Nevada Smith (1966) - full transcript

Nevada Smith is the young son of an Indian mother and white father. When his father and mother are killed by three men over gold, Nevada sets out to find them and kill them. The boy is taken in by a gun merchant. The gun merchant shows him how to shoot, to shoot on time, and to shoot straight. Everything that Nevada does goes to killing those three men. He learns to read and write just to learn their location. He pays people to tell him where they're at. He even goes to prison to kill one of them. While the movie is a Western and has plenty of action, it also takes a deep look into vengeance and how one can change after a haunting incident.

- Good morning son.
- Good morning.

We're a lot off course, there's a played
out mine somewheres around here, know of it?

It's a lot of old mines around here.

This one is being worked by a
fellow name of Sand Samuel Sand.

- He's my father.
- You don't say boy.

Well son, your pappy and me we
hunted buffalo together in the army.

We thought it only decent
to stop by and say howdy.

About 3 miles on, the second canyon...

you pick up the trail going
west, you'll see the buildings plains.

- You've a first name boy?
- Max.

Much obliged Max.

You keep out of this squaw.

Now, where is the gold?

- You tell me, where is the gold?
- Take it easy, easy.

Come on Sam Sam ain't no use holding out.

Ain't no gold Jesse, when you
going to get that in your stupid head?

Now look, you working a so called
dead mine but you brought it back to life.

Now, you found something
you sitting on real cute like, right?

Would I be living like this?

You understand,
we don't want all of it, just half.

Of nothing.

You've been spreading gold
dust around Owl Creek like snow.

That's a day's work, that's all.

You paid your store bill
with a solid gold nugget.

I've been working two
years, one nugget, 38 dollars.

Wouldn't even pay for the shovels I wore out.

Look, we didn't ride
all the way out here to argue.

You're going to tell us where it is Sam or
you going to tell us with your dying breath.

Now, where is it?

Woo boy, easy.

Well, ain't that right handsome bead-work?

You fashion of yourself squaw?

Yeah, it's been 15 years since
I skinned an Injun squaw man.

But I ain't forgot the way.

Please, leave her be.

I tell you, there ain't
any gold, I swear it, none.

I'm not afraid.

Max, they're both dead.

No, nothing you can do now Max.

Max, stay out of
there, for God's sake stay out.

Max, come on into town with me.

- They don't even look like people anymore.
- Their suffering is over.

I don't want anybody to ever
see them looking like that, ever.

Go away, leave me alone please.

My God.

Max, you poor child.
Now you come live with us.

- Now I mean it.
- I can't.

We've got acres of
land and a lifetime of work.

- I got to find those three men.
- And if you do?

Revenge isn't God's way.

- Oh, save your preaching Ben.
- But you're only a boy.

- They're hard and vicious men.
- Get them Max.

- You go get them.
- Elvira...

- Why not? If he doesn't, who will?
- The law.

The law? What law?


at least wait a day, rest up.

Maybe I can catch them with
that gray horse before they sell it.

Here, here Max.

Miss McCandles, I got a rifle,
a horse and eight dollars.

It'll hold.

Well then, good luck.

- Don't forget the way back.
- I'll remember you both for your kindness.


Who the hell are you?

My name is Max, Max Sand.

- Just a kid.
- Indian.

- Half-breed.
- You alone?

Spit it out, quick.

I was following 3 men who killed my mother
and father and I thought you were the ones.

Are we the ones?


How long have you
been tracking these killers?

- Three, four days.
- When did you eat last?

Couple of days ago.

Pick up the horses and join us.

Hey kid, why don't you go home, eh?
Mean, while you still have a chance.

Don't have a home.

Hey, how can you guys be so friendly?

After what I tried to do?

Well, everybody in this world
is foolish in his own way.

Besides, we were all kids once ourselves.

Weren't we not?

Don't move mister.

Now turn around, with your hands up.

Now, all I want is some food and a horse.

I haven't seen one of them old guns in years.

Keep away.

- It won't work, you know.
- I said stay back.

Well, the barrel is all rusted up,
and the hammer is broke.

Besides, they haven't made ammunition
for one of them things in ten years.

You want a trade?

I could use something to eat.

You've been through about 25
pounds of food in three days.

You think you ever going to get filled up?

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think.

I know it's a long ways to haul food.

- Well, finish it up if you can.
- I can.

I didn't expect you to be so generous.

Think I was going
to throw you to the coyotes?

You had every right.

I meant to kill you if I had to.

You an old hand at killing?

I killed my share of deer and rabbits.

Ever hold a gun on a man?


You're setting out to kill three of them, eh?

Bang, bang, bang.

You figure you going to make it
because you got right on your side?

It helps.

They bury a sheriff
about once a week out here.

Well, I just figure it's a matter
of me killing them before they kill me.

Now, you want to show
me some of this fancy gun work?

Turn around and face the sun.

Hit that.

Go on home boy, take the shortcut.

The sun was in my eyes,
and I wasn't expecting it.

You expect a man is going to hold
still for you, with the sun at your back...

then give you a warning so you
can stand there and shoot at him?

I can hit a rabbit at 80 yards with a rifle.

A rabbit don't shoot back.

How do you think you going
to swing a rifle in a barroom?

I never been in a barroom.

Look, just to find
them, you're going to have...

to comb out every saloon, gambling hall, hog
farm and whore house between here and Mexico.

What do you think
you're after? Three preachers?

You going to gun them down at 80 yards
when they're coming out of a church social?

You're hunting three men
who steal because they're too...

damn lazy to work and
they kill because they love to.

Then they hide out like rats in the garbage.

So if you're going to get them, you're going
to have to eat, drink and wallow in the...

garbage right with them till you get
so you think like them and smell like them.

- I'll do what I have to do.
- Ain't that easy kid.

Finding them is one
thing, killing them is another.

I'll figure out ways.

Well, I've been selling guns and
ammunition to men like that for 15 years...

and they got more ways to cripple and
kill a man than you ever dreamed about.

They shoot you in the back...

they ambush you, they cut
your throat while you're laying asleep.

And all you got going on your
side is some blind Indian revenge.

I'm half-white.

And you're all helpless.

Now, you get so you
can do that with either hand...

and you're half-drunk or half-awake or...

inside of a dark room off the back of a
running horse you might stand a chance.

A small chance.

- Would you teach me?
- I sell guns, I don't teach killing.

Then I'll learn myself.

You won't live that long.

- I guess I'll be on my way.
- Where to? How? What with?

You know, if I did teach you
something, that's only half of it.

While you looking for them
three men you got to live, don't you?

You got to eat, you need clothes, food,
horses, saddles, guns, ammunition, money.

How you going to get that?

Tracking beaver on Sundays? I'll tell you how
you get it, you wind up stealing and killing.

You turn yourself into the same kind
of animal you're trying to track down.

- Can't you see that?
- I don't see nothing.

Except my father
laying on a blood covered floor...

all burnt and cut with the
top of his head blown to pieces.

And my mother...

split up the middle and every
square inch of her skin ripped off.


God help us.

Pick up that brass, them cartridges
cost a cent and a half a piece.

Sit down.

Little poker suit you?

Well, not too much.

- You know how to play cards, don't you?
- No.

I guess I can teach you, have a drink.

- Well, I...
- You don't drink either?


Where you going, you'd best study up on it.

Now, the lowest hand you can
get is a pair, that's two of a kind.

Then two pair and three of a kind...

then a straight.

Three of what kind?

Three of anything,
three nines, three tens, three jacks.

Which ones are the tens?

- Don't you know how to read?
- I never went to school.

Know write?

Well, if I know how to
write, I'd know how to read.

- Anything you can do?
- Reach.

That's an awful waste of good whiskey.

Where you were going
you wouldn't need whiskey.

A ten is got ten spots on it.
You can count that far on your toes.

Max listen, you take it easy around here.

It's a quiet town, I know
people, I do business with them.

Yeah I know, if see anything suspicious like
a horse with an SS brand, I'll come get you.

Here's a buck, buy yourself some candy.

Yes sir, can I help you today?

Can of peaches, big can please.

- Best Eastern peaches in the West.
- Would you open it for me?

No charge.

You got a book that
teaches you reading and writing?

McGuffey's Primer, right under the stairs.


Of course, you can't
pick one out until you can read...

and you can't read until
you can pick one out, can you?

It's this here one or as
McGuffey would say, this one here.

That's 25 cents for the
peaches and ten cents for the book.

Funny, isn't it?

Ideas don't weigh much, but peaches do and
the freight company charges by the weight.

You know, six books, it's,
Oh, isn't very important.

Most people are hungrier in their stomachs
than they are in their minds anyway.

Well, here is your first decision.

Now, that sign on the top says
Silver City, that's over in Colorado.

And the second one, the one
over there, that's Donner, California.

The one on the bottom see, that says
Sonora, it's down south, Old Mexico.

I, I sure can't tell you which way to
go but if you want to catch them...

you best go where the money is.

If they got it, they're going to
head for where they can spend it...

and if they ain't got it,
they'll go where they can steal it.

Mr. Cord I...

I just don't know how I'm ever going
to be able to pay you back for all this.

No need to, I tell you what,
you get tired of chasing them...

you look me up and
we'll talk about it, alright?

Well, no use drawing this out, good luck Max.

- Bang, bang.
- Yeah...

Very nicely done.

You know, handling
one of these things is only half of it.

The other part is learning human nature.

That's going to take
you the rest of your life see...

damn well better not
trust anybody till you do.

Now, you want to plan your
moves, pick your place to fight.

Don't make any threats and don't you
ever walk away from one, you hear?

Goodbye Max.

Good bye Mr. Cord.

Don't even trust a friend.

Come on Struther, you've washed
your little, thin body enough.

Struther, please hurry up.

Hey, the dames are coming.

Hey, the dames are coming.

Struther, you better hurry up and
get out of there, they coming up here.

Hank, Red.

Cat got your tongue? Well, come on.

- Gee, you're cute.
- Wal, Walter.

- Walter? How are you Walter?
- Howdy ma'am.

- Hey, look at me.
- Want to come downstairs and have a drink?

- Hey.
- Shut up.

What's the matter with me?
Hey, don't be backing off like that.

Hey, I'm in the tub.

Hello cowboy, welcome to town.

- Try the next room.
- White women more popular.

But they saved me for you.

- Navajo?
- Kiowa.

I'm Kiowa too.

Well, yes or no?

Five dollars...

for some questions.

I'm looking for 3 men, they ride together.

And one of them, the name is Jesse,
got a scar on his neck, carries a knife.

May be riding a gray horse.
You ever seen any people like that?

Lots of men come through
here, lots of men with scars.

Buy yourself some moccasins.

Why do you ask for them?

They tortured and killed a woman...

Kiowa, like you.

One man...

has a scar here.

He works downstairs,
dealing cards in the bar.

But he might not be the same man.

Where is he keep his horse?

In the stable across the street.

But please, don't tell anyone I told you.

- Hey mister?
- Yeah?

- That gray for sale?
- I don't think so.

Belongs to Jack Langley
over at the Palace Bar.

I don't think he'll sell him though.

I'll open for 20.

I'll have to call you.

- I'll call at 20.
- Call.

No more bets.


- Any cards boys?
- You, dealing cards.

- Jesse who?
- Jesse Coward.

Jesse Murderer.

Woman killer.

Now, wait a minute, my name is Jack Langley.

When you killed my
mother and father, it was Jesse.

Look, I'm Jack Langley, where
did all this killing take place boy?

- Hey Hudson, what's my name?
- Jack Langley.

- How long I worked here?
- Year, year and a half.

- Anything else?
- Stand up.

Now look, I'm not armed.

My father wasn't armed when you tied him to
a post and blew the top of his head off.

- Now kid, settle...
- I know what I'm doing.

He's riding my father's horse.

- I'm riding my own horse.
- With an SS brand.

Look, I bought that horse,
have a bill of sale for it in my room.

Fair enough, let's see it.

Now look son...

if Langley here did what you said,
I'll sit on him and let you kill him.

But if he's got a bill of sale upstairs, you
could've the wrong man, it's happened before.

- Let's look.
- Come on, both of you.

You fight like your mother boy.

Should've taken you
to a sail-maker to get stitched up.

That McGuffey reader inside your shirt
kept that knife away from your stomach.

Kid, the minute you get
off that table, you'll move on.

How can he move on?

How can he ride a horse
with all them stitches in him?

That's up to him.

Kid, you killed a man,
as you tell it, for good reason.

Now, you did what you had to
and that's what I'm doing.

If we don't drive you out,
there'll be more killing.

- You got any friends?
- No.

There's an Indian dance
hall girl been asking about you.

Maybe she can help.


- How did you get?
- You come back to us in trouble and in pain.

- You are welcome.
- How long?

Many days.

You talk in fever of the death of your
father and Tabinaka, my brother's daughter.

You stay here with your own people.

Neesa, she became shame of Kiowa.

But she bring you home, that's good.

Maybe both of you make
each other well, you stay here.

Oh no, you get right back in there,
it's hot water and it's good for you.

See, see the frog...

on a log. Rab sees the frog.

- The frog...
- 3 weeks, you sit here, you never laugh...

- you never smile.
- Can the frog see Rab?

- Rab can't...
- You learned to read not to make you wise...

but to help you find men to kill.

The frog can see the dog, Rab ran at...

Do you think that I became a
dance hall girl because I was bad?

It was because I
was full of hatred and foolish.

See the lamp, it...

If there was a medicine...

that would change
the way I was, I would take it.

- Do you know of one?
- Neesa, it ain't got nothing to do with you.

Honestly, nothing.

If I could find a
medicine, I'd take it myself.

- Really?
- For true.

See the lamp?

It is out.

- It ain't going to work Neesa.
- Why?

- Because I'm going to have to go soon.
- When?

One morning I'll be gone.

Make yourself at home.

You looking for anything in particular?

Names, that's all, I'm no thief.


- What kind of names?
- Friends of Jesse Coe's.

Are you a friend of Jesse Coe's?

I'm the one that killed him.

My name is Angie, Mrs. Coe.

You might call me the widow Coe.

- I don't know what to say.
- I do.

Thank you.

Tell me about the men he rode with.

You know, you look young.

But any man that could
take Jesse Coe with a knife...

had to be some man.

You know where they are.
Do you know their names?

Well, I think one of them's name is...

Bowdre, Bill Bowdre.

He wanted Jesse to go on a
bank job with him down in Louisiana.

- And it's really too bad that he didn't go.
- Why?

Because they got caught, put in prison.

There was one other one.

I don't know his name.

That's all I can tell you.

Western gang...

robs Bank of...

New Orleans. Two...

a, ap...

Hey Cap, what's that word?

- The word is apprehended.
- Well, what is it mean?

Well, it means like caught.

Say anything here about
where they were taken?

No, fella gets caught robbing a bank...

down here and they throw him
right into the state prison camp.

Much obliged.

- Corbin?
- Yeah.

- How do you want yours?
- Just money.

Sand? How do you want it?

- I want all of it, in that bag.

- Max...
- Shut up.

- The big money is in the vault.
- Get back.

Stay there.

There's only one this time Warden.

Two years, he robbed a bank.

Two years, hard labor.

That's the only kind we got here.

Starting with me, everything
in this place is mean and miserable.

The heat, the mosquitoes, the food, the life.

There's nothing to do all day but work
and nothing to do at night but sleep.

We don't have any walls or fences.

The swamp is our
wall, miles and miles of it...

fill with dirty water,
quicksand, moccasins and malaria.

- Any questions?
- No.

No sir.

No sir.

Just one more thing, don't ever make me mad.

- Big Foot?
- Yes sir Warden?

Get him out of here.
Put him in Miller's bunk.

Yes sir Warden, let's go.

Right over there.

Don't be looking at this gun
boy, they want you to go for it.

Case you're wondering,
I'm a prisoner, just like yourself.

I'm a trustee, in there.

You don't get keep anything
boy, get a blanket, your clothes.

You get a bath, a shave once a
week, one razor for the whole barracks...

you take you time, this is your
bunk, belonged to a fella named Miller.

- He died.
- The only way to get out of here, is it?

Oh, they try it all the
time boy, through the swamps...

dogs are out after 2 of them right now.

They tried to rob a bank in New Orleans.


Bowdre and Strayhorn, they friends of yours?

No, I read in the paper. Did they make it?

Nobody is made it since I been here boy.

Let's get over to the blacksmith's
shop, put these leg irons on you.

Something bothering you boy?

- Yeah.
- Let's go.

Big Foot, get them all out
here so they can watch this.

Let's go.

Big Foot.

Now you listen to this,
Strayhorn died in the swamp.

Bowdre here is going to wish he did too.

When he serves his time, he's
going to serve every day of Strayhorn's.

You think about that, hard.

That ain't done here,
a man lies where he falls.

He'll drown.

The warden is watching you boy.

Back to the mess hall, let's move,

You get right back on in there boy,
keep the fires going till morning.

Yeah, well, when do? When do I sleep?

Just don't let the fires go out.

He really giving it to me, ain't he?

Well boy, you made yourself
a lot of enemies around here.

For what it's worth to you,
you made yourself a lot of friends too.

- Thanks for what you did for me.
- You would've done the same thing for me.

I don't know.

- Maybe I can do something for you someday.
- Maybe you can, someday.

- Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
- Hey you, back to work, no more talking.

I don't know, maybe.

- You ever been in Santa Fe Max?
- No.

Bowdre, what happened?

- What went wrong out there?
- We got lost.

- Maybe it was Juarez.
- Juarez?

No, I don't think so.

Didn't you have a plan or nothing?

Sure, we planned to
move fast and not get caught.

- What was it like out there?
- In the swamp?


It was just what the warden said it was,
miles and miles of swamp quicksand...

razorbacks, poison snakes,
mosquitoes, everything that kills.

No food, water you couldn't
drink, just went around in circles.

I've had all the swamp I want.

Yeah, I'm going.

- How?
- I don't know yet, but what if I find a way?

I've had it, you count me out.

I can't, you're the
only man here I'd risk it with.

- Nice evening, ain't it?
- For people with guns and whips.

Well now, take
it easy fella, I just do my job.

Yeah and how you love it.

I love living, same as you.

Trouble with this place is
you can't even pick your friends.

- This is something new.
- Where we going?

Didn't they tell you?

Tell me what?

We going to clear this
ground here for new rice paddies.

That's why everyone is so happy.

- Is that good?
- Is that good?

They got women there pal, women.

Lo and behold. Lo and behold.

Pick out one for yourself,
give her a great big smile.


- For what?
- Don't you know?

During the planting season, the
warden rents us out to these planters.

Of course, he keeps the
money but we get the women.

Yeah, how?

One Saturday night a month
while we're working here...

he lets them come into the barracks.

You mean they let the
women come to the barracks?

Yeah, I didn't believe it myself at first.

- And we can talk to them?
- Talk to them?

Stop dreaming
about women, think about a boat.

A boat? All I can see,
feel or think about is woman.

Yeah? Well, with a boat, there's
no struggling in the swamps.

- There's no snakes, there's no quicksand.
- Walking or in a boat...

- you still have to know which way to go.
- I thought about that...

I thought about that and
the water and the food and a gun.

But right now, let's start with a boat.

Now, let's go. Get to work.

- Work, let's go.
- Come with me.

Alright, let's go.

- Hurry up.
- Hurry up, don't take all day.

What do you suppose is
taking them so long to get here?

Maybe the warden changed his mind.

He did and I'll kill him with my bare hands.

How you doing Max?

- They are coming, ain't they?
- Let's douse the lights down there.

They'll be here now the candles are out.

- Are you young or old?
- I'm young.

So am I.

- What's your name?
- Max.

Mine is Pilar.

- What you do to wind up in here?
- Oh, nothing much.

- Did you kill somebody?
- No.

- I'm glad I didn't get one that killed.
- No, I just tried to steal some money.

- For a woman?
- No.

You talk different,
you're not from here, are you?

No, I'm from, I'm from the West.

It's dry there and clean.

You were born here, eh?

Born here, standing knee deep in water
all my life and I'll likely die here.

Hey, I was thinking, you're a
prisoner here, the same as me.

Yeah but one day they'll let you go.

Well, if you hate it so much,
why don't you do something about it?

- Do something? What?
- Get out.


- Escape? How?
- In a boat.

With me, you interested Pilar?


I think she's going to
help us, she's showing me a boat.

- I don't see any boat.
- Right over there behind those bushes, see?

- What is she want for it?
- To go with us.

No, I like women more than
anything but not when I'm running.

Oh yeah but you got lost, didn't you?
Listen, she was born and raised here.

She knows every inch of these
swamps, we've got to have her.

Yeah. Why, you going to
arrange everything? And we need a gun.

I know, I know.

You boys better get your talking done with.

You ain't going to have
much more time for it.

They're sending 20 men
out to another camp next week.

And you're on the list Max.

- Here they come.
- Here they come.

- Hey, here they come.
- Here they come.


Listen Pilar, I got to talk to you.

Let's go outside, come on.

Listen Pilar, they're taking me out of here
next week, they're taking me to a new place.

Maybe they'll take you to a better
place, one it's easier to get out of.

It's going to have stone walls and we
ain't never going to see each other again.

If we going to get out
of here, it's got to be before that.

I don't know, getting a boat
by myself, that's not easy.

It's the only way if we're going to be
together, we've got to have a boat.

- And what happens to me then?
- I'll take care of you Pilar.

You bring me the boat,
show me the way out of here...

I'll make you free and I'll
start you off in life real good.

Just treat me nice Max, that's all I want.

- You'll be there? Certain?
- I'll try.

Trying ain't good
enough, you got to be there.

Two hours after the sun goes down, you
meet me down there at the edge of the swamp.

Bring the boat down there, right by
that stand of cypress, understand?

- Let's go back inside Max, I'm scared.
- Pilar, if you're not there...

and they catch me, you know
what they going to do to me?

I'll be there.

Max, you treat me nice, won't you?


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11...

13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

- You sure this is the place?
- Yeah.

That dirty, filthy, lying Cajun, there ain't
no boat, there ain't no boat anywhere around.

Shut up.

The minute Big Foot comes to, they'll
be after us, we should've killed him.

Get in.


Max, something hit me.

Let's go.


We don't get him back,
you serve out his time.

Yes sir Warden.

If he kills one of my
men with your gun, I'll hang you.

Yes sir, Mr. Warden I'll get him.


Pilar, which way?

Go right.

I got to look at it.

- Hold that.
- Bread?

Good poultice.



Could used swamp water for that.


- How do you feel?
- I don't know.

- I'm so sleepy.
- You just got a fever, that's all.


- We're not going to get out of here, are we?
- We're going to get out of here Pilar.

You just tell me if we're heading right.

- I, I'm not sure.
- Take a guess.

- Best one you can.
- Keep that way.

What's wrong with her?

Snake bite.

You can't go by her, she's out of her mind.

- We're lost.
- We're all right.

We ain't lost, we're heading west..

- How do you know?
- I can tell.

- The sun.
- The sun?

What do you think you are,
a lousy Indian or something?

That's right, I'm half lousy
Indian and my mother was an Indian.

Max, Max Sand.

I, I swear I didn't kill
them, I had nothing to do with it.

I was outside minding the horses,
It was that crazy Jesse Coe.

- But, but he paid for it, somebody got him.
- Me.

- Who was with Coe while you were outside?
- Fitch, Tom Fitch.

Two guys I just fell in with.
I didn't know what they were like.

- Where's Fitch?
- California gold fields, the last I heard.

Look, I didn't want
to do it, I couldn't help it.

They made me do it with them.

- You scared Bowdre?
- Yes, I am.

- Like my mother was.
- Give me a chance.

- Max, don't shoot.
- That's all I ask, give me a chance.

Like you blew the top
of my father's head off?

You're crazy, you're crazy.


That's why you wanted to
escape, so You could kill him.

What do you plan for me?

- What do you suppose they were shooting?
- I don't know, but they used up 5 bullets.

They only got one left.

Well, anyhow, we can't
travel in this, they can't either.

They got a boat man, don't you realize that?



There's nothing I can do to help you, unless
we get out of this swamp as quick as we can.

I don't know where we are.

Cool air from dry land makes fog.

You could be out by tomorrow morning.

I'll find a doctor or somebody to help you.

You can't stop, you get caught.

- Leave me.
- I couldn't do that Pilar.

I want you to.

You're a dirty, low animal.

You lied to me, you used me to kill.

You're worse than the man you killed.

You don't care about me,
you don't care about anybody.

- You'd kill me too, if you had to.
- No.


You not going to die Pilar, I, I promise.

- You'd promise anything.
- I won't let you.

What do you think you are? God?

Go away.

- Pilar...
- Go away.

I don't want to die in sin
looking at your face.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

You've been asking around for a
man by the name of Tom Fitch?

- Yeah, he's my brother.
- I heard of him.

- You did, eh?
- Couple of months ago, give or take a week.

He road through here, up to no good.

- Headed north.
- How he look?

Mean as you, the kind
somebody is always looking for.

- I hope you keep on looking.
- You do, eh?

Yeah, because then you'll be moving on
out of town as soon as your horse gets shod.

- You will, won't you?
- Most likely.

Most definitely.

- Three kings.
- Tom Fitch.

Heard about a Joe Fitch, worked in
the mine, 300 feet down, still there.

Then there was a Carrot Fitch, red hair.
Now, that was back in Fort Wayne.

No, Tom Fitch doesn't ring a bell.

Any particular reason
why you're tracking him?

Yeah, he's my brother.
Got a message from home.

You probably run into him one of these days.

I hope so.

I put the horses in the corral.

- You got some coffee?
- Yeah.

Why are you staring at
that, eh? Why? You've seen it before.

Pretty fancy, made from
the dress of an Indian squaw.

- Name Sand?
- Yeah, yeah.

Who would've thought that a wet nosed
kid would've made a big thing out of it?

It's the Indian in him.

One of the best men
with a knife I ever saw was...

Jesse Coe and this
kid killed him with a knife.

Then he tracks Curly Bill Bowdre all
the way to Louisiana, gets himself...

thrown in prison just to gun
him down and then he escaped.

You really got a bad
case of the shakes Fitch.

The shakes I, shakes,
the kid is creepy. He ain't human.

He doesn't kill people, he...

he executes them.

Yeah, he executes them.

Hard job, ain't it, killing time?

I'm working, you just can't see it.

Give me a drink.

Hell of a way to begin a day, ain't it?

Well, I ain't crying about it.

Why should you?

If ever you could,
it'd add 20 years to your life.

Yeah, maybe somebody else.

- Good morning Buck.
- Good morning.

I thought I told you to get out of town.

Well I...

I didn't know was any hurry.

Mr. Fitch...

this here is a hair trigger 45 I'm holding.

The slightest jar and it goes off by itself.

Makes a hole as big as a cannonball.

Now, turn around
and put your hands on the bar.

Put the cuffs on him.

Now look, our job is to keep
our ears open and our mouths shut.

Well, now that we're here,
how are we going to find Fitch?

He'll find us.

Yeah, he was spreading bills all over town.

I was the first one to
notice something was wrong.

The sheriff nailed
him right up there, right here.

- Hey, can we have three whiskeys?
- Yes sir.

He wasn't a bad guy though.

A little hard but kind of interesting.

- What was his name?
- Fitch.

Tom or Joe Fitch, something
like that, I don't remember.

There you are, six bits.

Hey Fitch, Fitch...

Hey Fitch, it's Beckwith. Are you in there?


- I'm here.
- Well, get ready, we getting out of there.

Hey, that's not Fitch.

- Who the hell are you?
- Tom, Tom Fitch.

Try again.

- Now who are you?
- Tom Fitch.

Give him some more.

What is going on here?

Answer me, what's going on here?

- Are you trying to kill this man?
- Let go of that rope.

Stop before I find out
what this is all about.

That is a priest,
nobody pulls a gun on a priest.

- Who says so?
- Me, Cipriano says so.

By the Blessed Virgin, I mean it.

I believe you, let's get out of here.

You've never been in the church before?


And what do you think of it?

Oh, I don't know, it's kind of strange.

Have you ever see him before?

Yeah, once.

Was on the end of a little silver chain.

He's the Son of God.

He came to Earth to
teach men love by example.

Well, he must've missed somebody.

That looks worse than hanging.

You didn't come to supper.

I didn't work this afternoon.

You know Padre...

this room is worse
than some jails I've been in.

In a way, we're both prisoners here.

Myself by choice and you by circumstance.

- Son, you will be...
- Padre, will you quit calling me son?

My father is dead.

I know Max.

But you'll be here for some weeks.

- Use them profitably.
- Arguing with you?

You might read.

I brought you a book, it's called the Bible.

Men have been reading it for many centuries.

- What's it about?
- Oh, everything important.

There's only one thing important to me.

Finding and killing a man, eh?

- Primitive, hopeless revenge.
- I'll settle for that.

Why? When there is another
half of you waiting to be discovered?

You also inherited a refined tradition
of religion, philosophy and conscience.

I don't understand them words.

The difference between right and
wrong and knowing when not to do wrong.

If the civilized half
of you ever wakes up Max...

and with God's help, you could
become a whole man someday.

With God's help, my leg will heal faster than
you can say Amen and I'll be out of here.

Good night.

- Padre?
- Come in, come in Max.

I'm, I'm leaving now and I...

- want to bring back your Bible.
- You've had it a long time.

Why don't you keep it, eh?

Well I, I remember
the things that matter to me.

An eye for an eye.

- Which way are you heading?
- I'm going north.

You look well, healthy, rested, alive, eh?

Quite different from when I first found you.

Sit down a moment.

Well Padre, I, I want to
thank you for what you did for me.

And maybe someday I'll
be able to pay you back for it.

Max please, sit down a moment.

I would like to show you something.

Take a look at that.

Surely a picture can't hurt you.

That beautiful couple,
that young man and woman...

came all the way from
an ancient European civilization...

to find a new and
promising life in the American West.

On the way, a band of
Indians raided their wagons.

They killed and scalped both of them.

After indulging in some
cursing and pleasures.

- Padre...
- Two...

two of the children
were swung by their heels...

and had their heads crushed.

The third child was
saved and grew up alone...

wanting only vengeance.

Believe me Max, it took more courage...

to refrain from the obvious
temptation than to give in to it.

- We're different men Padre.
- No.

That was my family Max.

I'm the only one who survived.

Don't do any more.

Stop while you can, save yourself Max.

Don't, don't say what you will or won't do.

Just remember, when you ride out of here...

God goes with you.

I'll keep it in mind.

Hey, hey...

Oh, wait a minute, hold it.

Hey, that's the guy that was using your name.

- You told me he was dead.
- Well, we left him for dead.

Hey you, tough guy.

I could use somebody like you.

- Doing what?
- Do you care?

Yeah, I do.

- Who are you?
- Smith, Nevada Smith.

- You look broke.
- I am.

Suit yourself but if you're interested
in making a lot of money fast, follow me.

Here, you can put your horse in the
corral, take mine too and then come in.

Oh no, wait, wait a minute.

Rudabough, Shotgun upstairs, Cipriano behind
the door, the rest of you, find your spots.

We'll soon find out who he is.

You go in there. Take that room.


Come on in, come on.

Here, sit down, st down here.


Smith, tell me...

- why did you use my name?
- I heard of you around.

When they picked me up, I grabbed
the first name that came into my mind.

Under my own name, I'm wanted.

But now, I didn't know you
were around these parts.

You're wanted? You?

What are you wanted for? Wanted for what?

Trying to make a living
the easy way, same as you.


- Did you ever see me before?
- Not as I recall.

Any family living?

- Well, now, why do you want to know?
- Wait a minute now.

Don't get hot under the collar Smith.

Sometimes when you're running
a family can help, you know.

The last time I remember, I had a mother,
a father, two sisters and one is married.

- Now, what kind of setup you got here Fitch?
- We'll get to that.

Tell me, have you ever heard of a Max Sand?


Sand, yeah, I've seen some wanted posters
on him, never run across him though.


I killed his mother and father.

- So?
- So he's out to get me.

A part Indian.

If there's anything
I can't stomach, is a half breed.

Of course, I can understand how it happens.

There's nothing in the world
like an Indian squaw, you agree, eh?

- One of my best kinds of fun.
- Me too.

Hold it, here.

Why don't you use some good tobacco?

What do you think of that pouch, eh?

Never seen anything like
it, where you get it?


Sort of a gift.

Well now look Fitch, let's get down to it.

You said you could
use a man like me, for what?

We're going to knock off a gold shipment.

I'll give you the details tomorrow...

until then, why don't you just kind
of relax and get to know the boys, eh?


Use one of the rooms upstairs.

See you around.



Nothing, nothing,
I was just talking to the...

They take a quarter of a million dollars
worth of gold a month out of there.

It's too big to hit and too well guarded.

They don't know it but
they're digging up our future right now.

Once a month they take a bullion wagon
down the road, three miles to the railroad.

Two men on the wagon and 12 guards.

We're going to have a
dozen men of our own waiting.

Well, if you take it...

you ain't going to be able
to go very fast with a wagon full of gold.

We don't.

Right there we put it in our saddlebags
and head out in 12 different directions.

- Each man on his own.
- Equal split?


All you can grab.

There won't be much time but we'll be able
to load up enough to last you a few years.

A few of us are liable
to get knocked off, scare you?

No, I ain't planning on being one of them.

And there'll be more for the rest of us.

Hey, I like you, I like him.
Now, he's got a sense of humor.

Black widow, jack of hearts...

queen of hearts, deuce of hearts...

- another black queen...
- Give me that bottle.

Now, we're not running any Sunday school.


nobody takes another drink
from now until we're finished.

I don't want any
jumpy riders or nervous triggers.

This isn't going to be
any cowhand Saturday night...

spree, a howling and shooting up the town.

We're going to move in fast hit hard and run.

Every man for himself.

- Do we shoot to kill?
- Is there any other way?


They move the shipment out at 8 o'clock,
we'll be up at 5 o'clock, any questions?

- Good night.
- Good night.

What are you thinking about?

I'm thinking about how
I'm going to spend that gold.

- Shoot straight.
- I intend to.


Hey Max.

They'll be coming down this
road and heading for that pocket.

Now, here's the road and
here's the pocket. Rudabough...

you take three men and spread out on
this side, keep your horses out of sight.

Beckwith, you take three men
and set up a roadblock up here.

And a good one, nothing
gets by, that means the wagon.

Cipriano, you and two men on this side...

and I'll go up the road and
make sure they don't turn back.

- Alone?
- Yes, alone.

- Well, you don't have to get nasty...
- I'm giving the orders.

And when they come up to you, shoot
fast, aim to kill, get the drivers first.

Now, the one chance we have is to
do this quick before any help can ride up.

And with the first shot,
we all close in from four sides.

Now, any questions?

Now, don't make any mistakes Max Sand.

Because if they don't get you, I will.

- Ben Henry, go.
- Come on.

Look at this man.

Come on.

Max. Max. Max Sand.

- That's me.
- Max...

- Max, I'm out of ammunition.
- Then get out of there.

Alright, alright...

I'm coming.

I'm coming.

I'm coming Max, here...

Now, why my hand? Why not me?

- Eh?
- Because I want to see you beg.

Beg you, beg.

- Beg for what?
- Beg.

- Beg like my mother and father begged.
- Your mother?

Here, here, maybe you'll want this, eh?

Come on.

Come on, get it over with.

Get it over with.

For God's sake, get it over with.

You waited years
for this, so get it over with.

Come on.

Over, finish me.

Finish, finish me.

You haven't got the guts.

You're yellow.

Finish me.

You just not worth killing you.

Finish me, finish me.

You're yellow, you haven't got the guts.

You're yellow, you're yellow.

You haven't got the guts.

You haven't got the guts.

You're yellow, you're yellow.