New Rose Hotel (1998) - full transcript

Maas and Hosaka are two large Corporations in the future world. They are fighting to get control over the best minds of the world. The best is Hiroshi and at the moment he is working for the Maas Corporation. Fox has accepted an offer to persuade Hiroshi to go over to the Hosaka Corporation. Sandii is a little Italian girl from Japan and she should be the way to get to Hiroshi. X is the man who should train Sandii to break Hiroshi's Heart. But if X falls in love with Sandii? And if the Hosaka Corporation breaks the agreement? And if Sandii is not a little Italian girl? - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
C'mon, you know this better than
anybody, right?

There's a full-scale subterranean war
been raged for every shred of information.

The corporate suits are killing each other by the thousands...

... each year.

It is like the Holocaust of the twentieth century.

Everybody knows about it
and nobody says anything about it.

The government is as capable
as any corporation.

"Potato... batata".
Government... corporations

- It is the same thing.
- Exactly.

You've got the contacts.
You may deny it but I know better.

There is a thing you
may be interested in.

There is a group somewhere in Indochina...

... which synthesizes certain viruses.
Calling Inhibitors.

And I'm looking for a mainstream buyer.

What will happen this time, baby?

Nothing you can do...

...can kill this love...

...I feel for you.

Only you.

Only you.

Only you.

Falling in love...

...without falling in love.

Falling in love...

...without falling in love.

Ok what your did, you can put in your fucking ass.

You just get the aluminium to
back side elevators... 20 minutes, or we gonna have to send
the russian nurses down... help you out.
And the male ones too, ok?

- Yeah.

So, what's on?

This will make you happy.

Dr. Hiroshi Imuri
will be leaving Maas headquarters... attend a conference in Vienna.

- In two weeks.
- It's a lot of time.

I did not know it. Good, good.

Turn out 500 million a lab.
In Sontag.

We need a lot of money. We know that.

We take up a lot of coke,
some kind of "pogue", something special.

Let me ask you something, is
getting your back broken teach you anything?


They gonna kill you this time.

Don't be negative.

Everything coming up roses.

My ship is coming in.

Fox, Fox, Fox, that's enough.

- What you looking for, Fox?
- Perfect blowjob.

It can be perfect.

I do remember,
when you're looking for virtue.

It's not what you've said in one of
your whole-night discourses?

Those was great times.

Now when you mention it,
what was I'm talking about?

Knowledge is a virtue?

I can't never get that straight.

If I will said you now
that not-examined life... not worth living.
You wouldn't believe me?

But did you believe?

That deal, that tomorrow's another day...

...raindrops wet the flowers
and clouds grows.

May be it's sick
for a long time.

I believe that you look...

...terrific to me.

You see that brunette over there?

She may not give you perfect blowjob...

...should do it if you comes along.

Well... so, she's only sensational...

...she's not a genius.

I will send her to you later.

Tell her that's a rental,
not a purchase.

I don't want to get her...
a romantic notions, because...

I know that women made them valued.

Her eyes are black.

Her hair is black.

Her fingernails, she paints
them black.

Because she wears all black on black.

Black on black

Black on black.

Those girls, they don't come back.

And that's a fact.

Her soul is black.

I know it's black.

Her mother is black.

I've just found out Hiroshi's making a plans... attend a conference in Vienna.

I got the hotel where he stays.
It's his wife's favourite...

Only 'Hello' - she won't be there.

She's going to a spa.

He'll be away from Maas scrutiny.

We can get an offer to him,
finally at last.

How'd you propose we do that?

We need the cherry in the cake.

The little something extra.

Because she hold,
she never falled.

Her soul is black.

Her soul is black.

Her soul is black.

Her soul is black.

Untranslatable Italian.

I said I love you

For a forever and today.

And then you asked me:

"Is that a night you'll walk away?"

You know?

I love you so.

You know?

I need you so.

You know...

I'd die for you.

So don't kill me, baby.

I said I love you

And then you asked me:

You know I love you so?

You know I love you so?

You know I love you so?

Judi, who's that girl?

Yes, she's a real whore.

Don't kill me, my love.

So, what's her story?
What you mean?

She didn't say anything?
She shut a mouth for a whole time?

She's Shinjuko girl.
She says lots of things.

She is Italian, I don't know...
What do you wanna know?

I don't know. Tell me.

She's got a tatoo.
Get away?


Fox, Sandii.
Sandii, Fox.


Get that phone.

He says...
you have a tatoo.

Yeah, on my belly.

Those are the cheap shoes.

Hey, hey! What are doing?
That's right, go ahead.

Ignore him.
How do you know I'm not done.

Cut up with some chinese, right?

Neat copie
of some Tokyo original.

It's good. But...
the accessories don't do it.

Attention to detail
that's our strong point.

We can pay the big bucks.

What you think about big bucks, baby?

Big bucks? What you mean?

I mean, how'd you like to make a million of them?

What's going on
on a twisted mind of yours?

You said they got tired on the crap as well we got a lubrication.

Get to the point for once.

It's elegant, it's simplicity.

It's so corny it can't miss.

Beautiful temptress... Sandii...

... seduces, induces
wild and crazy egghead scientist...

...drop his home-jammed life
and spend a rest of his days...

...doing two things he likes best.
Hot research...

... and hot knockie.

What you think about all of this
elegant simplicity?

What do I think about it?
- You didn't answer my question.

I do not understand.
- I'll explain.

She may think we're nuts.
But also she doesn't meet guys everyday...

who offer her one million dollars...

for what that she will did
just for couple hundred.

No, please, please no offense.

Please, sit. Have a coffee.

Please, sit. No offense.

How did you know it worked?

You want some coffee?
- Don't be negative.

What matters is we come up
with some pragmatic plan.

We taking a shot here.
We not hanging around for a type of people.

We're Crazy Horse.
- Right.

We taking on Custer.

Crazy Horse at the Edge, huh?

Right, uh...
and Alexandre the Great has it.

And fieldmarschal Romell.

Hold on once again. You said I get payed
one million dollars...

for seducing a man and then what...
he gonna leave his job, and?

- And family.
How did you know I'll do this?

Let me be clear.

You saying, you prefer
turning tricks for small change...

...rather to make a million dollars
turning one big one?

How old are you?

Can you afford to say no...

...and continue to believe that your mom and dad...

...that they raise you to be a turpitude?

You don't tell him anything?
He loves it.

He says "Great".
�� says "win".


I'll think about it.

Good. Time's up.

Do it. Or you'll forever wish you had.

This is your ticket
out the boneyard.

In case you didn't know it
you're dead.

Just don't have the sense to lay down.

I'll go out to one of your sisters
right now...

...and make her the same offer.



You're accepted... Fox school of basic training.
The course...

...will cover the life and times of
Hiroshi Imuri.

Hiroshi has Edge. Big time.

Success, money, talent,

Life comes easy to him.

It's this justified arrogance...

which is closing him
to annoy chief...

at Maas Schmuck Researches.

Now look it out.

The look on his face has it all.

He's among them.
But he's not of them.

He's a freak.
He takes a whole field of science.

He shatters every accepted concept.

He brings them on violent revision...

...of an entire body of knowledge.

Hot proteines, huh?
Who will thought of it?

High speed links.
You know what you get...

... when your lab guys does that?
Basic patents.

It's a synonym for tax free.

... billions.

Our guy doesn't like to play by the rules.

He always giving a suits hard-buying.

The word of Hiroshi is...

... is fed up with corporate politics.

Maas and other genetic guys
they keeping him down.

They scared of him.

He's renegate.

You don't have to memorize
a hundred handy phrases...

... to convince him to
drop everything and be with you.

All you have to...

... keep in mind on whom have you dealing with.

This guy is grandiose.

He's arrogant.
He has every right to be it.

Here, take a look.

The beatiful missis.


From hell.

Ball-busting psycho-whore.

Beast from Hell.

You know, I've never met her, but...

There something about her, that is just...

I don't like her.
I don't like her either.

Something in her is like ice.

I don't blame him for, you know,
going elsewhere.

I mean it's not like she is
400 pounds.

She's beatiful, but...

... she's not nice.

Hiroshi is a fish
out of water...

... living in the West.

German wife.
Fencing, not kendo.

The way I see it
this guy will live anywhere.

So long as he can do his work...

and have some good kus-kus.

Look at him. He's a genius.

There is an old saying:

"With the hair of her snatch
she could tow battleship"

All you have to do is feed
his grandiosity and...

...and play on his

If you can bring your intellect, your emotions... that point.

You'll have sense of the Edge.

The edge? What's the edge?




To go beyond the distance.

In the old days, these guys
will walk to the North Pole...

...behind the dogs lead.
Today, it's just the same fraction...

...of sheer human hotspur...

...locked inside the heads of the world hottest scientists.

The Greeks said:
"Virtue is

heading to the mark."

Edge is virtue.

What happened if he doesn't believe me?

If you believe, he will.

You have to fall in love with him
in your mind.

You have to...

...make a man believe...

...he fall in love with you.


Let's... make believe.

Come on... it's a show.

I'm Hiroshi.

Can't get Japanese accent.
But I'll try.

This is madness.

I can't just drop everything.

and... and be with you!

You call this everything?

Cut off home, fucking ball-bustering...
bad weather!

You have to be with me.

You have to teach this fucking Maas
a lesson, right?

This people they don't understand you.
I understand you.

They gonna kill you.
You know that?

Let me take care of you.

Let me...

I'll get you power.

I'll get you passion.

I'll get you big bucks.

It's gonna work.

Come on.


Look, we spend an year...

...and a ton of money pursuing this guy.

We know how many times a week he takes shit,
for Christ sake.

But we ain't closer to pulling offer
the first time you thought of it.

That was a year ago.
You're proving my point.

The year is a long time.

Now, this is it.
I'm finished with it.

No more Hiroshi.

Let us find something else to do.
There is plenty of work on there.

Before you and I hooked up, tell me again
what was your great coop and corporate espionage?

-Here we go again.
Allow me to remind you.

You have a helicopter fly over a smoke stack,

It captures some smoke...

... so it could be analyzed
to figure out...

...what was in this alloy they were making.


The problem was
this alloy...

...was obsolete in six months.

You may as well spend that time bartending.

You finished?
It was me. Opened your eyes...

... to corporate defectors. That were the money is.

Everything else is waiting.

Anything else is waiting.

I said I love you

For a forever and today

And then you asked me:

"Is that a night you'll walk away?"

You know

I love you so much

You know

I need you so much

You know

I'll die for you

So do forgive me baby.

You know I'll die for you

You know I'll die for you?

So I'll cry and I'll faint

I'll faint.

But don't ask me to cry.

Cause I'll cry never again.

You know I'll cry.

And I'll die.

I'll faint.

But I won't cry.

No more.

No more.

No more.

You know

I'll die for you.

I'll die.

I'll die for you.


... the guy can't get laid
unless he leaves the house.

Where you get this footage?
Madam Rosa.

Turns out it's some kind of
whole masters fraternity...

This happening was taken in some...

...cathouse in Hambourg...

which, dig it, is owned by Maas.

Awesome entertainment for Hiroshi...

...and a few his lucky chums.

For him? They build this thing for him?
- That's right.

Look it out.

He's got everything...

...but he doesn't have passion.

The look on his face has it all.

Did I promised you?
Technicolor. 3D.

Sin-o-Rama around the world.


This kinda scary.

Look it at.

Look it at.

Our friend has a taste for darkhead beauties.

Am I right?

I know what the guy likes.
- You're right.

Took the word out of my mouth.

You now, madam Rosa...

...I think she's too involved... pull this off.

Is this what the good madame thinks
or that what you think?

No, I told her my man knows
how much is raving on this.

He'd never compromise her for some

I'd told her that.
She understood.

- Yeah, but... Madam Rosa picking up on something?

What do you think?

What do you think?

- You really worried about it?
There's no better time to do this.

Sandii is our shot.
You have to had your head clear...

It's clear. pull this off.

Be ready. Teach her to fall in love...

...without falling in love yourself.

Don't you worry about me.

Just watch me.


Check this chicken outfit.

I can't hear.

I can't hear you. Hang on.

The chicken outfit.

This is Angelica De Mayo.

You look pleasant.
You're magnicient, beautiful.

You like it?
You want me to wear this?

No, that.

You like this?

So my name is Angelica De Mayo.
Pleasured to meet you. So what's yours?

It's a pleasure meeting you.

- Hiroshi Imuri.
- Oh, hi.

You know, I work here...

...I'm in PR.

I'm having a conference...

...for this company I work for.
It's called...

You know it?

It is a small company.
We're growing.

It's good.

So that's you, right?

Home office.

You like that?


Who's trying to get laid over there?

Hiroshi, what you gonna do tonight?

Will her fuck enjoy you for the first time?

You better fuck her good.
Piano, piano...

I'm a little girl from Italy.

I'd never do this things before.

No I do not know how to do it, but...

I'll show you...

Are you gonna do this? Yes.
Piano, piano? Yes, piano, piano.

Piano, piano...

Hiroshi.... Hiroshi.

What if I fall in love with you, Hiroshi?

- When you were a child boy?
- Yes.

What about you?

I used to see a guy, when I lived
with my sister.

In Naples.

We used to live in Naples.

Me and my sister.

My mother, my grandmother.

It's so nice, Naples.

So nice.


My father...

My father he's...

... he's French.

He was never there.
I don't remember him.


Fuck! I forgot the key.

You'll wait here?

I'd be right back.

Thank you.


You fucking crazy.

You scared the shit out of me.

How do you feel?
I feel great, I'm strong.

Here is a...

Oh, the ID card.

For the conference.

So, you're ready?




I'm gonna miss you.



Tell me what you've got.
It's the video camera.

I've a few examples for you.

These guys, weren't street punks.

They are good.

Really good.

There's something you're familiar with.

Total fucking abortion.

He's reported as the failed kidnapping.


It was inside job for Maas.

And Maas... took out Maas.

Maas laid out Maas.

So you can neutralize Maas double security?

With those guys, it's only matter a money.

Money's no problem.

You understand, this is a defection...

...not a kidnapping.

Makes no difference.

How'd you arrange that?

Honey trap.

Hey, let's go spend some your long-needed money.

So, what's next?

I want to make the deal first.

I want to know if these guys gonna pay ahead of time.

This is all well and good, but... leaving out a really important part of all this.

- The arrival of her beloved Hiroshi.

Don't be negative!

100 million dollars.
Just like that.

Hosaka wants Hiroshi.

This guy will come up with one breakthrough
after another.

As we speak he's mutating a virus...

...good cure for common colds.

How many billions that's worth?

For 100 million,
we are giving the guy away!

Did I said that?

Remind me. Plus expenses.

Remind me. Tell these pricks... expenses!

Who's the boss?
Who's boss?!


Thanks for seeing us.

When we began negotiations...

... I was understood that there's to be
a deadline.

That deadline having come and gone...

... we feel that any
renewed negotiation...

...with Hosaka corporation...

... should begin from scratch.

So, we're prepared to deliver
Hiroshi Imuri to...

... a destination of your choice.

The price 100 million dollars.

Not 50. For fifty...

...we'd be talking to Sontag.


... are you in contact
with a subject?

Every day. Twice since Sunday.

Marrakesh, has many defunct...

...heroin labs now...

...converted for other research...

... and production.

Find suitable one and purchase it.

And fit it according to a subject's

...and requirements.

We'll take care of everything.
Don't worry.

Be happy.


Thank you.



My back!

Did you see their faces?
I broke the protocol.

I said the name of a competition.

They didn't know whether to shit or go blind.

Did you see how they look at us?
With respect.

I thought at one point
you gonna give them an "Edge" lection.

To me they look like a hara-kiri... redundant.

We had a good day.
Yeah, we did.


I wrote a haiku, you know,
for the occasion.

A dog...

... walks into a bar.

He's wearing a suit, shirt
and tie.

He says to the bartender:

"I'd like a Scotch
and toilet water"

It's a haiku.

Rapid translated.

You know, on another more serious note.

Sandii and Hiroshi was seen having dinner... hotel, two nights ago.

"Very cozy",
That's the description I've got.

That was a chitchat.
They're telling jokes.

Also her room was not slept in that night...

...according to a cleaning lady.

Looks like you're not the only one.

I suppose that's good.

- You know... is business.

- Just because he's fucking her,
doesn't mean...

...he's gonna put her on back of
his horse and ride out of town.

Yeah, but we bet a 100
million dollars...

...that our horse
comes on first.

There's no place to show in this race.

That's the way I love it.

Also-rans make me puke.

They're gonna come after us and you know that.

I'd been hunted my whole life.
It's all I know.

Me against them,
from the beginning.

What if I care?
They'd broke my back.

I'd break their back.
I'm a hunter too.

It's the one I believed...

... that's the Edge was felt.

Some of what Hiroshi feels, he's...

He looks different.

He's like us.


... if this happens...

... will that do it for you?

Will you find redemption?

Will you finally have the Edge...

...or whatever you call that
pie-shape wedge that missing from your...

...psyche and deny you from filling complete.

Yes, it's what the prospect about making
up a 100 million dollars...

...that's the deal.
Thanks goodness I didn't ask for 2.


This thing is for idlers and dreamers.

Where this come from?

It doesn't fit...


...for gentleman to be introspective.

I'm with you.
Good. Now...

... when the heart-filled
conversation is out of the way...

...could we talk about money?

I want you to fly to Marrakesh.

It's no point in dilly-dallying.

I want to guy know there's a lab to go to.

I'll take care of it.
Give him anything he wants...

...make the guy happy.

This is it.
He has the girl.

He's ridded of the ball-buster...

- What the guy, he's like...
You envy him, don't you?

I do.
You love him, don't you?

I would love it to be is like that...

... to be so free, to be so rich, so famous.

You know, the guy's... he's got everything.

What you would give to man
who has everything?

It's a terrible name.

I mean, is she from State Island?

Is her father in construction?

She has two sisters?
Teri and Tina?


Hey, banzai!

Waiter! Coleslaw for everybody!

Too bad there's nobody in.

Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

How is he doing?
He's got another show for it.

They say's the guy up with some
half-hooker in Vienna.

Whatever she is.

Anyway, I've got this lab...

...used for heroine in the old days.

But now he wants me to get...

... ventilated specimen cages.

Where the fuck did I get
ventilated specimen cages?

You gonna be able to do this?
Yeah, I can do it.

I got the generators coming and refrigerators...

There's Hamid now.
Loco Hamid.

What the fuck are you doing?
We supposed to meet twenty minutes ago in the bar.

I was there.
- What do you mean?

I've got to look for you
like for a snake.

I believe I had another businesses.

Twenty minutes ago we sit in the bar.



You gonna make it 20 minutes.

Ok. I'll be there.

Let's go, we will be there waiting.

We can make this complicated
or we can make it simple.

A simple means...

Complicated means money.

We gonna recommend it's complicated.

Moving parts.
It's like a prop job, magic gag.

The result is...

...the good doctor vanishes.

Maas is standing around holding an empty bag.

So, how many you want it to go?

All right.

Your recommendation?

If that's the way it gets done...

...that's the way it gets done.

One more thing.

I want you to arrange for the girl... stop over a night in Berlin...

... on the way to Marrakesh.
Done deal.

All right.
Let's get the fuck out of here.

I missed you so much.

Did you do?

Yeah, I did.

I heard you were busy.

You heard it?
Who told you that?

You were busy.

Who told you that?

I booked you...

...flight to a Marrakesh
for tomorrow morning.

You'll be on you way...

...when I pull the string and Hiroshi
drops out of sight.


How was it?

How was what?

Sucking his cock.

Whose cock?



Oh, it was... good, good, you know.

Cock... nice...

and ... japanese.

You made me suck his fucking cock.
I did?

Yeah. You hired me!

I was there? Forcing your head down?

Come on...

Come on, you fucking hire me to suck
this guy's cock.

Look, I didn't hire you.
It's Fox who's hire you.

- Ok, but you seen it's all.
- You could desert...

- You didn't have to.
- I think I have to.

- Look, I...
- I've thought we are doing this together.

- But you did...
- You think I like sucking his...

... fucking cock?
- You did a real good job, I'll tell you that.

Guy gonna leave his family.
His carreer.

He'll go off and live on a fucking desert.

I did checked it up - not a sushi roll in whole country.

- Not bad.
- Not bad, exactly.


- Ain't you happy?
- Happy?

Yeah. You know, aren't you proud of me?

I did what you told me to do!

Yeah, but don't expect me to be
happy about it.

You fucking made me to.

You think I enjoyed sucking this guy's cock?

You think I like that?

- I don't know.
- Yeah, yeah you don't know.

I fucking risk my life, ok?

What is this fucking joke?


Why you're angry at me?

I'm not angry, I'm just...

... I'm confused.

I want to marry you.


I want to marry you.

Why not?

Can't we get married...

... like... everybody?

Can't we get married like my
grandfather and my grandmother?

Can't we get a house...

... and raise children?

And a car?

Can't we have that?

Do you want to end up killed in the street?

Nobody will ever know your name.

Nobody will ever cry over you.

This is how you want to die?

We started this, we got to finish it.

And we can't turn a back on Fox.

I can't let the guy down, all right?

No, I was saying now.

I was saying, me and you...
now, tomorrow morning...

...we leaving.

- Oh, come on. I...
- Where is Fox?

We will talk about it when you get back.
When you get back from Marrakesh.

- Where is Fox?
- He's in Marrakesh.

He wants to be there when...

... when Hiroshi arrives.

Witness to resurrection
with his own eyes, to hold finger on it.

How much you will get for all this?

I'm not... you know, I...

- It's not about...
- Does he know...?

- It's not about the money!
- Ok.

Does he know we spending this night together?

Forgive me for the other things I say.

It's stupid.
I feel ashamed.




Doctoral student




CURRENT ACCOUNT: $100,000,000


Everything is good.
He loves it there, he loves her.

He's happy.
As a clam in the Guinea.

How's you flight? Your back ok?


You look tired.

When last time you get some sleep?
Rest is in the boneyard.

My life is not about trying to get a sleep...

... is about finding on an account...'s been credited with a 100 million dollars.

- What if they fuck us?
They'd loved to, but they...

They know...

... what Fox give,
Fox can take it away.

With Sandii in place,
I'm the buzz button.

- You want some tea?
- Yeah.

Did I tell you... Sandii is gonna meet me...

... in Shinjuko next month?


You mean...

...they not gonna live happily everafter?

No. It's not going that way.
She's gonna live with me.


I don't know.



This is kind of a surprise.

I thought we are partners?

- What's going on up there?
- This is like you doing 180 on me?

What the fuck is that?

Come on, I walked in here with good news...

... and you told me a thing like that?

Was this your idea or hers?

Do you spot the failure?
Forget about the romance.

She's a punch-harlot.

Anyway, you think if she had
any plan to come back...

...she will left him at the first place?


...good luck to the bonkers.

What you gonna do?

Same thing I'm doing now.

It's not about money.

It's 'bout action.

It's not about doing something
to go ahead a day.

Ride on, cowboy!

To business.

Where we staying?

At Hyatt.
We have adjoining rooms.

You know something? You're not in love.
You're in lust.

A week from now,
you'd change your mind.

Everything allright.

I used to be a tap dancer.

86 - 49 - 52.

I feel like George Burns.

Come down.

Greetings, earthman.

We worked.
It's time to rest.

Get ready to be happy.

Happy birthday!


This is Colette.

- This is must be Colette's sister.

Colette has a friend.

In fact Colette has four friends.

In fact maybe, if we were lucky,
we get lucky...

Make giggy-giggy.

You're looking after me, right?

Well, this is just an acting puts on.

We having a wonderful time.

Come on, come on, my kid brother.


Let's have a drink.

You wanna eat something first?

Sweet sixteen.

Look pretty tempting over here.

It's nice and fluffy.

Now, get your ass over here.

Get your ass over here!

This is going to be a night to howl.

This is fantastic.

Happy birthday... you!

Can't we get married?

I want to marry you.


Where are you now.

I'll be out of my mind.

- Mister Mastapool?
- Yeah.

Marcelino here.
I think you may want to hear this...

This morning, Hosaka leading genetic
Moenner fly in.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, I sure it was him.

He was preceded by dozens
of security agents.

I followed them from airport
all the way back to the lab.

Go ahead.

They swarmed all over the fucking place.


That disguise is a fucking joke.

Look, there's Ashedan.

What's he doing here?

You told me Hiroshi
will going to run the lab by himself.

Look at that.

Hosaka bring in the top guys in the
bio section.


All that eggheads in one place.

One bomb, oi...
The right place, the right time.

Kaboom! Sajonara, eggheads!

I know what this is.
I've seen it before.

It's finished.
You sold them Hiroshi.

Now, forget him.

You're obsessed with this guy.
You've got to let him go.

Yet, they taking this chance.

They told us they want to isolate Hiroshi.

Keep him away...

... from the central trust.

I don't think so.

It seems to me...'s some kind of power struggle...

...going on inside Hosaka.

Somebody big is flying his favorites in...

... rubbing them all over Hiroshi...

...for luck.

I smell money.

- Lot of money, much more money...
- I'm finished.

- What?
- I'm through with it.


The deal is done.

- Job is closed, next case.
- But this is a whole different ballgame!

Nothing else to do.

Nothing else to do. It's finished.

Wait, wait, wait... come on...'d feel better next morning.

Come on, get out here.

Yeah, well... get some sleep.

A phone, dammit...


Mister Mastapool.

It's a plague... a plague.

Fever and death everywhere.

Everybody is dying of the same exact thing.

It's definitely some sort of virus.

Someone must've been reprogrammed the DNA synthesizer.

- Moenner is dead. Hiroshi is dead.
- What happened...

- What happened to the girl?
- A girl?

The girl is vanished, is vanished!




Lab's been wipe down.

Sweet Jesus! I wish I'd think of it.

- Lets go.
- Sandii...

Forget that. Just check on credit.


- What?
- The money's gone.

They deny we had an account.

They're coming after us.

Let's go.

Your friend sold up us to Maas.

They don't care about Hiroshi.

He swapped them just to wipe
out Hosaka's entire team.

- Sandii...
- They're turned her in Vienna.

I should have see it come.

Let's split up.
Buy what we need.

Get stuff that makes you look like a tourist.

Backpack, sunglasses, cap.
You know.

We'll get out of here...

... we have to walk out.

Come on!

Let's go!


I just found out Hiroshi plans...

... to attend a conference in Vienna.

I got the hotel where he stays.
It's his wife's favourite...

Only 'Hello'...

...she won't be there.

She's going to a ballbusters convention.

It was me. Opened your eyes
to corporate defectors...

That were the money is.

This is our shot. He'll be away from Maas scrutiny.

We can get an offer to him,
finally at last.

You'll understand how we fit in.

We're point man in the skull wars.

Soldiers in the secret skirmishes...

... of the zaibatsus. We are the bullets.

Isolated, singular, focused.

The perfect wolf you are.

Eyes glazed, lips parched...

...the ribs showing. Awoof!

And you, how hungry are you?


We need... the cherry on a cake.

What's her story?
She says anything?

Attention to detail
that's our strong point.

We can pay the big bucks.
What you think about big bucks, baby?

Big bucks? What you mean?

How'd you like to make a million of them?

It's elegance, it's simplicity.

It's so corny it can't miss.

Beautiful mistress... Sandii...

... seduces, induces
wild and crazy egghead scientist...

... abandon his house-jammed life
and spend a rest of his days...

...doing the things he likes best.

Hot research... and hot knockie.

Hold on once again. You said I get payed
one million dollars...

for seducing a man and then what...
he gonna leave his job, and?

- And family.
How did you know I'll do this?

I said I love you

For a forever and today.

What happened to the girl?

- The girl?
- The girl!

The girl is vanished!


You know?

I love you so.

You know?

I need you so.

It's a plague... a plague.

Fever and death everywhere.

Everybody is dying of the same exact thing..

It's definitely some sort of virus.

Someone must've been reprogrammed the DNA synthesizer.

Moenner is dead. Hiroshi is dead.

Someone must've been reprogrammed the DNA synthesizer.

Many months ago...

... I was so beautiful and lovely.

When you first saw me...

... it was in that bar.

And I...

... I was great in black.

Tell me something about you.

What you want to know?

I don't know, something.

Let's start with... What you do?

- Not very much.
- Yeah.

What did you when you don't did it very much?

I steal people.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

My father is Italian.

We used to live in Tokyo.

He worked for Hosaka.

Hosaka ?


He had to leave.

He had some problems.

My mother is Dutch.

We lived in Milan.

My father was with us...

...half of the year.

Good night.

What is her story?

What you mean?

She didn't said anything?

She said lots of thing, I can tell you.

She's Italian, I don't know...

What do you wanna know?

I don't know. Tell me.

You never told me your stories.

I don't have a stories to tell.

- You don't have a stories?
- No.

How can you live without the stories?

I live to listen to stories.
Your stories.

- I've so many stories.
- Tell me some more.

I'm here to listen to your stories.

We used to live in Naples.

Me and my sister.

My mother, my grandmother.

It's so nice, Naples.

So nice.


My father...

My father he's...

... he's French.

He was never there.
I don't remember him.

- Now, wait.
- What you want to do?

- Your father is French.
- Yeah.

Your uncle is American.

You lived in Milan for a little while.

- You lived in Sicily for a little while.
- No, I lived in Naples.

You lived in Naples though.

No, I lived in Sicily for a long time.

You can be confusing.

- It's good, no?
- It's O.K.

- No?
- It's O.K.

The Hosaka has the most clout worldwide...

... Maas is the most ruthless.

- You want to go to room?
- Yeah.

- And I will?
- Yeah.

I forgot the keys.

- You'll wait here for me?
- Sure.

Don't go anywhere. Wait here.

Your friend sold up us to Maas.

- Sandii.
- They're turned her in Vienna.

Hold on once again. You said I get payed
one million dollars...

for seducing a man and then what...
he gonna leave his job, and?

How did you know I'll do this?

Can you afford to say no...

and continue to believe that your mom and dad...

...did raise you to be a dumbbell?

O.K. I'll think about it.

Sure. Time's up.

This is your ticket
out the boneyard.

In case you didn't know it
you're dead.

Just don't have the sense to lay down.

I'll go out to one of your sisters
right now...

...and make her the same offer.


If you believe, he will.
You has the key for all of this.

You have to fall in love with him in your mind.

You have to make a man believe...

...he fall in love with you.

Ok, you want to fuck me,
after I look in.

- No.
- You gonna ruin my concentration...

...I'm looking on.
- I'm Hiroshi.

- No.
- Hiroshi is here.

No, Hiroshi is over there.

It's no better time to do this.

Sandii is our shot.
You have to had your head clear...

Be ready. Teach her to fall in love...

...without falling in love yourself.

You worried about me, right?

How long did you know me?

Hey, you don't want me to hit you... in the knee.

It's gonna been alright.

Don't worry.
It's gonna been alright.

O.K, see me.

Fuck me.



What if I fall in love with you, Hiroshi?

Where is your heart?

- Good night.
- Good night.

If you believe, he will.

That's the key to all of this.

You have to fall in love... your mind.

You got to make a man believe...

...he fall in love with you.

What do you think?

It's gonna work.

Oh, yeah.

You know something? This was
mine master stroke..

My master stroke.

You know, when you want to understand things... get right to the center.

Look at that. Here we go.

Did I tell you... Sandii is gonna meet me...

... in Shinjuko next month?

I know you have to run out someday.

It's all, you know... I'm old, you know...

Abandon me.

I mean, I knew this will come.

All good things will have to come to end.

What was that?

Who is it?


Time's up.

Do it. Or you'll forever wish you had.

This is your ticket
out the boneyard.

In case you didn't know it
you're dead.

Just don't have the sense to lay down.

This is it. I'm through with it.

No more Hiroshi.
What else will we do?

- Don't stop now!
- How much money can you make?

- What's ahead?
- Come on.

- What's to do?
- Come on, give me a hug.

- You had to let go.
- No.

Hey, it's plenty of other work up there.
We'll find something else.

It's more money than we ever thought about.

And I didn't see it!

- This thing is so big.

When I heard they will come out of town...

Shit! It's like a light.

It's like a light...

I want to marry you.

You and me.

I want to marry you.

Why not?

Can't we get married...

... like... everybody?

Can't we get married...

... like my grandfather and my grandmother?

Can't we get a house...

... and raise children?

Can't we have a... that?

Do you want to end in a kill on the street?

Nobody will ever know your name.

Nobody will ever cry over you.

This is how you want to die?

No, I was saying now.

I was saying, me and you...
tomorrow morning...

we leaving.

We started this, we got to finish it.

And we can't turn a back on Fox.

That's simple.

Forgive me for the other things I say.

It's stupid.
I feel ashamed.

It's O.K, I mean it.

- O.K.
- For everything you said, I love you.

We will talk about it when you get back.

Yeah, yeah, when I come back.

If she will really want to...

...walk away.

If she will really want... walk away.

-= catched and translated =-
-= by whizzy =-

-= timing for the 5rFF's release =-
-= by cantstopthesignal =-