New York Cop (1993) - full transcript

Allegedly based on a true story, this film follows the life of Toshi, a Japanese man living in America and working with the New York City police. After being recommended for undercover work, Toshi decides to go after a gang lead by Hawk. Hawk and Toshi soon become friends, although Hawk's second-in-command, Tito, is suspicious of the newcomer. Will Toshi be able to bring the gang down, or will his cover be blown before he can finish the assignment? - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[faint dripping]

MAN: Mr. C., where are you?

Mr. C.?

Hey, Mr. C., I stole the gun.

Is that you, Mr. C.?

[dripping continues]

[faint, ominous music playing]


Who's there?

Is that you?

[gun cocks]

What are you--
what are you doin'?

Stop fuckin'
around, Mr. C., huh?

Come on.
I'll have the money tomorrow.

[gun shot]



[hissing continues]

[gun shot]

[crying out]

[gun shot]

[crying out] [groaning]

[groans] [panting] [grunting]

[grunting continues] [pants]

[gun shot]

[soft thud]

[footsteps retreating]

[soft music playing]

[door creaks]

[door creaks]

[door clicks shut]

[music swells]

[music quickens]

[distant siren]

[music continues]

[subway rumbling]

[breaks squeaking faintly]


[doors shut]

[subway rumbling softly]

[funk music playing]

Hey, motherfucker.

Got any money?

Hey, asshole.

I'm talking to you.

You fucking with me?

I'll kick your ass
onto the tracks.

[music continues]

You just got lucky, man.

See you around, bro.

[music playing]

[distant siren]

[music continues]

[indistinct voices]

[funk music plays]

[music playing]

[funk music plays]

[music grows ominous]

Hey, motherfucker.

You got money for pussy,
then you've got money for me!

You've got to be
fucking kidding me.

Yeah, I'm kidding.


[metal clinking]






I'll make sure you ain't never
gonna fuck no pussy no more.


[groans] [choking]
[gun cocks]

Hold it right there!

[tense music playing]


[gun shot]

[music playing]

[music playing]

Holy shit.


Get down.



You motherfucking bastard.

You shot me.

Don't move or you're dead.

Stinking chink.

How'd you get to be a cop?


I'm Japanese.

How do you get to
be a human being?

you to go undercover.

You're Japanese.

No one will ever
suspect that we've

got an undercover Japanese cop.

I don't like it.


I know you paid your
dues up at the academy.

Now, you've come a long
way since you drifted

in here from San Francisco.

We suspect organized crime
is the main supplier.

We want you to find
out if we're right.

Take a look at these.

As you can tell, it was done
by a professional hit man.

All right.

Here's the game plan.

You'll meet your contact
at Avenue D, 10th street.

You'll see the letter Z
on the side of a building.

The code color for
tomorrow is blue.

Don't forget that.

You want to contact me, you
call me on the private line.

Only Marge is authorized
to answer that.

You got it?


You look troubled, man.

You want to go to a sushi bar?

Later, Danny Boy.

It's a real
disaster, isn't it?


I've been assigned to this unit.


Welcome aboard, man.

[music playing]

Who's that?

Look, man, the less we know,
the safer we're going to be.


Don't ask so much question, man.

Go home and get some rest, eh.

I have to get my bag.

All right.
I'll be upstairs.

[dog barking]

Spare a cigarette?


The sky was so blue
when I fell asleep.

Blue is a beauty color.

Come on.

Let's get inside
before you got cold.

[distressed sounds]

What the fuck are you doing?

You don't look like a
fucking cop to me, man.

My left-hand pocket.

Oh, God.

They send me a fucking rookie.

What are you fucking crazy?

I don't believe this.

You fucking smell, to boot.

I smell?


You smell of soap.

You're not going to
the goddamn ballet.

Look, if you're
going to be here,

you're going to become one
of the people who lives here.


You've got to conduct
yourself like them.

You've got to dress like them.

You've got to beg like them.

Give me the parka.

Come on.

Give me the fucking coat.

What the hell are you doing?

You look like you're about to
enter a 5th Avenue restaurant

with this damn parka.

This has been a six month
fucking stakeout meet,

and you very nearly
could have blown

the entire fucking
thing by walking in here

in your designer clothes.

My name is Toshi.



I don't give a fuck if
your name is Mitsubishi.

Get down there.

Get real.

Get with the fucking
program before you

get us both rammed up the ass.

All right.

Why did they send you down here?

- They need more guys.
- Yeah.


You better get
your rap straight,

or the brothers will be
cutting you a new asshole.

How do I contact you?

I'll find you.

Show your face.

I'll ask for a cigarette.

Stick your message inside
the cigarette pack.

I'll take care of it from there.

One more thing, you know
who your worst enemy is?

You mean the gangs?


Feds, narcos,
because guys like you

get killed by friendly fire.

Something else to worry about.

Well, carry your piece.

Or if you feel like that's
going to blow your cover,

I don't know, carry
something on you

can conceal to protect yourself.

I know my charts.

[laughs] fucking great.


So I'm going to play
the fucking Green Hornet

to your Bruce fucking Lee.

Well, man, good fucking luck.

[music playing]

[men chattering]

It's gonna come down tonight.

Yeah. 'Cause the
shelters are all full.


I'm cold.

We gotta go.

Yeah, I know.

I heard they're closing
them up, you know?


What you looking at, asshole?

I'm looking for
a place to sleep.

You got some money?

You can stay here.

Is that all?

[speaking spanish]

Fucking shithead.

Look at his his eyes, man.

You, you have the
eyes of a hunter.



[speaking spanish] You have
the eyes [laughs] of a hunter.

[music playing]

[speaking spanish]

[speaking spanish]

[speaking spanish]


[speaking spanish]

[speaking spanish]

What are you gonna do?

You gonna fucking kick me out?

Get him!

Go, get him!

Get that punk!

Who the fuck are you?

Please, get me out of here.

They will kill me.

Holy shit.


[music playing]

We're OK now.


You saved my life.

You collect junk for a living?

You could say that.

[metal clanks]

Are you all right?

Let me help you with that.


What's your name, anyway?


Toshi, you come with me.

You're pretty strong
for a homeless person.

You are a splendid artist.


Are you famous?

If you buy one of my works,
you'll be the first own a Maria

Mendoza original.

Who knows, you might
send me off to stardom.

I can tell you're not a junkie.

You don't seem like someone
who needs a daily injection.

I don't do drugs.


What do you do?

You don't impress me
as the homeless type.

I had some bad luck.

Can I have a glass of water?

Oh, sure.

I'm sorry.


You know it's raining
pretty hard outside.

[music playing]

Do you have a place to sleep?

I'll find a place.

You helped me carry
some of this junk up.

If you want, you can crash here.

You know, those guys
are still after you.

You don't even know me.

Are you sure?

It's OK.

I sleep with a shotgun nearby.


Don't mention it.

It's the least I can do
for a connoisseur of art.

Good night.

Good night.





How are you?

How come you left your
shit out in the truck?

You waiting for
me to bring it up?

No it was coming down
like crazy last night

after I got upstairs.

Who the fuck is this?

He's a friend.

He needed a place to stay.

What, you let him spend
the night here last night?

- Yeah.
- What are you, Mother Theresa?

Hey listen, pal, you better
be one of those art school fags,

or I'm going to
cut your heart out.

Hey, he's better than one
of your brotherhood bums.

Hey, that's none
of your business.

Listen, this ain't no
Chinese Hong Kong Hilton.

[music playing]

So why don't you get
your ass out of here.

Hey, you wait a minute here.

No, you wait a minute.

I don't want this
bastard up here.

Take a hike.

[speaking spanish]
This is my house.

I'm sorry, Toshi.

My brother is a loco.

You know, he's crazy.

Well, listen, you know, you can
come back here another time.

I'm sorry, OK?

I'm really sorry.

What the hell are you doing?

This is my house.

What are you doing telling
my guests where to go?

HAWK: Since when are you picking
fucking bums off the street?

MARIA: Mr. Criminal!
Don't you tell me what to do!


You still here?

I just want you to know,
I only crashed over there.


Now get the fuck out of my face.

Maybe you could use me.

Why could I use
somebody like you?

Fuck off and stay the
hell away from my sister.

I'm not interested
in your sister.

I'm good with my hands.

I know martial arts.

All right, tough guy.

Come with me.

[music playing]

WOMAN: You know what
else Dominicans like?


TITO: What else do
Dominicans like?


What the fuck are
they doing here?

WOMAN 1: We were lonely.

WOMAN 2: Yeah.

We got nothing to do.

Take a hike, sweetie.

We've got business.

She's my girl, man.

They stay.

Get rid of them.

But-- What are you
do with fuck-face here?

We chased his ass last night.

He says he wants
to join the hood.


Skinny, dumb bastard.

Well, Tito, he says he's
pretty good with his hands.

What do you say we give
him a little test, uh?



OK, big man.

Let's see how good you are, huh?


[speaking spanish]

[music playing]

All right.

You see these guys
over here, Toshi?

They owe us a lot of money.

It's time to go prove yourself.


Go get them, killa.

He's got major medical,
these motherfuckers.




Which number were you?

I don't know.


This ain't the
fucking laundry mat.

What do you want?

I have a money proposition
to discuss with your boss.

Oh yeah?

Who are you?

I'm from Kawasaki.


This gentleman
wants to see the boss.

He says he's from Kawasaki.

Let me take a look at you.

I want to identify the remains.

Go ahead.

He's upstairs.

Go ahead.

Later, tough guy.

Where do you
want the body sent?

[woman moaning]



Fuck yeah.

[moaning continues]

Oh, yeah.

Who the fuck are you?

I know you are busy, but
I'm here to collect a debt.

Well, get the
fuck out of here.

[glass breaks]

MEN: Whoa.

Check this out.


I'm going to kick
your fucking ass.

MEN: Whoa.



[laughs] Damn.

I think grizzly is next.

Let's get going, man.

By now, that fucking
asshole's either dead,

or he got his ass kicked.


I like this guy.

Give the little fuck the money.

Give him anything he wants.
- Let him go!

You understand?

Come on, buster.

Let him go.

You'll get your money.

Give him anything he wants.

I don't know, Tito.

I'm liking this guy.


Keep your head in.

Come on.

Come on.

Roll up.

Give me a hand.
[music playing]

Stack them up with the rest.

How's it going, Tito?

My name's Hawk.

What the hell is
your name, anyways?

I'm Toshio Murakami.

Call me Toshi.

All right, Toshi.

You're looking at a deal that's
going real sweet right now.

Sometimes they turn
into cluster fucks.

Which is better,
buying or selling?

It depends.

Are you dealing
with drugs too?

We deal with everybody.

It's a new common market.

See the Italians, they
make the big fucking money.

And we do all the dirty work.

That doesn't sound fair.

It's not.

And on top of that, when you're
dealing with the main man,

you've got gotta
watch your back.

Why deal with him?

Well, because he's the man.

He controls the gun market.

Who is the top man?

You ask a lot of
questions, Toshi.

I'm not trying to
pry into your business.

It's just that if you
need guns, I can get them.

Where the fuck are
you going to get guns?

Are you dealing with
somebody I don't know about?

You need them,
I will get them.

Trust me.

Well, I sure could use
somebody I can trust,

somebody that's going
to stand by my side.

How about giving me a shot?

Maybe, Toshi.


Man, I don't trust
the fucking jap, man.

Just keep your eye on
him, 24/7, man, 24/7.

You here me?
- Got that.

All right.

[music playing]


You stupid, homeless fuck.

You bumped into me.

I know you.

No shit.

Don't turn around.

Across the street,
you're being tailed.

I can't find power.

Is it urgent?

Give me a message.

I need a gun.

I'll arrange it.

Danny Boy will talk to you.

Meet Danny Boy at
Washington Square Park.

[phone ringing]


This is Marge Cerilo.
KONEN LI: This is Konen Li.

What's today's color?

KONEN LI: It's blue.

Let me talk to Brodsky.

BRODSKY: Brodsky here.

KONEN LI: It's Konen Li.

Damn it, the rookie could
have blown my cover.

BRODSKY: It was an
accidental meeting.

It won't happen again.

It better not.

I'm close to finding out
who's supplying the hardware.

There's a big meet
tomorrow night.

BRODSKY: In Chinatown, the
feds have been notified.

Rising sun needs a gun.

BRODSKY: We'll take care of it.

[bell ringing]

[music playing]

DANNY BOY: [humming] Ba da
da, da da, da da da da da.

Ba da da ba ba ba ba ba.

ba ba ba.

Ba ba, eh.

What you think?

The lady's fine.
She needs a present.

It's that time.
What's up.

All right.

All right.

Eh, my brother.

All right.

You see anything
you like here, man?

TOSHI: What's up.


We put the president in a
locker in Grand Central Station.

Hey, won't do you check
out that radio now?

That radio is a
piece of work, eh?

Got it.

Got it.


It's showtime.

You ready?
- OK.

[music playing]

You see that?

He's a cheap fucking thief.

I don't fucking
believe this guy.

PA: Railroad passenger,
Ken Anderson.

Please report to ticket
window number three.

Long Island Railroad
passenger, Mr. Ken Anderson,

please report to ticket
window number three.

MAN: Mikey, I left my lock.
Come on.

Let's go.

[music playing]

That's them over there.

It's time.

You've got to nail
them during the exchange.

You got it.

Sit down.


How come Asian
people don't trust us?

That's the only way we
can survive is to see.

And we are not going
to change our ways.

The deal is $25,000
for all the guns.

The deal's off.

Relax, gentlemen.

Take it easy.

We'll work it out.

[non-english speech]

We are not saying we won't pay.

You get half the money now.

And the balance, you get just
before the next shipment.


Oh, yes.

Oh, yes.

[non-english speech]


[non-english speech]

[non-english speech]

That way.

[non-english speech]



I'm a cop.

Drop it.

You're bleeding.

You OK?
- Get away from me, kid.

You'll get hurt!

I said, get away from me.


Ferrara, where
the hell were ya?


Wake up.

Wake up.

Good man, Toshi.


All the serial
numbers filed out?

Looks good.

We can be a team.


Listen, let me
ask you something.

You got a little action going
on the side for yourself?

I mean, I heard about the
Tongs down in Chinatown.

But you wouldn't know anything
about that, would you?




I didn't think so.

I mean, a briefcase full of guns
could show up anywhere, right?

Be with you in just a second.

Be right with you.

Oh, hi.

Be back in a second, I swear.

What's up, Maria?

Be careful, honey.

You're gonna scare all
the customers away.

Come on, Toshi.

Give me another beer.

Me too.

So I hear you've been spending
a lot of time with my brother.

What's wrong with that?

Why do you want to get
involved with the hood?

I'm an illegal alien.

In the brotherhood,
no one can touch me.

We're all set for tomorrow.

How well do you know Brooklyn?

What's going down?

Just meet me in
my crib at 9:00 AM.

What's up.

What's up.

I'll be right back.

Forget about it.

Hey, brother.

Spare a cigarette?


You got a light?

Konen Li is dead.

[music playing]


That's two now.

How did it happen?

Feds shot him.

The Feds?

Eh, they wounded him, another
case of friendly fire.

Then that sick bastard, whoever
he is, finished him off.

God help us if he
knows who we are.

Be careful, man.

Be sure to cover your ass.

[music playing]


I got it.

I got it.

Good work, Powell.

Listen, I'll arrange a back up
with Brooklyn North Task Force.


Yes sir.

Marge, get me Brooklyn
North Task Force.

Yes, Captain.

I got him, Captain.

Charlie, Brodsky here.


I need a big favor.

A lot's happening in
your territory tonight.

I need back up.

[music playing]


That Sammy T, he better
be on the up and up.

Yeah, I hate dealing
with the blacks.

Just can't trust
the motherfuckers.

Oh, man.

What makes you think you
can trust gooks, huh?

Hey, fuck you, asshole.

No, no, fuck you.

Fuck you.

Mario, stay here.

Sledge, keep your eyes peeled.

[music playing]

What's up, bro?

Let's get to business.


What the fuck we got to
meet in this place for, man?

Because I don't want to be
you in no back alley, bro.

So let me see
the product, man.

[laughs] Let me see the.

Money Tito, go with him.


Come on.

[speaking spanish]

are you in position?

Delta team, standing by.

All right.

It's done.

You motherfuckers are so easy.

Give me your piece.




Ice man, get the others.

All right.



Try to back stab me.


[inaudible], huh?

Try to back stab me?

Yeah, backstab this.


Tito, la policia.
La policia.


[speaking spanish]






Get out!
Get out!

Put 'em up!
Put 'em up!

Put your fucking hands up.
Get 'em up.

Put 'em up.

Put 'em up.

Get off me.

Get off me, man.

Men, put your hands
above your head.

[music playing]

You're a dead man.

Oh, man.

Oh, man.

You fuck-- you fuckers!

Oh, you're a fucking cop.

Shut the hell up, man.

We gotta worry about
getting out of here.

I'm no cop.

He's a fucking cop.

I'm telling you, man.

Stop it.
Shut up.

I'm no cop!

Shut the fuck up.

Mario, grab the guns.

We'll meet back at the compound.

And don't get lost or
nothing, you dumb chink.

I ain't through
with you yet, man.

Shut the fuck up.

[speaking spanish]


Can I help you, please?




[music playing]

You're just jealous
because he's got bigger balls

and he's smarter.

You're telling me, man?

It's not strange to find an
army of cops waiting for us

when only we know the
location beforehand?


Maybe they followed
the other guys.

If he's a cop, why the
fuck would they shoot at him?

Then what the fuck is he?

How come he ain't
back here, Tito?

You're too fucking paranoid.

If he's a snitch, prove it.

If not, shut the fuck up.



Fuck it.
Let's go.

[speaking spanish]

[car revs]

[tires screech]

[music playing]


Three dead cops
in a week, man.

I could have been number four.

Don't even think
about it, man.

There's always that
possibility, huh.


I closed, all right, man.

But come back
tomorrow, all right?

All right?

Easy now.


Powell was a good cop.

Yeah, well he
pissed a lot of people

off with that mouth of his, huh.

He was a great guy though.

[brakes squealing]

[music playing]

Toshi, come on in.

You look lost.

I've been here three years.

Everyone has a falling out
in this town, especially me.

You're not cut
out for New York.

Please, get out of
the brotherhood.

The brotherhood
is not the problem.

Then what is?


I'm sorry I was so cold to you.

I thought it over,
and I realized

you really didn't have a choice
if you're here illegally.

Does that make you feel better?

I-- I don't know
what I want to say.

That's why the
Americans can't understand

the Japanese, because you
don't say what's on your mind.

Did you eat?

Not yet.

How about Japanese food?


[phone ringing]


Let me get that, OK?


Yes, this is Maria Mendoza.



Oh, yes.


Well, thank you very much.

Yes, you too.

Have a good night.

[speaking spanish] Oy.

It's happening.

Is really happening.

That was the art gallery.

They like my work.

They are going to show my work.


That's great!

Oh, now I've got to
buy you dinner, OK?

Oh, oh my god.

I have been waiting for
this all of my life.

All of my life.

This is great.

And now it's like
I've got a chance!

Thanks for dinner.

You really brought
me good luck.

No, it's you.

You know, luck is important.

All my life, I never had any.

My whole family,
just look at Geraldo.

I worry about him all the time.

But ever since I
met you, my luck

has finally started to change.

The whole world seems full
of possibility, full of life.

I still can't believe it.


[music playing]

(SINGING) I don't know
some man's rainbow.

I don't know many wishing well.

I don't know how long as always.

I don't know what
time will tell.

I don't know what I forgot.

And I don't know
what's yet to come.

But I know when I'm in love.

And I don't know
your mathematics.

Never read your history book.

I don't know just
how it got here.

I don't know how long it took.

Well, I don't know
a rhyme and a reason

for all these things
I'm thinking of.

But I know when I'm in love.

I don't know some
men's heartbreak.

I don't know about telling lies.

I don't know pain and sorrow.

I don't know why I should cry.

I don't know what
I've forgotten.

And I don't know
what's yet to come.

But I know when I'm in love.


Don't sneak up on me like that.

[music playing]

You're gonna get it.

Come on.

Come on.

Tito here says--

says you're a cop.


I'm not convinced.

You know the difference between
us and all the other gangs?

Is the Italians deal with us.

We control the guns,
we control the streets.

[speaking spanish]


What's this got to do
with your jap friend, eh?

Because I feel that he
can deal with the tongs,

we've got an inside man.

You feel fucked
the-- fuck that.

He's a fucking cop, man.


OK, motherfucker.


You make phone calls every
day at the same time.

If you are homeless,
fuck, who the fuck

do you have to contact
on a daily basis?



I say he's writing us
all to the police, man.

Answer him, Toshi.

I gamble.

You gamble,
[speaking spanish]??

You gamble?

You ain't got two
nickels to rub together.

You telling me you gamble?

[speaking spanish]


What did you bet
on yesterday, huh?


The daily double.

Did you win or lose?

I lost as usual.

Too bad.

So tell me who won.

Six and nine.

Six and nine.

Six and nine.




[speaking spanish] Heya, man.

You do the honors.

Todd, what was
yesterday's daily double?




I trusted you.

Yes you did, man.
Yes you did, man.

And behind your back,
he's fucking your sister.

Is that fucking true?



He's all yours.



[speaking spanish]

Let me at him.
Let me at him.

Let me at him.


- Who is it?
- It's me.

Open the door.

Hey, what's the
matter with you?

You fucking the jap?

Answer me.

Are you fucking the jap?


Yes I am.

I'm in love with him, OK?

Well, you're fucking
jap boyfriend's a cop.

And he's doing you to
get to me in the hood.


[music playing]

I'm sorry.

It's OK.

I'm sorry.

Mr. C, please.

It's Hawk.

I need to see you.

Not now, Hawk.

In about an hour, at the
Port Authority on the roof,

in the limo.

Right now, I got better
business to attend to.

Right, baby?

That's right.


Wake up.


MR C: Why do you want to see me?

I-- I owe you an apology.

We're thinking that maybe
one of my guys is undercover.

So if I cause any
problems, I apologize.

That problem has already
been taken care of.

What are you talking about?

We hit an undercover
in Central Park.

We have one more
to take care of.

He's black and as good as dead.

There was a big
foul-up the other day,

and I almost got whacked.

It's getting too risky.

I don't know if I
want to do business

with you or your brotherhood.

What the fuck are
you talking about?

Go get your guns
from someone else.

I'm getting too old to fuck
around with young punks

like you in the hood.

Go ahead, take a fucking walk.

Where's Toshi?

On the drag.

Tito took him for a ride.

Where's Toshi?

Where'd they go?

Probably the sanitation pier.

That's what they
take all the rats.

[music playing]

You gonna die, motherfucker.


Hey, I hope you're
a good swimmer, Toshi.


How about sinking, huh?

You any good at that?

Let's go, men.
Let's go.

Let's go.

Stupid motherfucker.


Hold it, motherfucker!

Hold it!

Don't move, motherfucker.

Let it go.

Let it go.

This is between
me and him, man.

He's got nothing
to do with it.

I just talked to Mr.
C. He said he whacked

a cop that's snitching on us.
- No.

Bull shit.

Bull shit and bull shit.

How the fuck does
he know sushi--

Toshi's not an undercover, huh?

He knew who was working us.

Who gives a fuck, man?

I hate this motherfucker anyway.

Who gives a shit
what you hate.

What the fuck you going to do?

Man, look at yourself, man.

Look at yourself, man.

You lost it, man.

This guy's a fucking undercover.


I just said, the hood is mine!

Put that fucking thing away.

Emelio, Mario, get his gun.

As long as I'm alive, I
still run the brotherhood.

You fucking crazy, man?

We're blood, just you and me.



I'm retiring you, motherfucker.

[laughs] Forever.
- Fuck you!



Hawk, hang on to me.


[speaking spanish]

I can't believe I got shot.

Try not to talk.

Oh God, I'm nauseous.


I always wanted to
get out of the city.

I guess I'm finally
going to make it.

Don't give up on me, Hawk!

Maria always said
I'd end up like this.


God damn.

Tito, I always knew he'd
be the one to do me in.

He's been sucking up to Mr. C.

Mr. C?


You got to do me a favor, T--


Maria can't make it
out there on your own.

And I know she
likes you very much.

Promise me you'll
look after her.


I promise.

I promise, Hawk!


Brodsky here.

TOSHI: It's me, Toshi.


I'm glad you called.

Where you been?

Hawk is dead.

I'm going after them.


No, that's too dangerous.


Danny Boy we'll
meet you at pier 12.

He'll bring the weapons.

I want no dead
heroes, you got that?

Yes sir.

Yeah, it's me.

Listen, I got some
good news for you.

[music playing]

There's no sign of Toshi.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


I think he's here.
All right.

All right.




I'll be bringing
in three times

what Hawk made, three times.

That's not enough.

I expect you to
expand your marketing

to much bigger territory.

I really don't like dealing
with punks like you,

but I'm going to
give you a shot.

Guns and drugs.

They're the same thing.

First, they start with handguns,
and later they want to graduate

to shotguns and machine guns.



I just hope you're
not bullshitting me.

Hey, on my life,
Mr. C, on my life.


[music playing]



Don't move.

So you were a fucking
undercover cop after all.

MAN: Let's get the
hell out of here.



So long, motherfucker.


[music playing]


Are you OK?


It's all over.

Sorry to hear about Danny Boy.

He was a good man.

Fortunately, we got Cilerno.

IAD had been tailing
her for quite some time.

She fell in with a bad crowd.

Are they expecting
something was wrong?

It's too bad.

She won't be any
problem to us anymore.

[music playing]

This is not a good time.