Levine (2017) - full transcript

Plagued by Survivors Syndrome, Madeleine McNamara starts to receive messages from her dead sister Levine one year after she died in a car crash Madeleine herself survived.

He was hiding in, um, one of the coffins.

No 'drogas', no money.

Oh, would you look at that: Pirates of the Costa Blanca?

Mediterranean, love.

It's got a better ring to it.


I see you brought the Spanish Inquisition.

Growing Cannabis in a cave below the local cemetery. How resourceful.

Well, what can I say? It's a fertile environment.


I'll kick that chair right from under your feet.
My grand folks are buried here!

Oh, the Dutch-English grave?

Which makes you a MacNamara.

You know, you're this close to your execution. Where is my cut?

Oh, it's in that coffin over there.

Um, may I?

That's my grand mother. You scumbag!

My mistake. I didn't know.

You're not easily spooked, are you?


No, don't take - she's taking it all!

What about my bloody half?

Since you gave it to my grand mother,
I lawfully inherited it, don't you think?

Yeah, yeah.

Well, it's rightfully yours, my dear.

Where is the cocaine?

What cocaine?

The cocaine we saw you smuggle in.

Oh, that cocaine.

Well, its...

...in the grave you're standing on.

And aha!


That's not where the cocaine is.

Thank you, my darling.

And mom's the word.

Eerie music

Don't be mad...

By the time you read this, I will already have left Amsterdam...

...and landed on Palma de Mallorca.

I've taken the ferry to Valencia harbor; the usual routine.

There are no goodbyes because I know...

...you, dad and the doctors would advise
against me leaving the Netherlands.

But I hope you will respect my choice to return to the country...

...you and dad introduced us to, when Levine and I were kids.

As much as I felt safe back in Holland...

...after one year of voluntary commitment and therapy...

I have to conclude it has brought me nothing but nightmares.

Reliving Byron's suicide and the car accident with Levine...

...only two months after his death.

I have this recurring dream of Levine chasing me.

And even right now it's like she's still out there...

Always walking right behind me.

I am aware it's me, being mad at myself...

...and I'm tired of the survivor's guild and
tired of blaming myself for her death...

...because I was the one who happened to be driving the car...

...on that terrible, freezing cold January winter's night.

Good evening, Madeleine. This is Sally.

You just left Valencia harbor and you are on
the A2 turnpike heading to Diana, Alicante.

Your ETA is thirty-four minutes.

Brake disk malfunction detected.

Please stop your car.

Please stop your car.

God damnit!

Claudia MacNamara.

Mom, please let me talk to dad.

Are you home yet?

No, I'm not home yet: I'm somewhere between Picassent and Valencia.

What's wrong with your car?

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.

Look, could you please call the secu...



I quit taking medication.

And I start to feel the withdrawal symptoms.

I got this continuous feeling of anxiety since several hours.

I see hostility and danger everywhere I look.


I'm stupid.

A car passed and stopped - and I couldn't get in.

I'm on the same road in the forest where Levine and I had the accident.

it now looks so peaceful and quiet here.




Good afternoon...

My name's sister Constance Crenshaw, from the St. Cecilia congregation.

I volunteered to be your spiritual adviser.

You're close enough for me to grab one of your legs.

Why don't you back away a little bit?


...a bit more still.


Um... I know that you've been held in solitary
confinement in Madrid for nine years...

...transferred to Dyarbakish,
awaiting capital punishment for the murders...

...of the MacNamara twins...

...and an undisclosed number of other women.

Undisclosed because they're still counting the limbs.

The bodies where found scattered all over the basement, you see.

Somebody walking over your grave, young novice?

Frankly, sir, I didn't expect you to talk to me.

Oh, but I gave up addressing the living a long time ago.

You know the significance of the veil you wear?

The veil symbolizes your being dead to the world, just like myself.

So I guess you might say there's a bond between you and me,
novice Crenshaw.

Have you ever heard of Salvation Through Jesus Christ?

I suppose you've read my case file. Now...

What does it say about my mental health?

It says...

Severe psychotic disorders...

Schizophrenia, sociopathy...

'Possible necrophilic tendencies'.

'Necrophilia'? Shame on me.

Of course,
they did find the straps I used to tie poor Madeleine to the bed.

The corpses were too decomposed to determine actual sexual abuse.

But my DNA and fingerprints were scattered all over the house...

And, unfortunately...

...all over the corpses.

Necrophilic tendencies were alluded - but never were proven.

Oh, but they will, young novice Crenshaw.

My prosecutors are all males, like myself.

Apparently, some of us have the desire to
perform sexual acts with decomposing corpses...

Beyond putrefaction...

...until the maggots crawl out of her...

Hush! Don't...


What did you think I was going to say, young novice?

I can't help you.

You really are the beast they said you were.

May the Power of Christ be with you next week.


You forgot your trinket.

You keep it.

I'm terrified to enter the mansion I lived in for three years.

I knew I would be entering a house
where all life has left a long time ago.

Maybe I too came back just to say goodbye.

I probably will stay the week and then return to Holland - for good.




Back one day prior to my execution.

I held on to your rosary.

Thank you.

Nine flights of stairs down and the guards are all upstairs.

You keep your distance now.

I could kill you, and no one would ever know.

Why don't you tell me what occurred in that house fifteen years ago?

Why don't you tell me what happened to Madeleine MacNamara.

What are you doing here, young novice?

There's more than just the salvation of Jesus Christ, isn't there?

I was given less then an hour. Please go ahead, sir.

It was suggested during my 'therapeutic sessions' ...

...that I might have performed sexual acts with Madeleine...

...as well as with a decomposing corpse.

A macabre ménage à trois.

I'd say it was a 'Folie à deux'. Do you know what that is?


It's a delusion, shared by two people in close association.


Well, young Madeleine and I were in 'close association'.

When I met her she was absolutely convinced
her dead sister Levine was trying to contact her.

And I...

...saw it all happen.

Claudia MacNamara.

Hey mom.

Did you receive a message from Levine's ...

I'm sorry. The number you have dialed is not in service at this time.

What the fuck is this?

You say...

...Levine's name and address were on...

...as the sender and yours was on as the recipient?


Maybe Levine sent it to you before she died.

You where in Holland...

...maybe they send out a box a month...

Seems like the most logical explanation, don't you think?

Just open it. See what's inside. Then you'll know.

Tell me about Levine and Madeleine MacNamara.

Levine, the brunette, I knew.

Cocaine-addict, Borderline alcoholic...

...tough girl.

So you sought out Madeleine.

I broke into her house when she was abroad.

And she caught me red-handed.

I think we fell in love right there and then.

It was a beautiful farce.

[voice} Madeleine.


Wo ho ho ho!

What the fuck where you doing here?!

What the fuck is this?


Yours, I presume.

I found it just laying around in your safe.

Took me hours to open.

You gave it back?

Oh she was such a lovely girl.

And I just wanted to get to know her.

And I was doing my impersonation-routines by the sea...

I played a thief, a beggar, a pirate...

I think she was charmed by my act.

And I tried to be as funny and mad and entertaining as possible.

And she played it along very well.

I think... she loved the adventure.


Help me! I can't swim!

You can stand there.



Hang on, wait. Must talk!

One day...

...she invited me to the house.


Howdoo. Um, you told me to come...

Did YOU do this?

Oh yes, I did: I brought those.

They were standing all the way up by the entrance.

Are you the one? You had access to my house.

You know everything!

I say.

You're not quite the ticket.

Oh, you got company.



I can come back.

What are you looking at?

What am I looking... the lady on the so...

I can come back!

Oh, I see what you're doing here.

You know that I'm living alone...

You're quite the con-artist, aren't you?

Could we have a word please? Inside.

What about your company?

You can tell 'em to fuck off!

Fuck off, company.

You had access to my house. You know what happened to Levine!

You're deliberately trying to scare me out of my house!

Did you hack into Levine's account as well?

Who is this?

You want to live in my house again?

Shall I give you the keys?

No, look, look, look at the sofa!

Don't you 'look at the sofa' me!

Okay. Where is she?

Eh... ya.

Well, look at the sofa.

Yes, I can see the bleeding sofa!

I can see she's not here right now!

You're doing this to scare me out of my own house, right?

This is low.

Listen. I want you and that lady of yours off the premises of my house,
do you understand?

But she's not with me, you stupid woman!

She was on the s... how many ti... right!

She IS with me. Suits me.

she made us. You can come out now.

there was somebody on the so...

Will you come out now, please!

Fine, I count to three.



Three. Right.

Will you cut that out?

Look, there was a lady on your sofa. Long, dark hair.

Have you seen this?

That's the woman!

This is the woman you saw?


You're absolutely sure that THIS is the woman you saw?

No, I saw a completely different wo... Yes, this is the woman I saw.

Well, this is my sister.

'This is my sister': Splendid! So why the stupid argument?

Because she's dead.

Come again?

The woman in the picture is my sister. And she died.

The woman in your... What?

I think the poor girl suffered from a delusional disorder ever since.

Is this some kind of joke?

Who does something like this?

I don't want this here.

Do you know what was inside those boxes?

Inside one of those boxes was something which needed to be changed.

Something only Madeleine possessed.

Something in her head.

Please, tell me about the delusions.

Madeleine started to receive all kinds
of messages from beyond the grave.

It looked like somebody was willfully using Levine's
dead accounts to drive poor Madeleine insane.

Now Madeleine claimed somebody visited her during the nightly hours...

...when she was asleep.

You remove the skin of your victims very carefully...

...you only remove the epidermis to replace it with the donor skin.

The skin of her fingertips was replaced
and her tattoos were all removed.

And a local anaesthetic must have been applied...

Else the pain would have been excruciating.

And that night...

...while her birthmarks were removed...

...she was able to catch a glimpse...

...of her arcane surgeon.

According to your casefile, sir, you did this.

I'm sure I did.

I'd have to be a first-class surgeon...

...to perform such an operation.

Maybe I went to Harvard Medical School.

In my spare time.


I'm receiving messages. And e-mails and phone calls...

They all come from my sister.

And I think her...

...ghost... or whatever you call it...

...is in this house.

And I...

I'm scared.

Oh well, don't be.

If it's a... you know, a polter-thing... a haunting...

'Go away'.

To my sister?

No, to me.

Your sister; she's gonna stay. If it's a haunting.

Well... Are you deliberately trying to annoy me...

...or is this just the way you are? Being so fucking funny all the time.

Fucking funny?

I'm just asking.

No... Look, look, look...

I forgot your name.

'Look, Madeleine'.

Right. Look Madeleine...

I came here for a job, remember?

And I can do some gardening...

...but what you need here is a bloody psychic!

And I'm not too comfortable with these...

...ghostly phenomena. Do you understand?

Yeah. I understand.

You're a bloody coward.

Why Madeleine. That's an ugly thing for you to say to me.

Well... isn't it true?


But it's an ugly thing for you to say to me.

Okay. Fine. Don't help me.


You got cuts.

What? You mean this?

They're all over my body.

Oh, what is this. Can you give me your hand?

It's the skin of my fingertips.

It happens when I sleep.

It happens when you sleep?


Okay, I...

I wake up...

And something has been changed or removed.

For instance...

There used to be a tattoo, right here.

It's gone.

Don't you think you need help?

Professional help I mean.

Like what?

Like whom?

Like... I don't know.

And you're living here all by yourself...


Like this.

Hence the job-offer.

That's why I could use the company.

'The company'? No, no, you need help!



Your sister's name was 'Levine'...

She died.

And yet, you think she's here.

And at the same time you think you suffer from delusions?

She's been dead for almost a year...

And I don't know what she wants.

Why is she so mean?


What happened.

That night...

The night of the accident.

What happened exactly?

I was freezing!

Where were you, Maddie?

She, um... plunged into a river.

She what?

She got ejected from her car seat and
went right through the wind shield.

I'm wearing the same bracelet.

Who was driving?

Me. She was drunk.

And were you?


Hello, Madeleine.

You're too drunk. Come on.

We got into this stupid argument...

I can't even remember about what...

And I wasn't paying attention.

I need to see the road!

And then suddenly...

Survivor's guild, Madeleine. No more, no less.

Were you at the funeral?

I was in the hospital.

And I asked my parents...

...to put her phone in her coffin with her.

So I could...

So I could send her messages.

Now, I know she wouldn't really get the messages...

...but just... you know.


Did you?

Only once.

But it felt weird.

The thought of her being in that casket...

...with the phone in her cold hands...

...and it would vibrate...

It just felt weird.

So why don't you send her a message?

I mean, right now.


Because it might help.

You know... it's been almost a year.

I'm sure the batteries will be worn out by now.

I don't think that's really relevant right now...

You see? You see?

Answer it. - No!

Would you like me to answer it? - No!

What if I see her?

What do you want from me?

Levine, stop calling me!

Stop calling me Levine! Please stop calling!

Why did they bury her here?

This can't be right.


I'm here!

Oh my God...


I'm going to find something to pry this open, okay?

Stay here.

Oh God.

Levine, your coffin is nailed shut.

I'm going to break it.

Move your head and legs to one side as much as possible, baby...

I'm going to break it now, okay?

Move your head to one side!



Where are you, baby?

Where are you, baby?

Can you talk?

Say something!

I'm here!

I'm here!


Do you hear me? - I'm here!

I'm here.


Girl, you're gonna be fine, okay?


You're making it worse!


It's going to collapse!

Close your eyes!


She buried herself in the woods behind the garden.

Yet, there was no way she could be down there.

Unless there was somebody else.

You mean Levine.

Young Madeleine was devoured by survivor's guild...

Severely traumatized and a very fragile woman.

I think she needed a man to be around.

Some one who could entertain her and make her laugh.

And I must confess...

...for a moment there...

I thought I cured her.

Well, so all has been quiet now and let's not hear anything more of it.

Yeah, quiet since you are here.

You got a funny accent, by the way.

No, you got a funny accent. What is it?

Let me guess...



Um... Polish, per chance?

Norwegian perhaps?

Danish? Eastern Armenian?

Pitjantjatjara? Chalcatongo Mixtec?

Yeah, here we go. It's starting again. It's her.


You - you gotta be fucking kidding me.

Hey. Hey!


Let me see that.

it's gone.


That picture was taken right by this bloody window!

Look, I just want it to stop.

There's gotta be an explanation!

There is no explanation and I don't want an explanation.

There is an expla... - I just want it to stop, that's all!

Well, then tell your sister...

Hold still, hold still.

It's only maggots, for crying out loud.

Oh, this is serious.

What's under this? What's under your kitchen?

The sewer.

Is it big?

It's a crawlspace but... you don't want to go there.

And why not?

This is the unfinished part of the house.

There's a twenty feet drop. There's the elevator-shaft down below.

It's left... right...

Right again...


...and left. Right?

Left, yeah. - Right.

Are you sure you want to do this?


Because once you're down you can't climb up again.

You can only get out through the sewer outlet...

...you can open it from the inside.

Okay, talk to me.

It's... it's about sixty feet ahead of you.

There should be three junctions on your left.

You take the third intersection-point.

The third intersection-point...

Yeah, you probably will find a huge nest.

Be careful okay? It might attract snakes or rats...

Okay. I'm proceeding.

Okay, that was basically a straight line to the third intersection-point...

...there's nothing here. I'm moving on to the kitchen.

Maddie, can you hear this?

I can, yeah: you're right below me.

Can you hear this?

Yeah. I hear you. But Maddie...

There's nothing down here.

Fleques, did you hear that?

Um... is that thunder?

Yeah. You... you better head back, okay?


Um... this... Maddie, do you...
eh... you have to guide me through the... labyrinth here...

It's a maze.

And I'm not sure... Oh, my God.

Eh... can you... Maddie...

Turn off... turn on your li... your life feed... This is...

There is something here.

Um... Maddie, I found it.

Burn it, okay?

Eh... I can't. I mean, it's... it's really big.
It will set fire to the house if I burn it.

What is it?


Okay, I'll try to describe what I see down here...

Maddie, what you got here is a... um...

...an egg-sack of some sort.

The outer layer appears to be covered in...

I don't... Spider silk?

It's got a glowing inner-core...

...and it's pulsating. It's almost like fire flies larvae about to hatch.

I... I've never seen anything like this before, but...

Whatever it is...

It must be eh... the source of the... maggots in your kitchen.

Hang on, there's something in it.

Well, that's strange.

Maddie, hang on.

Hang on. It reacts when I touch it.



I'm gonna open it.

You still with me, Constance?

I'm sorry. Do you want me to read what I got so far?


I've got...

'Levine surgically replaced Madeleine's skin with her own donor-tissue...

...which was found under the house, in a cocoon.'

'It contained Levine's organs,
skin and the dermis and the cartilage of her face.'

'The bodies found in the basement were collected
from cemeteries and may have served as...

...bone or tissue supplements because a lot of
Levine's body was destroyed during the car crash.'

I think that's the most implausible statement I've ever heard.

Now why do you wanna know this?

To me this is very important, you know.

I'll be gone tomorrow, Constance.

You see these shackles?

How easy it is to kill myself.

It is never too late, sir.

They won't find me here alive tomorrow, young Constance.

Don't give up hope, sir.

Not yet.

There's a woman's head in your basement, Madeleine!

What? What are you talking about?

You're mental... You know you're mentally ill?

Can you hear me?


And now what? You gonna lock me up in your cellar?

How am I supposed to get out of here, Madeleine?
- Fleques... listen to me. Listen:

It started to rain! Get out of there!

Oh, fucking hell...

I can't believe I'm here.

What are the chances of this crawl space flooding?

Eh... I don't know.

Oh, fu... This... this place now starts to flood.

Fleques, she's here! - Madeleine?

I just saw her outside. I think she's right by the entrance.

I think she crawled her way in... - What?

I think she's inside there with you!

This is some kind of joke, right?

Get out of there!

Is this a hobby of you and your sister? Locking up guys in cellars?


Hey! You're blocking the way out!

And I don't know if you noticed, but it started to rain and it's coming in!

And we both will drown if you don't fuck off!

[alarm stops}

'Dead sister', my ass!

You know, you're scaring the shit out of the lady that lives here!


Madeleine, tell me which way to go because I'm lost here!

- Left? Right?
- Get out! Get out of there!

[roar echoing through corridor}


No. No, no, no!

There must be a drainage canal that leads to the community sewer...

Look Goddamnit for an exit Fleques, go please!

All the water of all the houses above is still pouring in, Ms MacNamara...

...still coming down from the mountain.

We can't use the pumps now. Tuesday, Wednesday at the earliest.

What about the divers?

Eh... like I said, ma'm:
too risky because of the complexity of the structure.

We drilled on four places, included the upper-East bathroom.

The current must have taken the body and it's
probably stuck between levels four and five.

Straight under the kitchen maybe.

We'll recover the body tomorrow or the day after.

In the meantime...

For your health and safety I strongly recommend you leave this house.

At least until we've recovered the body of Mr. Smith.

I understand. Thank you, officer.

He was a homeless rogue. Probably out on the prowl.

Dangerous, ma'm.

The rain might have saved your life.

Well, I'm sorry ma'm.
It must have been a very exhausting night for you...

I reckon you got a place to stay?

Yeah, I got friends.

Good, good. Tha... that's good.

Um, very well, ma'm, I'll leave you be.

Now that was an ugly man!

Oh my God, Fleques, you're alive!

Diana is completely flooded.

Oh and pardon the... um... intrusion...

The... um... police wants me dead.

Oh God.

Oh yeah, Him as well!

Therefor I eh... drank a little.

Okay, I see. Why don't you have a lie down? Come.

No! I'd rather stand, thank you so much.

I mean, would you believe it...

Here we are in the epicenter of the
scorching and blistering planes of Spain...

...an area, mind you...

...continuously plagued by feasts of forest fires...

...for the first time in my life I'm actually
underground and YOUR God decides to conjure up...

...one of the greatest downpours in six
bloody years at precisely the same moment...

...I happen to be trapped in that excrementally damp catacomb of yours!

Oh my God, Fleques, I'm so sorry.

Oh my God!



Limbs! And bones! Everywhere!


Limbs - There!

What? You mean under the floor?

Of course I mean under the floor, you stupid woman!

What do you think I'm pointing at? The Earth's crust?


Piles of pestiferous bones!

what is it you got down there: A skeleton tea party?

A conglomerate of ex-husbands' corpses piled up in your cellar?

I mean do you know what happened down there?

Okay. Calm down.
- That bleeding sack of bloody organs exploded straight in my face!

Calm down! I'll make you a fresh pot of coffee.

I don't need no cosh pot of freffie.

Just bring me a Rum-Coke.

Hold the Coke.

Hold the Rum too.

Better yet:

Bring me the guy who invented alcohol and I'll drink him.

You know, Fleques... I thought you were dead!

Well, my darling, I thought I was even deader.

I saw you drown!

I did.

In me glass.

You know...


After my escape from the sewer...

I trudged in a perpendicular fashion to the Jamaica Inn...

...for a wee spot of Rum.

Relieving the tensions, as it were.

I'm sorry darling. It's either this...

...or total and complete hysteria.

How did you do it?


And it was so strange.

You just accept. Okay, this is it.

And you know you're gonna die.

In that cold, freezing water.

Blind panic.

You start swimming.

Banging your head on the ceiling.

And then... right in front of me...

The community sewer.

Just over there, under the bridge.

I just walked right out.

And it was...

...it was sheer luck.

No. There was somebody there with me.

And that thing...

...hanging from the ceiling, was sealed airtight.

And that white, silky material...

...was insulation wool.

So I tore it open...

...everything came out, and deteriorated.

What was in it?

I think you know what's in it.

No, I don't know what's in it!

A scalped face.

The skin of a face. Of a female face.

Stuff that looked like bloody organs!
- Don't tell me that!

Don't tell me that! - Human organs...

...which were perfectly preserved.

Well, it must have been hanging there for a long time...

...and it was being kept alive by some sort of umbilical cord,
going all the way up...

...straight into the siphon-trap of your kitchen sink.

Protein-fed by the maggots we saw.


Somebody hung it down there.

Protected it.

Nurtured it.

Preserved it.

Under your house.


I don't know who did this! What do you want from me?

Oh, even more complicated...

You really think I did this, eh?

Well, I don't know. Maybe you had a good reason to kill her.
- Well, Fuck you, Fleques!

And what if it's a mental illness? Madeleine!

Did you preserve your sister under your house?


How could I have done this by all by myself?

My sister did this!


Did it ever occur to you your sister tried to warn you?

And when you couldn't decipher what she was trying to say...

She even hurt you to warn you.

It's over.

She rests in peace.

And so can you.


Will you stay with me for a while?

I've gone through the mails you sent me...

Now Madeleine experienced what we call an O.B.E.;
an Outer Body Experience...

...but in her case caused by a tremendous blow against the body.

It happens with sudden or violent deaths.

A shot through the head. Or getting hit by a speeding train...

...those kinds of deaths.

The soul always is connected to the body by a thin thread.

Depending on the hit a body gets it either snaps,
which means it's instant death...

...or it stretches and gets catapulted back in.

Um... meaning the same might have happened to Levine.

Sometimes - but this is extremely rare - ...

...a double Outer Body Experience occurs:

Levine's cord snaps...

The soul - in a reflex - immediately seeks a hosting body...

...enters Madeleine's: Madeleine's soul catapults back in...

...pushes out the host-seeking soul, but...

Experienced a short-term possession of a spirit. Namely Levine's.

I don't think I got all that, but what you're saying is that...

There could have been a short time-frame...

...in which Madeleine's body became host to Levine's soul?

It's unlikely but it's not impossible.

Um... in any case I'll send you some links from
the dark web of the 11th century literature...

...about the spirit entanglement.

You'll need an external drive to open the links...

...otherwise you'll be getting very unpleasant
visitors on your doorstep within 24 hours so...

...be very careful when you download this stuff.

One thing though, Fleques... - Yeah.

You got to tell that young lady to disconnect all her wifi permanently.

Or at least when she goes to bed.

when sleeping, the mind is at it's most receptive state.

I think it's supernatural. It's gotta be supernatural.

I can only pray her sister's intentions are good... I don't know.

They usually linger close either to ask for your help or to warn you.

But what I sense isn't helping.

It's not help. It's not a warning.

What I sense is envy.

What does she envy?


Being alive.

'Permutatis Animarum' is on the Vatican's 'Librorum Prohibitorum'...

...and is amongst the books which have no historical record.

There are about 5 original Dutch printed copies around.

The location of two of these copies are known and verified:

The Dutch Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam...

....and la musea archologica de Diana.

Which I might have to visit.

[wood splashing into water well}

An ethereal spirit is a soul which resisted
to enter the hyper-physical plains...

...after an unexpected or sudden death.

It's high energy ion cluster remains vibrating...

...between the frequencies of the physical and hyper-physical world.

An ethereal spirit and can materialize itself
in a solid form of high ionization plasm...

...in areas with high concentrated electro-magnetic radiation fields.

In the pre-internet times,
the only known way for a foreign soul to enter a living body...

...was through massive radiation fields such as
solar flare clouds which reach the Earth's trajectory.

Recent discoveries in the field of WIFI radiation
suggest that the usage of multiple WIFI devices...

...such as routers, cell phones,
laptops and tablets create similar radiation fields...

...which allows the foreign soul to enter a body...

...using all possible wavelengths.

An Ethereal spirit will use the abnormally
high ionization/plasma density...

...caused by massive WIFI radiation to materialize itself.

There are only two cases known of a spirit
taking over a living body by driving it's soul out.

The mysterious re-appearance of Lady Marie-Louise Beauchene...

She summoned Cunegonde to dig up
her remains and to preserve her face...

...including the eyeballs...

...the skin of one upper-thigh, teeth,
a strant of hair, the womb and the ovaries.

As an Ethereal Spirit,
Marie-Louise said she had done the following with her sister...

...to prepare her body for her entering:


Preservation of organs determining all
unique bodily and generic features...

...in a solid state high ionization plasmic entity.


Frequent apparitions by aggressive hauntings
in order to mentally disorient the living host...

...in the period of 40 uninterrupted days.


Transforming back into solid state high ionization plasmic form...

...the temporarily materialized spirit removes
and replaces all key identity features...

...such as birthmarks, teeth, skin and the female reproductive system.


A short period of temporarily possession to loosen
and weaken the damaged soul of the living host.

This marks the conclusion of the take-over
process which will occur in the final week.


Provoke a suicide or accident on the
40th day so at the moment of death...

...the foreign soul can instantly take over
the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex.


In the few documented cases, the reincarnated spirit will
return to the area where her living body was last seen...

...to suddenly appear as the survivor of her own death.

The book and the pictures obviously didn't survive.

But all the things Madeleine experienced
were documented occult phenomena...

So we knew where to look now...

Meaning Levine now was in a hurry. - In a hurry?

To change Madeleine's blood type.

Streptococcus pneumoniae.

The worms will go through the veins...

Levine liked to tease her little sister...

...and poor Madeleine was now prepared for the final night.


Frequent apparitions by aggressive hauntings...

...in order to mentally disorient the living
host in the period of 40 uninterrupted days.

[Madeleine panting}

You are inside of me!

I'm gonna cut you out, do you hear me?

I'll kill you!



Enjoying your time with my dying sister?

Now why didn't you drown, you bastard?

Come closer! Closer!

You just had to come down here, didn't you?

And you destroyed my face!

How am I gonna get a new one, Fleques?

I need one! For my sister!

Do you want to see what you did to my face?

Why don't you come down here?

Or shall I come up and show you what you did to my face?

I need one!

For my sister!


Oh... fuck. Fuck...

Ma... Maddie!







Shit! Shit...


Transforming back into solid state high ionization plasmic form...

...the temporarily materialized spirit removes
and replaces all key identity features.

Madeleine was becoming very violent.

She stabbed me just above the lungs and hit a radial nerve.

And I did tie young Madeleine to the bed but...

Why didn't you take her to a hospital?


A short period of temporarily possession to loosen
and weaken the damaged soul of the living host.

This marks the conclusion of the take-over
process which will occur in the final week.

On that final night I met with some old friends. 'Clairvoyants', if you will.

They had a clear idea of what was happening to Madeleine.

But time was running out.

And that poor girl was getting so weak.

I think by this time there was no place
on Earth Levine couldn't get to her.

Too tight?


It will cut off your blood circulation.

Tighter, Fleques. - No.

I'll be leaving for tonight...

I know.

But... I'll be back.

And I'll bring some help.

I know you will.

You're gonna be okay?

I'll be fiine.


Don't overdose on me now, okay?

It's just sedatives.

Yeah, about half a box.

Speaking of which...


What's in those boxes below?

Do you want to open them?

Do you want me to?



Goodnight, my sweet angel.


...my beautiful man.

And you didn't go to the police?

What about the media?

What about it?

No online articles, publications?


We looked it up - I looked it up...

There was a car accident on December 25, 2015.

The two MacNamara sisters.

One survived...

The other one, Levine MacNamara, was reported missing.

Her body was never found.

Did you know this?

Yeah. She told me.

'The body of Levine was never found'.

NEVER found.


'Flew right out of the car, plunged into the white water of a river nearby'.


Look... I... I'm just a simple psychic...

...but I can tell you right here, now...

Levine's body never plunged into any river.

Some say you can just spoon out the eyeball but the truth is...

...the eyeball is very hard and almost impossible to get out.

You need ophthalmic instruments...

Otherwise the eyeball just pops open...

...and vitreous humor comes spilling out.

But the eyes of a yet unidentified party were inserted...

And this precision surgery...

...which only occurred at night...

...was the preparation of the body...

...which now was almost ready to receive it's masterpiece.

Have you seen anything unusual in Madeleine's mansion?


Something hidden? Containers, boxes...

Hang on.


Seen any boxes somewhere hidden in the house?

There were boxes delivered.

How many?

Six I think. Why?

Where is she now?


...in her house, sleeping.

Madeleine, we are on our way.

Your knife is under the matras.

If you can, just cut yourself loose and turn off all wifi devices...

Levine is using the radiation, like ectoplasm stuff, seeking material form.

She's not a ghost.

I can't explain it to you because I don't understand but they told me to...

Maddie! Turn off all wifi devices! She's using the wifi!
Just cut the power of the house...

We know now!

She's transforming you! She's preparing you... well...

...just do as I say and shut down everything!

She's trans... Your sister is in there with you. I mean physically! You...


May I ask you a personal question?


Do you love this woman?


Because if you don't...

I would advise you to walk away and never look back.

I don't know what hovers over this young lady...

...but it goes far beyond any documented hauntings I've come across.

It already has one foot on this Earth...

...and it has it's arms wrapped around Madeleine...

...and has it's head peering through the thin
veil which separates the living from the dead.

This isn't only a restless soul...

This is a vile, jealous soul.

And there is so much anger. So much envy of life.

It would do anything to take her away from this Earth forever.

Does Madeleine has any kind of bruises? Wounds?

She's got plenty. Why?

Fingertips, feet, removal of birthmarks, teeth, hair, anything...

Yes, yes, yes!

Which ones?

The fingertips and the birthmarks. No teeth or hair.

Has she been tied up in bed to protect herself from self-mutilation?

She - she's tied up right now!

Then we have little time.

Wha - what's going on?

How many minutes to the MacNamara residence? Quick!

Seven, eight minutes. It's just up the mountain.

We have to hurry.

it knows we're on our way.


Madeleine will not survive this.

Be prepared for the worst.

There is... only death to expect now.

It's gotta be supernatural.

I can only pray her sister's intentions are good. I don't know.

It's the skin of my fingertips. - We know now!

How am I gonna get a new one, Fleques?

And why is she so mean?

She's transforming you!

I need one! For my sister!

Madeleine, are you still inside the house?

Have you gone outside, like I told you?

Good evening Madeleine, this is Sally.

Please enter or state your destination.

Sally, take me to Valencia Airport.

Your destination is Valencia Airport.

Your E.T.A. is 6:00 a.m.

Madeleine, you're now leaving the city of Diana.

No, she's not in the bedroom. - How's that?

I've been watching the bedroom.
Her computer is still online, but she is gone...

And she's got the black hair now.

She now is an exact double of her sister.
Up till her bleeding dental records!

Your heading is Valencia Airport, E.T.A. 6:00 a.m.

After 300 meters, turn right.

If the remains of her sister are in those boxes, like you say...

...the teeth of her sister's skull have been replaced with Madeleine's.

And SHE'S got Levine's teeth!

Now if she takes the car and provokes an accident...

...how do we know who is who? Oh, that's her.
That's her car, that's her bloody car!

Wait for me at the mansion.

I'll intercept... and I'll take her home.

Bare right, then make a sharp turn to your left.

Rural road ahead.
Do not exceed the recommended speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour.

After 20 meters, turn right.

Please roll out. Then, after 25 meters,
you have reached your destination.

You will be arriving at Valencia Airport at 6:00 a.m.

You have reached your destination.

You have reached your destination.

You have reached your destination.

You have reached your destination.

Excuse me...

...I'm lost.

Can you help me?

Eh... Fleques?

Emergency lock down activated.

Cruise control is now activated.

S... Sally... Disengage emergency lock-down!

Vox navigation rescinded. Unable to execute vox commands. - Sally!

Disable Cruise control!

Unable to recognize driver.

This is Madeleine MacNamara...

Execute emergency override 449.

Emergency override 4-4-9 repudiated.

Sally, you bitch!

Cruise control holding at 240 kilometers per hour.

Execute emergency override four-four-niner!

Emergency override overruled by unknown host.

Dead end ahead.

Dead end ahead. - Stop the car!


Provoke a suicide or accident on the 40th day...

...so at the moment of death, the foreign soul can instantly take over...

...the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex.

dead end ahead. Please slow down.

dead end ahead.

400 meters.

300 meters.

Two hundred.

One hundred.

Fifty. Twenty-five. Ten.

Madeleine no!




Mind the glass now.

Um... We got a 7-E-29 and a 7-E-31, code 10.

You know, we're dang lucky with yesterday's rainfall.

There's a second person.

Still inside?

We can't get anywhere near the vehicle right now.

Driver's license?

ID cards? Any names?

Um... let's see. There's a MacNamara...

and um... there's another MacNamara. Same date of birth...

October 20, 1987. Levine and Madeleine MacNamara.

She got thrown out of the car, probably...

I'd say she probably went right through the windshield.

The other one is charred to death. Only bones and teeth left.

Lord Almighty. Them damn kids.

Is she alive?

She's alive.


Are you okay, ma'm?

You know... there you go. There you go...

You okay?

You know your name?

Can you tell me your name?

That's right, honey. Tell me your name.

Give me your name, please.

My name is Levine.


In the few documented cases,
the reincarnated spirit will return to the area...

...where her living body was last seen,
to suddenly appear as the survivor of her own death.

Can I help you?

I... I'm... I used
- I used to be the gardener. I just came to pick up my guitar.

Oh, you used to work here?

I guess you know what happened?

Oh yes, I know. I'm sorry for your loss. - I suppose you knew Madeleine?

I did, yeah.

I'm sorry. Would you like to come in?

I'm running late. I got urgent business downtown...

At the...

...local cemetery.

Oh, you're the gardener. We must have met.
I think I've seen you here before.

You know, you got your sister's eyes.

Thank you.


Yeah. Did you know her well?

I knew her quite well.

It was a terrible accident.

I just returned from the hospital.

And she's gone.

It's so surreal.

You don't remember anything...

Nobody fully understands what happened.

A whole year of my life is missing.

And the doctors say I'm pregnant.

You're pregnant?

It doesn't make any sense.

It's... so confusing.

There are things I feel they haven't told me yet.

Are you sure you don't want to come in?

I... I'd love to, but...

But you can't.

Is there something you wanna tell me?

Are you okay?

No... I'm - I'm okay. I'll be seeing you.


Smile. It's a beautiful day.


You got to love life.


You have a good life.

And so I walked out of her life forever.

And this was my Madeleine - and yet, she was gone.

And this was Levine... and yet, it wasn't.

But this woman, standing right in front of me...

...whomever she'd become...

She still was the love of my life.

And she was carrying my child.

I burned, I pined and I perished.

And although it's a long time ago now...

...I can't help but feeling nothing but love...

...for her and love for our child...

...of whom I never saw her face...

...or will never know her name.

I couldn't stand living without her, so...

...I had myself committed.

...and I got arrested for... because of what they found in the house.

And that was fifteen years ago...

...and now I'm here.

There's really nothing else I could tell you.

You are completely and totally innocent, aren't you?

Yes sister, I am.

That's all I ever wanted to know.

You loved them. You've never hurt them.

I would never harm anyone.

Then don't harm yourself. Stay!

Because I will talk to my mother.

Because she is a miracle of God.

God will protect you. I swear.

I promise.

Sister... the Holy Mother cannot protect me from what I'm about to...

I'm not talking about the Holy Mother Mary.

I'm talking about MY mother.

Wait! Wait - wait, Novice Crenshaw!

Sister Crenshaw...
