Latitude Zero (1969) - full transcript

An American photo-journalist accompanies two Japanese scientists in a bathysphere to study the Cromwell Current deep in the mid-Pacific Ocean. Suddenly, a volcano erupts at close hand. Shock waves from the vent tear the diving bell loose from its research ship. The three men are saved by a high-tech submarine, the Alpha. Unbelievably, its captain, Craig McKenzie, is more than 200 years old and the sub was launched in 1805. With the stranded research crew aboard, it heads for its home port in the underwater Utopian city, Latitude Zero. A rival 200-year-old scientist, Dr. Malic, sends his Black Shark sub after them. When he fails to destroy it before it reaches Latitude Zero's protective shell, he designs a plan to lure McKenzie out again. He captures Dr. Okada, a Japanese scientist bound for their Latitude Zero, to bait his trap. McKenzie must penetrate Malic's base on Blood Rock to free him and his daughter. Malic has a host of human/ animal hybrids waiting to greet the intruders.


Longitude, one hundred eighty degrees.



The spring of 1969.

The largest oceanographic ship in the world,
the Japanese research vessel "Fuji"...

...has sailed eastward
from the Gilbert Islands to... area in the equatorial South Pacific
to investigate and analyze what is known... the Cromwell Current,
a subsurface stream flowing east from...

...New Guinea to the coast of Ecuador.

Why do they study it?

Because possibly it can be used
by submarines to increase speed...

...just as the jet stream is
used by high-flying aircraft.

Shall we go?


Dr. Ken Tashiro, physicist and
oceanographer is in command.

Aiding him is Dr. Jules Masson.

A French geologist and veteran
of many bathysphere expeditions.

Perry Lawton from Trans Globe News...

His story and photographs are to be
"pooled". That is, made available to...

...all the various news services.



I wasn't going to light up in here.
I just carry it to ease my mind.

This is control. How do you read us?

Loud and clear.
Just passing twenty fathoms.

How's the temperature?

Exterior water temp
two-zero degrees centigrade.

Bathysphere temp two-six.

We'll be pulling you up in twelve hours.
Have a good trip. Out.

Red lights increase vision
as we get deeper.

Check this!

The fish...

How come they're all going one way?

What'd you make of it?

Do they know something that we don't?

Turn on the searchlights.

Exterior water temp is one-five...

That's normal for this depth.

Hey! What's that coming at us?

Where are we?

-Looks like we were saved.

Hey, we don't have any scars either.

Look, they are all healed.

Glad to see you two are feeling better.
I'm Dr. Anne Barton.

Dr. Tashiro...

I'm Perry Lawton.

And your companion...what's his name?

Jules...Dr. Jules Masson.

He's okay?

We're taking care of him.
He's in a separate cabin.

When you feel up to getting dressed,
the Control Room's straight ahead.

Oh, I don't know whose camera it is,
but I put it there.

Doctor of medicine?

How do you feel?

Oh, nice to see you up and about.

You must be Dr. Tashiro...


I'm Captain Craig McKenzie.
Nice to meet you.

This is my assistant, Kobo.

Mr. Lawton...

Trans Globe...

Ah yes, all the news from pole to pole.

We do try.

How is Dr. Masson, sir?

Dr. Barton reported he is suffering
from shock and a cranial injury.

Is it bad?

Everything is being done to effect
his recovery as soon as possible.

This Dr. Barton looks so young!
She doesn't look much like a doctor.

Mr. Lawton, what's a doctor
supposed to look like?


Now, there...what is that?

That is the volcano that tore
you loose from your mooring.

Now you're seeing it from a viewing
scanner we have on the surface.

How close is it?

About ten miles away.

Our volcanologists have been
predicting this eruption for a month.

That's why we are here to observe it.

And that's why we happened
to observe your difficulty.

Had you been dropped two miles farther
south, you'd have been incinerated.

That's a pleasant thought.

Where are we?

What is this anyway?

This is the Alpha, a submersible.

An American nuclear sub?

Or Japanese?

No. Mr. Lawton, neither are we
American, Russian, British...

...nor any other nationality.

We are neutral.

You're neutral?

Look, a submarine like this has got to
come from somewhere. Now where?

-That's irrelevant.
-It can't be.

I'm a reporter. I do know
a story when I see one.

I imagine you do, but you can't
cable your editors from here.


The Alpha, launched June 21, 1805...

Stornaway Harbor, Hebrides...
that's in Scotland, isn't it?


That would make this submarine
a hundred sixty-four years old!

Can you believe that?

No way.

Neither do I.

Excuse me, Captain McKenzie.


This business about your submarine
being launched in 1805...

That's a put-on, isn't it?


I mean...a joke.


Captain, he's not responding.

I am afraid, we can't treat him
successfully aboard the Alpha.

You know the importance of
this observation, don't you?

-How urgent is this problem?
-Very urgent.

The shock factor is manageable, but...

...he suffered some internal injuries
requiring care we're not equipped to give.

Then you recommend
we call off this mission?

If he's to live.

What are you gonna do now, Captain?
Toss a coin?

-Kobo, set course to El-zee.
-Yes, Captain.

Hello, El-zee, this is the Alpha.

Go ahead, Captain McKenzie.

We are aborting the mission.

Alert Rehabilitation Clinic to pick up
injured man as soon as we dock.

That is all.


Frank speed.

Yes, Captain.

How fast are we going?

A shade under eighty knots.

Now if you'll excuse me...

Dock at Latitude Zero?

That's where the Equator and
International Date Line cross.

But there's no land there.



Come quickly!

Have our agents finally
kidnapped Dr. Okada?

No word from them, but look!

McKenzie is leaving the volcano.

Kroiga, this is Malic.

I am here, my lord, Malic.

The Alpha is northeast of you,
on course for Latitude Zero.

It would please me if you
intercepted and destroyed it.

Your wish is my command, my lord.

We're near enough to
get McKenzie this time.

You should reach the Alpha
within the quarter hour.

Do your best, little one.

McKenzie will be destroyed.

This I promise, my lord.

And your reward shall
be waiting, little one.

Your jealousy is showing.

I can't help it. I just hate that woman.

Don't be silly. She's useful to us.

You're the only woman I keep with me.

Please get rid of her and let
Ching take over the Black Shark.

I will, eventually...
after she destroys the Alpha and McKenzie.

Later, Lucretia, when we have
something to really celebrate.

The Black Shark.

Is it going to attack?

It always has. Turn off the lights.


Do you have anything to fight it with?

We have nothing as
powerful as what it has.

It's faster than us as well.

It's a matter of how to escape.

Go up twenty meters.

Maybe that avalanche caught them.

Prepare search missiles!

Search missiles ready!

Those aren't torpedoes!

No, they are search missiles.

They follow our heat path.

Kobo, activate the icing equipment.

Yes, Captain.

It doesn't work, Captain.

Do something! Will you!

McKenzie has increased
the mobility of the Alpha.

He's forever changing
something on that damned boat!

Your "little one" is no match for him.

Don't underestimate her
just because you dislike her.

She was stupid!

If those missiles had backfired,
she could have cost us the Black Shark.

Trying to get close up to use
their laser cannon, I would guess.

Another sub!

No. That's a ghost image of us.


How ingenious!

It must be a projection
device of some kind.

Of course! But which is the real Alpha
and which is the image?

How bloody inventive that McKenzie is!

I have done it!

I have finally done it!

Did she do it?

That's what McKenzie
would like us to believe.


He has made a fool of her.

She shouldn't have fired
those missiles so soon!

How did you do that?

Well, not exactly with mirrors,
Dr. Tashiro.

Top speed!

Ram it!

What's that glow?

That's the light of our artificial sun.

Sun? Under the sea?

Kobo, turn on the equalizers.

Yes, Captain.

Faster! Faster!

I'm sure Kroiga did her best.

She shouldn't have failed...

Order the Black Shark
back to Blood Rock.

Then contact our agents in Japan and
find out about kidnapping Dr. Okada.

I better get back to my patient.

What happened to the Black Shark?

The electronic shield of light
prevents entry into Latitude Zero... all vehicles except the Alpha
and a few others that have...

...equalizing equipment.

It's a sort of regular electric
fence around your ranch, right?

In a sense, yes.

-Kobo, take over, please.
-Yes, Captain.

Who does the Black Shark belong to?

To an evil genius named Malic,
and his companion Lucretia.

The captain of the Black Shark
is a woman named Kroiga.

Formidable opponent.
More skillful than most seamen.

Where's this Black Shark from?

Malic's base at Blood Rock. It's an
island some distance north of here.

And you're always at war
with each other?

He lives up to his name. In one archaic
language "Malic" means murderer.

If it wasn't for the efforts of Latitude Zero,
he might have taken over your world...

...a century ago.

A century ago?

Yes, we were students.

We were friends then,
but he chose one path...I another.

Wait, just a minute.

Are you saying that you and he were
students together over a century ago?


What? Just how old are you?

Well, since you question everything,
I don't expect you to believe this...

...or much of anything else
you're about to see.

I am two hundred and four years old.

Malic is now two hundred and three.

How about Dr. Barton...

How old does that make her?

Mr. Lawton.

Even in Latitude Zero, gentlemen
do not discuss the age of a lady.

We'll be docking soon.

Are we actually at
the bottom of the sea?

Yes, a little more than
eleven thousand fathoms.

Is taking pictures here forbidden?

Not at all.

Oh good, because nobody's gonna
believe me unless I show them pictures.

They might not even believe me anyway.

Gently, Kobo.


-Is he all right?
-He will be better soon.

I'll go with him to the
Rehabilitation Clinic.

Is that electrically operated?

Yes. We have no internal
combustion machines here.

So no smog.

Kobo, report the malfunction of
the icing equipment and have...

...the R and D people make the modifications
on the bow rudders I requested.

Yes, Captain.

Now, I'll take you to the Great Hall.

This is a model of Latitude Zero.

Here's the Great Hall where we are now.


Who does it all belong to?

To the people who live here.

But who runs it?
Nothing can operate all by itself!

Mr. Lawton, are you skeptical by
nature or because of your profession?

I'm a realist.

We are the realists.

That's why we're not political here.

Politics are only needed by people
incapable of running their own lives.

I'm sorry.

Quite all right.

Here you go.


Welcome home, Craig!
How was the volcano?


Professor Bella, a nuclear physicist.

He's made many contributions
to our sunshine.

Now we can get much more Vitamin D.

Comes up six o'clock in the morning
and dims down at eight at night.

Please, change my name to Alice.

I didn't take a ride in a bathysphere.
I just fell through the looking glass.

Mr. Lawton, you can be very good
company when you aren't glowering.

Thank you.

Dr. Karnack!

Don't you look fine today.

Dr. Karnack?

Karnack? The Russian mathematician?


He was reported killed in an
air crash five or six years ago!

Dr. Tashiro seemed to understand
what I tried to explain about Latitude Zero.

But Perry Lawton found it
difficult to accept.

But he appreciated that the
variety of architectural styles... our residential area represented
international tastes...

...and reflected the desire to preserve
what was good from the past.

Are you trying to tell us
that nobody down here ever...

...raises his voice or has an argument?

Of course we all do, but arguments are
to solve problems, not bolster egos.

Do you understand that, Doctor?

-Yes, I do.
-All right.

Does everybody down here
wear gold clothing?

We use a good deal of it.

You mean there are gold mines here?

Oh, no. We extract if from sea water.

It's inexpensive and very practical.

It's getting dark. I'll take you
to the bachelor apartments.

You can eat your dinner there
and have a nice rest.

Captain McKenzie, where exactly
is Jules Masson now?

He is right here.
He's in this Rehabilitation Clinic.

Everything is near normal.

You see, the cranial bruise
has already healed.

The lung puncture has closed.

The broken ribs have knitted quickly.

The new narrow injections promote
healing in a miraculously short time.

Really nothing to be concerned about.

All he now requires is ample sleep.

When can he be released, Dr. Sugata?

In the morning.

Goodnight, Dr. Barton.

'Night, Dr. Sugata.

Come in.

Excuse me.

Here's the bathroom.

Tomorrow morning this closet
will be full of fresh clothing.

The YMCA was never like this.

Here's the bed.

Captain McKenzie!
Is this what I think it is?

A diamond.

Is it real?

Everything in Latitude Zero is real.

Do you mind if I take a few
of those stones, Captain?

Take all you like.

We only use them for
abrasive or cutting tools.

That's their only real value to us.

Why are you sweating?

Because I never was an
instant millionaire before!

Thank you very much, Captain McKenzie!

Don't mention it.

All right.

Goodnight, gentlemen.
I'll see you in my office tomorrow.

You can't have everything.


No moon, no stars in the sky.

Those people McKenzie talked to,
or about, they had disappeared...

...or they were reported missing
and finally presumed to be dead.

Maybe we're in Paradise
and don't even know it.

Oh, come on now! I'm serious!

You know what, McKenzie
and some of his cronies...

...could've kidnapped those people
and brought them down here.

And they brainwashed them
into working for him as slaves.

You're out of your head.

And now he's trying to brainwash us!
You act like he's already gotten to you!

He sure has.

Or maybe while we were
still out, we were given...

...some sort of injections that
might have caused hallucinations!

Oh, come on! Perry.

No, I mean it.

When we come to, we might find we're
just another exhibit in Marine land.

What's McKenzie up to now?

He's doing something to the Alpha.

Every change he makes in it also
makes him more difficult to destroy.

If only there was some way
to puncture that dome...

You know there's no way of doing that!

We must get him away from there
if we're ever going to get him.

This is Malic...
From Tokyo? Go ahead.

Dr. Okada has escaped?


I'm not interested in why or how
you failed to kidnap him in Tokyo.

When did he sail?

What's the route?

Report to our agent in Osaka
and wait for further orders.

Dr. Okada and his daughter
sailed from Yokohama last night.

The ship is bound for Honolulu,
then San Francisco.

Are Latitude Zero agents with him?

I don't know.

But, we've got to get Okada here.

Killing two birds with one stone...

I'll get the secret of his immunized
radiation formula and also use him as bait!

Don't you see?

I'll make sure McKenzie finds out
Okada is here on Blood Rock...

...then when he comes to rescue him,
it'll be the end of McKenzie!

Yes. So we will lure him to come to us.

That's the idea, Lucretia.

Now contact Kroiga for me.

She has one more mission to perform
before I "retire" her from service.

I'm very grateful to you for
saving my life, Captain McKenzie.

Not at all, Dr. Masson.
She talked me into it...

-Good morning.
-Good morning, Captain McKenzie.

-Jules! You look fine!

Why shouldn't I?
Look who's been taking care of me.

Well, they sure got you
up and around fast!

Medical science here is so advanced.
They were just minor injuries for them.

What's this thing?

This is a model of
our special vehicles...

...which will be used for transporting
our Project Teams to and from...

...Latitude Zero.

From where?

From all over the world.

For instance, this is
the Project Team Three.

The chemist is Sir Morris Polley.

But, he defected to the Communists!

So the Western Press reported.

The Communists said nothing...

...preferring to let the West believe
he indeed had defected to them.

The truth is the Project Team
brought him here where...

...he's on pure science
instead of "profitable" science.

What if he decides he'd
rather go back to London?

Oh, we will take him home.

That young man is from
Project Team Eight.

The man with him is
Sergey Kievsky, the biologist.

I thought he took
political asylum in Canada.

So you read...

The Communists wrote he had taken
his family on a holiday to Egypt.

Actually, he is here.

Here is Dr. Okada.

This was shot three years ago
when he received the Nobel Prize.

Every nation in the world tried to
lure him into working for them...

...or steal his discovery.
Malic is one of them.

These men are from
Project Team Fourteen...

...when they explained Latitude Zero
to him and his daughter.

That was last month.

And where are they now?

They are on their way to Hawaii by ship
to meet members of the Project Team.


The ship will radio for help.

Aid may come before Kroiga can
get to them aboard the Black Shark.

That's so none will risk firing for
fear of injuring our noted guest.

Besides, I think we can
count on Kroiga this time.

Captain, what's this Okada
done that's so important?

He developed a serum that can
immunize against radiation.

No wonder every nation wants it.

Any one government could immunize
its own population and destroy...

...all opposition with nuclear weapons.

That's why Dr. Okada has
refused to reveal his formula.

But even if these scientists here in
Latitude Zero invent something brilliant... is it going to benefit mankind
if you keep the invention down here?

We've been thinking about that as well.

To encourage new discoveries,
we often secretly give...

...our scientific data to the
medical laboratories of the world.

The passenger liner en route
from Japan to Honolulu was...

...stopped on the high seas by a mysterious
submarine, identity not established.

And the Nobel Prize-winning bacteriologist,
Dr. Shogoro Okada and...

...his daughter, Tsuruko, were forcibly
taken from the ship by hostile...

...persons unknown.

...the kidnapping of the famous
scientist is intolerable!

At this very moment, our Ambassador
to the United Nations is...

...protesting to the Secretary
General about the high-handed act...

...of piracy of the United States.

...identity of the submarine
has not yet been confirmed.

But since it was not American...

...the evidence indicated it may have
been either of Soviet design or..

...a new aggressive step by Red China.
At the present time...

Any report from Project Team H?

Team H from Hawaii. Standby.

This is Yankton.

We have completed the arrangement
to bring the identical substitutes to SF... cover Dr. Okada and
his daughter's disappearance...

...after taking them to El-Zee.

We're now waiting for instructions.

None now. Stay put.

No! I will tell you nothing!

Dr. Okada, you judge us wrongly.

If you'd stayed on that ship, you would
have spirited away to Latitude Zero...

...never to be heard from again.

We are willingly going to that place.

I see.

If that's your desire, I'll see to it
that you get there... soon as you give me the
formula for the immunization serum.


Well, you're probably too upset
to think clearly right now.

Take a little rest, and
then we'll talk again.

Please, Doctor and Tsuruko-san.

Do I get a reward for
having brought them to you?

Of course, little one.
Just what did you have in mind?

To be alone with you.

It's been a long time.

Too long.

Come with me. I'll take you
where we can be together.


Wait in here, little one.

Oh, no!


Let me out, please!

What's that noise? What happened to her?

Nothing yet.

This way, please.

Please, this is our guest room.

You can rest here, Doctor,
and think about my proposition.

I will not cooperate
with you at any time.

Oh, you may change your mind.

They are my creations.

They will keep you company
for the next twelve hours.

Convince your father to cooperate,
or I'll turn you into a creature like that.

No, no...

You're a monster!

No, I am a genius.

If you continue to be
obstinate, Dr. Okada... will force me to get
your formula in my own way... surgically removing your brain,
and then dissecting its memory bank.

That's impossible!

Not for me.

You have twelve hours.

Now to let McKenzie know
that I have Dr. Okada...

It's originating from this building!

Yes, it's Okada.

How convenient that they
supplied him with a homing device.

Very good. It saves me the trouble
of telling McKenzie where Okada is.

-That will bring him here.
-Exactly what I want.

We're getting a signal on 87.4.
We'll have its location in a moment.

-This is McKenzie.
-Yes, Captain.

Have the modifications on the Alpha
I requested been completed?

The work is done, but testing will
require at least another day.

No time for testing.
She must be ready within one hour.

Thank you.

The signal is stabilized, therefore
they can't be on the Black Shark.

They have to be on Blood Rock.

No land or island shows at that point.

Small islands aren't shown on maps.

How is Dr. Okada sending a signal?

We gave him a homing device
before he left Tokyo.

Gentlemen, I had planned to return you to
the surface today, but it'll have to wait.

Anne, we'll select three men to
go with us on this rescue attempt.

What's the matter with us?

We're only alive because you saved us.

We know how to dive. Let us go with you.

I wouldn't miss it.

I must warn you the dangers
will be very great.

So, how do we start preparing for them?

You may need a doctor, Captain?

All right, but you'll remain
aboard the Alpha.

First, to the Bath of Immunity.

The bath of what?

Don't ask me.

Now, you see, Gentlemen,
that's how it's done.

The immunity only lasts
for twenty-four hours.

Submerge for a count of three.

Uh, ladies first.

I think you'd better go first.

You know, I thought
we would look like Easter Eggs.

-You'd better be tested too.

Hey, look...

Ah, me?

I've been hit harder
with ping pong balls.

These are made of Corvexo...
an alloy of gold and platinum.

Impervious to all temperatures.

Hats are just an added precaution,
but you'd better put them on.

Then, we'll board the Alpha.

-Mr. Lawton.
-Thank you.

Have you changed your mind, Dr. Okada?


Do you expect to be rescued?

The people of Latitude Zero
already know where we are.

I certainly hope so. They've had
ample time to pinpoint your location.

I didn't take that homing device
away from you on purpose.

This is it.


Much less obvious than others.

But they've served their purpose.

Bring them to the operating room.

El-zee, El-zee, this is the Alpha.

-This is El-zee.
-Are you still hearing the homing device?

It stopped, twelve seconds ago.

Please, don't!

Please, no, Malic...

No, no, please...Malic!


No, Malic, help me!

Malic, don't...

You're a monster...a fiend...damn you!

I hope you die...die...die...

While we're waiting for the arrival of
your benefactor, I'll demonstrate my skill.

I am going to create a creature that
will kill Captain McKenzie for me.

This is the Helio Elevation Belt.

Rocket-powered, it permits a person to
climb to high altitudes very quickly.

Here is the safety.

Here's the trigger.

Now these are dangerous
and diverse weapons.

In the fingers.

The first finger emits a jet of fire.

-A miniature flame-thrower?

The second finger releases
a paralyzing gas...

...that immobilizes but does not kill.

But it won't immobilize ourselves?

The Bath of Immunity and
Corvexo suit will prevent that.

The third finger discharges a
laser beam that is lethal up to... hundred meters.

Each finger is fired by
its own switch on the wrist.

Under no circumstances are you to use any
of these weapons unless I specifically...

...give you the order.

I can't stand it! No!

Can you see?

The brain of this lion.

Your doctors are so elated that
they have finally been able to...

...transplant organs
from one human to another.

That's child's play.

I'm now going to transplant a human
brain into the head of this lion.

My God, no! Don't kill that woman!

Think of it, Dr. Okada, a
human's brain in a savage beast!

It will be able to understand
and obey my orders.

Ah, what a marvelous creature
this is going to be!

I beg you.
Don't do such a terrible thing!

I'll give you the formula.
Only stop this, and let her go!

It's too late, Doctor.

There is a ledge below at eighty feet.

After we leave, submerge and
let the Alpha settle on it.

The Alpha has surfaced
beside the cliff wall.

Administer the anesthetic to the condor.

You are to remain on that ledge...

...until you receive a radio signal
from me to surface.

If you fail to receive
that signal by dusk... are to return to
Latitude Zero immediately.

Is that understood? Immediately.

Yes, Captain.

Be careful.


Malic, look!

McKenzie has arrived!

Now watch and see what happens
to him and his little group.

The moon looks a lot more
inviting than this place.

Captain, you've never been here before?

First time.

How are we going to find Dr. Okada?

Could be in that tower.

It looks like this is the way down.

My legs...

What is this?

It's a strong magnetic force.

It has locked the lever
on our elevation belts!


Kobo, try to pull us out. One at a time.

They're getting loose!


Be quiet. This is important.

Kroiga, do you hear me?

You see, Dr. Okada! My new
creation even knows its name!

And this amplification serum will increase
the size of it at least three times.

All within a few minutes.

Kroiga! Come here!

It cannot be...
a beast with the brain of a human!

Go! Find McKenzie and kill him!

Yes! Kill McKenzie!

You understand? Kill him!

Now Dr. Okada, it is your turn.

No, no!

Silence her!


Doctor, doctor!

Are you all right?

I suppose you should be all right.

You're right.


Go back to the entrance of the tunnel!

Let's go through this space.

Maybe we can wade across.

I'll go.

Let's get his boots off, Ken.


Captain, Captain!

Can you walk?

I'm okay.

Jules, get back here.

Grab him. Two on each side.

Activate your elevation belts!



Kroiga was a fool as a woman.
Is she also a fool as a griffin!?

Shall we start, Dr. Okada?

Please, please don't hurt my father!

-Break the lock, Kobo.
-Yes, Captain.

Pass me a syringe.




Forgive me.

I didn't mean to kill you.

I know.


Kill him!

Ah! Malic!

Thank you!

Thank you.




-Are you Captain McKenzie?
-We'll talk later, Dr. Okada.

Malic has escaped.

We must hurry back to the Alpha.


This is Dr. Okada, and this is Tsuruko.
Dr. Barton will assist you.

Nice to meet you.

Where's Jules...Dr. Masson?

He's still up there
with Kobo and Mr. Lawton.

We have to go back to help them down.

-Are they all right?
-Yes, but Malic has escaped.



Is that what I think it is?

The Black Shark!

Let's go!

Inside, everybody!


Try to overcome this force, my friend!

We are being pulled by a
strong magnetic force.

We're in a magnetic field
coming from that cliff!

-Prepare the laser gun.
-Yes, sir.

I'm going to destroy the Alpha and
everyone on her, piece by piece!

-Cling to something...
-What's going to happen?

We'll test a modification
made just before we left.

Kobo, activate bow rudders.

Yes, Captain.

If this works, we're going to fly.


Now or never.



Shoot it down! Shoot it down!


Out of my way!

Sir! We are being pulled to land!

Don't bother me!

How ironic. It looks like the Black Shark
has been caught in the magnetic field!

Sir, look out!

We did it!

I've told them goodbye and I wished them
luck which I figure they've already found.

A logical conclusion
for a good reporter.

Have a chair.

Thank you.

I suppose you're anxious to
get back to your own world.

Well, with the terrific story I've got,
plus the pictures to prove it...

...and a tobacco pouch full of diamonds,
it's the only place to go.

Uh, Captain McKenzie...

You said everything invented down here
is used for the benefit of mankind, right?

When are you going to let the rest
of the world know about this secret?

Mr. Lawton, unfortunately we don't know.

But we do believe that the day all men
in the world live in harmony will come.

Until then, we must
continue our work here.

Kobo, arrange to return
Mr. Lawton to the surface.

Yes, Captain.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Captain, excuse me.

How much longer before the
spacecraft splashes down, Captain?

The American officers aboard tell us
that re-entry should begin at...

...eleven hundred hours.

Raft adrift off starboard bow, sir!

Oh, over there!

I've told you already.

Dr. Tashiro and Dr. Masson
decided to remain in Latitude Zero.

I told the captain...

-At the bottom of the ocean?
-Yeah, it's the truth!

Those scientists who we think are dead...

...are alive and studying
down there. I saw them!

What is this?

He seems to think I'm Dr. Tashiro.

If you please, Gentlemen...

I'll be in the radio room
with It. Hastings.

Thank you.

What are you doing here?

I'm temporarily assigned
to this ship to observe the...

...pick-up of a space-craft,
Commander Glenn McKenzie.

You look exactly like
Captain Craig McKenzie.

Now, you can see for yourself
the pictures I took!

-Nothing on this film.



That's his lousy darkroom
that ruined my film.

I took pictures of everything there.

Wait a minute!

I can prove it to you.

You see this...

It was full of diamonds.

Captain McKenzie gave them to me.

I come from a long line of McKenzies.

But I don't know anyone in my family who
was rich enough to give away diamonds.

It. Hastings, bring a corpsman
to the wardroom.

Right, sir.

Thank you.

Until this mission is completed,
you will be cared for in a sick bay.

But I'm not sick!

You are all so hung up
on exploring space.

You're not even interested in learning
about a miracle that exists on our own planet.

When this miracle that
you have seen is demonstrated...

...we'll be most interested, Mr. Lawton.

Here's the patient, It. Hastings.

But you...

-Bring him to a sick bay.
-Yes, sir.

Telegram, Captain.

It's from New York Bank to Perry Lawton.

Listen to this...

"Have received six hundred karats
of diamonds from unknown sender...

"...instructing we hold for safe
keeping pending your return."

How did they know
he was aboard this ship?

At any rate, he is
the richest man aboard.

Here is one from SOPAC, sir.

The rendez-vous area is now Tango X-Ray
for splash-down of the spacecraft.

Ask the captain to change course.


Longitude one seven six.

One seven six.



