New Delhi (1956) - full transcript

Complications, impersonations and moral dilemmas arise when a Punjabi pretends to be a Tamil in order to obtain accommodation in New Delhi. An eloquent and entertaining plea for national unity that manages to showcase several cultural traditions whilst encouraging people to laugh both with and at each other. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
You Tube - Video Running Time 02:45:59

You Tube search name - New Delhi - 1956

Excuse me, but I hired the taxi first.
Please take another taxi.

Excuse me, but I've been waiting here
for 15 minutes. I hired the taxi first.

- No, you are wrong.
- You're wrong.

Driver, you decide.

I didn't pay attention to who called
me first. I thought you were together.

- Sir, you take another taxi.
- Why should I?

- Why can't she take another taxi?
- Then decide among yourselves.

Drive to the police station.
A decision will be made there.

Wait; I'll get off. First they behave
rudely, then threaten to call the police.

Driver, move.

Don't you eat? Massage harder.

Come on, sir! Even the asses in the
military were afraid of my massage.

I'll do it harder.

You ass! You broke the cot.

How am I at fault? Why don't you
get the massage done on the floor?

- Hello.
- Hello.

Is a room available in your lodge?

- Where have you come from?
- From Jallandhar.

- So you are Punjabi?
- Yes.

- I'll pay you rent.
- That you'll have to.

But you can't stay
for more than 3 days.

I only want to stay for 1-2 days.
I'll leave as soon as I get a room.

Kumarswami, go open the
corner room for him.

Come sir.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- You have a room to let?
- Yes, come in.

Please be seated.
Father will join you in a moment.

Thank you, I'm fine.

Wow! Can I take a look?


Oh, so you're a painter?

Oh, I just draw lines.

You're very humble. If these are just
lines, what will pictures be, Mister...?

- Banerjee, Ashok Banerjee.
- And I'm Anand.

Pleased to meet you.

I've come to learn radio engineering.

That's even better.
Our radio is never working.

You'll at least repair it.

If not repair it,
I'll at least learn to repair it.

Father has come.

- Hello.
- Hello.

I want the room you have available.

But are you Bengali or Indian?

Bengali or Indian?
You can say I'm Indian.

Actually, we've given
the room to someone else.

But in today's newspaper...

When father? I've been here all day
and nobody has come.

It's okay, I understood.
I'll look somewhere else.

- Good day.
- Good day.

- I'm sorry Mr. Anand, I didn't know.
- It's okay, at least I met you.

Good day.

- Who did you rent the room to?
- I haven't, I will.

Then why did you refuse him?
He seemed to be a nice man.

- Maybe, but he wasn't Bengali.
- So what?

I'll rent the room
only to a Bengali.

I only want a Marwari paying guest.

Why are you chewing my brain? I told
you I'll give the room only to a Sindhi.

Yes, that's okay, but we
want a Marathi paying guest.

- You have a room to let?
- Yes, but what caste are you?

- Are you a Gujarati or an Indian?
- I'm not Gujarati, but I'm an Indian.

Didn't you read in the ad?

It clearly states only Gujarati
paying guests are allowed.


- Now what?
- I ask you...

there's place for a Marwari,
a Bengali, a Gujarati...

but not for an Indian?
Where will an Indian live?

In India.

India is the best in the world

We are its birds,
this is our garden

India is the best in the world

- Tell me something.
- What is it?

- Where is India?
- Are you drunk, sir?

If this is not India,
then what is it?

No, I found, Madras, Gujarat,
Bengal, Maharastra here...

but I didn't find India anywhere.

What are you talking, sir?
This is India.

He's Bengali, he's Gujarati.

He's Madrasi, he's Marathi, Punjabi,
everyone is here.

Aren't they?

Yes, but if there is India,
it is only in your compound.

Just move out of your doors and see.

- Kumarswami, did you understand him?
- Yes.

- What did you understand?
- Nothing.

Come out of your home

Come out of your home

Watch the world's gaiety again

Why are you sleeping, Ghanshyam?

The world has changed

It has moved ahead

Why are you sitting
dejected in a blind alley?

Come out of your home

What are you afraid of?

Oil has been drawn from water

Trains run on electricity

Soon, an atom drawn horse
will reach the moon and stars

Come out of your home

What are you thinking, Bansi?

Forget the past

Think of the future

Don't sing an old song
on a broken drum

Come out of your home

Sir, tea.

- Got a room?
- How can I?

There is one lyer here, but even
he wants a Madrasi paying guest.

- Then go and see him.
- What's the point?

What's the harm? He won't let out his
room, but he'll let you return home.

Alright, I'll meet him if you say so.

Sir, I'm sure you'll get this room.

How's that?

- You...?
- I'm 100% Madrasi.

- Didn't you realise from my attire?
- I can see that.

- But I'm asking your name.
- Anand Kumarswami.

Anand Kumarswami? Come.

Look what a nice room it is.
A separate door, three windows.

It's a nice room.
How much rent will you charge?

We share the same caste.
I'll just charge Rs.30 a month.

- You'll have to pay in advance.
- Rs.30?

Outsiders pay Rs.50, but since you're
the same caste, I'm charging less.


- When can I move in?
- It's yours. You can come right now.

I've had breakfast.

An important man has come.
Let me introduce you to him. Come.


This is my new tenant.

- Hello.
- Hello.

He's the President of the South
Indian Association, Mr. Subramanium.

- I speak very little Tamil.
- What kind of a Madrasi are you?

I'm a true blue Madrasi.

Actually, my father is a contractor
in Punjab for the last 20 years.

And I was educated there.

No problem. You have changed
your state, but not your attire.

That's true, but sometimes, I have to
change my attire to fit the situation.

I even wear a coat sometimes.

Mr. lyer, don't forget to bring him
for the function.

Because the future of our culture and
traditions must be carried on by the youth.

- I'll come by evening.
- This is your house.

- Come anytime you want.
- Good day.

He seems to be a nice man.

Oh, it's you?
Tell me, what can I do for you?

You already have.
Watch what I do now.


Pure edible oil available here.

One who proves it is adulterated
will get a reward of Rs.1000.

Uncle, making the oil pure?

You applying all kinds of labels.

It's labels that are important.
Who cares for the product inside?

And what's that board on display outside?

The day I need Rs.1000, I'll prove
how you adulterate the oil.

Don't be fooled by it. Like my oil,
even my reward is adulterated.

- Understand? Anyway, how's your father?
- He's fine.

He's asked you
to send a tin of pure oil.

Pure oil? Okay,
I'll arrange it by evening.

Why, don't you have it available
in the shop now?

Only the oil in God's lamp
is pure in this shop.

God can catch you.
That's why you're afraid of him?

If I was afraid of him,
why would I sell adulterated stuff?

Oh yes. Take, read this letter.
It's from your aunt. Sit down.

Uncle, why don't you
learn to read Hindi?

How was I to know I'd need it?

Anyway, I'll learn now.
You read the letter.

'Brother Sadhuram, may you live long'

'Everything is fine here.
I pray you're fine, too.'

Forget all that. Read what's important.

'I've lost my sleep over Mohini.'

'As she grows, so does my fear.'

'You haven't found
a suitable groom for her yet.'

Now hear that! As if grooms are
growing in the streets of New Delhi.

'That's why I'm coming myself.
I'll reach New Delhi Saturday evening.'

'Come to the station to meet me.'

'Regards from Murli.
Your sister, Rambhajani.'

Uncle, why don't you invite Mohini here?
She should see Delhi, too.

I'll find a groom from Delhi for her.
Then she can see Delhi all her life.

Bansi, what do you want?

I want to show a customer
a fake sample.

Do you want to show him a sample
or expose me?

You go, I'll show him the sample.

Here, see the sample.

Wow, the ghee is good.
Where is it from?

From all over the country.
Udipi, Amritsar, Coimbatore...

Why are you standing here, dear?
Tell your father I'll send the oil home.

- How are you?
- Fine.

Father went to Calcutta.

If you haven't found a place yet,
you can come over.

I've found a place,
and it's close to your home.


What else? How do you find Delhi?

The city is good,
but the people here are strange.

- Why?
- They throw muck at each other.

People are good. You must have
come across some crazy person.

Take, have some grams.

If you want to talk,
you can come here.

No, why should he come here?
He was standing there before you.

- Then you come here.
- No, I'm afraid of the police.

We're fine where we are.

- Where are you headed?
- Just sightseeing.

I wanted to develop this film.
Suggest some good lab.

There's a good photo shop in
Daryaganj. Leave it there.

- Daryaganj?
- I'll tell you when it comes.


- Look, over there.
- Thank you. See you again.

- Why are you following me?
- Who's following you?

- I'm going my way.
- Then go. Why are you standing here?

This street doesn't belong to you.

Don't you feel ashamed
to tease a lone woman?

- Get lost!
- What's going on?

- This guy was teasing a girl.
- Then knock out his teeth.

- What nonsense are you talking?
- We're talking nonsense?

- You rascal!
- Your father is a rascal!

How dare you abuse my father!

Why are you fighting?
He's over there.

Come out! Come out and I'll teach you
a lesson for teasing a girl.

Who do you want to meet?

Who has sent you here?

- Get out!
- Go away.

- I'm sorry.
- Where are you going?

I was telling this fool.

Come in.
Actually, I hate tuneless men.

What's most important in
today's world is tune.

And I feel, more than the UNO,
the world needs to be in tune.

So tell me, what brings you here?

Are you interested in learning music?

Yes, that's what's after me.

Good. Even your voice
sounds quite melodious.

Alright, fill out this form.

Let me fill it for you.
What is your name?

It's, it's Anand (happy).

I'm not asking how you are,
I'm asking your name.

My name is Anand.

Why did you come here?

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Kumarswami?
- Yes, Anand Kumarswami.

He is of my caste. He is my tenant.
We are from the same state.

Both my children
learn music from him.

- Mr. Kumarswami, pay Rs.15.
- Rs.15?

Only Rs.15. Rs.10 towards fees,
and Rs.5 admission fees.

I left my wallet at home.
I'll pay tomorrow.

Never keep today's work
pending for tomorrow.

Here's a receipt of Rs.15.

Take the balance Rs.5 from
me tomorrow.

Mr. lyer, I'll introduce Anand
to his teacher.

- Okay.
- Please come.

Come here.

He is, come here, mister.

She is Miss Janaki,
a professor of music and dance.

And he is our new student,
Mr. Anand Kumarswami.

He does seem to have a good voice.

His ear for music drew him here.

Arrange the schedule with him.

And I, some money arrangements.

Come here. You guys take a rest.

- So, love for music brought you here?
- Yes, you can assume that.

Sit down.

- Sing something.
- Sing?

- That's what I've come here to learn.
- I know.

But one who likes to sing,
hums something.

Sing whatever you can.
I want to know your tone.

- That's in your hands.
- You better begin.

Quiet! Enough, stop.

Ustad Machchar Khan
tutored me for a few days.

Oh. Then why did he stop?

What do I say? He went mad.

He had to. Look Mr. Anand,
music is not your cup of tea.

- Please learn something else.
- What do I learn? I am so confused.

There are lots of things
you can do.

- Like?
- Tiffs, fights, riots...

teasing girls on the road.
Don't waste your money here.

The moment our eyes met...

The moment our eyes met,
you entered my heart

I regret...

I regret it's put you in a dilemma

The moment our eyes met...

The moment our eyes met
I lost my heart

Tugged by my heart,
I kept moving close to you

How was I to know
I'd forget my way?

I was going somewhere...

I was going somewhere
but wound upsomewhere else

The moment our eyes met...

The moment our eyes met
I lost my heart

Your magical eyes kept smiling

They kept smiling
and stealing my heart

When I complained...

When I complained,
she waved it of with a smile

The moment our eyes met...

The moment our eyes met
I lost my heart

I'll return the way I came

Keep my heart...

Keep my heart.
I'll even leave my heart

Even if it is this sorrow...

Even if it is this sorrow,
at least I got something from you

The moment our eyes met...

The moment our eyes met
I lost my heart

- You're angry with me?
- Why are you after me?

You want to make a
laughing stock of me even here.

I didn't come deliberately.

If destiny is bringing us together,
what can I do?

- You can at least leave.
- Why, am I so tuneless?

No, your voice is very good.
Have you come to learn, or teach music?

- Teach?
- Of course. You sing so well.

I do sing, but if I can get some
polishing from you, I'll sing better.

I mean, an artisan turns
ordinary clay to a temple.

Wow Kumarswami! You turned
out to be the Emperor of music.

By God, I was stunned.

Janaki, you're very fortunate
to get a student like him.

I'm fortunate to have
got a tutor like her.

Mr. Anand, the Pongal festival is being
celebrated in Janaki's home this Saturday.

- You also come along.
- Pongal?

You're a Madrasi. You know
the greatness of this festival.

Oh yes, Pongal!
Who doesn't know about Pongal?

It will be more fun that day,
because it's the full moon night.

Yes, this is how a
full moon night must be.

- How?
- Like your smile.

- I was just saying it as an example.
- I understand.

- So will you come?
- No.

Perhaps I won't be able to make it.
I've already made other plans.

No problem. We'll try to enjoy
the festival without you.

No problem, don't mind her.
She is actually a very good girl.


Sister Rambhajani,
after the Pongal festival...

I'll start looking for a
handsome groom for Mohini.

Just as she is Sadhuram's niece,
so she is my niece, too.

Yes brother, you must do something.
Sadhuram is a novice.

Since childhood,
he's never worried about anything.

Why should man worry?
God is there to worry for everyone.

God willing, I will get Janaki
and Mohini married together.

Father, I'll make
arrangements for the program.

Yes, do that.
And give your aunt a good seat.

You also go in.


You've come? Good.
I thought you might forget.

How is that possible? I refused
another invitation to come here.

Thank you very much.
The program is about to begin. Come.

Your flute is my enemy, oh Kanhaiya


I have become crazy

Your flute is my enemy, oh Kanhaiya

In the lanes of Vrindavan,
Radha lost her heart

In my enchanting eyes...

constantly floats his image

It stole my heart

Your flute is my enemy, oh Kanhaiya

He expressed his love
and stole my heart and peace

He is after me

The naughty one took me
to the river bank

And played the melodious tune
of the flute for me

It charmed me

Your flute is my enemy, oh Kanhaiya

Wow! For some time I felt
like time had stopped.

I've never seen such
a good dance performance.

- But you had to go somewhere else.
- This is where I had to come.

- How is that?
- Actually...

the South Indian Association's
president had invited...

- Who, father?
- No, Mr. Subramanium.

- He's my father.
- Your father?

- Yes.
- Oh, so he's your father?

Janaki, he is,
you two know each other?

- I'm a student in Kala Mandir.
- Oh, I see. Here, have coffee.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- What is it, father?
- A new manager is taking over.

He's taking charge tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Sunday.
He'll take charge on a holiday?

- What kind of a man is he?
- He's Punjabi. That's all I know yet.

Mr. Kumarswami, you've dealt
quite often with therm.

The Punjabis I've known
have been very good.

- I'll take your leave.
- Mundu.

- Do come over sometimes.
- Sure.

- Don't bother, I'll go.
- It's okay.

- Good day.
- Good day.

- I'll take your leave.
- You seem to be in a hurry.

Perhaps you're bored with us?

Of course not.
How can anyone get bored with friends?

If I could,
I'd spend maximum time with you.

- What's your program tomorrow?
- I have to go to the Red Fort.

To see Moghul attire
for my dance show.

Okay. Anyway, that's business.
What are you doing before that?

You tell me what I can do.

Tomorrow is Sunday..
Why not go to the Jamuna river bank?

There must be arrangements
for boating there.

There are boating arrangements
near the President House too.

That will be a better place.

If you're with me,
every place will be beautiful.

I'll come tomorrow at 9:30 AM.

Your home is on the way.
I'll pick you up.

Thank you.
I hope you remember my name.

- Mr. Kumarswami.
- Anand Kumarswami.

But for you, it's only Anand.

Brother, your letter.

It's from father.

'Anand, you'll be pleased to know
I've got a transfer to Delhi.'

'We'll reach Delhi on Sunday
morning by the Frontier Mail.'

'My company is
providing me a house to stay in.'

'Meet us at the station.'

Tomorrow morning? Damn!

- Mom.
- Bless you, son. How are you?

- I'm fine. Father.
- Bless you.

Take this, get the luggage.
And count the baggage correctly.

- Come on, hurry.
- Have you arranged for a porter?

- I've arranged everything.
- Why do we need a servant? We have him.

- Mom, just listen to her!
- You two already started fighting?


I've brought the porter, mom.

- He's a very nice man.
- Greetings madam.

- What's his name?
- Kumarswami.

- What?
- Kumarswami.

I won't call you Swami.
We call our servants Mundu.

- I'll call you Mundu.
- Call me whatever you like.

- My old employer called me an ass.
- Where are you from?

- From Madras.
- Go to the kitchen and do the dishes.

- Come with me.
- Don't worry about the salary.

- Mom, can I go?
- Yes.

- Where are you going?
- I've done everything, father.

I counted the bags.
Take a look.

I will.
Get everything put away.

Everything is just lying around.
The home looks more like a shack.

- Get me a glass of water.
- Mundu!

- Coming.
- Bring father a glass of water.


- Mundu? Have you brought a servant?
- Yes. Can I go now?

- Shut-up! Where is he from?
- I'm from Madras.

Anand, you always do things differently.

What will a Madrasi servant
do in a Punjabi home?

Father, he cooks very good Punjabi food.
He's also hard working and honest.

Yes, he's very simple. He sought
my blessing the moment he came in.

That does it! One who seeks
your blessing has to be the best.

Mundu, bring me my hookah.

Why are you standing here? Go do some
work. I said you can't go out today.

What is it, dear?

- Can I go to see the Red Fort?
- You've just arrived.

Go some other day.

- Why not today?
- Who will go with you today?

- Can't brother come along?
- No, he has lots of work to do.

What work?
He only has to put everything away.

Mundu has come. He'll do it.

Can't you go see the Red Fort tomorrow?

Father, this is what you always do.

You push everything to tomorrow.

Okay, don't make a face.
Tell Anand to take you.

Coming, father.

- What is it, father?
- Take your sister to the Red Fort.

- Red Fort? Today?
- Yes, now.

How can I go now? The furniture has to
be put in place. Everything is a mess.

Go I said! Work indeed!

How was work done in this house
before you were born?

- But father, you said...
- And now I'm saying take her.

- Come on, brother.
- Keep quiet! How do I tell you...

- You keep quiet! Take your sister.
- As you wish.

- Come, Nikki.
- Okay.

This is India Gate.

It's a memorial for those
who died in the first world war.

You go take a look.
I'll be back in 10 minutes.

No, I only want to see the Red Fort.

- This is Diwane-Aam.
- What is Diwane-Aam?

You don't know?
The Emperor used to hold court here.

The Emperor used to sit here,
and the Kings would sit here.

Kinsmen would sit here,
and the commoners behind them.

Understood? Move.

Hey! That's Ashok.

- How are you?
- I'm fine. She's my sister, Nirmala.

I brought her to see the Red Fort.
And he is Mr. Ashok Banerjee.

- He's an excellent painter.
- Hello.

- What are you painting?
- I just can't make anything.

I made many sketches and erased them.

Looks like you want to take
a big jump.

If you don't mind,
may I sketch you?

- I...
- Why would she mind?

It's fortunate that an artist like
you makes such a request.

- Yet, what do you think?
- I...

- She herself likes to paint.
- That's even better.

It'll take you 20-25 minutes
to sketch her?

- Yes.
- Then I'll meet a professor and return.

- Be back soon.
- In a jiffy.

- Sorry Janaki, I ran late. Actually...
- I know. Your father has arrived.

- Yes.
- Where's he staying?

- At a friend's place..
- Okay, come and sit.

Give me the oar.
Your arms must be tired.

I don't know about my arms, but my
eyes sure got tired waiting for you.

Thank you, the sketch is done.

This is just a sketch yet.
I'll make a portrait of it.

- Brother hasn't yet returned?
- He'll come.

Oh! You've come to see the Red Fort.

Until Anand returns,
let me show you around.

- I'll take you to Diwane-Aam.
- Brother showed me that.

Really? Okay, then
we'll go towards Sawan Badho.

- Anand, you're here?
- I was coming to you.

I went with her to the museum.

Meet her, she's Janaki,
a music and dance artist.

He's Ashok Banerjee,
a very good painter.

- And she is, let's have tea.
- But what did you tell me?

Anand, you didn't introduce her.
She is Nirmala, Anand's sister.


- Anand's sister?
- Yes...

I told you father is staying
with his friend. She's his daughter.


It's very late.
Her father must be waiting. Good day.

- Good day. - Good Day.
- Good Day.

So, she was your professor for
whom you wanted to get rid of me?

Am I so bad that you were
embarrassed to introduce me to her?

No sister, actually, she is a Madrasi.

And I had to pretend to be a Madrasi
to get a room here.

Had I introduced you to her,
everything would be ruined.

- What, everything?
- You don't understand.

Oh, so that's the case.
I'll mess things up for you today.

- Just come before father.
- What?

- I'll surely tell him.
- Go tell him.

- You think I'll pamper you?
- Yes.

Never! Have I committed a theft?
Why should I fear?

I'll boldly reveal
everything to father...

Coming father.

- Look, you're my little sister.
- Touch my feet.

- I'm your older brother.
- Touch my feet.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing father. Nikki's shoes broke.

- Nikki, saw the Red Fort?
- Yes, father.

- What else did you see?
- And I saw...

I met brother's professor.

- What happened?
- Nothing, I fixed her buckle.

- How is his professor?
- Seemed good from his talk.

But he's no good.
What can the professor do?

Listen naughty guy, now that you've got
a good professor, you must work hard.

It's said the fruits of labor are sweet.

The fruits of this labor
will be even more sweet.

Father, I'll try my best...

Okay, the food is ready.
You two go inside.

Gentleman, our company's new manager,
Mr. Daulatram Khanna.

He's our company's cashier,
Mr. Jatashanker.

- Hello.
- Hello.

He is Bhutaram Bhalla, our supervisor.

- Hello Lalaji.
- Hello Mr. Bhuta, how are you?

- I'm fine, by your grace.
- Sit down.

- Who hasn't come?
- Mr. Subramanium, our accountant.

- Send him to me when he comes in.
- Yes.

Lalaji, Mr. Subramanium has come.

- Is this your time to come?
- The office starts at 10, sir.

Look, it's 10:10.

But this is the correct radio time.

Maybe, but this is the time to be
followed in the office from today.

Peon, correct the clock.

Look Mr. Subramanium,
you are a responsible officer.

If you come late, how will it
affect the other staff members?

I'll be more careful, sir.

It's okay. Bring the files in.

- Mundu, hurry up.
- Yes sister.

- Father, shall I give you some more?
- No dear.

Why? Didn't you like it?

Nonsense! I always overeat
when you cook, Upma.

Besides, I have to hurry.
I'll be late for work.

Wait father. I have to fix a button.

Father, it's not even 9:30 yet.

But as per Daulatram standard time,
it's 9:45 already.

Why? ls his watch
different from the world's?

He himself is different
from the world.

- Mr. Menon was a good man.
- He was Madrasi, after all.

Your own caste people understand you.

Look at Anand. Though he grew up in
Punjab, he hasn't forgotten his roots.

- Why hasn't he come for so long?
- His father has come.

That's even better. If you see him,
tell him I want to meet his father.

- Why father?
- Silly girl. Do I have to tell you that?

Oh God, 9:30!
That means it's 9:45!

- Father, will you go without shoes?
- I forgot!

Mundu, you haven't polished
my shoes yet? Bring them quick!

I'm bringing them.

He's always in a hurry.

- Hurry.
- Here sir.

- Won't you wear socks?
- Give, I'll put them on in the bus.

- But what's the matter?
- Why does he want to meet him?

Ask him that. I don't know.

Your smile tells me
you know everything.

As if you don't know.
Now don't pretend.

Why does a girl's father
want to meet a boy's father?


- I understood!
- But you didn't tell me where you live.

- I live here, in New Delhi.
- But which street in New Delhi?

Which street? I forgot.

But it's named after some king.

- Babur road?
- No.

- Humayun road?
- No.

- Akbar Road?
- Akbar Road? No.

That's the problem.
If I knew the names of kings...

I wouldn't always fail in History.

New Delhi's roads
narrate the history of India.

But why is he taking the trouble?
I'll bring father to your home.

- When? Tomorrow?
- Tomorrow? Alright.

- But at what time?
- At 4 O'clock.

- Okay.
- Do come, don't forget.

How can I forget?
I won't sleep all night.

What's the matter?
You seem very worried.

Had a fight with the professor?

I will, when she learns I'm Punjabi.
Janaki's father has called father.

Is that all? Then take father.

Yes sure! As if I have to die.
Know what her father says?

He says if you come across a snake
and a Punjabi, kill the Punjabi first.

So what? Even our father says that.
Everyone says that about the other.

Madrasi about a Punjabi, Punjabi about
a Sindhi, Sindhi about a Marwari.

It's true for all Indians.

Why should I care about India?
I'm worried about myself.

It's 3:30 and I said I'd
bring father at 4 O'clock.

Have tea.

Make some excuse.
You have the habit anyway.

Mundu, come here. Come here.

- What are you looking at?
- Nikki, I got it!

- No brother, are you crazy?
- Father.

- He's upstairs.
- What is it?

- Why are you shouting?
- Nothing, father.

Tell him, brother. His professor,
Janaki, wants to meet you.

I don't have time to meet anyone.
Tell him to come and meet me.

Okay father.

You! Just you wait!


Why are you walking so listlessly?
Walk proud. You know how father walks.

You're posing as my father.

That's the problem.
If he comes to know, he'll kill me.

- How will he know? Come.
- No, I can't do it.

Don't ditch me at the last minute.
Get up.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- What's the matter?
- Nothing, father is a little unwell.

Come father, and walk tall!

- Mundu, is everything ready?
- Yes.

- Get everything.
- Okay.

- Janaki, where are you?
- Coming father.

Hurry up. They've come.
Arrange for the snacks.

Hello, Anand, you're late.

I told you, father isn't well.
He was resting.

- How is he now?
- He's fine.

Sit down.

What are you doing! Sit up.

Father, speak in Hindi.

I forgot.
Anand speaks very little Tamil.

Even I speak Hindi nowadays.
Even my daughter speaks Hindi.

Hindi is our national language.

- How long have you been here?
- Since one month...

21 years.

Dear, greet him.

- Bless you.
- Please have.

How can I eat so much alone?
I'm sick.

Anand, you eat, eat.
Feel at home, eat.

Have the sweets.

Your son is a very good boy.

I realise why he is so good.

A son takes after his father.

- Father.
- Of course.

I invited you here today. I wanted
to ask you your view on marriage.

You'll have to ask that
from my father.

- From your father?
- I mean, his father, that's me.

You're very witty.
I was asking just you.

- What do I say?
- What can I say?

Who am I to interfere?
It's his wish.

You're my father.
Your consent is necessary.

- Yes.
- Yes, I give my consent.

Everything has been arranged.
We just have to fix the date.

I'll give you, father

It'll spill, father.

- It's okay. Mundu!
- Coming.

- I was calling my servant. Mundu!
- I'll clean it, it's like our own home.

Yes, why not? Excuse me.

- What's wrong with you?
- You've made me your father.

If he comes to know, he'll kill me.

- Mr. Khanna!
- Subramanium, you live here?

- Yes sir, Please come in.
- Some other time.

Come out!

- At least have coffee.
- Okay. How do I get in?

I'll come down.

I'll bring Mr. Khanna upstairs.

- Death has come!
- It's coming up?

- Yes.
- I told you not to get me into this!

- What's the matter?
- Father had an attack.

- Father, you've suffered an attack.
- What do we do now?

Let's make him lie down inside.

- Lie down here.
- What's he suffering from?

- Epilepsy.
- Epilepsy?

- It's a dangerous condition.
- I'll call the doctor.

- No, I'll go.
- I'll go!

How can you go, father?
You're sick.

I'll call my family doctor.
He knows his condition.

- How can you leave me alone, son?
- I'll be back soon.

You take rest, father.

- Come sir.
- You have a nice house, Subramanium.

Thank you, sir.
This is my daughter's room.

- Okay.
- Come to the drawing room.

- I'll introduce you to someone.
- Sure. Come.

Come sir. Where did they go? Janaki!

- Yes?
- Greet him. He's Mr. Khanna.

Bless you.

- His father fell sick.
- Who fell sick?

My daughter's would-be father-in-law.
Did you call the doctor?

- He's gone to bring him.
- What's he suffering from?

- Epilepsy.
- Epilepsy?

That can be cured in minutes.
Take me to him.

Janaki, get coffee for sir.

It's him.

Mr. Subramanium, there's only
one cure to this.

- What sir?
- Shoe.

- Shoe?
- Yes, get a shoe.

- Here.
- Not Madrasi chappals, Madrasi shoe.

That's the only cure.
Anyway, I'll remove my shoe.

- Sir, slowly.
- I won't hit him with it.

- I only have to make him smell it.
- Swami.


Watch how he recovers in minutes now.
It's a tried and tested cure.

Don't worry, Subramanium.
His seems to be an old ailment.

Or he would have recovered by now.

No problem, we'll wait.

- Mr. Subramanium?
- Yes doctor, he's the patient.

Who put this shoe here?

This is epilepsy.
This is its only cure.

What nonsense! Who is he?
Ask him to leave.

Doctor! Do you know
who you're talking to?

I know, but perhaps you don't
know who you're talking to.

I've come across
many doctors like you

And I've come across
many quacks like you.

Do you know, if the patient had
suffocated, you'd be behind bars.

Get lost!

I don't speak Punjabi,
but I do understand it.


I've not come here to fight,
but to cure a patient.

If you want me to save the patient,
ask him to leave.

Who are you to ask me to leave?
I'll leave myself.

- Mr. Khanna! I'm very sorry.
- It's okay, I was leaving anyway.

The doctor has come now.
I'm not required.

I'll see you to the door, sir.

Baby, get a glass of hot water.

Doctor, I'm fine.

- Quick, turn around.
- Doctor, I'm fine.

Don't be afraid.
Didn't you recognise me?

- Master Anand?
- Yes.

- Mr. Khanna has left?
- Yes.

You continue to lie down.
I'll be back.

- Return soon.
- Yes.

I've given him an injection.
He'll be alright now.

Okay doctor, but where is Anand?

I sent him to get some medicine.
He'll be back soon.

I'm their family doctor.
I won't take fees.

Keep it.

- Anand didn't come.
- He's gone to get medicine. He'll come

Look what he came for for,
and what has happened.

- Did the doctor come?
- Yes, he gave him an injection.

- You brought his medicine?
- Yes.

But don't bother, I'll take him home.
Father, how are you feeling now?

I was lucky to survive.

It's not right to take him in this
condition. Let him rest here.

Yes, Anand.

No, you don't understand.
His condition is bad. I'll take him home.

I must go home.

- Do inform us of his well being.
- Sure.

- Did you pay anything to the doctor?
- It's okay.

He wasn't taking the money,
but I insisted and paid him Rs.15.

Rs.15! That's not done.
Why should you pay?

- No Anand.
- Please don't embarrass me.

- Good day.
- Good day.

Janaki, the face itself
reveals a man's culture.

He seems to be a very good man.

I'm very happy for you.

You? Please come.

- I thought you'd forgotten.
- How's that possible?

There are only a few things
which man remembers in life.

- Didn't Anand give you my message?
- He did.

Please sit down. What will
you have? Tea, or buttermilk?


- Where's your father?
- He'll come now.

He took mother to the Birla Temple.

Sit down. I'll be right back.

What are you studying?

This 'Nikki' written under every
painting, is it your pen name?

I'm the youngest,
so everyone at home calls me Nikki.

Can't outsiders call you Nikki?
Though even Nirmala is a good name.

Call me by whatever name you like.

You sure must have laughed
seeing these pictures.

I don't paint well.

Seeing these paintings, I don't think so.

The imagination a painter should have,
you have that in you.

Father, he is Ashok
who brother mentioned.

Anand was all praise for you.
So, how are you?

I'm fine. How did you find
the Birla Temple?

Temples are always beautiful.

She wanted to see it,
so I took her. Sit down.

Nikki likes to paint.

I wanted to know if
her hobby had any meaning.

Seeing her paintings,
I can say she can be a good painter.

- She only needs practice.
- True.

LF you can spare the time,
why don't you help her practice?

I would, but the work at
Kala Mandir is in full swing.

If it's okay with you,
she can come there.

- She'll learn a lot.
- That's a good idea.

- Alright then...
- You're leaving?

- Yes.
- It's dinner time, have dinner first.


She very rarely invites
someone to dinner. Don't refuse.

Ashok, you have made a beautiful set.
No one can say it's a painting.

It looks real.

Nikki has helped me
a lot in this work.

That's obvious.

Even Janaki and Anand have
worked hard at the dance.

God willing, this show will
be a great success.

Oh yes, Ashok;
I came to give you this telegram.

But please finish this work soon.

What is it? ls everything alright?

Father is sick.
He's called me to Calcutta.

- When will you go?
- On tomorrow's train.

Nikki, before leaving for Calcutta,
I want to show you something.

Will you come home with me?

Let's go.

- You have made a lot of paintings.
- I've made them for an exhibition.

Every artist wants to exhibit
his work some day.

This painting is beautiful.

And this landscape is so inspiring.
But which one is your favorite?

That's why I've brought you here. Come.

Hey, that's me!

Yes, the way I see you.

But I've never found
myself so beautiful.

It's your hand that's given me
this beautiful look.

The beauty doesn't lie in
a painter's hand, but his heart.

But this jewelry?
I never wear such jewelry.

Is that also the painter's imagination?

Beauty isn't dependent on jewelry.

- But they mean something else.
- What?

My mother is no more.

But she wished for her
daughter-in-law to wear this jewelry.

Won't you say anything, Nikki?

If you've taken offense,
I'll brush them off.

- Nikki, I don't like such pranks.
- Why are you sitting glum?

Naturally. Do you know,
Subramanium came here today.

- If I wasn't here, he would see you...
- And you would be exposed.

I'd be very pleased! Why don't you
tell Janaki? What's the harm?

- I think that will be right.
- Don't just keep thinking.

Father went to Subramanium's house,
and he came here.

It's difficult to hide this anymore.

I think you should
make things clear today.

- You haven't committed any sin.
- You're right.

We're having the show tonight.
I'll tell Janaki everything there.

After all, the decision
has to be made some day.

- Uncle, you didn't bring aunt along?
- If only she could leave her rosary.

Okay. Sit down.

- Greetings father.
- Greetings.

How can the family sit
so far in the back?

Come with me.

He's our professor.
And he's Anand's father, Mr. Kumarswami.

- We should worship you.
- No!

Sit down.

Janaki, we'll be late. Hurry up.

Some cold drinks?
You must take something.

Boy! Here.

Excuse me, I'll be back.

- Janaki, you haven't dressed yet?
- Anand, you're strange.

- You made father sit in back.
- Father? What rubbish

Yes, I just moved him to the front.

- I'm going.
- Janaki...

I want to tell you something important.

Later. There's just five minutes until
the show, and I have to get dressed yet.

Don't leave after this show.
I can't delay this any longer.

Alright, I won't.

- Sadhuram, have you got a seat?
- Yes Janaki gave me a seat.

Sit down. The show's about to begin.

Excuse me, meet him. He is
Mr. Daulatram, my senior manager.

He's Sadhuram.
His oil is supplied to your home.

Your oil is excellent.
It's just like home-made.

It is home-made.

Mr. Murlidhar, give him a good seat.

Mr. Subramanium, it's difficult
to get two seats together.

Though I'll give him a very good seat.

Mr. Khanna, go and sit in the front.

No, this one is fine.

Come, I'll give you a very good seat.

Sit down. You'll get a
good view of the show from here.

- Mr. Kumarswami! Hello.
- Hello.

It's so good of you to have come.

Oh woman with attitude

But she looks so innocent

These unknown girls enchant the heart

They're evil-hearted

She was a different woman,
who met my eyes and captured my heart

Oh cruel one, oh betrayer

At least tell me something about yourself

My restlessness...

let it lower a little.
At least smile at me again

She was a different woman,
who met my eyes and captured my heart

Life is beautiful. Enjoy love

When one heart loves another,
why fear the world?

Life is beautiful. Enjoy love

I was silent. Even you were quiet

But the eyes said it all

I accepted my admirer

Life is beautiful. Enjoy love

I dance, so does my heart...

and the whole world dances with me

There's happiness all around

Life is beautiful. Enjoy love

Friends, I thank you on behalf of
Kala Mandir for this applause.

Actually, the credit for the success
of today's show goes to these youths.

You will be
even more pleased to know...

that their fathers, who have
sired such talented children...

are present here today.

I consider it my duty
to introduce them to you.

Come, Mr. Subramanium.

Yes, you also come on stage.

- Come.
- No, I'm fine here.

Please come.

He is Janaki's father, Mr. Subramanium.

And he is Anand's father,
Mr. Kumarswami.

- Father!
- What is it, son?

Come Mr. Khanna. He is my would-be
son-in-law, and his father...

What kind of a joke is this?

He's MY son,
and he's my servant.

Why you rascal, are you his father?

- Is this true?
- Yes, no.

- I have understood. Come Janaki!
- Janaki listen!

What is all this?
Drop the curtain!

Kumarswami, Mr. Khanna...

Have you gone crazy?

The curtain!

As soon as I got to know you,
I got to know your father's views.

I didn't have the courage
to tell him the truth...

- for fear that I might lose you.
- But why didn't you tell me?

Didn't you trust me, either?

It's what I wanted to tell you
before the show, but you were in a hurry.

How was I to know destiny would
play such a cruel joke on us?

Does my being a Punjabi
make any difference to you?

What nonsense are you talking?
One human loves another.

But it's made a lot of
difference to others.

Father says even I've
cheated him, along with you.

I know. You had to
suffer this because of me.

But what do I do? It's my fate.

Today, my family, outsiders,
everyone hates me.

I don't hate you.

I realise what you've done for me.

Really Janaki? If you're with me,
I don't care about anyone else.

We'll face any difficulties together.

So that you see the boy yourself.

- He's educated.
- Works as a clerk in a bank.

- He draws a good salary.
- I even get children's allowance.

Okay. I didn't need to see the boy.

We share the same caste.
Even their horoscopes match.

If I can get a son-in-law who works
abroad, I can't get luckier than that.

I fix my daughter's alliance
with your son.

- We only need to fix a date.
- I've already done that.

The priest has given
the date of 15th December.

15th December? So soon?

Daughters have
to be given away anyway.

I wish to get her married
as soon as possible.

Alright, we don't mind.

- Good day.
- Good day.

Bless you.

- Father, were you arranging my marriage?
- Whose else?

- The boy is good, he's educated.
- You should have at least asked me.

Ask you? I saw what you did.

It was good many people didn't know,
or no one would marry you.

But father,
it's a question of my life.

A woman has to follow her
parents' wishes before marriage...

and serve her husband after marriage.

Hereafter, if you step out of the
house, you've had it!

So beware!

But father, just think. I don't know
the guy. Who he is? What's he like?

However he is,
he's better than that cheat.

He's no comparison to us.
He's Punjabi, we're Madrasi.

We have nothing in common.

He's Punjabi, we're Madrasi.
We have nothing in common.

Sardarilal, even I accept that.
But that incident is over.

The boy was making a mistake.
I pulled him over.

Lalaji is such an important man.
His is a renowned family.

Your daughter's proposal
has been sent to them.

We're very happy about it.

But if this matter reaches their ears,
it can have such a bad effect.

I agree.
No decent man will tolerate this.

I myself am
concerned about my honor.

This isn't just a question of your honor,
but the honor of the whole clan.

Where am I denying it?

I can leave my son for the clan,
not leave the clan for the son.

That is what we expected of you.
After all, the clan is important.

What can a lone man do? It's the
clan that helps when one is in need.

- Right Kanhaiyalal?
- Of course.

Mr. Kapoor,
do you have any complaints now?

Why should I? What I didn't approve, I
came and told you considering it my duty.

- Okay Daulatram, excuse the bother.
- It was no bother.

I'm pleased to know you
all care so much for me.

We caution our dear ones,
not strangers.

Come on now. It was our duty.

- Good day.
- Good day.

If you don't have a child,
it's just one sorrow.

If you have him and he dies,
you have immense sorrow.

But if you have him and he's worthless,
there's no dearth of sorrow.

- I haven't committed a murder, father.
- That would have been better.

You would be hanged.
We would cry and forget about it.

Today, because of you, those I had
never met, I had to bow before them.

Why do you attach so much
importance to the clan?

What do you know of its importance?

You can't do anything without them.

The world is not so crazy
as to care so much about their clan.

Foolish, good for nothing fellow!

- Mom, what father said...
- He's right.

You won't understand. One doesn't
get good proposals again and again.

Do you know, your act
can stall your sister's marriage.

If you don't care for us,
at least think of your sister.

Don't worry Nikki.
Your brother won't do anything...

that will affect your life.

- Hello.
- Good you came, Anand.

I was coming to meet you myself.
Come here.

- What's happened?
- It's an emergency.

What emergency?

- Father has arranged my marriage.
- Your marriage?

Yes Anand, to a boy of our caste.

You'll have to find a way soon.

- Why are you silent?
- Because I can't think of anything.

Even my father has fixed Nikki's
alliance with a rich Punjabi family.

Any step we take
can break this alliance.

Nikki must get married. You don't
care whether I live or die.

Don't think like that, Janaki. I want
you to convince your father somehow.

It's just a matter of few months.
They'll pass quickly.

They won't.
When will they? After my marriage?

Father has even set the date.

No, that's unfair!
You must raise your voice against it.

And you should do nothing?

You want me to go
against my father...

while you remain an
obedient son in your family.

- No Janaki, you don't know how much...
- You love me?

- I didn't know before. I do now.
- Try to understand me, Janaki.

- I'm not a coward, I'm helpless.
- They are no different for me.

What I regret is becoming
so crazy about you.

I didn't understand you.
I let you play with my life.

- I never played with your life, Janaki.
- You are even now.

- Janaki...
- Move Anand, let me go.

Try to forget me if you can.

Janaki, I'm very annoyed with you.

Even God is annoyed with me, uncle.

What's this? You're crying?

- No uncle, there's something in my eye.
- In both your eyes?

You're fooling me? Come here.

I never treated you any
different from my niece.

What I regret is that
you considered me a stranger.

- What are you saying?
- The truth.

If you considered me dear,
wouldn't you tell me your sorrows?

- What is this I'm hearing?
- You have heard right.

- I'm getting married.
- And what does Anand have to say?

He is helpless, because of his clan.

- Clan indeed!
- I have just one option now.

All my problems will be over
if I kill myself.

What nonsense are you talking!
Don't you dare say that again.

Crazy girl.

Madam, have dinner.

Madam, have dinner.

- Did father eat?
- I did serve him, but he refused.

Have dinner, father.

I prepared it myself.

I, I...

You went to meet that cheat again?
Why didn't you die when you were born?

- Father!
- Don't you call me father!

- What have I done?
- What else have you left to do?

It would be better if you had died.

I'll assume I have no daughter.

Get out of my sight!

Dear father, I have hurt you terribly.

I apologise for it.

When man loses all support,
he has only God to turn to.

Even I have only him to turn to.

As you said,
I am going to kill myself.

I pray you will be free of all
sorrow after my death.

Your unfortunate daughter.

- Uncle.
- Yes. I knew what was on your mind.

It is cowardice to run away from life.

But what can the one
who has been left alone do?

Crazy girl! As long as your uncle is alive,
how can you be alone?

Sadhuram, I considered Subramanium
a national minded man.

I will teach Subramanium
a very good lesson!

- Come to my house.
- Come dear.

Whatever God willed.

Daughter! What have you done!

Murlidhar, I'm a killer.
I killed my daughter.

I wonder what got into me.

Calm down, Subramanium.

You didn't know a few words
would lead to this.

No one can do anything
against God's will.

She's returned back
to where she came from.

Everything is as it was,
except Janaki is not with us.

Get up, Subramanium.

Who can go against what is destined?


Who expected this to happen?

- Mohini, get a pen and ink.
- Yes uncle.

How many times have I told you
that you're my sister's daughter now?

Call me Mama (mother's brother).
Don't call me uncle.

- Yes, Mama. Sorry, I made a mistake.
- Don't make the mistake again.

One mistake by Subramanium
has shocked him.

How is father now?
Did you meet him today?

Since we have begun this game,
I meet him often.

He is slowly gathering himself.
He even went to the office today.

- Really?
- Yes.

Though to reassure you,
I have called him here.

Maybe he comes today.

But Mama, my death must
have shocked father immensely.

He loved me so much.

Just thinking of it
makes my heart shudder.

But we've done this to shock him.

A patient doesn't know of his disease.

They doctor only has to
gather courage and do the operation.

- Lalaji, Mr. Subramanium has come.
- Send him here.

Look Mohini, don't do anything in your
excitement that spoils the whole plan.

- No uncle.
- Again!

- Mama, don't worry.
- How can I not worry?

Go prepare a plate for your father, too.

Come Subramanium.

Coming straight from the office?

Will you take coffee, or dinner?

I don't feel like
having anything right now.

You must have something. Mohini, get
something to eat for your Madrasi uncle

Don't call me Madrasi.
This word hits me hard.

The pride of being a Madrasi
snatched my daughter from me forever.

Bring it, dear.
Put it here on the table.

She is my niece.
She has just come from Punjab.

- Sit down, dear.
- Bless you, dear.

Bless you. Even Janaki had
served me dinner with as much love.

And I threw the plate.

- What happened to me, Sadhuram?
- Gather yourself, Subramanium.

She is also like your daughter.
Consider her your daughter.

Eat, your dinner is getting cold.

Subramanium, why don't you come here
in the evenings to spend time?

Even this is your home.

Okay, I'll come.


- Watch where you're going.?
- I'm sorry.

Why are you after me?

- I, I...
- I indeed!

- Mama!
- Mohini? What is it?

- Some deadbeat is after me.
- Who's he?

- Anand! Come. Where's the deadbeat?
- He's the one.

He keeps staring at me.

I know him. He's Daulatram's son.

- She's my niece, Mohini.
- Hello.

Don't let her words offend you.
She has just come from the village.

- How come you're here today?
- I was going to college.

I thought I'd greet you
on the way.

You sometimes act far sighted.

- Come in.
- No, I'm going to college now.

- I'll come some other time.
- Okay. Where had you gone?

Your mother was worried if you
had forgotten the way.

Come inside.

Give me an answer.

Mr. Murlidhar, it's better if you
don't include me in this program.

If anyone recognizes me,
our whole plan will be foiled.

You're worrying needlessly.

You became a Punjabi from a Madrasi,
and even Anand couldn't recognise you.

Can't we present you on stage,
so that no one recognizes you?

Murlidhar, assuming yourself to be
smart and others to be fools...

is a signal of bad times to come.

You're speaking as if I'll
amass huge wealth from this show.

Since you spread the rumor of
Janaki's death, half my students quit.

If she doesn't come, if she doesn't
do shows, how will the institution run?

Though it isn't my property,
I don't care if it is shut down.

Murlidhar, even I don't want
such a big institution to be shut down.

I was only concerned for her.

She is as dear to me
as she is to you.

Then do whatever you deem fit.

What do you say, Janaki?

- If there is no other way, then okay.
- That's better.

Murlidhar is one persistent man.

Why are you
participating in the show?

I am scared. I fooled the
whole world and made you Punjabi.

Don't become Madrasi
again before marriage.

But the way I'll go on stage,
even you won't recognise me, uncle.

Not uncle, Mama!

Uncle? Mama?

I fell in love with you, darling

I knowingly put myself in trouble, love

I'm doomed in your love, oh cruel one

You have the
promise of the fair moon

Oh my Prince, come back

The colorful meeting
of our first meeting

How do I forget it?
Please tell me, love

The weather has changed

I knowingly put myself in
trouble, love

I'm doomed in your love, oh cruel one

When the twinkling stars
beckon in the middle of the night

I sit up and
recollect your every word

I haven't slept for so long

I knowingly put myself in
trouble, love

I'm doomed in your love, oh cruel one

He went to the market

And bought a stick

My love is love, darling

But your intentions are wrong

He went to the market

And bought grapes

I have understood you

But you don't recognise me

We went to the market

- And he bought...
- What?

He bought fritters

You will come some day

Drawn by my love

- There's no need to do that now.
- Why Mama?

Not Mama, Uncle.

- Janaki, you're alive!
- Yes Anand, I'm alive.

- Are you angry with me?
- Why did you do this, Janaki?

Why did you punish me so severely?

I had gone to punish myself.

Had Sadhuram not come between my
life and death, we would never meet.

Don't say that, Janaki.
I was a coward until today.

But nothing can separate us now.

I am ready to
fight every storm today.

Not Mohini Sadhuram, call her Janaki.

So you have come to know.
Good. Even I wanted that.

But keep this secret to yourself.

I'll meet with Daulatram tomorrow
to discuss your marriage.

I'll break his pride
and make him chew his own words.

- Tell me, Sadhuram.
- What else can I say?

Since my brother-in-law expired,
this responsibility has fallen on me

She is the daughter of Kapoors.
She belongs to a good family.

I'd be pleased if she can become
your daughter-in-law.

Sadhuram, it is difficult to get
girls from such good families.

Where money is concerned,
I don't give it much importance.

Wife, why are you quiet?
You also say something.

What do I say?
Whatever you like, I like.

Why don't you two
come and see the girl?

The girl and her mother
are staying at my place.

No, you don't
see decent girls like that.

Even I have a grown-up daughter.

Anand's mother will come
and see her some day.

What's the harm?
You come along, too.

Okay, as you wish. I'll come, too.

- At least have buttermilk.
- No thank you.

How can I drink buttermilk
in your home?

Come on, drink.
You can pay me for it.


I'll drink it,
but please keep it to yourself.

Don't worry. We won't tell anyone.

What will you lose? You have
to act her mother for some time.

You won't lose anything,
and her work will be done.

Sadhu, don't drag me into this sin.
I won't do this bad deed.

Come on, sister. What better deed
than to bring someone happiness?

All your good deeds are no comparison
to helping this poor girl.

Don't think. Help her.

That's okay. But what you'll
make me say will be lies.

That you are Rambhajani and
I am Sadhuram is also a lie.

Everything is dust.
Everything will go to dust.

But a lie that
does good for someone...

- what can a greater truth than that?
- You're after me!

Send me back to Punjab.
I won't stay here.

Aunt, don't let Sadhuram influence you.

Wherever I go, I only spread sorrow.

It's not that, dear,
but he's got used to lying.

And then,
even you are like my daughter.

Then assume you're lying for your daughter.

- Live in hell for a day.
- Look, I'll do what you say.

But promise me you'll take me
to Haridwar to wash this sin.

Why just Haridwar?
I'll take you on a whole pilgrimage.

- My dear sister.
- God!

You touched my prayer dress.
I'll have to bathe again.

- Sir, Mr. Daulatram has come.
- You guys go inside.

- Come Mr. Daulatram. Hello.
- Hello.

- We were waiting for you.
- Are we very late?

Of course not. Please come.


- Hello.
- Hello.

She's my sister, Rambhajani,
Mohini's mother.

They are Anand's parents. Please sit down.

- Chhajju!
- Coming madam.

Bring it here.

Take. Drink.

- Why did you bother?
- Drink, you're the boy's family.

- The clan won't accuse you.
- Oh! I understand.

Sister, go bring Mohini.

Daulatram, do have this sweet.
It's made in oil made in my shop.

Since I've come to Delhi,
I've been eating oil from your shop.

Half of Delhi does that.

- What do you think?
- Great!

Touch their feet and say,
'pairi paini aanji'

Mom will be bowled over
just hearing that. Let me hear you say it.

- Don't greet me.
- Come Mohini.

- Pairi paini aanji?
- Yes.

Come dear, don't feel shy.

She's my niece, Mohini.

- Pairi paini aanji.
- Bless you.

- Pairi paini aanji.
- Bless you.

Why are you shy?
She's so beautiful.

Make her stand in a dark home,
and she'll brighten it with her radiance.

Only Punjab can sire such
decent and shy girls.

Punjab is great! It's the king.

Mohini's mother, I accept her
as my daughter-in-law.

Why look any longer, Rambhajani?
Your wish has been fulfilled.

- Take, sister. Congratulations.
- Congratulations to you too.

- Congratulations.
- Congratulations.

Rambhajani, your
daughter will be very happy.

That's okay, but will you
take me to Haridwar?

Let the marriage take place first.
Then I'll push you there forever.

She has vowed to go to Haridwar
after her daughter's marriage.

Take me also to Haridwar with you.

- Sadhuram, we'll be going now.
- What's the hurry? Stay.

- No, I have lots of work to do.
- You go, I'll stay with Mohini.

- I feel like just looking at her.
- Okay, come along later.

- Pairi paini aanji.
- Bless you.

- Please sit, sister.
- Don't bother, I'll go.

- You?
- How are you?

- When did you return from Calcutta?
- This morning.

- Where is everyone?
- They've gone out.

- How's your father now?
- He's fine now.

But he was very bad. That's why
I had to stay back for so many days.

Or I had to make arrangements
for my exhibition here.

- When is the exhibition?
- The 24th of this month.

There is very little time.
Even you'll have to help me.

- I'll pray for your success.
- Not my success, our success.

God willing, we'll both exhibit
our works together next year.

What God wills for us,
perhaps even He doesn't know.

What do you mean?
I don't understand.

You look sad today.
Anything wrong?

Happiness is like a guest
in one's life.

Or there is only sorrow in life.

Father is looking for
another proposal for me.

But why?

He wants to marry me
into a Punjabi family.

Oh, so my being a
Bengali is against me.

Apart from Punjabis,
he considers everyone else bad.

- He doesn't consider anyone else good.
- Did you tell him about me?

Then how can you be so sure?

Even death can be averted, Ashok...

but it's impossible to make
father change his opinion.

His thoughts in
this regard are unchangeable.

I don't think he'll
sacrifice your happiness like that.

If you hesitate to talk to him,
I'll talk to him.

If our love is true,
he will never refuse.

I thought you were a decent man.

- Anyway, just leave!
- You misunderstand me.


Aren't you ashamed to influence her?

- At least listen to me...
- Are you going or...

- Father!
- Get out of my sight!

Get out! If you come here again,
you'll be a dead man.

The rascal!

Hasn't your brother done enough,
that you also had to do this?

- You shameless girl!
- What are you doing! What happened?

Your head! Do you even
know what's going on in this house?

- Do you sit blindfolded at home?
- But what has happened?

Ask this shameless girl.
I'm even ashamed to say it.

What happened, Nikki?
Tell me!

What happened?
Tell me about it.

I wanted the boy to go abroad and
finish his education before marriage.

But you have as much right
over the boy as me.

If you like,
I'll send him abroad after marriage.

That's even better.

You are aware that one who has
a young daughter spends sleepless nights.

Women become even more stressed.

Yes, matters related to
a daughter are delicate.

Where am I denying it?
I have no problem.

I'll bring my son as a groom
whenever you like.

You'll have to make all the arrangements.

- You have any special demands?
- Nonsense.

You can give away your girl
in just her bridal dress.

Father went to fix Nikki's
marriage in his passion.

- But did he consider the consequences?
- Shut-up! She's been influenced by you.

- Or she wouldn't dare do such a thing.
- Alright, I'm bad.

But you should have at least
asked your daughter what she wants.

Why should I ask her? I'm her mother.
I know what's good or bad for her.

If you knew, she wouldn't
be suffering like that.

Nikki, why don't you speak?
They won't hang you.

It's better they hang me
than get me married.

What did you say! If your father
hears you, he'll kill you.

Kill me if you like,
but I won't get married.

- What did you say? Say it again.
- I won't get married!

- You won't?
- I won't!

- Mom!
- I'll kill her! Move away!

Mom, what are you doing!
Have you gone mad?

Why are you creating a scene?

She'll recover in 1-2 hours.
Keep her away from stress.

She shouldn't suffer any kind of shock.

I hope there's no
danger to her life, doctor.

Nothing can be said for sure
about a heart patient.

Better be careful.
The next attack could be fatal.

People, ask for children so they
can be comfortable in old age.

We've sired children
so they can kill us.

Mom, forgive me.
Just get well once.

Just get well once,
and I'll do whatever you say.

I'll do whatever you say.
Just get well now.

But, after knowing everything
you shouldn't have come here.

It'll be so bad if
anyone sees you here.

What can be worse than
what is happening now?

Ashok, if this is life...

death would be better.

Have patience, Nikki.
What you're doing is right.

Pleasing your parents is
also one of your duties.

Your staying here for long isn't proper.

What is this you're doing, Nikki?

Won't you even bless me
before I leave?

Bless? My every sinew
is blessing you.

May you never be widowed.

May God always shower
you with comfort and happiness.

May I suffer all your
sorrows and tears.

Maiden, your dream man
has come to take you

Get dressed as a bride

And be ready to leave with him

Men are standing by with your palanquin

From tomorrow,
you will belong to your beau

You will please his heart

Forget your entire past, friend

Forget your childhood love

Men are standing by with your palanquin

Why are your eyes brimming
with tears now, maiden?

Everyone has to part one day

Staying with one's parents is temporary

Everyone has to leave for her
husband's home

Men are standing by with your palanquin

- Congratulations.
- To you too.

Sardarilal, find out what
he's giving as a dowry.

- Yes sure, why hesitate? Come.
- Come.

- How much money is in that plate?
- Rs.1001.

Only Rs.1001?

Sardarilal, Daulatram isn't
giving his daughter anything.

What can be said now?
Didn't you already discuss this?

One doesn't need to
talk about such things.

Anyway, where is Daulatram?
Come with me.

- Bring the bride and groom.
- Yes, priest.

Anand, go inform inside.

Come son.

Remain seated. Daulatram, please come here.


- What's the matter?
- Come inside.

- What's all this?
- I don't understand.

What's there to understand? Is this
all you're giving your daughter?

You should have at least
considered our prestige.

Chunnilal, I have given
more than I could afford.

If this is all you could afford, you
should have chosen a boy of your level.

How will I show so little
to my people?

If that was the case,
why didn't you make it clear that day?

- I even asked you.
- I told you my son was going abroad.

What else could I have said?
Marriage is not a business deal.

You've only donated Rs.1000.

If not 25, not 20, you should
have at least given 15 thousand.

- Rs.15000!
- I can't take less than that.

Besides, whatever you're giving,
you're giving your daughter.

You're right, but how can
I arrange such a huge sum so quickly?

You can arrange it if you like,
or I haven't lost anything yet.

The girl is still
in her father's house.

What are you saying?
It's a life and death matter for me.

Is he a man or a fiend?

I don't understand why
father is begging before him.

What will happen now?
Rs.15000 is no small amount.

How will we arrange so much money?

Mom, I don't think we should
have anything to do with such a man.

If he can do this now,
what will he do after marriage?

You keep quiet! What do you know?
Go look after the guests.

If the groom returns,
we'll be doomed.

If the groom returns,
I will be doomed.

You're my brothers, my clan. If you
help me, my honor can be saved.

My honor is your honor.

Kanhaiyalal, you're a wealthy man.
You can save me.

Everyone looks rich;
but you don't know my real state.

Had you mentioned this a few days ago,
perhaps we could have done something.

What can we do on such short notice?

Mr. Kapoor?

Daulatram, why are you
insulting us like that?

If we could do something,
your daughter is like our daughter.

Look Daulatram, they're being formal.
But I'll be point blank.

All of them are so rich
that they can give you Rs.15000.

But if they do, then on what basis?

Do you own any land or property?

Sardarilal, I'll work all my life
and repay this loan.

You make only Rs.600 a month.

You won't be able to repay a loan of
Rs.15000 in 15 lives.

It's better you go
and convince Chunnilal.

Even he is human after all.

What do you have to say, Daulatram?

Chunnilal, please ensure my honor.

I'll never forget this favor.

I'll repay every penny.

I only requested Rs.15000.

When you can't arrange it now,
how will you arrange it later?

Come on, let's go back.

Chunnilal, please don't do this!
My honor is in your hands.

Have mercy on me.

Don't bring tears to my daughter.

Take my daughter away.
I'll always be grateful to you.

What are you doing, Daulatram!

Stop this act.
Everyone hold his honor dear.

- Come son. Let's go, brothers.
- Wait!

You've come here?

You rascal!
Shameless! Why have you come?

I hope this is good enough for you.

Pardon me, but who are you?

You can assume the honor
of this home is my honor too.

Accept them without hesitation.

What do you say, Daulatram?

Why not?
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

We came here for a marriage,
not to create a scene.

Give and take goes on even
between father and son.

Come son, sit for the rituals.

Why not?
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Stop it!

- Stop this nonsense!
- What do you mean?


Are you in your senses?

I wasn't before. I am now.

- I've recognised everyone now!
- Mind your tongue!

You're not only insulting me,
but the whole clan.

Clan? What clan?
Do you understand the meaning of clan?

Clan means brotherhood. Supporting
each other, helping each other in need.

Not playing with the
honor of a helpless man.

Not watching his helplessness quietly.

I don't give a damn for such a clan!
Damn such a clan!

Daulatram! Enough!

Making enemies with your clan
will make your life difficult.

I don't fear a handful
of my clan any longer.

My clan is very big today. My clan
includes this man Ashok, a Bengali.

He considered my honor as his honor.

My clan includes this Madrasi, Subramanium.

Despite losing his daughter,
he stands beside me.

Today, my clan is the whole of India.

Come brothers, we cannot
stay here a minute longer. Let's go.

Lalaji, give back the jewelry box.

Let's see how your
daughter gets married now.

My daughter will get
married here, and right now!

Ashok, I have
realized my mistake today.

Give me a chance to atone.
Come, marry my daughter.

I was ruining my daughter's
happiness for these businessmen.

Come son.

Subramanium, you are my brother.
Nikki is your daughter.

You give her away. Come.

Daulatram, I am very happy
to see your views have changed.

To double this happiness...

I wish my niece and your son
to get married now, too.

Sadhuram, before I say anything
offensive, please leave.

I don't want anything
to do with Punjabis now!

This isn't you talking,
but my oil.

What are you trying to say?

That you realized one mistake
and are making another.

Earlier, apart from Punjabis,
you considered everyone else bad.

Today, because of one Punjabi,
you consider all of them bad.

If you were in my place,
what would you do?

You have never tested humanity
until today.

Sticking a label of a state
doesn't make anyone good or bad.

A man's behavior, his deeds
make him good or bad.

You rejected this girl one day
because she was a Madrasi.

Today, you are rejecting her
because she is a Punjabi.

- Sadhuram?
- Yes Subramanium, she's Janaki.


Did you have to punish
your old father like that?


You did the right thing.

The credit for saving Janaki's
life goes to Sadhuram.

The auspicious time is running out.
Give away the brides.

Come, Mr. Kumarswami.

- Come, sit down.
- Subramanium, have the girl sit there.

Come Ashok, sit. Congratulations.

Priest, begin.
I mean, you'll be paid double.

India is the best in the world

Religion doesn't teach us
to be enemies of each other