niv


Look, Anna.
A new land.

Original Music
Ori Vidislavsky

Einat Glazer-Zarchin

Director of Photography
Amnon Zlayet

Screenplay by
Kobi Niv

Produced by
Chaim Sharir

Directed by
Orna Ben Dor-Niv

Dedicated to our children

Off the trucks!

Line up in rows.

Don't push.

Move along.

Do you speak Polish?

Yiddish? - Hebrew.
I learned in the camp, in Italy.

You speak Hebrew.

Where do you come from?

Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Italy.

But were where you born?

I was born in Poland.

My sister in the Ukraine.

And your parents?

Father died in the war.

And mother...


This is mother.

We came to look
for her.

Your name is Steiner.
Stetner, Jan Stetner.

My sister is Anna Stetner.

Jan, from now on,
your name is Dan.

And you'll be Ilana.

Your new name is Ilana.

We can't change our names.

How will Mommy find us?

She'll have a new name too.

So how will we find her?

I.D. papers will be issued by the
Jewish Agency tomorrow at 1:00.

This is your room.

Hello, my name is
Moshe Amzalag.

You can settle in here.

How long do we have
to stay here?

We've have been here
almost a year.

But they're closing the place
after the winter.

Wait, I'll help you.

Is there work here?

I have work in a garage.

Here, there's not much work.
Just clearing stones...

What happened?

From working.

It's alright.

On my 7th birthday,
my mother bought me an orange,

from the land of Israel.

What a smell!

What a taste! Pure heaven!

No Yiddish?

No Yiddish.

The orange smells like Israel.

God, help us find our mother.

Come to work, Malul.

But I can't work.
What's wrong with you?

Who said anything about work?

Just go and sit on a rock.
The main thing is to get paid.

I can't do that. That's cheating.

You're not in your pharmacy
in Casablanca.

You think you're a saint, right?

But you're just an idiot.

Leave me alone.

The line for work forms
opposite the management office.


Give me that.

It's alright.
Get back on line.

Go call Uri.

Anna, what's wrong?

What a cute teddy bear.

Anna, do you speak Yiddish?

- Polish.

You speak Polish?

What will we do with her?
- I don't know.

Tell her she can come see me
whenever she wants.

What language should I use?

I'm Jan, her Brother.
- I know. I'm Uri.

She stole a wallet.
- She's a good girl.

It's just because of the war.

Watch her.
- I will.

- No. - Take one.

I'll give you anything...
Just let her go.

You don't understand.
- Look...

I have Polish money,
Romanian money,

Russians army medals, German...
- No... You don't understand.

Cigarettes? A watch!?

No! I don't want anything.

You can take her.

I'm responsible for you, here.

If you have any problems,
come see me.

There's no need, Anna.

Throw it away.


Now throw it away.


Throw it.

There's no need...

What big ears you have!

The better to hear you with.

What big eyes you have!

The better to see you with.

What big teeth you have!

So that I can eat you up!

Then the hunter comes,
and saves you and grandma,

and we all dance.

Then Mommy says: '"Good night,
my precious daughter'",

and gives you a big kiss.

Good night, Mommy.

This is for the radio.

So that your mother
will know

that you're looking
for her.

What's Mommy's name?

Esther. Esther Stetner.

And where is she from?

From home.

And where is home?

Esther Stetner,
Nouissivieta 2, Warsaw.

Nouissivieta 2...

Your children in the Amishav camp
are looking for you.

They'll announce this
on the radio.



What's that?

Bardugo's warehouse.

Don't go in there.
It's a bad place.

Black market.
Thieves. Criminals.

Someone'll get murdered
in there one day.

Look. They're selling our food
on the black market.

Not there...
Put the boxes over here.

Where are you going?

What happened to him?

His wife left him.


For a guy with a house in Ramle.

Rise up!

Starving nation of workers.

Prepare to fight the enemy.

This will be the last battle
of the world war.

What are you doing here, Anna?

It's dangerous here.
Let's go.

Wait for me!

1... 2... 3...

Watch his head!

This is it...

This is the kibbutz?

Are we allowed in without
permission? - Of course.

How beautiful...

It's so beautiful!
- Isn't it?


It doesn't come off.

It's in the skin.

You've never seen
it before.

Lots of people
here have it.

Lovely, isn't it?

It's my daughter's...


Where is Estherika?

With her father...

The Germans killed them.

Tzadiko wasn't with me there.

He was there with his wife, Bela,
and Chaimikos, their son.

They all died.
Only he survived...

And I talk too much.

In the end, the Germans left us...
Me and my friend, Alegra.

She's already in Israel.

She'll come soon and take me
away from this camp.

We looked for Greeks.

Then I saw a sick one.
He could barely raise his hand.

That was Tzadiko.

Since then,
we've been together.

We never leave one another.

We're like brother and sister.

What are you doing here?

Who let you in?

I didn't know we needed permission.

More thieves from the camp.

Stop! Stop!
Leave him alone!

Are you alright?

Leave it.

Shame on you!
- They came to steal. - Liars.

What's wrong with you?
- But, Dad!

You know that we share
everything on a kibbutz.

If everything is shared,
there's no reason to steal.

We didn't come to steal.

Didn't come to steal.
- No!

You... You don't look
like a thief to me.

What's your name?

Jan... uh... Dan.

Nice to meet you.
I'm Nachum.

Tell me Dan,
what's inside your coat?

I have Polish money,

Roumanian, Slovakian...

I have Russian and German army
medals, cigarettes...

Give me a pack of cigarettes.

Keep the change.
- Thank you.

Tell me Dan,
are you all alone in Israel?

No. I live in the transit camp
with my little sister.

They're closing it after the winter.

Yes. After the winter...

Do you want to visit
our kibbutz?

Sure I do!
- Want to come visit?

Thanks a lot!

You're invited.
Please come.

Ephraim Klein,
son of Menachem from Cracow,

is looking for his brother,
Mendel, who lives in Kfar Saba.

Yossef Shneur from the Ukraine,

your mother, Perla,
is looking for you.

Esther Stetner from Warsaw,

your children, Anna & Jan,
are looking for you.

Sshh! Not so loud.
We won't hear Mommy answer.

What did she say?
- Mommy's on the radio!

She's not on the radio.
It takes time.

That was the program
for finding relatives.

Where will you go?

- When you leave the camp.

My dad will come from
Morocco to get me.

Where to?
- I don't know.

To a kibbutz?
- A kibbutz?

They don't take everyone.

We'll find Mommy, right Teddy?

The women's day
to take showers.

Leave him alone!

Shake his hand!

Come on.

I said stop!

Come on!
Shake his hand!

Mattress distribution
in the camp yard.

It's your heart, isn't it?
- Yes.

That's what they said. Great.

Why didn't they give you medicine?
- They ran out.

When there's none, it's free.
Whatever there is, costs money.

Bardugo has medicine for you.

But it will cost you.


I'm sorry little girl...
But, I'm not your Mommy.

Janeck, I found Mommy!

But she didn't recognize me!

Enough! You're bothering people!

But I'm looking for Mommy.

There is no Mommy! She's dead!

She's not dead! - Yes, she is!
Look around you...

We're in a new land.
You can't live in the past.

You're lying!
Mommy's not dead!

I'm not lying!
Give me that picture!

You killed her Janeck!
You killed Mommy!

Anna! Don't go, Anna!

Mommy's not dead.

Mommy's not dead.

Mommy's not dead.

Hug me, Teddy. Hug me.

What happened?

She has a fever.

Somebody bring water!
Water, quickly!

She has a high fever.

Why didn't you call me?

A doctor, quick!

Call the doctor from the kibbutz!

What is all this?

There's nothing I can do.
- What do you mean?

Isn't there medicine for this?
- There is. But not here.

- Maybe in Tel Aviv,

but I'm not sure.

Excuse me, Doctor,

what's the name of the medicine?
- Why do you ask?

He's a pharmacist.
- What's the name?


Come on, Moshe.

Where are you going?
- I'll make her penicillin myself.

That's ridiculous.

The important thing is to wet
her forehead, to lower the fever

and give her lots of liquids,
so she won't dehydrate.

If she holds on
until morning...

she'll be fine.

Anna, do you remember Uncle Mark?

Mark was Daddy's brother.

He collaborated with the Nazis,

and became very rich.

Dad wanted us to escape from Poland.

But we didn't have any money.

Daddy asked Uncle Mark to help.

But, Uncle Mark ignored him,
rolled up the car window,

and drove away.

He left Dad standing on the street.

But, it didn't help Uncle Mark.
The Nazis killed him anyway.

Don't leave me, Anna.

Don't leave me...

We'll find Mommy...
Don't leave us.

You already took my child from me.

Don't take another! Please, God!

You already took my child...

Don't take another...

Please God, don't take another...

Keep feeding her
spoons of medicine.

God will help.

My daughter, do not be afraid,

I will remember you.

From far away land,

I will gather your disperse.

From far away land,

I will gather your disperse.

She fell asleep.

Hi, Teddy.
Where were you all night?

We had a sun just like this
on Soloniki.

Soloniki is very beautiful.

It slopes from the mountains
to the sea.

And behind the sea, there's
a high mountain named Olympus.

Long ago, the Gods used
to live up there.

Why didn't they help us?

They were other peoples' Gods.
Not our God.

What's this?
Anna, aren't you ashamed?

Do you know how much
you scared us all?

Wait. What do you say?
- Thank you. - You're welcome.

Promise not to scare us anymore
and to be healthy.

See you later.
- What a book!

Uri, Uri.
- Is there a problem?

I want to be like you.

Like me? What do you mean?
- An Israeli.

You want to be an Israeli...

Then roll up your pants.

Until you see the pockets.

The other side too.

Now, your name, Jan.

Dan... Dan, that's good.
But Stetner...


Change your name
to Dan Genosar,

and you'll be just like me.

See you later, Genosar.

That's it?
- That's it.

And... change your shoes
to sandals.

Mommy, please answer.
Where are you?

Mommy, it's Anna, your daughter.

Esther Stetner,
Anna & Jan are looking for you.

Wait. Drive straight...

Come on,
drive straight!

Drive straight...

Be careful.

I.D. 's will be issued by the Jewish
Agency tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.

What do you say?
Want to join our kibbutz?

What about my sister?
- That's a problem.

We don't accept children
under the age of ten.

But we'll find her a family
on a farm. - I can't...

I'm sure that she'll join us
in 2 or 3 years.

Maybe you can make
an exception...

I'll bring her.
You'll get to know her better.

It's hard on her.
A new country...

And no mother...
- O.K.

Bring her on the Sabbath.
We'll meet her

and then we'll see.

Stinky Anna! Smelly Anna!

Looking for your Mamma?

Get lost!

Don't worry, Anna.
Soon we'll both go to a kibbutz.

You and me... We'll both go.

You see... That's the kibbutz.

Pick a card.

Good Sabbath.

Good Sabbath.

What's this?

A gift.


We all wanted to come
to the land of Israel.

There was a long line.
Just ahead of me,

there was this man...
with only one leg.

He asked for permission
to come to Israel.

They refused him.

They said that in Israel,
they needed strong, healthy men

who can fight for the country
and build it up.

So this man with one leg
stood up and said:

'"But I can do everything!
I can even dance! '"

So, he threw down
his crutches,

jumped around and shouted:
'"Look! I can dance! '"

And he jumped and run
and jumped...

But they still didn't let him come.

Nice hair.

At the kibbutz they'll call me Ilana.

On the outside you'll be Ilana,

but inside, you'll still be Anna.

It won't change anything.

In Soloniki, I gave birth
to Estherika at home.

A woman helped me.
A mid-wife.

All right. I'll come,
but just once.

Anna, you're a good girl.
You'll see.

You'll love the kibbutz.
It's great there.

Hi, Malul. How are you?
- Fine, thank God.

This is my brother-in-law.


Where are you going?
- It's OK.

Where are we going?

Don't worry.

I want to introduce you to someone.

I can't.
You know I'm in mourning.

Wait a minute!

Come on, be a man.

No, I don't want to.

What do you mean you don't want to?
What kind of man are you?

Look... She's pretty.

But that's Fachima's daughter.

In Marocco, she was his daughter.

Here, she's Bardugo's whore.

Go with her now.
- She's a child.

You don't understand, Malul.

Here, you die
unless you're a whore.

Do you understand that?

Now go with her.
- No, God forbid.

I don't want to.

Then eat something at least!

You're afraid, you piece of shit.

You had no balls then either.

He was married
to my late sister...

Poor thing drowned with
their daughter Giselle...

Drowned right in front
of his eyes.

In front of your eyes.

Now you want to break my balls,
but you can't. You can't!

You're still a coward.
Now leave with Bardugo's stolen eggs.

Eat them and choke!

Get out!

You should wash more.
- But she's pretty.

A beautiful girl...

May God bless you.

Do you want a cookie?
Can I give you a cookie?

She doesn't understand Hebrew
so well.

What's your name?

What's her name?

Anna... uh... Ilana.

Ilana is a pretty name.

How old are you, Ilana?

She's very shy.

She's not used to people.

But she promised me
she would adjust.

You did that on purpose!

On purpose!

You're crazy! You're crazy!

'"A'" for Anna.

Two legs meet in the
middle like a triangle.

No. You draw the arm
just below the middle.

That's it.

The '"N'" is even easier.

Join the top of one
with the bottom of the other.

Excuse me... Hello...
Is this for lost relatives?

Yes, yes.

Come in.

My name is Pinchas Shwartzman,

and this is my wife, Marisha.
- I'm Uri. Nice to meet you.

I'm looking for a boy.

He was my neighbor.
I'm from Novisonch.

Before the war, his father punished
him and sent him to Palestine.

The Nazis killed his whole family.
Only he survived.

Am I in the right place?
- Yes, yes.

His name is Shloime Mitzenmacher.
Nice boy...

Handsome, tall...
- What was his name?

Shloime Mitzenmacher.
I was his neighbor.

When the Germans took
his family,

Marisha remembered her
professor, and hid me.

After the war, we got
married and came here.

First, she was my student,
now she's my wife...

My angel.

Yes, so...

When the Germans came to
take Shloime's family,

his little sister, Feigale,
gave me something.

Water, quickly!

Cough! Cough hard!

We just saw the Doctor and he said

we need a prescription from Almoni.
Where is this Almoni?

- Admoni.

He's the head of this camp.
He's in the barracks.

- Yes, not far.

Here, she gave me this.

What should I write?

Shloime Mitzenmacher.

From where?


Who's searching?
- Pinchas Shwartzman, his neighbor.

We'll go to America.

They'll have your medicine there.

No. A Jew's place is here.

They'll kill you here, Pinchas.
This is Sparta.

The Sparta of the Jews.

From Bardugo.

No, thank you.

Malul, why are you lying here?
Up on your feet.

You see, Malul,
a good man like you,

can't even stay on his feet here.

Come on, I'll take you to bed.
You can rest there.


Sing something for me.

My sweet Malul.

What's this?
Someone new?

Yoji Berger is looking
for his brother.

Do you still love me?

- How much?

I just want to know...

Where were you?
- At Admoni's.

Did you speak to him?
- About what?

Shwartzman's medicine.
- I forgot.

He'll die if he doesn't
get his medicine.

I completely forgot.

He makes me nervous.

Who, Admoni?
- No, Shwartzman.

All his coughing and
his ghetto mentality.

Does that mean he should die?
Is that what you're saying?

No, but...
- No '"buts'".

Promise me you'll talk to him.

I promise.

Everything is fine.

Mazal Tov.

Poor thing.

I know their kind.

Do you know
how they survived the Nazis?

They were whores.

She's still coughing.
Check her.

Open wide.

She's healthy.

It's important that she bathes.

Your daughter's very nice.

What's this?

Rosa, what happened?

The iron fell on my arm.

Why Rosa?

Why did you do it, my love?

They won't say I was a Nazi's whore.

I want to be normal.

I don't understand you.

Blessed be thou, our God,
King of the universe,

who make thus
light the Chanukah candles...

We'll name him Chaim-Esther...

In memory of our children.

We'll name him Chaim-Esther.

God will build the Galilee!

Are you and Betty getting married?

She has a question.

I saw Marisha. You sent her
to Admoni for the medicine.

- Yes.

Admoni sent her to Bardugo.

Bardugo said he would give it
to her... if she slept with him.

Betty, listen.
- You don't understand...

This Marisha, this gentile,

slept with a Nazi officer
to save her husband.

Now she has to do it again.

I'm not responsible for Bardugo.

Pinchas will die.

Marisha won't sleep with Bardugo.
It will kill her.

Aren't you exaggerating?
After all, she was a Nazi's whore.

Yes, she was a Nazi's whore.

I didn't mean...

The most desperate whore was
more of a hero than any of you.

For you, any woman who
survived was a whore.

Rosa burned her arm
so you wouldn't say she's a whore.

Who are these whores?

It's Marisha. It's Rosa. It's me.

They're your mothers
and your sisters.

What does that make you?

Sons of whores. That's what.

Wait, Betty.
- Don't touch me!

I found you a family on a farm.

A good family. I know them.

You'll be happy with them.

They're closing the camp.

You can't stay here.

I wanted you with me on the kibbutz.

But now, that's impossible.

We can't live in the past.

We must look to the future.

This is a new country with new rules.

We'll still be brother and sister.

We just won't be together now.

It's temporary...

Just for a while.

Good bye.

Remember how I found you, Teddy?

Under the ruins...

Only your foot sticking out...

It was funny, but you were crying.

I took you and I hugged you...

And I cleaned you and I kissed you...

Until you stopped crying.

Your fingers were broken,

and it hurt you a lot...
but you got used to it.

Hug me, Teddy. Hug me.

Hug me tight, Teddy.

Maybe I should try...

No, Marishka.

No need.

But you'll die without the medicine.

No, I don't need it.

It will pass.

Let me wash him.

You know he really stinks.

Where are you going?

We're going to see the kibbutz.

Want to come?

Wait, Anna.

Come here.

I'm leaving. I'm going to Haifa.

Want to come with me?

To Haifa?

Here's my address.

Don't give it to anyone.

Let's go.

They're waiting for us.

That's my brother, Janeck!

That's my brother Janeck!


Hello. - Hello.

I wanted to ask about Betty...

About the medicine...
It will be alright.

Thanks very much.
- You're welcome.

Uh, maybe...

Betty left you her address?

No. I didn't know she left.

Hi, sweetheart.
How are you?

Remember I promised you
a nice family on a farm?


They came to meet you.

What's your name sweetheart?

You see...

That's the kibbutz.

Why did you wake him?

I wanted to make sure he was alive.

I was afraid that he wasn't.

I just wanted to make sure.

Look how pretty Mommy is, Teddy.

My Lord,

I heard, and became fearful,

of the day you will summon me.

I was frightened and crawled,

The day you will judge me,

I was humiliated and frightened,

by your judgment,

because of the greatness
of your day, My Lord.

I searched for you one month!

One month!

This is my husband.

Alberto Nachmias,
this is Rosa. - Shalom.

This is Alberto.

What's this?

Beautiful, isn't he?

You have a baby.


It's wonderful, Rosa!

Look, he's as beautiful as Rosa,
and as strong as Tzadiko.

Let's go! Load the truck.
Let's go home!

You'll come with us, won't you?

Alegra has room for you too.

Right, Alegra?

You lost!

No, I can't! I'm sorry!

I can't! I did it once!

Save me!
- Marisha, no.

Please give me the medicine!

I can't...

Save me! Save us!

Please, I can't...

Drink, Pinchas. Drink.

You feel better already.

Your cough is almost gone.

By morning, you'll be a new man.

You'll be completely healthy.

Drink, drink...

Take her away from here.

We'll take care of the body.

Don't run here, children.

The Amishav Camp will close
at 6:00 p.m. this evening.

It's me.

I'm Shloime Mitzenmacher.

They're closing the camp.

Want to come with me?
- I want my brother, Janeck.

You're right.

You should be together.

- My name is Dan.

You're not Dan.

I know you.
You're my brother Janeck.

My name is Dan.

You're not my brother.

You've forgotten everything.

You forgot me.
You forgot our mother.

Do you remember Mommy?

This is our mother!

You're just like Uncle Mark.

You ignored me on the tractor.

You're just like uncle Mark.

Janeck, my brother.

Betty gave this to me.

At first, it'll be hard, but she'll
adjust. Right Ilana?

So you won't be cold...

Dali brought you a surprise.

Ilana, there's no choice.
Your bear really stinks.

I'm not Ilana. I'm Anna.

If you want to stay here,
you must give up your Teddy.

Good night.

Good night, Nitzan.

Good night.

Tzvia, help me with
the garbage.

Good night, children.

Take us to a new land, Teddy.

Translation by
Madeleine Ali

Subtitles: Cinematyp Studios Ltd.