Nepobedimyy (1983) - full transcript

Film about a Russian Master of Martial Arts, Andrei Khromov (Rostotsky). Based on a true story. A young man travels all over the Eastern republics of the Soviet Union. He is studying various systems of self-defense in order to develop his own system that would make him unbeatable.

Dedicated to
Anatoly Arkadievich Kharlampiev

It all happened in 1928.

Thank you for your support,
Comrade Podvolsky.

Your word was decisive.

Yes, but I didn't understood
what fight you have invented.

I did not invent anything -
other people invented it before me.

I see... agitating again?

OK explain, why the Red Army
needs your martial art?

It wouldn't survive without it?

Try to understand, Nikolai Ilyich.

In our army, the agility
and the intellect

must overcome brute force.

- When are you leaving?
- Tonight. First, to the Caucasus,

then to Central Asia.

Well... What to do with you?

I don't want to
let go of course but...



as you know,
the situation is a bit complicated there.

I cannot guarantee your

A film by
Andrei Rostotsky


Pavel Lungin

Yuri Boretsky

Michael Goyhberg

Evgeni Ptichkin

Senior Consultant:
Honored Master of Sports of the USSR
A. Kolesov

I can't do it anymore,
I'm going to fall.

You cannot die -
you're the last man in the family!

Grandpa, why didn't you
gave the manuscript to Jafar?

Shut up!

Tamerlane himself - King of Kings
was afraid of our ancestors.

All the same, we will die.

You must help him first!

Yes... the guys have
done it properly.

Hurry on!

If one of you had fallen, this could
be the end! Who did this to you?

- Jafar.
- Shut up!

They didn't catch the camel!

Well done!
It's returned.

- Come on.
- What is your name?

- Khromov, and you?
- Yulchi.

- Well, let's go!
- I cannot.

We cannot live without
that camel!

Yulchi's legs were paralysed when they
killed his father. My son.

Grandfather will cure me
in the mountains!

You talk too much!

Yulchi, do you have friends
other than camels?


It is better
not to love people.

- Why not?
- They die.

This is how I travel
around the world.

Learning different
fighting techniques,

looking for ancient manuscripts
in which they are described.

By the way, dear Fatakhbeck,

do you know the manuscript
called "Kalsanaty"?

- Grandfather...
- No.

No, never heard of it, dear.

Good morning!

As Salam Aleykum!

- Where's Khromov?
- Where? He is far away.

Hey, girl! Where's
the village council?


- Salam Aleykum, Chairman!
- Aleykum Salam.

- Do you like it?
- Very...

And what does it say?

Down with the paranja -
the mask of hypocrisy!

- Is it your idea?
- Yes.


And where is the home of
Master Juma?

Our Juma?

Over there, on the mountain.

Want to learn Kurash?

- There will be problems - come.
- What?

He is no ordinary man...
You'll see.

- But he is a great master.
- Well, see for yourself.

- See you soon.
- Good luck.

So come, Guest!

- Hello, Ustos!
- Why are you here?

I heard, that you are
famous for your knowledge

of ancient fighting techniques.

I would like to
learn from you.

- Are you a Russian?
- Yes. From the Volga.

Don't break your glasses!

I can take them off
when it's necessary.

Well, let's go.

Father is back!

Well, come to me!

Why do you need, our Kurash?

I'm interested
not only in the Kurash.

I also studied Chadaoba
in the Caucasus.

Gushtinyu from Tajiks.

And now I have come
to learn from you.

Sit down.

Where can I find
the best teacher?

Take it to the guest.

His name is Roly-Poly.
And yours?



Take it.

Here we are teaching
in a different way.

When a father brings his son
to the mullah, he says:

"Master, teach him, beat him.

"The meat is yours
but the bones are ours."

Your meat, Master.

Take care of business.
Take the cauldron,

take it to the river,

wash it and bring it back here.

It will be done, Master.

Sorry, friend.

Move a side.

OK, show me the way,
little Juma.

It looks like Khan's retinue.

Hey, careful,
I'm going to fall!

Well, it fell.

I wonder... did they
washed it anyway?

- Could you get me a bunch of twigs?
- Yeah, right away.

And you - give me some sand
from the shore.

Good boy.

Good job!

Well, That's another matter!

- Leila, come with us!
- No, no, no, go alone!

Thank you, little Juma.

I couldn't do it without your help!

- What's this?
- Oh!


Let's go home.

Uh, wait, wait, wait. Look.

Grab him here and throw!

All right.


So. Now you try it.
Grab him firmly!

Hey, rookie!

I'm talking to you.
Are you deaf or what?

Bring me some tea - I'm thirsty!

Dear Abdullah, I did not understand

what kind of tea - black or green?

I told you, green!

Are you mocking me?


Sari surun!


But this, Abdullah,
you do not know.

Just don't tell this to anyone -
they would laugh on you!

- And would you teach me this?
- I will teach you.

Give me your hand.

Where are you swimming?

This throw has shown me
one good man - the old master.


Come back tomorrow, early.




Enough for today.

You play with dolls?

This is my main teacher - Roly-Poly.

You push him down, and yet
he always stands up.

What do you always write
in the notebook? Poetry?

These are much more important
for me now than poetry.

And why is it so important?

Once I saw when a peaceful
demonstration of unarmed students

were attacked by
the Black Hundreds, monarchists.


Bandits beat them with sticks,
knives... and knuckles.

They were deliberately beaten
with skill - to death.

And students could not do anything.

They were beautiful, intelligent,
they knew how to argue,

but you know...

...they did not know how to fight.
On that day, they killed my brother.

He wrote poetry.

Smart... good people
should be able to defend themselves.

They need to be
taught how to.

And you think you know
all the moves of Kurash?


- Are you sure?
- I am sure.

- Are you not lying?
- No. I am not.

Come on, get up.

Let's see what you can do!

- Do not be afraid! Come on!
- Well, let's go then.


Did you hurt yourself?

You know..,

every nation has
its own Kurash,

its own martial art.

I want to collect the best
techniques and combine them.

To become
the most powerful of all?

No, to be able to teach others.

The weak - how to protect
themselves from evil.

The unarmed - from the armed.

You're a strange man Khromov.

You don't write poetry,
yet still you talk like a poet.

But you deliberately let yourself
to be beaten - dodger!

Ustos Juma,

the next week Yakub Khan
organises a wrestling championship.

Allah gave him a son!

Come to Saylik with your fighters
to compete!

Will see who's better.

Yakub Khan will reward the winner

with a richly embroidered robe.

- My fighters will be there.
- Hop! Heye!

Sari surun!






Well guest,
show us what you've got!



you'll come with us
to the competition.

Here we go!

Good luck! Good luck!

- It is chilly today.
- You thought it is always hot around here?

Where did you serve?

In the special regiment fighting
against robber bandits.

We destroyed Jafar's gang,
and now I'm going home.

- Farhad.
- Andrei.


Bless Tokhtasyn.

Ustos, bless me!


So help you Allah!

- Tokhtasyn is a strong fighter!
- Abdullah wins.


- Abdullah, give it to him!
- Tokhtasyn, come on!

Come on, Abdullah!

The winner is the student
of Ustos Juma, Abdullah!

Dagger of Akbar the great wrestler!


Yeah, that's a gift!

Bless him, uncle!

- Allah Akbar!
- Amen!


- Abdullah come on! - Karim!
- Karim, do not fear him!

- Show him! - Get him!
- Come on, come on!

Allah will send
you a long life!

He broke his arm!

Karim won!

This is unworthy
of the noble Art of Kurash!

Ustos Juma, fight is like the real life -

where always the strongest wins!

- I'll fight!
- I'll go!

- Who is this?
- My disciple.

He's Russian.

Do you authorize it, Ustos?

Whoever wins will get
an embroidered robe.

And can I try it on?

Try it on, while you still can!

I add a camel to your robe!

Everyone knew my Sabrali.

- Yes, everyone knows her.
- Of course, we do!

Be careful - he fights dirty.

Do you remember everything?

Here you go.

Begin, begin!

- Hooray!
- Throwing does not count!

Why not?

Why, why...

You shouldn't touch
the ground with your knees.

Keep going!

Come on, Russian, come on!

Hold on!

At least you didn't
break your hands!

The second throw
was strong...

Very strong...

I'll hammer him in the ground!

Come on,
Yakub Khan is waiting!

He fights fair!

Karim Haidar!

Haidar, come out!

Great Haydar Karim
against the Russian!

Closer, a puppy!


Dear, come to fight!

Sheikh Jafar, the old man has
vanished into thin air!

You've lost him again, you dog!

Now we go to the mountain
and you're looking for the old man.

If you do not find him,
I'll kill you. Go.

You know how the people call you?
"The Unbeatable!"

So what, am I invincible then?

Come to our village -
I will treat you as my brother!

I'll make you a pilaf!

It's beautiful there! Ask for the
Red Farhad, everyone knows me!

See you there!

- Well, have a nice trip Unbeatable.
- Thank you, Ustos.

You were a good teacher!

You've learned
all that I know.

And remember, Andrei,
the life of a man is short

but true knowledge - has no limits.

This Russian ruined my holiday.

My son was born, and there
were no fighters in my family.

Now... everyone
will laugh at me!

Nobody will laugh at you.

Hey, Unbeatable!

Yakub Khan sends you a gift!

You wanted to try it?

Here you are!

Thank you.

Hop! Go to uncle and tell him

that no one will laugh at him.

Hey! Hey!

Who's this with you?

I caught a thief.

Give him to me.

I'm in a hurry!

Out of my way! I don't want
to disrespect your age!

The Notebook!

The Notebook!

Shut up. In his words go
life and strength.

Here, drink this.

Grandpa found a notebook.
And I found the bag.

- The wolf came again.
- How many killed?


Look at him - cold dead.

Both of you are sick.
Life - is movement!

If you will just lie like
this ram - you will die.

In the meadow
there are many stones.

Collect them!

Grandpa! Look how many
stones we collected!

Not enough!
Come to me.

Today I drive the flock
to the mountains.

Take a stone.

And you take a stone, too.

That's better.

Come with me.

Ustos here too
good grass!

Why go up so high?

Beauty is understandable
for animals.

I lead the sheep to the most beautiful
places of our mountains.

People come for a hundred miles afar,
just to buy my sheep!



Here, drink this.

Thanks, I am already healthy!

Well, well...


When you were
on the tournament,

you showed
some skills in the fight,

but you do not know what
is mastery without a fight.

Let's go!

Come here!



Look down.

Your greatest enemy is fear.

The fear that lives
in every person.

Mastery knows no fear.
Get up.

Come on.

When you'll beat yourself -
you'll gain new unknown forces!


Everything you've been
taught before -

is just the external side
of the fighting skills.


Does it hurt?

Learn to forget -

the sword in front of you,
just as the thorns -

whether you face a weak
or a strong opponent!


So, you want to create

the perfect fighting style
and give it to the people?

Yes, Ustos.

And are you not afraid that you
will give your people a terrible gift?

A gift that is like
the snake's poison,

which can heal,
but can also kill?

No one knows where
the path of knowledge leads.

I do not understand, Ustos.

- Does it still hurt?
- Yes, in the evenings.

- And now - it hurts less, right?
- Yes...

I could even kill you
with such a light touch.

Kill me?

Well, yes...

And this can be taught
to some villain, too...

or to some madman!

My knowledge is dangerous.

So what?

So you still want
to learn it?

- Well?
- I do not know...

That's why some sages
live far away in the mountains, alone.

Sages eventually

come down from the mountains
searching for students.

Knowledge should not be buried
with them when they die.

It is too far away to
waste a bullet on.

Khromov, if a wolf is evil,
it should be punished. Is that right?

Of course it is.

In nature there are no such things
as good or evil.

Tell me, where
was the evil

until people came up
with the idea of good?

My father was killed
by evil people!

And Khromov was
almost killed by evil man.

I will be strong and
will deal with them!

Go to sleep.
I will watch the sheep.



This is it.

Run faster, faster!

You're looking for "Kalsanaty"?
Here it is.

This Tibetan manuscript
was given to me by my teacher.

Whoever studies it,
will become a great healer

or the greatest killer.

Jafar murdered your father Yulchi
for this scroll.

I am an old man.

This knowledge is
already a burden for me.

You took it.

Now it's your burden.

Yulchi, Khromov will be
a good teacher for you.

Remember your father's murderer!

Beware of him!
He is a terrible person.

If he hears
about the manuscript,

he will try to destroy you.


I gave you everything.

Now, you are the master.

- He followed us!
- Who?

Look to the left.
Some guy.

I saw him yesterday.

And all day today
he was following us.

I think I know him.

Of course I know him!

Why are you following us?

Go home.

He is still following us!!

He is coming! And Fatakhbeck's puppy
is with him!

Greetings, unbeaten fighter!

You're mistaking me
with someone else.

The news of your miraculous healing
have reached our village Lyakum.

Lyakum... My friend,
Red Farhad lives there!

He invites you to our village
for a big tournament of Kurash.

Many masters of the ancient
techniques will be there.

They will show you things
you have not seen yet.

- And is this place far from here?
- I'll show you!

Look, a bird!

You're like a girl!

I'm a girl.

Are you crazy?

Walking around in the city
wearing men's clothes!

- Yes, you know what...
- I know.

I'm a disgrace to the family.

- And are you not afraid?
- Of course I'm afraid!

Welcome to Lyakum!

- Where can I find the Red Farhad?
- He disappeared. We're looking for him.

Enough talk, Asman!

Take the young men to his house,
to take a rest from the road.

And we, dear, let's go
to the Chairman.


This way.

- This is our chairman - Sheikh...
- No sheikhs!

Just call me "comrade".
Comrade Murvale.

- I'm Khromov.
- Khromov?

As Salam Aleykum!
That very same Khromov?

Glad to see you in good health.

Welcome to our village.

You are our honoured guest.

I was also interested in
ancient fighting methods once.

- Getting ready for the holiday?
- No.

This is our group of self-defence.
Village guards.

There are some bandits
in the mountains.

We must be on alert!

Move, move!

- What have you got in the bag?
- Nothing. Just things!

I'll check it out.

Go, go, go!

Oh, who returned
to us! Farhad!

Well, Red Farhad,
you are back?

To the square! Go!

- What a strange village.
- Uh-huh.

The order is executed.
Farhad is caught.

I'll leave you for a while.

- Entertain the guest. Bring some tea.
- Yes, sir.

Would you like some
more tea, Comrade Khromov?

No, thank you.
Can we play something?


There is a Russian game -
called "Bug". I can teach you.

Muslims! Muslims...

...the villain shed blood
of the defenders of Islam!

He is a servant to the
white-eared, their faithful dog!

He abused the Shariah!

He wanted to run,

but nobody can escape
his own fate!

No one will escape the hands
of justice! No one!

But I am merciful,
and will spare you.

I'll spare him for you.
Because you are deceived.

Do you regret your actions?

Brothers! Brothers!

Do not be afraid
of those scoundrels!

Today or tomorrow
our squad will come

and save us.

Do you see,
how deluded is this man?

Each disease is treated by
its own medicine.

Let this unfortunate
be helped by our contempt!

All those who love Sheikh Jafar
follow his example!

Brother, it is better to die
than to endure such a disgrace!

- Remove this crazy girl.
- Go!

He will talk tomorrow.

They will kill my brother!

- Stop crying. What is your name?
- Zumrat.

- Who are these people Zumrat?
- Bandits.

They came two nights ago.

Killed every communist.

Only my brother escaped.
And their leader...

I know him.

He killed my father.

His name is Jafar.

Well, the competition will start tomorrow?

Enough, Khromov.
There will be no competition.

Then let's talk frankly, Jafar.

You guessed it.
I like you.

Very nice.

I need the "Kalsanaty"!

What "Kalsanaty"?

Do not pretend to be an ass, Khromov.
You are not convincing.

Why do you seek death

in a forsaken village
like Lyakum? It is stupid.

You're a scientist and
collecting the tricks of martial arts.

The scroll is not for you.
This is the art of killing.

Do you agree?

No, this is the art of life!


Anarchy breaks out.

The world order is violated,
and in order to restore it,

killing should be done
without mercy.

- Fear is a good medicine!
- Medicine?

But you yourself
are afraid, Jafar!

And no scrolls
will save you from that.

I could have been the one...

- I need to think.
- Think then.

Think about it.
And also consider the boys.

They will suffer
before they are killed.

- Where are you going?
- I will kill this man!

Allah will forgive me!

This kid will destroy us all.

You were left
in charge, and you...!

We need to save Khromov.

Zumrat where are
they holding your brother?

In the old smithy.
What are you thinking?

- Take off your clothes!
- Eh? - Fast!

Do not be afraid, I am not a man.
My name is Leila.

Look away!
What are you looking at?

- How much further?
- Over there, behind the bridge.

Your boys are in the house of Farhad.

- What are you doing here?
- I brought dinner for my brother.

Your brother does not need more
food anymore! Leave it here!

- Khromov! Khromov, are you there?
- He is with Jafar. Untie me!

To Jafar!
Keep your rifle!

Let's go!

Wait for us here. Take the bag,
there is a scroll in it.

I am alone.
He killed my father!

I myself, I myself...
In such cases don't hurry!

- Who was that?
- I don't know!

They started fighting...

Bring him back!

Take him alive!

How many bandits
are in the village?

Now count!

Two less!

Jafar ordered
to bring him back alive!

I'll tie you for your own good!

- Get him!
- Try it!

Go away, Yulchi!

I'll distract them!

I am in a hurry, guys!

Where to? You came to us
to compete!

By what rules
will you fight?

We have no rules!

Oh, guys, guys...


Yason! Kill him, Yason!

The Russian is killed!

Come on!

Get out!

Get out!

Come out, people of the village Lyakum!

Get out!

Get out!

People are being killed
before your eyes,

and you just sit.

Khromov is killed, and you, you...

Nice speech!

Do not be afraid of him!

He is an ordinary murderer.

And he's afraid of you.

Forget what she said!
She is insane!


Out of the way!

Out of the way!



Get out!

Out of my way!

Get out!




That's it!

"Sambo" - what does it mean?

Self-defence without weapons,
comrade Podvolsky.

Ivan Vasilievich, please start!

- Begin.
- Yes!

I'm ready.

Do not joke - our lads
are serious.

Ermakov, strike that citizen!

I can kill him.

Pretend that he was your
class enemy.

- I'll do it!
- Come on.


Something like that.

- Well done!
- Very good!

Here you go.
We take it to the service.

"Every man is endowed with a
major reservoir of creativity,

but most people sleep soundly.

To awaken the forces -
is our most important task. "

Anatoly Kharlampiev