Little Tito and the Aliens (2017) - full transcript

After his wife's death the Professor (Valerio Mastandrea) lives isolated from the world in the Nevada desert, near Area 51. He supposedly works on a top-secret project for the US government. He supposedly works on a top-secret project for the US government, but in actuality, he spends his days on the couch, listening to the sound of the Universe. His only contact with the outside world is Stella, who organizes alien-themed weddings for tourists on the prowl for extra-terrestrials. One day the Professor receives a message from Naples: his dying brother is entrusting him with his two children, so that they may live with him in America. Anita (16) and Tito (7) arrive expecting the legendary brightening lights of Las Vegas, but instead, they find themselves in the middle of nowhere, in the hands of their nutty uncle and in a weird, mysterious place where aliens are said to live. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food



Hello, dear brother.

Finally, in the end, I died.

But, as you can see, I'm still talking.

Everything is prepared for the children.

They can hardly wait.

After all, it's America.

Here, they don't have a future.

While you have, Professor.

It's all in here.

Right here.

Anita got all her vaccinations.

Tito, however, lacks measles and mumps.

He's allergic to sulfonamide, and he
doesn't tolerate yellow food coloring.

They're good kids.

They're good, intelligent kids.

I'm sure you'll make them become
great men and great women.


What is it?

Anita says Mom won't bring me any presents.

- Anita!
- What is it?

Did you talk to Mom?

No, it's a long story.

Let's call her.

Let's go to the cemetery.

No, no.
I've got a picture here.

Here it is.


How are you?

Are you sure you won't bring
Tito the present from the dead?

Ah, I see.

All right, all right.

Yes, I'll say hello.

What did Mom say?

- Everything's fine.
- What's fine?

He'll get his present.

Napoli Airport, Capodichino.

- Delta, flight 149 to Frankfurt.
- What are you doing?

What is it?

Give it to me!

Tito, stop it!

Tito, are you crazy?

With all the photos we have at home,
why did you take this from the tombstone?

You don't understand.

It has to be more than just an old picture.

I have to talk to Dad
so he'll come and pick me up.

Our uncle is a scientist.

He'll know what to do.


Tito, it won't be like at home.

You can't do everything
that comes to your mind.

Wait, look. I'll show you some pictures.

This is Las Vegas.

Do you understand what I mean?

- A swimming pool.
- That's normal.

Everyone has a swimming pool there.

Who's that?

That's Lady Gaga.


Is she there too?

It's obvious, isn't it?

All the famous people live there.
That's why we have to stay cool.

Shall we go?

Dad, I want to warn you.

I saw him hanging from
the captain's satellite dish.

- Hey, you're lying! It's not true!
- He's totally crazy!

You're lying!

I wonder who they take after.

- Yes?
- Professor?

How's it going? I'm your uncle.

Okay, I'm your uncle.

Well, I'm your uncle.

You must be Anita.




Here they are.

Let's go.

- What?
- Is she Uncle's wife?

What are you talking about?
She died when you were little.

He never got married again.

- Who is she then?
- Probably his girlfriend.

- Hey!
- Hi!

Hi! You are beautiful.


Do you live in Las Vegas?

- No...
- Oh, I get it!

It's one of those suburbs somewhere.

I saw it on TV.

How stupid of me.

Uncle, what's that?

I bought it for you on the Internet.

It's beautiful.

- Good night.
- Close it, or it'll deflate.

Is Stella your girlfriend?

No, no, just my driver.

Here you are.

There's no wall here, is there?

Put on his pajamas.

- Where?
- In the suitcase.

I'll do it.

In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, tell Mom and Dad
that we're safe and sound here.

Our uncle's house is wonderful.

We haven't seen the pool yet,
but I'm sure we will tomorrow.

Our uncle is... quite American.

And Stella, his driver,
has beautiful nails.

That's all.


You have to wake up, quick!

- What do you want?
- You have to look at this!

Can I take off my sleep mask now?

Not yet.

- Oh my goodness, where are we?
- I swear, Ani.

There were lights just now!

- What lights?
- Wait...

- ...I'll turn on the sound catcher...
- But where is the pool?

Ani, really...

And where is Lady Gaga?



- Ani!
- What?

I can hear something.

Look there, a car is coming.

Let's go down, come on!



Stop, stop, stop!

Wow, marines!

Sure, Tito will accompany
the General, okay?

What a nice uniform, General.


I usually hate uniforms, but yours is cool.

You even have your name on it.

Ah, your name is Linus,
like in the comics!

The General is here!

Uncle, are we in trouble?

Uncle? I'm hungry.



Why no?

I'm not hungry.

Not hungry? But I'm hungry.

- Where are you going?
- Huh?

- Where are we going?
- I'm sure I still have cookies.


It's a sound catcher!
Just talk and I can hear you.

Where is your lab?
Is it in this mountain, behind the door?

Uncle, you can trust me,
I'm your assistant.

I won't say anything.

- Uncle?
- Not even to my sister.

My phone has no reception here,

Can I have the Wi-Fi password?

And where is the TV?

In the container. Still packed.

And how do you know that? Put on
your jacket. It's damn cold out here.

No, I'm here with my uncle, we're talking.
At least I'm talking.

- Tito, do it now.
- I only listen to Dad.

Yes, but Dad is not here.
So you'll listen to me now!

Dad will be here soon, you'll see.

Put on your jacket.

No. Come on, do it now.

Anita, on the other hand,
wants to do veterinary medicine.

Yes, she's very talented.

The neighbors already bring
all the animals to our home,...

...dogs, cats, even canaries.

She takes care of them all with sodium.

But it seems to work.

And then, who else in this world...

...would let her hear the beautiful
sound of the planets?

The true sound.

Don't take us with you!

Well, then just keep going!


Let's go in the back.

Is that supposed to be the city now?

Sit down, kids.

Wait here, I'll be right back.

You see,.... the military,...
the soldiers,... where are they?

What is it?

Well, uh...
Our uncle has a lab near Area 51.

- Oops.
- Where is Tito?

Out there... he's waiting there.

He's hoarse.

It's a stomach problem.

Give him a little sodium
and he'll be all right again.



Laboratory R10


- Here I am.
- Hello.

You're not serious.

I think you're exaggerating.

Linda, my love...

...I have no idea what children eat.

- Ah, buy some milk.
- Ah, sure.

That's the only thing I already knew.

My love, after all, we are scientists.

- I know.
- How hard can that be?

Just read the instructions.

But these children came
without instructions.

- I know, it's not easy, my love.
- ...

- Can you speak up?
- I miss you like crazy.

It's too cold here without you.
I have to go now.

- Bye.
- Bye.

I don't understand.

- Napoli?
- Yes, yes, yes!

Pizza. Fesufio. Maradona.
Frittura. Professor.



Is Professor born in Napoli?

- Relative?
- Yes.

I will scan your eyes, please.

His brother?

Ah, no.
The sister-in-law, Maria?

No, I'm Tito.

The nephew?
The nephew!

Ah, I am pleased to meet you.

I apologize for my initial mistrust,
No one has visited me here for six years.

I'm Linda.



What does that mean?

I am a sophisticated decoder.

The professor designed me.

My duty is...

Well, how should I explain this?

You know, the universe has a voice.

I send signals into
the vastness of space,...

...into unknown places that no one
has ever reached before.

Then I listen, decode,
interpret the returning waves.

In a sense, I speak to the universe.

Or rather, the universe speaks to me.

Ah, that's the professor's wife.

Do you see the box on the right?

That's me.

I was a portable decoder back then.

Linda, but...

The voice I heard before?

- It was auntie's voice.
- Auntie?

- Ah, yes!
- Was it you who made her speak?

- Yes.
- Well, I want to talk to my dad.

It's not that simple.

You see,
the professor's wife was also a scientist.

She was commissioned
to construct a decoder,...

...namely me, to search for
signals of extraterrestrial nature.

For years we found nothing.

But when the professor's wife died,
for the first time,...

...we received a signal.

It only lasted a few moments,...

...then we lost it again.

Since then, the professor has looked for it
in every corner of the universe.

But without success.

By any chance, do you want
to do the experiment again?

I don't know,
I want to talk to my dad.

And nothing else.

So, shall I activate the process?

Yes, do it.

Ah, thank you.

I want to talk to my dad. I want to talk
to my dad. I want to talk to my dad.

Shall I play some music for you?

In his honor.

Herman, let's go.

I present Herman...

...our telescope.


Connection with the radio
telescopes in Area 51.

Connection to Area 51.

Tito, Herman will be ready to start soon.


Let me out!

Let me out!


Herman, don't look directly into the beam.

It could be dangerous.

- Antennas ready to receive the signal.
- Tito!

Hello, professor.

- Tito!
- Your nephew is up here.

- Professor, the algorithm...
- Linda, stop everything!

- Coordinates...
- Right now!

I didn't do anything!

The antenna moved, and that thing talked!

Never do that again, do you understand?

Listen, I heard it before.

It was my auntie's voice.

You talked to auntie!

I want to talk to my dad!

You can't talk to your dad.

- Why?
- Because he's dead!

So what? Just like Mom.

- And Dad talked to her!
- Tito, I don't know how, understand?

- Come.
- No, we're staying here!

- Dad said you're a great scientist...
- And dad was wrong!

I can't help you, Tito.
I'm sorry.

You can't talk to the dead.

- Let me go!
- Be careful...

- ...if you don't want to bump your head.
- Let me go!

Let me go.

It's not true that you can't.

You don't want to!


Uncle broke my sound catcher!


What did you do?
Did you hit him?

- Me? Why?
- You, you must not touch my brother!

But he hit me. He hit me.
But please...

But what are you saying?
He's seven years old!

- Seven years old, but he's aggressive...
- You should be ashamed of yourself!


Can you hear me?

Dad, can you hear me?

Dad, it's Tito, can you hear me?

Do you trust me?

I promise you that we will
get away from here, okay?

I will find a solution.

They are good kids.

They are good, intelligent kids,
and I'm sure you can make them into...

...a great man...

...and a great woman.


They can hardly wait to come there,
to America.

- Imagine?
- Here is America, Fidel.

- Here it is.
- I gave Tito a microphone, for the dead.

I already broke it, yes.

I call it the "sound catcher".
He will love it.

Anita, on the other hand,
wants to do veterinary medicine.

Yes, she's very talented.

The neighbors already bring
all the animals to our home,...

...dogs, cats, even canaries.

She takes care of them all with sodium.

Here I am again.

Sorry if I left in such a hurry,
but your mother called me,...

...and I had to leave immediately.

Mother is fine.

...that you should behave properly
and not annoy your uncle.

Naples neighborhood of Avvocata

No, no, no!

Walk, walk, walk!
It's them! Ignore them, completely!

Hey, kids!

Are you okay?

Are you hurt?

I'm so sorry. Please come home with me.

Kids, you come here now!




Tito, please forgive me.

I repaired your decoder,
and I even made a little modification.

Here, accept this gift
as my peace offering.

Wait, wait, but, at this fiesta,...

...will the soldiers from
Area 51 be there too?

The soldiers?

Okay, we stay, only under two conditions:

Tonight we go to the fiesta...

...and my brother will be
your laboratory assistant.

I'm working on a decoding system
of complex signals.

Decoding allows the observation
and interpretation...

...of astrophysical structures of
unknown origin coming from deep space.

- Oh, there's Linda!
- Hello, Tito!

Hi, Linda!
Can I go over there?

- You can't go over there.
- But are you here to talk to auntie?

- No.
- Are you using a photo?

- What photo?
- Look, here,...

...this is the photo of my dad's tombstone.

My dad used to say that
anyone can talk to the dead.

He always did. Look, I'll show you.



He's not answering.

I don't know, maybe it's broken.

Here, fix it.

Let me see how you do it.

- Where did you get this?
- I got it from Linda.

- Can I see the car with the antenna?
- No, it's gone.

- Let's go.
- In there?

No, it's not possible.
I already told you.

Ok, then we'll go tomorrow.

- I said you can't go over there!
- But you and I have an agreement!

It's not up to the assistant to
make decisions here. I decide!

I'm going to tell Anita, and
you'll see that she'll be angry!

But why?

Stella, why are you here?


What about you?

What about you?

Okay, Stella, I'm coming with you.

No, you have to stay
here with the professor.

Come on, that's nonsense.
he hardly talks to us.

Before you came here,
he was always lying on the sofa.


Are you married?


Let go of me.

- Our uncle is so stubborn.
- Just like you, no?

Okay, um, see you, okay?

I've got a lot of work to do.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- What?
- No...

I think Stella likes Uncle.

- Really?
- Shh!

Stella is pretty, and uncle is a wreck.

Exactly, that's why we
have to take care of him.

Come with me, let's go get Dad's suit.


- What?
- Stay away from Dad's suit.

Tito, listen to me.

Stella told me she wants
to go to California...

...but she won't take us with her because
we're staying with our uncle.

But if we help them, they'll fall in love,
they'll get together, and we'll leave.


- Yes?
- Are you still working?

Yes, I'm still working.

Get ready for the space wedding.

- No, I'm not going, I'm not going.
- What do you mean you're not going?

I think you don't quite understand
that you have to come with us.

No, no, you're the ones who don't
understand... Excuse me?

What are you doing there?
Excuse me.

We're cutting your hair and your beard.

- Sit down.
- My beard?

- Is that serious?
- Yes, sit down.

- What's that stuff?
- That's cactus foam.

I made it especially for you.

- No, no, no...
- Yes, stay seated.

Uncle, listen. She's good, trust me.

She learned everything from Mom.
So don't worry.

Tito, go away.

- But be careful to not make her mad.
- Just don't make me mad.

- I have to go get something at the door.
- After the shave!

Don't touch my beard.

- Don't touch my beard.
- Yes.


So, can we finally go now?

Five dollars.

Life... love...

- Tito!
- Love?

What are you doing?


- Nothing, I was just talking to Luke.
- Where's your sister?


Here, hold this.


Let's dance.


- Who is that?
- What do you care?

- What are you doing here?
- Well, getting rid of him.


What? Why are you looking over there?

- What? I can't look over there?
- Okay.

Shall we dance now?

Uncle, to be honest, I don't feel
like dancing. I'm sorry.

Look, my feet hurt. Later, okay?


I don't understand.

I don't understand.

Oh! Me? Sixteen.

You're such a pain in the ass!


- How are you?
- Me?

Fine. I'm fine.

- I'll help him.
- No, come with me.

Say good night. Come on.

- But I...
- No, come now. We're going to sleep.

- Please...
- Good night.

Good night.

I shouldn't have lost it.

Here I am again.

Sorry if I left in such a hurry,
but your mother called me,...

...and I had to leave immediately.

Mother is fine.

She says she loves you very much,...

...that you should behave properly
and not annoy your uncle.

Don't be afraid.

You can't see or hear me
like you did before,...

...but I'm here.

And I'll always be here, whenever you want.

You just have to be patient.

Your uncle will always take care of you.

He's a great scientist, a great man.

So when you feel sad, just tell him and
you'll see that everything will be fine.

- Linda.
- Good evening, Professor.

Oh, you look hurt.

Ah, yes.

- Hard night?
- I don't know.

Good morning, my love.
Happy New Year.

I wanted to make breakfast
and not wake you up.

But I forgot that it's New Year's Eve...

...and everything's closed.

Only this one inn is open...

18 million dollars to listen
to an answering machine.

It's disgusting but
I'm starving for breakfast.

I'll see you in a bit.


Shall we dance?


Where's our uncle?

- Huh?
- Where's Uncle?

Oh, mind your own business.

He's probably with Stella.

Very sure.

- Hey, Linda!
- Tito!

Ah, Tito! You're back!

Professor is sleeping. Can I help you?

Yes, I want to talk to dad.

Perfect. Herman, start the procedure.

Professor, we're getting a signal.

I didn't do anything,
it started on its own.

Tito, you talked to the decoder last time,
didn't you?

- What did you say?
- That I'd like to talk to Dad.

The algorithm generated the same
coordinates as six years ago,...

...but the alignment of
the planets is different.

- There's a gap.
- A gap?

The reception will be perfect as soon
as the gap is completely open.

- Uncle, what are you doing?
- Tito, do you see these planets here? Yes?

They move in their orbits and
prevent us from receiving signals...

...coming from other planetary systems.

But now there's a gap, only a few minutes.

Uncle, were you really a professor?

The signal is too weak.
I have to amplify it.

Linda, how much time do we have left?

Two hours and four minutes.

Then the gap will close and the experiment
will not be repeatable for 25 years.

I guarantee you,
this time I won't lose you.

Oh, be careful.
Secure the hatch or Herman will....

- Security mode activated.
- Oh, Tito, try to open it!

Professor, what should I do?
Should I interrupt?

- No, keep going!
- I'm here!

I can't open it!

No, no, Linus.

I'm sorry.


Marriage is not for me. I'm too young.


What is it?

Uncle, we're here!

Anita, you have to look for
telescope one and press the button.


Very good, Anita. Now you can open it.

Linda, how much time do we have?

Two hours and 12 minutes and 26 seconds.


Hello, Anita. Welcome.

I'm glad to meet you.

The likeness of your mother.

- Do you want to talk to her?
- What is it? What's going on here?

- Wait, I'm coming down.
- Anita, I'll explain.

We have two hours before
the gap is closed.

- What gap?
- Anita, we'll talk to Dad.

You told him all this nonsense!

Anita, wait, I'll explain it...

When he realizes he can't talk to Dad,
what are you going to tell him?

- I said I'll explain.
- You don't understand anything.

- Tito...
- Let's get to work.

Tito, you have to listen to me.
He's crazy. You can't talk to the dead!

- So our dad was crazy, too?
- It's not the same thing.

- Of course it's the same thing.
- Professor...

Dad did it with the photograph.

- Unle does it with the decoder.
- He was pretending!

That's not true.

Dad didn't really talk to Mom!

- Professor, I think we have...
- Tito, Anita, listen to me...


What did you do?

Go away, I can't stand you anymore!

I hate you!

- Go and get your sister.
- No.

Yes, what if Dad wants to talk to her, too?
What then?

Come on, I'll take care of it.

Okay. All right.

- Anita!
- What is it?

What is it?

Oh, how cute.

You're supposed to take me
with you now, aren't you?

Luke, I can't understand
anything back here.

Restart the procedure.

I'm connecting the antennas.

- Very good.
- Thank you.

- Very good.
- Thank you.

- Uncle!
- Hey.

I can't find Anita.

Why did you stop?
There's no one here.

This is Area 51?

Are you serious?

I got it, I got it.

No, I'll never wear that.

Are you serious?
They're filming me here!

But why?

Oh, okay.

Okay, let's go.

The connection has been interrupted.

- What happened?
- One moment, I'm checking, Professor.

I can't access it!

The Linda project has been terminated.

What happened?

They terminated it.

And now?

We can't continue the experiment
without the radio telescopes.

Linda, how much time do we have left?

40 minutes and 12 seconds, Professor.

We'll never make it.

And Anita?

We'll search for her now.

- Uncle, she doesn't answer.
- Try again, try again.

Hey, Luke. These masks work.

Nobody's shooting at us. Well done!

Luke, what's that?

Please leave me alone for a moment.

- Yes, hello?
- Anita, are you okay?

I can't talk right now.

Where are you?
Are you already inside Area 51?

- No, nonsense, but...
- We're entering from another entrance.

It says, "landing area A".

- Why are you coming to Area 51?
- We don't have time for this.

Please look for the big A.

- An A? How am I supposed to find it?
- Just ask someone.

Hey, excuse me?

Do you know where I can find the big A?

Anita, what now?

Tito, tell me how to find the big A!

- Help!
- Go, Luke, go! Move it!

I don't care! Get going!

Let's go.

We'll never find the A.

Who are these people?


Don't ever do that again!
We were so worried!

Okay, listen to me, we should...

What's going on?

Anita, of course I don't hate you,
but don't ask questions now.

Then we have to plug the cable in by hand,
otherwise it won't work. Help me.

We have to plug the
antenna into Area 51, right?

- Yes.
- I'll do it, I'll do it!

Don't worry,
I'll bring you something to drink.

- Yes, but wait.
- What?

Hey, stop!

Tito, go and connect the cable. Go.

- Okay.
- You can do it.

- Start the procedure.
- Of course, Professor.

One minute and 25 seconds
until the gap closes.

Tito, the cable!

Very good, Linda!

I'm getting an incredible
amount of data, Professor.

Oh, Professor, I risk overheating.

Keep going. We're running out of time.

Will do, Professor...

Three, two, one...


You said I could talk to Daddy!

Where's Daddy?

Wait, Tito.

Where's Daddy?

Where's Daddy?

No, no, no.

Look at me. Eh?

Look here.

I fixed it.

Shall we call him?

- Eh?
- Yes.


We'll call him.


Fidel, can you hear me?

- Yes.
- Hey!

No, I can hardly hear you.
Find a place where the reception is better.

That's better. How are you?


We're fine. Fine.


I'll tell him.

He says he's sorry
he had to leave so suddenly,...

...but your mom called him
and he had to leave right away.

Ah, Mom's fine.

She says you should behave
and not annoy your uncle.

Can you hear me? Yeah, yeah, sure,
I'll get along with the two of them.

But where is he?

Uh, Tito asks where you are right now.

What? You're traveling through space?

At the speed of light, no less.

Oh, that's why.

Okay. Oh, that's why you couldn't
see and hear him like before.

Because when he's up there,
there's no space-time, you know?

I mean, the years go by like seconds.

Yeah, but when will he pick us up?



Did you hear Tito?

Yes. Okay, I'll tell him. He says...

He says you can't accompany
him on his journey yet,...

...because you still have a lot of cool
things to do here on Earth.

But he's always there for you.

He's always there.
Whenever you want, call and he'll be there.

He says don't be sad.

And if you do get sad,...

...then tell me,
because I'll always be there for you, too.


And you don't have to be afraid,
because everything will be fine.


Yeah, I was just saying...

Tell me, tell me, tell me.

Okay, that's very important, of course.

He says if you don't behave,
especially you,...

...he'll find you, and then it's over,

I'm not causing any trouble.

No, no, I told him, I told him.

All right, Fidel, see you.

- Uncle, but...
- Excuse me a moment, Fide.

Why don't you ask him
to say hello to auntie?

No, but...

Yes, Fide, Tito just pointed out that...

...if you happen to see Linda
on your light speed journey...

...then tell her I love her.


Thank you.

All right, then, see you soon.

Bye, bye, Fidel, bye.

All right, all done.

We'll bring this picture back to the
cemetery and look for another one.


You'd better not use this one.

Come here, come.


Thank you.

Uncle, what's going to happen to Linda?

Well, she'll be all right. Don't worry.


Let's go.


- Ani, let's go!
- Yeah, I'm coming!


You're not the right one.

Luke! Let's go!

If you ask me,
this isn't a place for aliens.

English subtitles by
jpf and DreamScape