Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998) - full transcript

Rahul Khanna and Anjali Sharma were best friends at college. Anjali realizes that she has fallen for Rahul but she's too late because Rahul has already fallen for Tina Malhotra. Heartbroken, Anjali leaves the city. Tina and Rahul get married and soon Tina becomes pregnant, giving birth to a daughter which they call Anjali. Due to complications during pregnancy, Tina passes away. Anjali is brought up by her father, and each year on her birthday he allows his daughter to read one of her mother's letters. Through these letters she learns that her mother (Tina) knew that another Anjali was in love with Rahul, and vows to bring them together again.

"Something happens"

"Something happens"

Hey Rahul, do you want to be my friend?

She's just like her father.

Isn't she?

Tina is very critical Rahul.

She doesn't have much time.

We tried our best, Rahul.

But her internal bleeding was too much that,

We couldn't do anything.

She knew... I had told her that there
would be complications in her delivery.

But... she also knew how much you
wanted this child.

She also loved this baby more
than her own life.

I want my daughter to know me.

Who her mother was,
How she was like.

She should know the answers to these


I am leaving these 8 letters
with you...

...one letter for each of her birthdays.

These letters have everything that I want
to tell my daughter.

They are going to be my daughter's
memories of me.

You are very bad.

You are very bad .


Hey Rahul...

Do you want to be my friend?

Promise me...

...that you will never cry.


Anyways... you don't look good when you cry.

Can you make one more promise?


You'll name our daughter...


Promise me.

I'm sorry Rahul...

I'm really sorry.

Please don't go.

Promise me... that you'll name our daughter Anjali.

Promise me.

Hi ! I'm Anjali ...

...and you're watching channel, Anjali!

I am going to be a V.J.
when I grow up.

...you know, just like Neelam!

Hey! Cut, cut, cut!

Ooops! I'll be back after the break.

My hobbies are...

eating chocolates...

...beating up boys,
irritating my grandmother, and...

...reading mom's letters.

Hey l'm late!

I have to get ready for my
appointment with Papa.

But I'll be back next week,
same time, same place.

Watch me!

Hi... Anjali!

Anjali, listen to me!

Look... I'm only a little...

I'm only...

T-t-two hours late.

- Okay, I'm sorry!

But l was busy.

I'm busy too papa!

Did you know that I didn't even
watch TV today!

Because l had to meet
you here!

That too, just to buy "your" clothes.
- Yeah.

This is too much, Papa!

I can't do everything!

I'm your daughter, not your wife!


If I can be both your father and mother at once...

...then why can't you be...




What is it?
- Did it feel bad?

A bit.

- Okay.


That is why one says...

One God.

Multiple forms!

But no matter what form he takes...

Our prayers and worship are
definitely reaching him!

Therefore, it is very important to
keep a steady bond with God.

She speaks so well doesn't she?

That's all for today.

Now, to finish, we'll have...

Did you know that I got this as
a gift on Valentine's Day!


- Roopa will now...

recite for us the "Divine Hymn".

What me?

Go on Roopa.

The Divine Hymn! I... forgot it.

What? What are you saying Rupa?

Did you hear that sisters??

Our Roopa has forgotten the Divine Hymn!

My dear if you won't pay
attention to your prayers...

...then what example will
you set for your children?

What we think and what we say...

...have a deep and profound impact
on our children. Right ladies?

Then how will her children...
- Granny!

Oh! Speaking of children,
My grandaughter! Anjali.


Hi sexy!

She can't teach her own grandaughter...

Who taught you that?

Papa did!

Go get ready for your
school function. Go!


Give me the letter.

When is your birthday?
- Tomorrow.




Come on, hurry up, hurry!

These are our seats.
- Come sit.

Come Mr Khanna come!
Sit please!

Hello how are you!
- Doing well! Hello.


Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

And, welcome to the
"Just One Minute Competition".

This is such a strange competition.

The children have to talk on the stage...

...and the topic is also given right here...

...in some strange bowl!
- Yes. Yes.

On the spot, sir! On the spot!

Stop it Balbir! Control yourself.

It's okay ma'am, let him hit me.

Remember. each student will only
be given one minute.

Just one minute!

Just minute? Just One minute?
Does this mean they'll get only one minute?

Exactly! Big problem.

But our Jassu still wins every year.

She's so talented you know.

Best of luck Jaswinder.
- Same to you .

Our Jaswinder is the best sir, the best!

Actually Anjali is also

She'll come second! Not to worry.

Thank you very much sir.
- Welcome sir! Welcome!

Our first contestant is
Jaswinder Singh!

Oh my sweetheart!

Oh Jassi let loose!

Jassu! Jassu! Jassu! Jassu!
- Let loose! Pull out all the stops!

My topic is Pooja (worship).

We worship the Lord every morning.

Papa says that worship makes
the Lord happy with us...

...and protect us from evil.

- But Mummy says that...

worshipping the Lord will
make Granny happy...

... and will leave us a big house
in her will.

Pooja... Pooja, Yes!

Pooja Bhatt is my favorite actress.

...and my best friend's name is
also Pooja.

Okay thank you.

Wow! My sweetheart!

Next we have Anjali Khanna!

Pick your topic.

- Okay.

And your timer starts now!

Say it!




I'm sorry.


A mother is someone...

who loves us so much...

...that even we sometimes can't
understand it.

A mother is someone who makes
us realize how amazing we are.

...that there is no one better than us.

A mother is someone, whose happiness is
in our laughter.

...whose sorrow is in our sorrow.

A mother is someone we
can't truly live without...

Mother... A mother is everything.

Only we just don't have her.

But we have Papa...

And he's pretty nice too.

Then you give me a hug .

Oye that's number one! Number one!

Rahul do you remember Mr. Sharma?

He phoned.

Mr. Sharma who?

Our neighbor in Delhi. He
has sent a marriage proposal.

For whom?


Why don't you accept it.

Shut up!

Anyways, he was saying that the girl
is very beautiful and well-mannered.

...but I refused comprehensively.

Did I do the right thing?
- Yes.

I did the right thing?
- Yes.

I did the right thing?

Yes mom.

Yeah, well, I must have done
the right thing.

It's not like I do anything wrong.

Everything I do is right.

So what if the girl is well-mannered
and beautiful.

All girls are beautiful and well-mannered
these days.

Who even wants to get married here?
Mr. Sharma is stupid.

Keeps sending me proposals.

Why doesn't he get married himself?

And just leave me alone.

What's wrong mom?

I don't know Rahul.

I just find this family incomplete.


You're here, I'm here.

Anjali is here.

I don't find it incomplete.

You know,
When I go out with my friends...

...they all complain about their

- I can't even do that.

This is a very big problem.

So, you need a daughter-in-law because
you want to complain about her to others.

No, son.

I just want to see you happy.

I am happy.

Very happy.

So you won't ever marry again?

Mom we only live once,

we only die once.

We only marry once.

And we fall in love only once.

Not again and again.

You can manage just fine, my son...

But what of Anjali?

Why? What's happened to her?

Don't you feel...

...that she needs a mother?

She's fine mom.

She's just fine.

Because she has something...

...which I don't even have.

Her mother's letters.

Happy Birthday, Anjali.

My dear Anjali,

Happy birthday!

You're 8 years old today!

And I'm sure that you're just
like your dad.

Same smile, same eyes. Right, Anjali?

No! I'm just like you.

Tell me Anjali, does your father still
go to bed wearing his shoes?

Old habits die hard.

You're a big girl today Anjali, which is why you can

...the things I'm about to tell you today.

Today I'm going to tell you a story.

This story features Me, your Papa and...



Late again.

I can't wake up early.

Can't wake up or were you scared?

Hey! Rahul Khanna isn't scared of

Rahul Khanna is never scared of anybody.


But still loses to Anjali Sharma every single
day in basketball.

You wanna play or not?

What's the point? You lose
every day.

I won't lose today.

You say that everyday.

We'll see.

We'll see.

Hey! If you can't play atleast don't

Hey! Don't call me a cheater.

That's what you are, cheater, cheater, cheater!

Anjali, don't call me a cheater.

Rahul is a cheater!
- Not a cheater.

He is a cheater!

He is a cheat...
- Not a cheater!


Stop screaming like a girl!

Hey! Don't call me a girl.

Actually, you're right. You're not a girl.

Atleast I'm better than the stupid
girls you run after.

Escuze moi! l don't run after girls,
girls run after me.

Wow! Rahul is so cute!
- Wow is right, Yes.

He's so sweet. He's so handsome right??

Not as handsome as you though, your
moustache is bigger.

Was that a joke?
- What if it was?

I don't like jokes.
- I don't like you.

Shut up!
- Shut up!

Rahul and Anjali have fought again.

Rahul and Anjali have fought again.

Rahul and Anjali have fought.

Rahul and Anjali have fought again.

"What sort of a boy is this?"

"What sort of a girl is this?"

"What do I do with him?"

"What do I say to her?"

"He fights with me."

"She irritates me."

"He quarrels with me."

"She gets upset."

"He is crazy."

"She is crazy."

"But he's your best friend dear."

"But she's your best friend dear."

"Oh my! Oh my! This boy.
Oh my! Oh my!"

"Why does he play these pranks."

"Ask him please, why?"

"Oh my! Oh my! This boy.
Oh my! Oh my!"

"Why does he play these pranks."

"Ask him please, why?"

"Sometime he fights with me.
Sometime he quarrels with me."

"Nobody come near him!"

"This boy is crazy, is crazy"


"This boy is crazy, is crazy"


"Oh my! Oh my! This girl.
Oh my! Oh my!"

"Why does she play these pranks."

"Ask her please, why?"

"Sometimes she fights with me."

"Sometimes she irritates me"

"Only mess with her from a distance"

"This girl is crazy, is crazy"


"This girl is crazy, is crazy"


"Only she can understand the
things she talks about"

"No one else can figure them out."

"She's like this and she's like that."

"No one else can figure her out."

"So run for your life, friends!"

"She's surely up to some mischief."

"This girl is crazy, is crazy"


"This boy is crazy, is crazy"


"He teases me whenever he passes by."

"He does not listen to me"

"Look out, look out, he's crazy."

"Beware of him!"

"He is all of the above, and yet..."

"He's still dear to me."

"This boy is crazy, is crazy"


"This girl is crazy, is crazy"


"Oh my! Oh my! This boy.
Oh my! Oh my!"

"Why does he play these pranks."

"Ask him please, why?"

"Sometimes she fights with me."

"Sometimes she irritates me"

"Only mess with her from a distance"

"This girl is crazy, is crazy"


"This boy is crazy, is crazy"


Haye Allah! Look at the state of this room.

These girls will drive me crazy. Idiots,
the lot of them.

Hey! What is this mountain
you've made on your head?

These are rollers, Rifat Bi!

These are rollers, Rifat Bi.

You're not going to get boys with
these rollers, let me tell you!

Then how do we get boys, Rifat bi?

Haye Allah! What kind of clothes are you
wearing? Shame!

C'mon tell!
- I don't know how to get boys!

Tell us please.


Tell us.

Okay. Boys will die for a girl's mannerisms...

...the way her back moves when she walks, and...


And I don't know!

You girls talk too much!

And clean up this mess please!

Oh Allah! What do I do with this girl?
Anjali what on earth is this?

What kind of clothes are you wearing?

It's cool Rifat bi .

Cool? My child, please try to be feminine once
in a while.

Not like these idiots but still!

What Rifat bi! Same thing every single

Listen, did you know that I beat Rahul
again today?

Rahul! You should stay away from that

Why? He's my best friend.
He's my buddy.

Doesn't take long for best friend...

...to become boyfriend.

Rahul? Please. Never! Yuck!

Yes yes. l know all about that.

Here l've got you some pudding.
Don't tell anyone.

Oh! Thank you Rifat bi!

Leave me! Mad girl!

Hi! Radio Xavier's wishes you a cool
Happy friendships day.

No short skirts in the college.

Good morning Ms. Briganza!

Good morning boys!
Nice color Piyush.

I'Il complain to your mother

...you wear short skirts in college to
excite the boys here.

Excuse me!

l said no short skirts in
the college please!

"Ms. Briganza"

Ms. Briganza!

You were saying something Malhotra?

Oh! I was just saying that wearing short skirts
in college is not allowed.

What? But this is the fashion these
days Malhotra!

This is nothing, some girls don't wear
skirts at all these days.

Don't tell me that Ms. Briganza.

Yes, Malhotra.

And am I not looking nice today or?

You are very cu-eet.


You're very cute.

But if you expose yourself like this in...

...the college then these youngsters...

What do you mean
by "these youngsters"?

Do you mean that I'm not

You're very young.

But Malhotra, you wear very boring clothes.

I know...

But, you know, when Mrs Malhotra was
still alive...

- I would occasionally...

...wear fancy clothes for her.


But there's no point now to
"jazz it up".

What do you mean "no point" Malhotra?

Mr. Malhotra...

"Ms". Briganza.

"Mrs". Malhotra?


Happy friendships day!

Sharma. Why are you always scaring me
when we meet?

What is that you're doing now?

This is a friendship band, sir.

I'm no longer just your student,
but also your friend!

Oh! Very goodgudgudgudgud!

What's up sir? You look very
happy today?

What do you mean?
- No! I meant just... generally!

Oh! Generally.

Well my daughter
is coming home today, that's why.

Your daughter?
- Tina! She's moving back from London.

From London?
- She was studying at Oxford Uniiversity.

Oxford University? Wow!

Basically, we all used to live there.

But after Mrs. Malhotra passed, I couldn't
stay there any longer.

So I came back to my country.

Tina didn't come back with you?

No. She had to finish her education.

But I missed her a lot so I asked her
to complete her final year of college...

...here in our college. After all,
we are no less than Oxford dear.

Yes Sir!

My child,
You'll take care of Tina won't you?

Of course sir.
- Happy friendship day.

Thank you sir.

What? Rahul did? Unbelievable!

Yes! Do you know that I'm the first girl
who Rahul has given a friendship band to?

- Isn't it exciting - Of course.

Do you know Sonia?
- Yeah?

You're the only girl I'm giving
a friendship band to.

Really Rahul?
- Reallly Sonia.

That's because you're the smartest...

...and most
beautiful girl I've ever known .

Really Rahul?

Really Sonia.

Oh Rahul! You're telling the
truth aren't you?

Really Tanya.
- My name's Sonia!

See! I got so lost in your eyes that
I even forgot your name.

I just can't believe this Rahul.

Trust me.

Oh Rahul!
- Oh Sonia!

Oh Rahul!
- Oh Sonia!

Stop it Rahul.

- Sonia.

Oh Sonia!

O Rahul!

These fell.

These aren't mine. Hey, hey!
- You cheat! Your liar!

Hey, hey, hey... come on!


N-n-no Tanya!

W-w-what's your name!
- Sonia.

Go away! 30 minutes of work wasted.

Don't you get tired running after
these stupid girls?

Hey! I don't run after...

I know! I know!

But can't you find a girl that has both
beauty and brains?

Okay. So she's beautiful and also has brains.

Where will I find this girl?

In any case, I just use these girls as a

Because I haven't found "her" yet.

- Her.

You see, I'm looking for the girl that makes things

Makes what happen?

Makes something happen in my heart.

Makes what happen?

Something happens...
You won't understand.

When she walks, the entire world is left
gazing at her.

And when she stops, time stops.

And when she laughs...

She, she, she! What will
you do when you find her?

What will I do when I find her?
- Yes.

I'll bow in front of her,
spread my arms, and say...

...Hey! Whoever you are...
I love you.

I love you .


Don't be. I love you.

Excuse me.
- No, no, no. Squeeze me.


- Hi!

I'm Anjali!
- Hi!

And you are?
- Hi! I am...

- Hi.

Tina! Right?
- Yeah!

How do you know?

Cuz the principal today...
- Right!

Please don't mention that old slob
first thing of the day.

So Tina! First day of college?

Yes, she just came from London.
- Yeah.

How do you know?

Cuz Rahul today the principal...

I just told you not to talk
about that baldy.

- So Tina!

Where were you studying in London?

Oxford University.
- Oh Oxfor...

How do you know?

Cuz the principal told me today...

Ye-Ye-Yeah, Yeah! Please!

Let the baldy be!

We have this grouch of a principal.
She's his pet.

- Grouch is right.

But forget him!

Tell how has your first
day at college been?

- You look great too...

Good morning Archana.

Feroze. Cut your hair!
- Jealous huh?

Short skirt... Oh my god.

There's groucho in the flesh.
Good morning sir!

Good morning. - Hi. Sir.
- Good morning, sir!

Good morning, darling!

Short skirts are not allowed in
the college.

You know I...
- Come on.

...just got back from London and haven't
unpacked properly.

Excuse me.

Sir, may I? - No!
- Thank you! - What!

Sir it's Tina's first day, she's just
come back...

...from London and hasn't unpacked.
She wore whatever she could.

And how do you know that?

Sir I know Tina from
my childhood.

Since childhood? - Right sir.

Really Papa.
- Really Pa.... Papa?


- P-p-p-p....

Mr. Malhotra, I need you here.
Mr Malhotra.

Not there sir, she's waiting in the staff

Staff room? Uh yeah we have an
important meeting about...

I'm sure sir. - ...about your future.
- You take care sir.



Excuse me.

Uh... Yeah.

He's old, a grouch, baldy and
a s...

Smart? Sweet?

Slob. But he's not all that bad.

Squeeze me.
- Yes?

Happy friendships day.

We've only just met.
Friendship is a far thought.


So... Did "Something happen"?

No she's not my type.


She's not Indian enough yeah?

She was raised in London.

And these London
returns are little weird.

A girl should be one you can take home
to your mother. You know?

No. She's not my type.

No. She's not my type.

You won't find anyone at this rate.

Why? I found you.

Me? Yuck!
- What Yuck? - Never!

If I don't find someone..
- Forget it Rahul.

I'll marry you.
- Absolutely not!

Anjali, no one will marry you anyways.
- Shut up!

Hey Tina! Yo. Take this.

What's this?
-This is our college's sweetshirt, Cool, no?

Thanks. Anjali!
- Yeah?

Can I ask you something?
- Yeah, Sure!

Why does everyone keep staring at me?

As for why the boys are staring, well... you know?

And the girls wanna know why boys are
staring at you, which is why they're staring too.

Yeah? - Yeah.
- Yeah!

And look, if you face any kind
of problem...

...just come straight to me or to Rahul, you know?

Rahul? The one who was...
- Right!

He's my best friend! And
we sort of rule this college.

Hey! Hi guys!

This is Rahul, see?

- Hi.

We have a rule in this college.

We make every newcomer sing something.

You know, "Do Re Mi".

- Right!

Um... Rahul this is the
principal's daughter.

So what? We can't break our
rules for anyone, Right?


But Rahul!
- Shut up principal's pet!

Tina... Tina Malhotra.

London, Oxford University and all that...

Look, you have to sing a song for us...

...and for this whole college in Hindi.


Oh I'm really sorry!

What's the matter? Did moving to
London make you forget Hindi?

Sorry! One minute, excuse me.

Rahul, how can she sing a song in Hindi?

Why? She's the principal's daughter.

If he can't teach her then how will
he teach us? And you, shut up!

So Tina will sing... you'll sing a
song for us in Hindi...

...and make it fast because we
don't normally have a lot of time, right?

- Okay...

Go on...

Growing up and living in London,
studying there...

...has not made me forget my

...and don't you ever forget that.

Hey! You're in my place!

Oh! I'm sorry!

No it's okay. Hey Adi, move!

Good morning class!
Good morning.

Good morning ma'am.
- Settle down everyone!

"Ms. Briganza"

Anyway, today we're about to start something

Romeo & Juliet.

An eternal love story.
"The eternal love story."

But before we begin, there is
something I want to ask all of you...

What do you all know about love?

What do you know of love?

What is love?

Anyone? Anyone?


No one?

Tina! Why don't you tell us "What is love?".

Me? I don't know.

Anjali! What are you doing?
Can you tell us what love is?


Oh forget it!



What is love?


Love is friendship.

If she can't be my best friend...

...then I can't be in love with her.

Because there is no love
without friendship.


Love is friendship.

Okay Ms. Briganza?

Okay Rahul.

What an absolutely delightful thought.

Love is friendship.

Love is friendship.

Thank you, Rahul. Thank you for sharing
this absolutely delightful idea with us!

Love is friendship.

Love is friendship.


Do you want to be my friend?


"Something happens."

"La...la...lala happens."

My head! My feet! Oh I was
upside down.


Sorry Malhotra! Briganza here!

Yes Ms Briganza?

I hope I didn't disturb you...

...and even if I did, I'm sure
you don't mind.

Go on Ms. Briganza!

Anyw... Malhotra I called to tell you that
all the rehearsals are complete...

...and our college will be the best in tomorrow's
inter-college comepition, Malhotra!

All the other teams don't stand a chance. You
know what I mean?

This is all because of you
Ms. Briganza.

And this is all for you Malhotra.

Really Ms. Briganza?

Really Malhotra.

Oh Ms. Briganza.


I fell!

And the next college is our own college!
St. Xavier's!

- Xavier's! Xavier's! Xavier's!
- Xavier's! Xavier's! Xavier's!

- Xavier's! Xavie...
- Xavier's! Xavier's! Xavier's!

What! Oh my god. They can't
make it?

Ms. Briganza a curfew has been imposed
in their area...

...and it's impossible for them to leave. Good god!
What will we do now?

Mr. Malhotra! Will you let me
think please?

Idea! - Idea?
- Yes!


You both have to do this otherwise both of
you are going to... fail!

Mr Malhotra!
- But sir how can we sing and dance?

We can't do either!

And you know these students,
they'll eat us alive. - Correct!

It's a bad idea. - Right!
- What do you mean it's a bad idea?

It's a very good idea.
Nothing will happen to you two.

The students that were due to
perform today...

...have recorded a
tape of their rehearsals.

I'll play that tape, melodious music will
start playing...

...and you just have to move your lips
according to the lyrics.

Like in the films! Lipsync! Okay?

It won't work.

What do you mean it won't work?
Ofcourse it will work! Mr Malhotra!

"My name is Chin Chin Chu"
"Chin Chin Chu baby Chin Chin Chu"

"Moon lit sky with you and me."
"Hello Mr. How do you do?"

Ms. Briganza, control yourself. Control...


What do you mean by no?

Anjali you...

Don't you care about your college's

That's very tragic dear, very tragic.

C'mon Rahul, the college's reputation
is at stake.

- Okay!

C'mon Tina, you come too. C'mon!

No, no. l'm not coming!

Huh? Tina what are you saying?

Hey, hey Anjali...
Why are you asking her? Let's go.

Yo! One and only!

Yo! Let's go baby! Yay! Yo!

Take it from the top! Play!

What do I play? This must be it.

"You're just a traveller."

"You're just a traveller."

"How will you stay with
me your whole life?"

"You're just a traveller."

"How will you stay with-"

Mr. Malhotra! What is this?

Mistakes were made Ms. Briganza. I
put on the wrong tape.

Hey! What the hell is happening?

"-stay with
me your whole life?"

"You're just a traveller!"

Joe! Music off!

"I've found someone."

"I've found someone."

"I've(You've) found someone?"

"What has happened to me?"

"Why do I feel so lost?"

"Was I insane before or have I just become now?"

"Dreamy eyes and unkempt hair,
Look at messy state you're in."

"I've found someone."
"I've found someone."

"I've lost my heart."
"I've lost my heart."

"What can I tell you, friends."
"What can I tell you, friends."

"I'm all shaken up."
"I'm all shaken up."

"I've found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"What has happened to me?"

"Why do I feel so lost?"

"Was I insane before or have I just become now?"

"Dreamy eyes and unkempt hair,
Look at messy state you're in."

"I've found someone."
"I've found someone."

"I've lost my heart."
"I've lost my heart."

"What can I tell you, friends."
"What can I tell you, friends."

"I'm all shaken up."
"I'm all shaken up."

"I've found someone."
"I've found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"God knows what's happened to me."

"People have started calling me a madman."

"Is this really madness?
Please tell us as well."

"What's happened to you?"

"Uptill yesterday I was perfectly sane."

"My heart was bubbling with

"Then why this restlessnes?
Why this eagerness?"

"Have you lost somebody?"

"I've found someone."
"I've found someone."

"I've lost my heart."
"I've lost my heart."

"What can I tell you, friends."
"What can I tell you, friends."

"I'm all shaken up."
"I'm all shaken up."

"I've found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"Who is this that's come into
my life like a cloud?"

"Who is this that's
settled over my heart like this?"

"I really want to tell you but I
can't bring myself to do it."

"Tell you what her name is."

"Don't name her but atleast say something."

"Please give me a little clue."

"She's in my eyes, she's in my heart."

"What else can I say to you?"

"I've found someone."
"I've found someone."

"I've lost my heart."
"I've lost my heart."

"What can I tell you, friends."
"What can I tell you, friends."

"I'm all shaken up."
"I'm all shaken up."

"I've found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"What has happened to me?"

"Why am I so lost?"

"Was I insane before or have I just become now?"

"Dreamy eyes and unkempt hair,
Look at messy state you're in."

"I've found someone."
"I've found someone."

"I've lost my heart."
"I've lost my heart."

"What can I tell you, friends."
"What can I tell you, friends."

"I'm all shaken up."
"I'm all shaken up."

"I've found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

"Finally found someone!"
"Found someone."

Anjali? What's wrong?

I don't know why but... I'm missing
mommy a lot today.

Hey! How can you say that while I'm
still around?

Idiot, crying solves nothing.


Yes! 11:08, good timing guys!



Rahul! Juice? Juice?

Rahul! Juice?

Anjali? How long have you known
Rahul for?

From the first day of college, you know what?
I beat him at arm wrestling.

Ever since we've been best friends.

"Best friends."

Rahul is your best friend isn't he?

I'm Rahul's best friend.

Rahul! Juice? Juice?

Don't you love him?

Hi! Shall I go?
- Where?

Today's... Tuesday right?

Oh yes! Rahul goes to meet his relatives
every Tuesday.

But I'll stay if you want.

No you should go Rahul. Or you'll get late.
- I have some time!

No Rahul you'll be late! Go go go!
- I can stay!

C'mon! C'mon! Ok! Bye!
- Okay.

Oh God please see to it that
I don't fail my exams this time.

My chemistry is a bit weak so you
take care of it and I'll manage the rest.


What hi? Look ahead!

Rahul! ...Rahul!

Uhhh... Hi.
- Hi! - Hi.

So your relatives stay here?

Yes here!... No not here... here!...
No actually... somewhere around...

Ok so, Rahul Khanna comes to the
temple every Tuesday.

Oh shit man.... Yeah.

How sweet!

Why did you lie at college?

Actually the boys don't come to the
temple, that's why.

But you do...
- Yes.

You come every week?
- Yes.

How sweet!
- Look, please don't call me sweet.

Actually my dad used to say that...
Please don't tell anyone at college!

He said that?
- No, no!

He says that a man only bows to three women...

... to mummy... I mean, to one's own mother,
to the Goddess Durga...

- And?


Wear it! What do they say?
Cool, you'll look very cool!

I was just trying it out... I don't know
how people can wear all this...

There's nothing wrong with looking feminine
once in a while.

Here, your mother's letter.
You were missing her, right?

And listen, take this too.
- What's this?




- Rahul?

Rahul, what're you doing here?

Actually I couldn't sleep and figured that you couldn't

...and would probably be thinking of me
and so I came!

By the way, do you like flowers or chocolates?
- What?

I haven't brought either,
I was just asking.

Just kidding.

Thank you.
- Also...

I have chocolates too.

Don't you think that it's getting
a bit hot here?

Though I'm okay!
I'm..... cool.

Come in. - Okay! Only because you're
asking. If you insist.

May I?
- Yeah ofco-

Thank you!

Nice bed.

Hey sit down, consider this your own home.
Come, come.


Isn't this the novel where they find out that the
husband and wife were murdered by the butler?

- Any time!

Why waste time on this book when you can just ask me?
Yup, this is the one!

So Rahul, you didn't finish your story.

Ok so, this couple goes on a holiday and they
leave the butler behind...

...later one finds that the butler is-

Not this story!
- Then?

The temple one.

Temple? Who's temple? I don't
know any temple.

Yeah? - Yeah.
Right! - Right.

The story about a man
bowing to only three women...

One's mother, the Goddess Durga...
- Really?

- And?

- And?

- Tina!

- Hey Tina!

- Groucho.

Shut up!
Rahul, Papa is coming!

Shut up Rahul, leave immediately!

Okay, buh-bye.
No... not there!

My ladder is there though!
- Go from here...

I didn't finish though. A male only bows to three

His mother, the Goddes Durga and.. and..
- Rahul, please go!

And... Tina! Shhhhh.



I'll climb the ladder and catch this

What is it?
- Torch .

Throw it.
- Okay. - Good!


Who hit me?....ghost.
I'll become a ghost as well!

I'll scare the ghost as well!

Where has the ladder gone?




Why are you sneaking like a thief
into your own home?

- What "Heeheeheeehee"?

Rahul what are you doing?

Anjali I was actually coming to see you.
- Me? Why?


Hey Anjali, look a shooting star!

- Not down here! Up there!

- You know, they say that...

if you make a wish on a shooting star,
it's granted.

You really believe that?

No harm in trying right?

"You came close to me."

"Smiled ever so sweetly."

"You came close to me."

"Smiled ever so sweetly."

"You showed me the most amazing of dreams."

"You came close to me."

"Smiled ever so sweetly."

"You showed me the most amazing of dreams."

"Now my heart is neither
awake nor asleep."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"You came close to me."

"Smiled ever so sweetly."

"You showed me the most amazing of dreams."

"Now my heart is neither
awake nor asleep."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"Only God knows what bliss this feeling is."

"What is this unquenchable thirst?"

"I know not this drunken stupor
of love, my beloved."

"Which has consumed me."

"No one knows why our heart becomes

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"How beautifully have my
prayers been answered."

"Only God knows how and when I fell
in love."

"I wonder how, suddenly, in all this anxiety
and turmoil, I began to find peace and comfort."

"I sit alone while my heart constantly weaves memories
and fantasies."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"You came close to me."

"Smiled ever so sweetly."

"You showed me the most amazing of dreams."

"You came close to me."

"Smiled ever so sweetly."

"You showed me the most amazing of dreams."

"Now my heart is neither
awake nor asleep."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

Morning Mrs. Deva
- Morning!



The butler did it!
The butler did it! Ow!

Hey! Look at that.

Oh God! What is she wearing?

Hi guys! - Hi!
How do l look?

Just like Tina, see?

Oh God she looks... - Tell me!
like she's on crack.

I'm sorry.

Stop it Rahul.

Shut up.

Here? Okay.

I'm so stupid aren't I.

I just wanted to look
pretty like you...

...but I don't know anything.

You're beautiful Anjali.

Very beautiful.

You're lying.

Didn't you hear everyone laughing?

- people are idiots like me.

Actually, you're the most

...because you're not like anyone else.

Atleast you're not like the stupid girls
I keep running after.

You know, you can literally
have any boy that you want.

- Anyone.

- Anyone.

But he has to be cockeyed.

Stop it.

Ok now tell me, where did you get the lipstick

You know that girl in our class, 'Babli'?
She gave it to me.

I'll beat her up nicely if I find her.

And these amazing clothes?
- Shut up.

"Love is a strange thing.
Love is inexplicable."

"It is unaware of all happiness and all



- What papa?

You can't keep secrets from me.

But Rahul? You really couldn't
find anyone else?

Come on papa.

Actually, I would have felt just
as bad...

...even if it were not Rahul and someone else.


Cuz I'll have to share your love
with him.

I love you papa.

That is the problem. I love you too.

Have you confessed your feelings
to him yet?

I don't know why but I feel that
Anjali also loves...

Tina! I know for a fact that Rahul loves only you.

And Anjali is just his best friend.
That's the long and short of it.

No papa.

Hidden in this deep friendship somewhere,
is pure love...

And I don't want to come between this friendship
that can blossom into pure love.

The entire college knows...

...that Rahul and Anjali are best
friends, nothing else.

Go! Go and tell him that you love him
more than anything.

But I don't even know
if he loves me back.

Don't keep matters
of the heart a secret.

Go and tell him. Hmm?

I love you.

I... love you.


I never thought I'd ever say this to

But I...

I really love you.


I hope I have the courage to
tell her this.

I've thought so many times about
just telling her...

...but everytime I approach her and try to tell her...

...I try so hard but when I'm with her I don't know...

Tell whom?

Tina, who else?

Let's do this again. I'll be Rahul
and you can be Tina, okay?

Hey, look up, please.



I love you.

I love you too.

She'll say it too right?

- Yeah.

Come here.

Shall I tell her?

Shall I go right now?

"O! my Lord..."

"Don't let love torture someone like this."

"What is in the heart forever stays in the heart."

"And never escapes from one's lips."

I couldn't get my first love, Rifat bi.

I couldn't get my first love.

I love you .

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

"The heart cried and the eyes welled up"
"The heart cried and the eyes welled up"

"There is nothing more left to say."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

"The heart cried and the eyes welled up"
"The heart cried and the eyes welled up"

"There is nothing more left to say."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."


"I gave you all of my joys."

"Gave you all of my smiles."

"Your locks enticed me,
bidding me promises of faithfulness."

"You didn't care for my love."
"You didn't care for my love."

"There's nothing more left to say."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

Excuse me. Sorry.

Anjali! Anjali!
Sorry ma'am.

Rahul you look ahead, I'll look there.
- Sounds good.

Anjali!... Anjal-

One minute.

Where are you off to?

Back home.
- What?

I got a letter from mama,
Baba isn't feeling well...

...and there's lots of work in the
new house.

Have you gone mad? You got a
letter and you're leaving?

You're not going anywhere.
- Rahul, I have to, Rahul.

How can you leave in the middle
of the semester? C'mon.

Rahul please try to understand...
- Go after final exams.

- Go after the final exams.

Rahul please!
- After final exams.

Rahul I might not come back for final term either.

I'm not coming back Rahul.


So you're leaving the college.

Leaving me.

And you didn't even bother
to tell me.


- I don't wanna know.

Rahul I'm leaving.
- Leave!

Rahul I'm going!
- Go!

Rahul, I'm not coming back.
- I don't care, okay?



Anjali! Anjali.
Anjali... Please don't leave.

Who will I play basketball with?

You lost everyday anyways.

Then why are you going?

Mama needs me Rahul...
- And I don't need you?

Now you irritate Tina!
You've irritated me enough.

I'll fail class!
- Then fail!

Hey Anjali...

Stop chasing those stupid girls now yeah?

- Hey!

Hey... I'll miss you, my friend.

I'll miss you too.

That day l realised that perhaps...

... I had come between Rahul and Anjali.

Perhaps I had come
between two friends...

Anjali's silence told me
all that I needed to know.

And that day I was convinced that she loved
your father more than anything else.

Perhaps even I couldn't love him
as much.

Anjali never called or wrote to us since.

She had gone away
from our lives. Forever.

Your father used to say,
"Love is friendship".

Yes, I did become his friend, but I could never
become his best friend.

My child, I know your father very well.
He's very lonely, but will never say anything.

His life lacks a best friend,
it lacks pure love.

That friend is Anjali, my child.
That pure love is Anjali.

Please bring Anjali back into your
father's life my child.

Return Anjali her first love.

Anjali and Rahul are made for
each other.

This is the truth, and this is
my final wish.

Will you fulfill your mother's last wish?

Please bring Anjali back into Rahul's life

Bring Anjali back into your Papa's life.

Fulfill my final wish my child, please
fulfill my final wish.

Happy Birthday! Give me five.


Hello! Yes, this is Malhotra speaking.

...using STD on my personal phone.

Yes, so are you all coming tomorrow?

Yes, yes! As soon as we reach
Delhi we'll take the Faridabad train.

The one at 4 o'clock?
- Yes, that one. Ugh! What are you doing?

Me? I was just... hair... nothing!

No! Sorry not you.

Butlers in Mumbai are something

Okay, okay.... So I'm coming to
pick all of you up tomorrow.

Are you sure? You forgot to last time.

Well last time... Don't worry, I'll come
this time!

Also, the materials for the death

Yes, yes! I'm bringing all of it with me.
Not to worry.

Okay then, Goodbye.
- Bye.

Hi guys! This is Neelam and you're...

...watching your favourite show.

The Neelam Show!

In today's show, we are going to do
something new.

We're going to play a game!

Would all of you like to play
this game?

They say that this game brings out whatever
is in your heart to your lips.

I'll say a word...

...and you have to then say the first word that comes to
your mind after hearing it.

But, but, but... you will be given no
time to think! Okay?

Okay, we'll start with you.


Sorry, time's up!


- Okay!


Hey! Thanks!

- Love.

Okay... Love?

What? You love me?


Hey guys, this game really works.

See how what was in the heart came rushing out
of the tongue? You should try this too.

...and we'l l be back after a break.
Take a break!


Stupid game, stupid Neelam.
- Papa, don't call my Neelam stupid, okay?

Okay! I won't call your Neelam stupid anymore.

C'mon, now let's quickly play your game.

Okay Papa! Ready, start, go... Sexy?
- Granny!

Shut up!

Papa, please play seriously!
- Okay, let's go.


Papa, you can't take this long!

Hey I was having water. Okay now
I won't take time and we'll play properly.

- Air.

- You.

- Us.

- Friendship.

- Sharma.


Who is this Anjali Sharma?

Who is she?


C'mon Papa, it's my birthday!

Okay. It's your birthday!
Anjali Sharma went to college with me.

In your college?

She was my friend.


She was my best friend.

She has a very nice name, Papa.
What was she like?


She wasn't like other girls.

She was like... one of the boys.

You know, all the girls wore

But not Anjali, Anjali... played basketball.

And clothes... she wore clothes exactly
like mine, Yeah, really!

She was crazy, my Anjali.

Dressing up, wearing makeup, acting
elegantly and feminine...

...was just not for her.

Is that enough or do you wanna know
more still?

Papa where is she now?

I don't know.

I just can't believe that you're
getting engaged, Anjali!

By the way, the Priest has just arrived downstairs
to fix the date for your wedding.

Show me that one.

How much will you decorate yourself?
Hurry! Aman is getting impatient.

Tell him to wait a bit longer. This
bride will take her time.

"Your groom has been waiting for
so long."

"Don't delay anymore, come quickly!"

"Your groom has been waiting for
so long."

"Don't delay anymore, come quickly!"

"I've come to your doorstep"
"I've come to take you away"

"I've come to
exchange my heart for yours."

"I've come to your doorstep"
"I've come to take you away"

"I've come to
exchange my heart for yours."

"Each of my heartbeats whispers a message for
you. Listen, listen, listen..."

"The Bridegroom has come home."
"The Bridegroom has come home."

"Why is the bride shy?"

"The Bridegroom has come home."

"O my heart! No excuse will work

"Now the bride will
have to go with her groom."

"What does her jewllery whisper to her? Listen,
Listen, Listen..."

"The Bridegroom has come home."
"The Bridegroom has come home."

"Why is the bride shy?"

"The Bridegroom has come home."

"I've been trapped in this idiot's net of love."

"How did this happen my friends?"

"Tell me... Tell me."

"Oh my love! Even your friends adore me."

"What do you think they will say about
us? Ask them, ask them."

"Go! go! You liar! Stop praising yourself!"

"Go! go! You liar! Stop praising yourself!"

"Listen to your love. Listen to the voice of
one who is crazy about you, listen, listen, listen..."

"The Bridegroom has come home."
"The Bridegroom has come home."

"Why is the bride shy?"

"The Bridegroom has come home."

"He's so naive and oblivious. l've
done him a favor by loving him."

"Someone please convey that to him"

"She teases me knowingly to take advantage of her 'favor',
I've repaid all my debts by giving her my heart in return"

"Do convey to her."

"You're not aware but hearts in love break too."

"You're not aware but hearts in love break too."

"Listen to the voice of one who is
crazy about you, listen, listen, listen..."

"The Bridegroom has come home."
"The Bridegroom has come home."

"Why is the bride shy?"

"The Bridegroom has come home."

"With henna on your hands,
bedecked with jewellery"

"With henna on your hands,
bedecked with jewellery"

"Teary eyed you will make us,
and leave us in the morning."

"We will miss you lots."
"We will miss you lots."

"We will miss you lots."
"We will miss you lots."

"With henna on your hands,
bedecked with jewellery"

"With henna on your hands,
bedecked with jewellery"

"Teary eyed you will make us,
and leave us in the morning."

"We will miss you lots."
"We will miss you lots."

"We will miss you lots."
"We will miss you lots."

"I've come to your doorstep"
"I've come to take you away"

"I've come to
exchange my heart for yours."

"Each of my heartbeats whispers a message for
you. Listen, listen, listen..."

"The Bridegroom has come home."
"The Bridegroom has come home."

"Why is the bride shy?"

"The Bridegroom has come home."

"The Bridegroom has come home."

"The Bridegroom has come home."

"Why is the bride shy?"

"The Bridegroom has come home."

This is the address of her old house,
where will I get her new address from?

What Grandpa you can't
even do this much for me?

I can anything for you but...
- Really!

Too bad! The college principal can't
even do this much.

Bruh where did "principal" come from?

One minute...

She would definitely know where
Anjali Sharma is.

"Allah is the greatest!"
"Allah is the greatest!"

I'm sorry, Principal sir. But I had
promised Anjali that...

...I would not give her address to anyone.

We had come with a lot of expectations...

I understand Principal sir, but I made
a promise to Anjali.

Rifat bi, I'm Anjali too. Won't you tell me

Principle sir she's getting engaged today...

...and her wedding is this week.

Her mother follows a priest, he's also arriving today
to fix a date for the wedding. Everything is ready.

You have come very late.

Principal sir, I was also planning
to leave for the event on tomorrow's train.

This marriage cannot happen, mummy said so.
It just can't happen.

Your honor, we have to fix the date of the

Yes, my child.

This is Aman's horoscope.
- Yes.

Aman wants to return this month to
London, your honor.

If you could fix a date for this month,
it would really be convenient.

This month?
- Yes, your honor.

Principal sir, if you had came earlier
then maybe something could be...

Yes but we didn't know...

"Allah is the greatest!"
"Allah is the greatest!"

"Allah is the greatest!"
"Allah is the greatest!"

"I bear witness that
there is no God but Allah."

My child, Anjali's stars have a negative
influence right now.

Until it changes, she cannot get married.

"I bear witness that
there is no God but Allah."

What about next month, your honor?
- Not even next month.

"I bear witness that that Muhammad
is a Prophet of God."

Anjali can't get married before


I had heard of God's mercy before, but
I've witnessed it today.

The child's prayer has been answered.

Anjali's wedding has been postponed
till December.

Anjali. Can I ask you something?


Are you happy, my child?

What sort of a question is that, mother?
Of course I'm happy.

I've just gotten engaged.

Aman's a really nice man...

He loves me a lot.

And then he's...
- But do you love him?


I've already loved once mother.

I've already loved.

I'm not sure I can do it again.

Just think of this as a compromise.


I never thought that my daughter would marry
out of compromise and not out of love.

I'm your mother afterall, don't
I want you to be happy too?

That you go to a loving home with lots of love?

But a home based on compromise instead
of love is...

...not a home my child, it's a house.

The rest is upto you.

Oh no! I can't handle
all these hymns...

Yes I can.

The Priest is going to recite both hymns
and the holy book today.

Wow! Amazing, just amazing.
If I just get my hands on this Priest...

Why? He has delayed my wedding, dear!

I cannot handle this anymore.

Look, listening to all of
these hymns will irritate God too.

Why? Don't you have anything to
ask God for?

Why, I have you. What more
could I want?

And now a few kids would be nice.

And I'm afraid God has no role in this,
I will do what needs to be done.

Behave yourself.
- Hey Aman!


Aman! Good morning! Good morning!

Aman I saw you exercising this


You were looking delicious.
- What are you saying!

Wow Kammo, fires of youth even in your
old age?

What are you saying.

You're the old one.

Hey, get aside! Don't trouble him!
Look what a nice and beautiful boy he is.

Do you have a brother or something?

What are you saying?

My Gurpreet is also very pretty.

What are you saying?

Forget Gurpreet!
My Jaspreet is Ms. Chandigarh.

What are you saying?

Is she Ms. Chandigarh or Ms. Sector 11?

Listen, listen, listen!

Come on now, the Priest has

- Okay bye Aman. - Bye! - Bye!

Anjali. Anjali, there is a call for you.

Excuse me.

Thank you so much, mother-in-law.

Welcome, son-in law.




- Hello!

- I love you.

Huh... Aman.

I have a little problem...

- Please stop leaving me like this.

Aman I don't know
who is on the line.


And anyway you're going to Simla for
your summer camp for a whole month.

You're going to Bombay too.

For 24 hours only and
you're going for a month.

Aman you know that I go every year,
to teach those kids singing and dancing.s

Those kids are part of my life now.

Great, even they are a part of your life now.

Now I'm the only one left.


Why do I get the feeling that
you don't love me?

Because I don't.

And that you don't want to marry me.

Right, I don't.

Hey! Any problem happens this time...

...and l'll drag you to the marraige

You'll force me?
- If need be.

Do you have the guts?

Just try me.

Hey Aman!
- I'll stay here with your aunts.

You can go to Simla for
your summer camp.

Summer camp!


What? Summer camp in Simla?

No-no-no-no. You're not going to any
summer camp.

My child, it snows a lot there.

Papa it's a summer camp!

Whatever! You're not going!

Is this okay?

Yes! Papa I heard that they teach singing
and dancing there as well!

And you know how fond I am of that!

Since when have you been fond of them?

I said no once didn't I. No means no.
That's it!

Papa not fair!

Let her go. All kids go...
- Mom don't you start now...

Please, please. Dont spoil the child.

Mom! I'll handle this okay!

But Rahul be supportive. Why can't she go?
I'll go with her as well!

Papa I wanna go. I wanna go. I wanna go!

No Anjali!
- ...but I love singing and dancing!

- Yes!


When I've refused once that means no one will go!
There is no need to argue!

Neither of you will go to the
summer camp!

Alright? Okay!

You understand that?


Did it feel bad?

I'm sorry.

It's okay.


But this does not mean you're going
to the summer camp. Okay?

And no one mention summer
camp again.

I'm going to my conference!
We'll talk when l get back.

- Now what?

You haven't worn your pants.

I don't wanna wear them.
You guys can wear them if you want.

What is it?

Driver take out the pant! ... take out the car!

Anjali... this is good and all...
We'll go to the summer camp but...

How will we get your papa to come there?

Oh c'mon Granny! Remember when I was 4 and Papa
had went to London...

...and I had a really bad flu and fever.

Yes my baby, Yes!

Granny. Papa left everything
and came back immediately.


Look, according to me, this export policy is
not going to hold much water.

Oops sorry!
- Hey, don't worry about it man it's okay.

Look, every exporter is going to ask himself...

Indian Exporter's Conference,
Good evening!

Hello, May I speak with Aman Mehra please?

Whom shall l say is calling?

- Anjali, right.

Indian Exporter's Conference,
Good evening!

Hello! Give the phone to Papa.


Your father is not a film star.
Tell them his name!

Sorry. Hello, may I speak to
Mr. Rahul Khanna please?

Whom shall l say is calli ng?

- Certainly, Anjali.


Quickly tell him that we're going to
the summer camp and hang up!

Mr. Rahul Khanna and Mr. Aman Mehra,
Call for you please.

Hi! Rahul Khanna.

Booth two, yeah.
- Sure.

Sorry again! - It's alright
- Take care!

Hi sweetheart.


- Hello!

- Hello, Aman I can't hear anything!

I can hear you, you talk. I'm listening!

Hi sweetheart!

I'm missing you a lot.


Listen l'm leaving for the summer camp
in the morning!

Where to?
- Summer camp!

Again with the summer camp! When I said you're
not going it means you're not going!

Listen... I'm feeling very....
Give me a kiss.

This is your mother speaking!

Look, I don't like jokes like this.

My mother passed away 10 years ago.

Oh God, why is everyone trying to
pronounce me dead.

No summer camp! No summer camp!
No summer camp! Do you understand that?

Aman, why are you screaming?

I'm screaming because I said no about the
summer camp didn't I?

Now listen, if you mention summer camp one more time,
I'll come home and...

Slap you!

Aman you've gone mad!


Your papa has gone mad.




Yeah Anjali.

Confusion, confusion.

Hi! Rahul Khanna.
- Aman Mehra, how're you doing?

I guess she got confused because of the
same name.

I'll bet you something though, that my Anjali is
much more beautiful than your Anjali.

No! My Anjali is very beautiful.

I'm sure, but she can't be more
beautiful than my Anjali.

My Anjali is my 8 year old daughter.

Oh shit! Then your Anjali is
definitely prettier than mine.

Anyways, best of luck with your Anjali.
Best of luck to you too man, take care.

Dear Papa. Sorry Granny and I
left without informing you...

...but you know how much I love singing
and dancing.

But I'm really sorry Papa. Try not to miss me too much.
Love you, Anjali.

That's not possible for me to do.


Good Morning kids! Welcome to Camp

I'm the manager of this camp, Col. Almeida and I'll
be noting down your heights and weights, okay?

24. Very nice, eat lots of fruits.

That's good. 30! Very nice, very nice.

80! Very... What child is this?

Hey! Who are you?

Me? I am Granny.

Whose Granny?

Anjali's granny. And you are?

I'm the camp manager here.
- Oh hello!

Hello! Listen, No grannies, mummies or daddies
allowed on this camp.

Oh really, and why would I let Anjali come
here alone?


Have you seen Ms. Anjali?


What?.. .What?

The British flag in my India...?

I'll sort him out immediately. Almeida!


Yes, what is it?

Do you have no shame? You have
hoisted the British flag.

I love England.

My father was a tailor during English times.

He stitched this flag himself, you know.

The British went and left Almeida behind.
- That's good.

You fool! You should teach your kids that
"My (Bharat)India is the greatest".

Who's Bharat?

Here you go.
- Thank you .

Hey! What's your name? Hey!

Oops. Sorry. What's your name?


Hey that's my name! Hi!

Why is your name Anjali?

Maybe because my mummy daddy liked the
name, that's why.

Why is your name Anjali?

Maybe my parents liked you, that's why.

Where is this Mr. Almeida!



I need your blessings mommy.


Stop following me! Please stop
following me!

Where is the kitchen?

I want to see how you cook food.


And where is the (Pooja)prayer room?

Pooja is not on duty today.

Pooja as in prayer, remembering the
Lord by singing hymns.

Madam! We don't do that here!

What? There's no aarti (ritual prayer)
in the morning?

Aarti? Who is aarti?


Are you counting stars?

Are you counting stars?

He just doesn't speak.

Goodnight Mr. Almeida!

Goodnight darling!

London Bridge is falling down,
falling down, falling...


Dear God, how are you?

Please keep papa
happy and see that...

...he doesn't miss me too much.

You know that he can't do anything without
me. Please. Okay.

Caught you.

Oh. Ms. Anjali. Hi!

All prayers for Papa,
nothing for mama?

Why would I ask anything for mummy from God?


She's with him. Whatever she wants,
she can ask him directly.

Hey! Now go to sleep. Sweet dreams.

Miss you, Papa.

Stand by, crew!

Roll camera!

Crane up!

Hi guys! Welcome to the Neelum show!

Tonight we are coming to you live
from the docks.

Oh god, there is so much noise here today.
You must check it out for yourself.

Hi guys! This is Neelam, and you're watching
your favorite show. The Neelam Show!

Like always, we're going to do
something new and different.

Today's theme is love messages.

Messages, messages?

I have a message. I have a message!
- We have someone.

Whom is your message for?


Who is Suparna.

My girlfriend.

What's the message?

Suparna, don't call me. I've found
someone else.

Poor Suparna.

Any more messages? Messages?

Anyone? Any more messages?

Messages? Anyone?
- Hi! Excuse me.

We have one more message! C'mon!

Hi Neelam.

Okay! And your message is?

I want to give a message too.

Is this live?

It's being covered live right now?
- Camera

Like the one he gave...

And his message is!

Anjali... Hi.

I love you Anjali.

I love you very much.

Anjali, where have you gone to?

You know how lonely I become without you.

Look, just come back or else... Just come back.

I really love you.

And I miss you very much.

Please come back.

Who is Anjali?

Anjali is my 8-year-old daughter.

She's gone off to some stupid summer camp
in Simla.

Neelam can you tell her to come back?
She'll listen to you. Please make her come back.

Anjali, Papa really loves you.

Come back soon. He misses you.

Come back home. Okay.

Mr. Khanna. Your meeting for tomorrow is
confirmed for 11 AM.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Ooops I forgot to tell you,

Your fax has just arrived from London.
- Thank you.

Hi Rahul! There's a party at my place tomorrow,
Don't forget to come. - Sexy.

- Flu...?



"I had faith in you, my love. Still I was restless."

"I had faith in you, my love. Still I was restless."

"I waited years for you."

"The heart cries silently in
the curtain of helplessness"

Sari? - "What should I even do?"
- ....Yeah.

"Something happens."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

- Hi.

Anjali, you're in good health

Yeah. Why?

No, it's cuz you're looking so beautiful.


I didn't know about Tina, I'm sorry.

How could you have known?
You just disappeared.

We changed our residence.

Did you change friendships too?

When I needed my friend
the most, you were not there.

You didn't marry again?

I couldn't find you, no? Otherwise
I would have married you.



We live once, we die once, we marry once
and we fall in love...

Only once.

You didn't get married either?

I couldn't find you.

Hey! Look a shooting star.

You still believe in that?

No. You?
- No.

- Good night.

Good night.
- Good night.

- Hmm?

What did you wish for?

Good night, Rahul.

Goodnight... Good night!

Good night.


What news?
- Bad news.

They're behaving like they just
met for the first time.

Good night Rahul, good night Anjali.

Now what do we do?

You have any idea granny?


The solution now lies in prayer
and devotion.

Oh c'mon Granny!

Now you tell us something please?


I won't spare you!
I'll kill you!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop it!

What are you doing? Have you gone mad?
- Stop it! Leave her!

Is this what I have taught you?
- Stop it!

Stop it Rohan, big boys don't fight.
She's a girl. Leave her!

Why are you fighting!
- She hit me first.

I just said that girls can play
basketball too! And he said...

Boo girls can't play basketball.

So he said the truth and you started a fight?

Why! Didn't Ms. Anjali beat you every
single day at Basketball during college!

Hey, quiet! Shhh! Shush! Shut up!

Not everyday, sometimes. Okay? yeah.

Rahul you lost every day.

Try to remember Anjali, you lost every day.

Rahul you lost every day.
- No Anjali!

Yes Rahul!

Don't lie infront of kids, bad influence.

What? I'm lying!?

So am I lying? Liar.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, what?

The truth is, the only way you could
win is by cheating.

Hey! don't call me a cheater, okay!

That's what you are, cheater, cheater,

Anjali, Not a cheater!

Rahul is a cheater! He is a...

Oh no! She's started.
Don't listen to her!

Don't listen to her!
- Cheater!

Now I will kill her.

Come here, I'll show you
who's the cheater.

Okay. Okay. - I'm alright.
- Oh my god!

I... challenge you, right now, right here.
Play with me.

Don't be silly Anjali.

Why? Are you scared Rahul?

Rahul Khanna is never scared of

We will see.
- We will see too, yeah?

Yo! C'mon!
Rahul! Rahul! Rahul!

I'm sure that Rahul will win!
- We'll see.

You'll lose again Rahul.

I've been practicing for the last
8 years.... I won't lose.


Be careful with your sari.

Don't hit me!
- Shut up.

"Crazy... crazy... crazy"

What was that silly little
thing that you used to do?

Hey don't give up! Come on, try again. C'mon.

Give it to me.


Hey! lf you can't play, atleast
don't cheat!

Hey! Don't call me a cheater yeah?

Hey! You are a teacher!.... cheater!

- Hey!

Girls can't play basketball.

Girls can't play basketball!

Look at the loser...

"There's a strange girl there."

"Is she a dream? Is she for real
or just a story?"

"Look at this idiot,
she did not change at all."

"She's still the same crazy girl."

"There is a strange boy there."

"Is he a dream? Is he for real
or just a story?"

"Yes yes, this idiot,
He did not change at all."

"He's still the same crazy boy."

"We were so close and yet so far."

"What strange circumstances we found
ourselves in."

"It was such a strange time too, when you
and I were close."

"What memories have you lost yourself in?
Open your eyes, I'm right here with you."

"Even in the midst of a crowd,
I was still lonely."

"Your memories filled all of my waking

"Someone stop me please,
before my heart bubbles over.."

"My steps are wavering, only
you can steady me now."

"There's a strange girl there."

"Is she a dream? Is she for real
or just a story?"

"Yes yes, this idiot,
He did not change at all."

"He's still the same crazy boy."

"You showed me the most amazing of dreams."

"...neither awake nor asleep."

"Something happens."

"Something happens."

"Something happens."

"Something happens."

Okay, Nikhil! Nikhil!
Here's your letter.

And Mamta, here's your letter. Ok?

Okay listen kids, your mothers
are complaining that...

...none of you are writing to them.

And I've complained to your mother
that you don't say anything back.

Okay. Today.. Stop that drawing!
Stop drawing, stop drawing! Okay?

Everyone is going to write back to
mummy infront of me. Okay?

Come on! Start.

Pass it down, pass it down.

Anjali, you also write to

Hi Tina...

If you were here today...

You would have been proud to call
Anjali your daughter.

Because she's very nice.

And why wouldn't she be?
Her name is Anjali afterall.

But... do you know what the
best thing about her is?

That she's exactly like you.

The same eyes,
the same smile.

She's just like you.

Now I don't see an incomplete

I don't see one.

Hello kids! Good morning!
Are you ready? Yeah! Say cheese!

Oh wow, so you're taking photographs
without me now?

Anyways, I'm here now.

Oh god.

Hello Mr Almeida!


I look beautiful right?
- Yes, beautiful.

Shall I sit here?

Of course! Come sit please.


A little bit higher please.


No! Not there!
A little higher.

Where is this man sending me to?

A little higher.... Yeah!


Shall I sit here?
- Yeah, Yeah!

How do I look?

You're fantastic! Beautiful!

Thank you!
Okay, okay, ready!

That's good.

Okay, one...two...cheese!


That's good!

Hold it, please!

What happened, Mr Almeida?

I don't know. Something's missing.

Something's wrong.

What about now?

It's perfect. Take it.


Please excuse me! Just
the two of you now!

Thank you very much.

Now, a little closer.


But... No Mr. Almeida it's enough now

Anjali, just take it.

Please, come on!

Colonel, colonel please! Colonel
no it's really...

Hey! Come on Anjali.

Rahul! Anjali! Rahul! Anjali!

Come on!

Look at this mother-in-law!

Wow! How can someone look this good!

Too good man. Too good.
- Anjali's looking so pretty in this photo.

Really? I wasn't even looking at her.

Oh hush! Don't lie. I know everything.

She's not here right now so you look
at her pictures everyday to be happy.

What can I do mother-in-law?

Aman... since the wedding is in
December right?

So why don't you go back
to London?

No! I'm not going anywhere!
- Why?

Cuz I don't trust your daughter at all!
- Aman?

She's taken so long to agree to

Until we don't... what is it called?

Tie the knot.
- Yes...

Until we tie the knot, I'm
not going anywhere from here.

Idiot... you love her a lot don't

Naaah.... Yes.

But I get the feeling sometimes...

That she doesn't love me.

She doesn't, right?

Hey! mother-in-law...

She doesn't, right?

Aman you... you've gone mad.

She didn't answer.

Today we're going to play a new

It's called Dumb Charades.

There'll be two teams in this game.

This is team A.

Okay, thank you.

And this is team B.

In this game, a person from one team will secretly
tell 1 or 2 members of the other team...

...the name of a movie.

Those players have to then, without saying
anything, act out that movie to make...

...their teammates successfully
guess the name of the movie.

But you can't say anything. Yeah?

Simple? Let's start with team A.


But how can I do this...

C'mon! C'mon Ms. Anjali!

Okay, okay, okay, okay!

Okay... so it's like... you know...

You can't say anything! Cheating!

Yeah you can't say anything!
- Cheating! Cheating!

This is cheating! You are a cheater!

Okay, okay... okay!


Hey! C'mon dude, you even do this
much? Go on!

Yeah! Right!


Yeah! Everybody, yeah she's doing it!
It's happening.

*Song from the film "Rangeela" starts playing*

Close your eyes.


That's right!

Rangeela! Yay!

That's good!

Alright! Yeah!

That was... That was really sexy.



No, no, no, I can't do this.
I can't.

C'mon Granny! C'mon Granny!

At this age? No kids I can't!

I don't see Hindi movies
you know?

I love "Gone with the Wind".

Shut up!

C'mon Granny!

C'mon mummy!

Okay son.

Boooo Rahul!

But she's my mom!

You go there!
- Where?

- But why?

Cuz I said so, now go!
- Granny gone mad...

Okay, now bend over. - Wha?
- Bend over!

Like this?
- Yes.

*Song from "Hum aapke hain kaun" plays*

Mummy... Madhuri!
Uhhh "Hum aapke hain kaun?".

Okay... It's my turn.

I love you.

That's not a movie.

It is papa.
- It isn't Anjali!

There is.
- But I haven't seen any such film.

Best of luck.
- Hey wait a minute!

Hey! There is such a film! Yes!
I've seen it myself!

What's it's name again?

Alright! Okay.

Three... three words.

Yes, I know that it's three words.
Go on.

Rahul what are you doing?

Your son has gone mad.

Rahul I don't understand a thing. What
are you doing?

C'mon Rahul!

What is it?


I love you.

Do it again ...

No-no-no-no, he's doing it wrong.

I love you.

I love you.

You weren't able to do that?
- Yeah. I wasn't.

If you had, we would have won.

C'mon kids, to the barn!
Go! Go to the barn!

C'mon Manish!

Go! Go! Go! Run!

C'mon, Mamta, Nikhil!

C'mon, C'mon, C'mon! faster!

One minute, I'll take that, thanks!

Are you crazy? Stupid!

- Yeah?

I'm feeling very cold.

Come with me, I'll take you

No music.

I love you.
I love you.

I love you so much.

I really love you.

Hey! l love you too.

Almeida you can't even... -Anjali!
- fix a leak! Go up! - Anjali!

Mummy, did Anjali come here?
- She's right here!

No, no not this one, the other one.

Here, take this and help us! Go!

- Anja...

Rahul I...
- Anjali...

I wanted to tell you... Actually I wanted to tell you
something there, but then you ran and...

So this cow-stable is your
summer camp?

Hi guys!

Hey! I know you!

From where? From where?

Telephone man!


What's up dude? But...
what are you doing here in this stable?

Is that your Anjali?

This is my Anjali.

And this.... this is my Anjali.

Wow, wow, wow amazing man! Too good!
Just like Michael Jordan, my friend you are too good!

I'm not that good, I've lost before.

You lost? I don't believe this man,
Not possible.

Against who?


Your Anjali?

Your Anjali.
- My Anjali?

Basketball huh?

Ok tell me something...

You went to college with her right?

What kind of a girl was she like?
Who were her friends, I just wanna know man.

She was the college's soul.

Everyone brought their problems
to her.

Nothing's changed.

Look, even I've come to her with
my problem.

What problem do you have?

My problem is, dude...

...that I love her very much, you know?

I know.
- You know.

He knows.

What kind of a friend even are you?

That you didn't come to your
friend's engagement.

You guys are engaged?

Yes... but with great difficulty.

The wedding's in December...
I think.

Listen, tell your friend...

...if she doesn't marry me
in December...


I'll marry this basketball.


See ya dude.
- Okay dude.

Basketball, dude. - Yeah, dude.
- Bye.

We only live once, we only die once.

We get married only once.

And fall in love only...


Men are very weak, my child.

Very weak.

They do establish principles,

but forget that no principle can
stand against the heart.

And us? We remind this weak and stubborn
males that...

...bonds of the heart are established
by heartbeats, not principles.

But these bonds of the heart...

...can only be formed by
saying what your heart desires.

Tell him how you feel Anjali.

Sometimes, saying what's in your heart
can... break a heart as well.

If you don't say anything,
then it won't be happy either.

Won't be happy either!

Congratulations, and celebrations!

Congratulations, and celebrations!

We wish Ms. Anjali a
happy wedded life!

C'mon kids! Lunch is ready...

Congratulations and celebrations.

What Anjali! You didn't even tell me.

Aman told me that you are
due to get married.

Hey! Congratulations.

You're happy right?

You are happy aren't you?

Are you happy after hearing this news?

I'm very happy.

Then how can I be happy?

I don't understand.

Something happens, Rahul.

You won't understand.

Something happens, Anjali.

You won't understand.

- Yeah?

Can I ask you something?
- Yes sweetie.

Why... Why are you marrying Ms. Anjali?

What? Why? ls something wrong?

Yes there is! See, it's
very simple.


You're so handsome.

What happened?
- So good looking!

Oh! Thank you so much!

But Ms. Anjali isn't good looking at all,
Very bad! - Lemme see.

You know, you're right. She's dark,
she's fat and she's short.

Yes! You know you can get anyone you
want, right?

I can get anyone?
- Yes!

Then will you marry me?

Me?! No, no, no, no!

Why am I that bad?

Then you'll have to find a
nice girl for me.

Found her!
- Who?


The one from MTV? Hi this is
the Neelam show... Yo!


Then what will become of this Anjali?

You'll have to find someone for her too.

Found him?

Found him?
- Should I tell who?

No, no. - I'll tell you.
- No, no!

No, no please let me tell you!
- No, no... - Please, please


I want to go back tonight.

Goodbye, Mr. Almeida.

You're leaving?

Please don't go.

Please don't go.


You gave this to Tina... when she
was going to start a new life.

Today, you are also
going to begin a new life.

And I know...

...that you and Rahul will be very
happy together.




"O! My love."

"O! My love."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

"The heart cried and the eyes welled up"
"The heart cried and the eyes welled up"

"There is nothing more left to say."

"You did not remember me,
there is nothing more left to say."

Start the wedding preparations.

I don't want to wait any longer.

Bu Anjali, the priest said that there is no auspicious
date before December.


Hapiness doesn't come from dates, but
rather fates.

Which nothing can change.

Look! Aman's here!
- And he's on a mule!

Bindya! The Priest is here,
go see to his needs!


You're Rahul, right?

Yes.... A-a-anjali and I...

I know.

Anjali is getting married today?


Anjali decided to get married so suddenly
that I...

I didn't have any time to

Sister-in-law! Come here!


Please sit down, I'll be right back in
a second.


They say that if you make a wish on a
shotting star, it's granted.




"I had faith in you, my love. Still I was restless."

"I had faith in you, my love. Still I was restless."

"I waited years for you."

"But you never said then..."

"...what you said just now."

"The heart cries silently in
the curtain of helplessness."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

"What should I even do?"

"Something happens."

The auspicious time is ending,
Please call the bride!


The auspicious time is almost over.
Please call the bride!

Anjali, let's go.

Didn't I tell you I'd drag you to the
marriage pandol if need be?


You know...

I've always wanted to see the same love
in your eyes...

...that I have in mine.

I've seen it today for the
first time.

But it's not for me.

You're an idiot Anjali.

You've always loved only him.

Ever since you've known what love is,
understood it.

You've loved only him.

Rahul is your first love.

And I know all about what
first love is.

And you... you were about to
give it all up for me?


How can I come between this love...

which wasn't mine in the
first place.

And in any case, someone told me that...

...that I'm so handsome, I can
get any girl I like.

Aman I...
- What are you saying ...?



"Adorned with a necklace of roses,
has the Bridegroom came."

"The bride's hands are already,
painted, so what are you waiting for?"

"The Bridegroom has come home."
"The Bridgeroom has come home."

"Why is the bride shy?"

"The Bridgeroom has come home."

"The Bridgeroom has come home."
"The Bridgeroom has come home."

"Why is the bride shy?"

"The Bridgeroom has come home."