Love on Sunday (2006) - full transcript

Akira had to transfer schools upon graduation because of her father's job. She was reluctant to move because of her secret love for Nao, a childhood friend. Nao, however, is head over heels for Tamaki. A farewell party is planned for Akira. She had longed to spend the final day with Nao, but oblivious to Akira's feelings, he invites Tamaki to the party instead. An argument ensues at the party, prompting Akira to leave. Akira cannot forgive Tamaki for playing with Nao's feelings. Then, a senior member of Akira's archery club and Tamaki's former boyfriend, Gaku comes into the picture.

I won't tell him... I will.

I won't tell him... I will.

I won't.

I will.

I won't.

I will... I won't...

I won't.

I will.

I won't.

I will.

I won't... I will...

I won't.

...I won't.

I will.

I won't.

Love on Sunday

You'll never do it.

Just time us!

Say when.

Okay, get ready...



I'll tell him.

I won't.

I will.

I won't.

I will.

I won't.



Two minutes over!

The legend remains!

You like those stories, huh?

Come on.

What's wrong?

Getting sentimental?


Let's go.

"Ueda Minami High School"


I went up in Phys-Ed.


You're a fine one to talk.

I'm talking about your farewell party.


'Egawa, Kaito'.

I need to know how many are coming
so I can buy food.

You gave me the job.

'Okazaki, Nao'...

Okay... four.

I can't hear you.

'Okazaki, Nao'!


I hear you.

- 'Saito, Shusuke'...
- Yes.

Well, as of tomorrow we're
into summer vacation.

Okay, keep it down!

Miyamoto is moving to Tokyo to
continue her junior year there.


So what?

So get up here,
come on.

I'm not someone who
makes speeches...

We know that.


Because of my father's work,
I'm moving tomorrow.

I was supposed to go last month,
but wanted to finish the term.

My cell phone and email won't change,
so everyone stay in touch, ok?

I will, too.

Thanks for everything.

Good. But you still tense your fingers
when you release.

Are you sure?

That's my last advice. Take it.

Yeah, yeah.

- Take care.
- You too, sir.

You should have a party.

Well... thanks, anyway.

Don't be embarrassed...

I'm sorry. I've made other plans.

You mean, like, a guy?

Just dinner with the neighbors.

Look! There's Nao and Tamaki.


- Am I late?
- No.

Shall we go?


Hello, Dad.

Yeah, I'm all finished.

I leave tomorrow at noon.

No, I won't put it off again.

Okay, 'bye.


Your last day?


Where in Tokyo are you going?


The school?

No, the area.
I'm not smart like you.

A school with an Archery Club.

Have you got any better?

Not enough to brag about.

Do they have Archery
at Tokyo University?

I imagine so.

Then you can still do it.

I don't care what university
I get into next year.

I just want out of this hick town.

I'd like to stay here.

I think you're meant
for bigger things.

It's nice to hear someone say that.

I've known Nao since we were kids,
and he always just calls me stupid...

...while he's helpless without me.

Can we have dinner?

Are you busy?

Sort of.

But thank you.

Can I take your picture?



Here goes.

Go steady with me?

You moved.

I've always liked you.

But you go out with Tamaki.
She's in my class.

We broke up.

You don't like me?

That's not it...

I'm moving to Tokyo.

I'll be there next year.

Yeah, but...

But what?

Sorry... you're a senior and a mentor.
I respect you as a Senpai.

But I don't feel 'that' way.

Too sudden?

No, that's not it...

Because you like Nao?

He's not just a friend?

Thank you for everything.


Why are you so thirsty?

Where's Nao?

Probably at the store. He called wanting
to know how to make hot-pot.

Hot-pot? In this heat?

Do you want to take some dishes
for the party?

Okay, for six.

Huh? Not four?

Okay, four then.

You needn't send Nao home tonight.

All of you have a good time.

I'm back.

Welcome home.


I came to say goodbye.

Hand it over.


No, I mean your report card!


Cut it out!

Your report card isn't in here.

I forgot it.

Get it together, ok?
Tomorrow I'll be gone.

I know that.

So who did you invite?

Who cares?

We're talking about you.

Yes, ma'am.

No more lecturing from Akira.

Are you sad?

I'm happy.

Eat Senpai's dust!


Can't you be serious for once?

Okay, then.

Do me one last favor.


Let me kiss you.

I'll kick your ass!

No, that's not it.


A simulation.
For when I kiss Tamaki.


She asked me to hang
out with her.

Can you believe it!
She's in love with me.


I'm not a kiss-of-life practice dummy!

Who else can I ask?

She's in love?

The most popular girl in class,
in love with you?

That'll be the day the
world flips over.

Akira, the world 'revolves'.
It doesn't flip.

I know that, stupid!

Shut up.

Tamaki's cool... she's feminine.

Not like somebody I know.
I want to kiss her!

Come over later. I'm going.

What about the kiss?



Let me kiss her...


Wait a minute!


I made it.

What, you want a medal?

If I may...

Am I here first?


It's just you.

Everyone else canceled.
You're the only one who didn't.

Not very nice of them, huh.

I'll go, then.


Be nice.

Oh, well...

Remember this?

When you threw the fan at me.

We were playing 'marriage'.

In Grade 2?

Grade 1. I found it when
they moved the shelves.

I thought I was dead.

It's not funny!


After the pretend wedding.

Oh, yeah... India.

That curry was horrible.

And then...

France, was it?

That bread was so hard...

Enough to chip a tooth!

Remember where we went next?

The River Nile.

And who almost drowned?

You lost your hat.
Who went in to get it for you?

I was happy.

It was drenched, but you got it.
You were a real man that day.

Praise for something in Grade 1
doesn't mean much.

Get it while you can.

Ow! Cut it out!

Stop it!

Okay, Walk straight.

- Straight?
- Go straight.

- Like this?
- Yeah.

Hey, I can't see.

That's ok.

Just walk straight.


- Turn right!
- Right.

- One more step!
- One more.

Can you stay late tonight?

Sure. Why?

Just to talk.

Unless you don't want to...

So which is it?

We'll see how it goes.

Maybe I shouldn't.

You just said you could.

Why should I, when you won't
even let me kiss you?

Just kidding!

We probably shouldn't be each
other's first kiss anyway.

I don't mind.

After all, you don't have anyone
else to practice on...

...and you're the only one
who'd ask me.

So it's ok.

Well, I won't do it like I mean it.

To practice, you have to mean it.

That's her.



Come in.


I invited her.

You what?

You found the place all right?


Do you need any help?

Come in here.

We're making hot-pot.
Can you wash these?

- And these?
- Yeah, those too.

Everyone cancelled?

Yeah. There's just the three of us.

Shall I slice these?

No, that's ok.

Let me help.

It's fine.

Nao-kun, should I slice this?

Ah, Don't cut yourself.

Do I look like I can't cook?

I'm just concerned about you.

Akira, rinse some bowls.


Like this?

Hey, you're good!

- Do you cook at home?
- Sometimes.

Am I in the way?


The more the merrier.

Did you really ask anyone
else to come?

You wanted to tell him
you loved him.

Are you jealous of me?

Tell me.

Are you actually in love?

With Nao?

Me? In love with that fool?


Are you setting him up?

It's revenge on you.

Gaku asked you to go steady.

It's your fault we broke up.

Don't blame me!

Go away.

Tell Gaku to come back to me.
Then I'll go away.

You get him back.
You're not a kid!

Shall I tell Nao...

...I don't like him?

He'd be hurt.

I'm serious, you know.

About me?

Yeah. We're in the same class,
but we've never talked.

I want to know more about you.

Ask away. Akira knows
all about me, too.

Don't you.

Don't you?


You've been friends since
you were kids...

So what?

You never fell in love?

No! I've never even heard
of anyone liking Akira.

You poor thing!

Love's fun.

Loving Senpai was fun?

Hey! Watch it!

She started it.

She's jealous. People who've never
been in love are such a drag.

Doesn't eating hot-pot like this
feel like we're out camping?

Do you eat hot-pot at camp?

You could.

Nao-kun, let's go camping this summer.

Sure! Let's go!


- Why?
- Well...

Why not?

Where shall we go?


Will you be ok?

Wasn't it you who wet your bed
on our primary-school sleep-over?

Maybe you shouldn't, 'Nao-kun'.

Shut up, will you?

I'm concerned about you.

I'm not a kid!

Oh yes you are.


I could throw another fan at you.

Too bad. The fan's moved away.

I'll go and buy one.


What fan?


Well, you know...



Yeah, a kids' game.

We had a pretend wedding,
and when I didn't want to...

...she threw a fan at me.

Even then...

She'll be back soon. Let's wash up.


"Indian Curry"


Excuse me...

- Hello.
- Good day.


The River Nile.

Excuse me! That's mine.


I used to play down here, too.

Are you back on vacation?


I was a beautician in Tokyo, but it was
time to come home and settle down.

Hmm... So how long has it been
since you went there?

I went when I finished high school,
so 12 years ago.

That long?

I always wanted to come back.

When I messed up and got shouted at,
or I had to eat supper alone...

...I'd think of home.

And your old friends?

Sure! It's them
I remembered most.

But it was hard to come back.

The big city sweeps you away.

I don't want that.


You don't want your heart swept away.

Okazaki, Nao


Akira, where are you?

Is Tamaki with you?

Yeah, we're waiting.

Come back.

Step away from her a minute.


Do as you're told.

Hang on...

Okay, what?

Take a pass on Tamaki.

Why are you so sure of that?


Stupid! If you don't have a reason,
then shut up.

Listen to me this one last time!

Back me up this one last time.

Why should I sell her on you?

Where are you?

Hello Akira? Did you really go out
to buy a fan?

Go away!

Where are you?

At your favourite appliance store.


Are you shopping, or visiting?

That sounds like Tamaki.

I realize it's not for
me to ask...

When's your train?

At noon.

It'll be hard to get Nao back.
Tamaki's very stubborn.

That's why I came to you.

You're desperate...

Shouldn't I be?

I'm desperate, too.
I meant to go to your house.

You've got that bad habit.

Your draw's good...

...but you tense your fingertips
when you release.

I'll help.

Excuse me.



You came to find me?

You're the guest of honor.

How'd you know we were here?

We used to play here.


But, you know,
we could always leave.

Don't misunderstand.

Tamaki-san and I are going camping.

Aren't we.



You'll be studying all summer.

That's ok. Next year I'll be in Tokyo.

So what should we do?
Go and have your farewell party?

Maybe I could come...

Let's us two go to your place.
I can say goodbye to your mom.

- You did that...
- I didn't finish.

See you guys around.
Let's go!

I need to talk to Nao-kun, too.

Stay with me.

Yeah! She came to your party,
after all.

Let's all go to karaoke.

I don't feel like singing.

The school, then.

The school?

You just want to pick up
your report card.

It'll be fun in the dark.

Let's have a shoot-out.

The loser does what the winner says.

That sounds like fun.

Don't you understand?


That means...

Forget the school.

Some kids who snuck in last
Christmas were suspended.

Why did they do that?

You don't know the legend?


On Christmas Eve, you hold hands
and run from the hall to the roof.

If you beat two minutes you'll
be together for ten years.

I heard one minute.

Then you're together forever.


But only if you don't get caught.

The two who got suspended last year
broke up after that.

Has anyone ever done it?

Even alone it'd take two minutes.

There's a couple's initials with
'one minute' written there.

You like those stories, huh?

A couple who needs a story like
that is finished anyway.

You don't know what it's like to want
a story like that to be true.

I do.

Shouldn't you try yourself instead
of counting on a story?

At least I'm not afraid to try.

I like that story.

Just because she does!


You're willing to risk suspension.
That means you're serious.

That's so stupid!

Nao-kun, run with me
this Christmas.


And get suspended together.

If you want to run,
Tamaki-san, so do I.

You heard him.



Before my eyes...

spread the beautiful clouds
of dawn.

The sky is so beautiful...

my heart trembles and twitches.

Oh you who I love,
you who I love...

You are the one I love.

To be honest, I'm someone...

who's always confused
about you.

Those wonderful moments...

I don't want to miss
even a blink.

I want our souls to be as one.

Oh you who I love,
you who I love...

You are the one I love.

Someday this feeling
will vanish.

This grave, holy feeling...

This feeling I've never had before.

All my joys and my griefs.

Yes, they are all because of you.

All because of you...

Too bad, Akira!

I will tell him.

I won't.

I will.

I won't.

I will.

I won't.


- Well, see you.
- Yeah, bye.

- 'Night.
- See you later.

Mr Kimura?

What are you doing here?

What about you?

I was out with some friends.

This is Miyamoto's farewell.

I didn't know you four hung out.


Are they students of yours,


Which one's yours? The tall one?

Get on home.

- Miyako, let's go.
- Yeah.

Good luck!

Miyamoto... take care.

I will.

Hey... why is she calling you
by a pop star's nickname?

The same family name?

His family makes kimichi
and takuan pickles.

And that makes 'Kimutaku'...

Don't you go telling everyone.

Of course I won't, 'Kimutaku'.

What the hell!
Get outta here!

Go on!

Where did they go?

Won't that be Tamaki?

Don't waste your breath.

All he see's is her.

Forget him.

Go back to Tamaki.


We can do what you were
talking about.

The shoot-out.

If I win...

...go back to Tamaki.

And if I win, I get you.


Hello, Tamaki. Where are you?

Why archery?

It'll be fun.

We'll get suspended.

Hang on...

I'll check it out.

You can always leave.


What did you tell him?

If I win, he promised
he'd go back to you.

So then you leave Nao alone.

You think you can win?
He came second in the prefecturals.

Promise me.

You said there's no one here!

Come on.

Tamaki, let's go to the classroom!

- No!
- It's all right!

Come on.

Did you tell Tamaki about the bet?


And she agreed if you lose
you'll be my girlfriend?

Here's my report card!

Hurry, let's go!

This is where I sit, and this
is where Akira sits.

And you're here.

I'm going.

Senpai is going to win.

We don't know that yet.

You want to bet?

If Senpai wins,
you give me a kiss.


Sure, I will.


I could only find short bows.

Okay. That'll be your handicap.

How long have you liked him?

I can't believe he's worth all this.

Since we first met.

When my mother died,
the neighbors arranged the funeral.

I was in kindergarten, so I didn't
really understand she was dead.

But my father told me I'd never
see her again, so I was crying.

It was Nao who came over
and held my hand.

Fond memory, huh?

I'll bet he's forgotten.

Can they really hit those?

It'll be harder for Akira.

First to three wins.

Who's first?

You go first. Relax your fingers.

She hit it!

Such dignity!

Shut up.


If Senpai wins...

...Tamaki says she'll kiss me.

Your turn.

You lost your concentration.

It's only a kiss!

It's not about that.


First to three wins.

Then she's my girlfriend.


Wait a minute!

What's going on here?!

If you win he comes back to me, right?
That's all, isn't it?



You want to get back with him?
That's not it, is it?

Then why me?


Tell me.


And you knew?

Why didn't you say?

At least you could have told me!

Cut it out!

Sure, you're cool.

Win or lose, you just
stand and watch.

Nao, sit down!


Sit down, Tamaki!

That's 'Tamaki-san' to you!

- Nao!
- The bet's off!


Was it fun jerking me around?

Stop it, Nao!

You, too!
Don't treat me like a fool!

Why do you think she made the bet?
It was for you!

No, Senpai!

So you wouldn't be hurt!


What do you see in him?!
What's there to like about him?

We're going to get suspended
and it's not even Christmas Eve.

Come on.

I don't think Akira meant
to tell him she loved him.

Otherwise she wouldn't
have bet with you.

She wanted to spend her
last night here with Nao.

Would that be enough?


When we ran, I should have been
holding your hand, too.

You know... were right.
I should have passed on Tamaki.

Did I look like a real jerk
when I got mad?

I guess it makes sense.

She wouldn't love me.

No girl ever has, even if
I do say so myself.

You're the only girl who'll
really talk to me.

What an idiot! Betting on a kiss.

Asking you to practice with me!

I'm a jerk.


I love you.

But... I don't know...

That's because we've been friends
since we were kids.

I don't care...

...who you might fall in love with.

I don't care that we'll be apart.

I don't care about who drops who,
or who gets dropped.

When I'm an old lady,
I want to see the old man you'll be.

To see you, to joke with you,
to argue with you...

That's what love means to me.


I'm glad we were kids together.

I really enjoyed it.

Thank you.

Now you've made me cry.

You were crying when we first met.

What time's your train?

Not telling.

I'm just asking.

You'd come if I told you.

I'm the one who'd be embarrassed
with you there waving like an idiot.

I'm not going to see you off.


So what's our time?

You never quit!


I mean up to the roof.

A minute.

I'm kidding.

Only a kid would believe
in that story.

Yeah, right!
You were running, too.

For good luck.

What is it?

A secret.

We don't have secrets.

It's still a secret.


What was that for?

Hi, Miyako.

You must be tired, I brought
you some lunch.


Did you find who snuck in last night?


It's funny, though.

The duty teacher is a guy
who once snuck in here himself.

That was ages ago.

Hey...'s still here.

Yeah... those were the days.

'K and M'... 'Kimura and Miyako'.

Thank you.



You're ok not seeing her off?


You won't see her for a while.

It's all right, I said.


Did you finish any songs?

Yes, I did!

What kind?

I wrote two. One's kind of sad.

- Like a ballad?
- Yeah.

- And the other one?
- It's a bit brighter.

How do you mean?

- It's livelier!
- Ah, I see.

- Something like that...
- And, who's doing the rap?

"University of Tokyo Entrance
Tutorial School"

What happened last night?

Nothing much.

Did Akira cry?


So you did...

No way!

Oh, really?


What happened?

It's a secret.

Oh, come on!

It's a secret.

What's that all about?

Tamaki Mizuhashi

Ryuya Wakaba

Yuria Haga

Gaku ('Senpai')
Kazunori Sasaki

Yoshihiro Izumi

Tamon Andrew Niwa

Yukihiko Yamaguchi

Line Producer
Kosuke Suzuki

Director of Photography
Naoto Muraishi

Masao Torigoe

Art Director
Shinsuke Kobayashi

Japanese Breakthrough Films

Subtitles based on English translation by
Ian MacDougall

Subtitle editing, additions, new timings for
this version by chochoc

Additional English translation help from
Starclub, famitsu1, motakutou, zen

Special thanks to koji

Directed by
Ryuichi Hiroki

2006 "Love on Sunday"
Production Committee