New Order (2020) - full transcript

A high-society wedding is interrupted by the arrival of unwelcome guests. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
- Art Subs -
12 years making Art for you!

- Priscila Spinelli -

- Murrice -

Madam, we need
your help.

Pick up, please.

We will find a better place.

- Help!
- A bed!

Let's go! Let's go!

$ 200,000 pesos, maybe.

I'm not going to charge my fees.

This is my number,
call and we will fix it.


Why did they stop?

Pretend I'm not here.

We continue, we continue.

It's all right?

Already? So fast?

Okay, I'm leaving!

Come on!
The bride and groom!

A toast to the newlyweds!
A shot for them!

Let's make a toast!

Finally a brave one
who gets excited!

Health! Health!

I love you both.

They didn't want to hear me ... You
can wear a dress of mine.


- Come in!
- Nervous?

Not alright.
Come in.

- Nephew, cheers!
- Thanks.

- Chaos at the airport.
- For real?

They wouldn't let us out.

We brought a gift.

- I didn't have to.
- You're welcome.

- Hello!
- Hi.

- Thanks for inviting us.
- On the contrary!

- Congratulations!
- Thanks.

Take something, see you soon.


It's my uncle Isaac.

They arrived late!

From Omar.

- Where is he?
- Outside, they just arrived.

- Did you call the judge?
- Yes. Why are you in such a hurry?

- We should have postponed it.
- No!

Do not worry.

- What happened?
- The judge has not arrived.

- We put it off until tomorrow!
- Everyone sleeps here.

She will arrive, I promise.

Excuse. Can you come with me?

- You need to see something.
- Excuse.

It was green.

It's all right.

It relaxes.



Take these glasses soon.

Fix it.

It's big on you.

I should have rented it.
It looks like a clown.

Do not exaggerate.

- Envious old woman!
- Son!

- You'll tell me it's too thin!
- It is.

If the present sucks,
I prefer not to win anything.

Victor has arrived.

I'm going.
Marta, please.

Someone brought green paint.
Look it up.

Go see Victor,
I'll do it.


the most beautiful girl in the world?

- Good.
- Welcome!

- Congratulations!
- I thought I wouldn't be able to come.

I wasn't going to miss
your daughter's wedding.

How are you?


Daniel, I
got possession of the land.

No talking about work.

Ximena, find out about him.

That, we for the wedding.

- Daniel! I am well.
- How is it going?

- Finally left.
- I can't believe it.

- They arrived safe?
- Yes, everything is fine.

- Anything you need ...
- Thank you.



And what a beautiful house!

I want one just like it.

- Daniel who designed it.
- No!


The girls!

I didn't know that children weren't coming!

Imagine, they will be
the guests of honor.

- Give me a kiss!
- Hi.

- How beautiful!
- Hi.

The three are huge,
some girls!

Are you going to do the project then?

I'll manage.

Look at the young couple!
You're beautiful.

- How is it going?
- Beautiful.

And the young and promising architect.

- Pleasure.
- I have a present.

- For the bride and groom.
- Thank you.

Aren't you going to introduce me to the Doctor?

Victor, the mother of the groom, Pilar.

They're using my wedding
to do business!

We're not using it!

You'll like him better
when you see the gift.

One percent of the fees
my father paid?


- Hi.
- Hi.

Okay? What happened?

let's have a tequila.

Yeah, it was nothing.


Don't let my sister
see you like this.

I do not want to bother.

Go and see.

- What is happening?
- Nothing.

- What there was?
- Nothing.

Nothing my Love.

- What's it?
- He went to some streets here.

We'd better go.


Bring the cars,
I'll call Victor.

Mauricio is checking the area.
We'll bring the cars.



And this one?

It will fall perfectly.

It's all right?

Yes, do not worry.

- Did they paint the car?
- Is nothing.

Mistress, can you come a moment?

Here, my love.

Chose red!

Do you remember Rolando,
Elisa's husband?

- Yes.
- He wants to talk to you.

They will have to operate Elisa

Does he want to talk now?

Yes, it's out there.

- Hello, missus.
- Hi, Rolando.

- Congratulations!
- Thanks.

What was it?

Elisa is very bad.

It needs to be operated urgently.

Everything was fine at the hospital, but
injured protesters arrived

and took out all the patients.

She needs to go
to a private clinic.

I need to pay in advance
and I don't have a credit card.

- How much do you need?
- The doctor won't charge,

but I have to cover expenses

hospital and assistants.

About $ 200,000 pesos.

Is very.
What will she be operated on?

You will replace
a heart valve.

Everything is alright
at the private clinic.

How long have you
worked for us?

Eight years old, lady.

Weren't they going to open a restaurant
when they left here?

Yes, with my brother-in-law.
But it did not work.

How long have we worked
for you?

It's not about this.

Try to understand
that today is a complicated day.

I promise to pay
as soon as possible ...

I know.

- Wait here.
- Yea.

How was it with the boss?

She said she's coming.

He could have worn a suit
and brought a gift for the girl.

- Do you have land there?
- Yea.

Excuse me a moment.

Give me $ 10,000.

- $ 10,000?
- I'll explain later.

Heads up! The boss is leaving.


Bring Cristina and the girls.

- I'll stay a while.
- Discard the route.

I got $ 35,000 between Ivan,
Daniel and what I had.

That's all I can give you.

With less than $ 200,000 they
don't operate it.

Come back tomorrow, we'll talk
to Ivan's contacts

and we got another help
or something.

I have
nowhere to turn, missus.

I need to get back to the party.

Good luck.

Congratulations, Marianne!



How are you?
And Elisa?

- He's in the hospital.
- What does she have?

You will replace a
heart valve .

I came to ask your parents for help.

- Did they help?
- Your mom gave me some money,

but the operation is very expensive.

I'm going.

What a miracle!

- How much?
- $ 200,000.

I only have $ 50,000.

- Wait for me?
- Yea.

Have you tried peyote?

Peyote and MDMA.

This is the best
drug dealer in Mexico.

And beautiful, yet!

Do you remember Elisa?

Of course!

She is sick
and needs help.

- Talk to Dad.
- You know what he's like.

Mom has given a little,
but $ 150,000 is still missing.

$ 150,000 pesos? Seriously?

Elisa is sick!

I will talk to him.

- What hospital is she in?
- I do not know.

- It's in Naucalpan.
- Damn it!

It looks like the thing is ugly there.

- Sorry to bother.
- It doesn't matter.

- How have you been?
- Well.

It was the surgery
that Elisa needs, well.

- Long time no see you?
- About seven years.

And to Elisa?

I think a little more.

How much did my mom give you?

- $ 35,000.
- Good enough, isn't it?

The problem
is that $ 150,000 is missing.

Where are you going to get this?

I have $ 50,000.

But more than half are still missing.

One thousand, two thousand,
three thousand five hundred ...

You don't have to pay me back,
but get out of my house.

If I had another option,
I wouldn't be here.

There's green paint on the jacket.

Out or I'll have you kicked out.
Alan is waiting for you.

Wait here.


Did the safe's secret change?

- Your mother has changed.
- What's new?

Enjoy your party.

- It's not your problem.
- The money is mine!

Did you tell Alan?

The gifts are from both.

I'll get money
from gifts.

- I already told you.
- Do you know the secret of the safe?

It may not be true.

Is it true, shall we?

Enough, Marianne!

Forget it, it's your wedding.

- Enjoy!
- I hate you! You shit!

I hate you!

Hang in there, brother-in-law.

Let's do what you want.

Do not be angry.

Did we ask for the safe's secret?

You need to consult your father first.



- Did you see Rolando?
- He's gone, miss.

- It's already gone?
- About 20 minutes ago.


- At 12 or 1?
- Early.

What hospital is Elisa in?

He's home,
until he gets the money.

Is it far?

About 20 minutes from here.

It depends on traffic.



- Open the gate?
- Your father will kill me.

We came back quickly.

The judge has arrived!

Excuse me! I took a thousand turns
because of the blocks.

Nice to see you!

- Don't worry, nice to see you.
- Equally.

I have another wedding at 6am.

And Marianne?

- I do not know!
- The judge is here!

Here's the groom.

Marta, call Marianne.
The judge arrived.

Dry the glasses well.



- Did you see Marianne?
- He left just now.

- To where?
- I don't know, it was with Cristian.

- Did you tell anyone?
- Nobody asked me.

I hate wearing a jacket ...


What's up, mom?

Yes, I'm with her.

- Let's see Elisa.
- Give it to her.

I took the credit card,
I'm taking it to the hospital.

So, don't tell them.

She already arrived?

- Shit, there's a police!
- It is closed.

They who wait, Marta.

I will not be long.

Marta, if nobody helps you ...

Nothing will happen,
we 'll call you soon.

- Hello, officer.
- Good afternoon, where are they from?

From Calle Nubes.
We need to take the marginal.

- It's blocked.
- Please, it's urgent!

- You can't pass.
- How do I get to the marginal?

- Come back.
- Where?

- Come back.
- Thanks!

- Assholes.
- Yeah, it helped a lot.

- Shall we go home?
- No, no, let's go.

... I'm here in the peripheral ring,

where the protesters
closed access.

We don't see military men on the streets.

We don't understand why the government
or the army are reacting.

The situation is chaotic, they
are climbing on top of cars ...

We are in no hurry.


- Accepts a drink?
- A glass of ice water.


What are you doing?

What do you want?


I will call him.


- Philip!
- Boss!

- Take these guys out!
- Yes sir!


- No!
- Hey!

Please put the gun down.
Take what you want.

Here it is ...
But, please ...

put the gun down.


Shoot them!

Do something, idiot!

Attractive ...

Everyone inside the house!

Come on, gentlemen!


Where do you think you're going?

Shit! Over there!

- Come on!
- Mother!

- Let her go.
- Dare, you bastard!


Against the shelf!

- Please, an ambulance!
- Come on!

Hands back!

Against the shelf.

- Hands back!
- Yes, but call an ambulance.

He is dying...

He waits for me ...


Don't come back.

Listen to me, don't come back!

I'll explain later.

Go home.
I'll explain later!

- What do you want, bitch?
- For!

- Leave her alone!
- For! Get her soon!

- Ask what's going on!
- I'm not listening!


This way, I drive.

Come on, asshole! All all!


- And Marianne?
- What about her?

Where is she?

Don't worry, she's fine.


Open mouth. Open your mouth!

Your mother will join her.

Everything is fine. Excuse me.

I don't know how to transfer
by cell phone.

Who's there, bastard?

Nobody, nobody.

Don't hurt her.

- Calm.
- Let's go.

Stay there.

If I find something,
you will be beaten.


Your whole life treading on us!

They will curse the mother!
Take off your shoes, bitch!

What are you looking at, idiot?

If they don't deliver everything, they
'll take lead!

You will see what is good, disgusting!

Will come!


Go up.

In front of.

There's no line.


Why did you bring her here?

She wanted to take Elisa
to the hospital.

I'll see if my phone

We will take you to the hospital.

Everything will be fine.


Let's go to my house.

Sit there.

Do you want water?

Yes, thank you.

... after many hours of destruction
and chaos generated by the protesters,

reports come to us ...


... successful actions
in various parts of the city.

There are no exact numbers,

but it is estimated that there are
thousands of people affected ??

Call us.

There is still no recent information
or official figures.

Telephones and all
communication networks

are collapsing.

I want to go home.

... numerous confrontations ...

I'll take a look.

The army decreed
a curfew

in the neighborhoods where
the attacks took place ...

What are you doing on the street?

- I need to help someone!
- On your knees!

On your knees!

Hands on the back of your neck!

- Where is she?
- In the car.

Get out!

- Are you okay?
- I work at her house.

- Where you live?
- In Pedregal.

- Is this car yours?
- Yea.

We will take you home.

- Take her.
- May I go with you?

Don't go out anymore.

Do you have a signal?

- I couldn't call home.
- There's no line.

Is it bad in Pedregal?

Don't worry,
we'll be right there.

- What's your name?
- Marianne.

- Than?
- Skein.

Who is that guy?

work at my house.

Give me the cell phone.

Take off the earrings.

- For what?
- Me of!

The ring and the watch.

What else do you have?

Nothing more?

What are you looking at?

Put your head down!

Get down!

I'll help you.

And Marianne?

Soldiers took her home.


Women on one side,
men on the other!

All against the wall!

- Come on!
- Put your head down!

Welcome to Hell!

Quick !

- Come on, bastard !
- Hand over your shoes!


Get in there!

- How old are you?
- 21.

- How old are you?
- 21!


- Address!
- Pirineos Mountains, 362.

- What is your name?
- Karla Montemayor.

- Are they sisters?
- Yea.


- How old is?
- 30.

The place where you live ...

- is it a house or building?
- Building.

- Do you have private security?
- Yea.

- Your father's name.
- Joaquin Montemayor.


Your father's phone.



Soon. I raised! Go.

- Your name?
- Susana.

Straight! This.

- Susana what?
- Archambault.

Write here.


Are you married?

Have children?
Write down the names there.


Write down your husband's phone.

What is your name?

- Your name?
- Soon Yi.

Look at me, I'm talking!

- How old is?
- 29.

Your address?

Your address! Where you are from?

- Korea.
- Here in Mexico! Where do you live?

I do not know.


Do not know?
Who do you live in Mexico with?

- Não entendo.
- Não entende?

Já vai entender.

Reta! Como se chama?

Marianne Novelo.

- Quantos anos você tem?
- 25.

Sr. Daniel Novelo?

Sou Nora Beltrán.

Da Funerária Casteli.

Preciso iniciar
o processo do funeral

da sua esposa e sua mãe.

Precisa conferir e assinar
estes documentos, por favor.

Se precisar de algo,
minha sala é no segundo andar.


Já venho.

...precisamos estar atentos
a essa Nova Ordem, como dizem...

...como podemos sair desta...

...é uma Nova Ordem...

Sim, os militares estabeleceram

horários fixos de trânsito...

Como podemos ajudar?

Com confiança.

- O que podemos fazer?
- Nada. Confiem em mim.

- Vamos encontrá-la.
- O que eu digo ao meu pai?

Tell him I speak to him
tonight at the hospital.

- Do we publish an ad?
- Not at all! Trust us.

- It could be dangerous.
- We need to go.

- Or General Oribe.
- General.

- Let's find her.
- Thanks.

- Thanks.
- Patience.

Get up, assholes!

Wake up, no sleep!

Get up!

Hey, doll!

Calm down, relax!

Kiss Me!

You will like it, relax.

Open that fucking mouth!

... pretend to be fair?

Who in this world
can claim to be pure?

God is powerful and fearful.

He puts order in Paradise.

Who can count
His armies of angels?

Official notice.

From now on, it is allowed to
circulate in the streets for two hours.

Put on the jacket.


I'm going to the hospital.

Take care of her.

Good luck.

... many concerns

labor authorizations.

The Secretary of Labor is with us ...

Attention please.

This is an official warning.

The water supply will
continue to function.

Keep calm
and follow the instructions.

I need to get to the hospital.

The streets are blocked.

- Who can I talk to?
- With nobody. Come on!

- Please let me through.
- Retire!

- Who can I talk to?
- Retire!

Take this vase
very carefully.

Does anyone have a lighter?

It is this house, on the left.

He is fine?

This way.

We are trying to find it.


It's going to be okay, dad.



Thank you for coming.

It's been almost a month.

What if she doesn't show up?

As well?

I do not know.
How long will we wait?

I don't know, mom.

I'm going home.

- Beatriz.
- Yea?

Help me with this.

But I'm taking care
of Mr. Novelo.

Mr. Novelo is busy.

And bring a cloth.

Bring on!

Transfer everything we have.

Transfer everything.

Soldier! Next!

Finish with these tantrums
and then you come back.


Come on, blonde, go!


Come on, fuck!

Go, bitch!

Will you say or not?

Or do I bring a relative of yours
for you to talk to?


Mother father.

I'm fine.

But do as they say.

I want to get out of here.

I hope you are well.
Love you so much.

Do as they say, okay?


- I'll call a doctor.
- Won't you wait for the ring to end?

No, she is very bad.

I'm going to see Elisa.

Want a mesh?

O que quer aqui, amigo?

Preciso ir ao hospital!

Não pode sair da sua casa, senhor!
Volte para casa!

Minha mulher está mal,
está morrendo!

- Parado aí!
- Minha mulher está...

Não queremos mais mortos.

Não queremos mais dor.


ajude-nos a encontrar esperança
nestes tempos difíceis.

Teus filhos são honestos,
trabalhadores e humildes.

Todos em pé para honrar
os pequenos órfãos.

Eligio Guevara,
Joaquin Guevara...

e Sacramento Robles.

Meus queridos Rolando Martinez
e sua esposa, Elisa.

Crentes fiéis do Nosso Senhor.



- Onde você está? Tudo bem?
- Amo muito vocês.

- Marianne!
- Do as they say .

You heard your daughter,
son of a bitch!

We want $ 10 million pesos,
and don't let the police know.

- I am not going.
- Wait for payment instructions .

- I'll get the money.
- Wait for instructions, idiot .



- Yes.
- Did you talk to her?


When is 16?

Be patient.

How much is our share?

Between $ 100,000 and $ 200,000.

Is very little.

It was the deal.

How much will they ask?

And when?

The more patience we have, the
more money we will receive.


Look at the floor!

Eat this.

I'll help you out of here.

Trust me.

Much of the population is
restless with the curfew.

There is evidence that in several
cities and states,

it is extending, it
is getting wider and wider,

as in Coahuila, where
the governor has already determined

that you can't leave the house,
take note ...

between 9 pm and 7 am.

We have a message.
Open the door.

I'll see what they want.

Sequestramos a Marianne.

They're going to pay $ 800,000
if they want to see her alive again.

- Aren't you going to take her home?
- What do you think, idiot?

Where are we going to get
so much money?

You work at her house, don't you?
Ask them.

We can't go out or call.

They are already giving
work permits.

Get one.

Do you understand?

Keep calm!

Para o fornecimento de água,
precisamos de ordem.

Todos vão receber água,
mas precisamos de ordem.

Uma fila só!


e entregaremos a todos
a cota de água correspondente.

Todos os cidadãos têm 1h30
para realizar suas atividades.

Repito. Têm 1h30
para realizar suas atividades.

Então, regressem às suas casas,

caso contrário sofrerão sanções.

- O que deseja?
- Preciso de permissão de trabalho.

Não sabemos de nada, retire-se!

- Onde vou, então?
- Sei lá, retire-se!


Por que não nos informaram
desde a primeira ligação?

Se eu denunciasse, iam matá-la.

- Alguém mais viu isso?
- Só nós.

- Alguém mais?
- Minha mãe.

Pediram dinheiro por e-mail?

No, just the video.

- What if we didn't see the email?
- Do not worry.

Let's find it
with what we have.

If you make contact, let me know.

Of course.

Open bags and backpacks!

In front of!
Open wide!

Go ahead, lady!

In front of!

Each ID is programmed
to leave the control zone

from 6am to 8pm.

It must be fully visible.

Never covered by clothing,

backpack, hair,

or any object
that makes it difficult to see.

If they leave the
designated perimeter ,

lose work permission
and points.

The points system

is designed so that
equitably and efficiently

everyone has equal
opportunities and rights.

Remember that the loss of points
reduces the user's benefits.

Attention, please
use disinfectant spray

on everyone who gets
on the bus.

It is not necessary to cover the mouth.

Cash badges, please!

Name tags!

One line!
In front, a single line!

All with visible ID.

Take out anything that might
obstruct visibility.


Everyone with the work pass
in their hands.

The pass is granted
at the Work Center.

Whoever does not present it
will be reprimanded,

without the right to work.

Without speaking, come on!

Visible badges!

Everyone with the work pass
in their hands.

The pass is granted
at the Work Center.

Whoever does not present it
will be reprimanded,

without the right to work.

- Good morning lady.
- Marta, I'm glad you arrived.

- Cristian.
- Good morning lady.

- Help me with cleaning?
- Yes ma'am.

Go talk to Daniel.

- He's up there.
- Excuse.

- Hello.
- Yes?

Or is Daniel?

Someone wants to see you.

How are you?

Need to talk to you.

They came to me to negotiate
with Marianne.


Two soldiers
who took her from my house.

What did she do there?

- Beatriz, can you leave us alone?
- Clear.

Cristian is also asking for
money for Marianne.

What does he have with that?

He took Marianne
to help Elisa.


that soldiers later
kidnapped her.

They are asking for $ 800,000.

Give it to them.

Do we call Victor?

Do not.

Are we really going to give you the money?

- Don't meddle.
- And my wife.

How are you going to take this?

This operation was successful.

- How much did you take?
- Chief, what do you think?

Conte, Jimenez.

Have a beer.

- Soldier, deliver the package.
- Yes, Commander.

Number three!

Number three!

They paid your ransom.
You can go now.



Open suitcase!

All suitcases open!

Suitcases, backpacks,
all open!

Get those clothes out of there.

In front of!

Go ahead, lady!

Attention, official notice!

At 9pm,
the curfew begins .

The presence
of citizens on the public road is prohibited .

The curfew is strict,
and there are no exceptions.

Attention, official notice!

At 9pm,
the curfew begins .

The presence
of citizens on the public road is prohibited .

The curfew is strict,
and there are no exceptions.

- Good night, Lucy.
- Goodnight.

Come in.

Is everything there?

- Where's Marianne?
- This is just an advance.

Tomorrow they pay another $ 1 million.

It was not agreed.

Do they want her dead or alive?

Tomorrow we want $ 1 million.
Do you understand?

And Marianne?

They didn't deliver us.

They are asking for another $ 1 million.

Ximena, or is Victor?

Yes I hope.

Victor, Cristian and Marta
kidnapped Marianne.

Sure, they are at my house
asking for $ 1 million pesos.

At their house, I think.
Yes, they are.


- No, Dad doesn't know.
- Daniel ...

Bring a plastic bag right away.

How's business?


Discover the face.

Come on!

Hands on the back of your neck!

Interlace your fingers!

On your knees!

Take it.

Take it! Raise.



Come with me.


- Art Subs -
12 years making Art for you!