New Religion (2022) - full transcript

Miyabi lost her only daughter in an accident. After her daughter's death, she got a divorce. She now works as a call girl and is living with her new boyfriend. One day, she meets a weird customer who asks her to let him take a pic... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
"Virginia Woolf / To the Lighthouse"


Are you working late tonight?

Hey, Miyabi?

Oh. I'm sorry, what?

You gonna be late tonight?


At work.

Um... yeah. A bit later than usual.

Then I'll cook tonight.

Alright. Thanks.

Oh, hey.

I'm working on a new song
and playing it at the party.

I want you to listen to it.

OK. Sure.

That thing you're wearing...



You like that?

This is...

my daughter's.

She gave it to me.

You have a kid?

Seriously? You have a kid?

What's their name?


Huh. Cute name.

But I've never seen you pregnant.

How old is she?

Well, um...

Don't worry.

Well... I'm sorry.

Hey, Miyabi.

I'm gonna see my dad.

That's nice.

After this? His grave...

My dad is super good-looking.

Not just good-looking
but kind and funny...

He's also tall, and he has big hands...

He often takes me to the park
and plays with me in the sand!

He pushes me on the swing too!

Oh, and he bakes with me too!

Akari, you're called.

Oh, OK!

I'll wait in the car.

Hello, Suzuki here.

I'm not saying I won't pay.

I just don't have it.

You're leaving?

I'm sorry.

A record number of food and beverage
businesses filed insolvency this quarter.

On top of the labor shortage
and aging society,

after the emergency,
many once-regular customers didn't return.

This will have serious...

This blows.

How's our industry gonna survive?

We're on the verge too.

Think about what to do next.

Mr. Aizawa. Look, there's Akari.

I'll pick her up.

Stay in the car. Call an ambulance!

You still shaken up?


Sorry. I didn't hear you.

I saw it on the news. A random slasher.

That's your co-worker, right?

She's not caught yet.

Twelve people injured or killed.

With the security footage,
they'll catch her soon.

Last time I saw her at work,
she said she was gonna see her dad.

But I heard her father passed away.

You think she's gonna kill herself?

I don't think so.

Then, what?

Wanna go to the store?

We're out of beer. Let's get some drinks.


One second.

You watered already.

Well, maybe it wasn't enough.

The sun's strong lately.

Let me do this. It'll take a second.

You have no right to wear this.

Pick 'em up.

Pick them up.

Who's this?

Are you OK?

What's going on?

Oh I see. You're with this wimp now?

What an embarrassment.

When did it start?


How was the sex? Was it good?

She does it with anyone.

You know she's using you.

I'll never forgive you
for ruining my life.

It's your fault that Aoi's dead.

It's all your fault.


There was a random murder
and arson incident at the museum.

It says about 20 people died.

Oh no. The place is all burnt out.

For a second, I thought Akari did it.

Ms. Utsumi. You got a patron.

Suzuki, what's up with this light?

This building's power is unstable.

Later, girl.

Good luck.

Miyabi. You got a patron.

We're going to the guy
who was Akari's customer.

I can ask him about her.

Yeah, will you?

Just don't offend him.

You must be Miyabi.

I've been waiting for you.

Please come in.

Some kinds of moths are capable
of long-distance flight.

The fall armyworm is one
of the worst examples of this.

It was first seen in Japan in 2019.

It can spread across borders
and continents.

How does it go over the ocean...

Excuse me.

Could you turn on the light?

Experts are sounding the alarm.

Since it spread, there has been
no effective solution.

Most of the measures
to exterminate them have failed.

In Africa, Asia, and the United States
where they multiplied,

active research is being conducted.

Their growth is...

Have you called me before too?

You look familiar.

I don't know.

Memories can't be trusted.

New methods such as using
biological pesticides are being studied.

But they haven't been put
to practical use.

Years ago,

I had throat cancer.

I've been like this since.

I'm sorry.

I take pictures.

May I take your picture?

I'm sorry, I can't let you.

Even without your face?

What I'd like to take is
a picture of your spine.

I'm sure that's OK, isn't it?

Follow me.

What a barbarous spine you have.

Akari from our service committed murder.

Many people died.


The last customer she saw
before the incident was...

It was you.

Did you notice
anything different about her?

Please write your name.

Doesn't have to be your real name.


Now let me take a picture of your legs.

Thank you for coming.

I'll call you again.

I've finished.

That was quick.

He just took your pictures?

Smells like trouble. You know the rules.

I'm sorry.

No photo of your face, alright?

That'll get us and you in trouble.

I asked about Akari
but didn't get anything.

That Oka guy is...

Never mind.

"Akari Yanashita"

You've watered that already.

Oh, this is a nutrient.

I don't care.


Did I do something wrong?

Do you remember talking
about moving a while ago?

I gave it some thought.

If we move to countryside,
we can rent a house for the same price.

I think that's better.

But what about work?

I'll have to look for a new job.

Don't worry about that.
I'll find one.

Yeah? Let's talk about this
once you find one.


it's not good for you
to keep living in a place like this.

What does that mean?

I like this apartment.

You shouldn't be stuck here.

Don't touch that.


I'm sorry.

Please give it back.


I knew you'd come back.

Your left arm please.

Next time,
from your breast to the buttocks.

The time after that,
neck up except for your eyes.

Your nose, lips, and hair.

Next, your ears.

At last, your eyes.

Akari didn't contact you, did she?


Didn't think so. It's been two weeks.

Stop the car.

- This is fine.
- Alright.

- Today...
- Hey...

Go ahead.

What did you do today?

I went out around noon
to help someone record music.

- That's it.
- Who is it?

Oda. He's a musician I know
from college.

We've just finished.

In his neighborhood...

...there was a botanical shop.

And I got this. Hope you like it.

What's this?

Could you help me water these?


Where should I start?

From this one.

- This?
- Yeah.

Sorry about yesterday.

I'm sorry too.

It's pretty.


I'm thinking about holding
an event again.

It'll be a fundraiser at the club.

We can stream it too.

I can invite Sato, Yuko, everybody.

It's gonna be a big event.

I wanna come.

I haven't seen everyone.

Yeah? You really wanna come?

Can I have a cigarette?

That reminded me of the first time
I met you.

Our first time?

I don't remember...

I was smoking right here.

Then you came and asked me,
"Can I have a cigarette?"

Exactly the same line.

Don't remember that at all.

I ignored you.

Then you stole one from me and lit up.

I was horrible.

Then, you went DJing after that.

I did that night.

While everyone was bored with your set,
I thought...

No, I was bored too.

What are those?

I'll help you.

Meant to ask...

Did he take this picture?

This picture.
Your ex-husband took it?

I don't remember.

You don't?

Who else could've taken it?

A random person?

I have...

I have met you before.

That was... some beach.


It was a dream.

Whose dream was it?

You've been dreaming about her.

In the dream,

she's also dreaming about you.

And then, you have a dream
about the dream she's having.

You can now hear it.

You can hear her voice.

What did you do to Akari?

I have saved her.

Who I'm going to save next is...


She's dead.

She's alive.

She's still in your home

and dreaming about you.

"The alligators roar.
The frogs go 'Ribbit...'"

Which one do you like? Neither?

"The hippos splash in the river.
Swim, fish, swim!"

"Swim, fish!"

What's next? "The bunnies hop!"

Oh, you're here.

What're you doing?

My daughter's here.

Where are you going?

What do you want for your birthday?

A bear?

But you have one.


Whoa. Good to hear you. You're alive.

You took a week off without notice.

I'm sorry. Hadn't been feeling well.

But I'm OK now.

I have something I need to tell you.

Are you eating well?

You lost weight.

Am I talking to the dead?


After middle school, Akari worked
part-time as a cleaner.

She only has her mom,
and she's schizophrenic.

She lost her dad when she was little.

When her mom's condition worsened,

she started working for us
to cover the medical bills.

Her mom was physically abusing Akari.

"He stroked my hair today."

"I hope he'll pick me up early."

"Dad welcomed me
when I came home today."

"Mom might be nice to me
once she realizes Dad is still with us."

Is Oka doing anything to you
other than taking your pictures?

He doesn't offer you any drinks?

Akari's mental state went
rapidly downhill since she met Oka.

It's crazy.

I don't think it's crazy.

Her life has thrown her things
she couldn't endure.

And she must've flipped one day.

She's done unforgivable things.

God is cruel, isn't He?

He should cut her some slack.

By the way,

I thought you were dead.


what are you always listening to?

Oh, this? It's a demo from my old band.

You were in a band?

Bunch of stuff happened,
and we broke up.


No, I don't wanna talk about it.

It's gonna be out.

At around 4:00 p.m. today, there was
an explosion at the art museum.

Many visitors were injured
in the explosion.

Fire rescue operations are still going on.

Many "National Treasure" picture scrolls
and other cultural assets have been lost.

Experts claim that
there is immeasurable cultural loss.

Before the incident,
a suspect in a murder case last month,

Akari Yanashita,
was spotted at the museum.

The police are investigating
the connection.

Yanashita is also wanted

for the murder of her own mother
right before the killing spree.

We've just received the news!

Temples, kindergartens, and hospitals
in the city

have simultaneously been bombed.

A premeditated act of terrorism is
suspected by the police.

Let's sing the song.

Shall we?

One, two!

Happy birthday, Aoi!

Let's blow out the candles.

I'm not just a driver.

I have to make sure they're safe,
so I did some research.

I noticed Miyabi hasn't
been herself lately.

I'm suspecting that one
of the patrons is giving her drugs.

How is she?

I don't think it's drugs.

Something else.


She's hallucinating her dead kid.

She had a kid?

I'll give you this.

Are you two doing drugs?

There were times we were using.

I assure you, she's not using.
That's not drugs.

It's something else.

Has she mentioned the customer
who takes her photos?

I think she did... about a month ago.

What about it?

Well... never mind.

She's having a birthday party
for her dead child.

I thought I was doing everything
I could do...

But it was all waste of time.


You took the photo, didn't you?

I'm aware of everything.

But it doesn't matter.

Aoi won't go away.

She's still with me!

You know...

No one can replace you.

So... I can't give you up.

I want to spend...

...the rest of my life with you.

We can have events
at the club again.

We'll all have fun.

And in the end,

I want us to grow old and die together.

But everything has an end.

So we can't be together forever.

I think...

if you can forget "forever,"

you'll see.

See what?

My love for everything.


I don't love anymore.

I can't find it.

My heart's empty

like from before I had a child.

That's who I am.


Come to my room.


Read a book for me.

Via complete metamorphosis,
insects build cocoons by spinning silk.

Then they go through
the dormant pupal stage.

Inside, except certain muscles
and parts of the nervous system,

a larval body supported by organs
and tissues is no longer needed.

The body is broken down
by enzymes called caspases.

The body breaks down to thick fluid
and fills the inside of the cocoon.

This intricate process follows
a genetic schedule.

It is programmed cell death.

Then the specialized cells called
imaginal discs are

woken up by the digestive fluid.

The discs start to build the adult's eyes,
legs, and other body parts.

Once the transformation is complete,
they look different from the larva stage.





I'm done for the day.

Where's Mr. Aizawa?

He didn't show today.
Wonder why.

Mr. Suzuki.


Would you mind taking me somewhere?

Not at all.

Oh, you're done today.
See you outside.



Dunno how to put this...

I looked like Akari?

I'm fine.

See you soon.


You've given me this dream,
but what do you want from me?


One night, I had a dream.

In the dream, I was a moth.

But the moth was also having a dream
in which I was in it.

I'm the moth which the moth sees
in his dream.

But the moth is also myself,
which I see in my dream.

And I got to know
that anybody can stare back at the moth.

You can have everything
you've ever wished for by staring at it.

It could be your dear daughter
or someone who doesn't exist.

There's no beginning or end
in a moth's life.

Moths are envious of living things
with a history.




From every cocoon,

a new history will be born.

What's going on?

You're good at this.

Do you know what this is?

I don't know.

Can you tell me?


Aromaticus, huh?


What about this?

Rouge plant.

Rouge plant? You really know plants!

How about...?

I don't know what that is.

This is...

This is...

I actually don't know.



This is my dream.

You're not real.

What are you talking about, Mommy?

You... fell from the balcony
and died three years ago.

Because I wasn't watching.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

It hurt, Mommy.

It really hurt.

I'm sorry.

So sorry.

I'll see you someday.

It won't be too long.

You are... the only thing that matters
to me in the whole wide world.


I had a scary dream.

What's wrong, Mommy?


"Curriculum Vitae"


You're home.

Can we talk?

A woman drove into a school
in a car filled with explosive gas.

Her car crashed into the building
and exploded.

Some saw her walk away from the scene.

The main roads have been blocked
to search cars.