Letters from Marusia (1975) - full transcript

It is 1925 and working conditions in Chile are abysmal. The miners of Marusia go on strike, but the mine owners and the Government use the Chilean Army crush them.

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What's wrong, Gregorio?

Who are you, Gregorio?

I don't know. There's a dark hand
pulling me from the chest...

...from the conscience, from
the blood...

...as if they were strings, bonds.

I feel like I have to do
something but I don't know...

...what or how. So, I see my
life like a confused knot...

...and close my eyes...

...to guess which way
I'll follow.

The Mister is drunk again.

Is he dead?

Is he dead?

He is dead.

He is dead.

He is dead.

He is dead.

He is dead.

Proceed, corporal.

Hey corporal.
- Uhm!

The Mister seems
like he was killed.

Seems so.
We have to look for footprints.

Don't be stupid, corporal!
Marusia's streets are...

...all footprints.

Sergeant, all killers
leave footprints.

Yes, but this killer will be named by the

We just execute them.

The engineer was killed by
those who organize the strike.

The criminal walks
freely around here.

What are you waiting for?
Go and look for him.

I've only seen
the engineer in the land...

...when he hit us
with his whip.

I haven't seen the engineer.

You hold a grudge against
the engineer, dirty Indian.

You hold a grudge because of
what happened the other day.

Everybody down from the cars!

You are the responsible,
fucking cholo!

And you!

That time, I could have killed him.

No, no, no, I didn't kill
the engineer.

Here are my hands, clean!

Shoot him!

Excuse me, I have to
take him to Iquique to...

...be judged, it is
established by the Law.

This scoundrel is outside
the Law.

According to Article 12 of the
code of penal proceedings...

... the Escape Law is applied
to Rufino Gomez Peralta,...

... Peruvian citizen.

Chile, fertile province
located in the famous...

...Antarctic region...

...respected by ancient nations...

...for its strength, principal and

Chile, fertile province
located in the famous...

...Antarctic region...

...respected by ancient nations...

...for its strength, principal and

Rufino was my friend.

My brother.

Damn it!

- Good night.
- Good night.

It's cold.

Give me a glass of wine.

Where are you going, buddy?
Let him be.

This is none of your business.


You can't come in.

Little brother, they are
going to kill me.

They are going to kill me.

I have a lot of things to do.

You speak as a
damn traitor!

What worng with all of you?
Nobody wants to open the door.

I know.

They'll shoot anyone
they find with you.

Hide me.
Just for tomorrow!

Then I'll jump the walls
and I'll go away.

No, I can't.

I'll go down to Iquique.

Iquique is two hundred
kilometers away, you can't...

...go walking.

Fuck! Iquique, little brother.

No, you can't walk there.
It isn't true!

Well, I'll go somewhere
else, as a doomed.

You will leave your
prints everywhere.

All the Pampa is full of
cops looking for you.

I will go up the range,
I'll hide in the villages.

Listen, Sebastian.
?Listen carefully!

You'll see your signs on
all the walls. All the Pampa...

...is full of cops
closing you in.

So, what do I do,
little brother?

Take a dynamite charge
and blow up the barracks...

...you can help us with that.

Help you with what?

I can't tell you.

And now...


Get out of my home.



Don't speak when
they are about to shoot you!

That way they won't
notice your fear.

Like I told you last night,
it could only have been him!

Like I told you last night,
it could only have been him!

It could only have been him!

Like I told you last night,
it could only have been him!

Like I told you last night,
it could only have been him!

It could only have been him!
Like I told you last night!

it could only have been him!
Like I told you last night!

Like I told you last night,
it could only have been him!

It could only have been him!
Like I told you last night!

Tell people to
gather dynamite.

I came to talk
about Sebastian.

Tell people to gather
dynamite, two cartridges...

...each man and bury it
in the east wall.

But they are going
to kill Sebastian.

Sebastian made a mistake,
now there will be a massacre...

...in the entire north.

Tell people to
gather dynamite.

I knew you were crazy,
since I first saw you, I knew it.

Hey, why have you turned
a butcher?

You cover my eyes because you
don't want me to look at you.

Don't you see?
Your conscience shivers.

You, do it!

I don't know how!
I've never shot anyone before!

Doesn't matter,
at one point you?ll have to!

Sergeant, do me a
favor, tell my woman...

...that she don't cry,
death isn't...

Even if we go on strike
or not, in two days...

... we will have the
army troops here.

A strike won't
stop the army...

... to shoot us.

To stop the machine guns
and gun carriages...

... we have to blow up the
train when...

... it starts its ascent
from Iquique.

We have to tell the
privates to...

... not shoot against us.

We have to send messages.

A big strike.
A strike that will paralyze...

...the entire north.

All the Pampa.

We have to focus on that.

We have to coordinate us.

We have to be a unity.

A strike.

A big strike.

This is the legal weapon of the worker.

A strike will be crushed
in a couple of hours.

We have to think in alternatives.

This strike is a warning,
little fellows.

Nobody must go to work today.

Neither tomorrow.

The company has escalated
the repressions to...

...stop the uprising.

We won't be swept away
by provocations.

You have good intentions

Why do you say that?

We know that this not
just about the strike.

The strike is just one
of the steps.

For each strike won, ten are lost.

So think, it is
the time to consider...

... more complex
ways of fighting.


... I?m Gregorio too,

Sometimes I seperate myself...

... I loose myself...

... and I tell myself...

... it will come, Gregorio...

... You look at yourself...

... limb to limb...

... and the will emerges,
the decision.

Are they on strike?

I think so.

Speak with the labour union.

If they insist in paralyzing
the work,...

... telegraph to Iquique.

You know, if the strike
breaks out, it will spread...

...like an epidemia,
paralyzing the entire north.

Tomorrow the soldiers
will come.

Tomorrow the soldiers
will come.

Tomorrow the soldiers
will come.

Tomorrow the soldiers
will come.

Tomorrow the soldiers
will come.

Tomorrow the soldiers
will come.

Tomorrow the soldiers
will come.

Tomorrow the soldiers
will come.

Tomorrow the soldiers
will come.

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

They will kill us
like dogs.

They will kill us
like dogs.

They will kill us
like dogs.

They will kill us
like dogs.

They will kill us
like dogs.





Yes, again.

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

What do we have to do?

This night you should come,
one by one to the theatre...

...use the back door.

Those who can't come...

...must collect water...

...collect food...

...and matches.

Why matches?

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.

Well, fellows.

As a result of
the election...

... duties
have been confirmed for...

...our fellows...

...Domingo Soto...

...Cristo Licantem...

...and our fellow Gregorio
have been elected, here present.

Fellows, with this

...the new board will summon...

...to inform what have
been placed...

...in the new steps of
our movement.

Please, fellow.

No, thanks.

You are so quiet,
little fellow.

More than ten days of travelling,
and not a word from you.

You just read and read.

That's good, isn't it?

There goes Calles San Diego...

... Calles San Diego there it goes...

... with its little whore.

Do you know what the
first thing is I'm going to do...

...when we arrive at port?

First, I'm going to find
me a little woman.

Clean, and love her like
God wants.

And when I have some money,

I'll buy me a good hat.

And a girdle and
pink panties for her.

There goes Calles San Diego...

... Calles San Diego there it goes...

... with its little girls.

My name is Cristulo and
I'm from Mendoza.

And I'm your friend,
if you want.

My name is Gregorio
and I came from...

...from Santiago.


Four of our fellows went
to La Coru?a, Pontevedra.

Others went to Iquique
and Tocopilla.

News from Soto?

Soto disappeared, they
know nothing at his home.

Raise your head!

Back straight!

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

And you, don't you want to learn?

Let?s go.

Don't be shy.

No, no, my friend,
that is disastrous.

Attention! Look at me.

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

One, two, three.

Very good!

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

That's right!

Raise your head!

Back straight!

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

Very good!
One, two, three.


...we have a meeting this
night with Ricabarrio.

So, Gregorio,
do we count with you?

- Yes, sure.
- We have to go out of here...



We have at least a
two hour trip.

Well, lets go.

Lets go then, fellow,
Abarca is waiting...

...for us outside with
the others.

Four fellows went
to La Coru?a, Pontevedra.

Others to Iquique,

If they get there, Gregorio,...

...they'll warn thousands of workers
and it will be the start...

...of a general insurrection.

The socialism is
a defined doctrine...

...of precise structure.

- How are you?
- Good evening.

I'm going to present
you to a fellow.

I'm going to present
you to a fellow.


- Good evening.
- Nice to meet you.

Excuse me.

This way.

The essential base of socialism,
consists in the abolition...

I'm going to present
you to a fellow.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

...of what is now called
private property.

Replacing it with...

... the collective or
common property.

Private property
is understood as...

...the possession...

...and individual use of
the land and its produce...

...of the tools...

...machines and
production methods.

Socialism wants
the freedom of men...

...and the creation
of a workers' society.

I need twenty men
for Pedro de Valdivia!

I offer more!

I offer more!

I need fifteen men
for Marusia!

You can go!

You can't!

I need strong men!
You can go!

I'm paying five
gold pesos!

What did you say?

- If he doesn't come, I won't either.
- OK, I?ll take both of you.

OK, those for Marusia!
This way, this way!

There are times, like this one,
in which...

...order and the discipline
are imposed, not asked for.

To fly the flag for one?s country,
means to destroy our enemies.

It isn?t convenient to
kill them all, after all...

...they are the
ones who work.

That's why you'll never
become a cardinal.

Quickly, to the administration!
To the administration!

Quickly, everybody out!

Everybody out!
Turn left!

Everyone, I said!

Everybody out, damn it!

Lets go!
Turn left!

How many shoots
did you fire, Lieutenant?

You saw my gun.

There were three used cartridges.

Do you know why
I tell you this?

The report accuses
you, Lieutenant.

You shot three shots
and private Macias had...

...three bullets in his body.

When the shooting started,
everyone ran away...

And as you didn't explain us,...

...our people entered
shooting like crazy.


...two mistakes and
six more deaths.

Will I lose my job?

Your job and something else,
I guess.

So, report by report.

I'll write your next
report myself...

...so neither of us
will have a problem in...

...this damn report.

As your order, lieutenant.

The men who try to
abandon the camp...

...will be considered as
deserters and will be...

...executed in on spot!

Your women and children
will be severely punished!

There won't be work
turns at night!

Everybody must stay in
their homes...

...from 8 o?clock
until 6 in the morning!

Anyone evading
this disposition...

...will be executed

This situation will be
indefinitely until...

...the responsible of these
criminal acts...

...are put before
a military court!

The command is aware...

...that just a small
group of individuals...

...is responsible of
these vile acts.

That's why...

...we appeal to
the workers of Marusia's...

...to reveal...

...the name of the guilty.


...this command will from
this moment...

...call for the severest measures...

...directed to clarify...

...these bloody events!

Take those down!


Go, quickly!


Take them down!




When the priest tolls
the bells...

Down there!

There, take them down!

Take down that
son of a bitch!




You have one minute to talk!



They are tough, hard to die.


These are the ones who
want to kill you.

No compassion
for them, god damn it!

Us or them!

Speak, you shit, speak!

Speak, you shit, speak!

Speak, if you don't want
me to kill you here.

Who are they?


Where do they hide?

Speak for your own good,
Domingo Soto, speak.

We know that you
aren't in favour of...

...those methods.

Speak, Domingo Soto.

...speak, shit!

Why matches?

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.

To light the dynamite.




Medio Juan, Medio Juan,
the soldiers are looking for you!

You have to leave
right away with the kids.

- Fellow, little fellow.
- Yes, Medio Juan.

You must leave the house
before the soldiers come...

...warn the neighbours.

Hey German.

For you, cholito.

Who is it?

Get out with your hands up!

Come, in.

Don't you see?
I'm drinking my vermouth.

Stand up!

What's the matter?

I just returned from the job.
I'm eating.

What the hell is going on?

He killed eight, Gregorio.

He killed eight.

All of this is useless.

We have to find another way.

- Come and look for us!
- Come on, you fag soldier!

Shoot me!

Come if you dare!

The soldiers refuse to obey!

We have to telegraph urgently to
Iquique, asking for a regiment!

Hey boy, do you like my waist?

Do you want to
dance some waltz?

Come and see if
you want all of this!


Just be careful...

...a regiment from
Iquique is coming.

We have to stop this
lack of discipline.

We have to start the dialogue.

We have to reach an
agreement with the workers.

That's unacceptable!

I prefer being still alive.

Sergeant Pe?aloza!

Catch five men at random
and execute them!

- That's not possible, lieutenant!
- Do you want to jump with me?

Coward old man!

Gainza, join the troops
in the barracks!

Cavalry trotting!


Mr. Jones ask for a
meeting in one hour here.

He wants to reach an
agreement with you.

The company wants to reach
an agreement with you.

Now, Tinoco.




Is anyone else ready
to disobey the orders?

Lieutenant Gainza!

To the square!

It's a wish from the administration to

...an agreement with the workers.

The administration wishes
to reach peace in Marusia.

This reunion is fucking over!

...Two minutes to dissolve.
- Lieutenant, I beg you...

...let me proceed the
dialogue with the workers.

I'm the authority!
Dissolve, god damn it!

Back, you bastards!

Dissolve, shit!

Dissolve you sons
of a bitches! Dissolve!

- Back, you bastards!
- Murderer!

- Dissolve!
- Son of a bitch!


Calvary, retreat!

Domingo Soto.

Let?s go, little fellow.

Where did you enter?

Where we always do.

Are there soldiers there?

We haven't seen
any soldiers.

- Look, compadre, supplies.
- Yes.

The soldiers are gone.

You won't do business
with the employees.

And we don't have money.

Hey, Calame?o.

Let?s have a drink and
talk over there.

OK, as you say.

Go, there.

The roads to the south are clear.

It hasn't been raining
for a long time.

It?s still snowing heavy
in the ranges,

...covering the passes.

It?s the truth,
we don?t have money.

And tomorrow...

...the regiment of
Iquique will arrive.

Do you understand?

We will have to sell
in another office.

What a shame,
the long trip wasted.

If you go back, you will
meet up with the soldiers...

...and they will take
your merchandise.

We have to sell them
in another office.

We need that money.

The supplies stay here!

Unload quickly!

It should be stored
in different houses!

Little portions
in different houses!

You must look
after the water!

That morning in La Coru?a,
general Shultz said...

..."I don't want any survivors".

First we had fear, but...

...everything happened
like a lighting.

Thousands of bastards fell that day.

It was like a pigeons hunt.

Then we went over them
with the bayonets.


...you feel like a tickling
in all the body, but...

...once you calm down,
the smell of blood...

...makes you feel desire to
kill and keep killing.

General Brown...

...a brave general.

And Major Schiller.

Troncoso, do you remember
Captain Haisen, he chased...

...us on his horse?
As if we were cows.


Have you thought why...

...all our instructors...

...all our bosses have
American names, Troncoso?

It's like an invasion...

...slow and quiet.

Don't say bullshit.

You are a good pupil,
Troncoso. The best of all.

Why did they send you
to the north, Troncosito?


- Who are they?
- The "sulphates".

- Sulphates?
- Yes, man.

Workers of the
sulphate mines.

Because of their living
conditions they go mad...

...in two or three years.

They start to drift
around the settlements...

...trying to get inside,...

...they're sent away, naturally.

They are human remains, Troncoso.

Why did they send you
to the north, my captain?

What mistake did
you do, captain?

Fellows, I think we
can sum up.

So, we said...

..the train is going to
arrive at noon.

- There are forty kilometers.
- Forty kilometers.

- There are forty kilometers.
- Forty kilometers.

We had already said that...

...to make them jump
we need...

...sixty kilos of dynamite.
- We have enough.

We need twelve man
to carry it.

We have to evade
Gainza's guard.

No, no, no, that will cause
problems. It's not possible...

It's not possible.

I ask for the word,

Who is there?

Is it you, Juan?

What do you want?

Don't be scared, kid.

Back, back,
or I'll shoot.

Let us pass, I'm telling you.

I just obey orders, madam.

I have to shoot.

Don't you see that we have
to go for water?

Don't you see
we?ve run out of water?

You can't shoot us

...don't you see that
we have to go for water?

...don't you see that
we have to go for water?

You are also a person
like us, mr. Soldier.

Who is there?

Conscripto Rosales,
on guard, sergeant.

- Answer when you're asked!
- Yes, sergeant.

Now you have to point us
to where to follow the...

...train line?
- I won't tell you that.

We have to find the
path before the dawn.

We have to find the
path before the dawn.

Now tell us the way
to evade the patrol.

Come this way.
I will direct you.

Hurry up, hurry up.

Nicely done.

What the hell is going on?
- Don't you see?

Stand up, immediately!

Stand up, I'm telling
you, fucking Indians!

Oh, really?

Won't you obey?

Very good.
Very good!

Very good.
Very good!

Engine driver, backwards and
right forward, full speed!

No, I won't do that,

What is this?


Lieutenant Espinoza, take
the charge. Execute him!

Execute him,
it's an order!

Back to the train.

Full speed!

Now you fucked all up,

We don't have
another engine driver.




Little fellows.

We all know that we are

...through a difficult situation.

But we have to stay together,
with order and discipline.

All instructions will come
from this leadership.

All instructions will come
from this leadership.

We let the Englishmen and
employees go...

...and we hand over
the dynamite.

Only that way can a dialogue
begin says the captain.

No, I disagree.

What is it you propose?

If we let the workers
and Englishmen go...

...we will be executed

If we give them the dynamite...

If we give them the dynamite...

...it won't take so long
before the massacre start.

It has always been like that.

And what else we can do?

Organize us...

...prepare a defence plan.

Until now, everything
has happened spontaneously...

...without a real control.

This is the moment to
establish a well-organized...

This is the moment to
establish a well-organized...

...way of fighting.

We mustn't forget that...

...at this time
two of our fellows...

...have informed
other demarcations.

If we are able to hold out...

...and raise all the north.

The army cannot control
all the Pampa.

The army cannot control
all the Pampa.

And once soldiers realize...

...that we are an
organized force...

...they will begin to join us.

From here, from Marusia...

...we can start a new movement
with such a force...

...it will revolutionize
all the country.

It will be a workers...

It will be a workers...

...soldiers, students and
peasants movement.

No, no, it's not possible...

...to make that, we need a lot of
time and we haven?t.

We are not prepared.

We have to dialogue, that's
our only way.

That is the shortest way to
death, fellow.

They can't bombard

They can't bombard

...if they destroy the facilities
they will lose everything.

The company, won't allow it.


...and Antofagasta.

Provinces won by our
country in the war...

...against Peru and Bolivia.

The value of the natural
resources are incalculable.

It?s has a concentration
of manpower.

Workers from all
over the world.

Bolivian, Peruvian, Chilean
French and Italian workers.

Settlements are scattered
all over the Pampa.

Number of workers: One hundred
thousand, including their families.

Amount of military forces;
ten thousand soldiers.

It other words,
five camps scattered...

It other words,
five camps scattered...

...all over the zone.

Which makes it difficult
to control the area.

It would be enough with...

...a strong rebellion breaking out
in a small place like Marusia...

...for it to extend to all
the other settlements and...

...it would be
impossible to suppress.

This would mean...

...to risk the stability
of the Chilean government...

...because the
separatist ideas...

...are also present in
the south of the country.

...are also present in
the south of the country.

So, if that were to happen...

...we would be caught up
in an infernal circle...

...north to south.


...our plan
is to remove...

...thoroughly the problem
where it is located...

...and in a definitive manner.

This is a war gentlemen
and we have to act accordingly.

If we need to destroy
Marusia to preserve...

...the stability of the country
and the continent...

...the stability of the country
and the continent...

...we will do that
without hesitation.

Tell Mr. O'Brian...

...that my government
considers it better...

...for the company to loose
one office...

...than to put in
jeopardy the minerals.

Mister O'Brian says that
he has already spoken...

...with the President and he agrees.

The only thing he
recommends is prudence.

Tell, Mr. O'Brian that
he's talking with an officer...

...of the Chilean army and
the Chilean army...

...of the Chilean army and
the Chilean army...

...doesn't need recommendations

It is necessary to take...

...the measures needed.

All the Englishmen
must be evacuated...

...from the settlement.

Quickly, quickly!

This way, gentlemen!
Come on, quickly!

Hurry up, we don't have
much time, come on, quickly!

Careful, don't push each other!

Come on, in order, quick!

Hurry up, sirs, quick!

Quickly, let's go!

Order please, order please!

- Women first, help them!
- Come on!

Good afternoon.

I was in Iquique too,
when the mass killing occurred.

We couldn't believe it.

Thousands came to Iquique.

They were waiting for
the quartermaster.

When he arrived, he went to
the balcony and promised justice.

We didn't notice
what was happening.

Then the soldiers
began to shot.

The strike committee,
stood up...

... at the balcony with
the flag.

They were the first to fall.

The men were running the
streets, bleeding.

More than three thousand
workers were killed.

We covered our ears...

...we didn't want to listen.

We didn't want to know.

Then they stabbed them
with bayonets.

During the next days they
were working,...

...getting out the bodies

First, you put in the gunpowder.


Then fill
it with earth, carefully.

The fuse goes out here.

Squeeze it, slowly.

Now, we take the jar...

...and we put it here. Calame?o.

Then we light it.

Once the fuse is lighted...

...we count until five
and throw.

Excuse me, fellow...

Excuse me, fellow...

One... Two... Three...
Four... Five!

- Did you understand?
- We will explain it again.

- Did you see?
- Yes.

We have gunpowder, fuse...

When I was going
to take the train.

Why do you have fear,

No, it's not the fear,
I told her...

... but she was always
repeating it to me.

There's something inside you that I
don't understand, Gregorio...

... you are always watching...

... like waiting.

What are you looking for,

Ever since I can remember
we have been massacred.

We march with the fists
clenched, raising...

... the flags.

They come with their rifles and
their bullets and death...

They come with their rifles and
their bullets and death...

... that starts to tear you.

So one thinks it is necessary
to look for other ways.

That is not possible to
let them kill you each time...

... so, one searches,
one waits.

Do you understand
what I mean?

Gregorio, Gregorio!

Artillery to soften,
rifles to finish off.

Artillery to soften,
rifles to finish off.

Cavalry to chase...
- A drink, Troncoso?

Everything ready, Espinoza?
- Everything ready, Troncoso.

Soldiers of the fatherland's!

The enemy is in front of us and
we will exterminate him!

Long live Chile!
Long live!

Long live!

Long live!

Long live!

Long live!

Three to two, fire!







Back, Gregorio!

Arturo, Calame?o!

Your turn, Espinoza.

Go ahead, they ran out of bullets.

Company to the right, walk!

Let's go to the theatre!

We have the dynamite there!

It?s the only way to resist longer!

We must separate.

I and Calame?o...

...will go to the theatre.


...try to escape.


Take this report...

...it contains all that?s
happened here.

Show it to the fellows.

Soto, Soto!

You and I have made mistakes...

...but we have failed
in the name of reason.

We have been divided when
we should have been together.

We have blindly fallen
into the game...

...prepared by
the brains of the killer's.

We we we... we haven't...
looked for other alliances.

We acted with hurry.

We haven't organized sufficiently.

We haven't been able to
discuss our problems...

...and look for unity!

Go now, go now!

Go now, tell what
has happened here!

Go and work with method,
to organize!

Go now, go to work!

To organize!

So tomorrow, the strength of all
the workers be united...

...with the conscience, Soto,
with the reason.

Calame?o, come on.

If they run like that...

...is because are loaded
with dynamite.

Get out of here, get out!

Get out, come on!
Get out, get out of here!

Enclose the theater,
by the four corners.

Lieutenant, take the charge,
a patrol to the school.

I need all the children here.

Yes, captain.

They are my pupils.

You shouldn't get
involved, lady.

Come on!

Why do you want the
children, captain?

They have dynamite, if I send
a patrol, they will blow up with it.

Therefore, I prefer that
the children go with...

...the soldiers.

Is this your war, captain?

This is my war.

- Take them to the theater!
- Don't touch the children!

Don't do anything until
I return.

You two, go with her!

You have ten minutes!

I'm Luisa, the schoolteacher.

They have the children.

There's nothing to do.

You have to come out.

They took the children.

You won't sleep until you
tell us about...

...your fellows' plans?
What are their names?

Where are they going?

- Look for his family.
- He doesn't have one, captain.

No, no, no.

Don't eat like that.

Didn't you learn to eat?

Didn't you learn how to
eat when you were a child?


Come, come.

Come, come.


...this is the blood of the
children of Marusia.

This is the blood of your

This is the blood of
your mother.


You are not a man,
you are a beast!

Shit in your trousers!

All has been useless.

Why do you shut up?

Let's talk.

I haven't hit you,
other people did that.

You have a scratch on
your cheek.

When you came back home
they?ll have to cure you.

Do you want me to tell you
something I've been thinking...

...all these days?

Suddenly, I started doubting.



...about the final result.

I should go.

Some of your fellows
escaped to...

...Ponteverde and La Coru?a.

And by now they will
be trying to raise other places.

The more people we kill,
the more appear.

Don't you notice
that you are weaker?

Even though you are many more!

Squad one, fire!

Squad two, fire!

Squad three, fire!




On the August 17th, 1907...

... I begin to write these
minutes from Marusia...

... with the aim of leaving
a testimony that helps...

... in our class struggle.

Today is Monday and like
all the days...

... Go and work with a method,
to organize!

To work, to organize!

So that tomorrow the strength
of all the workers will be united...

... with the conscience, Soto
with the reason!