Lethal Seduction (1997) - full transcript

Someone is killing crime boss Gus Gruman's (Joe Estevez) friends and business associates. Lured into what promises to be a "fun time", the victims are brutally murdered. Detective Trent Jacobson (Chris Mitchum) is obsessed with nailing Gruman for his crimes and solving the grisly homicides with only one unidentified blonde suspect. Gruman's beautiful daughter Mona( Joette Rhodes) is in a relationship with Donny Jacobson, Trent's nephew (David Michie). Donny later finds out she's Gruman's daughter and lies to his uncle about the relationship. Suddenly a gorgeous brunette (Penthouse Pet Of the Year, Julie Strain) meets Donny and he starts a sexual relationship with her. Donny is almost killed when someone sabotages his car and he's hospitalized. As the murders continue, Trent moves in closer to the serial killer and leads to a violent, bloody and explosive shocking climax.

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(dramatic music)

(suspenseful violin music)

(tires screeching)

- Oh, it's showtime.

(suspenseful music)

- How's it going, Trent?

We ready to do business?

- Yeah, Karl, I been ready.

- What's your hurry?

Are you going someplace?

- Let me see the boss.

- Let me see the green.

- Let me see the goods.


- What's...

What's he doing, what's going on?

- He's trying to flush out Gruman.

- God damn it, he knows better than that.

- Nice, huh?

No serial numbers either, man.

It's completely untraceable.

- Uh uh!

Let me talk to the boss first,

get him out of the car.

- He ain't in the car.

- What?

- Look man, don't give
me shit with details.

You wanted the hammers, you got 'em.

- That's not what this is!

The deal was I meet him on this one.

If everything goes alright,

I make a big buy next time.

You tell your boss when
he's ready to show,

I'm ready to shop.

- No can do, man.

A deal's a deal.

- Say's who?

Says Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson.

- That's it, we're goin' in.

- Trent is still in the line of fire.

- All units, this is go.

Move in!

(engines revving)

- Then why don't you drop me, right now!

You go tell your boss that
you wasted his best customer.

- Fuck you, man.

- Police, freeze!

- You fuck.

(intense music)

(gunshots firing)

- You okay?

- What the hell happened?

You were supposed to wait for my signal.

Jesus, I could've had my head blown off!

- Yeah, he's okay.

(romantic music)

(phone ringing)

- No, no, no, no, no, no, baby.

- Hello?

Yes he is, can you say who's calling?

It's your uncle.

- Hello?

- Was that the mysterious girlfriend

I'm not supposed to know about?

- Maybe.

- Well, bring her with ya.

I'm here with some of
the guys down at Rick's.

- Ah, I don't know, she's kinda shy.

- Hey come on, think about it.

I'm buying.

- Oh, you're having a
retirement party already.

- No.

Not yet.

We had a heavy bust tonight,

I'm celebrating life, and
I'd like you here with me.

- Hmm.

Okay, I'll be there in about half an hour.

- Great.

♪ Everything to me ♪

♪ Sweet nothings ♪

♪ You whispered in my ear ♪

♪ Sweet nothings ♪

♪ You know I love you ♪

- Sorry.

- It's okay, I gotta be somewhere anyway.

So what's he celebrating?

- [Man] I think they arrested somebody.

- Probably my dad.

Are you ever gonna tell
your uncle about us?

- Maybe someday when I'm feeling suicidal.

- So, when can I see you again?

- Oh, I'll call you.

Have you asked your dad yet?

- About what?

- (chuckles) You know about what.

- Ah.


I'll talk to him tomorrow.

- Thanks.

- You know, if I didn't know you better,

I'd think you were just after the money.

- Come on.


(intense music)

- What can I do for you gentlemen?

- Get White out here, right now.

- Well, I'll have to
check with the management.

- I am the management, get him out here.


- Oh hey, Mikey.

How are you, Mikey guy?


You guys want some action?

- No, I don't think so, Terry.

- Oh listen man, I got a new one for you.

Come here Mindy, come here.

Look at this Mindy.

16, fresh meat, man.

- Sit down.

You better know why I'm here,

and if you don't, then you're
in deeper shit than I thought.

- Hey, I got it, don't worry about it,

I got it, I'm sorry,
I'm just a little late,

I've been really busy man.

You know, auditioning
girls, getting them ready.

Oh, hey, man, tonight I am auditioning

a really great one, man.

- Oh, lucky girl.

- Yeah.

You know, Mikey, I've know
him since he was in diapers.

And your dad and I, you
know, we go way back.

- You know, the only
reason I'm asking for this

and not taking it is because you and dad

do go way back.

But if you're late one more time,

that won't even help you.

Let's go.

- Fucking brat.

♪ We're at the end of time ♪

♪ We're at the end of the line ♪

(catchy rock music)

- Karen.

- Hey.

Hey, can I borrow this, Trent?

You're not using it.

- Yeah, sure.

That should be illegal.

- Huh, are you kidding?

That should be mandatory.

- I thought you had a girlfriend now.

- Well, not right now.

- That kind of thinking
will get you in trouble

if you're not careful.

- Hey Trent, I'm heading home.

- You're leaving the party, Dickerson?

- Yeah, not my favorite
kind of entertainment.

- No?

- Hey Donny.

So, you got any plans?

- I think I'll hang here with my nephew.

- Oh.

Okay, see you tomorrow.

- Okay.

Hey Dickerson.

- Yeah?

- Really good work tonight.

- Thanks.

- What did I do?

- Oh, I got this one, Trent.

- Jesus, where did that come from?

- Oh, I got an investor now too.

- What do you mean?

- Well you know, someone to bankroll me.

- Who did you convince to do that?

- Well, this girl I'm
seeing, it's her dad.

- Great.

My nephew's a gigolo.

- You know, sometimes
I think you're jealous.

- What?

- Well, face it.

You got this retirement thing coming up,

and no matter what you do, I'll
always be younger than you.

Your career's almost over, and
mine's just getting started,

and you're jealous.

- I'm jealous of you?


- Yeah.

And you're pissed off cause
while you're sitting here,

you know that there's
thousands of people out there

right now having sex,

and you're not one of them.

(catchy music)

♪ Oh, it's heaven or hell, yes it is ♪

♪ Can't see ♪

♪ As a good as it begs ♪

♪ It's spawning inside of me ♪

♪ Keep me down like the most ♪

♪ Give me life if you will ♪

♪ I'm yours forever ♪

♪ I'm yours ♪

♪ Now God has risen ♪

♪ For the dead man to see ♪

(drowned out lyrics)

♪ No words have been said ♪

♪ We're at the end of time ♪

♪ We're on the end of the line ♪

(dark instrumental music)

(phone ringing)

- So, what are your plans?

- For what?

- Retirement, remember?

You get your 20 in a couple of weeks.

- I don't know.

My nephew wants me to go
into business with him,

but I'm not the settling down type.

- Maybe you just need the right person

to settle down with.

- Oh yeah, right.

- [Coworker] Hey, the LT wants to see you.


- Off the case?

What do you mean I'm off the case?

- Do you need an interpreter?

- Hey, I am the case.

Nearly everything the DA
has on Gruman came from me.

- You do good work, Jacobson.

But that stunt last night blew your cover,

and frankly, your judgment's
getting a little fuzzy.

- Where do you get that?

What do you mean?

- This is what I mean.

You're obsessed with nailing
this guy before you retire,

and it's starting to trip you up.

- My retirement has nothing to do with it,

and I'm not screwing up.

- Oh, but if you hadn't insisted on seeing

Gruman himself last night,

you might still have your cover.

Am I right?

Oh, here.

Take this call.

- Hey, this is a lousy heart attack,

send a uniform.

- Jacobson, like the
commercial says, just do it.

(catchy rock music)

♪ Mona calls to catch my breath ♪

♪ And steal away to bring
me closer to my death ♪

- Thank you, Eddie.

- Here's where we can figure out

this guy Trent was a cop.

The whole damn thing was set up.

- Christ.

What were our losses?

- All the hammers.

Karl and two of the
hard hands got taken in.

- Look...

From now on, nothing goes
down unless I give the okay.

- It's not as bad as it
could've been though.

We should have Karl out
on bail by this afternoon.

- Yeah, it's a small consolation.

- Mona wants to talk to you.

- Yeah, right.

That's all, Mike.


Don't say anything to
your sister about this.

- I know.

- Is he in a good mood?

- No.

- Hi, Daddy.

- What can I do for you, sweetheart?

- I wanted to see if you thought anymore

about helping Donny out with the studio?

- Look, I...

I ran a credit check on this young man.

- You did what?

- Now let your father
finish for once in his life.

He may seem like a very nice young man,

but he's a bad investment.

- He just needs a little help
until his business picks up.

- No, I'm sorry, he...

Look, Mona...

He's using you.

- Fine.

You know, I can always take the money

out of my trust fund.

- You are not going to touch that money!

- What if I do, are you
gonna have me beaten up?

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Alright, alright, alright,

you can have a check, anything you want.


- Fine.

- [Donny] Are you sure
you've never modeled before?

You're lying.

- (chuckles) No.

- Cause you got that exotic Claudia look.

- Thanks.

- Here, let me write my home number

on the back of this.


- Thanks.

- You want to discuss this over dinner?

- Uh, I'm here with someone else.

- You're what?

- I'm here with someone...

- You ready to go?

- Sure. (chuckles)

- Can I help you?

- We were just talking.

- Uh huh.

- Good luck, bye.

- Bye.

- Heya, Donny.

- Have we met?

- No, we're meeting now, I'm Mike Gruman.

- Oh, you're Mona's...

- Mona's brother, yeah, right.

I got something for ya.

It's from my dad.

- Oh, for the studio.

- Tell him thanks for me.

- No, you should be thanking Mona.

Because if it wasn't for her,

you wouldn't be getting anything.

- She's really a great girl.

- Yeah.

And my dad isn't real thrilled

about you seeing her.

- Yeah, he thinks maybe
you're like taking advantage.

- I'm sure Mona doesn't feel that way.

- Oh, no?

How the hell do you think she'd feel

if she saw you hitting on that girl

a few minutes ago, huh?

- Oh, she's a model, it's just business,

I'm not trying to hit on her or anything.


- Oh, yeah, nice.

Nice Donny boy, real professional.

Well you keep it just business,

cause I'm looking out for my sister,

and I know where to find
you, you understand?

- Yeah.

- It's a pleasure to meet ya.

- Hey Bernie.

- Hey Trent.

Aren't you retired yet?

What are you doing here?

- Ask the LT.

What's going on?

What's up?

- Pretty routine, maid
found him this morning.

My guess is he went
sometime past midnight.

Wallet ID's him as a Terry White.

Runs a cat house on the south side.

- He by himself?

- Well, he's the only one on the register,

but the man at the front desk

saw some brunette in his car.

Wanna hear my theory?

- Yeah, okay.

What's up?

- Well, girl's a hooker.

They come back to their room,

a little of this, a little of that,

and in the heat of the battle,

his heart gives out.

The girl gets spooked and leaves.

- He died in the saddle, huh?

- Yeah, sure.

Happens to lots of guys.

Nelson Rockefeller.

- No kidding?

- Yeah.

After a guy hits 40,
his heart doesn't have

the stamina anymore.

- What do you mean when a guy hits 40?

- Oh, medical fact.

Something you should think about.

(speaking in foreign language)

(loud band music)

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Have you ever done any modeling?

- Save it for someone who's not married.

- Or isn't with somebody.

- Photographer, huh?

- Yeah, you ever done any modeling?

- Sometimes.

It depends.

- Depends?

- On who's taking the pictures.

- I'm Donny Jacobson.

- I know.

I'm Holly, nice to meet you.

What you drinkin' there?

- Rum and Coke.

- Mm.

Mind if I have a taste?

- Sure.

- Needs more rum.

- Oh.

- So, Donny...

Would you like to take my picture?

- Sure.

- Well, let's find us a place that makes

a decent Rum and Coke
and we can discuss it.

- Okay.

Why don't you go on ahead,
and I'll follow you.

- I see.

You don't want to be seen with me.

- No, it's not that, I
just have a little problem

with a friend.

- Shh.

I understand.

I'll be waiting.

(loud band music)

- So, you want something else to drink?

Some rum, or vodka, or some...

- No.

I still have a good buzz
going through me from before.


So where's this camera of yours, huh?

- Camera?

Oh, yeah.

Hold on.


Don't worry.

A good photographer always
knows where his camera...

Found it.



Hello, Holly?

- I'll be up here.


- I see you've done this before.

- I've done lots of things before.

Are you sure you can focus?

- I'm a professional.

- Oh, okay.

- Okay, hold still.

Here we go.

- What are you waiting for?

Does that thing have a timer?

- What?

What do you mean?

- [Holly] I mean, do you have to stay

on that side of the camera the whole time?

- Now it'll take a shot once every minute.

- Good.

So let's give it something
to take a picture of.

- I should tell you, I have a...

- [Holly] What?

- Great camera.

(romantic music)

♪ All alone on fifth tonight ♪

♪ I've been thinking that
maybe I lost that night ♪

♪ Well it's too late to turn by now ♪

♪ Girl, maybe it's been too long ♪

♪ If you think it's
hopeless, you'd be wrong ♪

♪ I've got to find my
way back to you somehow ♪

♪ I wanna be free ♪

♪ But I can't stand
living without your love ♪

♪ I want you with me ♪

♪ But now I know that's just not enough ♪

♪ Dust in my eyes ♪

♪ Nothing more to say ♪

♪ I'm taking my love ♪

♪ And I'm rolling away ♪

♪ Can't you get off my mind ♪

♪ Can't seem to stay between the lines ♪

♪ And I wonder if you've
ever cheated on me ♪

♪ Your wind blowing through my hair ♪

♪ Brings a feeling of
knowing you somewhere ♪

♪ We both know that's
the way it has to be ♪

♪ I want to be free ♪

♪ But I can't stand
living without your love ♪

♪ I want you with me ♪

♪ But now I know that
it's just not enough ♪

♪ Dust in my eyes ♪

♪ Nothing more to say ♪

♪ I'm taking my love ♪

♪ And I'm running away ♪

(phone ringing)

- Hello?

Right now?

Alright, yeah.

Okay, I'll be there.

Alright, bye.

- About time.

Jesus, what happened to you?

- Long night.

- Come on.

- You never even played basketball.

- Well, it was about time
to start getting into shape.

Wouldn't hurt you either.

- Why not just get you
a Richard Simmons video

for your retirement party?

- Hey!


Oh, Ms. Moneybags again last night?

- No, met this new girl though.

- So, you broke up with the first one?

- [Donny] I didn't say that either.

- If you break up with her,

than you break up with
her sugar daddy father.

- Jesus, Trent.

I sure hope you can shoot your gun

better than you can shoot hoops.

- Funny.

What are you doing tonight?

- Well, Holly, this girl from last night,

we're supposed to go to the lake.

- Again?

- I'm a fast worker.



(ominous music)

- Mike, how's it going?

Hey man, thanks for putting up my bail.

Man, that Trent asshole
really put the moves

on us, huh?

- Us?

What is this "us" bullshit?

I thought you said this guy was legit.

- Man, I mean what can I say?

I mean, that was my fuck up, I'm sorry.

- Sorry?

Did you say sorry?

Sorry is when you bump into somebody,

sorry is when you spill a drink.

But when you lost a
couple of thousand dollars

in hardware, and a couple
of your guys get whacked,

sorry doesn't cut it, Karl.

- Man, it was a fuck up, I'm sorry.

What can I say?

- Well, I think you've
said enough for now.

What I want you to do is shut
up and lay low for a while.

You don't know us, and we don't know you.

You understand?

- Yeah.

(loud yelling)


God damn it!



- [Mike] Next time we won't be so polite.

And shave that jailhouse
beard, you piece of shit.


(engine revs)


- [Donny] So, what about you?

- [Holly] What about me?

- [Donny] I don't know anything about you.

Where you're from, or what you do.

- What's the matter with you?

You keep looking over your
shoulder every five minutes.

- Nervous, I guess.

- Really?


Maybe I can relax you.

(romantic music)

I don't wanna wait.

- What are you doing?


What if somebody sees us?

- Exciting, isn't it?

(romantic music)


Aw, you sweet boy.


(shutter clicks)

- I think we scared the ducks.


- I think so too.

I had a great time.

- So did I.

- Thanks.

- Bye.


- Yeah, but I have to
get up really early, so.

- What do you do again?

- I freelance.

- Freelance what?

(engine revs)

- Bye.

- I'll see you tomorrow?

- If you're lucky. (chuckles)

- Well hello, gorgeous.

(shutter clicks)

- [Man With Ponytail] Hey Trent.

- Morning, Trent.

- Bernie.

- Looks like a tough week
for middle-aged men, huh?

- What do we have?

- Same thing as the guy last Tuesday.

Looks like he's been here all night.

- He was naked?

- Yeah, they found his
clothes on the floorboard.

- Think he was flying solo?

- He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy

that would drive all the way out here

to sit in his car naked and
then die from a heart attack.

- Weirder things have
been known to happen.

- Yeah.

Well like I told you,
men over 40, bad heart...

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.

Who was he?

- Clay Schertz.

- Run it through RNI.

Send it up to me when you have something.

- Where you going?

- To see if I have a witness.

Hey, wake up!

Let's go, come on, time to get up.

- No, no more basketball.

- Hey, I'm not here for basketball.

Jesus, Donny, it's almost noon,

what are you doing still in bed?

- Some of us have a social life, okay?

- Yeah.

That's what I wanted to talk to you about.

You go to the lake yesterday?

- Yeah.

- You see anything last night?

- No, we left before sundown.

- You sure, there was
nothing out of the ordinary?

- No, and I was looking too.

- What do you mean?

- Well, I didn't want my other girlfriend

to find out about Holly.

- Conscience catching up with you, huh?

- No.

But I think Holly likes
to do it in weird places.

It's like it turns her
on to be out in the open.

- Dangerous when you're two timing.

- So, what happened at the lake?

- Hm, found another stiff this morning.

Hey, since you're up anyway,

you want to go shoot some hoops?

- What is it with you recently?

Did you have an extra cup
of coffee this morning?

- I don't know, ever since I quit smoking,

you know, I just have all this energy.

- Great.

Why don't you go practice

so I don't have to spot
you points next time?

(loud banging)

- Will you listen to me?

Come on, give me a break.

Will you stop?

Will you just stop and
look at this for a second?

What do these two men have in common?

- They're both dead.

- Well, what else?

Hey, besides being freshly dead,

both of these men back when
they were more animated,

had business dealings with none other

than one Gus Gruman.

- Oh...

- Hey, it's true!

It's true, it's in the case
files, it's verifiable.

- Jacobson.

I gave you these piece
of shit homicide details

to get you away from Gruman.

- But this could be our opening.

This is something we
can finally nail him on.

- Jacobson, read the fine print.

These guys are heart attacks,
natural causes, not murder.

- Ah, you're not buying that
coincidence stuff, are ya?

- I'm buying the coroner's report.

- What if I can get the
coroner to change the report?

- If you can get the coroner to say

that both of these guys were foul play,

not one of them, but both of them,

then you can bring Gruman
in for questioning,

and that's it.

- Yes!

- Missed again, Jacobson.

- Yeah.

But I'm getting closer.

You gotta come through
for me on this one, Chuck,

Jimmy already made a ruling.

- You know, Jimmy's a smart kid,

but he watches too many reruns of Quincy,

tends to miss details.

- You've got fun clientele.

- Yeah.

You know, these guys have all the answers.

I mean, they can tell
us how they got here.

Did he slip in the shower,

or was there rat poison in his coffee?

Was there a fight, was there a struggle?

They can tell us everything.

You know how?

I speak their language.

- Could we move this along, please?

- Sure.

You quit smoking, Trent?

- Yeah, three days now.

- Thought so.

You seem nervous.

Let's see what we got here.

Two males, Caucasian, both early 40s,

official cause heart attacks.

- You confirm that?

- Maybe.

Except for one thing...

See this?

And this, see?

Same thing.

- What is it?

- Did either of these guys have connection

to organized crime?

- Ask them.

- Friend of mine in Chicago,
he told me about this.

Apparently it's all the rage up there,

with the wiseguys.

- Okay, so what is it, a drug?

- It's air, Trent.

It's nothing but air.

You get yourself a big cardiac needle

like this one, right?

You pump about 20 cc's of air directly

into the guy's ticker,

screws up the mechanism enough

to make it sputter and stop.

- Is that what happened to these guys?

- See, that's the beauty of it.

No way to tell for sure.

Eh, one thing is you gotta
get really, really close

in order to do it.

I mean, it's not like taking a gun

and whacking someone
from across the street.

- So the killer was someone they knew.

- Maybe.

Who else would you let get really, really

close to you, Trent?

- A woman.

Evidence indicates that
these two were probably

in the act when they were iced.

- Well the odds, you're
looking for a female.

- You'll amend the report?

- Sure, no problem.

- Thanks, Chuck.

I owe you lunch.

We'll eat out.

(ominous music)

- Hey.

- Oh.

- Forget about me?

- No.

- I mean, you could've at least called

and thanked me for keeping
you out of the poorhouse.

- I've been so busy
these last couple of days

I didn't get a chance.

- You don't think I'm mad, do you?

- No, no.

- Good.

- Mona, I don't I can,
I've been so busy, I'm...

- I know what you need.

(sensual saxophone music)

♪ Come here baby, right now ♪

♪ Put down that book you're reading ♪

♪ Don't you try to ignore me ♪

♪ Come over here and explore me ♪

♪ Soft caress, stick to your dress ♪

♪ Baby, it's too early ♪

♪ Your eyes say I must confess ♪

♪ Maybe we should ♪

♪ When we finally reach the time ♪

♪ When we could lie together ♪

♪ I know it won't end anytime soon ♪

♪ You can kiss me slowly ♪

♪ I want you too ♪

♪ Girl, I want you too ♪

♪ Yes I do ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh, girl ♪

♪ You know I want you too ♪

♪ Now come here, baby ♪

♪ Put down that book you're reading ♪

♪ Don't try to ignore me ♪

♪ Come on over here and explore me ♪

- I'm Officer Janice Dickerson,

and this is Officer Trent Jacobson.

- What's with the entourage, Gus?

- You know my client has the right

to cancel during questioning?

- Yeah, that works for him,

but what about them?

- These gentlemen are my assistants.


- Right.

You employ a very classy
group of people, Gus.

Hey, you don't mind if
I call you Gus, do you?

- Yes I do, Detective.


- No thanks, I quit.

- I admire that.

Takes quite a bit of willpower.

- [Lawyer] Now, if we can
just get down to business,

my client's a busy man.

- Yeah.

He's been very busy.

- Mr. Gruman.

Can you identify these two men?

- They were my friends.

- Do you always whack your friends, Gus?

- Are you accusing me of murder?

- Both of these men were
murdered in the last two days.

- Okay, here it is, Gus.

These men weren't your
friends, they worked for you.

I think you're cleaning house,

and I think you're doing
a really crappy job.

- You know, when I found
out my friends had died,

it was as if a part of
me had died with them.

Now you're telling me
that they were murdered,

and you're sitting
here, jacking me around,

while the killer's out on the street.


You better find him, pal.

Before I do.


You know, I'm gonna sleep
a lot better at night

knowing that a cop like
you is back on the beat.


- Well, I think that went
pretty well, don't you?

- Trent, why don't you take
the rest of the day off?

God, the LT was right, you are a pissing.

- The answer's gotta be here somewhere.

- Well maybe Gruman was telling the truth.

Did you think about that?

Maybe he's not behind it?

- Well...

He's connected somehow.

He was blowing smoke earlier.

- You can say that again.



- Mm, that feels good.

- Trent, I mean why don't you let it go?

Ride out the next couple of weeks,

and finish out your 20.

- Yeah.

Maybe you're right.

- Who knows?

Maybe you'll get lucky and Gruman will be

the next one to drop dead.

- Dickerson, what are you doing?

Oh my.

Wait a minute.

Why are we assuming that
Gruman's through wasting people?

- Who else would he want to whack?

- It would have to be
someone who messed up.

- What was the name of
that punk you nailed

in the gun deal?

- Karl.

He just made bail, let's go.

(mysterious music)


- You want me to go in with you?

- No.

You stay here and keep your eyes open.

- Be careful.

(loud footsteps)

- Anyone home?

Police officer!

(tense music)

(intense music)

(glass breaking)

You alright?

- Go get her, yeah!

(suspenseful music)

- You okay?

- Yes, I'm okay.

Where's Karl?

- Iced.

Just like the other two, still warm.

She must've been the perp.

- [Janice] Damn.

- Anything here?

- Not much, mostly makeup and stuff.

- You sure this came from her?

- Absolutely, yes.

- [Trent] Ah, sweet Jesus.


- Wait.

- No, no.

- Just...

- If it's the camera bothering you,

I'll turn it off.

- No, it's not that, it's
just I guess I'm tired.

I've been busy this week.

- Wait.


These things happen.


- What?

- It's just that when I lie like this,

I can feel your heart beating.

You know what?

- [Donny] What?

- I know something that might work.

Watch this.

(catchy music)

♪ Dance ♪

♪ Holly, would you dance ♪

♪ All over me, dance ♪

♪ Holly, would you ♪

♪ Well, Holly do you see ♪

♪ Your scarlet face ♪

♪ To me, amazing grace ♪

♪ Will you let me get a taste ♪

♪ Lipstick and lace ♪

♪ Freeze time and space ♪

♪ Holly, gone without a trace ♪

♪ Dance, Holly would you dance ♪

♪ Holly, would you dance ♪

♪ Holly, would you ♪

♪ Dance ♪

♪ Holly, would you dance ♪

♪ And shake my tree ♪

♪ Dance ♪


- [Trent] Donny, I'm
gonna be on the courts

at 2:30 sharp.

And if you're not there, I
am going to come get you.

Do not, I repeat, do not blow this off.

- You ready?

- Oh...

- Let's go.

- Sure.

(mysterious music)

- Well, look what the cat drug in.

Tough day?

- Tough week.

- Well here, take some shots.

You'll feel better.


Jesus, Donny.

I sure hope you shoot pictures

better than you shoot hoops.


- If you'd had as much
action as I have all week,

you wouldn't be able to stand.

- Yeah, I wanted to
talk to you about that.

When you were at the lake with Holly,

were you with her the whole time?

- Pretty much, why?

- I think the killer I'm
looking for is a woman.

- So what are you saying,
you think Holly did it?

- I don't know.

But we found this at another
murder scene this morning.

- You gotta be kidding.

- You gave one of these
to Holly, didn't you?

- Man, I've given one of
those to every girl I've known

for the last two years.

- I want to talk to her.

- I don't know, Trent.


- I'm not asking your permission.

- Alright, we're supposed
to go hot tubbing

tomorrow afternoon.

- Great.

I'll be there.


- Oh, well, you wanna smoke first?

- Oh, you want a vasectomy?


Come on, let's go, right now.

- You wanna take it?
- Let's go, let's do it.

Come on.

Oh no, he scores, oh!

You sure you're okay?

- Yeah, yeah, just let me catch my breath.

I'll catch up to you.

- Tomorrow afternoon.

- Alright.

- Hiya, Donny.

- Mike.

What are you doing here?

- [Mike] Oh you know,
thought maybe you and I

could have a little chat.

- So...

What do you wanna talk about?

- Well you know, I tried to
find you a little earlier.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Came by your studio, but
I think you were busy.

- Yeah, I've been busy,
taking a lot of pictures.

- No, you've been busy
fucking around on my sister,

you son of a bitch!

(intense music)

- Jesus, Mike.

It was just a model, I swear.

I'd never do anything to hurt Mona.

- You know, Donny boy...

I'm a big believer in the philosophy

an eye for an eye, and
a tooth for a tooth.

So, if you've been messing around

and putting your nose
in my family's business,

I'll take out part of your nose right now.

And if you heard something
you're not supposed to hear,

whack part of your ear right now.

But you've just been
dicking around on my sister,

so you know what that means?

- Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike,
Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike.

- I think you have my basketball.

And I think you better let him go.

You're Gus Gruman's kid, aren't you?

What's going on here?

Hey, I'm talking to you!

- Let them go.

- What?

- I'm not gonna press charges.

We were just fuckin' around.

- Okay, take a hike.

- Catch ya later, Donny boy.

- What was that about?

- He was a drunk or...

- Hey, don't fuck with me!

I know who that was, and he doesn't do

this kind of thing for fun!

- I went out with his sister
two or three times, okay?

- You what?

- Hey look, don't lecture me, okay?

I know what I'm doing.

- Yeah, and now her big brother

knows what you're doing too.

- He's an asshole.

He just saw me with Holly today.

- Alright, alright, let's back up.

I need to know all about it.

I need to know about Holly, about Mona,

about everything.

(ominous music)

- It's okay, they're still talking.

- [Eddie] Now, want me to snip it?

- No, just add a little bit.

You snip it, they'll
notice the breaks are gone

before they leave the parking lot.

- Which cable is it?

- Oh Jesus Christ, get up
here, come on, let me do it.

Come on.

Stay low, don't let 'em see ya.

- Why didn't you just
ask me for the money?

- It wasn't like that.

I didn't know who Mona's dad was

when I first started seeing her.

Then I found out, and it was like why not?

- Are you out of your mind?

She's a little mafia princess,

do you know what that means?

- I got it figured, it's a lock.

As long as I'm seeing her,

her dad can't touch me.

It's like insurance.

- Oh yeah.

That strategy's working really well

with her big brother, okay.

Now you're dating Gruman's daughter.

Someone's cleaning house
using a brunette hit woman.

You're also dating this mysterious Holly,

who's a brunette.

- Okay, so you're saying Holly's a killer.

Then what's she messing
around with me for?

- I don't know.

Unless she's using you
to get to Gruman or...

- What?

- Gruman's using her to clean house,

and you're next in line.

- No.

It's gotta be a coincidence.

- I hope you're not planning on having

anyone else sleep over.

- What?

What do you mean?

- Hey, I'm sleeping on your couch tonight.

- Come on, what for?

- You almost got your
fruit pruned back there,

and you gotta ask me what for?

- Okay now.

You scared them off.

- Yeah.

For now.

- Just because dad's not around

doesn't mean I can't take care of myself.


- Yeah, okay.

Wait for me.

I'll get my car and follow you.


(engine revs)

(tires screech)

(catchy rock music)

- Oh shit.

(car honking)

(tires screeching)

(car honking)

(loud banging)

(tense music)

- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

- Have you heard anything yet?

- No, nothing.

- You want a light for that?


- Detective Jacobson.

- Yeah?

- Donny's very lucky.

He's got several broken bones,

but no serious internal damage.

He's gonna need a lot of mending.

He's gonna be fine.

- Great.

Thank you, Doc.

- [Doctor] You're welcome.

- Do me a favor, okay?

- Anything, name it.

- Stay here until you can get a uniform

to guard Donny.

Nobody in but identified hospital staff.

- Okay, why?

Is something going on?

- Donny's brakes were cut.

- You think Gruman is behind it?

- Don't know.

- Where are you going?

- I'm gonna change.

Then I'm gonna get some answers, I hope.

- [Holly] Wake up, sleepy head.

Aren't we supposed to
go hot tubbing today?

- You must be Holly.

- What did I tell you about this punk

that was seeing Mona, huh?


What'd I tell ya?

- You said you would take care of it.

- That's right.

I would take care of it!

Cutting the break lines,
for Christ's sakes.

What, you don't think his uncle, the cop,

is gonna put two and two together?


- He was asking for it.

- Think!

You think before you
act, do you understand?


As if I don't have enough problems.

- Well, you should've seen him though.

He was all over this trashy brunette.

- I know.

I know.

I own that trashy brunette!

(dark music)

- I was just supposed to go out with him

a few times and have fun.

- And make sure you got pictures.

- Yeah, that was part of the deal.

Worked out pretty good,

he even took his own pictures once.


- You're a real pro.

- It was just a gag.

That's all I did, I
don't know anything about

these guys with heart attacks or whatever.

Although a few guys have come close.

- Darling, I believe you.

How old were these guys?

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's wrong?

- Donny's been in an accident,

I've gotta get to the hospital.

- But daddy wants to
see you a minute first.

- Now?

Tell him I'll talk to him later,

I've gotta see Donny.

- No, Mona, listen to me.

He wants to see you now,

it'll just take a minute, okay?

- Where did you get these?

- I told you we didn't trust this guy.

We've got him followed.

- How could you show these to me!

- Would you rather not know?

- Come on, Mona.

The guy's a snake.

- Shut up, okay.

- Honey, look.

He was using you.

Now, it's better to know now...

So you see, that's the end of that.

She'll go to her room,

she'll cry for a little while.

End of problem, huh?


- I don't think so, Dad.

(engine revs)

- Aw, Christ.

Look, Mikey.

Follow her, will ya?

Make sure she doesn't hurt herself.

- You got it, Dad.

(mysterious music)

- [Eddie] You want me to catch her?

- [Mike] No, no, just follow her.

Jesus Christ.

Where the hell is she going?

(mysterious music)

- Hey!

- [Mike] Jacobson.

- You come to finish the job?

- [Mike] What the hell do you want?

- I want you out of my sight.

- Hey, we got fuckin' rights.

- You think you've got rights?

You want to try to exercise
those rights right now?

Come on tough guy, let's go, do it!

- Come on Eddie, let's go man.

Come on.

- Back home?

- No, swing around back,

we still gotta find Mona.

Yeah, Dad, it's Mike.

No, we're down at the hospital.

Look, I think you better get down here.

Trent Jacobson's here.

He's still trying to
cause us some trouble.

Okay, yeah.

- Something's brewing, Lieutenant.

Page Dickerson and get her back here and

send some uniforms for backup.

Yeah, thanks.

(mysterious music)

- Hi, honey.

Came to see you.

Are you in much pain?

That's good.

Cause I know about pain.

Pain when your father hits you.

That's pain.

But that doesn't hurt as much

as seeing him hit your mother.

It's because when you're
the one getting hurt,

you get numb to it after a while.

But when someone close
to you's getting hurt,

you never get numb to that.

That's why I decided to have my father

had to see his friends die, one by one.

That'd be a pain he'd never get numb to.

There's nothing left to talk about,

I've seen the pictures.

Oh, we would've been perfect.

But you had to...

(intense music)

- Take her down to the lobby,

backup's on the way.

- Right.

- Oh, and tell them to
send some uniforms up here.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's going on here?

- [Dickerson] Police business.

- Oh Mona, what the hell's going on here?

- Listen, you can talk
to her at the station.

- No, I'll talk to her right now.

(gunshot fires)

- Trent, did you hear that?

- You stay there.

- Hey.

Hey Trent, wait, wait, wait.

Don't leave me in here, Trent.


- Would you tell me what
the hell is going on?

- Leave me alone!

- What'd she arrest you for, huh?

What the hell did you do?

- Mike, we gotta get the fuck outta here.

- Police, freeze!

(gunshots firing)

(gunshots firing)

- Mona!

- Mike.

(gunshot fires)

Drop it!

(gunshot fires)

(sirens blaring)

(ominous music)

Get some doctors here.

- Mikey!


Give me your God damn piece.

- We gotta get outta here.

- Give me your God damn piece!

(intense music)


(gunshots firing)

(dramatic music)


I'm sorry.

Oh, my baby.

(somber piano music)

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry, Mona.

(phone ringing)

(melancholy music)

- Hi, Trent.

- Hey, how you doing?

- [Janice] I'm doin' alright.

- I thought you were gonna
take some sick leave?

- What, and miss your last day?

Thanks for coming to
visit me at the hospital.

- Yeah.

You know, I don't know
what I would've done

if you hadn't been alright.

- [Janice] Thanks.

- Now that this Gruman thing is over,

I'm trying to figure
out what I'm gonna do,

how I'm gonna spend my days.

- Or maybe how you're
gonna spend your nights?

- That too.

Or maybe we could work on it together.

- I'd like that.

- I'll call you tonight.

Hey Dickerson.

- Yeah?

- You play basketball?

How's it look?

- Great.

- You know, I've been
thinking about this often,

you know, it's been about me helping you

with the studio.

If I'm gonna do that,
the nice man that I am,

we're gonna have to set some ground rules.

Rule number one, you gotta
keep your pants zipped up.

I'm telling you Donny,

I don't know how you can
just keep doing that stuff.

You have to settle down, just
find one woman, take it easy.

Nothing else but the
experience you just had

to prove to you that...

♪ For the life of me ♪

♪ I don't remember ♪

♪ How heaven it was you
put your trust in me ♪

♪ But I believe ♪

♪ The day is coming ♪

♪ When what you gave
away you will receive ♪

♪ And there were times
you let me go my own way ♪

♪ And win or lose, you let me choose ♪

♪ Oh, how you were strong ♪

♪ You were with me all along ♪

♪ Am I my brother's keeper ♪

♪ When he takes a fall,
will I be the one to stand ♪

♪ See, in this crazy world ♪

♪ You care while you can ♪

♪ Am I my brother's keeper, yes I am ♪

♪ Well there's a part of me ♪

♪ I keep from showing ♪

♪ But then I just won't
know just what to say ♪

♪ But I promise you ♪

♪ That that is changing ♪

♪ Speaking from the heart, I start today ♪

♪ There were times you
let me go my own way ♪

♪ And win or lose, you let me choose ♪

♪ While you were strong ♪

♪ You were with me all along ♪

♪ Am I my brother's keeper ♪

♪ When he takes a fall,
will I be the one to stand ♪

♪ See, in this crazy world ♪

♪ You care while you can ♪

♪ Am I my brother's keeper, yes I am ♪

♪ Oh, how you were strong ♪

♪ You were with me all along ♪

♪ Am I my brother's keeper ♪

♪ When he takes a fall,
will I be the one to stand ♪

♪ See, in this crazy world ♪

♪ You care while you can ♪

♪ So am I my brother's keeper ♪

♪ Am I my brother's keeper ♪

♪ When he takes a fall,
will I be the one to stand ♪

♪ Am I my brother's keeper ♪

♪ That you are to me ♪

♪ As I take him by the hand ♪

♪ One, two ♪

♪ Uno, dos, tres ♪

(catchy band music)