Lady Into Lassie (1995) - full transcript

Based on a famous short story by Pushkin, this film tells of a youthful, innocent and pure love story that begins as a girlish joke. Liza is eager to get to know her young neighbour but cannot do so as their fathers are not on speaking terms. Her response is simple and direct. With the help of her loyal servant Nastia, she dresses up as a peasant girl and goes pick mushrooms in the nearby woods.... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
? Oh, the memory of the
heart ! You are stronger ?

? ? sad Memory Disorders

? And often its sweetness ?

? I'm in the country captivates the future. ?

? I'm in the country captivates the future. ?

? I remember the voice of sweet words , ?

? I remember blue eyes , ?

? I remember the golden curls ?

? casually curly Vlasov . ?

? ? My incomparable cowherd

? I remember the whole outfit simple , ?

? And the image of a cute , unforgettable ?

? travels everywhere with me . ?

? travels everywhere with me . ?

? Guardian my genius - love ?

? In the joy given he Separated : ?

? filmed eh? priniknet to the head ?

? And maketh a sad dream. ?

? And maketh a sad dream. ?

[ Birds sing . ]


Achoo ! Oh.

Good morning .

A -ah .

Hmm . Hello , please.

Ha-ha- ha-ha .

Haha. Haha.

[Unintelligible speech. ]

Hee -hee-hee .


Re'veillez-vous, belle endormie! ..


Betsy, good morning!

Good morning, Daddy!

? The Captain's Daughter ,
Do not go for a walk at midnight. ?

[ Lisa sings . ]

[ The bell rings . ]

[ Rooster crows . ]

- Duniasha Tweety !
- Yes, here I am .

Th you dig ? Overslept again ?

Do not you see , whether human
? Does not light . Smokes chegoj .

Well sad sack !

Behind the scenes : And
I will take Stepanida , our ...

I imagined that it?

Name or not? Lady ?

Calling a thousand times . Yes
unless you dozoveshsya , Nastya .



When you nabalueshsya .

Girls of marriageable age , and all .
.. all pets, like a little child .

God be with you again for your .

When will you settle down , eh ?

Boring, Nastya .

So bored and not want to live .

Then let's wash. You'll
see, would be better , eh?

Mark myltse yes wash the stigma .

Shirt , then remove , soak .

- I made ??a wish on a mustache.
- What , what?

Guessed , and all.

Lei Forest.

Oh -oh-oh !

Mustache itch to goodies , gluttony ,

to date, to kiss.

Oh, no urine . Give it here.

- Good morning, Miss Jackson .
- Good morning.

Sit down, please, Betsy.

Again oatmeal .

Eat, Lizaveta . Useful for the stomach .

Oatmeal's lyuchshie porridge.

The weather is good today. I recommend walking.

Will all be .

And will walk and play.

I called Roshchina play croquet .

He promised to call today
with his wife and daughters.

That's really gossip about her suitors .
A Lizok ?

Yes, what we have suitors ?

That's really what our
son to a neighbor arrived .

They say that science was
held in Derbskom University.

This Berestov to what?

Pull yourself together , darling .
Or have you forgotten ?

Ivan Petrovich Berastau - my enemy .

Bear and provincial , which
the world had never seen .

Neighbor , you know.

With your lunch do not go to the neighbors .

Hurt proud Ivan Petrovich .
A fool keeps me going .

No! Neither his nor his son

I do not want to know!


? Come on , hussar , your
eyes shine with courage , ?

? My heart flutters a virgin too . ?

Squireling pets.

- Rides tragus .
- Blood - it plays .

Lapel , shameless .

And , ah, ah , ah.

Ahoy !

Drowned , or what?

Ah! Ah!

Catch! Hey ! Ha ha ha.

[ Dogs barking ].

And the truth is told ,

Madame de Stael was a spy Buonaparte ?

Oh, well, pardon me , madam , how could she?

10 years persecuted Napoleon.

Barely escape under the patronage
of the Russian Emperor .

Chateaubriand and Byron.
And suddenly spy Bonaparte ?

- Really, really can happen !
- Oh .

- Because Napoleon was such a beast .
- Yes .

And Madame de Stael - pretonkaya trick.

I heard that one day she asked Bonaparte

whom he reveres 1st woman in the world.

And how do you think he said ?

Celle qui fait le plus d'enfants.

Pardon? French is trained .

One that people are more children.

Bonaparte hit the nail on the head .

After all, Madame de Stael had no children.

Groom : Whoa , Baron .

Girl , Martha , nothing to stare , tables cover .

Girl , Haste , sir .

Girl : you are tired of waiting .
Ivan Petrovich helluva be angry .

Groom : my beauty .

Nikita !

Stepan ! Dress .

Servant of All , sir , naughty .

Vakhtang , whether healthy offspring Diana ?

- That's right.
- How many?

- These are . 4 .
- Bring two .

And you, Vasily not yet sick hound hunting ?

Oh, once all , Ivan Petrovich .
Agriculture does not let go .

This year again, expect the crop failure .

I do not know God, what to do.

I think, here , learn English method

in your neighbor , Grigory Ivanovich Murom .

Yes, sir . At me is not what it .

Where to us from England to splurge .

We would have been at least in Russian fed .

************************* .

- Lev Dmitrievich ...
- Yes ?

I know you like my greyhounds .

Accept , dear friend from the new litter.

Oh, oh , oh, Ivan Petrovich .

Oh. A great gift. Thank you very much .

Yes , yes, yes , I give from the heart.

Expensive gift.

What did a terrible difference between
the ideals of grandmothers and granddaughters.

Well , tell me, is common
between Lovelace and Adolf ?

Meanwhile, the role of women ... is not changed.

You're right, you're absolutely right .

There is no doubt that Russian
women are better educated,

read more , think more ,

than men employed God knows what .

[Play and sing . ]

? How treasure, I light ?

? Beach to you , love. ?

? It only warmed me ... ?

As I understand you.

I also fear how boring here after the capital .

And to you, after the fraternity ...

Uh , J'aime mieux m'ennuyer autrement ...

How he looks like Childe Harold .


- Au revoir!
- Adieu!

- Merci bien!
- Adieu ***********!

Au revoir!

Well , Alyosha , what of the girls liked ?

All prude .

And for me , because our rural girls ,

grew up under the apple
trees and between stacks ,

educated nurse and nature,

much nicer metropolitan beauties.

You, my dear, you can not please .

Sam-I dressed up

God knows how .


I need to talk to you.


went talk.

Say , Alyosha . What is mind?


let bluntly .

Well .

Release in the military service.

Oh, that's why you let the mustache .
Haha. In Hussars , then metish .

Yes, in the Hussars .

After university ...

after university , my dear,

go to the civil service , and not the military .

Was young and foolish
, now I want to be a hussar .

Do you know that the title of the
landlord and have the same service ?

Lesson management thousand souls ,

welfare depends on whom you - much more important

than command a platoon . or rewrite

- Diplomatic dispatches .
- I know .

And you know , so do not
want to continue my business ?

The soul does not lie . Alas
, I do not l'homme des champs.

L'homme des champs. You're not trying to farm .

Does not take an expert in ,

why the main effort most of our nobles

is not how to make their children people

and to make them quickly
Guard non-commissioned officers .

- I do not want to be like them .
- Well, why not , sir ?

Because ... because military service now -

this wine , maps and debauchery!

Not that under Paul Petrovich ,

God rest his soul . Then there was an order .

And now hussars only champagne to drink much

yes skirts hunt.

I will not let .

You really are depriving me of choice?

Hmm, really. This is my father's will .
You know me.

Well, and you , sir, I know .

I 'll do her .

Lisa : Good afternoon!
Murom : Hello , dear guests !

Hello, Grigory . Bonjour, mademoiselle ?li.

Bonjour, Pavel Petrovich .

- Oh, Lizok what news !
- We just got from Berestovs ...

[Women chirp . ]

- We too were tired of waiting .
- Bonjour.

So agreed the evening.

Bells were on lunch Tugilovo to Berestov .

This keeper of Russian
antiquity gives all lunches ?

And what was that? Soup and porridge - our food ?

Soup, of course, were
, with mushrooms and donuts .

And cow 's head with sauce,
aural and hussar liver.

And, of course , all kinds of cakes .
Barely breathe .

Well, we will treat overseas cooked croquet .

European game . Much better than Vista.

From St. Petersburg wrote on
the recommendation of Miss Jackson .

Splendid afternoon, miss Jackson.

Try Pal Petrovich .

- Well, here you are.
- Thank you.

Dad, we will go to me.

Go, go , you have your own business.

Natalya Fyodorovna , please.

Oh, Lizonka , you can not imagine

funny how these girls were dressed ...

They are sewn on the dresses were no flowers ,

and some dried mushrooms , ha ha ha!

Well .

Oh -oh-oh ... Ek you flourish .

So ... in Russian .

Oh, you will, Grigory , and our towns better.

There punch so kick.

- Odolzhaytes .
- And thank you .

We would all spur of the moment .
Restraint should learn from .

Restraint and accuracy.

English us ... this will give 100 points ahead .

In the economic method , by the way ... Aphchi !

Very ... very possible .

But the opponent's style Russian bread is born .

I do not remember who said it .

I know who . Berastau , I suppose .

But Peter the Great had
bequeathed to Europe to study.

And the same was given to you this civilisation
europe'enne. Russia has its own way.

So imagine Masha , he walks
, glides on all parties look

commercials indifferently turns .

A Valdemar asks him : " Do you not get bored ? "

Berastau put his ring -

he it as a death's head , you know? -

put his ring , rubbed it on his sleeve ,

so looked on indifferently
Valdemar , not just yawned.

- The same proud as his father .
- Yeah .

Well, just Childe Harold .

And that , and not for who does not drag ?

In our side did not even look .

And that reason is.

Something I now know why
he did not look at anyone .

Today I Olenka Kolbina presented .

Copied from letters Alexei Berestova .

That is not a letter, and with the envelope.

Avdote Kurochkina Petrovna .

In Moscow , opposite Aleksei Monastery ,

house coppersmith Saveliev.

Humbly ask these things
to deliver the letter A. NR

Chorus: AN R.

So now go and Guess .


God save .

Let me now go to the guests .

Very well . But where ?

In Tugilovo to Berestov .

Povarova wife they imeninnitsa

today and invited us to dinner .

That's it. Lord in the quarrel,
and the servants are treated each other .

And we cares gentlemen ?

Besides, I'm yours, and not daddy .

This is your papa at loggerheads
with tugilovskim gentleman .

And you have not even quarreled
with the young Berestov .

Rebuked . That's just to see
him , so immediately rebuked .

Only here to see how?

Let them fight the elderly , if they have fun .

And your business young.

Ha ha ha.

Try , Nastya , see Alexei Berestova

and tell me good for what
it is and what kind of person ?

And he wears a mustache.

Well are you talking about ,
Anastasia ? Well, what a mustache?

So you make come true Well mustache .
Said yourself .

I did not say anything .
Hmm , you never know what I said.

She said yes forgot.

Go to their Berestov there and do what you want.

Fuelling the fire that is not quenched !

Look at the sky , where
the birds fly , bells ring !

2, 3, fire, burn !

[ Balalaika plays . ]

Eat blazhmanzhe , dear guests .

Blazhmanzhe my Vanya for both the master cook .

You are wrong to say Lusha .

Barin tells saying " blancmange
" and not " blazhmanzhe ."

Very is angry .

Well, let him " blazhmanzhe " ... " blancmange "

well for me so " blazhmanzhe " prettier .

Our chefs have this gentleman .

Maybe we have something perepalo .

And then it all and starved herself oatmeal .

And he always meat is raw , blood , br -rr .

It was he who , after the death of
her mistress on anglitskie fashion crazy .

Poor, or what?

Oats are not from poverty.

- Oats are beneficial to health .
- Ah-ah -ah .

Their horses useful.

[ Balalaika, horn playing. ]

Vaughn. Squireling - rode with .

Oh, Look, young gentleman , Alexei Ivanovich .

He's a handsome man .

Nothing to do mulberries .

Well burn!

Grief, sorrow , stump !

What do you burn ?

Girls want !

What ?

Young !

- A love?
- I love !

- Slippers buy ?
- Buyer !

Farewell, my friend!

Do not get caught !

Goni , Mitya !

You Deck is hem DELAY !

[ Shouts , screams . ]

Walk around and reduced to stable.

Now I 'll burn .

Oh, gone.

Nisht , I did not catch him .

Fuelling the fire that is not quenched !

Look at the sky , where
the birds fly , bells ring !

One, two , three , fire, burn !

Come on, sir, show what you have done!

[ The girls scream . ]

From the crowd: Our virgins , are white
shirts, work disputes , the feet soon!

Birches around his Mota ,
hinges Zapletal ******** catch up !

Shibche !

Srodu had ever seen .

To master, and the burners
with the courtyard run.

Raging what.

They have clean - fire with .

Kissed !

Here ohalnik .

Where did you that? I do not know.

Priluchinskaya I Grigory
Ivanovich Murom , your neighbor .

Anglomaniac this crazy ?

How - how? And he is not
crazy at all , he is good,

and the daughter he so simply lovely sight .

Yes , I know the local ladies.
They have some books in my head.

Words simply do not say affectations .
Not what you are .

Mila , you're human it? Ali pripevka forgotten ?

Come this : " I'm burning , I burn hot ."

Well, what you start !

She lit.

Barin I 1st caught .

And you 1st ?

So to receive the award !

From the crowd: On , here's a carrot instead .

From the crowd: Mley not mley , povalissya .

From the crowd: agile Dunyaha .

[ Piano music . ]

[ Crickets . ]

Anastasia : The young lady !

Nastya , well, finally , tell me.

Well, Lizaveta G., I saw a young Berestova .

Quite seen enough . The whole day together.

- Tell me , tell me in order.
- Very well , sir.

Here we go , as you were allowed ,

for Name Povarova wife Tugilovo .

I Anisa Yegorovna

Nenila , Tweety ...

Well , I know , well then ?

Let - s, tell all in order.

Here we come to the very dinner.
The room was full of people.

Were kolbinskie , zaharinskie ,

prikazchitsa with two daughters hlopinskie .

Well Berastau ?

Wait a sec. Here we sat down at the table,

prikazchitsa on the 1st place, I beside her ,

and daughter yes swelled , yes I spit on them!

Oh , Nastya , how are you boring

with its eternal these details.
Urine is not listening .

Yes as you are impatient !

Well, we went from the table .
.. And we sat hour 3,

- And had a nice lunch !
- Nastya !

Here we go the table and went
into the garden to drink tea .

A young steel burner play . And we Dunka too.

Well, lady, listen to the same as it was on .

Once our turn came to run,

it is here that the young master
and was , rode on horseback as hussars.

And the truth is , he is so good ?

Surprisingly good. Handsome , you might say.

Tall, slender , blush in his cheek .

Hee-hee , and mustache , hee-hee .
Premilenkaya such antennae .

Strangely, right .

And I thought that his face pale .

Well, what he showed you ? Sad, thoughtful ?

What are you ! Down with the horse,
and well with us in the torch run.

With you ? In torch run? Impossible.

Very possible. So what else do:

catch and kiss well and
tendrils something tickled .

Wilt, Nastya , you're lying.

Your will , lady , I'm not lying .
I could hardly get rid of him .

The whole day with us and fussed .

And how do they say it in
love , no one else is looking ?

I do not know , sir. And I still looked very .

And Tanya , Prikazchikova
daughter and kolbinskuyu Pasha ,

Yes sin to say , no one hurt , even our Tweety .

Such a mischievous child .

But what he found Dunka something ?

? Wonderful month floats above the river ?

? All the night in the arms of silence. ?

Golubonki swallows ! Hodte Us!

[ Sing outside the window. ]

- And in the house heard about him ?
- About what?

Oh , Nastya , yes about Berestova w .

And what is heard .

Yes sir , they say , beautiful,

so kind, so cheerful .

One bad -

the girls really hurt right loves to chase .

Yes, to me this is by no
trouble eventually settle down .

I wish I could see him.

So ... What 's so tricky , eh ?

Tugilovo far from us , mile 3 .

Go for a walk in the wrong
direction or ride horseback.

You will find it is true .

He walks every day in the
morning to hunt with a gun .

No, not good.

He might think that I 'm chasing him .

Yes , and our fathers in a quarrel .

I still did not be acquainted with him .

Well, we'll see more .

Tomorrow is another day .

- Oh , Nastya !
- Ahti , Lord!

You know what?

Dressing -ka ... I Peasant !

Ah, young lady, indeed .

Put a thick shirt , sundress ,

Yes myself and go boldly into Tugilovo .

I guarantee you that you Berastau
really something not to miss .

Yes, and in the local
- I know how to speak well .

Ha ha ha.

Oh , Nastya , Nastya cute .

What a wonderful invention.

Hee-hee .

[ Fire crackling candles . ]


[ Jukebox plays . ]

? Dunya came out on the road , ?

? prayed to God. ?

? Dunya crying , howling , ?

? Another escorts . ?

? A friend went into exile , ?

? In the far aside. ?

? Oh, this foreign land to me , ?

? bitter grief . ?

? In a foreign country the young women , ?

? Red girl. ?

Oh, and because frankly, Nastya ,

I never seemed so sweet to you .

Why am I not born peasant.

Thank you, sir .

Eh? I do not understand , you say Th .

A -ah .

I Akulina , daughter of Basil
the blacksmith , of Priluchino .

I go to pick mushrooms .

Well, Nastya , like?

Painfully face you

belenkoe .

And you want it to have little black ?

Hmm . I , tea, not Ethiopian .

You , young lady , in a form Osram .

And what ?

Selyanka than not ?

- So something so the girls go .
- How ?

In shoes. It does not happen .

And then ... A barefoot happen?

Barefoot ... barefoot happens.

Hee-hee .

Hee-hee .

Oh. Oh, pricked . Ah.

Unaccustomed you barefoot. Delicate legs .

Veli bring sandals .

So on your leg and never find hurt small.

So led to woven .

By the morning to be.

- Oh !
- Quiet, quiet , quiet.



I uzho you.


Trofim !

Trofim Trofimushka .

It is for this measure should we weave sandals .

Very well . Will make sure that pleasure to .

Uh, who is this needed lapotochki children ?

None of your business . Not hesitated only work.

Bring in the morning , that was .
Passion, as it should.

Costly .

Bought off , not that ...

For emergency work

pay forward .

[ The bell rings . ]

[ Cows mooing . ]

Shepherd : Where ? Oh, you blockhead polled !

If Miss Jackson asks where I am,
tell me that the young lady , saying ,

today decided to perform the British rule -

got up early and went for a walk .

And what is the rule? Well, if you ask ?

Early to bed and early to rise

ma ... makes someone healthy, wealthy and wise.

Well, young lady ... That I never repeat .

Well then tell our way : " The
early bird catches the worm takes ."

And ... That's better.

She was expecting me ,

well, at least in the stables .
Do not forget to dress and scarf .

Ugum .


Good girl!

Thank you, Anastasia. You're so nice .

That I do without you ...

Well, with God.

Oh, do not forget to boxfish !

You go to pick mushrooms .


[ Dog barks . ]

Tout beau, Sbogar, ici!

Do not be afraid , my
dear, my dog ??does not bite .


No, sir , I'm afraid .

It is what you vish evil . How will throw again .

Well , honey , go in peace .

Gracieuse ... Fre'tillon ...

Listen honey, uh ... If
you're scared , I 'll take you .

- We did not get lost without an escort .
- And we are just on the way .


But you let me go near him as long , right?

And who do you meshat ? To
each his own , and worldly way .

E- heh .

[ Alex whistles . ]


Where are you , sweetie?

Of Priluchino . I am the daughter
of Basil the blacksmith , go mushrooming .

And you, sir, Tugilovsky tea ?

Exactly . But I'm not a gentleman
, and the valet young master .

And here lie! Not fool attacked .
I see that you're a gentleman himself .

- And why should you see?
- Yes around .

But yet ?

But how to master the servant does not recognize.
And wearing something you're not,

and baish otherwise. And
then the dog - not our klichesh .

Ha ha ha.




Yes you ... you ... Look what you .

And what ?

If you want us to be ahead buddies

it is not all right to be forgotten .

Well this is who taught you
to say so , then God have mercy ?

Nastya I do not know, my
friend ? The girl of your girls ?

What's her name?

G. Lizaveta .

Che , you think , am I a courtyard never happen ?

I suppose you have heard and seen enough of all .

And so if it is not itself Lizaveta G.

disseminates education among farmers ?

Non, c'est unique! Vraiment
c'est un charme, ha ha ha!

And I'm not our too can .

- Really?
- Yeah .

" Gutmonin " know Che is ?

So what?

" Good zdorovichka " means . From England .

Ha-ha- ha-ha .

Ha-ha- ha-ha .

- Good morning!
- Good zdorovichka !

Good zdorovichka !

[ They laugh together. ]

Oh. Wow . However, to talk to you .
Fungi do not rack .

Alexei : Ha ha ha.

Go-ka , you, sir, to the side , and I the other.

Ask forgiveness .

But how can even call you ? My soul .

Akulina name .

Akulina !

Soon I'll visit your priest . Wait !

- Which priest ?
- By Basil - smith .

What are you , that you
do not come , for Christ's sake .

Why so ?

Yes if the house know that I'm
a gentleman in a grove alone chattered

then I will be trouble .

Father will beat me to death .

Yes, I certainly want to see you again .

Well, I come here ever again for mushrooms.


Yes tomorrow.

Akulina Sweetheart , would you kiss ,

but do not dare . So , then ...

means tomorrow , here
, at the same time , is not it?

Yes. Yes. Yes, let the same , sir .

My home to go.

And you will not deceive me?

Do not hype.

Swore .

Here's the holy Friday come.

[ Shot . ]

Nastya . Are you here?

- Nastya !
- Ah ... What?

Ugh, how you frightened me . Sleep, in any way?

Well, I sleep . A Th I do?
Snog me in the morning no one.

Come soon to dress.

Come, tell , young lady , have you seen him?

- Yes, met .
- Well , so what?

And nothing. What are you thinking?

How is it? Well, he kissed you?

But how would he dare .

Very would dare . And I do not know.

No, Nastia , did not touch me.
Yes, I was given would not .

Look what invented . Quick what .
Immediately to her and kissing.

We just talked

and parted.

And all ?

Hmm . That's all.

Tomorrow morning meet again !

Ha ha ha!

Ah yes, young lady , that's
so long ago would have ! And then ...

- In health .
- God help us .

Good morning, which means
" all good zdorovichka ."

Morning, morning, darling .

Zhakson : Good morning.

They say you walked in the morning .
This is commendable .

Nothing is healthier as waking at dawn.

Do not you, Miss Jackson ?

Early to bed, early to rise

Chorus : makes the man healthy,
wealthy and wise. Ha ha ha!

And do not drink vodka .

Gee-gee . Hum , hum .

This of course.

And where are you walking ?

In Tugilovskoy grove.

Here it is in vain.

You should not go there.

Remember Lizok , Ivan Berastau -

enemy of our family .

God forbid , you will see on their lands -

shame no end .

Well, papa . I promise you.

That's okay .

[ Inaudible scream . Girl singing .
Shelest braid . ]

No, Nastia . I thought about it .

On my part it was frivolous , not more .

I no longer have to go into the woods .

- Well, I promised papa !
- A Berestov ?

But , move , sickness !

[Whispering ]. Berestov also promised .

And he promised . Oh , God, how to do that?

But who knows ?

Because you want to. And
what you want , and it asks .

No , sweetie Nastya . [Sighs . ]

Not so live as you want,
and so live as God commands .

And he tells you did ?

Papa tells you . And papa , tea, not God .

Whoa , whoa yeah you , cleft nutsedge . Whoa .

Lady, Bulanka something pohramyvat .
Reforge would be necessary .

When even go past the smithy
? Well, why do you want ?

Do as you please .

Girl : Uncle Basil !
Basil: I'm coming.

With Fedor you , Mother .

God save us .

- Eh?
- On the back pripadat .

I do see.


Your goddaughter . Akulina , daughter of Basil .

Yes. I know.

And well as Berastau not finding
you tomorrow in the grove ,

come running to the forge and even see her ?

And realize that you deceived him . Huh?

He can . He is.

So you think you ought to go?

And how is it .

Named milk mushroom - that get in the box .

Well, the last time.

[ Fire in the furnace hums . ]

Yes, and what to expect from
the proud memories of the people,

which is written on the monument

" Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky ."

- Have time , Alex ?
- Yes .

What Prince Pozharsky ?
And what is the citizen Minin ?

Was courtier Prince Dmitry Pozharsky

Kozma and a philistine Minic Sukhorukov ,

elected people from the entire state.

Fatherland even forgot
their real names deliverers .

Miserable people , for whose past does not exist.

Father, let me tell you .

, Alyosha , do not you agree?

And , no, I'm not about that. Horse I unchained .

So were shod . *************** .

Stepan shod , so bad. Seen , was drunk .

Was drunk - flog ! Just something
I do not really believe .

Stepan and drunken horseshoes
so that pleasure to .

Well, were reforge .

And do not interrupt me for nothing .

What was I ?

In Priluchino say is Vasyl , a good blacksmith.


- In Priluchino .
- Yes .

In Murom .

How dare you even think such a thing .

You know, as he recently said about me ?

Hlupin this morning was telling .
" Provincial bear ."

We are fools for him uncouth , primeval .

And he means hewn . Hehe. Hewn from England .

Smooth on all sides. And do not think!

- Good night, sir .
- Oh .

[ Birds sing . ]

[ Dog whines . ]

Mm- m .

Told to wake early , sir .

Come on , come on!

Barin , gun - it is not loaded !

Gun charge forgot something .


Be an important conversation .

Akulina . My soul . Came .

I been waiting for this morning.

Stand up , sir . What are you, right .

Why sad eyes ? What happened?

And then it happened , sir , that
we see each other for the last time .

Today I came too ,

could not help but to keep this promise to you ,

but Bole come. Not obessud .

But ww- why?

Yes, because in what kind these meetings

cause we can not.

We can not see each other. It is not good .

Well in that bad things , sweetie Akulina ?

Believe me , I ... I did nothing
wrong and I have no thoughts .

No , sir . Secret - always a sin.

Then certainly have to repent .

God forbid anyone knew a
gentleman with a peasant meets.

And you nesdobrovat . And so I ...

Wait ... wait, do not rush .

Now ... listen to me.

A girl like you , I've never met .

Lord knows , he's sent me to you .

I assure him and you in complete
innocence of my desires . I ...

I promise never to submit to you
and a small reason to repent . I ...

I will obey you in everything.
Just do not deprive me of ...

do not deprive me from
now on the only consolation -

see you alone at least ...

Well, at least every other
day , at least twice a week.

Today was the last time .

Never say " one last time ."

Not for us to decide what
the last time , and what is not .

[ Dog barks . ]

Give me a call ...

Give me your word that you
will never look me in the village

or ask me.

Give me your word not to seek other
appointments with me , except for those

I appoint myself .

By Good Friday !

I do not need an oath.
Quite one of your promises.



Lisa : Well, I gotta go.
Alexei : Already?


And you, sir, how long in our seats ?

I do not know yet.

I ask priests to military
service , but he will not let me .

No fan of the current military .

And in the civil service , I do not see sense .

And what do you want to fight?

Hussar .

Hmm . Hussars vetreniki all , they say .

Well this is who told
you that? Do not miss yours?

Do not believe her .

Well , sir , remember your promise!


Nastia, you here ?

Nastya ?

Nastya .

Nastasya . Are you here? I hear .

Lisa : Ha ha ha.
Anastasia : Oh. Ah. Oh.

- Again , I suppose , fell asleep ?
- Yeah, asleep!

Come soon to dress.

Quickly . This is us ... that we are now.

Nastya .

I'm in love .

Well and good.

What they wanted for it and came down .

And he is in love , Nastya .

Um, here I do not believe it. Why this?

And he kept telling me : ?Je vous aime?.

Thought I do not understand.

I firmly ordered him not to talk about love .

So he's French , you know.

" Same woo land " - Th is ?

"I love you " in French.

Oh, Nastya , what do we do now .

That's where I itself has got .

Now, do not retreat.

Ashamed to admit it . And our family feuding .

Have to leave.

Although I am for him peasant

and serious intentions he can not be, but I ...

but I would like to , I really
would like to see the master

kneeling before the village
blacksmith 's daughter

with a marriage proposal .

?Je vous aime?, you know?

?Je vous aime?!

[ They laugh together. ]

Lisa : ? The Captain's Daughter
, do not go for a walk at midnight. ?

Same woo land .

Ah. Mm- m .

Give , my dear, bows, and
say : " Certainly we will ."

Fulfill all , sir !

Rider : Ichi !

Hello Lizok . ROSCHIN invitation arrived .

Tomorrow Apostles Peter and Paul .

Pavel Petrovich double birthday .

So get ready . In the morning and go .
Now let's go to lunch .

Papa , and ... and how ...

Wow !

[ Lisa whimpers . ]

Well, well .

[ Panic music . ]

Ahem .

[ Rustling grass . ]

Oh. [ Lisa was out of breath . ]

Good morning , sir . How to rest ?

I was sleeping badly , dear Akulina .
Where as bad .

And so yesterday was not dead at all .
Well why did not you come?

Ask forgiveness . Yesterday
was the day Peter and Paul ,

- Yes ?
- So my father took to drink .

I had to sit with small little brothers .

So do you have any brothers ?

You would have sent someone
posmyshleney me with a note

I would not suffer . I
would answer you and wills .

And I , sir , ignorant fool .

Heh . There is something to lament ?

Yes, if you want, I will learn
to read and write you immediately .

Oh. Oh , sir . Surely real?


- I'm afraid I can not win .
- But why not try ?

I would so like to learn to write.

Very well , my dear , let's start right now .

Uh ... Look.

That 's ... that's the letter al .

Says "A".

This beeches .

Said " Bae ".

"B". "B". Do you understand? "B".

- Hee .
- What? Look .

Buki al .

"B , A". "B , A".

Well , down , what happened?

"B , A, B, A '.

Baba . Ha ha ha.

Correctly. Now I write.

Lisa : Aa- Az .

Lisa : Boo - uki .

Alexei : Well begun is half done .
Az and beeches have. Will and ABC.

[Next Lisa reading by syllables . ]

" Natalia came home

and anything else not thought

as a young man

in a blue coat

with gold buttons for ... ".

- How is it?
- Akulina , you just wonder!

We are learning faster
than the Lancastrian system!

Hmm . Really soon , sir ?

Now we will write.

Akulina my soul .

[ Lisa reads aloud a letter . ]

[ Alexei smacking the horse. ]

I remember the voice of sweet words ,

I remember blue eyes ,

I remember the golden curls

Casually curly Vlasov .

My shepherdess incomparable

I remember the whole outfit simple ,

And the image of a cute , unforgettable

Travels with me everywhere .

With that let me hold you , my dear .


Oh, Anastasia , as well.

How happy I am .

Welcome neighbor. I wish you good health .

Good hunting to you , lung field.

[ Hunting horn plays . Ratchet . ]

[Screams . ]

Whoa, whoa , whoa, chertyaka
where you are ! Whoa!

Hold it! Hold it!

Do not hurt yourself , Grigory ?

It's my fault , I beg you to forgive .

Much spirit knocked . I'm getting old .

- Alex , help .
- Yes, of course.

Grigory Ivanovich , please welcome me.

You need to catch my breath
, and leg would need to inspect .

Doctor I have a magician , a war took place .

Yes , I do . Already , in any way, let go .

As you wish, Grigory ,
no I will not accept failure .

I see you are still not very good ,

and yes to my house closer than yours.

Vakhtang warn healer.

Consider Grigory that I took you prisoner.

Ha ha ha.

A true vintage Russian Yerofeyich done so .

Take the eight spools mint and anise

of orange and nuts , coarsely pounded so .

Fill all this brocade , yeah ,

purified on birch coals vodka.

And for 2 weeks in the attic
under the eaves in the heat.

And in winter the stove .

Oprokinesh Yerofeyich such a glass ,

gate with coaching field ,
and right in the heart of paradise.

Hello, dear house .

Oh , dear Ivan,

and what crimson ratafii

was creating my late Mary V. . Ah.

Listen to you , my dear Gregory
Ivanovich , and heart rejoice .

I'm , frankly , thought

that you drink some gin .

- Or Scottish uviski .
- Ha ha ha.

- Or Jamaican rum .
- Ha ha ha!

But now I must confess , I confess,

because as I see - you are truly Russian people.

Dis-moi ce que tu bois, je te dirai qui tu es.

Uh, tell me what you drink

I'll tell you who you are.

Thank you for your kind words , Ivan Petrovich .

[ Glasses ring . ]

No matter how well you have me , and it's time .

Daughter , probably, the
place itself is not found .

Ivan, and you , Alexey

Give me your word

that tomorrow will arrive to us in Priluchino

dine in a friendly ,

my taste cordials and liqueurs.

Thank you, darling .

I am pleased to accept your invitation ,

Grigory dear .

Alyosha, led lay droshky for our guest .

Riding him will be difficult.

Well, one for the road ?

Ek I ugorazdilo .

I think it was God's will .


Heh- heh-heh .

Barina driven !

Chegoj happened !

Ahti , the trouble is!

- Ahti , stroller is not ours.
- What happened ?

Oh my God , Dad, what happened to your leg?

And whose is droshky ?

I never guess , my dear.

Ivan Petrovich Berestova . And what ?

- What do you mean , Dad?
- And even then Lizok ,

that all our old feud suddenly stopped

curtailed due to startle my filly .

Your old father with shame fell on the ground ,

Berastau and helped him
, invited me , fed , watered .

His doctor has set my foot .

And in general , Ivan Petrovich appeared not bear

as I had imagined , and the nicest person.

And all the evil tongues .

Tomorrow we will be for dinner.

What are you talking about? Berestovs
father and son dine with us tomorrow ?

Berastau Natural .

No, papa , as you like, but I would not show you.

What are you , crazy? How
long have you become so shy ?

Or do you feel towards him ancestral hatred ,

as novelistic heroine ? Come, do not be fooled .

No, Dad . Not for the world , for any treasures

do not show me before Berestovoy !

Well, as you know.

I hope that this attack of misanthropy is short.

Perhaps even change your mind. Go rest .

Servant : How are you , sir ?

Nastka where?

- In the kitchen .
- In her maiden .

Yes, Che happened something , lady ?

Got Game . I told you . It's all you .

Yes , Go , Go into the woods . I knew it .

I chegoj not understand.

Tomorrow will be an Berestovs to dinner both

Alex and sees me .

Oh, those gentlemen . Come understand them .

You better tell me what I should do now ?

What will he think when he saw me ?

What is your opinion about it will be my behavior

and rules of prudence about my ... Oh God ...

Yes you do not leave . Tell the patient .

Yes , the patient .

And you think I do not
want to see how I'll show him ?

Well, then I do not know. And so you
do not so , not commercials and commercials .

Did you change your clothes
again , only in reverse.

Perhaps not recognize.

- How is it - on the contrary ?
- And as Madame .

Nastyona Well , well, smart .

Yes, and your mother dresses chests lie idle .

Chorus: And again!


[ Jars jingle . ]

- In health .
- God help us .

Well, Lizok if all you're
going to hide from Berestovs ?

Certainly, Dad, I 'll take them

if you like, but only persuasion .

Yes ? What is this deal?

As much as I was not in front
of them , and no matter what I did,

you will not scold me .

And do not give any sign
of surprise or displeasure. Hmm ?

Again some of leprosy. Well, well , I agree.

Do what you want , my dear minx .

What does it mean, leprosy ?

And these are ... Hee -hee-hee ...

With a mustache . Ha ha ha.


Duniasha Dunjasha ... Nenila . Take a look -to .

Samovar place quickly .

Welcome , Ivan !

Glad to see you , Alexey !

How to get there ? Not shaken up ?

We have the roads are
bad , all hands do not reach.

Do not worry , Grigory ,

roads we , as throughout Russia
, we are used to . Good afternoon.

I read in the " Senate statements "

that very soon this picture will change .

According unto the philosophical
tables after 500 years .

Ha ha ha.

Where on the earth?

Uh, this barbarous country. Damn it!

And in Turkish company I was in St. Petersburg ,

so that to make war with the Turks had no chance.

What I regret to this day .

And so I had .

Under the hand of Prince Kutuzov beat Ali Pasha

and under Ruschukom and Slobodzeya .

And immediately there with Michael Illarionovich

quickly in Russia intrude way Bonaparte.

Oh, what times were right .

Here he asks the Hussars .

Well, tell me , Grigory ,

Is the current Hussars compare with the same?

And say nothing.

You , Alexey , leisure porassprosit priest ,

he will tell you this .

However, where my Lisa ? Where is my beauty?

This Miss Jackson , my daughter's teacher .

Originally from Yorkshire .

- Where is Betsy?
- I don't know.

Miss Betsy lock myself in the morning room .

Lisa : I'm here.
Zhakson : Oh.

How do you do, gentlemen?

Please love and favor , my daughter Lizaveta .

[ Suppressed laughter . ]

[ Heels tapping on the floor. ]


Sorry, I'm late.

Well , my dear ... We have fun.

We were graciously bestowed

Ivan Petrovich Berastau
and his son , Alexei Ivanovich .

Privechali guests.

Sit down, gentlemen.

Beg at the table .

What do you prefer, beef of fish?

I would like my steak.

Recommend Ivan Petrovich .

Genuinely rowan Spotykach .

More varjazhskogo prescription .

Sam did .

Oh-oh- oh! Mm- m .

And you , Alexei Ivanovich, after university

on what part of a plan to serve ? Mm- m ?

According to the civic or military ?

Breaks in the hussars .

- But I did not shoot.
- And I love the military.

Courted me for a hussar .

Do you remember , Dad?

As well as the same , in St. Petersburg,

Vygotsky at Princess , remember
, was a dashing hussar .

And to your mustache , Alexei Ivanovich,

I would very much approached hussar uniform .

I drink to your health , neighbors .

And for our good future relationship.

Peace and friendship .

[ They laugh together. ]

That's really and mother
' outfits fit you at all .

Ah, would see Mary V. .

And it occurred to them
fool you ? Be warned though .

Ha ha ha. It was very funny.

Really, that girl is too much.

I'm glad you liked my joke . Hee -hee-hee .

Well, some people did not like it at all.

- Miss Jackson ?
- Uh-huh.

Well, I coaxed her .

Certainly do it, Lizok .
I can see she is not herself .

This very hour I go and ask for forgiveness.

Here are just a disguise .

Clever .

Who is here?

Miss Jackson , I am.

I undressed . I already otdyhnat .

Oh, please , I'm on a minute .
Sorry to disturb you.

Me no rest . Where?

You naughty girl.

Well, Miss Jackson , you're so kind .

Miss Jackson , you do forgive me ? True pardon ?

I was ashamed to appear before Chernavka guests.

I did not dare to ask you ,

but I was sure that you will forgive me willful .

I so wanted to be beautiful like you.


I thought you were you want
the chickens podnimayt me laugh .

You are what you Miss
Jackson , my dear , my dear,

I relied on your kindness .

Well, this is true. Let it be .

But better sproshat me himself .

Excuse me , excuse me. Please, forgive me.

If you want polzovat black white paint,

I give you british oxide.

Oh, how kind of you . Thank you.
I'm so grateful to you. Hee-hee .

You were , sir vvecheru our masters.

What struck you our lady ?

Yes I did , and somehow did not notice .

- Sorry .
- Why ?

And because I wanted to ask you ,

Is it true ...

And what do they say ?

Is it true they say that .
.. if I like the young lady ?

Oh, what nonsense , yes ...

yes you and your lady sloppy .

Ah , sir , to tell you this sin .

Our fair-haired young lady
such , this woman of fashion .

Alexei : Belenky .
Lisa : Where will I be with her .

Yes on her face an inch
of white , nearly crumble .

Blacks eyebrows , shows its not important.

And says , forgive me, Lord ...

And what says ?

" I love the military. Your
mustache would go uniform . " Ugh.

- One affectation and folly .
- What?

- Yes , stupidity .
- Stupidity ?

Yes, what do you

stupidity saw ?

Yes throughout. Whatever you say , all silly.
Even in anglitski .

So you better not go in Priluchino ?


Surely you do not fancy our lady ?

You're a hundred times more beautiful.

Akulina , where are you?

Well God bless her , this young lady your .

Forgive me , if not he said .


Pam-pam -pam - ??Baraboo
, memory - param - pam-pam -pam .

Param- pam-pam , pam-pam ... Come on .

Pam-pam ... What granted , A. Pal ?

Again, the cook will complain ?

Not at all , Ivan Petrovich .
Present for you arrived .

From whom?

Grigory Murom

pleased to transmit a personal letter .

Tsa-tsa - tsa-tsa - tsa-tsa ...

Ho -ho-ho -ho-ho .

Well, what he writes here ?

"In gratitude for the noble act

and in honor of the upcoming
birthdays of your " ha - ha, ha,

" Please accept ," Anglomaniac , Snug .

Perfect ruzhetso . Perfect .

Grigory knows what's what .


What Pavel ,

he's really a close relative
of the Count PRONSKAYA ?

Similarly , p. Nephew ... spouses graph.

Count Pronskiy - man noble and strong,

it may be useful to Alexei .

Smekaev what I'm saying ?

How not to understand , Ivan Petrovich
, understand perfectly , sir.

Murom will be happy to give
his daughter in our Alyosha.

Grigory ...

Grigory Ivanovich Russian dope deal.

But , the person working it .

1st of landlords province

guessed estate lay the board of trustees .

- Yes, sir .
- Yeah .

Well .

Were enemies become matchmakers .

Veli , A. Pal , lay droshky .

Food to a neighbor with gratitude .

Yes puppy pick pomordastee .

Haha. What a hero . Do u have .

But what if our young fordybachitsya become ?

Frankly, from this side, Grigory ,

I do not see any obstacles .

My not wait , so I married him .

And your Lisa , in my opinion ,

must certainly be his love .

You only need to take them
more often to each other's homes .

Time and nature all Sladen .

And that is true .

Well, with God.

Heh- heh-heh .

Cougars - Purum - Purum , Purum - Purum .

Cougars - Purum - Purum ...

Alyosha , come to me -ka .

Come in, sit down.

That , my friend , Alyosha .

I intend to marry you .

And ... and for whom it is , sir ?


To Elizabeth Fosdick Murom .

At least where the bride , is not it ?

Uh- uh ...

Father, but I still do not
think about getting married .

You do not think , so I thought
it over for you and changed his mind.

You will, but, uh ...

Lizaveta G. Muromskaya I did not like it.

After enjoy.

Can endure , slyubitsya .

Sir, but ...

I ... I do not feel able to make her happy.

Not your sorrow her happiness .

As you wish .

I do not want to get married and not married .


That's the way you will read to the parent ?

Welcome . You're getting married or I'll curse .

Namely, as God is holy , selling , and squandered

mite and you will not leave !

Meanwhile did not dare show my eye !

[Beat ].


Alexei : Sweetheart Akulina my soul .

The hour has come to us to decide their destiny .

Today my father , threatening curse and ruin ,

commanded me to marry your young lady ,

Yelizaveta Muromsk on this nasty prude .

And I love only you , my angel,

incomparable my shepherd ,

and therefore ready to accept any future.

Will you go with me , O my soul ?

I offer you my hand and my heart forever

I no longer have any need .

And we will live for his work , and God help us .

Akulina welcome , tell me "yes"

Fear no one , neither father nor people

and you will make the happiness of my life.

Forever yours, Alex Berastau .

Home whether Grigory ?

Not at all . Grigory am pleased to leave .

That's annoying .

And Lizaveta G., as I understand it , at home ?

This is because it plays music ?

They are , sir.

[ Lisa plays and sings . ]

? I remember blue eyes , ?

? I remember the golden curls ?

? casually curly Vlasov . ?

? ? My incomparable cowherd

? I remember the whole outfit simple , ?

? And the image of a cute , unforgettable ?

? travels everywhere with me . ?

? travels everywhere with me . ?


Akulina .

My happiness .

Mais laissez-moi donc,
monsieur! Mais etes-vous fou.

What happened ?

Haha ! Yes, you seem to be the
case already quite harmoniously .

Oh, papa !

Murom : Ah , Lord.

Image wear !

Tweety , fly for the icon !

Nenila , *************** , yes samovar Command !

[ Choir sings . ]

Akulina .

Lizonka .

In all of you , my dear, good clothes .

Bless , sir . We've been in love.

[ Choir sings "Hallelujah" . ]

Now, now.

Well ?

God be with you , my dears detushki .

Be happy and love each other ,

for it is written : "Be fruitful and multiply ."

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