New Trial (2017) - full transcript

Hyun-Woo, who is the sole witness to the murder of a taxi driver, is accused of committing the crime and persecuted and prosecuted. He is sentenced to a sentence of ten years. An opportunistic lawyer picks up the case sensing an opportunity, which leads to a struggle to reclaim justice. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
"This film is based on actual events."

"The case, names,
places have been changed."

"2000, August 10th, Yakchon Junction"

- What?
- Where are you?

Do you know what time it is?

I'm on my way.

- Come home now!
- Bye.

- What?
- Coming.

Are you riding that bike again?


You can't come closer.

- Man, this is going to be a headache.
- Why?

The massive criminal sweep down before
the World Cup and the elections here.

- Yeah?
- Yes.

That's good.

It's a good chance.

What exactly is?

The Second Declaration
of War Against Crime.

- Are you aiming to become the chief?
- Say what?

- Do I look the part?
- Of course.

- Congrats. Chief.
- Shut up.

- Let's go eat.
- Yes.

Hold on.

- Boys.
- Yes?

Isn't he from the bar?

Yeah, the hooligan.

What's he doing here?

He came out of nowhere...

What are you doing?

What's this?

Prosecution, sentence demand?

As there has been a rise in
violent crimes in minors.

We demand the maximum allowed sentence.

Here is the verdict.

This court sentences defendant
Jo Hyunwoo to 15 years in prison.

- That can't be!
- Mom...

- That's not right!
- I didn't do this, Mom!

I didn't do it, Mom.

Let go of my baby!

- Mom, Mom!
- My baby...

Help me. Help me, Mom!

Mom! Mom!

Mom, I didn't do it!

I didn't do it!

"The court grants a party's motion
on the grounds."

"Of a legal defect in the original trial."

"New Trial"


Why don't you ever come home?
Are you nuts?

Do you ever feel responsible?

I didn't do it on purpose.
It wasn't just for me.

You really are nuts.

Then what?

I didn't want you two to
feel inferior somehow.

No, I never wanted anything like that.

We can talk about it at home.
Why are we doing this here?

I didn't want to see the
seizure stickers at home.

Are you two fighting again?


No, baby, Mom and Dad aren't fighting.

No, we are.

We're not fighting.
We're having a meaningful conversation.

I'm used to it.
It's embarrassing, so be quiet.

Okay, Daddy's sorry.

- What's with her language?
- She took after you.

I'm involved in this trial.

You talked me into taking
my family's money.

And then bought an apartment
in the new city, no?

Right, sorry.

The court is now in session.

Please leave, I'm really tired.
It's been three days...

- Just go.
- End this right.

Is the defendant present?

Yes, Your Honor.

And the plaintiff?

Here and in the hallways.
And at the building entrance.

Many of us are here.

There are over 10,000 plaintiffs.

- Mr. Lee.
- Yes, Your Honor.


I hate lawyers who use trials for money.

I absolutely hate that.

Neither do I.

I'm using my money to
protect my clients' assets.

You are shameless!

Sit down.


Here is the verdict.

How can you just leave!

What about my 500,000 dollars?

- What are you going to do?
- What about me?

You're a con man!

- A con man?
- You're a con man!

All of the legal costs.

I paid for it, didn't I?

I scraped everything I had.

I'm in a massive debt!

I put everything into this
trial but what, a con man?

You should've settled, it's all over now!

Court unfairly sided with
a large corporation.

Okay? We must appeal!
This is tyranny!

I got a call, wait!
A call! Give me a second!

Yes, sir!

Yes, the trial is over.

The Justice Department is a joke.
Yes, the judiciary has to be reformed.



I can't hear you, excuse me.
One moment, please!

Hello? I can't hear you.

I can't hear you.


Stop him!

How am I supposed to live?

Send this off and that's it?

Other people...

They wail over sending their boys
to military. That's just two years.

But mine spent 10 years.
On top of that, in prison!

I understand your situation.

Look here, ma'am.

Look at what?

I'm looking, so what?

He served his, why should I pay?
Why do I have to pay?

Your son killed a man. A man!

Our insurance paid his
family 40,000 dollars.

That's what we're asking you to pay.

It's far more than 40,000 dollars!

Money doesn't just sit around.

Imagine 10 years of interest!

There's no point in making a scene here.

- Let's go home.
- Let go, let go!

- Please go home.
- Kill me instead!

- Kill me! Kill me!
- Please, ma'am.

Hey, Yoo-min.

What's up?

You know, the thing...

That thing I asked last week.
How did that pan out?

Sorry buddy, it's a tough time for us.

So, there's not one opening for me?

- I have a meeting.
- Come on.

Let's have soju later, okay?


Must be nice to be busy.

Hey, girls!

Come here.

- Us?
- Yeah, come here for a sec.

Let's see.

Do you guys...

You got any teachers you want to sue?

Or you know... Any seniors who hit you?

- What's he saying?
- Whatever.

- Let's go.
- Yeah, let's go.

- Is he crazy?
- Fine, go.

Living must be hard for him.

What the hell...

"Mo Changhwan"


That's good!

Wow, this kid's all grown up. You were
running around with your nose dripping.

What? We met in a dorm.
There was no nose dripping.

Wow. That looks good.

It's new.

Wow, a new watch.

Hey, stop it.

Give me back the watch you borrowed.

Well, that's long gone.

But it's a Rolex!

- How can you lose a Rolex...
- My wife took it.

To pay for food.

Hey, seriously...

I heard about you here and there.
Why did you do it?

I wanted to win a big one
and crush all of them. Man...

Mo Changhwan.


Let's work together.

What are you talking about?

I'll let your firm scout me, okay?

- You don't let them, it's up to them.
- However it goes...

There's no smarter and
cheaper lawyer than me.

Hey, then...

So the partners get 50:50?

Junyeong, I'm happy that you're alive.
Let's live long and prosperous.

- I'm off.
- Changhwan, sit.

Sit back down.


Can't you let me work at your firm?

I'll get whatever that will make us money.

It's not up to me. My boss is still alive.


It's my last favor as your friend.

I'll do my absolute best.

Sorry, sorry.

Good morning.

I'm late.

- Let's start the mentoring session.
- Sure.

Last night, I went to the Hermes party.

Together with a doctor friend
and our director here.

He's a famous doctor.

So people were lining up...

Are you still drunk?

No, no. I'm fine.

You're fine, great...

Questions about three glands.

Prostate, thyroid and lymph.

They have the doctor for
free, they went nuts.

Koreans really love free things.

The friend got annoyed and
he asked me in a whisper,

"Mr. Gu, what'd you do in this situation?"

What do you think I said?

"Bill everyone who requested diagnosis."

So, here's today's question.

As a lawyer...

What do you do first
thing in the next morning?

As a lawyer.


Looks like we're closing shop.

You bill your doctor friend.

Your name?

Yes, I'm...

Lee Junyeong, we studied
for the bar together.

Are you drunk?

No, I can't drink at all.

Anyway, bingo.

Do you know why people
go to trial nowadays?

Yes, well... 99 percent of
the time it's about money.

Therefore, a lawyer's ultimate goal should
be protecting the client's assets.

That's what I think.

What type of client should we protect?
Isn't that also crucial?

He may have committed antisocial crimes.

A client with a massive wealth, of course.


This is a law firm...

It's a corporation that provides law
service. As such, it must generate profit.

But still...

Shouldn't public service
be a lawyer's priority?

Public service?

Many people believe our
society is rotting at its core.

Why is that?

Because they're all poor.

For the rich, it's an ideal society.

So, everybody...

At our level, let's be frank, okay?

We spent hundreds of thousands
to get here. Why do we do that?

Isn't it because we want to make money?

That's my case. I wanted to make
lots of money since I was young.


Did I say something wrong?

He was a great student.
He made a lot for his firm too.

If he's that great, why is he here?

He helmed new city class action lawsuit...

That's par for the course.

You go after one big score
and lose everything.


He dropped out of no name college.

Lawyer Mo.

CEO Goo...

You have an event today.

Something came up...

What to do...

- Should I cancel?
- No, no.

It's fine.

Is your name, Lee Junyeong?

Yes, sir.

There's a case I'd like to hire you for.

Thank you, I'll do my best.


No name college?

Buy me lunch, okay?

"Free Legal Consultation"

Over here.

Could you smile a bit?

This will go on our homepage.

Can we go? Time's up.

There's one more!

She signed up a month ago.

It was dull, wasn't it?

I don't believe this...


My eyes work but you're
much better than me.

Are you a member of our club?


The sea doesn't belong to anyone.

I can't take much, I'm blind.

I got a clam!

It's a rock.

What's with her accent?

She's a bride from Uzbek or something.

Her situation is very...

We wanted to get a lawyer properly.

But no one will take her case.

Oh my goodness!

It's a flat.

What now?

I think it's that house.

Mr. Lee!

Anyone home?


We're from Themis...

Anyone home?

Someone's here.

- Good afternoon.
- Hello.

We're here about the compensation case.

What's with him?

Damn it!

I don't believe this.

- What are you doing?
- I've no money for you, leave.


I think there's a misunderstanding.

Get the hell out!

Is someone here?

Yes, good afternoon, ma'am!

- Mr. Lee!
- Yes.

I'm here with a lawyer.
This is Lawyer, Lee Junyeong.

- Good afternoon.
- Hello.

You request a legal consultation, right?


This is all useless shit!

You're the useless piece of shit!

We have to try everything!

We got conned enough times already!

What then?

Shall we all drink and sleep all day?

I'm begging you.

Let me be! Please!

Listen to that bastard.

Wait here for a bit, Mr. Lawyer.

I have to go to the market.
I've got to sell this stuff.

Certainly, ma'am.
Take your time.

- Mr. Lee.
- Get in.

Mr. Lee!

Get in, I'll drive.

It'll be a while before
the tow truck arrives.

Man, seriously!

Why don't we listen to her story?

Didn't you see?
He's a lunatic. What story?

Goodness me.

- Fine, don't do it then.
- Yes, I won't.

The CEO cares deeply
about the firm's image.

How do I report this to him tomorrow?

Wow, unbelievable...

Damn it!

Damn it!

So, the right to indemnity.

It's when a third party
pays out on your behalf.

And they have the right to claim it.

Can't understand a word.

The Welfare Service
compensated the victim.

Which is the man whom you
killed 14 years ago.

It was around 4 million or 5 million won.

They paid for you, now they
want you to pay it back.

You understand?

Free consultation is over.

I didn't kill him.


I didn't kill anyone.

Sure, I feel sorry for you.

I don't know shit about
compensation or whatever.

So tell them to piss off.

I'll tell them to get lost.

What exactly is law?

You keep going on about law.

Is it really there to protect people?


What do you want to say?

- Where you going?
- Come with me!

"14 Years ago, Yakchon"

- Let go! Let go!
- Goodness.

I'm a busy man, what do you want?

Follow me, now!


School is pointless.
I learn nothing there.

School isn't for learning.

It's for easing other people's minds.
Saying "I'm the same person as you."


You got to fold it, and
show it off a little.

You look like Cha Inpyo, the movie star.

Really like Cha Inpyo.

How do I look like him?

I know that.

No way, fold it down!

- Collar down!
- Let go!

- Idiot, keep it down!
- This is style!


No customer again?

Coffee drinkers in Yakchon
must be all dead.

Come in, it's cool here.


Doesn't that kid go to school?

Why's he here at this hour?

His pops died at sea.

And he lives with his mom.

This town is full of hooligans like him.

I'm the only saint here who hires them.

Do you want a cup of coffee?
I got a new chick.

She's no chick.

More like an egg.

Nice and soft, eh?

- What's up?
- Nothing, sir.

I think...

She looks underage though.

Idiot, have you ever
seen a cop get arrested?

Arrest me if you want.

What's your name?

- Sujeong.
- Sujeong?


She sounds fertile!


What the hell?

Are you freaking blind?

Hey. Hey!

Get over here!

Come here!

You're so dead...

He came out of nowhere...

What's this?

You said you met the suspect.

Is that all?

No, well...

Everything happened so fast.

Are you...

...lying to me?


How's your memory now?

I, I, I... I didn't kill him...

Look at this.

It's always the kids with
these doodles that kill.


Crazy bastard.

Lift your head.

Lift it.

Ask the bar owner.

I met him after midnight.
He called me.

He said he never saw you.


Sit up straight.

Is this an act, you bastard?


Strip to your undies.

I said strip, you punk!

Okay, okay, I will. I will strip.

Write this down.


- Strip faster.
- Okay, okay.

Useless piece of shit.

This kid and the cab driver
got into an argument.

They were cutting each other off on the
road. So they started swearing and shit.

Suddenly, he blocked the cab with
his scooter. And took out his knife.


Wait, wait, wait...

What, what, what...

What are you saying?

You should know better than me.

Then he jumped into the back of the cab.
And with this...

He stabbed the driver's
back, waist and neck.

Back, waist and neck...

What a bastard.

Wait, wait, detective.

- How can I kill a man with this?
- You asshole!

He doesn't know what's going on.

Boss, by the way...

I've been thinking.

The victim's wounds are quite large.

And this knife's bit too small.

It doesn't match?

Yes, a little bit...

I found it!

This was in the bar kitchen.

It matches the victim's wounds.


Crucial evidence.

Shit! I didn't do it!


He doesn't know me yet.

I'm a...

Yakchon Football Club
striker, you son of a bitch!

This bastard still doesn't get it.

That's enough.

Think of it as early military enlistment.

How long has been he out?

Shouldn't we resuscitate him?

Lawyer Lee, are you dead? Mister, get up.

He's alive.

- Wake up, you're alive.
- Yeah.

You just got here?

Why are you so late?

I'm out of the divorce case
due to a clerical error.

Huh? What happened?

Paralegal forgot to send
a document to the court.

But I apologized...

You apologized?

You're an idiot.

What's that?

Hey, just look at the world.

Have you ever seen someone of
power apologizes for anything.


Exactly. It's not that they
can't, they just don't.

Why? Once he says it,
it becomes his fault.

Negotiations are futile after that.

So a lawyer...

- Listen, you pricks!
- Yes.

A lawyer...

Listen carefully.

...must never apologize
to another lawyer, got it?

- Yes, sir.
- You got it?

Yes, sir!

Come with me, kid!

- We're on the clock.
- Come on!

Remember the homeless man case?

The prosecutors threatened some teenage
kid. And they fabricated a suspect.

Yeah, it was all over the news for a bit.

What about it?

Your CEO likes publicity.

A lawyer rescues a
wrongfully convicted man.

- Nice, huh?
- Rescue how?

Right to indemnity isn't illegal.
And that trial was 10 years ago.

It's too much, right?


If that was doable,
then getting hired is not a problem.

Talking about getting hired...

What's wrong with you?

I'm screwed... I can't unspill this.

What did you say?


What did you just say?

I'm screwed, I can't unspill this.

Hold on.
Why is that impossible?

Why not what?

Unspilling it.

Hey, what is it...

Get the partners together.
I have to go, get the bill for me.

Are you a nuts?

Jo Hyunwoo served 10 years for homicide.

He was released in 2010.

3 years later, a few months ago...

Victim's family received 4 million won.

Welfare Service Claimed Cho
Hyunwoo to return it.

Adding in all interests
that have been built up,

He now has to pay 170 million won.

He spent his most formative
years in prison.

Now he's in a downward
spiral with this debt.

What's more, if he can't pay this money,

he may have to go back to prison.

Why should our firm handle this case?

Don't mention justice
or righting the wrong.

- It'll make money.
- How so?

If Themis takes this case and wins it.

It'll generate positive reputation.

Big corporations...

Why do they pour money
into brand campaigns?

Why do you do free legal consultations?

A good public image is invaluable.

From my review,

The Welfare Service has
the legal precedent.

How will you crack this?

We request a new trial
of his homicide case.

A new trial?

Is that possible?

If we clear his name, the
indemnity is nullified.

No, no, that's impossible.

It's a 14-year old Supreme Court judgment.
You can't reverse it.

It's possible in theory.

Of course it is.

I'm saying it's got zero probability.

Let's say we get a retrial.

What if he's the real killer?

What do we do?

Pardon me.

CEO Gu...

Since when did you care if
a client is guilty or not?

Themis will...

Well, this case...

Okay, let's do it.

Pending the outcome...

We'll consider you for a partner.

Good work, any objections?

Hi, give Lawyer Lee
Junyeong a corporate car.

Temp employees aren't allowed?
What do you mean no?

Are you serious?



That's my car!

Press two to record a voice mail.

Hi, Hyojin.

Yeah. Right.

I'm going to quit drinking.

I got a real shot at a job.

I miss our daughter.

I miss you too.

Give me one last chance.

I'm begging you.

I love you, always.

Okay, that felt sincere.

So you want to see the Cho
Hyunwoo case records?

Yes, that's correct.

Wasn't this a right to indemnity case?

Yes, we're going to request a new trial.

"Primary Detective: Baek Cheolgi."

Baek Cheogi?

You know him?

I always doubted his
investigative techniques.

There were a few similarities...
Are there more cases like Jo Hyunwoo?

Not sure yet.

- It's all circumstantial.
- I see.

I'll accept your request
to review the case.

Indemnity trial will be in
three months on October 13.

It can't be delayed even a day.

Yes, thank you.

"National Archives of Korea"

Case Records 4 Yakchon Police

This is the call log on
the day of the crime.

The case report says
defendant got into a fight.

Then he pulled a knife and
stabbed the cab driver.

But a person can't kill
while on the phone.

So the exact time would
be when the cab stopped.

That's important.


Please, sir.

Help me just this once.

Fame Motel"

"Meter Activity Analysis."

- Someone meddled with it.
- What?

The data's been erased.

- Who would do such a thing?
- I have no idea.

Can you recover it?

You're so lucky.

Only a handful of people
in Korea can fix this.

The thing is...

He's a tenacious one.

- What is his name?
- Kim Yonghwan.


You punk!

You'll serve eventually.

Think of it as an early enlistment.

Am I right?


Nothing's ever easy.


What is it?



Yakchon, Jo Hyunwoo, prisoner 979.

What about him?

His lawyer showed up.

They're recovering the meter data.

His lawyer?

That case wrapped ages ago!

He's getting a new trial or something.

A new trial?

What do we do now?

Isn't it obvious?
Just shut up and do nothing!

Don't ever call me again.

That sly bastard.

What's Choi Youngjae up to nowadays?

Who's that?

The prosecutor in charge
of Jo Hyunwoo's case!

Man, how much did you drink?


None other than the local gang boss.

It's hard paying back the debt, right?


4,000 became 170 million.


There's someone worse than us?

Who are they? I need to
learn a trick or two.

Why do you keep finding me?

There's a business that
I'm risking my life for.

A highway is being built
by Yakchon's new town.



There's a loser who got a whiff of this.

But he's doing better than me.

There isn't much I can do.
I'm losing sleeping over it.

Then I thought about you.


Just bury him for me.

I'll pay you enough for
you and your mom...

Back the hell off!

I heard you're working with a lawyer.

Don't be a sucker!

Laws are created to
protect the pigs' money.

The pigs who put you in prison.

Weren't they carrying out the law?

God damn it!

Shit! Stand up now!

- Hurry up!
- This brat!

"National Forensic Science Laboratory"

No discrepancies from the case report.

He supposedly stabbed the
driver inside the car.

He only had 18 seconds to two minutes
at the most. Is that possible?

The original's gone.
And the copy's damaged.

How they fabricated the case report.
I'm going to uncover that first.

This is your call log from that day.

I went above and beyond to
retrieve the cab meter.

The police obtained the meter log.

But they never used it
in the investigation.

This new trial or whatever...

Is it possible?

Nothing's certain in court
but we have to win.

By the way...

You know I can't pay you.

So why do you help?

You know, the...

For public interest.

You know, the... Why are you laughing?
What's it called... You know, pro Bono.

It's something like that.

And my 10 years?

Shit, the 10 years that
I've spent in prison.


Wait, where you off to?

Move aside.

Where are you going?

How old are you that
you're talking down on me?

Do you need a beating?

Excuse me?
He's a murderer.

He got out after serving 10 years,
Now he says he'll kill me.

Could someone call the police? Will you?

Don't stare at them.

What could they be thinking?

It's simple.

"I wish he wouldn't come near me."

"Why did they release him?"

"Should have given him the death penalty."

Will you live until the end as a killer?

Want to go back to prison?

I feel more comfortable in there...
than out here.

Wow, you're a selfish bastard.


What about your mother?

What are you going to do with her?

She works hard everyday!

And she can't even see well.

Are you going to leave her alone? Are you?

He's a Good friend of mine.
He can be a bit...

Where's the manager?

Sorry about that, sorry.

We get one shot at this.
We can't re-apply on a same grounds!

What do you think you're doing?

You ungrateful bastard!

You're not even listening to what I'm
saying. Is your ear blocked or something?

I'll just...!


What are you looking at?

Want to fight?

Let's do it.

Let's do this, okay.

See if it's my head or your
head that cracks first.

The thing you brought.

- Give it.
- What?

The police report!

Yeah, right.


Take the knife from the compartment.

Take it out.

Hurry up.

Get in the back seat of the cab.
You come here.

And stab.

Do it, you brat!

He'll never make it as an actor.

You didn't stab his waist.
Stab the back of his neck.

Do what you did before.


"Yakchon Junction"

Has he gone crazy? What's with him?


What's it called...

Do you have a stopwatch?


What do you think I was doing?

Yeah, stopwatch.
I got a stopwatch.

Time me.

On the day of the crime.

Jo Hyunwoo spoke to
his mom at 2:05:39 AM.

The next call began at 2:09:40 AM.

The taxi meter stopped at 2:08 AM.

He can't kill while on the phone.

He has one minute and 40
seconds to kill the driver.

- Don't you have a father?
- Damn it!

- I don't have a shitty father like you!
- What's that?

No! No! No! No!

Open it! Open it!

This is 5775, robbery!

5775! It's a robbery!

According to the autopsy report,

It says when you stab a man's body...

...the knife could get
stuck between the ribs.

A lot of force is needed
to stab and retract.

And there are marks on the
hand, shoulder and face.

It shows that the driver
resisted the attack.


Can all that happen in one
minute and 40 seconds?



Can you do it again?

Everything is made up. Crazy bastards.

"Fame Motel"

This is where you were interrogated?

Not at the station?

But in this motel?

"Statement Report"

These bastards...

Shall we go?

A cut in pulmonary artery
sprays blood like crazy.

But nothing was detected with luminol.

This shoddy work wasn't even verified.
Does that make sense?

Wow, not bad.

- Isn't this enough for a retrial?
- No.

- No.
- No? Why?

It proves that the police and
prosecutors were incompetent.


It doesn't prove that
he wasn't the killer.

Oh, man...

If only I can find the real killer...

The statute of limitations
is coming up soon.

What's with you?


Since when did you sympathize
with your clients?

You've gone too deep.
We're just legal counselors.



I'd like to apologize, boss.

Forget it. I don't need you here.

What are you doing?


Please let me work again.


I have to make some money.

Give me another chance.

If I'm useless...

I'll never come back again.

Good afternoon, ma'am.
We've met before.

- I'm attorney Lee Junyeong.
- Oh, my!

Goodness, my lawyer's here!

So this is how lawyers look.

Did you think they'd have horns?

Excuse me.

I have a problem, could you help?

I'm sorry, I'm a bit busy.

I saw my hubby's texts by accident...
That bastard!

Did he cheat?

She called the bitch.

But she got ignored because
that girl has a good job.

Cheaters deserve to be stoned to death.

Where is he? We can get back at them.

You wait here.

I'm going to carve him to pieces!

- Let's go!
- Let's all go!

Ma'am, please calm down.

We can settle this legally.




I'll go to the court.
And file a provisional attachment.

What's that?

So with a provisional attachment,

She will only receive half of her salary.
You'll get the rest as alimony.

- Is that true?
- Of course!

We'll let her company know about it.
She's humiliated, and you get paid.

Isn't that better?

- Thank you.
- That's amazing.

- Applause.
- Yeah.

Clap! Clap!

Clap harder! Clap harder!

He's amazing!

So you slipped in the sauna?

But they won't compensate.
Because they got a warning sign?

T-t-t-that's right.

I'm having a surgery.

I'm worried about medical accident.

Of course.
What kind of surgery?

- That surgery.
- What?


- You little rascal!
- Let's do it right here.

Take your pants off.

Come here.

Come back!

I should've refused.
How can I refuse it though?

- What are those?
- My pay.

I'm so tired.

That was crazy.

Why did you become a lawyer?

Well, I just did.

When I was young, I sucked at studying.

I went to an occupational high school.

I had fun there.

Got into plenty of fights.
Ran away to Seoul with my friends.

Was it in my senior year?

I had over a hundred absents.

Do you know what my teacher
wrote in my record?

"Lacks law-abiding spirit."


I had this urge to prove him wrong.

So I started prepping for the bar.
Right after my military service.

I wanted to get it on my first try.


Did you?

Isn't it obvious?
I'm on a killer's retrial case.


So calm.

What's this?

Is this my pay?

My entire savings.

Okay, thanks.


From now on, I'm your lawyer now.

Survey report.

It's the octopus from earlier.

Go ahead.

What about you?



"Duration of assault"

"1 minute 40 second"

"Yakchon Junction"

Good work, man.

You too, dude.

What a prick.

Article 420 of the Constitution.

The focal point of a new trial are the
novelty and reliability of the evidence.

Hard evidence is best, but
if there isn't one...

- A witness.
- Very Good! Yeah.

Did you meet anyone when
on the day of the crime?


If you were with someone at that time,
You wouldn't be accused as the killer.

Use your head.

There was.


Open up.

Open this right now!
Open it, you damn bitch!

Can't I just work here?


Are you looking down on the Islanders?

People live there too.

Open up!

Open, open, open! Open it, open it!

You can't even sleep with
men, what good are you?

Shit, then how will you pay back my money?


Get out, you bastard!

Are you nuts?


- No!
- Let me go!

I'm gonna kill that bastard!

Drop it! Give me the knife!

Go! Go! Go on, hurry!

Didn't I tell you to quit?

You wanted to live a normal life!

You said you wanted to go to college!

"GED Preparation"

You should keep it.

Let's meet again in college.

So you were on the way home that night.

When you met the detectives
at the junction.

What was her name?

Sujeong, I think.

Don't know her last name or her age.

But you know...

Girls in that line of work
doesn't use their real name.

District Attorney Choi?

Yes, I'm here to see Mr. Gu.

He's a prosecutor on the fast track.

Nothing good will come from provoking him.

Junyeong is doing well.

- With a little more push...
- Lawyer Mo.

This is a petty crime case.

Solving it won't have any effect on us
but will only make things complicated.

Why are flies attracted to
shit, and bees to flowers?

Where is he?

Lawyer Lee.

Yes, sir.

A snake emerged during landscaping.

A snake, you say?


I must be the snake then.

Of course not.

Definitely not more than that.

Hey mister, who sent you?

Watch your mouth.

The prosecutor who were in charge of the
original trial came here on his own feet?

To stop the new trial?

Had you read through the fake report,
Hyunwoo wouldn't have served.

I said watch your mouth!

Lawyers shouldn't focus
on the enemy in front.

But on the client behind you.

That's a great quote. Who said that?

You did.

- During a mock trial.
- I did?

Did we win?

We won.

You made the opposing counsel cry.

- Trial suspension.
- Oh, yeah.

I remember.

What are you two doing?

In front of a guest.

No, it's quite alright.


I heard you're job hunting.

I'm starting a firm soon.

Give me a call if you're interested.

Keep it.

I may be a scumbag.

But I don't sell out my
client to get a job.

A letter he wrote in
prison to the detectives.

A trial can't be won with just passion.

I've told you not to provoke him.

That was nerve-racking.

He totally looks like a prosecutor.


Detective Baek Cheolgi.

I'd like to apologize for
all the lies I've told.

Like you said, I think of
it as early enlistment.

So, I am thinking of it that way.

Thank you for helping me.

And for putting me on the right track.

Thank you very much.

"Lee Junyeong"

Hey, what's up?

What's with the letter?

- What?
- I mean...

The letter you wrote
to the cops in prison.


Answer me.


I had to write it. I had to...

Why did you write it if
you're not the real killer?

If you're not going to believe me...

Why did you open up my wounds, why?

Listen to this bastard.

Jo Hyunwoo.


Excuse me. I'm looking for Lee
Junyeong, he just came in.

I knew this would happen.

Let's end this case here.

I still can't believe it.

Can't believe it was all an act.

- What are you doing?
- Look.

My client stabbed me for losing the trial.

Clients lie to their lawyers all the time.

Get some rest since you're here.

I'm fine.

It's only a fractured rib.

15 years?

There's only one way to reduce it.

What is that?

He must admit his crime.

He didn't kill anyone, why would he?

Even if you appeal, it's a lost cause.

If you show remorse...

- As a first offender...
- You douchebag!

- Bastard!
- Ma'am...

You're working with them.

- Aren't you?
- Ma'am!

- You prick!
- I'll do it!

I'll admit to it.


Let's stop this.

How long must we do this?

And you have, what's it called...

You can't even see right
with diabetes or whatever!

No way.

Don't trust this prick.

So, what should I do?
Tell me what to do.


Start with a letter of
apology to the judge.


- Another one to the detectives.
- Okay...

Don't say such nonsense.

You can't.

What's this?

What do you want?

That thing we talked about.

"186-3 Sinjung District, Suwon."

Why look for her all of sudden?

Are you...

...lonely nowadays?

Okay, okay, I'm leaving. Jeez...

Get moving, idiots!


"Lee Junyeong"


It's been a while.

I heard about what happened.

I never believed that you did it.

Could you...

If possible...

...become my witness?


During the time when the crime happened,

just say that you were with me.

You must be busy.

You are.

Could I come back after you close?

I still sell coffee.

But at least, I'm not ashamed now.

But where we worked was different.

What if people find out?

I didn't even think to visit you.


Yeah? What is it?

About three years or so
after you went to prison...

Something happened in Gunsan.


You know me, right?

The youngsters these days call
this country "Hell Korea".

At least it's fair in hell.

You only get punished for what you did.

"Three years after the
murder, Gunsan Police Station"

This is Gunsan Precinct.

I... know who the real killer is.


The one who killed the
cab driver in Yakchon.

Gangnam night view.

What do you think?

Hey, what is this place?

I'm thinking of starting my own firm.

I hooked a big M&A case
that I've been working on.



Let's talk about hiring you.

Hire me?

You wanted win big to make a mark.
Let's do it together, here.

"Jo Hyunwoo"

Don't answer it.

We should drink till the morning.

Where should we go?

You've changed.


I said don't answer.

I'll tell him not to call me again.


- I found the real killer.
- What?

I know where the real killer is!

"Ilsan Car Dealership"

There's no pressure in purchasing them.

Just that...

I think this car suits you.

It's been a long time.
You look a lot better.

That's enough.

Or I might kill you.

Do it.

Kill me.

That's what you do best.

Sir, I'll call the cops!

Shut the hell up!

Go away!

What the hell!

Back up!

Back the hell up! This moron!


Who the hell are you?


A lawyer.

Lawyer! Great!

I want to sue this guy.

I'll pay you a lot.

- Take care of him!
- Yeah?

I get to make money for once.


I'll decide in 10 minutes.

Decide on what?

Whether to represent you...

...or represent you.


I got nothing to say.

Wait, Mr. Lawyer!

Do you know what you learn in prison?

Things you should never learn. Damn!

I'll talk!

I'll talk!

I mean...

If you needed money,
you should've gotten a job.

Keep this for me.


Why should I?

Your friend is in trouble.

But you're going to ignore it?

I just killed a person.

It's no big deal.

Did you sniff glue again?

"Statement Report"

We should've turned ourselves in sooner.

It weighed on my conscience.

I can't live like this anymore.

Spill it.

Or you're arrested for
harboring a criminal.

I tossed the knife in the dumping ground.

How dare you turn me in?

This lunatic! Grab him!

One case, two killers.

Pressed investigation by police.

And irresponsible prosecutor.

The tabloids will love this.


I didn't do this only for my benefit.

You know that.

At attention!

At attention, you moron!

Because of that one punk...

I didn't rot in some countryside for this.

I'll do whatever it takes.

Sit up.

Sit up straight.

I killed him.

I killed him.

I confessed to everything.

- I'll go to prison...
- This guy's funny.

You can't let yourself into prison.
We have to let you.

- You sniff glue too, right?
- What?

You like sniffing glue, right?


Just say you do.

If you don't...

We're both dead.

I love it.

Say that you sniffed together.

And you made false confessions.

We settled things with your folks too.

Go to a mental hospital.

Get some rest.

Got it?


I was in there for two or three months.

What the hell...

Meanwhile, the Gunsan police made
a big scene. Looking for the knife.

I understand.


That was from the station.

- Are they sending us support?
- No, actually...

The warrant was overturned.

So the investigation..

...need to be halted.

What did you say?

We can get him, so why aren't we?

We could catch him...

Insufficient evidence, they said.

I told them I was the killer.

But the police and the prosecutor...

They told me to go.

And your friend?

The one in the psych ward.

Where is he?

That idiot...

Depression or something.


What will you do?

Kill him?

Or get the police?

He'll be freed again for
insufficient evidence!

You think this is over?

Not at all.

We'll meet again in court.

Thank you.

We're ready to shoot.


- What are you doing?
- What do you think?

What are you thinking?

Broadcasting it will only be bad for...

What's going on?

Something wrong?

I'm sorry, sir.

No problem.

I called the make-up and wardrobe teams.

- Here.
- Thank you.

Producer Lee.

Get shot of us together later.


Make sure to get a close up of our logo.

- I will.
- Thanks.

It's okay, don't worry.

You look Good in that.


I feel awkward in this.


Button up.

Look in the mirror.

Very nice.

You look like the actor, Cha Inpyo!


You look good.

It's Dad.

My gosh, it's really him.

Come and look!

He's on TV!

When it's dismissed, we cannot...

What did he do now?

We need indisputable evidence first.

And a witness who didn't testify...

He looks good in that suit. the original trial.

To Jo Hyunwoo and his
family, their only hope is...

...the witness.

If there is a witness...

Be courageous.

Please help us.

Their only hope... you.

Stay there!


What are you doing there?

- Listen carefully.
- Okay.

Place the hook on the rope.

You can safely get here from home.

My baby is a genius.
How did you ever think of this?

I'm going to get GED.


I can't believe what I'm hearing.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Don't thank me.

Not you idiot, your lawyer.

Right, my lawyer.

Did you just laugh?

My baby.

You really did laugh, right?

My baby, you were laughing.

My face is dirty.
I got more work to do.

Go on inside!


I'm attorney Lee Junyeong.

Hello, we're from a TV station.
We're looking for a witness.

Hello. I'm attorney Lee Junyeong.
Please have a look.

We're looking for...

I'm attorney Lee Junyeong, please read it.

Thank you!

Sir, I'm attorney, Lee Junyeong.

Yes, I'm attorney Lee Junyeong. Have a
look and call us if you think of anything.

Thank you.

Hello, I'm attorney Lee Junyeong.

We're looking for...

Mr. Lee!

- Yes?
- Here.

We just received a tip.

I understand.


This is a sure thing.

"Oh Younggil"

Wow, it's coming up soon.

That's great.

Are you the caller...

Hello there.

I can still remember it clearly.

It's been 10 years.

I can't forget it.

That night...

I was standing by to help someone
escape in the middle of the night.

What the heck?

Let's get moving.

By the way, did you see a motorcycle
or a scooter near the cab?

Do you remember?

Nothing nearby.

Why didn't you report it then?

I did, how could I not? But...

The cops refused to listen to me at all.

So I left it like that.
I felt bad.

It always stuck with me.

That's it.

He's our new witness. We got it!

Ma'am, no need to worry anymore.

- It's over.
- Yes.

- Mom, it's over.
- Yeah, over.

It's over.

What's that?

Arrest him!

Oh, and don't forget, Read him the
Miranda rights. His lawyer's present.

Wait, wait!

- Move aside.
- What's going on?

Stay out of this!

Listen carefully.

You have the right to remain silent and
the right to refuse to answer questions.

Possession of obscene
material and what else?

Prostitution and gambling.
You got a call girl from a karaoke.

You get consoled and even gambled
at an illegal internet cafe.

You lead a fun life.

- Arrest him.
- Yes.

Wait a minute!

The lawyer is ignoring the law and order.

Take him for obstruction of justice.

- Yes.
- Yes, sir.

Wait, you know me!

Let go of me, you son of a bitch!

Hyunwoo! Hyunwoo!

You idiot, snap out of it!

Let me go!

Hey, 979.

You should've come to say hello.

Look at this chump, all clean.

All rehabilitated.

I told you, kid.

Prison is the best medicine
for kids like you.

- All loaded up?
- Hey! Hyunwoo!

- You brat!
- Let's go!

Good job.

What happened?

Well, it was a close call.

But we're safe.

Chairman Park put in a good word for you.

You helped him get this
golf course for nothing.

What was the final figure?

342 billion.

Examine the title properly.
Then this sort of a risk is nothing.

If the commission is eight percent.
27.3 billion.

Enough capital to start a firm.

Head of a firm.

No need to complicate it.

We're helping each other.

I paid my dues in Yakchon
long enough for this.

"District Attorney Choi Yeongjae"

"Real Estate Consulting Contract"

"Delegate: Choi Yeongjae
Delegate: Mo Changhwan"


What's this?

Are you nuts?

What's wrong?

What did you do?

It all worked out for you.
Why are you getting angry?


You said, it's not important if Jo
Hyunwoo is the real killer or not.

You said making money is the priority!


I'll compensate him enough to start over.

Of course...

With the condition that
there's no new trial.

Look at this guy.

What is best for the client?

A new trial with no chance
or guaranteed money?

How could you do this to me?

Aren't you even sorry for me?


But like you said,
lawyers don't apologize.

Let's work together.

This is my official proposal
to become partners.

You can go back to your family.

Get out.

Get out.

Get out. Get out!

What's with you, Mom?

Seoul, China or USA.

Go far away.

- Okay, let's go inside.
- Get out.

Get out!

With a son like you,
there's no day where I can feel at ease.


I need you gone, so I can live.




This is the only way.

Don't ever come back.


Right this moment!

Leave! Go!



Go. Go!

Mom, please...


Mom, open the door.

What am I supposed to do?

I'm going mad! I really am...



Sir? Sir?

You have to pay first.

I raise a large shepherd.
Unlike you'd expect.

My dog ran away once.
It ate tons of meat at the butcher's.

And only A+ quality meat.

Even a dog knows Good meat.

The butcher asked me this.

"Can the owner be billed
when a pet damages goods"

I said of course you can.

Then he asked me for 500 thousand won.

It was the cost of meat that my dog ate.

Maybe he brought his girlfriend.

That's a big bill.

Regrettably, my dog
always has been a female.


In this case...

Do you know what I told the butcher?

You would of course asked him
for the 500 thousand dollar.

Because your legal consultation
fee is 100 million per hour.



Why did you sell out the client?

Like I told you, I was
acting on his best interest.

What's important to him isn't money.

Do you understand?

To live like a man,
we must clear his name!

Junyeong, to live like a
man, he needs money!

Can we talk later?


A lawbreaker needs to be tried.

Did I break a law?

Attorney-at-Law Act, Article 26.

"An attorney must not disclose
confidential matter to a third party."

Got proof?

Only you and I knew about
the witness's number.

For passing on that tip,
you got a big deal!

And started a firm, right?

I told you not to make big presumptions!

Without exact proof, no such law exists!

That's law.

You're a criminal.

I warned you.

Don't mistake common sense with law logic.

Yeah, you clearly broke a law.

Which one?

Attorney-at-Law Act, Article 1.

"One must defend
fundamental human rights."

"And must realize social justice."

See you soon.

I'll make sure you're tried.

Wondering what two friends are doing?

A good lawyer has fewer
friends than a terrorist.

So if you need a friend,
raise a dog instead.

That's today's lesson.

Lawyer Lee?

May I offer you a job?

You'll be treated handsomely.


Don't you get a huge retainer?

More than you, of course.

What is that?

Have you ever received
a man's entire savings?

Never, right?

I won.

Mr. Lee Junyeong.


I messed everything up.

I have no excuse.

No need.

It's my fault for having hope.

Hyunwoo's gone.

He won't be back.

"GED Prep"

"186-3 Sinjung, Suwon City"

I'm sorry, we're closed.

Excuse me.

Are you...


Yes, who are you?

I'm Hyunwoo's lawyer.

I told him I can't testify.

Do you know where he is?

He was here a few weeks ago.

I explained myself clearly.

Please leave me alone.


I'm just angry.

- Did I do something wrong?
- No.

It's because of this moron.

Why'd he go to save you
and get falsely accused?

Why would he do such a pointless thing?

What a moron...

Now he's about to become a real killer.

Let's get moving! Man!


Son of a bitch!

Hold this bastard!

"Yakchon Junction"

Come here.

You bastard.

Get up.

"Fame Motel"

An ex-con with a grudge
viciously attacked law enforcers!


The cops fought back as a self-defense!


Do you feel wronged?

You idiot.

Another trip will do you good.

Look at this bastard.

What's that?

Drop the knife.

Drop it, you bastard!


Let's talk it over.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.


It's all my fault.




Calm down.

Give me the knife.


We can resolve this with law.



Are you still talking about it?

What can you do with it?

Can you put these bastards behind bars?

You can't.

Answer me!

- Move!
- Stop it.

Move aside.

You're a law junkie too.

You're no better than them.


Kill me if you want to.

If it'll clear your grudge,
become a real killer.


The first one to kill isn't this bastard.

I'm the worst one.


I'm actually not...

...not a Themis lawyer.

I got greedy and got a big debt.

My wife and daughter left me.

That's why I took on your case.

I wanted to use your case to get a job.

I wanted to make some money off you.

So I'm the worst guy here.

Stab me.

Kill me first.

Kill me.

You can't stab me, right?

You know why?

Because you're not a killer.

I know you.


You're not a killer.

I know this.

That's why I feel even bad...

I'm so sorry.

Please give me one more chance.

I will...

I'll prove it in the court of law.


I will...

I'll tell the world!


You are not a killer!

We made you into one!

That's why we...


We should be apologizing to you.

I'm sorry.



The weather today is good.

Take this.

"High Court Decision"

"New trial is approved."

Can we win?

You said nothing's certain in court.

But we'll never lose.

I didn't convince her.

You did.

Look! He's here!

Did you find any
discrepancies in the case?

The truth will be revealed in court.

Let's see...

The court is now in session.

Is the defendant present?

Yes, Your Honor.

You may begin.

Your Honor.

I am not here to defend Jo Hyunwoo.

15 years ago.

The judiciary of Korea did
wrong to a young man.

We should apologize to him.

I'm here to give you that chance.

With the hope that the
result of the trial,

to that young man.

And to his family.

I hope it will be...

...a new start for them.

The first piece of evidence.

Let's take a look.

The real Jo Hyunwoo was cleared of
all charges on November 17, 2016.

It was 16 years after the incident.

The detectives who framed the boy
were charged and incarcerated.

The boy is now a family man,
and a father of two kids.

Attorney Park Junyeong took
on other new trial cases.

He became known as "New trial Specialist".

"The production team wants to express
gratitude to these people for their help."

"Attorney Park Junyeong,
Reporter Lee Daewook (SBS),"

"Chief Hwang Sangman (Gunsan Station),
Writer Park Sanggyu and Mr. Choi."