Newcastle (2008) - full transcript

'Newcastle' is a coming-of-age/family drama/surfing movie. 17-year old Jesse lives in the shadow of his older brother Victor's failure to become surfing's Next Big Thing. Even when he's in his natural habitat of magnificent surf breaks, his blue-collar future is brought home by the coal barges that constantly line his horizon. Jesse has the natural skills to surf his way out of this reality and onto the international circuit but can he overcome his equally natural ability to sabotage himself? A momentous weekend away with his mates that includes first love and tragedy leads him to discover what's really important, and also to the performance of a lifetime. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
(Crossing bell)


- What the fuck...?!
- (Door slams)

She kick you out again?

You go in my room again
and I'll fucking kill ya.

Well, nice hair there, Faggus! (Laughs)

That deserves a noogie,
don't you think?

Goddammit, Victor, I ain't having
your bullshit in this house!

It's all right. Won't be here long.

- Good.
- (Whispers) Fuck.

Oh fuck off, man, no!

(Reggie) Hey, watch your language!

Hurry up!

(Fergus) Occupied.

That's it.
I'm going to shit on your pillow.

(Fergus) Hey, come on.

(Jesse) Yeah, oh! Flush the guitar.

(Jesse) That's right.
Get the fuck out.

Dun-dun-dun, poing!
Oh, you cunt.

Still riding that piece of shit?

Yeah, I'm getting
my new board today, though.

- About time.
- Fuck off.

You coming to my trial, Mum?

Love, you know I got work on.
Good luck, though.

- Don't blow it. Again.
- Fuck off!

Hey! Enough of that language.
I'll see you tonight.

Yeah, righto. Dad'll be over.

- Yeah. No worries. I'll see you tonight.
- Victor, are you coming for dinner?

Most likely.
He's got nowhere else to go.

Oh! Shush, you.

- Dad didn't even say nothing.
- About what?

My surf trial.

Love, he's been through all that
with Victor. You'll be right.

Oh, purple now.


- I'll come, Jess.
- Yeah, as if.

Never knock back a fan, Jess.
Hey. Hello?

- Hey, Gramps.
- Go your hardest.

And, for Chrissake,
enjoy yourself out there.

OK, ready? Er, love the hair.

(Boy) Hey, hurry up!

(Excited chatter)

Yeah! Whoo!

- (Jesse) Shit, yeah!
- Hello, Nate.

Yes! My new board!
Check out the rails on this, man.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no, Jesse.
No, Jess, not today, mate.

- Maybe next time.
- (Jesse) Oh, come on.

That's not part of the deal, Jess.
You gotta get in the contest first.

- Like I'm not gonna.
- (Roy) See ya, boys!

- Thanks, Dad.
- See ya, Dad.

Fuck it, man.
It's got the new H2s and everything.

- (Scotty) Hey, Ripley.
- How are ya?

- Nice board, mate.
- Yeah. It goes good, eh.

(Horn honking)

(Danny) Come on, move!
Get this shit out of the back!

(Scotty laughs)

(Danny) Whoa, sorry there, mate.
Sorry, Sonny.

Go on. Don't just stand there
like a bunch of flaccid penises.

Get this shit out of my car!

- You're the one that's late.
- Come on, Sonny.

Move it!

You, erm, you have a couple
last night, Danny?

Yeah, get that bloody deckchair, too.
I'll be needing that.

- (Horn)
- There's your call, mate.

- Fuck off. I ain't staying here.
- Just like your bro said.

and don't say shit about him.

Righto, righto, righto.

Righto. Shut your cakeholes.

- Now we got two spots.
- Two spots?

- (Danny) That's all they're giving this year.
- Shit!

- There go your chances.
- Get fucked, Ripley.

- Oh yeah?
- (Jesse) Yeah, really!

- Really?
- (Danny) Hey! Hey!

Hey, hey! Hey, cut it out!

Cut it out.

Any aggro or dropping in
is going to cost you points.

I ain't the one...

- You want to stand there all day...
- Oh, fuck's sake.

..or did you come here to fucking surf?

Why don't you give me your boardshorts?
I'll give you a skirt.

- Keep going.
- Righto.

This is how it's going to work.
Cunny, write this down.

Everyone will have 15-minute heats.

Best two waves,
the two blokes go through.

So, erm, Jesse.

- Er... Fuck, what's his name?
- (Scotty laughs) It's Nathan.

(Danny) Nathan.
Nathan, Ripley and Andy, you're up.

- It's ours.
- Fuck, yeah.

Yeah, what about me?

Yeah, well...

You and Cunny
can keep score for me.

Hey, Derek.
You're on the horn, mate.

(Sounds horn)


Fucking hell! Not in me ear! Fuck off!
Give me the bloody horn. Get out of it.


Oh, Andy!

My arse.
His first wave, Andy gets a nine.

Give him a nine. Give him a nine.

The boys are up.

(Jesse) Move!

Oi! Oi!

Double! Check it out!

Hey! Shitheads!

Double interference!
You get nothing! Nothing!

- (Sounds horn)
- Shitheads!

You would have got an eight
but you get fucking nothing.

- You blew my ride!
- Fuck off! It was mine!

You didn't fucking call it.

- Get fucked, Jesse.
- Prick!

You just stay the fuck out of my way,

Jesse, chill out.
There's going to be another wave.

Later, faggots.

Give him a six.



Fuck, give him a seven, then.
I don't give a fuck.


You know, it ain't an ashtray.

Yeah, it ain't a toilet either,
but we still piss in it.

We're all going to have to put in
some extra time this weekend.

We've got to overhaul a big one
that's coming in.

Don't look at me. I got off.

So do some of the other blokes,
but they're still willing to put in.

Why would I do that?

'Cause this is the job
that feeds your kids now, right?

Not bloody surfing.

Yeah, you got that right.
They get every bloody cent.

I'm just trying to help you out, son.


A little too late to be playing daddy.

You know, I stuck my neck out for you.

Damn it, Fergus!

Hi, Mick. How's the water?

- Ah, it's good today, Bette.
- Good.

Who's that?

- Bette.
- (Laughs) Bette?

Hey. How long?

- Just over a minute.
- Is that all?

- Well, you're not a bloody fish, mate.
- I'm trying to build my lung capacity.

Well, just get Jess and his mates
to teach you to surf already.

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

- (Jesse) Why the hell are you surfing?
- Uh-oh.

- All you do is fuck things up!
- Don't even fucking go there!

- It was my fucking wave!
- (All shouting)

- I didn't make it either.
- Oh, like you had a fucking chance!

- Fuck.
- (Andy) He's right, it's not that big a deal.

You don't even wanna be
in the fucking contest, Andy.

I mean, do you want anything?

Oh no, that's right,
you've already got it all.

Jess. How'd you go?

Fucking third.

Man, I'd give you my spot,
but my Dad would kill me.

Oh, that's big of you.

You want to talk about it?

You sure?

Just keep at it, Jess.
Your time will come.

A whole 'nother year
in this shithole, Gramps.

You've got a funny definition
of a shithole, Jess.

All right, here it goes. I reckon
we should hit Stocko this weekend.

- Here we go.
- Camp the dunes, get some waves.

(Scotty) Be sweet as.
(Nathan) How?

(Scotty) Ah, you.

- Me?
- Yeah, you. You got your Ps.

Like my olds
are gonna let me drive out there.

Fuck. His olds.

How about if you just don't tell them,
you dickhead?

Funny, Scotty!

(Andy) Aren't your parents
going away this weekend?

- Yeah, to Sydney.
- Hmm.

Well, there you go.

What do you reckon, Jess?
I'll snag some beers off Danny again.

Like I'm going away
with you fucking tools!

It's better than spending
the weekend with Victor and Fag Boy.

Don't say shit about Victor.
You don't know nothin' about him.

Oi. Jess.

Hey, Jesse.

- (Jesse) Hey.
- How's it going?

- Hi, Scotty.
- Hey.

- (Debra) Hi, Andy.
- Hey.

Oi, wait up.

What are youse doin' this weekend?
Youse wanna hang out with us?

- What are you doing?
- (Debra) I don't know.

Maybe. (Giggles)

Hi, Nathan.

(Mimics) Hi, Nate.

Why? You guys going somewhere?

Well, erm, Nathan has got a car,
you see, so...

(They laugh)

So yeah.

- (Laughter)
- (Nathan) No. No.

Hey! Piss off.

OK, what if I can't get the keys?

Oh, you'll get 'em.

No. Mum'll stash 'em somewhere.
Or take 'em. She's not stupid!

- Neither are you!
- Exactly.

Look, come on, Jess.
Stop being such a pussy, dude.

Debra's gonna go
and you'll get your chance with her.

- She said she's keen.
- Do you reckon they'll show?

Shit, yeah!
Leah's like totally into you, dude.

All right. I'll tell my mum
I'm training at yours.

Yeah, youse all say
you're staying at mine.

Me, I'll say I'm staying at Nate's.

We'll be back by Sunday.
No one will ever know.


Come on, Jess. No surf fest, man,

but looks like you
could be taking Debra's V, who knows?

More like she'll be taking his.

(Scotty laughing) Oh, yeah.

- (Toilet flushing)
- I knew that would get him.


- What?
- Well, where we going?

Fucking Fergus.
What are you doing in there?

You're not going anywhere, Fergus.

What's the problem, man?
May as well.

Oh. Yeah, right. Faggus. In the dunes?

Man, have you seen his get-up?

He doesn't wanna go.
He's just bullshitting.

(Andy) Yes, he does.
What's your problem?

He's your brother, man.

Just don't bloody tell Mum and Dad.

Yeah, like I'm gonna say anything.

You got fucking third?

You whacking off?

No! Nathan stuffed me up.

Billy's already giving me shit
about Rip getting in over ya.

Fuck Ripley,
I'm better than he is.

- Danny's a fucking dickhead.
- Oh, Danny's a dickhead.

You weren't even there,
you fucking loser.

What the fuck was that,
you little shit?

Fuck off. Fuck! Get off me!

- Call me a fucking loser, huh?
- Yeah, you're a fucking loser.

We're gonna play a little game
of fucking Jesse typewriter.

- J-E, double-S. Oh, spelt it wrong.
- Fucking get off me!

- Get off!
- Don't ya like that one?

- Get off me!
- (Hawks)

(Reggie) Get off him. Victor.
(Jesse) Fuck off!

- Get off. Just get off. Grow up!
- You want me to go already?

- Fucking go, huh?
- Go downstairs and chill out! Go on.

- You all right?
- Yeah.

Go downstairs and help your mother.

- Go to your mummy, third-place pussy.
- Victor!

And Jess, pull your pants up.
For God's sake!

(Slams door)

What have you got so much stuff for?

I got Dad coming over and all youse ever do
is eat everything up.

Got some of them nice meat pies
you like.

I'm going to Scotty's for the weekend.

- For the weekend?
- Yeah. The surf's gonna be heaps good.

No. I don't want you
sponging off them like that.

I'm not sponging off them.
Scotty invited me and Fergus.

- What you up to?
- Nothing.

You're taking Fergus to Scotty's
for the weekend?

- Yeah, so?
- What's going on?

Nothing. I'm going over to Scotty's
for the weekend with Fergus. Mum!

Just making sure there ain't
no funny business going on.

You know Mum's making dinner tonight?

Yeah, I know, I forgot.
But it's Scotty's birthday.

(Sighs) No answer.
Do you know about this?

- What?
- (Flora) This weekend.

(Whispers) Yes.

Yeah, er...

I already told you guys.
Scotty invited us at the pool.

- Right. To his house.
- (Jesse) Yeah.

We're gonna teach Fag...erm,
Fergus how to surf.

- Who's "we"?
- Everyone.

Like Nathan, Scotty, Andy.

- And whose idea was this?
- Well...

- Gramps.
- Yeah, Gramps.

- You wanna go?
- Yeah.

- Got a new pair of boardshorts.
- With what money?

Mowing lawns.

Yeah, cool. So we can go?

Oh, I don't know. I don't know.
How'd you go today, anyway?

He blew it. Shit!

(Reggie) Oh, great!
(Flora) Bit of paint, you'll never know.

Nathan doubled up on Jesse's wave,
got his best ride disqualified.

So he came in third and they're only giving
out two spots this year, so...


You behave yourself over there.

I don't want his mum calling me
with no stories.

No. She won't. She won't.

(Car engine revving)

(Kids cheering)

(Leah) Can you slow down?
(Scotty) No, go faster!

(All groan)

- Oh, spit it out.
- Don't get it on me!

(Scotty) Oh! That's classic!
(Andy) You all right, man?

(Laughs) Oh, yuck.

(Jesse) Oh, that's wrong!

- (Fergus groans)
- (Jesse) Damn!

Bloody hell, Fergs.

You look like a fucking
plucked chicken or some shit.

- (Jesse) So good.
- You're white enough!

- Shut up, Scotty.
- (Scotty) What, you keen on him?

Hey. You OK?

(Scotty) You boys
got something going on?

Yeah. Sort of.

(Scotty) Oh, don't get me wrong.
I'm cool with it. I'm cool with it.

Oi, let's get there already!
Come on!

(Andy) Let's go, Fergs.
(Debra) Yeah, guys. Let's go.

(Scotty) I'm cool, man.
I'm down with it.

- You all right, mate?
- Yeah.

(Nathan) Straight from the gut,
straight from the gut.

Oh, yeah.

One of Nate's best works, I'd say,
this one, huh?

Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah.
It's coming again, baby!

- (Stereo) ♪ ..emotionally unavailable
- Unavailable!

(Scotty) Not yet.

- ♪ See it in your smile
- Know what I mean? Right?

- ♪ l can see it in your smile
- Mwah!

(All) ♪ I'm talking about it

♪ I'm yelling it out

♪ I'm shouting out

♪ I'm screaming out loud

♪ I don't want no complications

♪ I don't need no obligations

♪ I can't have no situations

♪ But I still want you around

♪ Around ♪

- (Nathan) Yeah.
- How's it going back there, Fergus?

- I'm all right.
- (Debra) Good.

Oi, Nate!
Give me a hand.

(Scotty) He's not here.

(Jesse) Fuck it.


Oi, they're down here.

Hey, Deb?

(Giggling and squealing)

(Leah shrieks)

(Debra laughs)

(Leah shrieks)

(Debra laughs)

Come on, let's go.


(Scotty yelling, whooping)

(Whooping, cheering)

Come on!

(Whooping continues)

(Nathan) Fergus!

(Andy) Fergus!

(Shouting and laughter)

(Andy) Get off me, man!

Get off me!

(Scotty) Andy!


Come on, princess!

We're just muckin' around!

(Scotty) Hey!



(Leah) Erm, that's a good look, Andy.

(Giggles) No worries there, darlin'.

- (Andy) Fuck!
- (Both giggle)

- What about me?
- Oh yeah.

(Shrieks and giggles)

- Let's do it!
- (Nathan) Let's do it!

Oh shit,
Fergs, did you chuck a fat?



Bullshit, look at it!

Yeah, all right, Scotty.

Holy shit! (Laughs)

Don't look!

It's not a boner, it's just big,

but you wouldn't know anything
about that, would ya, Scotty?

- (Nathan) Oh, dude.
- My goodness.

Fuck you, Fergs.

Fuck ya. Fuck ya.

Fuck you.

That was classic.

(Scotty) Fuck off, Fergus!

♪ I went to the beach
just the other day

♪ I saw some skin-coloured nutties
yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ What did I say? What did I do?
Skin-coloured undies ride to you

- Lovely.
- Oi, he's so...

Oi, what did you say the other day?
Remember he said something?

Oh, yeah, he said something.

I don't think he's got the guts
to say it now.

You wouldn't do it.
You wouldn't do it.

(Jesse burps)

(Groaning, laughter)

(Jesse) Want some?


Want some?


What the hell are you guys laughing about?

Don't worry, man.
You wouldn't understand.

(Debra) What are they?
(Nathan) Fergus, try this.

- (Andy) S'mores.
- Do it. Do it. Do it.

- I am not eating that.
- It's so good, man.

- There you are!
- Do it, it's good. Trust me.

Give me some.
Give me some.

(Debra) I'm not eating that.

This is awful! (Giggles)

Shit, man.
These s'mores are good.

They're real good.

Good, yeah.


This is gnarly, man!

Oh, fucking real.

(Laughter continues)

(Fergus chokes)

- Wait. Wait.
- (Laughter continues)

- Hey. Debra.
- Shh!

Wait. And here's to Andy.

The next Pro Junior Champ, eh?

There's a lot of guys
I gotta beat before that happens.

- Ripley for one.
- Ripley?! I like the guy, but fuck.

Ripley, man?
You could piss all over Ripley, dude.

You, Andy.

You're a world champion, mate.

(Nathan scoffs)

(Scotty) Shut the fuck up. He is!
(Andy) Scotty.

- (Scotty) Don't youse reckon?
- Scotty!

He's never gonna be world champion.
He doesn't want it.

- What, like you, you mean?
- Fucking oath.

Yeah, look, Jess, mate. Get over it, hey?
There's more to life.

If you'd didn't fuck me up
I'd be halfway there already.

Look, we're all having a good time here,
don't ruin it.

I don't want to mess up
your perfect life.

- What?
- (Debra) Jesse!

- I got no one paying my way, do I?
- You don't fucking know anything, Jess!

- Go fuck yourself, Nathan.
- You dudes! Don't go there.

It's not about all that shit.

I don't have a dad who's an agent either,
do I, Andy?


You guys get whatever you want
for doing nothing.

- Jesse, just chill out.
- Fuck off, Fergus.

Great, Jesse, yeah. You're better than
all your friends, you don't need anyone,

and you're going to be world champ, great,
we all agree. OK?

Yeah, well, we all know
why you're here, don't we, Faggus?

I mean, what? You think
he's gonna let you suck his dick?



Yeah, run, you pussy.

Yeah, real good, Jesse.

Way to go, Jess. Way to go, mate.

You know what? Fuck this!

Hey, you.

I'm just sick of their shit.
You know, I'm as good as Andy is.

- Jesse, come on.
- I'm gonna make the tour.

Shut up.

Looks like a face. mean the saucepan?


Looks like one of those faces
Picasso paints, doesn't it?

See? The eyes, the nose,

and those stars over there
look like a mouth.

- What, you know who Picasso is?
- (Laughs) Yeah, I'm not an idiot.

It's just that when I tell people
it looks like a face,

theyjust think I'm weird.

- Well, you are.
- What do you mean?

(Laughs) I'm just messing with ya.

It'd be cool to know
what all those stars were, though.

- You know, like...
- Astronomy?

Yeah. I'm into that stuff.

Me too.

Hey, check this out.

(Andy) That's weird.
Looks like we're looking down.

Yeah. Something about the angle.

♪ Is there a place where I can go

♪ Where the stories all unfold... ♪

Can I start again?

(All laugh)

Shut up, dickhead.

This is what he does,
oi, this is what he does every time.

- Shut up.
- It is!

- Shut up!
- Give me that.

- Give me that.
- No chance. I'm playing, OK?

Are you ready?

♪ And you know

♪ Yeah, you know

♪ It's a lonely road

♪ And I swear

♪ Every story has a turning point

♪ Everyjourney has some roads
way out ofjoint

- (Mouths lyrics)
- ♪ Every battle has a setting sun

♪ And even stars
they only burn so long

♪ And then they're gone ♪

It's kind of...kind of John Mayer
but a little bit different.

We've sort of got our own sound.

I liked it.


Yeah, well, I wrote the words, so...

Fuck it.

(Sighs) See?

We're just like all them stars.

Little specks of nothing.

Random dots lighting up the sky.

- I loved it.
- Yeah?

You, er, ready for the comp
next weekend?

I so don't care about any of that stuff.



My dad's all about it.

He's a surf agent.

Well, that's good. Isn't it?

Yeah, if you want an agent.

I mean...

..he sends me shit.

He keeps saying this is the year
that he's going to move back.

He never does.

I know he won't.

I don't care if you look at me, Fergus.

- Oh, I was just...
- It's no big deal, mate.

(Fergus sighs)



(Both laugh)

(Scotty) Hey, Nate!


Should have known.
Should have known!


♪ Oh, I don't want
no complication

♪ I don't need no obligation

Do you want to?

- I don't know.
- Come on.

I do, but...

I really like you, Deb.
I mean that. I really do.

Right. Do you have a condom?

Oh, shit, no. Do you?

- No.
- Fuck.

I'll pull out.

- Jesse...
- Come on, I promise.


- There?
- You're too high.

Wait. Down.

Ow. Wait.

Oh! Oh! Oh, shit, yeah.


Oh, shit.

- (Debra) Wait. Shit. Don't.
- Oh. Oh. Oh.

- Oh.
- Wait. Shit.

(Jesse climaxes)

(Debra) Oh, fuck!

(Jesse pants)

So you don't like girls, huh?


Sort of.

Well, no. Not really, I guess.

You jerk off?


(Laughs) No!

Shit. I do it all the time.

Well, yeah. I do.

A lot.

(Both laugh)

(Fergus) From time to time.

So you want to now?


Are you serious?

- (Debra) You didn't pull out.
- Yeah, I did.

- No, you didn't.
- I didn't come much.

You're kidding, right?

(Nathan moans)


(Both laugh)

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah, Nate Dog, you animal!

- Fuck off!
- (Engine starts)

Who the fuck's in my mum's truck?


- (Debra) Stop, make it stop!
- Oh, shit!

(Screaming, shouting)

This is gonna be great!

(Screams continue)

Whoo! Whoo-hoo-hoo!

(Scotty cheering)


(Andy) That ain't good.

See me now, Roy Boy! (Laughs)

Whoo! Whoo-hoo!

- Fuck!
- You OK?

What motherfucker...?

What the fuck are you doing,
you fucking idiot?

Jesso, where'd you come from?

What the fuck?! You've bogged it!

I know, I know. Look...

Sorry, mate, I'm not interested.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

(Scotty) Chill out, Jess!

You fucking dickhead!
What the hell is wrong with you?

- What do you think you're doing?
- Chill out, bro.

(Jesse) Get the fuck off me!

You're such a fuck-up, Scotty!

- (Nathan) That's enough!
- Jess!

(Nathan) That's enough!
(Scotty) Jess! Jesse!

Well, who the fuck tied the tent
to the car?

Just get it out, Scotty.

Nate! Aren't youse gonna help me?




Fuck it!

(Victor) Hey, stop!
(Man) Bro, we're taking you home.

(Victor) Mate, this is my home!

(Car stereo playing rock music)

(Tyres screech)

(Victor) Fucking hell!

(Turns off engine, music stops)

(Bottles clattering)





Go home, Victor.

What are you talkin' about?
I came to see Kylie.

Did you? You're pissed.


- Daddy!
- Hey, sweetie.

Hi. Hey.


What did you do today?


(Sandra) Hey, babe?

You wanna go inside for a bit
because Mummy wants to speak to Daddy.


It's going to be all right. I promise.

(Kisses Kylie's hand)

- Victor, just...just go home, right?
- What you talkin' about?

I thought you wanted me to come
see you guys.

- Yeah, that was five hours ago.
- I was workin'!

Hey, boys!


Working on what?

Did she like it, hm?
Did she like it, babe?

- No, baby, don't...
- Did she? Come on, talk me through it.

- Don't.
- What do you think?

- Sandy...
- She like that?

- Welcome home. Whatever.
- Come on, baby.

- Are you serious?
- Come on, yeah.

Babe, Kylie's been waiting for you
for fucking hours.

No, Mum's inside. Fuck off!

(Whispers) Oh, babe.

- That's amazing.
- No. I can't do this any more.

Oh, do what? Do what?

Come here. Come here!
Fucking come here!

Good night, Victor.


I just wanna...

Fuck! Sandra!

- (Billy) Come on, Victor, hurry up!
- Shut the fuck up!


(Jake) Yo, mate, come on!


See what I mean?

She wants me to come see the kids,
and then she doesn't.

What's that about?

- I don't know, mate.
- Just get in.

(Victor) Fuck it.

There you are.

Fuck, what a loser.

Oi, boys!

Boys! Get up!

Nathan, get up!

(Whoops) Small and glassy, brother,
just the way you like it!

Oi, get up!

Get up, boys!

Small and glassy!



Oi, let's do this!

(Andy) Come on.

(Scotty) Get up!

(Andy) I know you're up.

- Go on!
- You're up.

Hey, if it isn't the man himself, huh?

Go crash a car.

(Scotty) Okey-dokey.

Yeah, it's hell small
but it's pretty glassy.

- Good morning.
- (Giggles)

(Fergus) Whoo.

Oh, yeah.
I'm sorry about last night, dude.

Fuck, man, it's all right.
What happened to the car, anyway?

Oh, fuck! Fuck!

(Both laugh)

It'll be all right.

How are you doing, brother? Prepped?
You pumped? You ready? Let's do this.

Oi, Nato, hurry up, man.
It's glassy as!


Jess! (Whistles)

Flop it away.

Shut up.


Oh, yeah!

(Scotty) You too, Fergs.
Come on, mate!

(Fergus) Hm?
(Jesse) Come on!

I was gonna work on my tan.

Your tan?

Grab it.


Come on.

Keep your legs together.

Always keep your legs together, OK?

Just paddle, paddle, paddle,
one, two, three, jump!

Yeah! Rippin'.

What's Andy doing with Fergus?

(Andy) All right, sweet.
(Fergus) Yeah.

All right.

(Laughs) You... You put it on your back foot.

Oi, Andy! Hurry up!

Before we paddle out...
Wait for a sec. Wait for a sec.


And then I'll tell you when to go, all right?
Follow me.

I'm coming!

(Jesse) Hurry up! Hurry up, you homo.

Good on ya, Ferg!

You get a couple or what?
Hanging with the big boys now, mate.

Wow. It's wild.

(Nathan) What?

(Fergus) The beach like that.

Well, check this out.

(Scotty) Is he serious?

(They laugh)

- (Camply) Check this out.
- Check this out.

Check me out.

Jess, check out these suspects.

- See that ride?
- Yeah, you're getting some good ones.

Fergus on a board.
Never thought I'd see the day.

Yeah, I know it's hard but you
gotta keep your legs together.

Yeah, all three of 'em.

Yeah, dude.
Just watch out for that hammer.

- What do you mean?
- Like this.


Did he know what he was doing?

- (Laughs) No.
- Really?

No idea in the world.

- Putting it everywhere.
- His first time?

- I think so.
- No! I didn't know.

Oh, no, yeah.

- I thought he would have, for sure.
- No.

- It's safe to say no. Yeah, no.
- Really?

(Victor) Nothin' I do makes her happy.

(Jake) Oh, she'll be cool.
She'll take you back.

Yeah, again.

I don't know.

- Oi, go this one. Quick.
- What?


I just can't believe it happened,
you know.

Were you excited?

- Yeah.
- I can't believe you finally did it.

Is his big?

It's just his arms. He's got these
big surfer-like arms and back.

Take your leg-rope off.

(Andy) Yeah, stand up now!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Whoo! (Laughs)


All right,
here comes an easy one, Fergs.


(Nathan) Go, this one's yours!
Go for it!

Look, look, Fergus has got a wave.

(Andy) Yeah!

(Whooping, cheering)

- Whoo!
- Yeah, Fergs!

(All whoop and cheer)


I love that. And that.

Hootie hoo!

- Go, Fergus! Whoo!
- Go for it, Fergus!

That's great.


Not bad, Fergus.

He's doing so well, mate. Really.

I was so embarrassed for Scotty.

You should have seen him
last night when he was there.

- Toodle-doo.
- (Victor) Hey, girls.

(Debra) Hi, Victor.

This looks like fun.



Oh shit,
he's got Fergus out there with him.

Just wait here, all right?
We'll head in soon.


No worries. We were here first.

They're not gonna see it like that.

(Jesse) Fuck 'em.

- You guys aren't supposed to be out here.
- Yeah, right. So?

- What's Fergus doing with ya?
- He wanted to come.

He doesn't belong out here.

- You're still hanging with that Andy kid?
- Yeah, what of it?

I can see why he's on the Pro Junior.
Too bad you're not.

Fuck off, Victor.

Fuck it!

Man, that kid's all right, eh?

Fuck that. Ain't as good as Ripley.

Yeah, you hope, brother.

Oi, look out!

I'm glad we're not out there.


You fuckwit!

(Nathan) Yeah. You're a fucking idiot!

Stay, Scotty. One more!

No, fuck that. It ain't worth it.

- Are you all right?
- (Nathan) I'm fine, I'm fine.

Wow, it really snapped in half. Fuck.

My new board's fucked!

You guys are arseholes.

You gonna let that guy
get all the good ones?


No, Fergus. Stop!


Shit, you got it! Stand!

- (Nathan) Shit, Fergus caught that wave!
- What is he doing?

(Victor) Yeah, Fergus!

(Victor) Keep going!

Fuck, Jess! What are you doin'?

Oh, shit.

(Panicked shouting)

Get out of the fucking way!

(Shouting continues)

(Nathan) Watch his neck!
Watch his fucking neck!

Fuck off!

Oh, fuck.

(Jesse) Fuck!

(Leah) Debra, come on!

(Nathan) Door's shut.
Keep his head straight!

- Drive!
- Come on.

- Pump his chest, Fergus!
- One, two, three, four...

Drive, man, drive!

- Come on, Victor!
- (Coughs)

Come on, Jess!
Come on, Jess!

(Jesse) I can't. Pump harder, Fergus!
Come on!

- He's turning purple!
- Get stuck in, Fergus!

Come on! Fucking breathe!

- Come on, Jesse!
- (Leah) Come on, Andy, breathe!

- (Fergus) Come on, Victor!
- Fucking hell!

(Squeals) Yeah, that's it.
Come on, Andy, breathe.

Breathe! Come on!

Come on, Victor!
Come on! Pump harder, Fergus!


Fucking pump his chest, Fergus!

Fergus, pump his chest!

Come on, Victor, breathe!

(Sobs) Come on!

(Door opening)

It wasn't his fault!

It wasn't his fault.

(Door slams upstairs)

(Baby crying)

You OK?



I mean, just not now.

- You're really special to me, Deb.
- Jesse...

- I like you, but...
- But what? I mean...

You don't want to be with me?

Let's just not talk about it now.

So none of that meant anything to you?

We had a weekend.

Are you pregnant?


Fuck it.

No, Jesse, wait.

(Nathan) So can you,
like, feel anything?

(Andy) Yeah, a little bit.

It kinda hurts
but, you know, not really.

It feels like everything's there,
but not. You know?

But they said you're gonna be OK?

Yeah, a couple of weeks,
maybe a month,

I'll be up for a wave.

(Scotty) Yeah.

No comp though, huh?



I'm just worried about him,
that's all.

He hasn't even been surfing.

You're not the only one
worried about him.

What are you doing?

- What are you doing?
- Just get away! Get away!

- Just get away!
- Jesse!

(Door slams)


(Fergus) Mum?

- Dad?
- Fergus!

(Reggie sobbing)

(Man) Oi!

You're gonna need this.

What for?

Well, you came in third.

Andy's hurt pretty bad,
so you're next in line.

You up for it?

I ca... Danny, I can't take it.

's at eight.

Can't change it now.

Just do your best, all right?

If you don't make it...

..everyone'll understand.

Nice board, mate.

Look, Andy, I'm really sorry, man.

It's not your fault.

- Yeah, it is.
- Shut up.

Dude, I shouldn't have dropped in
on your wave. I shouldn't have...

Shut up, all right?

You're in the contest now.

This is what you've always wanted.

- Shit, mate, I...
- Don't worry about me.

Andy, it's not...

I don't know,
it's just not important any more.

- Really?
- Yeah, really.

I mean, all that was Victor's dream.

And what's yours, mate?

I know the feeling.



(Phone rings)


This is what we need.

So this is what you guys do
when Fergus comes around?




I'm always trying to nick 'em
and you just give 'em to him.

Well, he's not so dumb, is he?

Guess not.

You know,
life sometimes is a real shit, buddy.

It's a real shit.

You've got to stop blaming yourself.

It was an accident.
You didn't mean to hurt anyone.

(Jesse sniffing)

But I did, Gramps.


(Fergus) Gramps?


(Fergus) Hey!


I ain't surfing the contest.

That's all right.

What's the fucking point?

I don't know.

(Jesse) I'm so over it.

When we were eight,

Victor told me I couldn't go surfing
because I had glasses,

and I believed him.

Then when he told me
I didn't fit in with you any more,

and your friends,
I figured he was right.

Fergus, he was just...

But when he told me
that I couldn't play guitar,

and that I'd never be any good
at anything...

I stopped listening to him.

He was just hassling you, man.

Yeah, I know. He was mad.

His mum died
and we came and took his dad away.

He just took it out on me.

He gave me shit, too.

Yeah, after he busted his knee,

'cause he knew that you were gonna go
places that he couldn't go any more.

- What, like he was jealous?
- Yeah.

He was lonely.

You still do that?

Best thing you ever showed me.



Oi! Jesse!


Come on! Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Come on!


Come on! It's great.


(Fergus continues whooping)

Come on!


(Wolf whistle)

- Shit!
- Oh, fuck.

(Jesse) Fuck.

OK, wait here.

(Whispers) Come on.

(Lifeguard) Hey!
(Jesse) Run!

Get off my friggin' beach!
Go on, go and get some clothes on!

Go on, get goin'! Get out of here.

Go on! What do you think it is?

Get out of here!

(Both laughing)

- Pumping, isn't it?
- Where have you been?

(Indistinct chatter)

- (Jesse) Here you go.
- Get the...

(Dog barking)


Urgh! Gramps.

(Floorboards creaking)

(Gramps) Been for a swim?

- Yeah.
- Hi, Gramps.

What the hell happened
to your clothes?

- What are you doing here?
- Hm!

- You got a contest to go, don't ya?
- Yeah.


- (Sandra) Good luck, boys.
- Eyes.

All right, sweetheart.

Yeah, Jesse!

(All cheer)

Go on, Jesse.




- Whoo-hoo!
- Yay, Jess!


(PA commentary)

(Commentator) Mitch Rusedski and Jesse
Hoff. Three locals take on the surfer...

(Commentator) ..up on the inside,
a couple of big moves.

- Great wave.
- (Commentator) Jesse Hoff.

Oh, no!


(Woman shouting)

- Oh, sorry.
- Watch the contest.

Definitely intensive.

- Not bad.
- For a bum out.

(Commentator) Jesse Hoff
has the whole line-up to himself.

Come on, Jess.


(Crowd cheering, whooping)

Come on, already!

(Flora) Coming!

(Jesse) Oi, tell your boyfriend to hurry up!
(Fergus) Shut up!

(Andy) What did he say?
(Fergus) Nothing.

(Jesse) Oi! Wankers!


(♪ Israel Cannan: All Things Change)

♪ ln the moonlight

♪ ln the dark times of your life

♪ You see grey skies

♪ And dark skies

♪ But darkness turns to light

♪ And true love will stay

♪ Always, always

♪ And so l'm calling out

♪ l'm calling out

♪ Can you hear me when l say

♪ Hold on

♪ They say that all things change

♪ Hold on

♪ They say that all things change

♪ Now picture this

♪ A little child born to li-i-ife

♪ Then imagine

♪ That same child

♪ Contemplating suicide

♪ But true love will stay

♪ Always, always

♪ And so l'm calling out

♪ l'm calling out

♪ Can you hear me
when l scream

♪ Hold on

♪ They say that all things change

♪ Hold on

♪ They say that all things change

♪ Love will change

♪ Ho-oo-o-oold on,
old friend

♪ They say that all things change

♪ Love will change

♪ l wish...

♪ Was saved by grace

♪ Was saved by

♪ Was saved by grace

♪ Was saved by

♪ Was saved by grace

♪ Was saved by

♪ Was saved by grace

♪ Was saved by

♪ Was saved by grace

♪ Was saved by

♪ Was saved by grace

♪ Hold on

♪ They say that all things change

♪ Hold on

♪ They say that all things change

♪ Love will change

♪ Ho-oo-o-oold on,
old friend

♪ They say that all things change

♪ Love will change

♪ l wish...

♪ Ho-oo-o-oold me now,
ho-oo-o-oold me now

♪ Ho-oo-o-oold me close

♪ Ho-oo-o-oold me now,
ho-oo-o-oold me now