New Frontier (1939) - full transcript

The state government plans to build a flood-control dam and condemns the property of the local farmers and ranchers, including The Three Mesquiteers. The state intends to compensate the land-owners fairly, but a crooked real-estate promoter complicates things. The ranchers, led by Stony Brooke ('John Wayne' (q)), Tucson Smith ('Ray Corrigan') and Rusty Joslin (Raymond Hatton) fight back against both the law and the crooks. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food







What is it, Lucy, don't you like it?

I can't believe it's real.

After all we've been through.

What does that mean?

New land, new hope.

New Hope. You couldn't
have chosen a better name for him.

O New Hope Valley.

Branch Station

Now, why hasn't he arrived yet?

Just got lost, I suppose.

Now now.

Finally arrived.

Alright by the way.
He must have stopped to pick daisies.

Good luck, boy.

- You better stay tuned and run!
- I will stay.

Any sign of Pony Express, Stevie?

Not yet, grandpa!

It should arrive
at any time.

It's coming now, grandpa!

Are you sure you're riding!

Pony Express.
There he comes!

Make way
for Pony Express!

Hi, Tony?

- Stevie Braddock?
- I'm Major Braddock.

- That was dispatched to you, sir.
- Thanks.

Attention everyone!

To the citizens of this community,

in celebration of the founding
of the New Hope Valley

50 years ago,

Stevie Braddock, I have
the honor and declare a holiday

in celebration of the
jubilee anniversary , which is now official.

Good news, Tony.

I admit that I couldn't
have come at a better time.

Thank you, Major.

- We almost caught you, didn't we?
- Nice outfit, Stevie.

Our! You really look
like Indians in these clothes.

Well, guys. It looks like our
Poney Express boy has struck the dinner bell.

I think we will
have to entertain ourselves

until the women have
dinner ready.

- I think we can wait.
- But I hope it won't be long!

Not eu!

- Hi, Tony.
- Hi, Betsy.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

- What are you doing here?
- Catching snacks.

- I thought I could help.
- And can.

- Getting out of my way.
- Ah, Celia.

Look, this is a woman's job.

Go and keep
your two friends company.

- They're not here yet.
- You better hurry.

Don't worry, they'll
show up before you set the table.

- Hello.
- What made you delay this time?

After that race, I had to
stop and let the horse rest.

Well, come on then.

My stomach is thinking that my
mouth is closed for renovations.

I follow you.

That was close.

- Hello.
- Hello, sorry, Mr. Proctor.

- It's all right. Hello son.
- Hello.

Mr. Gilbert, you would be happy
to meet Smith and Johnson.

- How is it going? And thank you.
- You're welcome.

Forget. Do you two also
come for the celebration?

That's right.
Today is the big day, isn't it?

I think you better put
your horses to rest.

- See you later.
- Okay, see you later.

Today is a great day
to give you bad news.

Well, we can't help it.

Hey, guys.

- Hi, Stevie, have you started yet?
- The boys are dancing.

Well, let's go.

Well, not bad.

I've seen better.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

It seems that the children
understood the spirit of the thing.

Let's see
if we can do the same.

I'm the type who likes to
choose who will dance with me.

My chosen one
has to be smart.

- And a little crazy too.
- Oh, really?

Your talkative.

Hello, dear.

Blondes aren't even my type.

Pony boy!

- Think like a man.
- Where were you?

- I was busy.
- But I was looking for you.

Everything is fine. Look.

We would be here sooner, but he
was busy in a bust.

He did that? Oh, how wonderful!

But you know, it was just me,
me and Tucson.

- He's just being modest.
- Come on, tell me what happened?

Look ...
the ... horses ...

See you, Pony Boy.

I stood side by side and grabbed
the side reins of the buggy

and pulled the horses from death
and stopped them!

- And they stood still.
- Wonderful.

Listen, guys,
the next dance will be Tag Dance.

All right, guys. Dinner is ready.
Let's move the table.


50 years ago ...

a small group of pioneers
came to this valley for the first time.

But we are not here just to
celebrate our Golden Jubilee.

We are also here to honor
the man who led the pioneers.

A man with
courage and leadership,

inspired them during
the long dangerous journey.

I don't need to tell you who he is.

You all know him, as
the elder and the best citizen.

Major Steven Braddock.

Thank you for
your beautiful speech, Bill.

But I would like you to stop
making people think

that I am older than Methuselah.

Seriously, guys. I am very
grateful to be standing here today.

All of this makes me realize what
the New Hope Valley means.

We got here
and found a desert.

We had to dig, scrape,
and sweat to build our home.

And none of us cared, because
we all feel the same way.

Deep down we all have the
feeling that we have come home.

He gave us life, he gave us the harvest ...

and grass for our flock.

We have built a family here.

We have seen them grow and become
men and women.

In fact, God was so good to us
that we don't have much to ask of Him.

And finally, let's pray.

God protect us
and keep us safe.

And if you agree ...

we would like to continue
with what we have in the past.

What if our children
and their children's children ...

have the same peace ...

and the ability to know,

we will be more than satisfied.

I recognize that this is everything
anyone could ask for.

- Amen.
- Amen.

I'd rather be shot
than have to tell them that.

I know. But I think
they’d prefer to hear from you.


I suppose, everyone knows
our parliamentarian ...

our honorable William Proctor.
And this is Mr. Gilbert ...

construction company Metropole.

I have
very bad news for you.

These men bring
news from Congress

- the New Valley is doomed.
- Condemned?

What you mean?

It seems that Metropole City
needs more water and energy.

So the State decided to build a
dam in the Canyon of the Cut Throat

and turn the valley into a reservoir.

But they already have a reservoir,

- What is her problem?
- It's not big enough.

But they cannot do that.

- We have houses here.
- What will become of us?

The state will buy
the land and change it.

- This is very nice from the State.
- Can't we contest?

What if we refuse to sell?

I'm afraid you
have no choice, friends.

The State has the right to
confiscate private property,

when you need it
for a public project.

However, you will receive
the full amount for your land.

Do you think that money makes up
for what we put in this valley?

That's right.

Why can't Metropole
get water elsewhere?

Why should we
be evicted?

Guys, we all feel the same
way, but there is nothing we can do.

Yes there is! You may not
want to fight, but I will!

- That's right, Major.
- Well, we're going to fight.

Let them try to kick us out!

Yeah, let them try to start
building the damn dam here.

Wait a minute.

- Listen to me.
- Why are you here?

I am responsible
for the construction.

The state authorized me
to build the dam.

And it will be built,
like it or not.

Take it easy.

You don't know what kind
of person you're dealing with, sir.

But you will find out.


City man, do not enter






Before delivering the
decision on this case ...

The court wants
the state to have

full understanding of
the human values ​​involved.

I cannot help but sympathize
with the situation of the colonists.

However, Metropole City has
a rapidly growing population

and must have ample reserve of water

or face
the danger of scarcity.

Unfortunately the only viable location for the
new reservoir is the New Hope Valley.

Facing a decision based on the theory
of the greater good, for the greatest number

the Court confirms the
State's right to confiscate these lands.

your state check, Jack.

So they think they
can force me to sell ?!

That's what I did with mine.

- What will we do, grandpa?
- Let's keep fighting!

None of those expensive lawyers are
going to remove our home.

- Any more orders, boss?
- No. You are in charge, Harmon.

If ranchers harden,
you harden too.

I hope you move to
camp until nightfall.

Hey, look!

Come on!


- Hey, grandpa, they're coming!
- What?

The carts are
coming into the passage now.

- Bring me the rifle, boy.
- Grandpa, what are you going to do?

There's only one way for those
carts to go to Cut Stone,

is crossing my land.

- But they were granted passage.
- But not for me!

Can I go with you, grandpa?

- No, you stay here with your sister.
- Ah, grandpa, please!

- They're on their way.
- Stevie just told me.

It looks like we have backup!

Okay, guys,
let's get to work!

I don't know why I can't go with them.
I can shoot as well as they can.

Steve, we don't want a shooting.

No, if it's
the only way to stop them.

- The Musketeers are back?
- I do not know.

Grandpa will be able to listen to them.

- I'll get them.
- No, you stay here, I will.

- Hi, Jed.
- Hello guys. Already back?

- Did you have fun in the city?
- No.

We didn't go to have fun.

Well, you got there on time, you're in luck,
I just got it from the post office.

It seems to me that everyone is receiving
one of those registered letters today.

That's right, it came
from the state capital.

It's a check for land.

- They have quick service.
- Too fast, for me.

$ 3,200 is not bad
for a small cattle ranch.

But it is also not good.

Stoney, the
construction company's wagons are coming.

Grandpa and other
ranchers came to stop them.

They may well declare
war on Metropole City.

I know!

Perhaps you can make him
hear the voice of reason, I cannot.

Didn't the Major get
a check for his ranch?

- Certainly. I delivered.
- He took it and tore it.

He tore, right?

It seems!

- Hey, see this?
- Yea.

- What's the idea?
- You have eyes, don't you?

This is my property
and I intend to protect it.

Listen, grandpa. I won't
waste my time arguing.

I have orders
to go with the carts.

Go ahead and try it,
if you want to lose your skin.

Well, I'm going to give you exactly 5 minutes
to clear this road.

Otherwise, we will come
and release it for you.

You'll have to pick us up first.

The major must have gone
to war.

Yes, and it will end up
in a penitentiary too.

What's with the ranchers
trying to stop my carts, sheriff?

We'll know more
when we get there.

Yes, but they
were all communicated.

I know, but people
tend to lose their reason

when they want
to take their property away from them.

The time is over!

- Are you going to clear the road !?
- No!

Very well, Jim.
Move the carts.

Next time
will be to get it right.

Okay, Jim, it's your fault.
You started this.

Yeah, and we'll be done.

Come on, Jackson,
let's show these fools.

It will burn everything.

As soon as we
burn everything, we will pass.

Wait here, Celia.

- They will burn everything!
- An old Indian trick.

- Exactly what I thought.
- Let's go guys.

We better get out of here.

- Grandpa, are you hurt?
- No, just furious.

It looks like a 1st class fight.

What you are?
A judge or peace officer?

I'm sorry guys,
but I have to arrest you.

The law provides for punishment for
material damage to the state ...

and I’ll make sure you get it.

Here we have a piece of
state property that is certainly damaged.

Let's go guys.

- You have no right to sue.
- No!

They attacked my
carts and my group.

Your group retaliated by burning oil,
this is a very unpleasant image.

An investigation
can hurt you a lot.

And cause delays.

You want to finish this job
on schedule, don't you?

Of course, but how about that
bunch of quarrelsome fools on my feet?

I think I have a solution for that.

Let's consider it from
the ranchers' perspective.

They must give up their homes,
move away,

possibly get away
from family and friends.

Yes I know.

If they behave, they can
stay until the dam is completed.

This will give you
plenty of time to move.

You are forgetting that
many of them never left this valley.

They don't know where to go,
where to look for a new home.

We must help them.

is suddenly becoming benevolent.

Don't worry,
I'm looking our way.

I came across a
very promising real estate contract , with your cooperation ...

I think I can
persuade ranchers to invest.

They won't even hear you.

They can hear the Musketeers.

Don't worry, boy.
Judge Ross is going to release us soon.

And then we're going to show them
that the fight has just begun.

The fight has just begun,
and see where we are.

We have the right on our side,
we are inclined to win.

Oh, that is not in the cards, Major.

It's a handful of men
against a big city.

And even? Greece did that.

They took the city of Troy
with fewer people than us.

- Do not say. How is it done?
- With a wooden horse.

With wooden horse?

Yes, a big,
huge wooden horse!

Yes, that is
too big a lie to believe, Major.

If I had said it was a
live horse , we could have believed it.

Wait a minute, guys.
Only the Musketeers.

The others remain here.

Why are we just leaving?

I do not know. All I know is that Gilbert
wants to speak to you at his office.

You must have realized that
you cannot stop progress.

Burning a fuel tank is
your idea of ​​progress, I suppose.

No, it's not.

In fact, as soon as I
heard, I fired Harmon.

However, this dam
has to be built ...

and we will have to call
the National Guard.

So let's be sensible and
start planning for the future.

It's fine by me.

- Sure, is there a catch to that?
- No, it doesn't.

The greatest public-minded man in
the state developed a plan

and I think you must agree.

If you endorse ...

I will be confident that the
other ranchers will follow.

Well, there he is now.

- Hello guys.
- Hello.

I want you to meet Mr. Dodge.
Mr. Dodge, they are the Musketeers.

- Nice to meet you.
- How is it going.

Mr. Dodge represents
real estate development.

Like the problem of new homes
for your ranchers ...

If the majority is
willing to invest,

they will be able to receive
good land at low cost.

But I will let Mr. Dodge tell you.

I really want to show you.

- What is it? Your samples?
- You can call it that.

This is just a desert land.

Is this your idea
of a good investment?

One of the best, Mr. Jackson.

You are looking at pictures of the
Empire Valley before they are irrigated.

This is the same territory
these days.

Agricultural farms and orchards.

And a lot
of grazing land for livestock.

You saw what the
water did for Empire Valley.

You can do the same with this
land they are offering us.

And with the money we will
receive from the state ...

we can buy 2 acres
for every acre we deliver.

And we still have a
lot of money left

for our
first year of spending.

So, what do you say, guys?

It seems like a fair proposal.

I don't think we can get
any better.

What do you think, Major?

Well ... I still don't understand
how to get water there.

This is very easy.

Our company intends to
build a pipe from here to there.

But how will it pass
over the mountains?

By tunnel.
The work will be completed

when you are
ready to move.

In two years, gentlemen, the land will be worth
three times more than it is paying.


If this agreement is true.

We checked the Atlas.
And it's cute there.

We are not asking
you to put money

until the tubes
are installed.



Hey, guys!

- Hi guys.
- Did you gather the entire herd?

- We're doing it now.
- Do you need help?

Little boy, you will not
lead any flock.

Ah, grandpa.

The Major will need
you here, Stevie.

It is an important job to
drive the caravan of wagons.

- I think it is.
- When do you think you're leaving?

We will have conditions at the end of the week.

Very well, Major.
See you at Devil's Acres.

Good luck.

The cattle will need water soon.

Devil's Acres is right up
there, we'll have water there.

There is a pipe ahead.

Hey, look at this.

It looks like ranchers
wo n't have water when they get here.

Nor did they begin to drill the tunnel.

I believe that they never
intended to do that.

So what are
all these tubes for?

To deceive ourselves
and buy useless land.

They sure did.

And we help
them sell the ranches and goods.

I recognize that we must be busy
and see what we can do about it.

Take the cattle back to the valley.
We're going to the county.

The Musketeers are going to see you.


Maybe I better not be
here when they arrive.

If I were you, I
would take a long trip.

You certainly
put me in a difficult situation

with that deal
with those bad lands of yours.

I do not understand.

I had to promise to
let them stay at the ranch.

- But you won't do that, right?
- Who do you think I am?

I'll get a fat bonus
if I finish the job on time ...

and nothing will stop me!

It seems that we were already
being expected.

Come on, go over there.

Come on!


Here we are.

Your grandmother and I came
here together, Celia.

We helped create this place.


Now I have to leave
and leave it behind.

This is unfair.

She wants you to leave, grandpa.

People will need a
leader now more than ever.

That's true.

Come on, Alan.

Guys, how smart we are! Tell
Gilbert where we were going.

At least we
found one thing ...

he and Proctor
work together.

This will do damned good
to ranchers.

're probably on their way to Devil's Acres at this hour and ...

Gilbert prepared
to flood the valley.

Go get the horses.

If the tubes don't
go through the mountains,

there will be no chance
of having water at Devil's Acres.

We will have nowhere to live if our
homes are washed away.

I told you that everything
was a fraud.

You're right, Major, but now
we have to stop them from flooding the valley.

- I'll go with you.
- Me too.

It looks like we're going to finish
on schedule.

I never failed in my job.

Hey, look!

Better get the boys together,
we might be in trouble.

They opened the floodgates.




Now it looks more like those photos
that those rascals showed us.

What is the name we should give?

Oh, so beautiful and welcoming.

- Let's call him New New Hope.
- It looks like you're stuttering.

It has a city by
the name of Walla Walla.

Yeah, and another Sing Sing.

Translation and synchrony: virtualnet