Law and Order (1953) - full transcript

Having cleaned up Tombstone, marshal Frame Johnson quits after an attempted lynching, and hopes to settle down on a ranch near Cottonwood with his sweetheart Jeannie. Before he can do so, it looks like he may have to clean up Cottonwood too. But how great a sacrifice will he make for law and order?

Are you ready to go
back now, Durango?

All right, mister,
I guess you win.



You're pretty good,

You want to try again?

No, I had enough.

Looks like the people around
here are sort of hard to convince.

Some of them
couldn't read.

You shoot them all?

Only those
who didn't get hung.

It don't give a man
much choice, does it?

Why didn't you shoot me
when you had the chance?

I'm hired to keep the peace,
not kill people.

It seems like the two of them
sort of go hand in hand.

At least you got
the satisfaction

of knowing you'll
get hung legal.

That might be some
satisfaction to you.

But I can't help thinking
you'll wind up dead either way.

He's bringing him in!

Frame Johnson's bringing in
the Durango Kid!

He's bringing him in!

Frame Johnson's bringing in
the Durango Kid.

Hear that, Denver?
Here comes some new business.

That comes under the heading of old
business. I've been ready for days.

- What about my $2?
- I ain't got time now. I'll be back.

Jeannie! Jeannie!

It's Frame. Frame's back and
he's bringing in the Durango Kid.

Durango Kid?!

Come on, you kids, get
off of there. Come on!

Hurry up!

Make sure he's got some money
in his pocket, Denver.


Are you gonna bury him
with his boots on?

Get him before
he gets cold, Denver!

- Where's the Durango Kid?
- That's him.

You mean to say
you brought him back alive?

Well, for the time being.

Now, we've been friends
for a long time, Frame.

But since you cleaned up this
town, I can't hardly make a living.

How do you expect me
to make any money off of him?

Don't worry about it, friend.
You won't have to wait long.

How's the food in your jail?

We haven't kept anybody there
long enough to die from it.

A man can't complain
about treatment like that.

Come on.

Nice looking girl.



I like to think so.

Big crowd out today.

We had a better one the day
the governor came through.

Maybe I should've
gone into politics.

Why didn't
Frame kill him?

Seems to me you're old enough
to understand your own brother.

Maybe I ought
to do it for him.

Put that hog leg away
before I make you eat it.

Have any trouble
with him, Frame?

No more than with
anybody else.

Take the cuffs off of him
and lock him up.

Well, if it's
all right with you

I'll lock him up first
and then take the cuffs off.

Any way you like it, Allie.
I'm going to get cleaned up.

You look about
two shades lighter

than you did when
you started washing.

There isn't enough water
in that desert to drink,

let alone wash in.

Where's Jimmy,
he isn't in trouble, is he?

Not any more
than usual.

He's not like
you and me, Frame.

He was sort of disappointed
when you brought

Durango in alive
instead of killing him.

I guess a lot of other people
seem to feel the same way.

Maybe it's just
because he's young.

Sure, give him time.
He'll grow up.

Have you seen
Jeannie yet?

I wanted to get
some of the dirt off first.

When are you two
getting married?

She seems to think I'd make
a poor risk as a husband.

She could be right
about that.

You've probably got
more people gunning for you

than any other man
in the territory.

Come in.

Come in, Allie.

You better get to the jail.
They're forming a lynch mob!

They're coming
to get Durango.

Get on down there.
I'll be right along.

If you don't mind
I'll go with you.

I'll walk down
with you.

No, if one can't handle this,
two won't do any good.

I'd sure hate to be
in Durango's boots.

I thought you said
I was gonna get hung legal?

- You are.
- That mob don't sound legal to me.

They aren't going
to hang you either.

String him up!

Come on, Marshal!

H... here they come! Maybe the best
thing to do is to let them take him.

Never had a prisoner lynched yet
and I don't intend to start now.

- Bring him out here!
- Bring him out!

We ain't got a chance,
Mr. Johnson!

Allie, why don't you slip out the back
way and get the kid some meat and potatoes?

He hasn't had anything
to eat since sunup.



All right, boys,
that'll be enough.

Hurley, you're the mayor of
this town. Tell them to go home.

They won't pay
any attention to me, Frame.

- All we want is Durango.
- You're not going to get him.

- Who says we ain't?
- I do.

He's my prisoner.
I brought him in

to get a fair trial
and he's going to get it.

You wanted law and order
in this town, you've got it.

And you're going to keep on
having it as long as I'm marshal.

I give you my word,

I'll shoot the first man
who starts for those steps.

We've got your brother
out here with us.

What are you going to do
if he starts up?

What are you going
to do about him?

I told you I'll shoot
the first man

that starts
for those steps.

He's bluffing, boys,
let's get him.

The next one gets
a load of buckshot.

Any takers?

Jimmy, get inside.

The rest of you
go on home.

Have Doc Pollard
take a look at that leg, Sam.

Tell him to put it
on my bill.

Tell Lute to start packing
our gear. We're pulling out.

What about your job?

I'm all through.

'Cause I was in
that lynch mob?

That's part of it.

I've been at it too long. I'm tired
of trying to give people something

they don't seem
to want anyway.

- Frame.
- Yeah.

Would you have
shot me out there?

I don't know.

Jeannie: No more bets, boys.

Number 17,
black and odd.

Nobody on it.

Your lucky night.

Could be at that.

- Don't press it too far.
- Why not?

I can name you at least
20 people in the room

that wouldn't mind
taking a shot at you.

They had a better chance
a few hours ago.

When are you going to give up,
Frame? Or do you want to die young?

If it comes up 13
I'll buy a wedding ring.

Not while you're
still a marshal.

You'll find the badge
down in the mayor's office.

I turned it in.

I bought a ranch
up in Cottonwood.

I need some help
with the plowing.

Do you need a horse
or a driver?

I've got a horse.

Well, number 13,

the winner.

I always knew you ran
a crooked game in this joint.

- You leaving town, Denver?
- Yep.

I'm going to Cottonwood
with the Johnsons.

Getting so in this town
people only die of old age.

I should think with Frame leaving
town, business might pick up.

Well, if it gets real good,
maybe I'll come back...

if it gets real bad
in Cottonwood.

You can always change
your mind, Frame.

No, I'll send for you
when I get settled.

I'll be here.

This is the hardest riding
rig I've ever been on.

The customers I usually
carry don't complain.

What kind of a spread
did you buy up there?

I don't know.
I've never seen it.

Bought a wife
like that once.

She didn't turn out
so good.

I understand this Cottonwood's
sort of a wild town.

I don't aim
to live in town.

Come on, try to miss
some of the holes in the road.

Maybe you'd be more
comfortable riding back there.

That's a ride I've been
dodging for the past 10 years.

Yah, yah!

- Yes, sir.
- Have you got room for them?

I don't know about stalls.
We got a corral out in back.

That'll do. Give them some feed and
water before you turn them loose.

Yes, sir.

What'll it be, gents...

Frame Johnson!

Don't you remember me,
Mr. Johnson?

I'm Ben Wiley.
I used to own

the Black Nugget
in Dodge City.

Ben Wiley,
sure I remember you.

The kind of a place you ran I
never figured you'd live this long.

Quit drinking
my own whiskey.

Courtesy of the house.

Frame: Any place we can bed
down around here for the night?

Ben: I've got some fine beds upstairs.

Number 12, the best room
in the house.

Deal me out.


remember me?
Kurt Durling?

Sure, seven or eight
years ago I ran you

and your whole tribe
out of Abilene.

You left me
with this, too.

Next time don't try
to hide a gun up your sleeve.

- I won't forget it, Johnson.
- Maybe you'd have been happier if I'd killed you.

Maybe some day
you'll wish you had.

Whenever you two
have your showdown,

you tell your relatives
to get in touch with me.

I've got a card here that...

I run this town,

You're not wanted here.

I've been not wanted
in a lot of places.

That never kept me
from staying.

So that's Frame Johnson.

He don't look
so tough to me.

That's how he looked
to a lot of people,

but they're not
around anymore.

- What's he doing here?
- I don't know.

Give me a hand.

Here's the man
who can help us, Dixon.

Frame Johnson.

Did he say this was
the best room in the house?

You heard him say it.

I hope I never have
to sleep in the worst one.

Who was your
friend downstairs?

- A business acquaintance from Kansas.
- What kind of business?

He dealt in cattle...
other people's cattle.

That gives a high
margin of profit.

It's apt to give a high
rate of mortality, too.

Oh, you can do better
than that, Jed.

- You ain't even nicked him
- Oh no, mister. Please!

What's the matter?
What're you afraid of?

Afraid we can't shoot
straight enough to miss you?

All right, Bart.
That's enough.

Every time you get tanked up
you pick on the poor kid.

You go peddle
your beer.

You've had your fun.
You leave Johnny alone.

I'm tired of you
breaking up my place.

You get out
of my way.


Why don't you
come up and get him?


What do you want?

Sit down.

When you start a play,
finish it.

I don't want any son
of mine showing yellow.

He run you out
of Abilene, didn't he?


Yes, sir. It's a right
lively little town...

for a man of my profession,
of course.

I saw a couple
of jokers down there

that'd make
nice-looking corpses.

Just let me know when
the mood comes over you, Lute.

You get me a job as marshal, Denver,
and we'll drum up a little business.

Shut up.

All of you.

- Martin.
- Oh, it's Mr. Durling.

There's an issue of your paper
coming out today.

Yes, sir, I've just finished
setting the type for it.

Here's an editorial.

Run it on the front page.

"It has been called to the
attention of your editor

that a certain
undesirable... "

I... I can't print this,
Mr. Durling.

- I'd get sued.
- You like running a paper in this town, don't you?

- Oh yes, Mr. Durling.
- Print it!

- Hello, Frame.
- Hi.

- See the paper?
- No, I just got up.

It's got
your name in it.

That's right thoughtful
of somebody.

Well, it is
and then again it ain't.

Here, read it.

"Notice to the citizens.

It has been called to the
attention of your editor

that a certain
undesirable character...

has come to Cottonwood.

He is Frame Johnson,
notorious peace officer.

Under the protecting
guise of the law,

this man has murdered
over 40 men in cold blood. "

Ain't you going
to finish it?

I've sort of got
the general idea already.

I didn't know that
you'd killed 40 of them.

Neither did I.
Mind if I keep this?

I'm all through with it.

That's him.

Well, has anybody
talked to him yet?

He just got in town
last night.

Dixon and I thought Judge Williams
was the one to talk to him.


Well, this is a real
pleasure, Mr. Johnson.

Come in.
Have a chair.

We've been expecting you
for some time.

Here's the deed
to your property,

if you'd care to take
a look at it.

- Looks all right to me.
- You've got a fine piece of property, Mr. Johnson.

Good grazing lands...
got a good house on it.

When do you want
to take possession?

Soon as I can find out
where it is.

Reckon it is kind
of important, isn't it?

Now, you're here

in the northwest sector,
close to town.

Right next
to the Durlings.

- Did you say the Durlings?
- Yes, he's an important man in this community.

- Nothing like having important neighbors.
- That's what I always say.

I'd be glad to introduce
you to him at any time.

- Thanks, we've already met.
- Oh, that makes it nice.

Now, you take the main road
west out of town...

There he goes!

Hey, there's your killer!

Go get him!

- They're going to hang me.
- What'd you do?

I killed him. I didn't
know what else to do.

- I've been hiding all night.
- Get him inside, Jimmy.

- It's none of our business,
you know?

- We want Johnny!
- He killed Bart!

- He murdered him.
- Now wait a minute.

You ain't stopping us, mister.
We're going to take him.

- The boy's entitled to a trial.
- Get out of the way, Johnson, I want Johnny Benton.

- Haven't you got any law in this town?
- I don't need any law.

- It was my boy that was killed.
- If he was the one

that was bothering the kid last
night, he deserved to be killed.

- Come on.
- Don't come closer, anybody.

What's all the trouble?
What's going on here?

Oh howdy, Kurt.
What's all the ruckus?

Johnny Benton killed Bart.
Johnson's holding him in there.

All right, boys,
I'll take over.

You got any reason
for protecting him, mister?

I'm not protecting him.
I'm holding him for the law.

You can let him go then.
I'm Fin Elder, Sheriff.

- Bring him out, Jimmy.
- You were a little late getting here, Fin.

I can't be
everywhere at once.

- What are you going to do with him?
- Throw him in jail.

Isn't that inviting a
lynching? Why don't you take him

to Elderville?
Wouldn't he be safe there?

That sounds like a good
suggestion, Sheriff.

It's all right with me, but it
seems like a lot of trouble to go to.

You ain't going
to let him take me?

Nothing I can do,

Mr. Johnson,
I'm Judge Williams.

- I'd like to talk to you.
- Well, what about?

I think that's something
we should discuss in private.

Let's go inside.

Get the horses, Jimmy.

Here's the situation,
Mr. Johnson.

This town is a sinkhole
of violence and evil.

The Durlings
control it completely.

They elected
Fin Elder sheriff.

They select the juries
in my court.

Why, it's reached
such a state now

that a decent, honest citizen
doesn't open his mouth.

- I've already seen it.
- Does During own the newspaper, too?

No, but what he can't buy
he gets through intimidation.

This is a perfect example
of what we're up against.

If things are that bad, why don't
you form a vigilance committee?

Except for a few of us, we
aren't sure whom we can trust.

There's another drawback.
If we group as an organization,

the result would be
open warfare.

Many innocent people
might suffer.

Looks like you're
already suffering.

We want a man
who's big enough

to oppose
their organization.

We've decided
you're that man.

I'm sorry, Judge,
I've got other plans.

But we're prepared to pay
any price you ask.

- Money isn't important.
- Aren't people's lives important?

Mine's important to me.

That's why I'm
turning down your offer.

But, Mr. Johnson.

Don't waste
your time, Judge.

He's not going
to change his mind.

Looks like it needs
a little fixing, don't it?

You're pretty handy with
tools, aren't you, Denver?

Well, I hate to brag
but I probably build

the best pine box
west of the Mississippi.

Ever tried your hand
at building a house?

- Not that I can recall.
- Due for a new experience.

Now look here, Frame.

The barn and the corral seem
to be in pretty good shape.

I hadn't counted
on living in the barn.

Let's get back to town.
We can't do anything here

till we get something
to work with.

- It's Johnny Benton.
- Cut him down.

Looks like you got
some business, Denver.

That's the kind of business
I ain't looking for.

I'd enjoy working on that
sheriff real good though.

Here's your prisoner.

He escaped from me.

I was just going to round up
a posse to go after him.

If he starts to run this time,
maybe you ought to shoot him.

It'll look better.

- Where'd you find him?
- Right where you left him.

What happened to him?

He got away from me
on the way to Elderville.

Johnson here found him
hanging in an oak tree.

I didn't say anything
about an oak tree, Sheriff.

I just said I found him
where you left him.

I'm going over
to the land office.

You two give Denver
a hand with the supplies.

Uh, Mr. Johnson, you can see for
yourself what it's like in this town.

This sort of thing takes place
entirely too often.

- I'm still not interested.
- But he was just a boy, a poor harmless boy.

If this sort of thing isn't
stopped, nobody will be safe.

- He killed a man, didn't he?
- He was entitled to a trial.

Why don't you speak plain
to him, Judge?

Everybody knows
who killed Johnny.

If you know who did it, why
don't you have him arrested?

- You've got a sheriff.
- We need somebody here to arrest this sheriff.

When I heard you were
coming here, Mr. Johnson,

I felt sure you would be
an asset to the community.

It seems I was mistaken.

I may not be an asset to the community,
but I figure I'll live longer this way.

Then we can only conclude that
you're afraid to take the job.

You conclude
anything you want.

Too bad, Judge.

Next time pick a candidate
with a little guts.

Jimmy, take it easy.
We don't want any trouble.

You got trouble already.

Keep that wet-nosed kid
out of town

or he'll wind up
like Johnny Benton did.

You still want
a marshal in this town?

- Yes.
- You've got one.

- Where do I go to get sworn in?
- Let's go into the office.

What happened
to Lute and Jimmy?

They're over
at the marshal's office.

I thought this town
didn't have a marshal.

They have now.
Lute just took the job.

You want me to wait here
or go on ahead?

Well, I guess one Johnson's
as good as another.

- Congratulations.
- I'll do my best.

Maybe we'll get this town
fit to live in yet.

You can depend on us
backing you all the way.

I'm going to need it.
Oh, excuse me.

- Why'd you do it, Lute?
- I got sort of annoyed with the sheriff.

- Not on account of me?
- Naw, this is a private matter.

Our personalities
just seemed to clash.

Congratulations, Marshal.
Take care of yourself.

Don't worry, I learned
from an expert.

Well, Jim, it looks like
we lost a good ranch hand.

Come on, we've got
a lot of work to do.

All right, Denver.

Coming, Jimmy?

- Hello, Ben.
- Congratulations, Marshal.

Drinks on the house.


Maybe someday you'll learn to
keep that big mouth of yours shut.

Now we've got a marshal
to put up with.

What are you worried about?
I'll take care of him.

If we can ever do anything

to help you, Marshal,
be sure and let us know.

Yeah, you can call
on us anytime.

Real thoughtful
characters, aren't they?

Yeah, if you like
that sort of thinking.

- Have another drink.
- No.

Don't let them
get under your hide, Lute.

That's what
they want you to do.

- Maybe I'll have that other drink after all.
- Sure.


Hey, them look
pretty good!

Got them
for a good price, too.

All right, Clem,
run them in.

Yo, hey, yah!

You've got the start
of a good herd there.

Wait till you see them a year
from now. How's the house coming?

You're making an awful mistake,
Frame, fixing up this place so good.

- Why?
- Jeannie ain't gonna have nothing to complain about.

I'm wondering if she's
gonna like living on a ranch.

Oh, I reckon she'd
like it anyplace...

as long
as you was around.

Where's Jimmy?

He went out riding fence
like you told him.


Hey, wait!

What are you
running from?

- Who are you?
- My name is Johnson, who are you?

- I live near here.
- You've got a name, haven't you?

- Well, what is it?
- Man: Maria!

Get back to the house!

Stay on your own side
of the fence, Johnson,

and keep away
from my sister!

Oh, Lute,

Samuels was in town
last night looking for you.

- Samuels?
- Yeah, he's got a little spread south of here.

Rustlers came last night...
drove off most of his herd.

That so?

Well, Marshal, I see
you got the mules back.

Why'd you tell me
these mules were stolen?

Well, I'll tell you.

I went down to the barn one
morning and they wasn't there.

So I just figured
somebody stole 'em.

Lopez says you loaned
them to him.

By golly, Marshal, I did.
I plum forgot about it.

Say, that's a good joke
on me, ain't it?

- Where's the marshal?
- Right here. What do you want?

Rustlers in Black Mesa Canyon!
They're running off the Davis herd.

It might be another
wild mule chase, Marshal.

You'd have all that
riding for nothing.

Don't press your luck too far. I
don't like to get shoved around.

I don't know what you're
talking about, Marshal.

Keep pushing me,
maybe you'll find out.

Hey, you want us
to ride with you?

You might need some help.

Well, I guess that'll take care
of him for the rest of the day.

Better start that herd
moving north.

- See Lute?
- Yeah, I saw him.

Well, how was he?

They're giving him
a bad time.

That Durling outfit's
ganging up on him.

Ah, Lute will
handle it all right.

I figured maybe you'd want to help
him. After all, he is your brother.

I didn't ask him
to take the job.

You know what they're
saying about you in town?

Yeah. That I'm afraid...

Well, what are you
gonna do about it?

Live to be
an old man I hope.

He just isn't man enough for
it. That's the size of it.

Maybe so.

We didn't ask him to take
the job. It was his own idea.

Oh, Lute, we were just having
a little discussion about you.

- I heard it.
- No luck this time either, huh?

There hasn't been a cow stolen
in Black Mesa in over a year.

Well, who was robbed
this time while I was gone?

Lost about 100 head.

That's the third herd
run off this week.

I can only be
one place at a time.

You're beginning to sound
like our sheriff.

Listen, mister,
when I took this job

I wasn't told I had
to take any talk from you.

That's enough, Dixon. Let's
not fight among ourselves.

We all know how
the Durlings operate...

confuse you, run you ragged,
send you off in every direction.

While you're chasing rainbows,
they're rustling cattle.

I've worn out six horses
in three days

and I wasn't riding
for my health.

There's your badge. You can have
your money back if you want it.

Mr. Johnson,

I want to apologize
for Mr. Dixon.

We appreciate all you've tried to
accomplish and I want to assure you

that this meeting was not called
to ask for your resignation.

- What do you want then?
- We want you to persuade your brother to help.

Well, you've already
talked to him, Judge.

That's why I'm asking
you to do it this time.

If you could only convince him
of the good he could accomplish.

I don't think
it'll help any,

but I'll try.

I'm sorry you're
in trouble, Lute,

but it's your play
and I don't want in on it.

I thought between the two of us we
could clean it up in a couple of weeks.

Clean it up in one day.

All you have to do
is kill five or six people.

Just let me know
when the shooting starts.

- I'll help you, Lute.
- Oh thanks, Kid, but I don't think they'd deputize you.

What difference does that make?
I can still play dog for you.

- No, Jimmy.
- Just because you quit on him is no reason I have to.

Shut up. Frame knows
what he's doing.

Yeah, he always knows.
I guess what they're saying

about him in town is true.
He's gunshy.

Why you impudent
young whipper-snapper!

Let it go, Denver.
Kid just doesn't understand.

I'm sorry. I didn't know
this was going to happen.

There's nothing
to be sorry about.

Take care of him,
will you?


He'll be all right.

You want
to go back, Jimmy?

No, I'll see you in town
in about an hour.

- Stay out of trouble, Kid.
- You're beginning to sound like Frame.

# I have a true love #

# Over the mountain #

# I have a true love... #

# Over the hill... #


Well, aren't you going
to ask me in?

- What are you doing here?
- I didn't come over to see you.

Hey, that's one
of my favorite songs.

# I have a true love... #

It's mine, too.

You're pretty.

Am I?

I guess a lot of people
have told you that.

You're the only one.

I guess the rest
of them around here

must have
poor eyesight.

I don't know
anybody else.

You know me.

# I have a true love #

# Over the mountain #

# Fooled by my true love... #

- You shouldn't have come here.
- Why not?

Frank would kill you
if he knew.

You let me worry
about Frank.

- You better go.
- I just got here.

Please, please go.

He'll be home
in a minute.

Oh! Oh!

# I love my true love... #

Your family...

they're usually in town
nights, aren't they?


- Well, I'll be back.
- You shouldn't.

I will.

Please, fellas,
I had it shipped out here

all the way
from Kansas City.

Give me your gun, Jed.

Nothing wrong in a man
having some fun, is there?

Looks to me like
you're overdoing it.

Would you rather sober up
at home or in jail?

What are you going
to throw me in for?

For... creating
a disturbance.

Who am I disturbing?

Me. I've got
a room upstairs

and I don't like
loud noises.

Now do I get the gun or do I
have to take it away from you?

You gotta take it
away from me.

Well, that's
all right, too.

Give it back to him
when he sobers up.

Whatcha doing,

making your own laws?

Any objections?


You know where to find me
when you want to make them.


I'm making 'em...
right now.

Anytime you say,


We'd better
get him upstairs.

I'll take him.
You get a doctor.

Get Doc Harley.
I'm gonna get Frame.

You know what
you've done, don't you?

You've flushed out
Frame Johnson.

You're the one
that kicked the chair over.

Think I want to see
you get killed, too?


It's Lute, Frame.
Frank Durling shot him.

- He's at my place.
- Is he hurt bad?

I'm afraid so.

Get the horses, Denver.

He's right outside.

It was fair and square.
Ask any man in here.

They all saw it.

How is he, Doc?

I'm sorry, Frame.

I guess I just wasn't
as good as you.

Don't talk crazy, Lute.

You're the best.


Frame, do something!

Nothing to do, Jimmy.

Doesn't look like we got
much to worry about

from the Johnsons.

Easy, Kid.

What are you
going to do?

What Frame
should have done.

Jimmy's out to get
Frank Durling.

Crazy kid!

Put it on my bill!

- Jimmy!
- What do you want?

Let Frame take care of it.
He knows what he's doing.

Sure he knows.
He always knows.

Now you stay
out of this

'cause this is
a family affair.

Well, right now
I feel like family.

They murdered him... no
matter what they call it.

Perhaps we're
at fault, too,

thinking that one man
could stand up alone

against a band
of thieves and murderers.

Here's Lute's badge.

Have you got
somebody for the job?

After this, I doubt if we
could get anybody to take it.

I'll take it.

Providing I can
do it my way.

Anything you say,
Mr. Johnson.

- I want an ordinance passed.
- An ordinance?

I want an ordinance
making it illegal

to carry firearms inside
the town limits of Cottonwood.

No guns? We'll be the
laughing stock of the West.

Those are my terms,
take it or leave it.

But how's a man going to
protect himself or his family?

That's up to the law.

And you think you can
handle it alone?

I think he can.

If that's what you want,
I'll go along with it.

We've got a quorum here.
How about it?

Well, it's worth a try.

All right, but I hope

we aren't making
a mistake.

We'll pass
your no-gun ordinance.

It may cause
a lot of trouble.

I'll take care
of the trouble.

But he'll have a gun,
won't he?

Of course, how else is he
going to enforce the peace?

That isn't
what bothers me.

I just hope we haven't
legalized a murder.

Cards are coming.

The gentleman wins
and the gambler loses.

Place your bets, boys.

- What's the limit?
- Anything you happen to be carrying around.

That could be a real
interesting game.

You'd probably
be disappointed.

Place your bet, mister.

Hit me.

I'll stand.

I'll take a hit.

Thought you was located
up Cottonwood way.

I was, but the whole
town blew up.

Somebody killed a marshal
named Johnson.

Hit me.

I said "hit me," miss.

- That's good.
- I'll take a card.

That's enough.

King and queen, 20.
Paying 21.

That's enough
for me.

Take over.

Buy you a drink, ma'am?

Thanks, but I make it a rule
never to drink at my own bar.

Your health.

You wouldn't happen to know that
marshal's first name, would you?

The one who got killed?

Yeah, it was Luther. His brother
Frame took over the badge.

Says he's going to clean up
the whole town.

Thanks. Give this gentleman
a drink on the house.

Mr. Sterling?

You still want
to buy the place?

- At my price?
- At your price.

It's a deal.

I'll meet you at the bank
in the morning.

Oh, Jeannie.
I'm glad you're selling.

Your father wouldn't have liked
to see you running a saloon.

It's the only thing
he left me.

I can't teach school
and I can't sew.

A girl has to make
a living someway.

"The Town Council
has met in solemn body

and decreed that starting
at noon this date,

April 23rd, 1882,

carrying a gun
in the township of Cottonwood

will be a misdemeanor,

punishable by a fine
or jail sentence, or both.

Signed: Judge Williams. "

Well, that's real sporting
of Mr. Johnson, ain't it?

First thing you know we'll
have to shave every day.

- He won't get away with it.
- Nobody's going to take my gun.

What's Johnson trying to do,
run this town?

Looks like your sign's
not very popular.

No guns,
huh, Marshal?

Well, in that case, I guess I'll
just have to get rid of my bullets.

You're under arrest.

- Me? What for?
- Breaking the law.

Your law don't go into effect
until noon. It says so right there.

I'm arresting him anyway.
All right, Durling, let's go.

Somebody get Kurt!

You can't hold me.
You're just wasting your time.

- I got lots of time.
- What's the charge?

- What was he doing?
- Defacing public property.

Since when is there
a law against that?

Since the inception of the Town
Charter, Local Ordinance 27,

which our sheriff has
seen fit to ignore.

You're getting awful law-minded
all of a sudden, Judge?

I've always been conscious
of the law, Mr. Elder.

It so happens
that at long last

we have found someone who is
willing to enforce it.

That's what
I'm talking about.

I don't like having someone
appointed over me in my jurisdiction.

As Chairman of the Cottonwood
Town Council,

I have the right
to appoint a marshal.

If you don't
like that law,

call the council together
and have it changed.

In the meantime,
I find you guilty

of violating Ordinance 27

and I fine you $50
or 10 days in jail.

- I won't pay it!
- Be reasonable, Judge.

You know no one pays any
attention to that old ordinance.

This time you've got a choice:
Pay the fine or go to jail.

- He's got it in for us...
- Shut up!

A law is a law. If you break
it, you pay the penalty.

Go on.

Is Jimmy
cooled off yet?

He's so mad he wouldn't
eat any of his food.

Good, too.

- Changed your mind, Kid?
- You know of any reason why I should?

He was my brother, too.

Gunning for Frank Durling
isn't going to help matters.

That's not the way I see it,
and if you let me out...

That's just
why you're in there.

And that's why you're
going to stay there

until you get some sense
through your head.

Craziest darn fool thing
I've ever heard of!

Charlie Walsh!

This the place
that takes the guns?

That's right, miss.
Right over there.

You know, this ain't
a bad law at that!

What's the matter
with you?

I never knew
she carried a gun.

Thank you,
Miss... Miss...

What's the matter, honey?

Got a short memory?

And I'll be seeing
you, too, Judge.

Better turn
those guns in.

We're only waiting
for the stage, Marshal.

You can get them back
when the stage leaves.

He'll take them
right in there.

But we're leaving town
in a little while!

That's all right!
How about you?

Shirts is my line, mister!

I don't even know
how to shoot a gun.

We'll be gone as soon
as the stage comes in!

- What name do I put on these?
- He was too drunk to know.

Anybody cause
any trouble?

No, but we're going to have
to hire somebody for this job.

- We've been swamped all morning.
- I'll give you a hand.

I'm trying to keep them
filed alphabetically.

It'll simplify these
when we go to give them back.

- What name do I put on it?
- Martin Kohler.

Martin Kohler.
Colt 45.

All right, what name
on this one?

Oh, just Jeannie.

- Jeannie!
- Hello, Frame!

- What are you doing here?
- I got tired of waiting.

Let's get out of here!

I'll be back!

Nice place, isn't it?

How did you wind up
in a fleabag like this?

Oh, I had a choice!

I could either stay here
or at the livery stable.

Well, I'm going to take
you out to the ranch!

It isn't fixed up quite
the way I wanted it,

but it's a big
improvement on this!

You might at least
kiss me first.

I might at that.

Jeannie, I have to tell
you something.

I heard about Lute,
if that's what you mean.

I took over his job
as marshal.

Why do you think
I came up here?

Oh, but you said once...

I know.

I said I wouldn't marry you
because every time

you went out into the street I'd
be afraid you'd never come back.

The odds haven't
improved any.

The odds never will.

You're big and you're ugly
and you're stupid,

and I happen
to be in love with you.

So, if you insist
on being a walking target

for every gunman
in Arizona,

I guess I'll have
to put up with it.

Took you a while
to find that out.

I've known it
for a long time.

But I kept hoping it was
something like measles

and maybe
I'd get over it.

You're going to make
a beautiful bride.

Hey, Denver!


You want something,

Yeah! I want to get out of here.

You know what Frame said.

He said he'd turn me loose if I promised

not to go gunning
for Frank Durling!

I ain't heard you
say anything yet!

Well, I'm promising,
right now.

I don't know, Jimmy.

Frame's gone on out
to the ranch.

Look, how can I go
gunning for anybody?

I haven't even got a gun.

By golly, you're right!

All right, Jimmy!

Now, if I was you, I'd head
right on out to the ranch.

That's just what I
figured on doing!

- You made me a promise, Jimmy.
- And I'll keep it!

I'm not going looking
for Frank Durling.

But I have a call to make
and I need a gun,

just in case
anything happens.

All right, you get
on back in the cell.

See you, Denver.


I didn't think you
were coming back!

I didn't have a chance. There
was some trouble in town.

I know. I heard them talk about it.

Frank killed
my brother, Lute.

You have to leave!
They'll kill you, too!

That's the reason I came out
here! You're going with me!

You want me
to come with you?

We could find a preacher
in the next town.

I wouldn't care, Jimmy.

Get your stuff together
and let's get out of here.

It won't take me long.

That's young
Johnson's horse.

Looks like he moved
in on your sister.

The young squirt!

Johnson! I told you
to keep away from her!

- I asked him to come!
- Shut up!

Drop your guns!

I said drop them.

Maria, get to the horses!

Go ahead!
I'll catch up with you!

All right, now,
back up to the wall!

You gonna let him
get away?!

This time I'm going to
let the law work for me!

Do you think it would help
if I talked to Jimmy?

I don't know.

He's got a right
to feel the way he does.

I wouldn't help Lute
when he asked me to.

If you want to blame
somebody, blame me.

I'm the one
that made you quit.

No. I quit
because I wanted to.

'Cause I was tired
of being a hired killer.

My only mistake
was in thinking

I could run away
from a reputation.

Maybe you didn't run
far enough.

Maybe I didn't.
I'm going in town.

I'll send Denver back
to stay with you.

I'm not afraid
to stay alone.

I've been alone
most of my life.

You won't be much longer.

I don't mind
waiting, Frame.

Just hurry back, huh?

I came to tell you, Frame,
I just killed Frank Durling.

- You young fool!
- It wasn't his fault!

- Frank was going to kill him! I saw it!
- Who's she?

- Maria Durling.
- Durling?!

I wanted you to know, I didn't
go gunning for him deliberately.

- Come on, Maria.
- Where are you going?

- We're headed for the border.
- No, you don't!

You're going to stay here
and stand trial.

What chance have I got of
getting a fair trial in this town?

I'll see that you get it.

You keep your law and order.
I'll take my chances in Mexico.

Don't start running, Kid.

I'll just have
to come after you.

Well, in that case, maybe I'd
better give myself a head start!

I'm taking him into town.
You two better come along.

It might not be safe
out here.

I've got a warrant for
the arrest of James Johnson

for the murder
of Frank Durling.

Who says it was murder?

He killed him in cold blood!
Never gave him

a chance to draw!
We all saw it!

That's a lie! Frank would've
killed him! I was there!

Were you, Maria?

There are three of us
who say you weren't!

Don't let them take him!

Who're you going
to believe, Marshal?

A girl that's in love
with a killer,

- or three eyewitnesses?
- I'll take the prisoner.

So we can find him
hanging from a tree?

- He's got to be held for trial.
- When's the trial?

First thing in the morning,
it'll be a quick one!

- I'll have the prisoner there.
- Oh, no, you don't!

- You'll turn him over to me right now!
- Fin!

Let him keep him!

I knew you hated Frank,

but I didn't think
you'd lie to save his killer!

You don't think he'll bring
the kid up for trial, do you?

Probably would,
but I don't want him to.

- You got the keys to the jail, Fin?
- Sure. Why?

Jed, tonight you go over
and let the kid out.

What are you talking about?

If the Judge thinks Johnson
turned his brother loose,

he won't be marshal
much longer.

- Who's there?
- Don't ask questions, Kid.

If you don't want to hang,
get out of town.

I got a horse
waiting for you outside.

Say, Marshal,

arresting your brother
certainly convinced the people

that you mean business
about law and order.

It's a great day
for Cottonwood.

I take it that ordinance
of yours doesn't include me.

After all, I am an officer
of the law.

That's a matter
of opinion.

Almost time
for the trial.

- I suppose the prisoner's here.
- He'll be here.

- What happened?
- Somebody probably let Jimmy out.

Go over to the jail
and get him, Fin.

- We can't stand around here all day.
- I said he'd be here.

He's your brother.
For all we know,

you could've turned him loose
last night. Go get him, Fin.

I wouldn't go
if I were you, Sheriff.

He might try to escape and
then you'd have to shoot him.

Denver: Frame!

- Where's Jimmy?
- I don't know.

Somebody came in last night, slugged
me over the head and let him out.

Man: Do you hear that?
The Johnson kid's escaped.

That's convenient,

All right,
round up a posse.

We'll get our guns back
and go get him.

Don't go any further,

Denver, I'm deputizing you
to keep peace while I'm away.

Shoot the first man
that gets through that door.

You're gonna defend
your brother all the way.

I said I was responsible
for the prisoner.

- I'm bringing him in.
- You expect us to believe that?

You see what he did?

Fixed it so his brother could
escape after he took our guns away

so we couldn't do
anything about it.

You've still got
your gun, Sheriff.

Why don't you do
something about it?

I got no personal quarrel
with you, Johnson.

I have. You've been riding
pretty high, Marshal.

It's about time somebody
cut you down to size.

I'm kind of looking
forward to it, Kurt.

Let's both of us
stay out of this.

- Frame!
- I'm all right.

- Get my horse.
- You're not going after Jimmy now!

What're you trying to
prove, Frame? Durling's dead.

- There's nothing to be gained.
- I said get my horse.

Let him go.
We know he's innocent.

Let him go
his own way in peace.

I said I'd bring him
in for trial.

Oh please, Frame!

Must you always think
like a marshal?

Can't you think like a
human being? Just this once?

I'm going alone.


It's the way he is.

You can't ask
a man to change.

It is finished.

Well, it took you
long enough.

I am not
a good blacksmith.

The shoe
had to be forged.

I'll take a bottle
of this stuff with me.

S?, senor.

But... but, senor!
You forgot to pay.

Senor! Oh.

Listen, men,
let's stop this talking.

Get your guns
and go after him!

The sheriff's right.
What're we waiting for?

Nobody gets their guns
till Frame gets back.

He's not coming back.
Why should he?

We want our guns, Judge.
Give us our guns.

Just a minute, men.

Don't you see what
the Sheriff's trying to do?

He's afraid Johnson
will come back.

That's what he's trying
to prevent.

That's not true. I'm just trying
to do my duty as a law officer.

Don't listen to Elder.
Now that Durling's dead,

he wants the town for
himself. Give Johnson a chance.

What do you say, miss? Is your
man coming back or ain't he?

He'll be back.

I say give
Johnson a chance.

Give him until
sundown tomorrow.

S?, senor, there was
such a man here.

Two, three hours
he stay.

His horse lost a shoe.
I had to make a new one.

He bought also a bottle
of tequila

which he forgot
to pay for.

Gracias, senor. Muchas gracias. Gracias.


Don't come
any closer, Frame.

I'm warning you!

We're going back, Jimmy.

No we're not!

You're gonna make
me do it, Frame!

It's no life, Jimmy.

Running all the time.

You got to stand up
and face it

if there's ever going to
be anything ahead for you.

Don't come any closer, Frame,
or I'll shoot!

I'm not drawing, Jimmy.

I'll never pull
a gun on you.

I mean it, Frame.
I'll kill you!


Frame, I didn't mean it.

Put the guns back, men!
Put them back!

You shouldn't do this, men!

It's against the law!

Hey look!

He's your prisoner, Judge.
Call off the dogs.

I'll get Doc Harley.

He's lost a lot of blood, but
it ain't going to kill him.

I'm still not riding in back.

You think any jury
will convict him now?

I'm not sticking around to find
out. I'm heading for California.

It's a long ride to make
alone. You got company.


It's all right, Jeannie.

Everything is all right now.

I'm taking it off
for good this time.

We got a lot
of ranching to do.

Doesn't look like he's
going to be much help to us.

Denver! We could use
a good ranch hand.

Sorry, ranching's
not my line.

Besides I figure business
ought to be picking up

back in Tombstone
along about now.
