New Mexico (1951) - full transcript

Captain Hunt of the cavalry is trying to promote good relations with the Indian chief Acoma. But Hunt's superiors in the military insist on pursuing policies that will provoke a conflict, and Chief Acoma is not willing to let himself be insulted. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
[boisterous orchestral music]

[upbeat orchestral music]

- [Man] Mr. President.

- [Man] Present!


- Thank you, Major.

- Rough riding, Mr. President.

- Oh, I'm used to it.

Cavalry horses ride
smoother than an arm chair

in the White House.

- Mr. Lincoln used to be
in the Cavalry, Major.

In the Illinois volunteer,
Captain Abe Lincoln.

- Where is Lieutenant
Hunt, Major?

- Mr. Hunt.

- I'm glad to meet
you, Lieutenant.

I want to thank you for
excellence of your reports

on the Indian situation here
in New Mexico territory.

- I thank you, sir.

I'd like to share that
honor with our Indian scout.

Corporal Coyote.

- At any rate, I'm here
because of the fine work

of your men, thank you.

Judge Wilcox, I'd like
to meet Acoma now.

- Certainly, Mr. President,
would you just step this way?

[stately orchestral music]


All right, Acoma, step forward.

Come alone, come along.

- Mr. Hunt, takeover.

- Yes, sir.

[speaking in foreign language]

Mr. President, allow
me to present, Acoma,

war chief of the Indian nations
of the New Mexico territory.


- I'm delighted.

[speaking in foreign language]

I cannot speak the language
of your people, Acoma.

But I have learned to
say, we meet as friends.

[speaking in foreign language]

- Mr. President,
Acoma speaks English.

- Well I should think
he would, Judge.

His family's been in the
country longer than any of ours.

- The great white father
honors his [mumbles].

As our hands were
jostling in friendship,

so may we end all our
people for red and white.

[mumbles] in peace.

- I wish it with all my heart.

- Only evil man [mumbles]
can break this friendship.

- Then let each of us with
evil men among us, Acoma,

you as chief of your people,
and I as President of mine,

so may we live and work
together, many people,

but one nation.

Judge Wilcox, will you be
good enough to hand me the

presentation for Acoma?

I present this to you in the
name and with the good will

of the people of the
United States of America.

And now, farewell.

[speaking in foreign language]


- Soldiers!


[upbeat orchestral music]

[gun shot blasting]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- Get out!

Don't want Indians around here!

- Hello.

- What's going on
here, Sergeant?

Where you taking these men?

- They're under arrest, Captain.

- For what?

- Stealing rations, sir.

Food belongs to them,
Harrison, let 'em go.

- Colonel McComb's
orders, Captain.

- All right, go ahead,
I'll speak to the Colonel.


- Whoa!

Howdy' Captain!

Got some mail there for ya.

- All right, throw it over.

- Oh, sorry Captain, I ain't
the shooter I used to was.

- Good morning, Major.

- [mumbles] ma'am, morning.

- Are we near Fort Union?

- You'll be there in
a few minutes, ma'am.

- Hallelujah, we know
every bump in this road

'tween here and Kansas City.

We're only halfway
to where we're going.

- Bound for Las Vegas, ma'am?

- Yes, we have an
engagement there.

This is my niece, Cherry,
the well known entertainer,

in the theater.

- Captain Hunt, ma'am.

- How do you do?

I'm Mrs. Fenway, her manager.

You've heard of
Cherry, I'm sure.

- Well, I--

- I'm afraid we're holding
up the coach, Captain.

Are there any accommodations
at Fort Union?

- Oh you'd be most
welcome, I'm sure.

- Will we be seeing you there?

- [Captain] I'd be honored
to show you around, ma'am.

- Thank you.

I'll be looking forward to--

- Indians!

- Better go ahead Bertie.

- Giddy up, [mumbles].

- All right, Acoma, I know
what this is all about.

- My braves must be released.

- They'll be trouble if
you come busting into

the fort like this.

You better let me handle
it, there's some mistake.

- First two time maybe,
third time not Captain.

- All right, follow
me, I'll get it fixed.

[dramatic orchestral music]


- Let's go see who's
in the coach, guys.

- Expecting somebody [mumbles]?

- Wah-hoo, it's Cherry!


- Attention!

Make way for [mumbles]--

[yelling over each other]

- Put me down, boys.

Put me down, I said.

- Gettin' fancy, huh Cherry?

You didn't act so fancy in
Kansas City when the boys--

[hand smacking]

- [Captain] Wait here, Acoma.

- Captain Hunt!


- Hello.

- Ready to be shown around.

- Sorry, I'll be busy.

I'd like to request the
release of Acoma's three men,

Colonel McComb.

- Request denied.

Anything else?

- May I respectfully remind
you, sir, that this is

a violation of treaty.

- I'll rule on
that, Captain Hunt.

They were arrested for
stealing, they're a pack

of thieves and beggars.

- I'm sorry, sir, I
can't agree with that.

The Indians were taking
supplies that belong to them.

That are being
withheld illegally.

- They're getting their
supplies that the law provides.

If they claim otherwise,
they're lying.

- I claim otherwise,
Mr. Commissioner.

I claim they're being cheated
and robbed and it's bound

to lead to trouble.

- Are you daring
to suggest that--

- Captain Hunt, if you
or the Indians have

any accusations to make
against the Commissioner,

they'll be made
through channels.

- Some of those channels
are clogged, sir.

Hungry men getting impatient.

- There are ways of dealing
with impatiences, Hunt.

You'll follow me and I'll
show you how we treated

smart Indians in the old army.

That's an order.

- Yes, sir.

- [Colonel] Get out
of this fort, Acoma.

And take those braves with ya.

- You will release my
men first, Colonel.

If they have done wrong,
I will have them punished.

- You'll have them punished?

- We have our own laws,
ancient tribal laws.

Your President gave
us the authority

to judge our own people.

- I don't recognize
your authority.

When you or any of your
people break the laws,

we'll do the punishing.

Now get!

Arrest them!

Stop those Indians!

- [Captain] Don't shoot!

- You heard my orders, fire!

[gun shot blasting]

- Great white father is dead.

But his heart could live.

You have stopped it again.

- Lock him up.

- I owe you a debt,
Colonel McComb.

Judge Wilcox.

I will pay it.

- [Captain] Colonel McComb.

- What do you want, Hunt?

- Sir, I request permission
to file charges with

the Secretary of War
concerning the killings that

have just taken place.

- Request denied.

You're under arrest for
attempting to counter command

a superior officer's orders.

As such, you have no legal
right till it's cleared

by court's marshal.

You will confine
yourself to quarters.

- Yes, sir.

[somber orchestral music]


[speaking in foreign language]

A long time ago you said
that no matter what happens,

these words would remind
us that we are friends.

Will you say them?

- The friendship is broken.

You just tasted the
blood of my worries

that cries out for vengeance.

- I understand how you feel.

Anyway, take this back.

Belongs to you.

If you're planning to raise
the hatchet, Acoma, don't.

It'd be a big mistake.

- Indians aren't afraid
to die, Captain Hunt.

- I know that.

But you're letting a few
evil men make you forget

all the good that's been done.

- Souls of my dead warriors
will not rest until

their murderers lie beside them.

- We have laws, too, Acoma.

They take a little time,
but the men who ordered your

men shot will be punished.

That I promise.

- Promises of white men
are like dust in the wind.

- Listen to me, Acoma,
I'm your friend,

but if you take the law into
your own hands there will

be war and you'll
make me your enemy.

Don't do that.

Give me some sign to your
braves not to raise the hatchet.

- The hatchet is already raised.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

[hatchet thumping]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[knife thuds]

- First of my debts has
been paid, Captain Hunt.

Do not come after me.

But there will be more.

- Good!

I'll alert the Post!

[horn tooting]

- Gary!

[hollering over each other]

- Acoma!


- No chance catch
Acoma at night.

- Is that what you're
hoping you dog eating--

- All right, break it up!

As you were Anderson!

- We've got Captain
Hunt to thank for this,

you know that?

- What's the matter?

What's happened--

- Indian attack, Colonel
McComb's been murdered.

- Oh no!

- Now, now, now,
it'll be all right,

it'll be all right.


- Take it easy, Feather.

- [Man] Here comes Captain Hunt!

- Any luck, Captain?

- Too dark, not a chance.

Double the guards, sergeant.

Order all troops out,
full field equipment.

- Yes, sir.

- Mr. Vermont.

- Yes, sir?

- Troops AD will remain
to guard the fort.

All civilians to be
evacuated to Fort Reed,

two platoons to escort them.

All transportation west is
suspended until further notice.

- [Mr. Vermont] Yes, sir.

- I want volunteers for a
small patrol to leave at dawn.

There's a chance to settle
this thing without war

if we don't go out to strength.

Before you decide I want
to warn you that it's

a dangerous chance.

But I think it'll work.

All right, who's coming?

- Sergeant Garrity, sir!

- Van Vechton.

- Anderson--

[talking over each other]

- Good, we'll travel
light, sergeant.

Five days ration.

Let us see that these
men get some sleep,

there won't be
much from here on.

- Yes, sir.

All right, get
your tack together

and hit the sack on the double!

- Captain Hunt!

We don't wish to go east.

- There's a stage
leaving tomorrow.

You better take it.

- We happen to want to go west,

is that any of your business?

- Yes, it's my business,
Acoma's Indians are moving

that way, I've stopped
all traffic west.

- The judge offered to
take us to Santa Fe.

- No dice.

Not Santa Fe or Albuquerque
or Tucson either.

- He asked us to leave.

- Stop being fancy,
they run us out.

Couldn't you make
that Las Vegas, Judge?

- Captain Hunt wouldn't
like that, would he?

Mr. Vermont.

I think that you should
insist that Captain Hunt

turn the command over to you.

- You do?

- Yes, because I doubt
his fitness or his desire

to catch Acoma, and
furthermore, he's under arrest.

I myself heard the
Colonel order it.

- I didn't hear a thing, Judge.


- Come in.

Yes, Mr. Vermont?

- Captain, might it be
better if I took this patrol

out alone?

- What do you mean by that?

- Just a suggestion, sir.

- We leave at dawn, Mr. Vermont.

Under my command.

- Yes, sir.

[upbeat orchestral music]

[wind howling]
[dramatic orchestral music]

- Which way do the
tracks go, Coyote?

- Always our tribe move.

Take everyone, squalls,
little ones, [mumbles].

Seen war, Captain.

[wind drowns out speakers]

If I know Acoma, he's gonna
try and take the [mumbles].

- That's what we're trying
to prevent, Mr. Vermont.

Pack the horses, Coyote.

[wind howling]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- I don't think they should be
pushed much further, Captain.

The horses or men.

- It's what Acoma thinks.

He's pushing horses
and men, too.

- No disrespect
sir, just curiosity.

You're getting further
away from the fort.

You don't know
where Acoma's going.

You're running low on
rations, water and morale.

My book doesn't tally.

- Acoma didn't learn tactics
from a book at West Point,

Mr. Vermont.

- Anyway, how do you
intend to find him?

- I don't.

Think he'll find us.


- Tired Serg?

- This is one of the times
in my life I wish I was

in the Navy.

- Yeah, sure is
peaceful, the ocean.

- Nothing but blue
skies and water.

And just kinda [mumbles].

[gun shot blasting]


[gun shots blasting]

- Mount!

Hold it!

- Looks like Acoma's
found us, Captain.

Are we going after 'em?

- We won't be going in that
direction, Mr. Vermont.

[dramatic orchestral music]

- I'm all mixed up I can't
figure out whether it's

been a 1,000 or 1500 years
I've been stuck in this saddle.

I've got calluses
crampin' my neck.


- Ah, laugh you jug heads.

Get knocked off one at a time.

Not even a man
stands to hit back.

- Cheever?

Cheever, you're
dead in your saddle.

- No, keep your hands off
me I'm riding, ain't I?


- [Captain] What happened here?

- He got himself hung up.

No bones broken, I think.

- I'm sorry about this,
sir, couldn't help it.

- You all right?

- Yes.

- Sergeant Garrity?

- [Sergeant] Yes, sir.

- See to Private
Cheever's horse, Sergeant.

- Yes, sir.

That shoe is gone.

By the looks of things,
it's been off of their a

couple of days, why
didn't you report it?

- When, there ain't
no time to stop.

- If I catch you
guys mistreating
these horses anymore,

I'll knock your teeth out.

- Care more about the horses
than you do about the men.

- It's a lot tougher to
replace a good horse.

- Just fix it, Sergeant.

Let's save the fighting
for the Indians.

- Yes, sir.

- Why didn't you, Lieutenant?

- Look at him with that shrew.

He's acting more like
General Grant everyday.

- The men are in
bad shape, Captain.

Including those that don't fall.

- How are the supplies?

- Water's about gone.

Rations for about a day.

- We'll go on for another
day then, as soon as the

horses are ready.

- I'd like to respectfully
remind you, sir,

it's five days back to the fort.

- Well aware of that, Mister.

I got a belly full of this.

I thought you were
in to kill Indians?

- I didn't want to
run away from 'em.

- [Man] Shut up, Anderson,
you want him to hear ya?

- Let him hear me!

I'm sick of this, when do
we get a chance to fight?

- Yeah, let's
fight or turn back.

- Did I hear someone
say who's tired?

Anybody want me to call this
off and go back to Fort Union?

Private Clifton, do
you wanna go back?

- Why no, sir.

- [Captain] Corporal Mack?


- [Corporal Mack]
Not me, Captain.

- Daniels, Harrison,
Vale, Parsons?

- I'm not going.

- I'm tired.

- Anderson?

- I'm sticking.

- Good, fine.

Everybody wants to keep going.

But you're all liars!

Liars, every good
covered stale one of ya!

I guess that includes me.

Sure aren't lying as
hard as the rest of ya.

We're all sick of riding.

We wanna a bath,
hot grub and a bed.

I want to sleep without dreaming
about bullets in our backs.

But that's not for us.

Not yet.

I don't know what you think
of Indians, I don't care.

When it comes to this
kind of fighting,

they got guts and
stamina and brains.

When we started out I
thought we'd find Acoma

in a couple of days.

He's still ahead of us.

But we're gonna track him down.

We're gonna bring him back.

Or we're staying.

And that's it!


Mr. Vermont!

- [Mr. Vermont] Yes, sir!

- Are we ready to mount?

- We're ready sir.

- Take 10 minutes rest.

- Hey, how about a
slug of your water?

- Get your own.

- Yup, I guess that Serg
would like to hear about this.

- Open your trap and
I'll fill it with lead.

- I'd rather have it filled
with what ya got there.

How about it?

- Three bucks a swig.

- Three bucks?

I only make $16 a month.

- Three bucks.

- It's called rock
with wings, Captain.

- I know, Coyote.

[speaking in foreign language]

Ever been up to
the Pueblo on top?

- No, no, forbidden,
very sacred to Indian.

Built long time ago,
before Columbus.

Then Spanish come,
attack Indian on top.

- I wouldn't try it
without artillery.

- Many Spanish
died, take 11 day.

They have guns, the
Indian only bow and arrow.

Rocks, Spanish get
up, build church.

Then earthquake
break up only trail.

Everyone die.

- You mean nobody could get
up there even if they tried?

- Indian who want to bad
enough can go anywhere.

- Well you're an Indian, Coyote.

And a soldier.

That's why we're going.

[horn tooting]

- Away [hollering].


[suspenseful orchestral music]

- Halt!


- Are you thinking of
climbing that, Captain?

- That's the idea, Mr. Vermont.

Coyote, Garrity.

- Yes, sir?

- I want you, Harrison,
Anderson, Daniels and Lindley,

and rifles and one canteen
of water on the double.

- Yes, sir.

- Have the rest of the
men cover us as we climb.

We run into trouble don't
come up, just get the men

back to the fort.

You'll find a water hole
if you go back by way of

Temple Dome.

- [Man] Lead the way, Coyote.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

- [mumbles] Garrity,
Daniels, come with me.

The rest of you
go with Harrison.

And watch it.

[dramatic orchestral music]

I had a hunch we'd
find something here.

Guess I was wrong.

[bell chiming]

Come on!

[suspenseful orchestral music]

- Hey!

[gun shot blasting]

- I thought we was
after Indians, Captain.

- Couldn't you see
they were kids?

- They grow up.

- Take his gun, Daniels.

[punch thudding]

- He's dead, Captain.

- I'm sorry about this, but
why did you ring that bell?

Who were you trying to signal?

All right, son.

- I'm not your son.

Your soldier killed my brother.

Some day I kill him.

- I could make him
talk if you'd let me.

- I'll bet you could.

Get out of my sight!

Acoma's boy, aren't you?

Well let's get down to the
bottom as fast as we can,

and we'll warn the men to
be on alert for an attack.

Lindley, you stay here,
keep your eyes open,

fire a shot if you see
anything on the horizon.

- Yes, sir.

Garrity, take care of the boy.

Come on, Coyote.

- Come on, Charlie.

- What is it, Coyote?

- Too many horses coming.

- Hold it!

Are you sure, Coyote?

I can see for
miles, not a trace.

Maybe it's our own horses below.

- Maybe so.

[gun shots blasting]

[intense orchestral music]

- Come on down quick!

[suspenseful orchestral music]


[intense orchestral music]


[gun shots blasting]

- [mumbles] don't kill me!

- All right, come on.

[gun shots blasting]

- [mumbles] bullets
like [mumbles] speed.

Take it off.

- No, no, feather
bring good luck.

A high honor for Indian.

Always must wear it.

- Hogwash.

[gun shots blasting]

- We stopped 'em!

- Don't have refreshment.

Here's your three bucks.

- The situation's
changed, six bucks.

- Six bucks?

- Six bucks take it or don't.

- I'll take it.

Pay ya later.

- One swig, any more and it
comes out through your neck.


- Hold your fire!

He wants a truce.

- Captain Hunt!

- Stay down and
be quiet, Charlie.

- I warn you not to
come up to me, Captain.

We can kill you all now.

That is still not my wish.

We will allow you and your
men to return to the fort,


- We'd be glad to.

We want you to come with us.

- I always know you are
a brave man, Captain.

I did not think you a fool.

- You're right, Acoma, I'm not.

You killed four of my
men trying to lead us

away from this rock.

We're here, you tried
to ambush us and failed.

You attacked us and
were beaten off.

- The attack made you
use bullets, Captain.

- A lot of them
found their mark.

- But you have not
many more left.

Not bullets, not food.

Not water.


Take this water and go.

- Why are you so anxious
to get us away from

rock with wings, Acoma?

- Live while you can, Captain.

- Charlie!

[speaking in foreign language]

- I want my boy.

I also want the man who
killed my oldest son.

- Your boy will
be safer with us.

The man who killed your
other son will be punished.

You must return to face
your punishment too, Acoma.

Or else we will fight.

- Each of us must do what he
believes is right, Captain.

I have 1,000 well armed men.

Many more tribes will join me.

We let you think awhile.

Then we fight.

- Wait!

No, wait.

He's offering a truce.

You can't turn down a truce!


[mumbles] how dare you
turn down Acoma's truce.

What right have you got to
expose us to certain death?

We're not your soldiers.

I accept, Acoma.

Acoma, Acoma!

- I did not know the
judge was in the coach.

The terms have changed.

I want him, too.

- You asked for the truce,
we'll make the terms.

- Prepare to die, Captain.

You will need this.

[gun shot blasting]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- Gather all canteens, remaining
supplies, and ammunition.

Link the horses, we're
going to the top.

Everyone, climb to the top!

[somber orchestral music]

- I just can't go another step.

- Captain Hunt, you don't
expect us to climb any further,

do you?

- I don't see that you
have any other alternative.

- These women are exhausted,
they've been through torture.

- They were given orders
not to come this way.

They disregarded them.

You can stay down
here, if you'd like,

we're going to the top.

- [Judge] You mean
you deserted--

- Never mind, Judge.

We'll go on.

- Harrison, Finnegan.

Help the ladies.

- Easy now, feathers,
take a deep breaths.


- I don't remember you turning
in your canteen, trooper.

- It was empty, I left it below.

All right.

I'll trade you,
and it ain't water.

- I'll talk to you on top.

[dramatic orchestral music]

- More braves joined Acoma
while you were climbing, sir.

- Well just keep
watching them, Lindley.

- Yes, sir.

- Issue one ration of
water all around, only one.

- We certainly could have
used the water Acoma offered

us, sir.

- That was another decoy,
Mr. Vermont, to keep

us from looking around up here.

Now you organize a
search detail, I think
you'll find water.

Maybe something more.

- Yes, sir.

- Let's go, Coyote.

[somber orchestral music]

- Does Hunt think he's gonna
find water under these rocks?

- Hard enough to hit
'em with a bullet,

now we're gonna
throw rocks at 'em.

- What's a matter, Serg?

- I wonder if it's too
late to join the Navy?

[somber orchestral music]

- Fire not good,
Indian makes better.

- What's a matter with it?

- White men make big fire.

Sit back, Indian
make small fire.

Sit near.

- Oh, they're just too
lazy to get wood, Charlie.

- Should have gone
to West Point.

All you do is carry two
bars and give orders.

- [Man] I don't know what to
do with all my spare time now.

- Oh, Acoma ain't gonna
give you as much spare time

as you think.

- Can't you get him out of here?

Haven't there a few minutes
rest without an Indian

drilling me with his eyes?

Go on, get out of here!

- Come on, Charlie.

He is kinda a big
soldier, come on.

We'll stay over here, Charlie.

- You like be Charlie's friend?

- Why I am your friend.

- I give you present.

Old Indian owl head.

- Well, thanks Charlie.

- We friends?

- Shake.

- Now you give Charlie present.

- Anything you want, Charlie.

- I want gun.

- Gun?

- I kill him.

- Oh, now Charlie,
you can't do that.

- No more friend.

- Indian giver.

- Captain Hunt, I, we
shouldn't have come.

I'll never get off the
top of this rock alive.

- Don't you believe
it, feathers.

Show you my faith in the
future I'm hereby proposing

to you, we'll get
married in San Francisco,

with all the trimmings.

It'll be just like St. Louis.

Remember the night released
that steamboat man?

- Oh, the way the
champagne flowed.

The drinks I've
passed up in my time.

Oh, what I wouldn't
give for one right now.

- A little extra ration
on Private Parsons.


- I thought it was water.

- Where did you get this?


Daniels, Parsons, I'm
real obliged to ya.

Show you my gratitude,
how about a little game.

- Oh Andrew, you never change.

How can you think of
gambling when we may be

murdered any minute?

- You mean them Indians?

Let 'em come, they got
Wampum, I'll play 'em.

All right, gentleman,
gather round.

Keep your mind off your
troubles and get rich at

the same time.

Serry, Matildy, and Little Joe,

who never got his face washed.


- [Man] Here we are.

All right.

- Acoma stirring, sir?

- Not yet, Sergeant.

But he will be.

If I know him, he's
determined to get up here

at all costs.

- [Sergeant] Those
rocks'll hold him.

- We can stop most of them,
but some will get through.

We gotta get word
back to Fort Union.

- I'll go.

- I'd like to try it.

- I can make it, Captain.

- We'll draw for this one.

It's a long chance,
I want it equal.

- How about high card, sir?

- All right, Sergeant.

Just for luck, suppose
you let someone else deal?

- Certainly, sir.

I'll just stir 'em a bit.

- You cut 'em, feathers.

- Four.

- Six.

- Five.

- Nine.

- Eight.

- Seven.

- Fine, seven.

- Nine.

- King.

- Just a minute, Sergeant.

Let's give you another cut.

Any one off the top.

- Little Joe.

Feathers, my love,
there's my dowry.

See you in Frisco.

Good hunting, troopers.

[somber orchestral music]

- I didn't help him, much.

- He always like his
odds long, Lieutenant.

- You still acting
fancy, Cherry?

- Let her go!

How about a song, Cherry?

- [Men] Yeah, Cherry.

- I don't feel much
like singing, boys.

- Oh go ahead, Cherry,
it'll perk everybody up

and make you feel better, too.

- Okay, Serg, just for you.

♪ Soldier, soldier
won't you marry me now ♪

♪ With your rifle,
fife and drum ♪

♪ How can I marry such
a pretty girl as you ♪

♪ When I've got
no hat to put on ♪

♪ When I've got
no hat to put on ♪

♪ Go off to the hat
shop she did go ♪

♪ Hard as she could run

♪ Brought him back the
finest that there was ♪

♪ And the soldier put it on

♪ And the soldier put it on

♪ Soldier, soldier
won't you marry me now ♪

♪ With your rifle,
fife and drum ♪

♪ How can I marry such
a pretty girl as you ♪

♪ When I've got no
coat to put on ♪

♪ When I've got no
coat to put on ♪

♪ So off to the
tailor she did go ♪

♪ As hard as she could run

♪ Brought him back the
finest that there was ♪

♪ And the soldier put it on

♪ And the soldier put it on

♪ Soldier, soldier
won't you marry me now ♪

♪ With your rifle,
fife and drum ♪

♪ How can I marry such
a pretty girl as you ♪

♪ When I've got no
shoes to put on ♪

♪ When I've got no
shoes to put on ♪

♪ So off to the shoe
shop she did go ♪

♪ As hard as she could run

♪ Brought him back the
finest that there was ♪

♪ And the soldier put them on

♪ And the soldier put them on

♪ Soldier, soldier,
won't you marry me now ♪

♪ With your rifle,
fife and drum ♪

♪ How can I marry such
a pretty girl as you ♪

♪ With a wife and baby at home

♪ With a wife and baby at home

- Come on, Cherry, do it
like you used to do it

in Kansas City!


- All right boys.

[upbeat harmonica music]

- Let him go, she asked for it!

- You've been askin' for it.

[punches thudding]

- Leave her alone!

She's going with me.

Are there any votes against it?

[gun shot blasting]

- I happen to need even you.

Now my aim would be better.

I suppose you could be
soldiers, if we weren't

weighed down with parasites.

I can't give orders to them,
but I can give 'em to you.

From now on if I catch any
man even talking to one

of the civilians, he's going
down off this rock on his own.

So the rest of us can
stay here and fight.


- I'd be your friend.

- Oh thanks, Charlie.

- Are you thirsty?

- Yes, very.

- You come with me.

- You know where there's water?

- It's a secret.

- Is this where the water is?

[water trickling]

- Good?

- Oh I can't tell you how good.

- Do not tell anyone.

It's a secret.

With you, me.

- Please listen to me, Charlie.

- No!

- Try to understand.

We can't let anybody die.

Even when we hate them.

- You break promise!

- Charlie!


I know how you feel.

But I've got to tell
'em about this too.

Don't you see, it might
keep a lot of people

from being killed,
yours and mine.

Come with me.

[gentle orchestral music]

- Where've you been?

- None of your business.

- Where were you?

Water, you found water!

Where's the water?

- [Cherry] Let go of me!

[water trickling]

- Charlie, she's going to
tell them about these guns.

That won't be good for Acoma.

It won't be good for me either.

Charlie, listen, you know
the way down the trail in

the dark, don't you?

Oh, I don't mean that
you should go alone.

I'll go along with
you and I'll help you.

It would be a fine brave
thing for you to do.

And your father'd
be so proud of you.

And he'd be so happy
he'd let me go free.

Oh show me the way through
the trail, will you, Charlie?

- Soldiers stop you.

- Oh, don't worry about that.

I'll get you by the soldiers.

I'll sneak you by,
just you and me,

we'll sneak by.

Charlie, just think, you
can save your father.

Will ya, Charlie?

That's the boy, that's a boy.

We'll get out of here.

- Captain Hunt, Captain Hunt!

Water, guns, I found them.

- What are talking about?

- The Indian boy, he showed
me where the water is.

Guns and ammunition
are hidden there, too.

- Where?

- [Cherry] I'll show you.

- So this is what
Acoma was after.

Brand new, repeating rifles.

And enough ammunition to
supply the five nations.

[dramatic orchestral music]

- You can call off the
search for the Judge

and the Indian boy.

- [Mr. Vermont] He'll know
we found the guns now.

- Wait, wait Charlie.


We'll beg your father.

Now you tell him I brought
you down, won't you?

You tell him I did it
for you, won't you?

- Not do for me, do for you.

- No, wait Charlie!

No, wait Charlie, tell
him I'm your friend!

[speaking in foreign language]


I brought you your son down.

I brought you, didn't I?

Didn't I?

I saved him for you.

I don't want any reward for it.

I just want you to let me go.

Acoma, I know that you
Indians have been mistreated.

And when you do let me go,
I'm going to Washington

and I'll do something about it.

I'll get him to do
something about it

and I'll get a full
pardon for you.

Because I'm your friend.

Do you remember?

I was with President
Lincoln, do you remember?

- Acoma remembers.

- Yeah, well.

He would want you to let me go.

The government will be very
mad if you don't let me go,


[speaking in foreign language]

What are you gonna do, Acoma?

Acoma, look, I've got a
beautiful present for you,

it's pure gold,
gold just for you.

Absolutely pure gold
and it's all for you.

Acoma, all gold,
just to let me go.

[speaking in foreign language]


[dramatic orchestral music]




- We can expect the
attack any minute.

- How do you get transferred
out of this outfit?

- [mumbles] attack now, Captain,
better let me go for help.

Only Indian can get through.

You will let Coyote
go, not lose more men.

- All right, Coyote, go ahead.

Good luck.

Alert the men, Sergeant.

- Oh, yeah.

[intense orchestral music]

[gun shot blasting]

[suspenseful orchestral music]

[gun shots blasting]

- Light your torches!

[dramatic orchestral music]

Release trails!

Cut your ropes!

[gun shots blasting]

- You're hurt, Captain.

Let me help.

- I'm all right.

You gotta get through [mumbles].

- Put your arm around me.

[gun shots blasting]

- Get the candle.

Get the blanket.

Get on the ladder.

You better go on up now.

- I'm not going without you.

- Go up I told you!

[gun shots blasting]


- That's all right.

It's good to be
needed and liked.

I haven't had much
of that in my life.

- I'm sorry I didn't see
that part of you before.

Maybe if we'd met separately.

[speaking in foreign language]

- The guns, they are burning.

[dramatic orchestral music]

- Acoma!

[gun shot blasting]

Take the boy and go.

It's your life and
his and others now.

Hurry, hurry.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[explosion booming]