New Providence (2021) - full transcript

In 1993 a cynical New York City sportswriter is sent to a small Iowa town to cover the final season of 6-on-6 girls' high school basketball and discovers the town's undying love for the nearly century old game. His search for a story leads him to the hometown girl turned coach, the star player and her alcoholic father, plus a legendary player who hasn't returned to the gym in 40 years. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
If you
grew up outside of Iowa,

you might not have heard of
six-on-six girls' basketball.

It was first played in the early 1900s.

Rules were simple, three girls
on each side of the court,

guards on defense, forwards on offense.

Only the ball could cross half-court.

Two dribbles, then you
had to pass or shoot.

In small town Iowa,

six-on-six ruled the hearts
and minds of everyone.

There you see action,

continues down on the floor,

as our movie camera picks up
every thrill and every spill

of this semifinal classic.

In this final game,

Schoulte scored 20 baskets in 29 attempts,

while the other two forwards hit 7 of 24,

to give Monona a 47% game
average from the field.

Speaking of records
established by Schoulte,

she holds the single game record
of 111 points in one game.

Gyms overflowed,

with fans cheering on their girls.

I remember my grandmother

telling me about her Six-on-Six days.

Mom told me of her own glory days as well.

My daughter has heard their
stories and mine also.

Someday she'll share those
memories with her children.

Ball is put into play

in the Mediapolis Bullettes court,

and Nancy Sheridan, number 13.

Schmeiser, Sheridan, Mehaffey

Kathy Schmeiser, the forth
leading scorer of the tournament.

A sell out crowd of 15,000 is on hand

to watch the two top teams
in Iowa Girls Basketball,

battle it out for the State Championship

and what a battle it promises to be.

They're calling it the "Dream Game,"

because it brings together
not only the teams

ranked number one and number
two in the state all season,

but also the two greatest
scorers in tournament history.

Those old
gyms have fallen silent,

the doors are locked, lights turned off.

Years will pass

Those of us who played we'll grow old

but we will never forget
when it was our game.

When it was our time.

You've seen that?


Well, you can study up on your flight.

I want you there ASAP.

That's hilarious!

Jimmy I'm serious.

There's something going on there.

I wanna know what is.

Hey, if you believe in it, that's fine,

but don't waste my time.

I have plenty of work to do right here.

I'm not wasting your time,

I'm giving you your next assignment.

Go talk to Edna in HR
she'll book you a flight.

Ken I'm not going to the middle of Iowa

You work here, right?

You're a reporter?

Here's the story,

go write it.
This isn't a story,

this is a joke in the middle of nowhere.

Now I've paid my dues with
high-school-feel-good stories,

I don't have to do that crap anymore.

Jimmy, I feel like
it would do you some good

to write something positive for a change.

I feel like you've forgotten why people

love sports in the first place.

I tell the stories that are happening.

Aha, but not the good ones.

I'm tapping you because
you're a solid writer

and people will read it
if it comes from you.

I'd like you to continue your work here.

Are you saying what I think you saying?

Because I could have three other jobs

by dinnertime tonight if I leave here.

Maybe, maybe not.

I'm sorry Ken, but this isn't right.

It's the way it is kid.

My gut tells me this is worth our time.

Go do a good piece, make us both proud.

I'll be right there.

You'll be needing a room I bet.

I do, I need the best room you got,

though I'll be here a while-

- Oh, well then you'll be needing
number 12, the green room.

- The green room?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, it's nice, it's very nice.

Good, good, it's quiet
I hope. I'll be working.

Oh yeah, it's very quiet
except for the highway,

that's not quiet.

But other than that, you
could hear a pin drop.

No, except there are dogs that
come around here sometimes

and sometimes they bark
quite a bit actually.

But other than that, you
could hear a mouse scratches-

- You know what, it'll be fine, thank you.

I'll take it.

All right, there you go.

Thanks - Enjoy the game.

How did you know?

It's that time of the year,
why else would you be here?


May I help you?

Maybe, my name is Jimmy.

There's a girl's basketball
team here I'd like to see.

Oh yeah, why is that?

I'm a writer, do you read?

I mean, "Sports Today" I write for them.

I know who you are.

So you've seen my work.

Not really.

I see.

So where can I find these girls?

My editor would like me to
write something about them.

Our girls in Sports Today?

It's possible.

I'd like to see what they're doing.

It's 2:30 so I got the counter.

Thank you, Mary.



You mean why would
anyone care about a story

about girls basketball?

No, I mean, why you?

I'm a writer, I cover sports,

this is a sport story someone
thinks should be written.

But not you.

I don't know yet,

but if there is a story here,
I'm the one that'll find it.

Good luck.

The girls practice at the
Roundhouse at 4 o'clock.

Thank you.

Oh, what is a round house?

And where would I find it?

Hey you honey?

Dad, I made you something
to eat, it's in the oven.

Good deal.

You wanna watch?

That dumb show you like while we eat.

Sorry dad, I got practice.

I thought we talked about that.

I'm not quitting dad.

I want you to concentrate on grades.

I know and my grades are great.

Call the school they'll tell you.

You know I don't like it Laney.

Well it will be over soon.

Don't slam that door.

Well, Mike, we
appreciate the information,

we'll check with you later in the year,

and to look for your ratings every week.

And until next week,

this is George Turner
reporting for the Iowa Girl.

- Is there something you need?
- No.

Actually, yeah.

You know what, I write for "Sports Today".

Is that right?

Here in New Providence,
what are the odds of that?

You have no idea.

Hey, it's all right, Billy.

Time to work, let's go.

Ashley, square up!

Gina no.

Julie, watch your left.

Square up, square up, let's go.

You must've been pretty pissed.

I don't follow.

Mr. Voss,

you're almost as famous as
the people you write about,

why are you here covering
girls high school basketball?

I told you,

someone believes this might
be a story worth sharing.

You know, this team and these girls,

they might not mean all that
much to you, or your magazine,

but we don't really care.

What I do care about is this,

I will not allow you to come
here and trivialize our effort

or what this team means to this town.

I understand your concern,

and you're probably right.

I don't see the story here.

I don't see what all the fuss
is about, but I'll be fair.

I can promise you that.

The fuss.

Meaning you still play Six-on-Six.

Not exactly cutting edge.

This game, you're teaching
your girls, it's dead.

My girls are ballplayers.

Maybe they should play
basketball instead of this.

No offense but,

who wants to watch this?

Be here tomorrow night at
6:00, and you'll find out.



- The one girl.
- Laney Mitchell.

- She's good huh.
- Yeah.

So what'd you think of the game?

It was interesting.

You keep watching Mr. Voss,

you might come to really
appreciate what's happening here.

You know, it's a big world,

A lot of big things happening.

I don't dislike what you have here,

I just don't know if
it's national newsworthy.

You were in here
tonight, you saw the crowd.

I did.

Then maybe our game
isn't the problem, Mr. Voss

This is not working.


Hi, the heater in my room is broken,


What is this?

Damn it, it's cold!

Hello, what?

No, the dog!

Why would I have seen the dog?

Hey, listen, there's
almost no heat in my room.

Yeah, so can I switch?

So, all the rooms are this cold,

but it's freezing in here.



Henry Logan, Des Moines Register.

- Good newspaper.
- It is, thanks.

It's a great gig.

Who do you write for?
Sports Today.

Sports Today.

You're Jimmy Voss!

Man, I read that article
about Barry Bolden,

that man wants to kill you.

I think he'd settled to beating me

within an inch of my life.

- Yeah.
- Square up, square up.

Look at her, she's just crazy good.

It's like watching the "Cat."

She works at it though,
she's not a natural,

Lots to live up to,

her mom averaged 29 points a game.

Her mom?

Yeah, but she passed
away a few years ago.

Her grandma was good too.

She's from over in Clutier,

got a powerhouse of a team in the 1940s.

The '40s?

You're kidding, right?

I could be wrong,


no, I'm right.

You carry all that around with you?

It settles a lot of arguments.

Doesn't anyone dribble in this game?

Yeah sort of, two dribbles
and you have to pass or shoot.


You have 3 on defense, 3 on offense,

guards and forwards.

So if you're a guard,

you don't have to be able to shoot,

and you don't have to be able to dribble.

So what's the point in playing the game?

My cousin Jane couldn't
dribble to save her life.

She couldn't hit a shot,

if she was standing
under a 4-foot basket,

but that kid, man, she
had the quickest hands,

so she played guard.

She led the team in steals all 4 years.

Did you call somebody "The Cat?"

Sure, yeah.

She was a local legend
around here years ago.

She in that book?

She is the book.

Rita, I know he's there,

the man hasn't taken vacations since 1983,

now put him through please.

Thank you.

You got your food already?

We haven't even ordered yet.

They know what I like.

Well, what if you wanted
something different today?

I never order anything different.

Yeah, but what if today you did?

People don't eat here
for the food, Jimmy.

They know who I am,
that's why I come here.

Can I get you something?

Yeah, I'll have two eggs over easy,

bacon fried to a crisp, very important,

wheat toast, not white,

coffee cream, no sugar
and no powder, real cream.

Ken, Ken, Ken, talk to me.

Hey look, I have tried,
but there is nothing here,

you gotta let me come home.

Hey, this is my career
we're talking about.

Don't don't lecture me, Ken.

Okay, hey, hey, it's me.

I'm not some stringer.

Hey, you're deliberately
killing my career!

Well, my career is going to be over.

When God closes a
door, he opens a window.


My grandma used to
say, it's inspirational.

It's burglary.

Hello young man!


I hear you're here to put
our little town on the map,

we're thrilled to have you.

Fingers crossed sir.

If there's anything we can do at all?

It is freezing in here.

I actually think it's warmer outside.

I'm not dead yet.

I'll be quick.

I heard about what happened at the cafe.

Hmm, so why are you here?

A while back,

the state was sued by a few girls

for the right to play
five-on-five basketball

instead of six-on-six, and they won.

This is the last season for
six-on-six after this, it's-

- Done, good!


Why good?

Because now your girls
can play a real sport.

You mean five-on-five?

Like the boys, for what?

A career in basketball.

There's no NBA for women.

They're not preparing for the big time.

There is no big time for
them, there's only this time,

and in the name of fairness and progress,

the state's about to take
it all away from them.

It is not right.

- Sorry.
- It's okay.

I'm sorry too.

I wish I shared your enthusiasm

but I just don't get it.

I think it's ridiculous.

It's more than that.

How can it be more than that?

Because it is to us.

Hey look, we both have problems, okay?

I got no place else to go.

If I go back to New York, I'll be-

- Irrelevant?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Welcome to our world, Jimmy.

Oh, so that's why you're here.

You think that if I
write a positive story,

it'll save six-on-six.

You can not save it, Jimmy.

Then why?


we are letting something very special die

at the end of the season and
it deserves to be remembered.

Why, why does this
matter so much to you?

This whole town?

I just don't get it.

Our grandmas played this game,

our mothers played this game.

We don't have Broadway, or
the Empire State building,

or the Yankees.

In this town, we have each other,

we have the community,

and at the very heart of it all,

those girls playing this
game is the foundation.

You know, there's nothing
I can do to save it.

I am not asking you to save it.

Help us preserve the
legacy and tell our story.

Please stay.

Can't stay here or I'll freeze to death.

What would if I could
offer you something better?

Hey, the apartment above the garage,

it's still workable, right?

Yeah, yes, comes with a cost.

I have an expense account.

Not money.

I'm moving from the farm, the spring,

and I have arthritis.

I could use some help with moving boxes

and furniture every once in a while.

I won't charge you rent
or utilities, sound good.

Right, as long as its got heat I'm in.

Not exactly a loft in
Greenwich village, is it?

Oh, it's perfect,
actually, thank you.

Oh, Teresa is the one to thank.

So, haul your stuff in and
I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Really, really thank you.

I appreciate it.

Don't thank me,

till you've seen all the
boxes I have for you to move.

I think maybe she likes me.


Fair warning though,

She neuters the dogs she likes.

I'll keep my legs crossed.

You coming to the game tomorrow night?

What else is there to do here?

Well, I hope you like it,

the apartment, I mean.

I heard you left the hotel.

I did.

All right, what am I missing here, huh?

This is a regular season game,

these people are cheering like

the NBA Championships is on the line.

They're not here for the game, Jimmy.

New Providence, lets
go, one, two, three,

- New Providence!
- Let's go ladies.

It's like the Cat has come back.

It's almost 11:00 PM,
where have you been?

We won the game, so afterwards,

a few of the girls and I went to the cafe

to get some burgers and
shakes to celebrate.

You didn't call me.

I've been worried sick
all night.

I didn't want to wake you up.

This is exactly the kind
of thing I knew would happen.

You're not playing
anymore, you're grounded.

What do you mean?

I didn't do anything wrong.

You didn't come home!

Scared me half to death,

rolling here after being God-knows-where,

doing God-knows-what.

I just told you
exactly what I was doing.

Don't you sas me Laney

You tell that coach, tomorrow,
you're done, that's it!

You want to ground me, fine!

Laney, I forbid you to
take a step into the gym,

don't you dare test me!

Here you go.

I didn't order this.

Coffee cream, no sugar, no
powder, real cream, right?

- Right.
- Food is coming.

I didn't order any food.

There he is.

Good morning, sir.

How's the story coming along?

I can't wait to read it.

Slow but steady.

Now, if you need me for
pictures with the girls,

please let me know.

Of course, sir.

I got to get something off my chest,

The way you were acting last night

it upset me, but what hurt me,

was thinking I can't trust you.

- I didn't lie.
- Don't interrupt me.

I believe you.

I trust you, you're a good girl.

Your mom saw to that,


you're done playing ball.

- Dad!
- Stop.

Now, I'll let you play one last game

but you tell that coach,
you're done after that.

Laney, Laney!


That's Millie Hamilton,

she led the team in
scoring scoring in 1971.

And Joy Baker, she set a
school record for steals, 1983.

It's crazy isn't it?

Christina Lang, it's like
my book has come to life.

Just enjoy the moment Henry.

- Nice!
- Thanks.

So the other night,

Henry told me people don't
come here for the game?

Yeah, so.

So why do they come?

They come to support the girls Jimmy.

No, no, that's not it.

I've been to high school
games over the years,

they're definitely not here for the girls,

and apparently they're not
here for the game either.

So why do they come?

They come because it's New Providence.

They come because it's home.

They believe in it and
it's the right thing to do.

They believe in it?

It makes no sense.

Why are you here,
there's no practice today?

I'd like to interview the "Cat."

The Cat's gone.


No, not dead, just not here anymore.

What does that mean?

Just, look it's just not an option,

okay, let it go.

- Jimmy!
- Tell me about "The Cat."

You, uh live here alone?

My mother is in the basement.

I'm not Norman Bates,

the basements where bedroom is,

I have an apartment in Des Moines

but I live back home
during basketball season.

You spend the whole winter here?

Where else should I be?

The Cat, here.

Cat Holiday scores 103

as New Providence crushes Jules, 103?

She broke 100, four times.

My God, didn't the other team show up?

The other team was a state
champion the year before,

that was her first 100-point game.

The other three were her senior year.

Rumor had it, she tried out
for an NBA team that summer.

Rumor had it?

Well, Cat didn't brag,

she didn't have to.

Apparently she disappeared

for a couple of months after graduation,

and then suddenly she was back.

Never told anybody where she went.

Henry I'm impressed

and a little disturbed by
your detailed book here,

but I don't believe that.

Like I said, it's a rumor.

Believe what you want.

Can I talk to her?

Who, the Cat?

Yeah, Cat Holiday.

She leave New Providence
after high school or stay?

Listen, you should probably go.

- Did I say something wrong?
- No.

Why is everyone avoiding my question?

I answered your question.

- Really?
- Really!

She got married, left town,

just like every other
kid in New Providence.

- Teresa didn't.
- Teresa is different.

How so?

You should probably go.

Now wait a minute,

what's with the secrets, huh?

Where's Cat?

What's up with Teresa?

I don't know, man,

you're the reporter, figure it out.

You're a very bad liar, Henry.


Yeah, it's 6:30.

Got a late start this morning.

Late start, that's good.

Junior, don't leave until
I give you that check.

It'll be an hour before I go to town,

I'm gonna need some of that
coffee of yours in the meantime.

You're late, you
don't deserve my coffee.

Best cup of coffee in Iowa.

So, you are probably that writer
guy that I've heard about.

Jimmy Voss.

Sports Today?

A fan?

Mm-mm, I hate sports,
it's a waste of time.

Sorry you feel that way.

I know what you write about too.

Every story has got an ugly side

and you find that every time, don't you?

Is that what I do?

Isn't it.

Neither of you deserve this.

Thank you.

Mm, thank God, that is good.

I told you.

What do you put in it?

Well as they say, if I told
you, I'd have to kill you.

Well, you have to stand
in line on that one.

Oh, Laney called,

she said you don't need to pick her up,

she's got a ride to work.
Good deal.

Laney, Laney Mitchell?

She's my daughter.

Well, I'm gonna go inside,

you guys can stand around if you want,

but you only get one cup of coffee

until you actually get something done.

She's a peach, isn't she?

You work for her?

No, I worked for her
husband for many years.

Now that he's passed, she
will be selling place.

To you?

No, price is not
in my league, I don't imagine.

You must be pretty proud
of your daughter, sir?

I am,

but not for the reasons you think.

No, she's kind of a local
celebrity around here,

- isn't she?
- You see that's,

a little bit like saying
you deserve an award,

because your car has the most rust on it.

Who cares, this town
don't deserve my daughter.

Ain't done nothing for her.

She seems to like it.

Some people don't know
what's best for them.

They need guidance,

maybe I should work on that.

Have a good morning.

Well, you too, Mr. Bigshot.


Do you need help finding something?

No, I was looking for you.

Do you have a minute to talk?
About what?

Basketball, of course.

How important is it to you?

Well, I have fun.

I bet you do.

Tell me what's it like,

when you walk out on that court

and you know no one can stop you.

I don't know, I guess, I feel lucky.

Aw, but that's not luck,

you work very hard, don't you?

Well, yeah.

You know when this season's over,

this game for the girls is over too,

how does that make you feel?

Well, how would you feel
if that happened to you?

I don't think I'd like it very much.

Why not?

Okay, now I'm the one
asking the questions,

not the other way around.

I told you, I feel lucky.

People are happy when I play
and that makes me proud,

but I'm also sad.

I'm sad for this town,
I'm sad for Coach Teresa,

but I'm mostly sad for the girls

who will never get their chance to play.

They'll never know what it's like

to be a part of something so important.

One more question,

you think you'll make it to regionals?

Does it really matter?

I got to get back to work.

Sorry for making you do this tonight,

I like to get things done.

Watch where you're going.

All I see is box.

You're doing fine.

You have landed, set them down, relax.

Geez, what's in this?

I have no idea.

I forgot to label the first
20 boxes or something.

All right, well...

Follow me then.



My husband's brother, Frank moved

these other boxes for me.

Come to think of it,

I haven't seen Frank for quite a while.

Good Lord, I hope he's not
buried in here somewhere.

How long has your husband been gone?

Two years.

Sorry for your loss.

You're moving into town?

No, I think maybe I wanna
see more of the world.

- California?
- Des Moines.

Okay, next up is the long
dresser in my bedroom.

Do you have gloves, that's heavy.

Some driving gloves in my
room, I will go get them.

No, no, you go on up to the bedroom,

and check out that beast

and I'll go get your gloves.

Don't try and lift it by yourself,

that's what killed my husband.

I'll be right back.

She wasn't joking, Roy.

Is this journalism to you?

That is a private document.

Oh, until you publish it in Sports Today

for the whole world to read.

That's a first draft,
I write multiple drafts.

Oh, are they all this
entertaining as this.

I was sent here to write a story.

This is not a story.

This is personal, isn't it?

Why do you hate us so much?

I don't hate you.

- Get out!
- What?

I don't wanna see you,
get out of my house, out!

When you look at your opponent tonight,

do you think they're better than you?

This is a winnable game, ladies,

come on let's wake up!

I can't do it by myself.

Shut up Laney.

Stop, you will not turn on each other!

Laney, look around you,

Okay, everyone is tired,

we all work together on this team,

do you understand?

Who's the girl on Laney?

That's Dana Fredericks,

she's a great gaurd but
fouls out all the time.

She's killing her out there.

Thats what they do to her
every time.

Move the ball, move the ball.

Hey call it both ways.

Girls to your bench.


Sorry about that.

You see, that's why I don't
want you playing this dumb game.

I'm fine.

Better hope this ain't serious.

That's it, we're done.

I just wanted to get them
to regionals one more time.

I'm sorry.

I played so many games in this building.

Look at it,

it's perfect.

It shouldn't end this way.


I know how much it hurts

to lose something you love,

but this is just a game,

had to end sometime.

My God Jimmy!

You don't get it at all, do you?

Jimmy Voss, you are a hard man to find.

What can I do for you, Mr. Frazier?

I represent GSN,
Global Sports Network.

We are the fastest growing
sports broadcast network today.

You know our rival, everybody does.

The difference between us and them,

is we're a little more edgy,

we are not your father's sports network.

But we wanna get in the trenches,

we want the dirt.

Jimmy, we want you.

I don't understand,

I'm a writer, print.

Physical copies of newspapers, books,

and magazines have been
on the decline for years.

Nobody wants to read,

but it doesn't mean they
don't want the story,

and we love your work.

We want to nurture it.

We feel what happened to you

from your current employer was unjust.

We will always stand beside you, Jimmy,

but, we're thinking bigger picture.

Again, I'm just a little
confused, I'm a writer.

You're a cable network?

Yeah, silly me.

I have not yet fully
explained my proposition.

In addition to your articles,

we want you to be on the show.

You want to interview me?

Not exactly, no.

We want you to host your own show.

"The Real Deal With Jimmy Voss,"

has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

- I'd have my own show?
- Yeah.

I don't know anything about television.

No, that's my job, you get the stories.

I'll take care of the rest.

I don't know what to say.

Before you answer it, know this,

the network is prepared to triple
your current salary.

If you're renewed, which
we both know you will be,

we'll negotiate,

but I promise you it will not be hard.

Why me?

Because Jimmy, you have something

that's really hard to
find in this business,

a nose for the news.

We want the dirt, your current
employer is afraid to expose.

Here, call me when you
decide, but make it quick.

We'd like to get you back
into civilization soon.

It's too cold here.

Where's the job?

Los Angeles.

- Oh, it's beautiful
- You'll love it.

I have a story to finish here.

I need a little time.

Do me a favor,

there's a ticket waiting

for you at the airport
in the morning, 6:00 AM,

two days from now.

This is your shot, don't miss it.

This is a closed practice,

you should know that by now.


Do you not hear what I'm saying?

- Teresa, please?
- Come on.

Bill, get back there.

Get out of here now!

We've got lot of work to do.

I know, I'm sorry for before,

but I just need a minute of your time.

Now, girls get to work, let's go.

Spit it out, what do you want?

Where's Laney?

My guess home so what?

So you win this next game,

you move on to regionals, right?

Don't rub it in Jimmy.

I'm not rubbing it in.

Laney is faking her
injury to appease her father.

You are something else, get out of here!

Are you listening to me?

I saw her this morning at your mom's farm,

she was practicing her leg is fine.

Why would she make that up?

'Cause her father is mean drunk,

trust me, I know the signs.

Well, even if what
you're saying is true,

she's not gonna come back.

I might be able to convince her,

keep coaching the girls,
I'll see what I can do.


come here!

Why are you doing this?

Why now?

It's like everyone around
here keeps telling me,

it's the right thing to do.

Thanks baby.

Come in.

Good evening, sir.

What do you need?

Sports Today has
authorized a small payment

in exchange for your
daughter's exclusive interview.

How much?


Oh, well, we'll give you 10 minutes.

Not you, just her, that's the deal.

I'm gonna hit the showers

and wash the day off.

You, be gone when I'm done.

Put the money on the table.

I don't really have anything to say.

That's okay, I'll do the talking.

I know what's going on here
and I know why you're doing it.

What do you mean?

Your leg is fine.

I saw you practicing this
morning and Patricia's farm.

I'm not trying to embarrass
you, or upset you,

but I hope, that I can convince you

to do something that I
never had the courage to do,

and I've regretted it my whole life.

I'm not going to play.

Laney, if you don't play,

you're never going to forgive yourself.

Why don't you shut up?

You don't know me,

you come here and start
messing with people,

and then you'll go back
to where you came from.

I can't just leave!

I know why you're doing this, your dad.

He needs me.

Your team needs you,

your coach needs you,

your town, they need you.

And your dad,

he just wants to keep you down with him.

But you're special,

and he knows that and he's
just scared to lose you.

I don't care, that's my dad,

and he needs me, I have
to take care of him.

Listen to me, Laney.

I hate to say this, but
you have a real shot,

you can get a scholarship,
go to school somewhere,

and you might be able to get out of here.

Now he's made his choice,

you need to make yours.
I have.

What's going on in here?

He's leaving dad,

sit down, I'll fix you something to eat.

Wait, why don't you go
to your room for a minute?

You think what you're
doing to her is fair?

Those from around
here, fair is in August,

life isn't fair.

Life down right hard, no time for games,

especially ones that
don't get you anywhere.

I'm going to tell everyone
what you've done to her.

Well, yeah,

I may not be the most liked man

in New Providence, but I can sleep easy,

knowing they'll trust me more

than an arrogant "Big-city" has been.

I want you to get out of my house.

You know what, you're right,

that's exactly what I am.

I'm not much good to anybody,

but I'm begging you, sir, to let her play.

She deserves a chance
to see what she can do.

You have no right!

And no business here.

You can get along,
before we have a problem.

What happened?

I went and talked to Junior and Laney.

How'd it go?

Not good.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I do have some other news.

What's that?

I got a job offer

in Los Angeles,

I leave tomorrow morning.

So you'll miss the game.

Afraid so.

I've got kinda used you being

in bleachers the last few weeks.

Maybe I'll come visit sometime.

I won't bet on it.

You never know.

I need a beast of burden.

Would an ass do?


I hear you're leaving us.

I'm afraid so.

Don't worry about my article though,

I won't be turning it in.

Sorry, I yelled at you.

Sorry. I hurt your feelings.

When Roy built this house,

I told him I wanted a closet
I could walk around in.

Unfortunately, the only way
I can walk around that closet

is if I took all the clothes out of it.

At least he tried.

He was very good to me, very good.

I'm sure he was.

You want the rest of
the boxes out there,

or you have more packing to do?

No, since you're leaving,

if you can get as many of
these as you can downstairs,

and then I'll see.

You got it!

What are you doing?

You're Cat Holiday?

That is personal to
me, you had no right.

They say you're a legend.

I'm an old widow.

Why does everyone keep
your secret for you?

Because they're nice people,

they respect my wishes.

What wishes?

When did you become "The Cat?"

Oh, who cares?

I care,

please tell me when did it happen?


I was tall for my age.

I loved playing basketball.

But I wanted to play defense, but-

- But the coaches wanted you to score?

And I worked.

They were depending on me to score,

so I made sure no one was
going to score more than me.

At the hoops night and day,

at the gym, driveway
everywhere, always shooting.


a writer who was covering the game

for another little town,
wrote that I moved like a cat,

word got around.

"The Cat" was born.

"The Cat" was born.

You meant a lot to these people.

Basketball meant a lot to me.

The more played it, the more I loved it.

And I would hit a shot,

The whole of the gym would just erupt,

it had meant the world to me.

So why do you hide from that now?

Because it's not my time.

Now I get it.

I haven't been in that gym,

for like 40 years, oh my God!

Not even when Teresa played?

Not even now when she's coaching?

I can't.

Teresa could really use you now.

Teresa has done very well on her own.

- Does she knows the story?
- Oh yes, she knows.

So you won't go?

Not even to the last home game?

- No.
- You know,

"The Cat" gave people a lot of hope.

"The Cat" was real.

You ask these people, "The Cat" was a hero.

And they could use a hero right now.

What are you doing here?

I know about "The Cat."

She told me everything.

So she told you.

She didn't want to, but
she couldn't avoid it.

That's why you coach, for her.


I just want you to
know that, I get it now.

You think so,

I know I do.

Sorry, it took so long,

but it really is special.


Just wish I could have seen it sooner.

- Take care, okay.
- All right

I'm sorry coach.

Does your dad know you're here?

No, coach, I snuck out
my bedroom window.

Can I suit up?

Yes, go warm up, you
got this, make it count.

You see mum, they still love you.

Win one for your dad, okay.

No mom, this one it's for you.

All right, listen up ladies,

this is important, okay?

I want you to take a moment, soak this up.

You are living in a moment

that will stay with you
for the rest of your lives.

Look at each other,

you'll know each other for
the rest of your lives, okay.

Doesn't matter if we win or lose tonight,

I want you to know all of this,

this is for you.

All right, New Providence,
one, two, three,

let's go one, two, three.
New Providence!

They need that momentum now.

Okay, you've got 10, okay?

She doesn't touch the ball at all,

and if she does, do not
foul, do not foul, okay.

Coach who do you want to shoot?

We're putting in 10,

Laney you got this, lets go.

One on one

Nice one, nice one Laney!

85-66 the final score,

Hubbard-Radcliffe the
Six on Six Champion 1993.

Great win over Atlantic,

and a great tournament and
a great basketball game.

Fields are alight

With autumn sun

Young folks are done

Bailing the hay

There's still enough light

As the sun goes down

To shoot some hoops

On the side of the barn

In the 1930s the whole town turns out

To crowd in the gym eager to cheer

My grandmother's team
plays Girls Six on Six

The pride of their
county year after year

Trees grow taller and photographs fade

While children runs
circles and play

Old folks tell stories with
their eyes grown bright

Recalling their youth and their games

The road to the tourney
is lined for miles

With cars stuffed with families

To root for their schools

My mom's team comes
home, greeted as stars

And though they have lost

The whole town has won

Trees grow taller and photographs fade

While children runs
circles and play

Old folks tell stories with
their eyes grown bright

Recalling their youth and their games

The families together
for Thanksgiving Day

Traditional dinner, sports on TV

My mom shows my daughter
photos and tells

Six on Six basketball
weaving that spell

Trees grow taller and photographs fade

While children runs
circles and play

Old folks tell stories with
their eyes grown bright

Recalling their youth and their games

Fields are alight with autumn sun