New Year's Evil (1980) - full transcript

New Year's Eve is on it's way and TV's most famous punk-rock lady icon Diane Sullivan is holding a late hour countdown celebration of music and partying. All is going well until Diane recieves a phone call from a odd sounding stranger announcing on live Television that when New Year's strikes in each time zone, a 'Naughty Girl' will be murdered (punished), and the killer leaves a threat saying she will be the one to die last. The studio crew takes precautions and highten security, but on the other side of America, a hospital nurse is found brutally butchered. Who could be behind these murders? A crazed fan, a religious psychotic, or perhaps it's someone much closer to Diane then the police (or audience) could have ever expected. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Yeah, okay.

Tell him we're on our way.

For Christ's sakes, Diane.

Do you know what time it is?

Ernie, baby, do me a favor?

Drop a 'Iude and relax.


Where's Yvonne?

She finished your press releases

and went down to her
room to change.

Well, would you mind getting her
on the phone for me, please?



Hi, Yvonne?

It's Dee, I was wondering if you

got in touch with Richard?

Yeah, Palm Springs.

At the club?

Right, and from the way
he sounded he had

a head start on his New
Year's Eve celebration.


I wouldn't count on him making

it in for your show tonight.

Yeah, that figures.

Well, look.

I've got to change,
I'll meet you upstairs.

Yeah, okay.



What is it?

Oh, Richard is in Palm Springs

coked up or loaded up.

And what else is new?

It'd he nice if he was here

for a little moral support.

You don't need him,
you never have.

Tonight's the big pay off, baby.

Do what you've
been plugging for.

Who's there?

Hey skinhead!

Hey skinhead!

You're a fucking skinhead!

Oh, come on.

Give me some tongue!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody!

When you're feeling lonely.

Happy New Year!

It's fucking New Year!

I mean wow, I mean like
I'm like freaking out!



Tickets, let's have
your tickets.

Tickets, let's have
your tickets.

Don't get excited.

Yeah, yeah don't get excited.

We got tickets, all right.

Yeah, if we could just
get the ratings,

beat the networks
out of prime time.

No problem, sweetie.

Tonight I'll be very good.

Yeah, you better he
goddamned terrific.

Hello, Mom.



Your favorite.

Oh, my nails, baby.

Would you put them
in water, huh?

Ernie, did they
make those lighting

changes we talked about?

-All taken care of.
-Oh, good.

I've got some good news.

Oh, that's nice honey.

Got a part in a new series.

Spaceship America.

Ernie, I just remembered I want

to see those press releases
Yvonne has

before she passes them out.

Got it?


It's really a good part.

Want to get her on
the phone for me, huh?

Sure, hut snap it up.

Start shooting next week.


The series, my part.

Look, I tell you what.

Why don't you tell
me all about it later?

After the show I'll take
you out to dinner, okay?

No answer.

Ernie, you don't
think she passed

them out already, do you?

Nah, she knows better
than to do that.

Come on Diane, we're late.

We've gut to go.

Where's Dad?

Palm Springs, the club.

I think I'll give him a call

and wish him a Happy New Year.

Well, he's not
feeling well, you know?

I know.

You want to come up
and watch the show, honey?

No, I think I'll just stay here
and catch it on the tube.

You're feeling alright,
aren't you?

Yeah, I'm fine.

No headaches?

I'm line.

Come on, we're late.


Coming down live from high atop

the Sunset Strip,
it's Hollywood Hotline!

A countdown of this year's
most popular new wave rock.

Your hostess for tonight's
musical celebration,

the first lady of rock, Blaze.

Hi, babies, it's time
to slam down and get even.

It's time to spin out and
boil your hair, you know?

I want you to brace yourself for

a night of high solid energy.

Now tonight, we are in
stereo simal-cast

on The Rock K-Rock FM.

Now, this is your last
chance to he had

before you make those
New Year's resolutions.

That's why we call our
celebration New Year's Evil.

Now, you are going
ea watch, by satellite,

the arrival of midnight in
three different time zones.

Are you ready New York?

You bet, Blaze.

It's 58 minutes before
midnight here in Times Square.

The crowds been gathering
since five o'clock.

You standing by, Chicago?

We're right with you, Blaze.

And we'll he here one
hour after New York

at midnight central time.

And what about you,
Aspen, Colorado?

Our torchlit parade
down the slopes

will continue right
through midnight. See you then.

So that's what you
can expect before

we celebrate our finale
here on the West coast.

Alright, it's time now for your

vote for the top
new wave hit of the year.

Give us a call.

I know most of you already
know our number

from our regular Saturday
show, now don't you?

Blaze here, Happy New Year.

This is Clara, my vote for the

best song is
We Don't Need No Education.

Oh, just some hot tips, huh?

Well, thank you Clara.

Blaze here,
a crazy New Year to you.

Happy New Year to you, Blaze.

Oh, some kind of
voice you got there.

Sound like the phantom.

You could call me that.

So, you got a name, Phantom?

Call me Evil.


You had, honey?


Just evil.

Well, listen Mr. Evil,
do you have a

vote for the top
song of the year?


Just a New Years resolution.

I'm going to commit
murder at midnight.

I'm going to kill
someone you knew.

Someone close to you.

Well, we're really off to an
interesting start, aren't we?

Crazy trips,
must he a full moon.

Well, let's start our own
celebration here, okay?

With Shadow!

Holy shit, did you hear that?

Don't let it hug you.

Look, Ernie, I do not
want any trouble.

That guy was not a usual freak.

Everything is going to be okay.

Look, I would like some police

protection, just in case.

We already got cops here.

Well, why don't you
get some more cops?

Okay, okay.

I'm sorry.

No problem.

Who are you?

I'm Jeff Winters.

I'm sorry I'm late.

They sent me over from County.

Temporary help, they said.

We can sure use you.

We're very shorthanded,
what with the holiday and all.

I'm afraid I don't know
my way around here yet.

Well, I'll show you.

Maybe this isn't
going to be such

a had New Years Eve after all.

Hey, brought your
own music, huh?

Yeah, I always
come well equipped.

I bet you do.

Including this.

Now, do you suppose
we could find

some place private
where we could

share a glass of this
before I punch in?

I mean, it's a very good year.

And this is made for
special occasions.

And this is New Year's Eve,
alter all.

Right this way.

I'm afraid these
will have to do.

They'll he just fine.

Now, here is to us.

And to New Years Eve, Miss...7


Jane Marlin.

May I have this dance?

You don't waste much time,
do you?

No, I count every second.

Diane, this is
Lieutenant Clayton

and Sergeant Green, LAPD.


Hi, Miss Sullivan.

What can we do for you?

Do for me?

You can protect me, that's
what you can do for me.

Ernie, did you tell 'em
about the call?

Yes, I did.

He told us about it, Miss.
Sullivan, but

frankly, if you'll
excuse my saying so,

you've got to expect
that from the

type of audience you appeal to.

Look, people close
to me were threatened.

Now if you don't take
that seriously,

maybe we can find somebody
in your department who will.

Oh, we take it seriously hut

you people amaze me.

Here you create a
problem and then

you complain about it.


Alright, look.

If the guy calls again, try to

keep him on the phone a
little longer than normal.

We'll try to record the call
and then try to trace it.

Yeah, alright.
I'll see what I can do.

You do that.

Look Lieutinent, you
have to excuse her.

She's a little uptight,
this show is

very important to hen

We appreciate anything
you can do for us, okay?



Hell of a way to bring
in the New Year, huh?


Picking a phone
freak out of this bunch.

Room 408 please.




Are you alright?


Look, honey, have you
seen Yvonne?

She's supposed to be up here.

Yvonne, no.

I've been trying lo reach Dad,

his lines been busy.

Listen, Honey, you
coming up soon?

I'd feel a lot
better if you did.

In a while, I don't know.

There's something you
should know,

something important.

Listen, Honey, I
have to go now, alright?

I'll see you in a little while.

Hey, I've only known
you for ten minutes.

Does it matter?

Tonight, no.

It's nearing the hour
of midnight in Manhattan.

Craig Wiseman is standing
by in Times Square.

Hello, Craig.

It's absolute bedlam
here in the heart

of Broadway as hundreds of
thousands of people

have packed into the streets
and sidewalks of Times Square.

The noise, you hear it,
is absolutely indescribable.

A boiler factory would be
a graveyard by comparison.

It's now one minute
away from midnight

and we're counting down.

Fifty seconds, the crowd
is pushing and shoving.

But nobody seems to care.

Everyone's happy, hoping
that the New Year

will bring better luck
than the last one.

Forty seconds, husbands and
wives, lovers embracing.

Even casual strangers
caught up in the mass

hysteria of this
incredible multitude.

20 seconds.

15 seconds.










Happy New Year from
New York City!

Okay Marcy, we'll move
with beat and a groove

in just a half an hour.

Blaze here, a Happy
New Year to you.

This is Evil.

Yeah, hi, hiya.

This is Evil, remember me?

Yeah, I was wondering if you

were going to call back.

Listen, about that
New Year's resolution

you told me your were
going to make.

I mean, you were just
jiving me, weren't you?

No way.

I just made my first
kill, right on schedule.

Midnight, Eastern standard time.

Listen to the replay.









Happy New Year
from New York City!

You will hear from
me in an hour.

Tell the police they
can find her body

somewhere in the
Crawford Sanitarium.

Have fun!



Where the hell are you?

I'll tell you what
you see in me.

You think something in
my past has affected me.

Don't you?

I think I have
a mental disorder.

Now what do you think?

Thank you, thank you.

I'll he hack in just a minute.

Take a short break, okay?

Yeah, okay.

Keep me posted.

It looks like our
creep's for real.

They found the body, a
nurse, carved up real had.

With deep lacerations around
the neck and the chest.

He's got Yvonne, hasn't he?


We don't know that for sure.

My men have covered the
hotel completely

and we haven't turned up a sign.

Would one of you lovely
ladies like to dance?


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Say, do you have the time?

It's 9:30.

What's the matter with that?

I don't know, it seems the more

expensive they are the quicker

they go out of wack.

I got mine at Sowdy's, it hasn't

lost a minute in two years.

There you go.

Now when this guy
says murder at midnight,

he means midnight in each of the

time zones all across
the country.

Wait a minute,
you trying to tell us

that he's gonna do this
three more times?

Until we catch him.

You're our only
contact with him.

You got to keep the
show on the road.

Humor him if he calls
again, maybe he'll slip up.

Yeah, okay.

Just give me a
couple of minutes to pull

myself together, alright?

We'll stay on top of it.

And when the
son of a hitch does make

a mistake, we'll grab him.

I've really enjoyed meeting you.

You're a very interesting lady.

I kind of hate to go.

You just got here.

I know, I just came
in for a drink.

I got this business
thing I have to attend.

There's a big party up
at Erik Estrada's place.


Kind of a command performance,

he's a client of mine.

Oh, are you an agent?

No, no, I'm a business manager.

I handle investments,
that sort of thing.

It pays okay but
it's no bed of roses.

Some of these picture people
are real prima donnas.


I've got an idea, why
don't you come along?

I think you'd really
enjoy yourself.

Well, l,...
No, I don't know.

Oh, come on.

I could introduce you to
some very interesting people.

At least I wouldn't
get crushed to death.

That, I guarantee.


But first I have to visit
the ladies room.


Meet you out front?

You got it.


Featuring Shadow and
Made in Japan.

Hi, I'm ready.

I have to bring my
roommate Lisa along.

You do?

Sure, you wouldn't
want me to go out

by myself with a total
stranger, would you?

Couldn't agree with you more.

Can't be too careful these days.

Lisa I would he very
happy indeed

to have you come along.

The way I look at it now,
the more the merrier.

I'm parked right over here,
the Mercedes.

Midnight, Eastern standard time.

Listen to the replay.

He's apparently using some kind

of a voice processor
but do the vocal

characteristics suggest
anything familiar to you?

No, it's so inhuman.


That dues not set
him apart in this town,

there's enough evil
floating around here

to fill Death Valley.

This character's just
following through

with his threats, that's all.

We're coming up to the
Chicago feed.

You feel up to it, Diane?


Look, we could let Rip
do the intro.

He's done alright so far.


No, God dammit!

It's my show, I'm not
going to let

this cutthroat ruin it for me.

That's exactly what he wants.

Okay, Diane.

Alright, thank you.

You know the first
thing I did when I got here

was to get Lisa to take me
down to the Pacific ocean.

It was such a thrill.

I walked right into
the water with

my dress on and everything.


The life guard
thought I was crazy.

Imagine that?

I told everybody about it
hack in Akron,

and they just
couldn't believe it.


Son of a hitch, I'm
supposed to he there before 10.

Hey, don't get uptight.


So what if we're a few
minutes late.

You know what you need?



Transcendental meditation.

Lisa and I do it every morning.

Boy, that sort of stuff
really works.

I stopped biting my nails, Lisa

got rid of her nervous diarrhea.

Sally, please.


You can change if you
really want to had enough.

And then I went to TA, you
know transactional analysis?

I'm okay, you're okay,
that sort of stuff.

And then I went through EST.

And finally zen, oh boy that was

some sort of spiritual trip.

Now, I'm writing Ilaikus.


That's Japanese poetry.

You must think I'm really weird.

Boy, whatever comes
into your head

comes right out of your mouth.

No, you're exactly
the sort of girl

I was hoping to meet in a
place like that.

That was the first
time I was ever there,

wasn't it Lisa?


Besides, we weren't
looking to he picked up.

We just wanted to party
a little bit.

You know, TM, TA, Zen, all that

don't mean doodly dee squat when

a girl doesn't have a
date on New Years Eve.

She's in shit city.

The windy city is all
set to bring

this one in with a
traditional rendition

of Auld Lang Syne.

Just listen to those
happy people,

this place is fantastic.

Could we make a pit stop?

Now, here's what I
want you to do.

You go in and go to the john and

while you're in there,
buy the biggest

goddamn bottle of
champagne they got.

5 For Auld Lang Syne,
my dear

Ji For Auld Lang Syne JJ

15 seconds and counting.

I think her diarrhea's hack.

10, 9, a, 1...

Hey, you want to smoke a number?


5, 4, 3...

I've got some great
stuff here, Columbia.

-2, 1.
-Here, smell.

Happy New Year from Chicago.

94, 95 and 5 makes 100.

Thank you.

And happy New Year.

You know you're one sick
son of a bitch, mister.

You need help and you
need to quit!

Now, stop it!

Shut up, bitch.

You just tell the cops
that I took out

the trash from my last party.

Ventura and Laurel Canyon.

It was a real swinger.

Hey Phil?

What do you got?

Looks like blood.

[cat yowlingl

Where'd that little
guy come from?

More blood.

We better get some more help.

Oh my God.

Wally, where are you?

In here.


There's something over here.


Same M.0., huh?

No, I ain't going anyplace.

That bastard got two
more of them.

Females, caucasian.

Slashed like the nurse.

Welcome hack to the second
half of Hollywood Hotline.

If he stays on this
schedule he should

be stalking his 11 o'clock
victim about now.

Blame your parents, Padre.

And they have reason to believe

he may strike again
before midnight.

The police are urging
women to use caution

while traveling through
the North Hollywood area.

The names of the murder
victims have not

been released by the police,

notification of next of kin.

In other news, the UN
general assembly

has announced that
William Fine has

been name Secretary
General to the Uni-

Blood Feast.

Leave now unless your heart
can stand the shock.

This is a night of terror.

The hideous woman in red,

back from the dead
in search of revenge.

Thirsty for blood.

The night is filled with death.
There is no escape.

Hey, honey.

It's about time, isn't it?

Maybe next movie.

...and the only sound you will
hear is your own heart...

Greetings asshole.

I'm a man of God.

Not a man of violence.

Blood Bath plus Blood Feast.

Two blood-chilling shockers,

Get out of the car.


Out of the car!


Where are the keys?

Where are the fucking keys?

In the ignition.

Now as the New Year
approaches the Rockies

we're headed for Aspen.

Here in Colorado, we have to

do things just a
little different.

Some of us came up here to burn

a candle for the New Year.

And that New Year is only five

minutes away, by my count.

Please, please don't hurt me.

Listen, Mister.

If it's money you want, I
don't have any.

Just three dollars and
this garment ring.

I don't want your money.

Please, I'll do
anything you want.

We can even get it on
if you want to,

I wont make any kind of fuss.


Buddy, you crazy?

Happy New Year!

Are you nuts?

Hey honey, where you going?

I said, get out of the way.

Crazy fool!

[shouting drunkenlyl

That way.

Hey you, over there.

Police officer.

Hey, what are you-

Miss, Miss, are you okay?

And it's 12 midnight,
Happy New Year

from Aspen, Colorado.

This thing on?

Your attention please.

Ah, shut up.

Enough already.

While the show's on
a commercial break,

I'd like to make an

I'm Lieutenant Ed Clayton of the

Los Angeles Police Department.

If any guest here-

Alright, alright, alright.

If any guest here has to
leave this room

for any reason...

You leave.

He or she will not be
admitted hack in.

We don't want to
hear any shit from a -

All access to this
floor has been sealed

all until further notice.

Everything's going fine honey,

you're doing fine.

What was that all about?

I mean, don't we have
enough trouble

without scaring all the guests?

This is Dr. Reid, our
consulting psychologist.

I! was his decision.

We definitely have to consider

and prepare for the
one possibility

that lle'll be right
here at midnight,

Pacific Standard time.


Because he has a compulsion
lo kill on the hour.

It's a sequential drama.

With Miss Sullivan as the link.

And it's building step by step

to a grand climax with
his ultimate victim.


Killing a named
personality at the stroke

of midnight New Year's
Eve would satisfy

his egotistical desire
for attention.

Make him bigger than
the Son of Sam

or the Zodiac killer.

All those psychopaths
have had the need

to he big in the media.

You gonna tell me that he would

try to kill me just for that?

Not neccesarily, he's
mutilated the breasts

of most of his women.

That's a common
characteristic of a

psychopathic killer who
has a mother fixation.


We're gonna stop this
crazy son of a bitch

before he gets within 12
floors of you.

Nobody gets in, the
hotel has been sealed off.


Look, I had to work late,

The hotel has been sealed off.

Thank you, my son.

You're welcome.

Go with God.

I know I'm runnin' a
little late,

I got to get in.

I have a ticket.

Nobody gets in.

Look, I came all the way up

from Huntington Beach, alright.

I have to get in by midnight.

I said nobody gets in.

Hey officer, can you
give me a hand

over here, I think I
found a drunk.

Now, here we go with
Made in Japan with Bonsai.

We're registered here.

See, here's our room key.

Nobody gets in,
Iieutenanfs orders.

Everything's going line, honey.

Just a little more to do.

I'm going downstairs and change
this dress to a green one.

I'll give you a hand.

No, it's alright Jenny,
I need a little time alone.

Like hell you do.

Listen, I'm staying with you.

They just found one of my guys

knocked cold out in the garage.

That killer could be
loose in this

building somewhere,
you understand?

Yeah, I understand.

After me.

Stay right here.

Freeze, police officer.

Don't shoot!

God, don't shoot,
that's my son!

Derek, I'm sorry, I
forgot you were here.

Haven't you always?

Baby, I'm so sorry.

I was just busy, I was-

I had a surprise for you and

right now I don't want
any part of it.

Derek, Derek where
are you going?


Derek, where are you going?


Please, would you mind
waiting outside to...

I have to change, get
back upstairs.

Okay, Miss Sulivan.

I'll just he a few minutes.

Ooga, booga.

Oh, Richard, you scared me, God.

Oh, I'm sorry, honey.

Look, you wait here.

I'm going to go identify myself

to that paranoid cop in case he

wants to shoot first
and ask questions later.

Officer, in case you're
wondering who I am,

I happen to be the
lauy's husband.

Where the hell'd
you come from?

I was in the john, I
was afraid to come out.

What do you say, Miss. Sullivan?

Yes, this is my husband.

Listen, I have to finish
getting dressed, thank you.

Honey, the surprise
was Derek's idea.

Not a very good one,
I'm afraid. I'm sorry.

Ah, doesn't matter.

I'm just glad you're here.

Yeah, I drove up
from the Springs

as soon as I heard that
crazy guy call on your show.

I was afraid there might
be some kind of trouble.


What do you mean,
you haven't heard?

Heard what?

Yvonne is missing.

Police have been looking
everywhere for her.

This looney has already
killed three people

and now they think that
he's after me.

Oh my God.

Well, I'll stay right
with you if you want.

No, I'll he alright.

I'll he alright.

I really wish you'd find Derek

and talk to him,
he's very upset.


And I'll see you both
after the show, okay?


Hey, there's been nobody allowed

in this hotel.

I want to know how the
hell you get in here.

Well they called her
agent, Ernie Moffat,

he ukay'd it.

This Sergeant Louis?

Yeah, go ahead.

This is Green.
Listen, I want you to check out

something from the
lieutenant for me.

10-4, on my way.

You copy?

I'll contact you from
the Sky room.




1ADJ406 registered to
Richard Sullivan?


Richard Sullivan, is he
any relation to Diane?

He's her husband, whai, what-

They found his Mercedes
abandoned at a drive in.

The driver knifed a
biker there and

escaped in a stolen car
with a girl hostage.

Now you don't think
that he has something--

-Just a second, Louis.

They also checked the
files at the Sanitarium.

Richard Sullivan was once
a patient there.

Lieutenant, Green said
the husband was

down in the lady's suite.

How'd he get in?

He said the manager okay'd it.

Like hell I did.

I always knew that
bastard was crazy.

Come on.

You married?

Yeah, ten years.

Any kids?

Two sets of twins.

What's the matter, no TV?


What the hell was that?

Hit that button over there.

Hit it again.

We're still going down.

Come on, this thing's dropping.

Come one, hit it again,
push that button.

Come on, hit the button!

Oh, Richard.

What happened?

The show, I got to get
back upstairs.

Boy, you're really
something, aren't you?

You're a real trooper.

The show must go on, huh?

Well, tonight the show's gonna

go on without you.

I have a surprise for you.

Here, listen to this.





Happy New Year from
New York City!

Instant replay.

Miracle of modern technology.

Is it you?


That's right.

I'm Evil.


Why would you?


I'm led up.

You are just like every
other lady in my life.

Derek told me about the way you

behave around other men.

Derek also told me about the way

you tried to turn on
your own son

and that is not nice.

Ladies are not very nice people.

They are manipulative
and deceitful and immoral

and very, very selfish.

See, that's why
Yvonne was first.

You killed Yvonne?


Because you and she have been

short changing me for years.

I have had to beg her,
through you,

for every cent I ever got.

-That's not true.
-My allowance-

Oh yes, it is.

See you, you castrated me.

And that is not nice.

And now you're trying to do the

same thing with our son.

And I will not stand for it.

What do you mean, Richard?

Oh, he told me.

We had a very
interesting discussion

while waiting for you.

You really don't know.

He auditioned for the
lead in a series

and he didn't tell
anybody who he was.

He didn't use his Iasi name, so

they didn't know that he
was Blaze's little boy.

And he got it.

All on his own for the
very first time.

Richard, Richard,you're
sick, you know that.

Let me help, huh?

This has been a very
had year for me.

But midnight starts
the first day

of my new life.

And you know what I'm
going to do?

I'm going to go to the
Rosebowl game with my boy.

We'll let you sleep in.


I can hear your heart beating.

I don't like that.

Well, it's getting late.

Hi, is everything okay?

Everything's line,
Happy New Year.

Happy New Year.

Stand up.

Stand up!

Don't move.

I need some time to
think about this.

All the way up and all
the way dawn.

Enjoy your going away party.

Get smashed.

Who in the hell knows
where she is?

Just get him out here.

Tell him to play the God
damn Star Spangled Banner

for all I care, just get
him here.

Yvonne, Yvonne!


Oh, there's some
funky shit going on here.



Alright, let's get the
son of a hitch.

Now be careful.

-Call an ambulance.
-Alright, lets go.

Be careful.


Put the gun down.


Put your hands on top
of your head.

To die, to sleep no more.

And by asleep to say we
end the heartache

and the thousand natural shocks

that flesh is heir to.

Don't even consider it,
you scum.

Come on, lets get back.

Come on, give him some room.

Oh, no!

I!'s Blaze.

Oh my God.

Okay, she's ready.

Let's go.

This is KGMB Honolulu;
the old year

is quickly fading to a
memory and the

new one, we hope, will bring
peace and prosperity for all.

Aloha, it's midnight.

Happy New Year from Hawaii.

Fixed & Synced By MoUsTaFa ZaKi