Mysteria (2011) - full transcript

A once famous, and now washed-up, Hollywood Screenwriter, fighting to finish his latest script with an unrealistic deadline. He finds himself in the center of a murder investigation involving a prominent politician's wife. The surrounding events feed him inspiration for his script. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

[phone ringing]


He's here.

We got him.

I was just
about to start.

Where am I?

How did I get here?

You don't know
how you got here?

The last thing
I remember was...

I was writing.

I have a deadline.

What were you writing?

I don't remember.

Let's start with
what you do remember.

Who you're
on a deadline for.

Some Hollywood producer.

I had a contract with him.

I was way past my deadline.

His name was Fineli.

Mr. Fineli.

Look, I don't know what
problems you have in your life,

and, quite frankly,
I don't give a shit.

I want to see you
in my office.

2 p.m.

Look, I realize
that I'm behind, but...

Be on time.

I'll be there.
I'll be there.


[door knocking]

What about your troubles
with your apartment manager?

The guy didn't exactly
give you a vote of confidence

when we asked him
about you.

That dirty old man?

He's a gun nut, you know.

Mr. Sanders,

I can pay you
on Friday.


Just like
I said I would.

It happens
to be Friday.

It is?



How long have
I been asleep?

I'm sorry.

Look, I have
an appointment

with my
producer today.

I'll pay everything
this evening.

After all, it will
still be Friday,

won't it?

Okay, just because it's you.


Between the two of us...

something stinks here.

What exactly do you
mean, Mr. Sanders?

Take a shower.

[phone ringing]



Hello, sir.
My name is Lavinia.

I'm a graduate
film student at UCLA.


My class is studying
successful professionals.

And since you're
one of the greatest

contemporary screenwriters,

I was hoping
that maybe you would

meet with me
and discuss your work.

Look, I'm...

I'm right in the middle
of a big project right now.

It would mean
so much to me.

So much, huh?

Maybe. Okay.

Thank you.

When can I meet you?

Oh, shit.

Mr. Bane?

Mr. Bane,
are you all right?

Yes, yes,
I'm fine, I'm fine.

What were you saying?

I was saying, can we
meet at your office?

No, no.
Not my office.

Let's meet
someplace nicer.

How about that
Italian restaurant

near the campus?

8 p.m.?


Yes, Mr. Bane.

8 p.m. it is.

I will
see you there.

And, thank you.

Yeah, yeah.

I'll see you there.

My suitcase
is missing.


Aleister's here.

Let him in.
Come in.

You're making progress.

This time you're
only 15 minutes late.

I didn't expect you
to show at all.

I'm really sorry about that.

My watch is broken.

Couldn't imagine,
imagine the traffic today.

Right, I wouldn't.
Sit down.


Aleister, I got to make
something perfectly clear...

Look, I fully realize
that I'm behind schedule.

But this project
is, like...

Behind schedule?
Behind schedule.

Like I said,
I'm working on it.

I really am working on it.

Okay, let's just
review that phrase

for one minute,
"behind schedule."

Yes, like I said,
I'm working on it!

I don't care
about your reasons.

You know
what I care about?

I care about your script,

that you are three
months late delivering.

That is three months
behind schedule, my friend.

I'm making a lot
of progress, actually.

it's almost finished.

That is great news.

That's really good,
'cause you got two weeks

to deliver it.

It's two weeks
or you're fired.


You can't do that to me.

As a matter
of fact, I can.

We already identified
a replacement.

Aleister, if you didn't
use to be one of the best

writers in Hollywood,
I would've fired you

two months ago.

I'm doing you
a favor here.

You all right?

You need water?
Some muffin?

I don't want you
to die in my office.

I'm not gonna die.

Like I said...

the script
is almost ready.

Two weeks
is plenty of time.


That is perfect,
'cause that's probably

just enough time
to put the finishing

touches on it.

See you in two weeks.

one more thing.


Take a shower.


I know you
don't like it, but...

I need another advance.

But Mr. Bane...

I'm sorry,
but I thought

that you
were aware.

Aware of what?

That last month's
payment was final.


What's that
supposed to mean?

Look, I understand
that this might come

as a bit of a shock.

I mean what I'm
trying to say is...

I was trying
to say that...

For fuck's sake,
just say it.

Aleister, it's
in your contract.

The advances that
we've been giving you

for the
last two years

your full wage.

That's it.

You're tapped out.

Now, to be exact...

we still owe you
another $22.47.

Then may I have
the $22.47?


But the total
doesn't include tax,

which means
that you actually

owe us money.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you, Rose.

No, I...

That's really
kind of you.


Usual for me.

Let me
ask you something.

What would you say if
one of your customers

owed you,
I don't know, $700?

That management sucks.

Seriously, Jack,
why do you think I come here?

Certainly not
for the refined ambiance.

There's been a guy coming
here looking for you.

What guy?

My management
may suck...

but I can
smell trouble here.

What time is it?


Gotta run.

are you gonna pay for that?

I'm good for it.

That's what
you always say.

You son of a bitch.


Thanks, man.

You know
where Alfonso's is?

Who doesn't?

Seems like
the place to be.

You some kind of celebrity?
No, not really.

Used to be,
a long time ago.

Is this
cab number 666?

Yes, why?

I'm just wondering.

Not that I believe
in any of that

anti-Christ stuff.

Well, in times
like these,

it seems
rather appropriate,

don't you think?


I find it rather unusual.

Well, you don't
have to believe

in all that
anti-Christ stuff

to see
what's happening.

May those
who have eyes see,

and let those
who have ears hear.

All right, man.

You owe me $9.87.

Hey, man,
you owe me 13 cents.

I gave you a $10 bill.

Thirteen cents?

Man, get the
fuck outta here.

Hi, I'm Angela.

Do you have
a reservation?

No, I'm sorry,
I forgot to call.

I'm sorry, sir, but
we are booked tonight.

We don't have
any table left.

That young woman
over there,

I believe she's
waiting for me.

So, tell me about your
first meeting with this girl...




You must be Lavinia,
is that right?

Yes, of course.
Mr. Bane.

I'm sorry.

Wow, I guess I had
a preconceived notion

about what a Hollywood
writer's supposed to look like.

Silly, isn't it?

No, no,
don't worry about it.

Happens all the time.

It's such
an honor to be here

sitting with
one of Hollywood's

greatest screenwriters.

Thank you,
I appreciate it,

but I think
you're exaggerating

just a little.

Are you hungry?

I mean we don't...

we don't have to eat if
you don't feel like it.

Actually, I'm starved.

I think I'll have
the angel hair puttanesca.

It looks good.

I have no idea
what that is,

but it sounds
very expensive.


I mean tasty.

Really can't argue
with that choice.

I have read
all of your work.

And it's absolutely amazing.

The thought that
one man could've

written all
those blockbusters.

It's not, it's not
that difficult.

Comes quite easily
after a while.

I would love
to watch you work.

Actually, there
isn't much to see.

It's really quite
boring, actually.

Just sitting there
in the room

watching a genius
work his magic

would be
a dream come true.

Now you are

my abilities.

And, please,
call me Aleister.


[phone ringing]

I'm not at home.

Leave a message if you
really have to. [beep]

This is extremely important.

is going to happen

and you're
in danger, Mr. Bane.

Thank you.

Is something wrong?

Can't seem to find
my credit card.

Oh, that's bad.

I mean, you have to
call the bank immediately.

You wouldn't want
someone using your cards.

I was thinking
the same thing.

I'm pretty sure,

I know where it is.

I don't know
if I have

enough cash here.

Leave it,
I'll pay the rest.

It's my treat.

I mean, it's been such
an amazing evening so far.

You're so cool
and down to earth

and a great
Hollywood writer

in real life.

Oh, I really
couldn't allow you

to do that.

Of course you could.

How much is it?


You know, they
know me well here.

I mean I can always come back.
Pay tomorrow.

It's a small price
to pay for dinner

with your idol.

I insist
that you allow,

you allow me
to make this up to you.

Well, if you insist...

on making it up to me,
you could let me

come to your office tomorrow.

Oh, I mean,
sure, but...

I'm warning you,
it's not gonna be

glamorous or
exciting at all.

Let me be
the judge of that.


[bell ringing]

What can I
do for you, man?

How does this work?
I've never done this.

Well, you know,
there's a first time

for everybody.

It's real simple.

You just give me
the item you want to pawn,

I tell you what
it's worth to me.

I can get it
back, right?

Sure. Sure.
It's like a 30-day loan.

Plus interest and fees.

Come on, man,
I'm busy here.

What do you got?

What can I
get for this?

Well, like, since
it's not midnight,

it's got to be broken.

Ten bucks.

Ten bucks?

It cost me
two grand.

It's not my problem.

It's, like, broken, okay?

Look, I'm busy.
I'm busy.

Okay. Okay.
Ten bucks.

All right.

Sign right here.

There you go.

There's your copy.




Come on,
Mr. Sanders, open up.

I know you're in there,
you old bastard.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

Is it personal?
What did I do to you?

Hello, Jack?

You left
the door unlocked.


Anybody there?


Hello, Mr. Bane.


Do I know you?

Of course you do.

But you
don't remember.

I'm pretty sure
that I would remember you.

But you don't.

No, I don't.


Like I said...

shouldn't you be at home
writing that script of yours?

What was
its name again?

Still working on it.

Oh, right.

You didn't even
start to write it.

How do you...


I guess that was
rude on my part.


I was just
wondering how you knew.

I mean, everyone
thinks it's almost finished.

My producer...

he gave me two weeks
to deliver it

or he'll replace me.

That would be
a real pity.

Because your script
is going to be great.

How do you know that?

Are you some
sort of visionary?

It's all about asking
the right questions.

I suppose.

Problem is...

I have writer's block.

And not the slightest idea
what to write about.

You should
write about me

and our relationship.


I could.


I don't know
anything about you.

Well, that makes it
even more mysterious,

doesn't it?

I guess.

I really have
to leave, Aleister.

It's getting very late.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I took care of that
little rent problem of yours.

Rent problem?

Could you repeat that?


You want me
dead or something?

What the fuck
are you doing here, man?

Jesus, it's not even
7:00 in the god damn morning.

The door was unlocked,
you weren't here.


Did you see
that gorgeous woman?

Listen, my friend...

I just opened the door,
and it was closed.

I can assure you
that there was

no gorgeous woman
anywhere in the vicinity.

I guess
you fell asleep

and I didn't notice you
back here at the table.

Go home.

Get some rest.

Thanks, Jack.



At least you had
a pleasant dream.

None of this is
making sense to me.

We have to follow
along very closely.

Because a lot of it doesn't
make sense to me either.

I keep telling you,
this is what happened

the last few days.

You woke up
in your room

the next day.


[door knocking]

Yeah, coming.



Are you feeling
well, Mr. Bane?

I mean, Aleister.

I'm ready
to get started.

I wanna learn as much
as I can from you.

I'm feeling great.

It's just that...

I was working all night.

as I imagined it.

A creative genius
working into the night

till exhaustion.

So cool.

In a filthy hotel

where he gets

Oh, don't take that
the wrong way.

It's a compliment.

No, no, leave it.

It's so much
more authentic.

I feel like I'm
in an old film noir

of the fifties,
like Touch of Evil.

You do know
your film history.

Oh, I love the old
black and white noirs.

Like Kiss Me Deadly,
Notorious, The Killing.

All the dim lighting
and femme fatales,

double crosses.

I get it.
I get it.

You know,
I love those films, too,

a lot.

Please, have a seat.

You know,
when I first met you,

I was expecting
someone really glamorous.

But I realize
how inappropriate that was.

To be a real writer,
you have to be

kind of shabby
and a little rough.

So that your writing
will have real depth

and meaning.

That's exactly the point.

I was a little worried

you wouldn't
immediately recognize that.

I understand perfectly well.

You know, I always
try to find myself a place

that's fitting for
the story that I'm writing.

That's brilliant.

So, what is the story?

Is it a murder mystery
or a, maybe a thriller?

Maybe not.

Still needs a lot of work.

I don't exactly
know how it ends.

I guess you don't smoke.


But I could start.

You know,
if I'm here long enough.

Would you
like me to smoke?

All the old black
and white actors smoked.

There's something
kind of sexy about smoking.

There's plenty
of time for that.

Would you like
a cup of coffee?

If you're having one.

I'll have one,
thank you.

I definitively need one.

Instant coffee,
you know, quick to prepare

so it won't
distract me from writing.

Let me help you.


It's hot.
Be careful.

Just goes to show
what good manners can achieve.

You don't have to be
good at making coffee.

You're good at writing.

You know, I...

I always write
the beginning last

so I won't curtail
my creativity.

That is really brilliant.

They don't teach us
stuff like that in school.

Would you mind
if I made some notes?

Not at all.

Always write
beginning last.

Look, I just
got this idea

I need to jot down.

Oh, of course.

You won't even
know I'm here.

I'll just be quietly,
I won't bother

any of your papers
or anything.

[phone ringing]

Don't bother.
I got it.


I'm Lavinia,
Mr. Bane's assistant.

Can I help you?

Yes, Mr. Sanders,
hold on just a moment.

It's Mr. Sanders,
the hotel manager,

as much as I can tell.

Tell him I'm not here.

Yes, Mr. Bane is very,
very busy at the moment.

Lavinia, Lavinia.

He won't fall
for that crap.

Believe me, I tried.

What do you
want me to tell him?

Would you like
to be called back?

No, no, no.

Give it to me.
Give it to me.

- Yes?
- Mr. Bane...

maybe I was too impulsive,

I mean, changing
the locks and all.

Well, you could've waited.

Yeah. But, you know,
you got nothing

to worry about now.

I mean, your cute friend
has paid your rent

for six months.

You mean a woman
paid my rent?

She came
to the door.

I could hardly
believe it myself.

And what a beauty.

I gotta go now.


Lavinia, this is
gonna sound a little weird,

but did you pay my rent?

Certainly not,
Mr. Bane.

Why would I do that?

That's a good question,
why would you do that?

Never mind.
Forget I asked.

Is there something
you wanna tell me?

No, not really.

I don't think that
would be a good idea.

I mean, I think
I'm just a bit overworked.

It's okay if
you're seeing someone.

No, I have a perfectly
reasonable explanation

for all this.

Which would be?

Well, well...

it's, it's
a bit complicated.


Would you mind if we,
like, you know,

stepped outside?

I just need
a little fresh air.

Clear my head.

Thank you.

After you.

It's a beautiful day,
isn't it?

Good morning, sir.
My name's Captain McCarthy.

You must be Aleister Bane,
is that right?


I suppose I am.

I mean, I most
definitely am.

Do you mind
if I ask you

what your relationship
was to this woman?

Can I have
a closer look?

Of course.

Run it for prints, Jack.

Fingerprint it?


Now, I'm gonna
ask you a second time,

what was your relationship
to the woman in the photo?

None at all.

I've never
seen her before



In a dream.

Or at least I thought
it was a dream.

In a dream?


Are you toying
with me, Mr. Bane?


You know,

I'm the last person
in the world

that you wanna
mess with

especially today.

Mr. Bane,
the lady in that photo

was brutally
murdered last night.

Brutal is actually
an understatement.

We had to use her teeth
to make a proper ID.

- If you don't mind, I'd really rather leave at this point.
- Lavinia.

I don't have
a problem with that

as long as you can
show me some identification.

Yeah, sure.

No need to be scared
or nervous or anything.

You didn't kill anyone.

Just a joke.

No one's being,
thank you very much.

No one is being
accused of anything

at this point in time.

We're just all
doing our job.

And I guess
you'd be very...

glad if you were
Senator Mitchell.

Senator Mitchell?

Mm hmm, that's right,
the husband.

Can, can I leave now,
officer, please?

Of course you can.

not before you tell me what
you're doing here with Mr. Bane.

I study at UCLA.

I was here
to interview Mr. Bane.

But that was before he
got mixed up in a murder.

This is not what
I signed up for.

I'm very sorry
to interrupt your studies.

Have a good day.

Oh, we'll see you again sometime, Ms.

I hope not.

Interview, huh?


Mr. Bane,

I don't have
a warrant or anything

right now, but I think
we can make this go

a whole lot smoother
if I maybe possibly

go inside and have
an informal chat.

Just you and me?



If you don't mind.


Come on.

- Okay, thank you.
- This way.

Go run those prints now.

Leave them.

It'll afford us
some privacy.

Have a seat,
please, Mr. Bane.

Now, I want to
make something clear.

You don't look
like a killer to me.

Otherwise we wouldn't be
having this conversation.

At least not here.

I don't
look like one

simply because
I'm not one.

- Smoke?
- No, thank you. Trying to quit.

Still, what little
evidence we have

is pointing
directly to you, sir.

One bright arrow

right to you.


Do you mind
if I have a drink?

Only if you
don't offer me one.

Of course,
I'm sorry.

I just thought
that officers

didn't drink
on duty.

Don't believe
everything you hear.

I do most of
my drinking on duty.

- Undercover, you know.
- Undercover?


Now, look, I know
you're not telling me

the whole story here.

The point is
there is no story.

Like I said,
I've never seen

that woman before
except in that...


I know it sounds
a little weird,

which is exactly
why I hesitated

to tell you.

Little is somewhat
of an understatement,

considering the phone call.

What phone call?

Well, she called you
right before she was murdered.

As matter of fact, that
was the last thing she did.

I never received
any phone call.

You can check that.

Been there, done that.



it's obvious
that you don't

check your answering machine
too often, do you?

[change dropping]

This is extremely important.

Something is going to happen,
and you're in danger, Mr. Bane.


Did it suddenly
get very hot in here?

I guess that
exonerates me.

And I also have
a solid alibi.

When she called,
I was at Alfonso's

having dinner
with Lavinia.

Seems so.

But what was that
last thing she said?


I'm not sure.

Something about dreamers
or the dreams.

Or the dreams.

Yeah, yeah,
she said,

"Are we the dreamers...

or the dreams?"

You think that's
what she said?

I'm quite sure
that's what she said.


We'll have the
experts check it out

just in case.


None of this is
making any sense.

I mean, why would
she call me?

And why would
I be in danger?

I was hoping
you were gonna tell me.

Mr. Bane...

You need
to listen to me

very carefully now,

I know you have an
alibi and all that,

but you're the
only person linking us

to the killer,
you understand?

And whether
you realize it or not,

you're in this shit right
up to your neck, my friend.

Now, if I were you,
I'd start to think

and I do mean
think real hard

about what your role
in this affair is.

You understand?

This affair?

There is no affair.

Mr. Bane.

You should
just calm down.


Calm down,
take a seat,

and tell me
a little bit more

about that
dream of yours.



After dinner with Lavinia,
I went to my usual bar

where I had
a few drinks too many.

And I passed out
on the table.

The bartender came in
and found me in the morning.

That's about it.

And that's when you had
the dream about the woman.

As weird
as it sounds.

But the really
strange thing is...


She paid my rent.

Just like she said
in the dream.

You mean the woman
in your dream

actually paid
your rent?


I'm quite confident
the hotel manager

will confirm it.

I guess I've heard
quite enough.

Mr. Bane...

If you remember
anything that

is actually helpful,
give me a call, won't you?

Thank you,
Officer McCarthy.

It's been a pleasure.

How can I help you,


Captain McCarthy.

Oh, well,
how can I help you,

Captain McCarthy?

I'd like to know
if you recognize

the woman
in this photo?

Yeah, of course.

She's the woman
who came to pay

Mr. Bane's rent.

Yeah, she paid in cash.

Six months.

- In advance.
- Are you sure that's the woman?

You know, hey, we don't get that
many pretty faces around here.

I mean, I'm as sure
as a man can be, you know.

I bet you're so sure,
you can also tell me

what time she came by.

Oh yeah, absolutely.

It was last night
shortly after 10 p.m.

I mean, you know,
I was watching television

and having a beer
when this gorgeous woman

shows up at my door,
I mean, you can't believe it,

how, how...

That'll do.


if you remember

or see anything
out of the ordinary,

give me a call,
would you?

Okay, captain.


So, who did this guy,
McCarthy, say

he worked with again?

Let me see.




Never mind.
Never mind.

Just finish telling me
what happened next.

[door knocking]

Yeah, McCarthy here.

this is Mr. Bane,

Aleister Bane.

Look, I'm sorry
to disturb you

but I may be
onto something.

Okay, okay,
hold on, slow down.

Listen, Mr. Bane,

are you on some kind of
medication or something?

No, no, no,
I'm not on drugs.

I just think
I have something.

Oh yeah?
And what would that be?

You know, I've been writing
about all this stuff

and it's provided
an inspiration

that I've been
trying to find

for a long time now.

Okay, okay,
cut the crap.

What do you got?

Look, I might know
who's behind all this.

Oh yeah?

The dead woman
is the wife

of Senator Mitchell,
who's up

for reelection, right?

Yeah, so?

So, so, so,
what happens

if she knew something
about her husband

or one of
his associates

that was
so incriminating

that the only way
to stay in the race

was to take her out,
so to speak?

And can we really
be sure that

the dead woman
and the woman I met

are one in the same?

At least we know that one
of them was alive and real.

Otherwise she couldn't
have paid my rent.

You called me here
to tell me this?

Look, man,
unless you got

some hard facts,
you might as well

forget about it.

Well, maybe I do
have some hard facts.

Come on, you're trying
to be funny with me again?

Look, if you got something
concrete, you tell me.

Tell me now and maybe
we can do something about it.

Captain, I'm sorry,
but you asked me

to call you
if something came up.

I just
wanted you to know

in case something
happened to me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, you got something or not?

Plain and simple.

I'll let you know.


No, I'm her roommate.
She's not here.

Look, do you have
any idea where she might be?

This is very important.

May I ask who's calling?

Yes, this is Mr. Bane,
Aleister Bane.

The writer, of course.
I'm not sure.

I think she's still in class.

But she'll be back soon.

Can I take a message?

Like I said, this is urgent.

Look, I can be there
in about 20 minutes.

Can you ask her
to wait for me, please?

Sure, I will.

Great, and where
exactly can I find you?

It's Rieber Hall
7 North, room 781.

Okay, thanks.
I'm on my way.

I was about to leave.
I've been waiting for over an hour.

I'm terribly sorry.
The traffic.

Look, I know
you must be shaken,

but I need
to talk to you.

I confirmed your alibi
with Captain McCarthy.

Let's go somewhere quieter.

I don't wanna get you
in any trouble.

You're the only
person I can trust

in case...

In case what?

In case something
happens to me.

If something
happens to you?

Did McCarthy tell you
about the phone call?


The dead woman, the wife
of Senator Mitchell...


She called me
and left a message

right before
she was murdered.

I only found out
about it the other day

from McCarthy.

She called you?

It's on my machine.

What did the message say?

That I was in danger.

Something unintelligible
about being dreamers

with dreams.

And the hotel manager,
he confirmed that

he recognized the woman
in the photograph

as the one
who paid my rent

after she was
supposedly murdered.

Supposedly murdered?

She's either dead
or alive, isn't she?

Yeah, I guess so.

Listen, wait,
wait, wait.

You haven't heard
the best part yet.

I don't know
if I want to know this.

Found it in my room.

It was slipped
under the door.

Does McCarthy
know about this?

The letter?

Guess you have
a lot to write about.

Indeed I do.

Quite a blessing from
that point of view.

So, what's your theory?

In a nutshell...

I think
Senator Mitchell

or one of his
associates murdered her

because she knew
something too important.

Whoever did it
now needs a patsy,

a fall guy.

his position,

and the people he counts
among his friends,

that won't
be a problem.

Why wouldn't they just
make her disappear quietly?

I don't know.

For starters,

it's created
a lot of confusion.

A distraction,
if you prefer.

The meeting's
tomorrow evening,

which means I have
lots of time to write.

It's the only thing
I know how to do.

And so far it's proven
to be quite insightful.

The strange thing is
I think there's a synchronicity

between my imagination
and what's going on.

Like I said,
if something happens to me,

I want you to take
my story and make it public.

What then?

Look into the story.

If I'm correct,
you'll find a solution there.

Listen, I have to go.

I have a lot of work to do.



Get up.

[phone ringing]


Hi, it's me,

Did I wake you?

I'm glad you did.
I need to see you.

It's almost noon,
can you meet me

at the corner
of Third and Westmont?

There's a coffee shop there.

In half an hour?

Third and Westmont.

Half an hour.

Do you think it's safe here?
I guess.

Aleister, you're
the most paranoid man

I've ever met.

In my business...

a little paranoia
can keep you

out of a lot
of trouble.

- Is this your script?
- Sort of.

It's what
I've got so far.

conspiracy theories,

and everything.


This looks great.

Keep it.

I made copies
on the way.

The part about
the videotape,

it's brilliant.

He knows he's innocent.

But the tape
proves he did it.

It's not
only a gift,

I want you to keep it
in case something happens.

Aren't you, aren't we
taking this a little bit

too seriously?

Maybe the plot
isn't entirely fiction.

I have an ominous
feeling about all this.

So you really think
you're supposed to be

- some sort of fall guy.
- Yes.

And I do believe the senator's
gonna make me some kind of offer.

Look, I don't
want you involved

any more than
you already are.

Just keep it.

In case
something happens.

You're the only person
that takes me seriously.

I have to get
back to campus.

I've got a class I can't miss.
But be careful.

And promise me that you'll
call me immediately afterwards.


Don't worry.

I'll be all right.

Go ahead.

You'll call me?

Damn bastards.

You have a very

active imagination,
Mr. Bane.

It's the truth.

Everything I told you.

How do I know
you're not just

making it all up?

You are
a writer after all.

You're a writer.

You write the stories.

- Yes.
- Okay.

Tell me about
the senator

who just
happens to show up

at your apartment.

He did.

I'm telling you the truth.

Good evening,
Mr. Bane.

Is there something
wrong with you?


Would you be so kind
as to invite me in?

They stay outside.


Thank you.

I'm not a man
who likes to waste my time,

so I'll get right
to the point.

Stay away
from my wife.

Are you threatening me?

I guess you could say that.

Also, you have
something I want.

And what exactly
would that be?

Don't play
the fool with me.


Let's play the game.

I want the script
you're writing.

Or what?

Listen, there
are a lot of ways

I could
cut your balls off.

But all I'm saying
is I want your script.

I'm willing to pay you
good money for it.

Certainly more
than a studio.

Why in the world
would you want my script?

If you need
an answer to that,

you're even
dumber than I thought.

Think it over.

And if money
doesn't interest you,

I'm sure this tape will.

This is rather urgent.

So, don't take too long
to make up your mind.

I'm a bit impatient.

Look, I'm really
sorry to bother you,

is Lavinia here?

I must speak
to Lavinia.

She's not here.

What do you mean
she's not here?

I mean she's not here.

You have any idea
where she might be?

This is important.

I got no idea, dude.

Wait, wait, wait.

Maybe you
could help me.

- Me?
- Do you mind if...


Come in.

Is there someplace
where we can watch

a videotape?

You came here to watch
a tape with Lavinia?

Look, this is
really complicated.

So, please, just
answer the question.


Lots of places.

Like where?

We'll find one.
Just chill out.

I'm chilled.

All right.
Can you wait outside?

And I'll put something on.

Oh god.

Come on, come on.

Don't freak out
on me now.

You know, there
is a thing called

computer DVD, right?

If you don't mind,
I'm gonna go back

to, like, sleep.

Oh, and if anybody asks,
you don't know me, okay?

Or anybody.


Sit down.
We need to talk.

Sit down.

The next time
I have to pull this thing

it's gonna be
with deadly results.

Do you understand?


I don't know
how to tell you this,

but your friend
has been murdered.

You mean Lavinia?

Yeah, I think that
was her name, wasn't it?



About a while ago.

Don't you think
it's quite unusual

that two women
have been murdered

in the last few days
and they both have

connections to you?


The last time
I saw Lavinia

was this afternoon.

Well, that was
the last time

anyone ever
saw her again.

Alive, that is.

must've seen her.

I'm sure they did.

But the surveillance tape
is missing.



Do you know where it is?


If you have something
to say to me,

I suggest you do it now.

The last time I tried
to tell you something,

you weren't very
interested or encouraging.

Oh, you mean
your grand conspiracy, right?

You see?
You're doing it again.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

What's your new theory?


Someone's trying
to frame me.

Oh, please.

That's exactly
what I told Lavinia.

She knew my theory.

I gave her
a copy of the script

just in case
something happened.

You mean to you.

To me.

You remember
the message.

I had no reason
to believe

she was in danger.

You mean you
still believe that

the senator is somehow
covering up the death

of his own wife,
is that it?

He's been here.

Who? The senator?


He offered me money.

For what?

Do I have
to spell it out for you?

Oh, what? He offered you
money for your script?

Is that it?


What part do you
have a problem with?

Let me see it.

The script?

Yeah, let me
see the script.

It may prove
your innocence.

It wouldn't.

It's gonna come to light
sooner or later,

you know that, don't you?

I guess so.

How does it end?



Your script.

How does it end?

I'm not sure.

I hope that part
hasn't been written yet.

It's the only
complete copy.

Good to know.

Don't worry,
you'll get it back.

And you gotta admit
that it's gonna be

much safer with me.

You're telling me
he urgently

wanted to watch
this videotape?

Did you see it?

Do you have any idea
what was on it?

No, I actually
went back to bed.

He didn't
tell me anything.

Uh huh.

So you got it.

(Captain McCarthy)

And I know
it's the only copy.

That's a good job.

Who's there?

What do you want?

(Woman) You reached
the answering machine

of Dr. Ibula Steiner.

The office is closed.

You may leave a message
after the tone.


This is Aleister Bane.

You left me
your business card

some time ago.

I'd like to ask you
a few questions.

[door knocking]

What happened next?


What happened next
is your goons came

and picked me up.

Mr. Bane,
are you inside?

Mr. Bane,
step outside, please.

What's going on?

- Are you Aleister Bane?
- Yeah.

I'm Detective Marino,

my partner,
Detective Ryan.

Mr. Bane,
step away over here.

Step over here.

Mr. Bane,
you're under arrest

for the murder
of Lavinia Kardova.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you cannot
afford an attorney,

one will be
provided by the state.

You understand these rights
as I provided them to you?

- Yes.
- Mr. Bane, this is a search warrant.

Before I go inside,
is there anything inside

that can hurt
my partner or myself?



Can I put something on?

Follow me.

Are these your pants?

Don't touch anything.

Go ahead,
put these things on.

We're sorry,
the number you have reached

is not in service.

Please check the number
or try your call again.

This is a recording.

Captain McCarthy.

I already told you,
there's no Captain McCarthy.

But I spoke to him
last night.

How many times
do I have to tell you?

Hey, listen.

We have enough
evidence to put you

right in the slammer.

But for some reason
I want to give

this weird story
of yours a chance.

Hey, this is definitely
not one of ours.

Maybe it's his private card.

But he doesn't work for us,
he doesn't work for government.

Maybe he works
for some agency.

Let's not go down
that road, okay?

Consider this fact.

If indeed he worked
for the agency,

and you think
you're the fall guy,

how do you expect us
to find out?

So, what do you guys
make of this?

I think the guy's
full of shit.

The guy's nuts.


I can't quite
figure it out.

I guess no one here's
ever heard of this guy?

Captain McCarthy?

Homicide unit.

Phone was disconnected.

Crazy, like I said.

Here, listen to this
if you don't believe me.

This is Aleister Bane.

You left me
your business card

some time ago.

I'd like to ask you
a few questions.

You can call me at...

That doesn't sound
particularly weird to me.

We found it
on his answering machine.

You mean...

You got it.

I don't know what
game you're playing,

but I can assure you,
there's no Captain McCarthy


Did you call
the number on the card?


But I called it.

And you often
leave messages

on your answering machine?

What's that
supposed to mean?

This is Aleister Bane.

You left me your business
card some time ago.

I'd like to ask you
a few questions.

You can call me at...

I don't know
what's going on.

As much as I would
like to believe you,

I can't.


The watch.

What about it?

I had one
exactly like it.

Where'd you get it?

- Come on.
- No, seriously.

What time is it?


And I'm gonna
take a break.

What about the script?

What script?

When you found
Lavinia's body,

was there a script with her?

- A script?
- A script.

A book.
Pages. Paper.

What's wrong?


I'm sorry.

[phone ringing]