Lady Killer (1937) - full transcript

Lucien Bourrache, a good looking non-commissioned officer at the Spahis, is used to charm many women. He met Madeleine Courtois at Cannes. She is beautiful and lives in luxury. He lends her a large amount of money, which she loses gambling. Then she drops him. But Lucien is now in love, and once demobilized, he goes to Paris to find her again. But he's not so sexy without his uniform, and Madeleine and him do not belong to the same milieu. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

Here come the joys,
the joys of madame!

Oblivion! Here come the joys.
Here comes oblivion.

Are you going
to open that door now?

This is no accident.

You locked
it on purpose I'm sure.

Putting varnish all over your nails,
going to the hairdresser too.

Elegant stuff!

Don't get overexcited;
you'll spill the burgundy.

You've been loafing around in
your slippers for eight days now.

When the boys return from maneuvers
it starts reaking like a perfume shop.

Keeping myself well-groomed
is a professional duty.

And I asked you
to slice the sausage!

That's a real professional duty.

- Your place is at the cash register.
- You're jealous now?

What if I were?

One blast of the bugle
and you're running like mad.

Listen, they'll march
by here anyway.

Go on, amuse yourself, behave like
a tramp, you'll see what comes of it.

Ladies Hairdresser

- Where is he? I don't see him.
- That's him, the second to the right,

that's "Gueule d'Amour".

Look at this little masterpiece,
it arrived during maneuvers.

From a very respectable widow.
I've dined at her place. Rather badly.

"Colonel, it's my duty to inform you
that during the last six months,

"I've had to change
maids nine times.

"I chose young ones and
others that were rather ripe,

"but a certain 'Gueule d'Amour,'
serving in your regiment,

is driving them all crazy.

"Hoping that you'll intervene, etc..."

Signed the "widow" Duchamps, found-
ress of the Soldiers' Entertainment Club.

Yes, I already got
several of the same kind.

- You threw them into the garbage can?
- Of course.

Bourrache is an exemplary officer:

punctual, level-headed.

He pleases women - what
can you do about that ...

He's 'Gueule d'Amour,'
everyone calls him that.

Quartermaster Bourrache
reporting, sir.

Have him come in!

After all, I must
give him a warning.

Step forward.

Bourrache, you'll have finished
your duty in three months.

- Yes, sir.
- Do you intend to re-enlist?

No sir.


would it be too much
to ask you to leave

the fair sex alone for a while?

I'm getting written complaints.

Can't you at least leave the maids
of Madame Duchamps alone?

- She is the one complaining?
- Correct.

This is really too much!

You know, Commander, that
Mme. Duchamps founded

the Soldiers' Entertainment Club
and the library.. - Yes.

Why, I liked that a lot.
I love reading books.

But what you may not know
is that all the books aren't

in the library. Some
of them are at Mme Duchamps'.

Those I was looking for, mainly.

So you went there often...

Certainly, because I'd started
on the complete works of Dumas.

I observed that Mme Duchamps was...
I acted as if I saw nothing else.

But her maids
were looking at me.

Then she fired them right away.

And then one day Mme Duchamps
pulled out all the stops

Sir, I've been in Africa
and I've seen some tough women.

But for the first time in my life
I was afraid, sir.

Yes, afraid of the widow Duchamps.

I didn't complain to you in writing,

I'll tell you again that I'm only
asking you to restrain yourself.

...and to read a little less.

You may go on break.

Thank you, commander.


I see you're still walking
around like your adjutant, eh?

This time there's a
mistake: I just did my

rounds with a boil, and
now it's pinching me.

It's pinching you? Come with me;
I'm going to the infirmary.

-So, does that hurt?
-Yes, a lot.

-That's what it takes.
-And I have an appointment with a mouse.

-Put another one there.
-Is that necesssary?

For what you have? No. But for symmetry,
you understand? It'll spread all over. ???

Come in!

Good morning, Major.
How are you feeling?

Oh, Lucien! Good to see you.
Everything went well?

Shut up. What a shithole. I'm happy to be
back. Are we having dinner tonight?


I'm going to my quarters. Meet me there, and
then we'll go and get plastered.

Yes, I'll meet you there in 5 minutes.

-Well, I've brought you a patient.
-What does he have? What is it?

-A boil.
-Ah, ok, one second. Sit down.

-That's exactly what I can't do.
-I see. Take off your pants.

-Mr. Lady Killer!
-What is it, my dear?

-I want to go dancing tonight.

-Does that sound good to you, too?
-Yes, it does, but we need a permit.

Oh, mom won't know a thing.

No, a permit from the colonel.
He's very strict.

You have apply in writing,
he'll forward it to the Ministry...

...and if all goes well,
after 2 weeks, you'll get an answer.

Don't overtire yourself.

It's a good bed, my friend.
Especially when one is alone.

This doesn't smell like Ninas (cheap brand of cigar ???)
That's first class stuff!

- Take them, they're on the table.
- A little present?


I found it there, with other things
and piles of letters.

Yes, here are some.
Are they amusing?

It's been a while
since that stuff made me laugh.

I haven't even opened them.

- Go on, pity yourself!
- Do you want some mousseux? (bubbly sparkling wine ??? )

I won't say no, old man.

What are those women
writing about, I wonder?

The same old stories,
I guess.

They're alone,
they're bored.

It's when I'm with them
that I am bored.

All that isn't worth
one good buddy, believe me.

Say, can I open this?

The little mauve one? Go ahead if
you like - she didn't send a present.

- Well, little mauve one sends you 100 francs.
- No kidding?

It'll cost me a tenner
to send them back to her.

Here you go, your health.

Thank you.

Is it drinkable?

You keep that for polishing buttons.
It's copper water.

All right, I understand.

Come on, my little man,
we'll have us some

lobster at old Cailloux's.

At old Cailloux's?
What if you meet his wife...?

I don't care about his wife,
all I'm interested in is the lobster.

I'm warning you right now,
don't count on me for the bill.

On me neither,
but don't worry,

we'll manage somehow.

- Let's go anyway and see what'll happen.
- Yeah, enough of deprivation.

You can say that again,
my good man.

Old Cailloux's lobster,
you know...

Hey, what do you know!

The glory of it!

They got 200 like that.
It's being sold all over the county.

- Does it pay at least? - Well,
you know, author's rights and all that.

Old Touche has contacted me
for a series on horseback and in color.

You'll end up
getting dizzy.

You're mad.

Did you see that?

- You could've let me
believe that look was for myself!

- Good day, gentlemen.
- Good evening, Madame.

- Hold on, here's Gueule d'Amour.
- Good evening, good evening.

Good evening, gentlemen.

- Here?
- Yes.

- Place settings for the two gents?
- No thank you, we're not dining.

Ingrate, you could
have said one kind word to me!

Two quarts of Vichy water.

- Eight days without a word from you.
- I just got in and I'm here, aren't I?

- To taunt me?
- But no, for much simpler reasons.

Your husband,
your husband...

Felix, put the Pouilly on ice and
the Chateau-Neuf to room temperature.

I'm serving the lobster.

- That smells good.
- It does.

You'll tell me the news
about that one.

- Ready?
- Go ahead, attack

Say, doc, don't
you think it's dangerous

to eat lobster in this heat?

I wouldn't risk it myself.

You see, it's always the civilians
who have the greatest courage.


What are they saying?

Oh, just some military jokes,
don't pay any attention.

It smells funny.

You think this lobster
smells funny?

I cut it up alive, Monsieur!
And boiled it in brandy.

You think it smells funny?

You remember the last time;
we got screwed.

I say, gentlemen!

You come here to have two quarts of Vichy
and you permit yourselves...

So one doesn't have the right to
reminisce anymore?

You have, but to claim this lobster
isn't fresh, really...

- It smells like potato starch.
- It smells like...?

Like potato starch you say?
The sauce was built with fresh cream!

Here you go,
stick your noses in there.

Well, are your noses blocked?

The smell isn't bad,
but what about the taste?

I won't allow to have
my cooking put in doubt.

I'll make you taste it.

- But we're not hungry.
- Just a bit. Felix!

- But we're not hungry.
- Just a bit!

Felix! Two plates.

No thanks, it's not worth it
when it's just to get sick.

A bottle of Pouilly
and two glasses!

This is too much! I'm calling
everyone to be my witness!

And if these two have a sense of decency,
they'll recognize their error.

We're doing this only
to make you happy, you know.

You're getting the best pieces ...
You say my lobster is bad?

I'll stuff you
until your stomach bursts.

My lobster is bad?
This is too much!

So, you sent
for quartermaster Bourrache?

Here he is, sir.

Bourrache, I received
another notice about you.

Another one?

You know,
in those small towns,

people don't know what to do,

But this time,
it's not from a lady.

It's from a notary..

A notary?

When your aunt died,
you asked for

two days leave
to attend her funeral, in Cannes?

I think I owed that to her,

You did owe her that.

And you profited by of those two days
to go ... where?

Well sir,
I don't like funerals,

whether I followed the procession or not,
that wouldn't have changed anything.

So I took advantage of the two days
to go up to Lyon.

Your aunt's notary
wanted to see you.

She left some small debts,

but this is ...

She left you 10,000 francs.

And he wrote to ask
if you were also dead.

He must be reassured, sir,
he must be reassured right away!

- Mandelieu, that's near Cannes,
isn't it? - It is.

- In a day, you can go down there
and come back? - Yes I can.

- I'm granting you 24 hours leave.
- Thank you, sir.

But not for Lyon, eh!

For Cannes.

Monsieur... Monsieur!

- I'd like to send an urgent telegram.
- The forms are on the desks.

I need money.

I've just left the casino,
I don't have another penny.

Could I give my watch as deposit?

No, that's prohibited.

But there's a jeweler across the street,
open all night,

- they will help you out.
- Thank you.

M. Jean Pierre Moreau, [...]
Send urgently forty thousand


If I were you, I'd ask for sixty.

10,000 more or less,
what's the difference ...

A good idea, thank you.

For other people's telegrams,
one always finds the text easily.

I must admit I'm having
big difficulties with mine.

You don't expect me
to write it for you?

That would suit me very well,
only I don't know...

if you know how to warn
your commanding officer

that you've missed your train.

"Sorry to have missed my train."

He'd think
I was taking him for a fool.

- "Delighted to have missed my train."
- Well, he'd take that rather badly.

"Missed my train,
taking the next one."

But you see, the next one
leaves in an hour.


So, it seems to me
that I shall miss that one as well.

Because of what?

Because of you.

I'm sure you want
to get some fresh air

and afterwards
have some refreshments, right?

What would
the commanding officer say?

What a commanding officer
would say in such a case,

I couldn't possibly
repeat to a lady like you.

- Will you be punished?
- At least I'll know why...

Come on.

Allow me,
let's dispatch that, ok?

If you like.

Telegram please.

Is the name
Jean-Pierre Moreaux or Moreux?

- Is it Moreaux or Moreux?
- Moreaux.


- You've been gambling, haven't you?
- For an hour, to distract myself.

- Are you bored here?
- Does that surprise you?

There's the sea, the boats,
people passing by.

I'm bored everywhere.

Maybe because
you are too beautiful...

and that you're getting too easily
what you desire.

But this observation
of yours is not dumb at all!

There are even men
in a uniform

who have some common sense.

For example, a bit earlier,
at the telegraph office,

it was fortunate
that I saw your hands first.

You're not polite.

Excuse me,
let me make it clearer.

If I had seen your eyes first,

I wouldn't have
dared to speak to you.

you don't really seem shy.

That depends on the lady.

In fact, you haven't even
introduce yourself.

Yes, that's true.

Well, I'm Lucien.

Not very pretty is it?

But when I get intimate,
they call me another name.


This is the first time I'm finding
it embarrassing in front of a lady.

I'll keep it to myself.

- Gueule d'Amour. Silly, isn't it?
- Why?

And what's your name?

My name is Madeleine.

A nice name, Madeleine.

You know, all the women
are looking at you.

Oh, an officer easily
stands out in this crowd

Frankly, between us, the men in here
seem to give you as much attention.

- Have you finished looking at that
officer? - What officer?

Do you imagine
I don't see through your game...

He's in red and in a nightclub,
I was in blue

and in the trenches,
that's the only difference.

If you think that's the only one,
you're mistaken.

But you're even
provoking a little quarrel.

I didn't know
that hair could smell so good.

Do you come often to Cannes?

No, this is the first time,
I came to collect a small inheritance.

And like everybody,
you don't know what to do with it?

Oh well,
I don't really care for money,

I can do very well without it.

You're fortunate.

If it were a big sum, that'd be
different, but 10,000 francs...

But there are people who won
a fortune gambling 10,000 francs.

But there are also people who
lost 10,000 francs

wanting to make a fortune.

- Listen...
- What??

To meet a woman one evening
without knowing anything about her,

and to tell her:
"take my money and gamble it,"

don't you find that amusing?

Not at all,
not at all.

Maybe she's an adventuress?

- No. - The meeting at the
telegraph office, a trap maybe?

- No. - The vamps of the casino, there
are plenty of them around, you know...

Not you.

There are some even so cunning
that they

warn their victims
of what awaits them.


- Take the money.
- Be on your guard!

- Go on, gamble it.
- Out of the question!

Today is not
a day like the others,

and on those days one must do things
unlike on other days.

I just wanted to see if you
trusted me,

I find that amusing.

What if I asked you for it now?

Winning or losing, it's all the same
to me. You know what interests me?

To be here, in this room,

with my heart beating fast.
Very fast.

Not because of the money.
At the thought of waiting for you.

- What if I don't come back?
- That's the game which I find amusing.

Take them all,
and the pin too.

Go on.

I'm sure you'll win.

The game has started

Monsieur, a note for you.

- For me?
- From the blonde lady with the...

I see. Well, you can tell her:
"Already booked for tonight".

- Very well, Monsieur.
- That's it.

- You aren't asking any question?
- I've understood already.

I'm so annoyed
after all these jokes.

- Convinced at least that I really
gambled the money? - Afraid I am.

I was too confidant,
then with a single stroke ...

But the money came
to me too with a single stroke.

They were bills who likes
to stick together I guess...

- Aren't you angry?
- Angry? Since I've met you ....

- Do you want to dance?
- No, this has made me nervous.

Would it be too much to ask
for you me accompany me?

Certainly not.

You don't have a car?

It was waiting for me
by the telegraph office.

Why did you send it away?

I didn't want the chauffeur
to know where I was going,

nor with whom.

What you're telling me,
is it something nice or disagreeable?

I didn't know yet at the time
how the evening would end.

And you know now?


Tell the driver to enter
through the garden, will you?.

Here, keep the change from
a man who lost

10,000 francs
without knowing what for,

that doesn't happen every day.

Even to someone
who'd have won them.

Oh crap!

- Lucien!
- Yeah.

I really think it's stupid that
you're going back to Paris

as soon as you're discharged.

I did a two-year

there's no lack
of printing shops.

Of printing shops maybe,
but what about jobs?

I got along
pretty well around here;

in Paris, I'll just have
to do a little better, right?

Why don't you tell the truth?

A youngster who never saw a woman
yet, I'd understand, but you...

Maybe it's because I've know so
many women that I like her.

And the way in which she tricked you,
that isn't enough?

You see, Ren?,
first I thought the same way.

But after going over it again
and again I ended up thinking

that maybe there was
something I hadn't understood.

But obviously, if she were
interested in you

she'd answer your letters.

- Maybe she didn't get them.
- They would have been returned.

- Maybe they didn't give them to her.
- And then what else?

No, I think you're
a bit messed up.

And what if being messed up,
acting like a kid,

is the greatest happiness you
can have when you're with a woman?

I tell you I'll settle down here in
the area, I'll help you out, etc...

and to all you can answer,
"No, I want to go back to Paris,

"to see a woman again who was so nice
as to cheat me of 10,000 francs,

"and who is dearer
to me than anybody else."

Aren't you
the biggest sucker of all?

- I am.
- Well then?

It feels nice lying in the grass.

Notre Libert?, Paris Soir, Ce soir!

Good day,
Mlle Courtois, please.

This is her apartment.

- I'd like to see her.
- Madame is absent.

- For a long time?
- Madame is in Italy for six months.

And it's on behalf of who?

I ... I brought a letter,
by the way...

There's no stamp,
excuse me.

I don't think Madame will dis-
approve of your means of transmission.

Goodbye Monsieur.

Good day Monsieur.
Could I have a room, please?

We only rent by the week.

It's all the same to me,

provided it's not
too expensive and clean.

- It's 140 francs a week.
- Very well.

Here's the price list.
And no cooking in the room!

But I dine out,
what did you think?

Maybe you haven't
realized, I'm a civilian

since yesterday,
but I was a Spahi officer.

Once it's known in the quarter
that Gueule d'Amour is staying here,

that will give you some
crazy publicity, I'm telling you..

Who is that,
Gueule d'Amour?

It's me!

- No kidding.
- Yes.

Come on, I have no time to spare,
here's the price list.

Good, good, understood...

I beg your pardon,

finding work around here, as
a typographer, is it difficult?

Well it's like anywhere else. And
the room is paid for in advance.

- Oh well, yes. - You'll have
to fill out a little form.

show Monsieur to Room 18.

Printing Shop

Are the programs ready?

They're the last, boss,
it'll be done.

Don't overstrain the machine.

Don't worry,
I know it well enough.

- Are you pleased with my work?
- We'll see.

I'll tell you right away.

- Well, this isn't bad.
- Here's the last one.

Good, who will deliver the programs?
They give out two free seats. Jules?

I can't, my wife is ill.

- Alfred? - I'm dining with my
brother-in-law tonight.

Well then, Bourrache.

I'd like to go, boss.
Is the film good?

It seems that for its kind,
it's really top notch.

Well, I'll go then.

Albert will ring you tomorrow morning
and give you my orders.

- Very well, Madame.
- Good evening.


Oh, it's you.

You didn't
recognize me earlier on?

I did.

I see, you came
to get your 10,000 francs.

My 10,000 francs?

I know what
it's like to need money.

At this hour it's a little...


I can give you a check.

Come in.

Follow me.

Come in, come in.

Why haven't you
asked for it earlier?

In fact,
you owe me nothing at all.

Pardon! I made you
do a silly thing,

it's only fair
that I recompense you for it.

Especially since it
doesn't cost me anything at all.

- Shall I make it out to the carrier?
- Yes.

- You haven't had any luck?
- Not much.

Let's hope you'll
be more successful.

Here you are, take it.

Why did you never answer?

But I never write.

Why don't you talk to me
the way you did in Cannes?

You're not the same.

If you don't answer letters,
did you read them at least?

- I read them.
- Like that, vaguely...

But I told you why I came here,
why I left everything behind.

It was an obsession, despite
your silence, I had to find you.

And you thought
I came for the money?

But I assure you that
I find that perfectly natural.

I've been waiting for you 8 months
and God knows what I've been through.

All I had learned in life hadn't
prepared me for that.

Men or women,
I did what I liked with them,

with my pretty uniform
and my good looks.

But the day I met you,
all that was finished, nothing more.

I became a man like the others
who pays when he's thirsty.

- Paris is thougher than Orange.
- I thought only of you.

For eight months,
I thought only of you.

Of course,
for everything that seemed weird,

I found some little explanation.

And then I see you again.

- And you're giving me that.
- Since you asked for it.


I don't give
a damn about your check.

Then there was nothing between us,
there never was?

Our walk in Cannes,
that was a joke?

The return in the car,
that was a joke?

I've filled
my head with nonsense, eh?

Well if you like,

for you it was nothing,
there was nothing.

But to me,
it did something,

that's killing me, you see?

You don't know what it is to wait...
to wait.

Why do you want to take
what I want to give to you?

So I didn't
recognize you earlier?

I didn't return
home alone on purpose?

I didn't know that you would be
waiting at my door?

Then, why the check?

I too have played the game.
Like you did in Cannes, to be sure.

What pleased me over there wasn't
your uniform,

it was your eyes.

They're still the same.

But in Cannes, why did you shut
the door before my nose?

You shouldn't have
taken me to my own place.

It's funny,

I can never foretell
the words you'll say ...

nor the gestures you'll make.

Not even this one?

Oh well ...

Do you have everything you need?

As you can see.

But I forgot, perhaps you like
eggs in the morning?

No darling, those at the hotel
were never fresh, so I gave it up.



Hurry up,
the bath will get cold.

- You look like a monk like that.
- A new style for me!

- Come on, hurry up.
- All right.

That's what I call a bathroom!

On the electric rack
you'll find hot towels.

And cologne is on the table,

next to the lavender water,
sponges, a brush...

And everything else.

Is Gueule d'Amour content?

Don't call me that!
Just call me Lucien.

But Lucien, that's common.
There's only one Gueule d'Amour.

Hello? Yes, it's me.
Good morning.

No, you don't say! That's nice.

That would surprise me,
I would have been informed.

No, I was very tired.

Then I slept nine hours
and that revived me.

Tonight? I have
no other plans, all right.

We can have dinner.

Then it's agreed,
8 o'clock. Goodbye.

My little Gueule, you know,
it's already 10 o'clock?

And your printing shop
is at the other end of Paris.

Cat caught your tongue?

Did you drown?

Madeleine, this is a joke?

- What's the matter?
- Your date tonight...

- But they are friends.
- No, no, no.

What about me then?

You think that I could bear
to stay alone now?

You're dining with me tonight.

But this is the first time
you mention it!

Naturally, I'll arrange for it
if I can.

I'll show you La Grille,
you'll see,

it's a cozy little bistro.

It's not chic,
but the food is very good.

I can already imagine the owner
when I'll arrive:

"Your usual place setting,

Then I'll say:
"Two, I'm expecting someone."

I can't wait to see his face
when he sees

how the person I'm expecting
looks like.

Would you refuse me that?


So for me to be completely sure,
say this to me straight away:

"To hell with my friends,
I swear it"

I swear it.

Snails - oysters
- wines - restaurant

Well, Monsieur Bourrache,

- Shall I still keep out the duck?
- Yes, yes.

Your friend doesn't appear
to be in a hurry.

You told me 7:30.

But your clock is fast.

It's 15 minutes late.


if you please,
is Madame awake?

This is Lucien Bourrache.

Is it you, Madeleine?

Why didn't you come?
You promised.

Forgive me,
I'm still half asleep.

Ah yes, at the last minute
I couldn't free myself.

But no!
Don't be silly, Lucien.

Don't you find it tiring
to get up so early?

Then listen, I'll wait for you
tonight at the same place.

Why not tonight?

All right ... all right,
since you can't change plans.

tomorrow is my day off.

I'll wait for you at the Buttes
Chaumont park at 3 o'clock.

At the entry,
you know, the lower one.

That's it.

You stand me up,
but you're nice all the same.

You know what I think...


You know, I often
sit down here at night.

This is the nicest place,
but it's lighted.

- So I was always alone.
- I think that's so funny.

- Always alone.
- That's it.

To return to one's memories,
again and again.

Look here, I did like everyone,
I engraved a word.


No, lovers who write names

always poke fun
at others doing it.

No, I took an anonymous word
that has a meaning only for me.

And well, "Cannes"?

So that it'll last
a long time, I took

the longest word
existing in French.

Show me.


What does that mean?

It means I love you.

My garden doesn't
seem to please you.

Maybe the gardener
pleases me too much.

You can't understand
the one without the other.

You always
want to understand.

You know,
I do inexplicable things.

Just like that,
because it occurrs to me.

Very well.

What do you want to do now,
take a walk,

sit down,
drink something?

I want to go to your place.

Hurry up, guys, Marcel

is waiting for us
at the belote game.

- I can't tonight.
- I counted on you for a revenge game.

- I'm telling you I can't.
- Just a litte game.

Belote isn't everything
in life, you know.

Evidently, but always
abandoning your friends,

that's something
you'll regret one day.


- See you tomorrow, goodbye guys.
- Goodbye Lucien.

Goodbye, deserter.

What is it?

Oh, Ren?!

Then, old buffalo,

- How's it going?
- Well, old friend.

You have a funny look
on your face.

You scared me, I expected
a tube message telling

me my date was concelled.
I'm dining with someone.

Ah, Monsieur dines out.
And you're all made up, I see.

A lady?

- Yes, a lady. - You don't speak
much of that in your letters.

It's hard to explain to you.
But say, I thought

you were going
to a banquet tonight?

No thanks, after a ten hours congress,
they can go on without me

Then by chance,
I stopped by here.

To have dinner with you...
Well, yes but...

From what I understand,
the dame stood you up...

So now you have the chance
to get back at her.

- I can't.
- Not even for me?

The one time I'm in Paris?

Well, you understand,

Well, yes, I understand... things
change and they don't change.

You're being silly.
If you'll let me,

- I'll clean up a bit.
- Please go ahead.

Hey, a silk shirt!
Your job is going well?

Quite well. And for you?
Do you have epidemics down there?

It's going even better
than I had expected.

The black spot is that
it is in the middle of nowhere.

Never anything happening,
no adventures.

Oh, maybe you're
better off like that!

You know how to put things.

Right now you see me
on a happy day

but there are other ones,
my friend...

Listen, just on my way here
from the congress

I saw at least three women that
I could have fallen in love with

I assure you, you can return to your
congress and then head back to Orange.

Ah, by the way, Madame Cailloux
says hello.

- And the photographer too.
- Ah yes?

- Was it you who knocked?
- No, it wasn't me.

If you're pulling my leg,

No, I assure you. Look!

Monsieur Bourrache,
a tube message for you.

Thank you.

Ah ah, I believe we can dine
together, after all?

She is obligated to leave
for three days.

She's coming back on Tuesday.

We can.

You're wrong to show how much
that pleases you.

- Tuesday... - Well what, Tuesday,
that's not so far off.

Hello? Yes?

The printing press, Michel,
I'm listening.

Yes, sorry, sorry,
one second.

I can't hear anything, stop it.
The interurban is asking for me.

Hello, I'm listening.

A call from Deauville?

Who, Bourrache?

He has work to attend to all day.

I already told you,
Bourrache, my phone

is not reserved
for your love affairs.

Deauville, you're sure
it's Deauville?

Deauville or not,
you've been warned.

how about that!

you seem to think that

I'm the one who should
start the machine up again?

- No, no.
- Well, good for you.

- Is Madame there?
- We don't expect her.

She wrote me
to come dine Tuesday.

I'd be surprised
if she was expecting you.

Madame telephoned to call off
the dinner.

Telephoned from where?

You're saying that she isn't
here, but then why this attire?

Are you dressed like that
to take in the coal?

And the table,
for whom is it set?

I don't have any explanations
to give Monsieur.

Well, I'll wait for Madame in
the parlor until she returns.

I am not authorized to leave Monsieur
alone in the apartment.

What, you'll afraid I'll take
the clock or the piano?

I didn't receive orders,

You'll keep me company.

Watch over me.

You can sit down.

I must stay here, I don't have
the right to sit down.

It must be great to have
a sense for nuances

I admire you,

- I even admire you a lot.
- Should I thank the gentleman?

- Adrien, in all confidence..
- Monsieur?

Have you ever taken a good
slap on the mouth?

The case never presented itself,

Someone rang.

Thank you.

- Hello Adrien.
- Hello Madame.

- Is my daughter there? - Madame is
in Deauville, she'll be back late,

she called and asked Madame if
she wanted to dine.

- and... the envelope?
- Ah, that will be tomorrow.

But if it's urgent, it'd be
my pleasure to oblige Madame.

You're a darling Adrien.
Is the menu prepared?

Some trifles. A quail with grapes
and chocolate mousse.

A quail with grapes...

I must inform Madame that in the
parlor there is a...

who refuses to leave.

- But... what is he like?
- Not very well.

What kind of
"not very well"?

The impossible kind, Madame.

We've never had that before.

And this Monsieur dares
show himself before bedtime?

I'll deal with him myself.

Make the mousse well whipped!

- Yes, a sturdy kind.
- Pardon?

My friend, my daughter finds you
attractive, so be it, it's acceptable

The women of today are crazy.

But my duty as a mother
is to limit harm done.

You want to know what you
are meddling into?

My daughter's happiness,
that's what.

- How about that! - My friend,
I understand that a pretty girl,

a good table, and satin armchairs
have an attraction for you.

But please, indulge in them with a
little more discretion.

And outside of working hours.

- If Madeleine heard you...
- She would approve.

It's her delicacy that prevents her
from saying all that.

This furniture, these rugs,
all this knick-knack...

haven't ended up here
by pure accident.

Madeleine has needs.

I'm helping her out.

You don't realize the harm
that you can cause her.

And you, of the harm
that you are causing me.

Oh listen,

just because
I call a spade a spade?

Madeleine's protege is
broad-minded, that's clair.

But he has good manners and
wouldn't like it

if it turned out that he was
set aside for just anybody.

My friend, look
at yourself in a mirror.

If you were a man, what I'd
do to you...

My God, you're touchy.
A big boy like you!

Look, I'm calling upon
your sense of decency.

Don't hang around in places
where you don't belong.

And when Madeleine is gone, take
the opportunity to make her forget you.

She just called from Deauville to say
she's not returning.

What are you hoping for?

It was really Deauville?

Call her tomorrow
and be reasonable.

Life is life, my friend.
Everyone needs happiness.

Only egotists refuse to share.

accompany the gentleman.

I'm not going
to be thrown out by you.

- Not by you, nor by him. - Go on,
a bit of fresh air will do you good.

Get out,
my friend.

Adrien, I'm getting seated.
I'm starving!

- Are you there? - I've been
waiting for you for an hour.

I wanted to tell you at work.
Your boss is a jerk.

I'd thought the surprise would please
you, but you don't seem happy.

Don't be foolish. The thing is
that I showed up as we agreed.

And I met your mother.

And I took a long walk
before coming back.

- So you talked to mom?
- How so?

- Oh, nothing, just to know.
- We only exchanged a couple of words.

But what's wrong?
You don't even kiss me.

Sure I do.

Funny, I was so depressed
a minute ago,

and as soon as you
arrived, it was gone.

A little while ago,
when I had my walk,

I thought of something
that would be really grand.

I'll have my 15 days of vacation, we'll
leave off together, what do you say?

- You're kind.
- To Pont-de-l'Arche.

Surely you don't
know Pont-de-l'Arche?

You'll see, it's not only
the place, the Seine, but...

You and me, the evenings.

Without thinking the whole time,
"in an hour I'll be alone again."

Listen, if it were possible
I'd say yes right away.

But my dear, tomorrow
is the first of August.

- And so?
- But you're like a child.

He asks for a star,
give me a star.

And you can't make him
understand that it's not possible,

- and that it's not to be mean.
- Is it really the same?

I must go back to Deauville.

I'll come back several times,

- Then I'll say that mom is sick.
- Yes?

It will be better
to have waited for me.

To have waited for you.

Notice, I'm not
asking you to confide in me.

A girl doesn't tell
such things to her mother.

God these pigeons are tender!

But I was your age once.

And you must know that the reason
that I'm penniless today, it is not

because of some Russian loan from
before the Revolution like I said.

But because of
a stupid thing like this.

These little peas are delicious.

Try to understand that
this trick can be pulled

just as well on people
with a high standing.

I leave tomorrow for Deauville.


Take good care of Jean-Pierre.

The radio he sent me
is magnificent!

I had scruples about using it.
It's stupid, but I'm embarrassed.

Are you expecting someone?

- Is Madame there?
- Monsieur is expected?

Could you announce Madame?

I'll be surprised if Madame, who
is dining with Madame's mother...

Listen Adrien, if at 3 you haven't done
what I've told you... 1... 2...

Would the gentleman be so
kind as to enter...

And to wipe his feet.

Ah you, if you continue
to bother me...

- It's you? - Madeleine.
- You could have given me a notice.

I let myself point it out to Monsieur,
but he forced open the door.

Can someone please throw this
annoying nagger out the door!

- But Lucien. - His behavior,
the way he talks, I can't stand it.

But you didn't understand
what he said.

Kick him out or
it's me who leaves.

Adrien, return to the pantry,
I'll see you all later.

- Ah.
- If Madame would let me...

- Do what the gentleman tells you.
- Go! I've had enough.

- Listen, you're making a fuzz
over trifles. - After all...

Don't go in, mom is here.

So what?

Mom, I believe you know
Monsieur Bourrache.

I've had that pleasure.

Adrien isn't bringing the dessert?

- I've just made him go.
- I noticed.

Such a good servant.

If I've understood correctly,
we're deprived of pastry?

- No pastry for you.
- Excuse me?

- No pastry.
- The gentleman has a whim.


If you invite your mother again, I hope
you arrange a better welcome for her.

But no one's keeping you.

Monsier, would you also perhaps like
to make me give up my eight days?

Ah, but I swear to you that they
wouldn't be stolen.

How can you permit this...

Listen, tell her to leave,
I can't stand seeing her anymore.

That's insane.

Your lessons, your advice,
your experience, I know them all.

- Get out, no cake tonight, get out.
- Madeleine, listen...

But mom, you see clearly that
you're irritating Lucien.

- And you're driving me out? - But no,
you should go home, it's that simple.

And well, my little girl, you'll
never see your mother again.


Don't worry. At the end of the month
she'll come looking for her envelope.


- Adrien, did you hear that?
- What Madame?

- I know you, you listen at doors.
- Then I heard.

This can't last,
this can't last.

That madwoman will ruin us.

- Yes Madame.
- And who can stop him, who?

- If I only knew...
- What's Moreaux' phone number?

- That's not a stupid idea...
- What?

I mean that Madame has an
idea there. No: Passy 32 21.

An idea that is a credit to the
Madame's ingenuity,

although it could have been carried
out in more elegant fashion.

It is not a matter of elegance,
but of effectiveness.

Hello. Hello.

Monsieur Moreaux? This is
Madeleine's mother speaking.

Very well, very well.

It's poor little Madeleine
who's a bit sick.

Oh, not much,
but she's very fragile.

It would please her so
to see you.

And... if you could
come right away...

That's it, that's it.

He's rushing here, the fool.

- What are they saying?
- I can't hear.

But what are they saying?

In front of Madame, I dare not
use the keyhole.

Adrien, you're
an aristocrat by heart.

Overlook the entry.

That will be done, Madame. Besides,
he'll be here in a minute.

But I'm telling you I
must leave for Deauville.

Convenience, duties, at my age,
I assure you, I find that ridiculous.

Listen, you've just asked two things
of me that are... difficult.

To send out mom, send out Adrien.
I tried to please you.

But Pont-de-l'Arche...
I can't, it's too much.

What, to ask my mistress
"leave with me,"

"we'll go to
a small quiet place"

"where we can be happy,"
is that too much?

I don't understand
why you insist

when it hurts me not
to be able to follow you.

Going to a big race,

or to those parties
that you find ridiculous

you're doing harm to yourself and take
from me the only thing that I want.

Listen Madeleine, I'm not
asking for it, I want it.

I want, I need these 15 days,
I need them terribly.

- Get up.
- Not until you say yes.

- Get up, Lucien.
- What is with you?

Excuse me for intruding but Adrien
opened the door the moment I arrived.

- I wasn't expecting you.
- I don't doubt it, Madeleine.

But your mother called me to tell
me you were sick.

Your mother did it,
well how about that!

Since everything is clear now,
you can go home again.

But Lucien!


Excuse me...

She's sorry to put you out
the door but she must all the same.

What are you waiting for?

For you to let Madeleine
finish her sentence.

Well since he insists,
put him out the door yourself.

- That will be the third one.
- What?

I knew you didn't have much

education, but now
you're crossing the line.

It's you who must leave,

You're calling me "sir"?

Because of him?

This isn't your place.

Monsieur Moreau here is too
polite to forget that.

what are you waiting for?

Get out.

It's me you're telling that?

Well and you, do you know
who I am, why I'm here?

You don't falter, eh? Yes, oh,
I know all this belongs to you.

The furniture, the rugs,
everything that can be bought.

But not Madeleine, you hear,
not Madeleine.

And you, are you thinking about
what you're doing?

What you're sacrificing me for?


Well, speak! Answer!

Monsieur, go away.

Why didn't you tell me you were
in such need of money?

Lucien, goodbye.

Good luck, and if you think about
your pals, send a postcard.

Goodbye Lucien,
and remember your friends.

Say, Alfred.

If anyone by chance telephones me,
or if they stop by,

then tell them I set off again
for Orange.

you can count on me.

It's no trouble.
Goodbye Lucien.

Monsieur Bourrache,
does he live here?

Number 18. You can go up, he
didn't go to work in the morning.

I don't want
to meet the gentleman.

Give this to him,
it's his tie.

And this. Be careful,
there are moneys bills there.

- Valuable ones. - Really?
- Yes.

- Bills in the thousands?
- Yes indeed.

Wait, although
he didn't tell me in advance,

here's 10 francs for you.

I don't want anything
from that gent.

I'll do the commission.

Oh, wait, give me
the 10 francs after all.

After all, I greet every
chance to piss the gent off.

Notre Libert?, Paris Soir, Ce Soir

What will it be for Monsieur?

A little quart of Vichy, please.

Have I changed that much?

Oh, Monsieur Bourrache.

You're similar,
you've stayed the same.

In two years,
to change like that...

- Have you been sick?
- Yes.

Allow me to finish.

They return from maneuvers,
so you see...

But anyway, your friend had told us
that you were doing fine in Paris.

- Yes.
- And what took you suddenly?

- The liver surely.
- Yeah, the liver.

- And Monsieur Cailloux is doing well?
- He gets by.

By the way, here he is.

- Hey, Auguste!
- What do you want now?

We have a visitor.
Monsieur Bourrache.

Monsieur Bourrache?
I say! Coming!

Bourrache, Bourrache.

I used to be called by another name
around here.

That's true. And it suited you well
at the time, didn't it?

Are you just passing through?

I've been here for two months.

- I'm running a small bistro.
- You don't say!

It's called
"At Lucien's",

a few kilometres from here,
just a small bar.

Your friend the doctor
didn't tell us about it at all...

He doesn't know,
I haven't told him.

Now this is a surprise.

How are you?
How pleased I am to see you.

Haven't you finished
doing your nails yet?

Are you going to
nag about it again?

It's like an addiction -
as soon as the Spahis come in

her head spins.

What will you have,
Monsieur Gueule...

I beg your pardon,
I was going to call you Gueule d'Amour.

What will you have,
Monsieur Bourrache?

A quart of Vichy water.

It'll do you good.

Actually, I was going
to say to Madame Cailloux ...

that for two months I've been ...

- Here they are! - Excuse me,
things are going to explode.

Make yourself at home here.

Well boss, aren't you
having a glass with us?

No thanks.


No, I'm not drinking.

Well, old man,
aren't you a bastard!

Don't exert yourself,
I know what you're going to say.

- Good day!
- Good day, Ren?.

So if Cailloux hadn't told me,

you'd have stayed here for ten years
without letting me know?

You know, one doesn't want to bother
a friend one likes a lot

when one feels down.

- But I've thought of you.
- You've thought of me?

- Yes. - I think Paris
has turned you nuts.

- Maybe it has.
- But what's happened to you?

Oh well ...
come on, let's go inside.

You see,
it's not very posh in here.

I know this place,
I even treated your predecessor.

A guy with a big hole
right under his nose.

- You want a drink?
- All right.

- A glass of white wine?
- A glass of white wine.

La muette! [deaf woman]
Bring us two glasses of white wine.

Let's sit over here.

I swear, old man ...

I'm truly astonished
by all this.

I guess you are.

Put it down here.

So, old man ...

Oh well, I got fed up with it,
that's all.

And since I used to have a good
time here, I came back.

Are you content at least?

Now that I'm here
I've realized that this is ...

the only place I should never have
come back to.


Because the days of Gueule d'Amour
are gone gone forever.

Only I am left to remember.

When I saw you the last time,
you didn't do so badly.

I didn't tell you everything
at the time.

That woman
is still haunting you.

I warned you,
my poor friend.

And this is how I ended up.

You know, I've just
come for a short visit,

to give you a little talking-to,
but let's forget about it now.

You'll have dinner at
my place tomorrow, won't you?

If you like
to listen to sad stories ...

You'll meet a woman there.

- You got married?
- Not yet,

but I've waited a long time for
something which has finally happened.

- Are you happy?
- I am, old man.

You know, I was called to the
H?tel du Bon Vigneron two weeks ago,

to treat a lady who was feeling ill.
I went over, grumbling,

and when I left her 20 minutes later,
I was in love.

For that kind of stuff,
a few seconds can be sufficient.

You know, one of those women
who are too beautiful,

who seem sad or gay
without any reason,

who seem to be ready to do anything
that crosses their mind.

You want to tell her
something extraordinary,

you look into her eyes, and you
don't dare tell her anything at all.

You're such a kid, Ren?.

What if becoming like a kid
were the greatest happiness ...

a woman could give you?

You told me that once.

I remember,
I remember.

And she's living in Orange?

On the contrary, she's from Paris,
she has no business here,

nothing is holding her here ...
She only knows me around here,

I have dinner with her every night.

This proves that after all ...

And having dinner is all
you're doing with her each night?

You see, old man,
this isn't just flirt...

You'll understand
when you meet her tomorrow.

I'm hardly presentable.

But Madeleine is no snob,
I'm sure she'll like you.

Well buddy, I've an engagement,
I'm off.

- You'll come tomorrow?
- I will.

Straighten up, old man. Life has
its way of arranging things.

- Life?
- Of course.

8 o'clock, all right?
Everybody knows where I live.

Come on, old chap!
I'm happy to have found you again.

- So, see you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.

Tomorrow, 8 o'clock.
Don't be late.

No Madame, we still haven't
found out anything.

This discretion
you've imposed upon us ...

makes investigations difficult.

He left traces
of having passed along here,

but the gentleman has perhaps
settled in the county.

- Keep on trying, will you?
- We'll do what we can, Madame.

- I'm sure of it.
- At you service, Madame.

- At last! - One of my patients
was about to die,

I couldn't tell him to hurry up
because you were expecting me.

If you keep on like that,
you'll soon run out of patients.

Then I'll be able to spend
my whole time with you.

- You'd get bored very fast.
- I don't think so.

Don't be dull, you're looking
like an upset puppy again.

- Where will we have dinner?
- At Chateauneuf-du-Pape ["Pope"].

- It it good? - You know very well
that the Pope is infallible.

- You don't want any cherries?
- I'm not hungry.

- But you haven't touched anything.
- I'm too happy, I couldn't.

What if you were happy for days,
you'd be in a pitiful state.

You see, I've never
known real happiness.

But things have changed so much now,

I feel vigorous enough to say things
that really shouldn't be uttered.

Do you want to frighten me?

- You've brought me luck.
- Touch wood.

You see, in my job and with every-
thing else, I always feel calm.

I know it sounds silly,
but I feel invincible.

For the last years I failed constantly,
but now I succeed at everything.

You remember the patient
who couldn't make up his mind to die?

I think I saved him.

Because I wasn't afraid
to dare something.

Some time ago, I sent a long case study
to a Paris journal, they didn't reply.

Now they'll publish it. I'd lost
a friend, now I've found him again.

- And all that because of me?
- You see, your influence...

A friend I hadn't had
news from for months ...

- May I introduce him to you?
- A doctor?

No, I met him in the army,
a very straight-forward type.

Seeing him today
one wouldn't imagine

that he used
to be called Gueule d'Amour.

what a nice name...

Oh well, women liked him.
He's been hit hard.

He looked as if he'd aged ten years
now, and desperately sad.

He's running a bistro in the county,
with a small gas station.

Would it bother you to have
dinner with him at my place tomorrow?

Why should it bother me?

Lucien, old boy!
You're arriving first, you know?

You know how women are.

How are you?

I'm the one who should ask,
you don't look well.

- I didn't sleep well.
- That's obvious.

I can examine you whenever you like.

- Feeling just a bit tired, that's all.
- And this is the house.

I'm at ease in there, with my
servant Julie and my dog Laurie.

Everything is as charming and
provincial as it chould be.

Look at the garden,
is it traditional enough?

You've got no reason
to complain, Ren?.

But I made plans for alterations.

- A woman from Paris needs
more modern surroundings. - Of course.

So I'll get everything renovated,
while preserving the antiquated look.

That might be fun.

Come with me, I'll show you a spot
I could almost turn into a park.

Sure. Look at it,
what do you think?

Looks all right.

At the moment it's a bit overgrown,
but after some pruning ...

cutting through it, making an alley,
it might look very nice.

You see, I want Madeleine,
when she settles here, to feel ...

Forgive me, old man, I'm only
talking of myself and of my projects.

But it's only natural, Ren?.

Yesterday you didn't have
time to tell me your story.

I'd like to know a bit ...

Oh, time has already passed.

When I saw you at the time of
the convention, you didn't do so badly

except for your fear
of tube messages.

That's true. Well, they started
arriving more frequently.

And one day,
they stopped arriving.

In short, that's my story.

Monsieur! Monsieur,

a letter has been delivered
from the H?tel du Bon Vigneron.

- From the Bon Vigneron? Excuse me...
- Go ahead.

It's from Madeleine.

She's not coming.

She's feeling unwell, sends apologies
and cuts off her phone to get some rest.

Now you know what it means,
my poor friend, don't you?

I'll call her right away,

maybe she hasn't gone to bed yet.

It's no use,
since she told you ...

But one can try, can't one?



H?tel du Bon Vigneron?
Can I speak to Madame Courtois.

I know,
but this is Dr. Dauphin calling.

Please insist.

Ren?, it's no use,
Madeleine won't answer the phone.

- She can't answer the phone.
- What was that? I don't understand.

You don't know her at all.

Drop that.
Drop that, I'm telling you.

What's the matter with you?

Listen, we can talk, we can tell
each other everything, can't we?

Yesterday when you
told me about Madeleine,

I understood at once who she was
and why she had come to Orange.

And that's why I couldn't sleep.

Do you know who Madeleine is?

Excuse me?

Good day, Madame.

Don't you know
a small caf? nearby,

with a gas station,
run by a certain M. Bourrache?

Bourrache? Bourrache?

Lucien Bourrache.

Lucien...? I see!
There's a small bistro

called "At Lucien's",

with a gas station.
But it's not near here.

Can you show me the way?

You'll drive to that rock over there.

You'll turn back there.
And then this way along the road ...

at the crossing turn right, and
then ask for directions, they'll tell you.

- People around here are very helpful.
- Thank you.

- Goodbye, Madame.
- Goodbye.

Oh, she sincerely love me,

only, she loved me in her way,
that's all.

And it was enough to let me
complicate her life a bit,

Enough to give up for
my sake a servant, her mother ...

But when I crossed other guy's path,
then ...

I know what you're thinking:

"He's jealous, he's telling
me all this out of spite."

But I don't want you to go through
what I went through, you see?

She's not a woman for you, all
your plans, you not making them for her.

I'm causing you pain,
my poor boy, aren't I?

You must forgive me,
but what can I do,

when one has a buddy,
one is obliged to ...

So, according to you,
the fact that she's here ...

that she's stayed here, means
that she's only been looking for you?

And while letting me
believe that she liked me ...

it's really you
she's still in love with?

- I don't know.
- You certainly haven't spared me.

But now let me answer you.

This story about a woman pursuing you,
that's bullshit.

I've seen her feeling gay.

I've even seen her happy.

- She doesn't care a straw about you,
old man. - Listen, Ren?...

Wait your turn, you think you're still
Gueule d'Amour, but I'm somebody too.

A woman might even prefer
me to you without being crazy.

But I told you who she was,
what a life she's been leading ...

But what is it to me
what she did in her past?

I love her enough
to forget about it.

I'll try my chance against anybody!

Even against you.

Everything I just said
was for your sake.

Come on, you mustn't
hold it against me.

Let's shake hands.

Well, it would have been better
if we hadn't met again, wouldn't it?

So I'll wait for you
to call me, Ren??

Don't trouble yourself,
I know the way out.

Will you guys stop
that music playing?

Get out of here, will you!

We're not bothering anybody,
we're waiting for the bus.

The bus stops on the bridge.

I'm feeling sick, I want to close up.
Get going.

Let me finish my drink at least!

You'll finish your drink tomorrow.
Get lost, I'm telling you!

We'll be dying of thirst before
we show up here again, old man.

I don't care.

You go to bed, I'm closing up.

Why have you come here?

You want to know why?

Oh, with you, the reason one supposes
isn't always the real one.

It's hard to say.

All right,
I wasn't able to forget you.

- And what are you hoping for?
- To take you back to Paris.

And start all over again?

I know that life wasn't easy for you
over there at the time.

But take a look at yourself now,
at your life ...

I know I know.

Now I'll arrange
everything differently.

I've hurt you without meaning to.

I want so much to be good to you.

You've always
found gentle words for me.

But this doesn't
obliterate all the rest.

But after all, how many women would
come all this way to admit their fault,

and to ask for your forgiveness,
considering the state you're in?

What about the other guy,
that Moreaux,

- does he know why you left?
- He does.

So it's all over?

I promise, I swear,
you'll never see him again.

You'll never even know
of his existence.

Listen to me, Lucien,
I want to get you out of here.

Do you realize what a chance
I'm offering you?

Perfectly, I assure you.

And you don't say anything?
You're hesitating?

And what have you been doing here
for the last two weeks?

I've been looking for you.

Is that so? What about Ren?,
the doctor? what about him?

I couldn't possibly have feelings
for every man who flirts with me.

But you know at least what feelings
he has for you, don't you?

I was alone, he was there,
he kept me company, so ...

Did you know that
Ren? is my only friend?

But you're jealous. Admit it.

It would please me so much.

No, such a thing between Ren?
and myself is impossible.

But I thought you were joking.

I find your friend Ren?
boring and silly.

Why didn't you tell him that?

- Tomorrow I'll say what I think of him.
- Tomorrow will be too late.

- What do you want me to do?
- I want you to leave.

If you stay here one minute more,
he'll have the right to blame me.

Do you want me to call him,
here right in front of you?

- You would dare do that?
- Right now ...

But he loves you.
You're his great love.

- He'll get over it.
- Listen, he isn't ready for this.

- It'll be a terrible blow for him.
- At his age, if he still can't cope..

Don't do it, Madeleine,
don't do it, spare him that.

Let me, I'm not doing it for you,
I want to do it myself now.

Too bad for him.


You want proof,
I'll give you proof.

Hallo Ren??

This is Madeleine.

No, I'm not at the hotel.

This means that I go wherever I like.

Listen, little Ren?, you must
understand once and for all,

that between you and me,
there has never been anything.

And your company has ceased to amuse me.
Good night.

Do you believe me now?

Do you realize what you have done?

Ask anything of me,
I'll do it.

- Go away! Get lost!
- Lucien!

He needed that to get over it,
but it's done now.

- But Orange is finished for you now.
- I did it just to show you ...

To show me what you're worth, I see.

But I haven't forgotten,
don't worry.

Make another phone call like
that to Moreaux, will you?

In that same tone. But he's got money,
he has to be treated carefully.

But a poor guy for whom you're everything,
he doesn't count. You don't give a damn.

But you count for me,
you still love me, Lucien.

That's my business, do you hear!
Get out, I want to be alone.

To blubber in that hole of mine,
to croack, but alone, do you hear? Alone!

I've had my come-uppance.

So you've had your come-uppance?

And you imagine
I'd leave just like that?

Let me tell you
that I'll have you whenever I like.

And what you went through is nothing
compared to what I've got in store for you.

Oh, I see.
Don't worry.

You'll wait for me for hours,
for days.

It'll start all over whenever I like.

You'll hang around under my windows.

You'll try to phone me day and night.

And I swear to you my servants
will treat you like you deserve.

Whenever I like, do you hear?

I already went through all that before.

But you don't know everything,
my little Lucien.

What if Ren?
became my lover again tomorrow?

After what you did to him right now?

I'll tell him you forced me to.

He at least
would be less of a fool.

- If you dare... - But that's just
a small sample of what I'll do.

But really,
what do you take me for?

Do you imagine I'd throw myself
at the feet of some barkeep?

Careful, Madeleine..

"My name's Gueule d'Amour,

"it's silly, this is the first time
it embarasses me with a woman."

Gueule d'Amour!

But Gueule d'Amour,
look at yourself in the mirror.

And those hands, those fingernails,
you'd better clean them up a bit.

- That little Ren?, at least he's clean.
- Madeleine.

You want me to call him?
I'll have him come back in no time.

I can already hear
what he'll tell me:

"My litte Madeleine,
I've suffered so much..."

"But since you're back with me,
everything will arrange itself."

"I can no longer live without you."

He'll even tell me: "Since you're here,
everything succeeds for me."

And he'll march
to my tune, the fool.

And when he learns
why I really went to him...


But your rages don't frighten me
at all, my little Lucien.

You want me to leave?

Well you know where I'm leaving for.

Will you shut up!
Will you shut up!

- Lucien!
- Will you shut up!

I've listend to you long enough!
Will you shut up!

Pardon Lucien, pardon...

You've told me enough ...

Let go of me ...

There's the bus.


- What do you want?
- When I came back to my place ...

Madeleine was there.

All this is pointless.
Leave me alone.

I don't know any more... Ren?...

Madeleine is dead.

What are you saying!

I don't know where I am any more,
I don't understand it all any more ...

I don't know whether to run away
or give myself up,

I don't care, but ...
tell me what I must do,

help me, tell me what I must do,
tell me.

And you're coming to me for that?

But I loved her, Ren?,
I loved her more than you did,

I loved her as much as you did,
do you hear...

Notify the police ...

beat me up ...

help me ... help me ...

Take me away, Ren?...
take me away.

I beg you, Lucien,
pull yourself together.

In a few hours you'll be in Marseille.
Get on a boat there at once.

No, wait.

Once you're in Africa,
you'll know what to do.

You know how to disappear over there.

If you knew, she even told me:
"First I'll have Ren?, then you..."

Shut up, old man, shut up.

Here's your ticket,
I'll put it in here.

And here's some money.
I'll send you more later on.

I'll do everything I can,
I will, you know.

Get yourself straightened up a bit.

Here's your train.

Ren?, I wanted to tell you ...

Don't say anything.
You don't have to.

Subtitling by piano, baaab, serdar202,
knappen, JM2L, and soundchaser