Lady Hamilton (1921) - full transcript

The dramatic story of Lady Hamilton's rise and fall in European society during the 1700s and early 1800s, including the romantic love story with Lord Nelson. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
a drama in 7 parts.


The widow of an impoverished nobleman,
who had long saved up the money...

to give her daughter an education,
leads her to a rich boarding school.

Emma Lyon
(Liane HAID)

After a while.

I can't pay for the school anymore...

Jenny Middleton - a rich friend of Emma's.
(Kathe OSWALD)

Tom Kid - a childhood friend of Emma's.
(Louis RALPH)

Romney - famous artist.
(Theodor LOOS)

His friend - Miss Arabella Kelly.
(Gertrude WELCKER)

You are beautiful, my child,
I want to draw your portrait.

Come to London, there I'll find
you a place as a model.

Certainly come to London
and come to me.

A famous artist wants to paint my portrait.

Do you know what a model is?
It's the same as a street woman.

At her mother's stall, Emma met again...

...with her rich school friend,
Jenny Middleton.

Let her carry the turkey!

I'm leaving for London.

I'm going there in the next few days too.

If you need me - you will find me
in the sailors' refuge.

In London.

Emma first tracked down
a friendly companion. The artist Romney.

Miss Arabella Kelly - high society
"lioness" - "Patronized" beautiful girls,

in this way drawing
rich idlers to her home.

This room will be yours.

Lord Wunder - one of the
"clients" of Miss Kelly...

Accustomed to fast victories,
the Lord acted in his usual manner...

Captain Sir John...

... and his boatswain, Tug.

The hostess of the hotel.

Whatever the price,
but you will be mine!

Emma knew only one quick way
to get out of poverty...


A sudden uneasiness forced Tom to return.

The English Navy recruited
"volunteers" to be sailors.

In order not to fall into the hands of
recruiters, Tom pretended to be disabled.

My comrades are having a ball tonight.
Let's go.

The next day.
Emma attempts to free Tom.

I want to see the captain.

You press-ganged Tom
to get revenge on me?!

You guessed it!

Hearing a commotion on deck...


The descendants of the "Great Britons"
maintained discipline... the "glorious" English Navy,
through very humane measures...

Left without means, Emma earned
easy money from the artist Romney,

posing for him for his painting "CIRCE".

Greville. - Jen's fianc?

In Greville's fianc?, Emma
recognized her school friend,

the arrogant Jenny Middleton,
who had so humiliated her...

How do I find the model of this painting?

Quite an ordinary face!

His name is Greville. He certainly wanted
to know who the model for this picture was.

From the desire to take revenge
on the arrogant Jenny...

and in the hope of a successful career...

And your fiancee, Jenny Middleton?

Discard her first...

Greville's uncle, Sir William Hamilton,
English envoy to Naples, visits his nephew.

Sir William Hamilton.
(Werner KRAUS)

Who is the original of this portrait?

Greville's financial troubles deepen...

Where is the statue
that you loved so much?

Give me Emma, then you will get
from me whatever you want?

You know how I love art!
Let me see the line of your back.

Greville has given you to me...

You wished to sell me to your uncle?!

Appreciating the strength of the woman
in her environment with a practical mind,

Emma stubbornly went to gaining
wealth and position in "society".

If you would go to Naples,
you would live there, like a princess!

I don't want to live like a Princess... No!
I want to live... as... as Lady Hamilton!

Sunrise at Vesuvius.

Arrival in Naples.

Your new mistress - Lady Hamilton.

His Majesty King Ferdinand 4th of Naples,
Sicily, Abruzzi, Campanian,...

Duke of Beneviento etc etc...
(Reinhold SCHUNZEL)

Your majesty, the English ambassador!

Queen Maria Caroline.
(Else HEIMS)

Nelson, Admiral of the British Navy,

with an urgent request
for the Ambassador. (Conrad Veidt)

Joshua Nisbet, stepson of Admiral Nelson.

In the morning.

Bad news, Admiral. In Paris,
the mob is rebelling. You need to leave.

Ferdinand! My poor sister...
Marie Antoinette... guillotined in Paris...

And my neck could be cut short too!..

The improvement of antique sculpture by
His Majesty King of Naples, Siciliy, etc...

Dear lady! Your beautiful image carried
with me to the stormy sea...

You're always with me. I hope to return
soon and personally express to you

all the feelings that have engulfed me.

Are you in love with Nelson?

I believe in him!

In a naval battle the English fleet
defeated the French squadron.

This is all that is left of me...

Today His Majesty is
arranging a celebration

on the occasion of
the victory of our Fleet.

Bravo! Bravo! Samson and Delilah!
The newest masquerade of Lady Hamilton.

That same night.

I want you to apologize to her.

Perhaps you would care
to explain your behavior?!

Remember, father, when you
lost your arm in battle?..

It wasn't a portrait of my mother...
It was a portrait of lady Hamilton...

Your father asks you to
take these despatches to Cadix.

Will Samson remain with Delilah?

The Admiral ORDERS - go!

The next morning.

You had a light all night...

I wanted to come to you,
but at the very door changed my mind...

Exhausted by a long and senseless war
with revolutionary France,...

the people finally raised a rebellion.

We don't need a King!

Prince Caraciollo - a supporter of the
French influence at the court. (Paul BILDT)

It is better, if your majesty remains here.

Go to Palermo, your Majesty...
And here, in the meantime,...

...the rebellion will be suppressed.

Your Majesty, show yourself to the people,
to reassure them.

Long live the revolution!!

You want me DEAD!!

I'm going to Palermo.

On a stormy night,
Nelson transports the king to Palermo.

The dispatch from the English ministry
demanded that Hamilton,...

...under the fear of being recalled
from the post of envoy,...

...induce Naples to provide
new support to the English fleet.

You can see that I'm very busy!

Then they went to
the real ruler of Naples.

The shadow of her guillotined Sister
- Marie Antoinette - ...

...and concern For her own head,
dictated to the Queen a cold refusal.

Party in the 'Pharaoh' at the Hamilton.

Unfortunately, my wife is unwell and
cannot come out to our guests.

The naval Minister.

France has sent a strong fleet against us.
You must go to sea immediately.

In anticipation of a near death.

Here are all the preparations
for my burial.

I know everything that happened
between you and Nelson.

I know that you were unfaithful to me!

My entire fortune is inherited by
my wife Emma Hamilton - n?e Lyon.

You thought I'd leave you a fool.

I'm disinheriting my wife, nee Lyon.
My nephew inherits everything.

The final battle.

Give my last regards to Lady Hamilton.