New York Ninja (2021) - full transcript

A sound technician for a news station (John Liu) becomes a vigilante ninja in New York City after his pregnant wife is murdered. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Sorry I'm late.

Happy birthday.


Oh, I have something for you, too.

What is it?

You'll see later.

I'll be home for dinner.

- Wait!
- What?

I love you.

I have something to tell
you and it can't wait.

What is it?

I'm pregnant.

Really? Seriously?

We're gonna have a baby.

Oh my God, I'm gonna be a daddy!

- Are you happy?
- Yes.

- I love you. Very much.
- Good.

Listen, I have to go now,
so I'll see you tonight.

- Okay.
- Okay.

I'm gonna be a daddy!

Okay, I'll see you tonight.

Good, good, good.

All right, get her over here, come on.

Help me, help me, help!

All right, bring her in.

- Help!
- Hey!


- Come here.
- No, help me!

I can't believe that
John's wife was murdered.

That's terrible.

It's such a tragedy.

I know that I should help him,

but I'm not sure that I can.

Now, Randi, I'm the
boss here, that's my job.

But you, you're one of
the best damn reporters,

and this city needs you.

It's important.

- Yeah.
- We have to stop

these abductions.

Now, you focus on your job, okay?

Absolutely, it's my job, I know, I know.

But what about John?

Let's go talk to him.

He's probably home.

Let's go.

It's not fair.

It's not fair.




John, I'm here for you.

I just heard what happened to you.

Please, John, you have to try
and pull yourself together.

Just go away.

I'm sure you feel lonely.

You have to be strong.

Do it for yourself.

Plus, you have to be strong for Nita.

It's what she'd want.

I'm always here for you.

Leave me alone.

It's okay, I'm here for you.

Just leave me alone.

John, you
mean the world to me.

I love you so much.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

These are the ones I want.

I'll arrange it.

Any more available?

I'm willing to pay extra.

My clients have very large appetites.

I'll take them, all of them.

I need some time.

It's not that simple to arrange.

I understand, but my
clientele is very hungry now.

Trust me when I say that your clientele

will be so pleased.

- That's so exciting.
- Indeed.

I will contact you when the shipment

is ready to send overseas.

Wonderful doing business with you.

We're finished here.

- Let go of me.
- Whoa.

Got you, punk.

Get off of me, let me go!

Wait, I'll give the money.

You'll never catch me!

What's the problem?

I was just on my way home.


Now, you be a nice boy

and pay me what you owe, now.

But I don't have any.

Man, you messing with the wrong guy.

I know you street kids make money

and I want my cut.

Why don't we shake you
and see what falls out?

Put me down,
I don't have any money.

Put him down.

Okay, okay, I'll get you money soon.

You better.

Let's go.

Check this out!

What the hell?

Where's my money?


Pay this guy.

Whoa, whoa.

Oh, shit.

Man, get the fuck off of me.

Hey, what's he doing there?

What you got there, huh?

Hey, China Town, what you offering?

Say, let me hold on to this.

Give it to me.

Man, hand it over.

Damn it!


don't sneak up on me like that.

I need to talk to you.

Make it quick, I'm very busy.

My name is John Liu.

My wife, she was murdered
a few days ago...

- Yeah, of course, right.
- That's why I'm here.

I want to know: what

- are you doing about it?
- "What are you doing

about it."

I get it, believe me.

But these things take time, Mr. Liu.

We're doing everything we can, okay?

Just be patient.

Be patient?

Listen, for what it's worth,
I'm sorry about your wife.

Hey, this is a big city.

You've seen what's it like, right?

We're doing what we can.

That's it? That's all you can tell me?

My wife is dead, and
you're telling me to wait?

These men murdered her
because of what she saw.

It's linked to these abductions.

Why aren't you doing something about it?

Believe me, I am,
but this isn't helping.

Just go home and I'll
call you with anything.



This city owes me.

Well, what's that?


Good luck, Mr. Liu.

Thanks for nothing.

Why? Why is this happening?

Why won't anyone do anything?

I don't understand, why?



Hey, pretty lady,
why don't you ditch this loser

and I'll show you a good time, huh?

How about a kiss?

Let's get 'em, boys, come on.

Let's get 'em, come on, guys!

Hey, Mama, where you going, huh?

Hey, hey, I just wanna
talk, come back here.

Watch while I cut off her dress.



What the hell was that?

What the?

What the fuck?


Dude, what happened?

Is he okay?

What, shit?

Where'd that come from?

Wow, look how big the buildings are.

I think we got off on the wrong stop.

It should be right here.

Well, let's look at the map.

- Help!
- Hey!

Someone stop them!

- Hey, over there!
- I see It.

Do you see that?

Oh, my God.

Come on.

Hey, hey, hey, you did it.

- We pulled it off!
- Yeah, I know!

- Yeah, look what I got.
- Look what I got.

Yeah, what'd you get?

- What the?
- Huh?

Who the fuck are you?

Oh my God, thank you, thanks so much.

I can't believe he got it back.

That was amazing.

There he goes!

Get his ass!

Let's go, come on.

Aw, shit, get up, go!

Let's get him, let's get him!

Don't move, asshole!

There he goes! Come on, get him.

We got him now.

Oh my God, they got him.

Take it easy, don't kill me.

Tell the others

I'm coming for them.

She kissed me down there.

Yo, this chick was totally rad, man.

Panties off and everything,
man, it was crazy!

So interesting.

Hey, what about these guys?

They look like trouble.

We should follow them.

Slow down.


Let's keep following them

and see where they go.

Man, what a night.

I can't believe we did all that.

All over the city.

Hey, I'm hungry, I'll be right back.

Stay here.

- I don't know.
- Do you think he's cute?

I guess.

I think you should talk to him.

I never really
thought about him that way.

I, for one, think you
should give him a chance.

I think you two would
make a really cute couple.

I'm serious, I think you'd be cute.


Get off of me!

Oh my God, those guys are crazy.

Quick, run!

Come on, come here.

Get off!

Come on, come on!

Get off of me!

Come on, sweetie.

Help, help!

Oh no, somebody help!

- This is awful.
- Come on!

- Aw, come on.
- Get off of me!

Let's show this bitch who's boss.

Who's that?

Where did that come from?

I can't believe it.

Keep filming.

Looks like we got
ourselves a hero.

Oh my God,
let's get out of here.

Let's teach this guy a lesson.

Yeah, let's get him.

- He's real, see?
- He saved us!


Who is that?


Did you see that?


Where'd he come from?

Where did he go?

Hey, did I miss anything?

- Yes, you did.
- Yes, you did.

Oh... uh...

Look at you, you're trash.

Shut up.

Look at you, already on
your back where you belong.

And you! What do you think
you're looking at, huh?

Look at the ground!



Oh, look at this piece of shit.

What are you doing, man?

No way.

You need a hand?

Oh, the guy needs a bat.

Hey, Randi, look at that.

Oh my God, look what they're doing.

Shit, hang on, get ready.

They're destroying

- that car.
- I gotta get this on film.

These guys are

- probably on drugs.
- Jack.

- Man, they're-
- Uh, Jack.

Jack, that's your car.

Hey, that's my car!

- Yeah, let's go.
- Push, push!

Take that!

What the hell?

Get away from my car!

What's wrong with you?

Get away from it!

Get off me, stop it!

Get off me, I told you!

Don't hurt him!

Oh my God, get away from me!

Just keep the car!

Yeah, come here.

Take that!

Hey, get back here!

- Get 'em.
- Help, help!

- Help, help!
- Surprise, bitch!

Come here.


Come back here!

Come back, baby!

Police, the police!

Hey, hey, get back here!


Stop it, get away from me!

- No!
- Where you going?

No, no, no!

There we go.



Help me!

Come on, over
here, come over here.

- Get him, grab him!
- Stop running!

- Got him.
- Got you.

Yeah, get him, get him.

"New York Ninja"?

Hey, who threw that?

Come out, punk! Let's go!

Should we slit his throat?

Let's gut him.

Wait, let's throw his ass
off the fucking building

and see if he can fly.


Let's get him!

Come on, after him, after him!

Son of a bitch!

Drop it, asshole. Now.

Get up.

Get him over to the edge.

Ready for round two, asshole?

The knife! Catch!


Whoa, whoa, wait, hey,

I got more footage of the ninja here.

You gotta see it.

I got something better.

"New York Ninja"?

Where'd you get this?

Randi, thank God you're all right.

Look at this.

We're going live with this.

You can have that one for yourself.

Hey, where you going?




Where are you going?

To see you.

Don't you lie to me, kid.

Where you going, kid?

Show this kid we

- mean business.
- Don't mess with us, kid.

You're in trouble now, buddy.

Please, someone help me!

Help me!

Well, if it isn't the ninja.

He got 'em.

- Shit, let's go!
- Let's roll!

Come on, fuck!

Hey, you're okay.

Hey, are you really the ninja?


Will you be my friend?



It's yours now.

Get some rest.

You'll be better soon.

It's been several weeks

now since any sightings

of the New York Ninja have been reported.

However, crime has
remained at an all-time low

thanks to Ninja Fever,
which continues to spread

throughout the city.

Abductions of young women
are still being reported,

and the body of another woman

with mysterious radiation
burns has been discovered.

The police are now labeling these murders

as the work of the Plutonium Killer.

What are you doing?

Going fishing.

Now back to the music.

You call that fishing?

Of course!


I got one!

Yes, I got one!

I told you.

Look, I got one.


Beginner's luck.

I want that one.

What one?

That mask over there.


Oh, you don't wanna be a clown.

Please, I want to get that one.

Come on, please?

Okay, let's go.

I'm sorry.

Did you drop this?

No, I don't think so.

Look very closely at it.

I like your
mask. Happy Halloween!


Look closely, watch it
swing back and forth.

Listen to my voice and
go to sleep.

Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Gimme that necklace.

She's sleeping.

Shut the fuck up, old man!

Give me all your money!

Pardon me, sir.

What the?

That's it, you son of a bitch.

Is it another one?

Mm-hmm, looks that way.

What do we got?

Well, looks like she was strangled.

Any burn marks?

It's possible.

Let's get
the body to the morgue.

So, what do you want from me?

Call me
with the autopsy report.

You know what it's going to be.

Yeah, I do.

Oh, Christ.

You're late.

You said five.

Well, I have 5:30.

This is all you have?

I'm worried about all this exposure.

I think we need to move this along.

Forcing us any faster
will only end badly for you.

For your sake, I hope not.

I have to do it my way.

This is my problem.

Well, if you can't get it done in time,

we will just have to do it my way.

You just wait.

I had a meeting with our buyer.


wants to move rather quickly.

We need to arrange transport.

I'll have things ready.

Also, that reporter

is starting to get too close.

You and your men have been sloppy!

Bring her to me and no mistakes!

Do you understand me?

Yes, yes!

will contact you soon.


What does he think I am, huh?

I bust my ass all over
this whole fucking city.

- Hey.
- Fuck this!

We're still getting paid.

Besides, who cares?

Shit, I care!

Fuck this shit, I'm done!

Forget it.

We get this job done, then we
show that guy who the boss is.

- Let's go.
- All right.

Okay, could be anyone.

Huh, it's gotta be! The ninja!

It's gotta be!


What are you doing?

I'm undercover.

I've never seen you
look like this before.

That's the point.

New York Ninja.


Not this.

What's the problem?

Are you jealous?

Mayor Lewis, can you talk about

how the city is handling
the New York Ninja?

As you know, Randi, the public opinion

on the New York Ninja is split.

Some see him as a hero, while others,

such as the police, see
him merely as a vigilante.

We can't just let a masked individual

roam the streets of our city,

even if he is trying to protect people.

And what do
you have to say about

the recent murders and
abductions of young women?

My office has been working
diligently with the police

to solve these horrific crimes,

and I'd like to remind the people

that we are strong on crime, and together,

we have the power.

That gives us all hope.

This is Randi Rydell reporting
for Channel Six News.

Thank you.

- This has been a pleasure.
- Any time.

I'm glad the weather held out.

It turned out to be a nice day.

The kids are playing on the swings,

and no one is causing any

- Hey!
- Hey, what are you doing?


Don't move, don't fucking move.

I said, don't move.



What you gonna do, you fat bitch?

Sit your ass down.



I got a plan, let's get
some of the other kids.

Let go of me!

Let her go!

Shut the fuck up or
I'll slit your throat.

Let's go, let's go.

My eyes!

What the?

Oh, right.

- Let's get 'em!
- Get 'em!

Get outta here!

Get out!


Oh, ow.

Here, get 'em!

Get off me!

Come on.

Yeah, we did it!

Get out of here and don't come back!

- Thank you.
- Yeah, we're great!

Yeah, yeah!

- Are you all right?
- I'm okay.

I'm glad you're all right.

Are you all right, John?

- We did it.
- That was crazy.

Six's own Randi Rydell

was attacked earlier today.

A group of armed assailants
assaulted Miss Rydell

while she was interviewing the mayor.

Luckily, a group of children dressed

like the New York Ninja
spoiled the attempt.

There's no word on whether this attack

has any connection to
the recent kidnappings,

but it's safe to say that Ninja Fever

continues to spread throughout the city.

Stay tuned for the weather,
followed by sports.

See, you made it.

Good work, Jack. I knew you could. Yay!

Thank you for coming with me.

I really do appreciate it.

- At your service.
- Oh, wow.

Just look at you.

- Listen, I gotta run.
- Okay.

I'll see ya back at the office,

unless you want to take a shower together.

Get outta here!

Are you ready?

Get close to him.

Well done, sir.


Where do you think you're going?

Get in there.

Sit there, be a good girl,
and you won't get hurt.

Ah, bitch.

She's a cop, she's a cop!

So what?

Honey, you're so fucked.

you for meeting with me.

What's this about?

man that you're after,

the so-called Plutonium Killer,

he's connected to the abductions

that are taking place throughout the city.

And how do you know this?

Are you an informant?

Interpol, actually.

I'm undercover, infiltrating

an international prostitution ring.

This Plutonium Killer you're
after is the ringleader.

He's ex-CIA, who became
an international criminal

after falling victim to
a government experiment

involving radiation.

His only weakness is light.

Why are you helping me?

Helping you?

Have you forgot about the women?

I'm helping them.

Have you seen today's paper?

Then you know this is
a much bigger problem.

How long are we gonna wait?

Relax, just wait.

We get that reporter first,
and then we can make our move.

What the fuck you looking at?

Hey, isn't that
the guy from the park?

Let's follow him.


Randi, listen, you have to meet me

in the park as soon as you can.

It's important.

Come on, John, this is so strange.

Where could he be?

Hey, sweetheart, you
waiting for someone?

A friend, I suppose.

A friend?

That's real nice.

Surprise, we're here.


Come on, let's go.

- Come on!
- Get her, get her.


Get me down!

Don't fucking move, ninja.

You come any closer and I'll blow

her pretty face off.

Come on, let's get outta here.

Come on, move!

- Get away!
- Come on.

No, no!

Move it.

Let's go,
ladies, come on, inside.

Come on, move it, ho! Inside.

Come on, keep it moving.


Let go of me!

Shut up.

Look at this pretty face.

I'm gonna have fun with this one.

See ya soon, baby.

Come on, keep walking here.


What are you gonna do, now?

Can we talk?


What do you want?

It's about the missing women.

I need your help.

I know who you are and
I think you can help me.

I've got a problem.

Well, remember when you first came to me?

I wanted to tell you that I found the guys

that killed your wife.

So, what's the problem?

It's the job.

There are rules for me.

The other day, I met with
this guy from Interpol.

He wanted me to back off the case

and let them handle it.

The problem is, they've got my partner.

That's your job.

I want justice.


But I need you to help me.

Come on.

I would, but my problem
is, you want them alive,

but I want them dead.

It's for you.

We got the reporter.

I know, you really want her for yourself,

so you're gonna have to
pay extra. In person.

You know I don't show my face.

I'll send my driver to meet you

under the bridge in an hour, understand?

You, in person,

or we keep her for ourselves.

I'll meet you in an hour.

Where's your boss?

Don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

He sent me alone.

Don't fuck with me, asshole.


I'll pistol whip you 'til you talk.

Put your
hands where I can see them.

You asshole.

Man, you are fucked.

I think you may be
the ones that fucked up.

Throw your guns in the back.

I want the reporter.

Now go!

Move it!

- Hey, the ninja!
- Huh?


What the hell?

Don't you move or I will
blow your head off, asshole!

Get him.

Come on.

Hey, asshole!

Get out of the car!

Get out of the fucking car!

Move it, asshole.

You morons, you let him get away.

Don't just stand there! Go find him!

- All right, we're going.
- You! Get the women

- ready for transport.
- No problem.

Let's go, ladies, keep moving.

Come on, move it.


Don't move.

Back away from the women

and put your weapons on the ground.

You're outgunned, asshole.

Drop it.

Drop it.

I said, drop it.

I mean it.

Pull a gun on me, asshole?

I should kill you!

Hey, he's a cop!


Move it.

Drunken sword style.

Bring it.


What the hell?

Hey, what happened?

Thank you.

Detective, get the
other girls out of here.

I'm gonna go free your partner.

Go, get outta here.

You're all free now! Get to safety!

Don't move, ninja.

What the fuck?

Where the fuck did he go?

Find him, let's go!

Hey, motherfucker.

Keep going, come on.

Let's get out of here.

Get up, don't stop.

Go! Run!

Not so fast, baby.

I'm not done playing yet.

Not so tough now, huh?

Get up!

How about some head?

Ow, my eye!

Now I'm gonna cut you, bitch!

Are you okay?

Come on.

Is everyone okay?

Yeah, we're good.

Let's go.

Everyone in the van, let's move it.

Where are the bad guys?

Am I the only one who found you?

Thank God, Jack.

Are you okay?

Come with me.

Oh, look, it's the ninja.

Yeah, so what?

I don't have time for
that. Let's go, Randi.

You're not Jack.

Get away, get away!

You follow us and she's dead.

Get in the car!


Come on, get out, come on!

Knock it off, let's go!

No, no!

Jesus, son of a bitch!

Come on, let's go!



gotta get outta here.

- We got a pilot.
- Good.

Let's move, come on.

Yeah, faster, buddy. Let's go.

Stay here
and take care of the ninja.

The rest of you, let's move.

- Come on, buddy.
- Let's go, asshole.

on, come on, move it!

Down the steps, now!

Get in, everyone in.

- Get us outta here.
- Inside.

Don't move, ninja.

Put your hands up.

I said hands up!

Now, what are you gonna do?

A fan? You really think a
fan can stop these bullets?

Come on, get
this thing in the air.

Let's go, come on, hurry, let's go.

What is it?

The gas tanks aren't full.

Goddamn it!

Don't move.

Don't move.

That's it, ninja.

What the hell?

You think you can stop me?

Just try it.

You can't beat me, I'm immortal.

I will defeat you.

Drop it.


Come on, let's go.

this thing in the air!

on, what's the hold up?

something weighing us down.

It's that damn ninja!

Just fly!

- It'll kill him.,
- Good!

Let's make a deal: you kill that ninja,

and I'll make you a rich man.

Yes, sir.

Ah, my face!

Get him out of here, toss him out!

Now get us out of here!

What's that sound?

Is that a bomb?

Hey, don't move!

What took you guys so long?

Don't move, ninja.

Come on down, ninja.

I don't wanna have to shoot you.

Slowly, no tricks.

Let's find out who this guy is.

Not just yet.

We'll see his face soon
enough, if he has one.

Come on, guys!

Kid, come on.

This is an active crime scene, all right?

Yeah, all right!

Hey, wait. Wait! Where'd he go?

Well, that's it. We lost him.

You should head home.

I'll take care of everything here.

Thanks, guys.
I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey, John, did you hear?


They got the guys that killed Nita.

I'm guessing this was because of you?

It wasn't me, it was the New York Ninja.

Oh, yeah?

The New York
Ninja's a real hero.

You're right.