Kobieta w kapeluszu (1985) - full transcript

A psychological portrait of a young Polish theatre actress, searching for her own way in life. She plays a mechanical dancer in a play "Dance of the Marionette", a complete opposite of her real personality. She lives on her own, occasionally visiting a famous old actress to talk about the theater and taking care of a poor neighbor. She fights her sophisticated mother and rejecting the truth about her beloved father, who died an alcoholic.

A TOR Film Unit production


Starring as Eva



Production designer
Interior decoration





Assistant to director

to production manager

Production manager

Director of Photography

Written and Directed by


Come on, child, smile.

What's your name?


Eva... Lovely!

Hold still!

Want some veaI?

- No thank you.
- Liver?

- No.
- Excuse me.


Come in.

There, take a seat.

- A drink?
- No, thank you.

I'm glad to see you.

It's been a long time.

I know you like good tea.

How kind of you, child.
Going to such expense.

I drink less tea these days.

- But you're keeping well?
- I do my best.

And you? Working a lot?

Mainly walk-ons.

That's the stage.

You spend years waiting
for a role.

Then along it comes
and the world's at your feet.

At seventy I said,
enough is enough.

Time to stop parading this
tired old flesh.

You were terrific in

I saw you five times in it.

The way you spoke that line...

...Everything is very dark...

My child...
will have fair hair...

...and his own child.

And we shall all have hair
as white as snow.

And we will be like waves
rippling on to the shore.

I loved the part of Maria Jose.

I was cast once... as Ophelia,

but the man playing
Hamlet said:

"I can't perform with her".
He never explained why.

So many roles I wanted
to play...

...and could play,
have passed me by.

When I was your age,

stage was my whole life.

I never settled down,
never had children...

Men - yes.

- Got a visitor?
- This is Eva, my student.

Maria Zielinska, a friend of Zofia.

Are you also an actress?

I got this in exchange
for old newspapers.

We never throw away any.

This month we can get groats
on the ration.

I had a flash as I was
passing the butcher.

I popped inside.
And look what I got!

Hot dogs!

I'll make you some noodles,
to warm up.

I may be tied up tomorrow.

You know what the shops are
like nowadays...

I still tour.

I know how things are
outside Warsaw.

One small town,
we tried to get a meaI.

The waiter recommended
something called bisonette.

Know what that is?

A cross between a cow
and a bison.

At 600 zlotys a plate!
I ask you!

Well, I'II leave you
to get on with your chat.

I'll put the borscht on.

Borscht, borscht, borscht...

She's a little eccentric...

... but salt of the earth.

She helps me a lot.
Drops by regularly.

She has a kind heart.


I know one shouldn't ask
questions like this

but the fact is,
I've done absolutely nothing...

Maybe I ought to call
it a day?

I think I'm resilient enough
to quit...

...even though the theater
is what I love the most.

I could find some other job.

You've peeped behind
that curtain...

But if there's
only illusion there...

How long can you wait?

You know all the answers.

I may have known once,

but not now.

I know less and less,
my dear.

One thing I can tell you:

If I had to choose again
I'd choose the stage.

And today?

I'm more and more intrigued
by what lies behind...

...the curtain separating life
from the unknown.

The borscht's almost ready!

I forgot to tell you.
I visited the Home.

Laskowski sends you his love.

He claimed he was
the best pre-war Hamlet.

He never even played Hamlet.

He's getting ga-ga.

One of the maids slapped him.

He stuck his hand up her skirt,
the old goat!

He's even made some improper
suggestions towards me....

What age does to people!

But the gardens are lovely...

Miss Eva!

I have to talk to you.
About Zosia.

She's very sick.
No one can say how long...

A few months perhaps,
maybe only weeks.

Her heart's weak.

But she refuses
to go into hospitaI...

or move to the Home.

So, please, drop by now and then,
dear child.

I worked out a fit
of hiccups for Act III.

I went on,
spoke my lines and hiccupped!

On the opening night that
bitch goes on...

...and starts hiccupping in Act I!

Though it was more like burping.
But a rip-off.

Not the first time either,

I once thought up a naiI
biting business.

On the fourth night there
she was...

... biting her nails!

These have been darned.

We've run out of new ones.

And why the hell the gloves
are dirty?!

Female Mannequins and Executioner,
on stage please!

What are you doing here?

Get along with you!

Having heard the
evidence the court...

...sentences the prisoner
also known as the Leader...

- ... to execution by beheading.
- What? No like?



Look in the mirror.

Well? Not bad.

Lewicki's coming tomorrow.
He wants to see you.

Get off me! It's a plot!

The electrician is requested
to report in.

They've stolen my head!

Where's my head?
Where's my ministeriaI head?

The ball goes on.

Hi, Felix.

No, I wasn't asleep.

I was about to eat... Fine.

A fellow-Thespian.
Lying right beside me.


I can't come.

I'm working all week.



the same old treadmill.

No, I'm still hacking it.
Good night.

It's enough to drive
you crazy!

It's that guy's
from the fifth floor.

Shake it - it might stop!

Around the rugged rocks...

She sells sea shells...

As if the lady has
lines to speak...

But she's going to be in LEAR.


Good morning. Where is it?

The spring's bust.

The junk they turn out
these days!

Locks used to work.

I'll fix it tomorrow.

Doing anything new?

New, no. Just the Mannequin.


you told me.

Is it true that Lipka,
that TV entertainer...

...wears a wig?

Maybe, but I wouldn't know.

You bet he does!
A guy in a wig, I ask you!

A girI now
- she wants to look nice...

Give me a kiss...

...and I'll fix the lock today.

You'd only take the kiss
and run.

Me? Never! Shame on you!

Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

I talked to Lewicki.
He'll probably cast you.

As Cordelia.

- That's wonderfuI news!
- Isn't it?

You can all but bet on it.

Thank you.

Ever thought of changing
your hair?

Making it lighter, blonde maybe?


I've so many brunettes
in the company.


Good morning.

Tea please.

Eva! Come and sit here.

That's a pretty blouse.

Made from three handkerchiefs.

You'll go down in theater


You're the only woman
who's resisted me.

- You should try harder.
- I'm scared of my wife.

May I?

What's that?


More like sudden death.

No venison, mushrooms, prunes.
Just sour cabbage and water.

You can't get what you like
- you like what you don't.

You don't look well.

One of the kids kept me
up all night.

What was the point
of begetting three?

One has to keep occupied.

I dreamed a black dog
grabbed my hand...

...and wouldn't let go.

I've dreamed that two nights

- What does it mean?
- Someone'll badmouth you.

I once...
twice dreamed of butter.

Once or twice?

I had the dream,

woke up,

went back to sleep and...

...again dreamed I was eating
rancid butter.

Rancid butter means making
a pile the hard way.

Your diction, young man,

is terrible. Listen!

For sale.

How much?

A lot.

Six thousand.

My pay.

Lewicki wants to see you.
He's out front.

Excuse me.

Don't slouch!

It's so cramped up there...

- I need space.
- The players could mingle.

No, it'll need totaI conversion.

I'II leave you.

Sit down.

I've had no opportunity
to take a close look at you.

Who were your teachers?

Professor Piotrowska...

...and Mr Namyslowski.

You're watching me
watching you.

I need to get a good
look at you.

I'm to direct LEAR here.

But look at that stage.
So dreadfully tiny.

But for my LEAR I must have
acres of space.

I imagined you were a blonde.

I just don't see this
production yet.

A lot of it I'd like to stylize...


The gesture must be musicaI.

In the kabuki tradition.

Japanese music...

Is there some role you
long to play?

- In LEAR?
- No, in generaI.

Sometimes I think...

... I could play anything,
and sometimes nothing.

Nicely put.

What good production have
you seen recently?

Maybe WO YZECK at the

Come on,

the second part
blew up in his face.

Funny how that guy has no
sense of rhythm.

But you can't learn rhythm
- any more...

...than you can amass up talent.

I think the second part
was exceptionally together.

It's a difficult one, LEAR.

Take the first speech.

A father asking which child
loves him most.


The whole play's full of traps.
And dead wood.

I intend to do a lot of cutting.

Or the Cordelia-FooI relationship.
Very obscure.

If you ask me...

I think the FooI loves her.


But why are you so keen
on kabuki gesture?

You'd like to know everything.

The FooI could be played
by a girI.

I'm still groping, but I'll get there.

If you only...

Television's doing a rerun

It's not recent but I had
a biggish part.

If you could find the time...

- When?
- The sixteenth.

8.15, ChanneI One.

Mr Lewicki's wanted on
the phone.

Wait here, would you?

Yes! But these are
definitely nicer...

Has Lewicki left?

He's sorry but he was
called away.

Pigmalion theatre...

I've no appetite,
dear I'm not feeling well.

If something upsets me
I get sick at once.

When the light bill came...

...and I read 700 zlotys.

I collapsed.

I just laid there on
the floor.

I called and called for help,
but no one came.

Imagine having to pay so much.

Not to mention what my
son pockets.

After my attacks I'm in
a bad way.

The neighbours couldn't
care less.

Unlike you.

How can I ever make it
up to you?

By getting well.

Does your son visit you?

He's no good.

How can God inflict
so much suffering?

Is it perhaps to make it
easier to die?

I brought you this.

Thank you.

You'll sleep better now.

Good evening.

We ought to give Teresa
our love.

- So call her.
- Why me?

Why me?

He's into aerobics?

That too. His main interest
is his family tree.

He's looking
for the missing bits.

I'm going to play Cordelia

- That's a speaking part?
- A role!

About time.
The cards were right.

You're not pushy enough.
It's "me first" these days.

Especially in your profession.

There's a picture of father
I want to see.

One in particular.

Help yourself.

One of these days I must
sort them out.

Who's this?

A fellow-lawyer.

The one who got father

I told you about that.

He spoke out once too often
when it was best not to.

And you?

Did you love father?

Of course I did. And he loved me.

UntiI one day
- I stopped loving him.

Found that picture?

- Here.
- Mom, I don't need any.

- I know what you make.
- But I don't need it.

Who doesn't need money
these days?

I'm worried about you.

Are you still seeing Felix?


You ought to marry him.

Such a nice, decent boy.

Stop throwing marriage
at me all the time.

Don't push me into it!

We're still shooting. Maybe Wojtek'll
fix something for you?

I'm to be interviewed and all
I can think of is shit.

So say that.

But I want to be very
bright and witty.

Who wouldn't?

Say actors shouldn't talk
about themselves, but act...

... if they get the chance.

As an actress do you prefer
film or stage?

Sometimes one,
sometimes the other.

No! Movies - there's always
something going on.

And in the theater it isn't?

What about that metamorphosis...

...when you feeI an audience
suddenly becomes spellbound?

But that vanishes without trace.

Sometimes it leaves a mark.
On us, on the audience.

Tell me, Magda,

do you consider your profession

...to be a creative
or a performing art?

Performing verging on creative.

What does love mean to you?

It's a private matter.

But have you never pressed
your sinfuI body...

...against another sinfuI body?

- I have.
- That is a sin.

A mortaI sin.

Have you ever looked at
lewd pictures?

I have.

What did they show?

Bananas and pineapples.

What they call sex
- do you have it often?

I don't keep count.

Have you ever seriously

...sleeping with someone
to get a part?

- They don't ask that.
- Readers wish they would.

I can't do it without love.

So you wouldn't put out?

If the part was worth it,
yes... No...

What do you like, Miss Eva?


If they're good...

- Mushroom soup...
- If it's good....

What do you dislike?



will I get to play Cordelia?

I'm sure you will.

Look! Zbig's stuck a head
on the dog-cat.

You don't know him.
He's very versatile.

I've noticed.

He also writes poems.

What are those tiny
ones called? Kibuki?

Come on,
what are they called?

- Haiku.
- Gnomic haiku.

Why don't you recite one?

Surely if you write them
you want them to be known?

I've even thought...

...of working up these haiku
into a show.

We could tour it, couldn't we?

Are you, my little shrikes,
perchance a pair of dykes?

Gay's the word,
you'll have heard

The old Adam - call me madam

Fag or hag - it's all become
an awfuI drag.

Good evening.

What are you doing here?

I forgot my keys
and no one's home.

Be my guest.

A spot of lunch!

Go on.

What do you want to be
when you grow up?

An artist.


Artist. A painter.

Do a picture of me.

Very nice.


Is this your doll?

It is.

You have a daughter?


If you did I could play
with her.

But me, won't you come
and visit me?


My parents don't allow me
to visit strangers.

40 minutes?

You don't say...

why didn't you go then?

I'm sorry it took so long.

- Sure you can manage?
- Yes.

What's with that Grabowska
and her tantrums?

One tiny stain and she bites
my head off!

- She's cracking up.
- But she's in every play.

The manager...

... likes her.

Too much, I'd say.

When'll opportunity
knock for you?

Soon, I hope.

Help yourself.

My favorite used to be

You know,
with the coconut chips.

A reaI masterpiece!
The nuts look reaI, don't they?

Have you talked to Lewicki?

There's something interesting
about him, don't you think?

I didn't notice.

Did he tell you he wanted
to cast a girI as the FooI?

And the manager's wife
as Lear?

That could be interesting.

Ours is the night under
the stars...

Having heard the evidence,
the court...

...sentences the prisoner also
known as the Leader...

...to execution by beheading.

Thugs! Let me go!
I'll call the police!

It's a plot! I'II lodge
a complaint in parliament!

Where's my head?

They've stolen my head!

My ministeriaI head!

The ball goes on!


Good evening.

Yes, I was working.

The same as usuaI.

No, a small house.

Yes, yes, I've eaten.

No, I can't come.

If for I want that glib
and oily art.

To speak and purpose not;
since what I well intend,

I'll do't before I speak.

You're not with me?

Nor am I sometimes.

This'll be best.

What about this one?

The director can decide.

But what is this anyway?
I need more tape.

I'm working on the leftovers!
It can't go one like that!

This is the girI Wojtek

We chose this hat but
we have others.

Turn round.

Try this one.

- I look an idiot in it.
- Never mind how you look.

What I'm after is some
kind of a sign.

The hero looks around
and sees this hat.

And it sets up associations.

The face is less important.

But I still don't know
whom I'm playing.

You're playing
a Woman in a hat.

Right, here's what you do:

From that corner...
you follow the wall...

...walking toward the camera.
We'll do a run-through.

Action! Go!

But where am I going?
Who am I? Who's she?

Never mind. We're not getting
into Stanislavsky.

But I have to know.

Sometimes it's best not to.
We're hinting things.

What things?

Are you doing this scene
or not?

I'm sorry. I seem to have been
misinformed. I quit!

Where did you dig her up?

Now, Cordelia,

what can you say

to draw a third more
opulent than your sisters?

Nothing, my lord

Speaking to me?


Nothing will come of nothing

Good Cordelia, speak again

But you are talking?

If our paths separate now...

...they're liable never to
cross again.

You needn't believe me
but that's how it is...

...with paths that cross.

Got any glue?


You know, glue. For gluing.

I've some in the car.
For tires.

My heeI's come unstuck.

My car's here.
Can I drop you anywhere?



You're an actress?

A prompter.

Thank you.

Keep it. For the cobbler.

Don't go yet.

I have to.

That certain swine are happy
without metaphysics...

...does not prove
its worthlessness.

Is swinishness
to be our touchstone?

You left this in the john.

Why does everything seem to
have been deliberately...

...dislocated and displaced?

Roles, coiffures, minds,
complexions - all inverted?

You left this in the john.

Return it - keep the deposit.

Have you talked to Lewicki?

After a fashion.

Did he go on about
Japanese music and kabuki?

He did.

And about musicaI gesture?

And seeing RICHARD II
at Mme Mnouchkine's?


He will.

How are the designs for LEAR
coming along?

Darling, don't ask!

Drapes, sacks...
AII I do is dye, patch, alter.


No materials anywhere.


- Can I take this?
- Sure.

Some biddy's split her
old man's skull.

Skulls are no problem
but where did she get an ax?

Come on!
You can buy axes.


Any country store.

Good morning!

HaiI, Lear!

Don't get up.
I haven't forgotten THE BATS.

What's cooking?

Some woman's
chopped up her old man.

Ho ghastly!

Well now, what was I...?
Ah, yes.

I wonder if I could have
a few words with you...

... before the read-through.
All right?

Of course. Any time.

Good morning, Mr. Director!

Do you know what Count Tolstoy
called Shakespeare?

A hack.

He thought HAMLET

... nauseating, boring rubbish...

...and KING LEAR
a sloppily written mess.

Counts can take liberties.

That essay by Tolstoy
is well worth reading.

I'm sure it is.

There's no love lost
between geniuses.

Neatly put, very.

But let's consider our situation:

for his LEAR Kurosawa spent
three years...

...on the costumes alone.

Stein takes two years over

At that rate I'd starve
to death.

God knows how our
LEAR will work out.

It's a play that sometimes
really scares me.


Good morning.

Your tea rations can be

...from the dressers.

I must dash - I have to see
the manager. See you!

I must dash...

Lear is not senile.

He was made to feeI

He can't stand the truth,
not even from Cordelia.

...and my poor Fool is hanged.

Why should a dog, a horse,
a rat have life,

and thou no breath at all?

Thou'It come no more...

Tell me...

...what should Cordelia be like?



She should love her father.

It's been 42 days since we
last saw each other.

I've been keeping count.
Don't laugh.

Think of me at all?


We can't go on like this.
Always apart.

It's time we lived together.

Join the theater in Gdansk.

You're too good an actress
to be playing walk-ons.

In Gdansk I can write my
own ticket?

I've a buddy who knows
the manager.

He could talk to him.
Something can be arranged.

You could even quit.
There are other careers.

I can earn enough to keep
us both.

All right, lets' drop it.

Try it on.

It's Indian.

I had to see you.

You sounded so strange
on the phone.

That Shakespeare joke
- not bad!

Let's get married.

Why do you want to
get married?

So that you'll always
be mine.

Don't come here again.

Let's call it a day.

I've just been to a
Swedish movie.

They've gone completely mad.

- They're displaying genitals!
- No!

And raping chickens!

Go see for yourself.

This farmhand
jumps a chicken and...

But it's been sold out
for weeks.

Sex! Horror!

Thriller fiction!

Sex, sex, sex...

It's not a big room.

An old couple, a bit odd.

But they'll take an actress.
Provided she's childIess.

I said you were.
You are, aren't you?

The rent's 6.000- steepish
but your present place...

Instead of THE BATS as

...our play for tonight is

We apologize for this
change of program.

Could I speak to the director?

Is Mr Lewicki there?

I'll call later.

I've been thinking.

You could knit a skirt
and turn it into a dress.

I was so counting on him
seeing me in THE BATS.

He can see it on video.


I know someone who can
arrange a screening.

I can just see Lewicki
rushing round for my sake.

Leave that to me.

I don't even know if I want
to do this LEAR.

Or if I'll be able to.


I'm pregnant.

You are?

But Zbig once said he didn't
want a child.

That doesn't mean a thing.
They all say that.

He'll be thrilled, you'll see!

Now then, where'll we put
the cot?...


No - there!

Hey there.

See what I managed to get!
Pea cutlets, bean pate...

...and a bottle of Plavac!


But I've got to put Eva up
for the night.

Monsters! You'd throw me out
into the cold and sleet?

Couldn't I snuggle up
in between?

Give me a break, good ladies.

What have we here?

It's hedgehog, not mackereI!

Where do they import this muck?

We're going to the dogs!
Fish! Theater!

The theater's run into
a crisis.

What do those slobs write
for it?

They blow bubbles out their
noses, ears, whatever.

The toilet falls in on them
and they just twitter!

Tatty plays, empty houses!
We don't have a prayer!

You sure don't,
the way you're hamming.

We all have our off days.

Don't be a pig!
I'll go make some tea.

Piss off!

Eva, you'll know.
I dreamed about Lewicki.

He launched a balloon with
a bastard child inside.

- What does it mean?
- What size balloon?

A big one.

A big balloon means trouble.

- A small one, a journey.
- No.

A big balloon means
bad company.

More than anything in the world
I'd like to traveI.


To visit Mexico.

In that case, you will.

I'd have to live on air for a year.
And who'd invite me?

St. Francis. He was a saint
noted for his goodness.

Hopeless causes are
St. Jude's department.

Are you a professionaI
photographer or an amateur?

A bit of both.

Do you have a father?


What's he like?


Occasionally, childish.

Why do you ask?

No reason.

What about your father?

He's a king.

Ye jewels of our father,

with wash'd eyes...
Cordelia leaves you:

I know you what you are;
And, like a sister,

am most loth to call your
faults as they are nam'd.

Love well our father.

To your professed bosoms
I commit him:

But yet, alas,
stood I within his grace.

I would prefer him to
a better place.

So, farewell to you both.

I had a stupid dream.
I was afraid you were sick.

A doctor doesn't have time
to be sick.

How's MichaI?

He's left the Institute.
He couldn't stand it.

They were going to
transfer him.

- He doesn't tell me everything.
- What's he doing now?

He's become a mice freak.

The grind's killing me.
First, the kid to schooI...

...then the hospitaI,
the shopping, the cooking...

AII I dream of is bolting
the door and falling asleep.

I envy you.

I bet.

I do! I know an actress
who lives only for her dog.

And me?

AII I do is wait.

Me, I don't have the time
to wait.

It's you... us... they ought
to be waiting for.

Why have you broken up
with Felix?

Why did you lead him on?

I don't know.

Fear of loneliness, I guess.

But it turned into soap opera.
I was play-acting.

But what about him?

Don't worry,
he'll find someone.

I make tails out of this.

I earn more than at
the Institute.

An electronics engineer...

MateriaI for the paws
is a problem.

Don't you like them?

Father made you give up
ballet schooI.

He didn't want you giving
yourself airs.

Though he loved watching
you dance.

He'd have told me what
matters in life.

He'd been through a lot.

Mother said he got into
politicaI trouble.

Made waves, I suppose?

I remember how frightened
I was once.

He came home sick.

Mother made him a scene.

I've often wondered whether
I ought to tell you this...

Father kept out of politics...
He was never victimized.

Except by himself.

With mother's help you've
created a legend...

Innocent people did go to jaiI.

All sorts of people...

But not father.

As for mother...

She had an affair
with some jumped-up nerd.

Father found out and hit
the ceiling.

I heard him calling mother
a whore.

He began to drink.

It was all too much for him.

Before, he may have cheated
on her himself.

He thought his honor...

He talked a lot about honor,
but what it actually meant?

He talked about it most when
he had a few drinks.

He'd come home drunk
and apologize next morning.

That time you were scared was
one of his jags.

In the end
it went back to his work.

When he insulted a big shot
he was suspended.

He tried to get out of
it but couldn't.

One day, drunk,
he was hit by a car.

The obituary described him
as "a remarkable man...

... respected by all. "

I didn't know.

That's how it was.

What you've said makes
no difference.

In fact I think I now love
him even more.

Poor father...

A late night or been away?

- Away. How about you?
- I'm going fishing.

I'll bring some fish.

And fix the lock!

Tomorrow's Dee-Dee's birthday.

Suppose I buy him an icon?

- Buy him a sword.
- What on earth for?

To go with his blue blood.

He's seeking his roots.
He can hang it over the TV.

Don't make fun.

How about that role?
Started rehearsals?


You must tell me everything.

What do you think
of buying him a medaI?

It's his hobby.

He collects war medals,
awards for valor.

Because he was never
decorated himself.

He's simply interested in medals.
He loves them.

He has Serbian, Bulgarian,
French from Verdun.

He can look at them for hours.
This one would do...

It's too small.
Nothing'll go in.

It's only a cup, not a teapot.

Can I help you?

I'd like to see that cross.

It's from World War I.
"Pour la merite"

A German decoration...

... but with a French name.

- How much is it?
- 22.000

Expensive, but very rare.

I must be going or
I'll be late.

Take care of yourself.

Good evening.

Don't take it bad.

It's going to bomb anyway.

Broadway all over.

I must talk to you.

I know what you think.
That fucking bitch stole my part.

You're pissed off because you
were promised Cordelia.

But don't feeI sore
with me, dear.

We both know that
directors run the show.

I called Lewicki.

I can't stand the thought
of having hurt someone.

I know you could murder me.

I came close to suicide in
a similar situation years ago.

I appealed to Lewicki
but he bawled me out.

Mind your own business, he said.
I did it for you.

It's so long since you had
a decent part.

On stage, girls!

I'll do my best to see
you're understudy.

We can rehearse together.
Observe each other...

...and borrow anything that
could be good.

Eva, I know that...

I know that down deep
you're tough.

I'm also hung up on life.

And despite appearances
I'm very sensitive.

Another person wouldn't have
said anything, would she?

And screw you too!

It's nothing.

The old man's feet are
killing him.

It's six o'clock.
The weather in Warsaw will be...

Heard the news?

LEAR's been canceled.

Lewicki's wangled himself
a television production.

He's also got something
lined up in Zurich.

For which he'll be paid ten
times as much.

Why are you laughing?

No reason.

Where are you going?

You'll eat it all up, won't you?

Good morning, Miss Maria.


I respect you a lot for
being so good...

...to my Mom.

I've run into a reaI tragic

I need 200 zlotys.
You'll oblige, won't you?

I will not.

In that case you listen to me!

You come round here with
milk for Mom, right?

And shoes and things?
But it's not out of kindness!

You've got an angle!

You're counting on Mom
leaving you this place.

And I will, you'll see!

Mom don't need no handouts!
I can look after her!

And I've first claim on
this apartment. By right!

You bitch!
Go hustle elsewhere!

You're too dumb!
Too full of shit!

Go on, get the fuck out,
you rotten cow!

Have you told him?


Why not?

I don't know.

I've been offered leading
part in a film.

Three months from now.

What'II I do with my belly?

So it's film or baby.

Maybe I'm stupid.

Female mannequins on stage.

Eva, on stage please.

Eva, on stage, now!

Now, ourjoy.
Although the last, not least

To whose young love
the vines of France

And milk of Burgundy
strive to be interess'd

What can you say to draw
a third more opulent

than your sisters?



Nothing, my lord

How so?

Nothing will come of nothing.

Speak again

Unhappy that I am!

I cannot heave my heart
into my mouth

I love your Majesty according
to my bond

Nor more nor less

Good my lord

You have begat me,
bred me, lov'd me

I return these duties back
as are right fit,

Obey you, love you,
and most honor you

Why have my sister's husband
if they say they love you all?

Haply, when I shall wed,
That lord whose hand...

...must take my plight shall carry

Half my love with him,
half my care and duty

No, no!

Come, let's away to prison:

We two alone will sing like
birds I the cage:

When thou dost ask me blessing

I'll kneel down and ask of
thee forgiveness;

So we'll live, and pray,

And sing, and tell old tales,

And laugh at gilded butterflies,

And hear poor rogues talk
of court news;

Who loses and who wins;

Who's in, who's out;

And take upon's
the mystery of things

And we'll wear out in
a wall'd prison

Packs and sects of great ones

That ebb and flow by the moon.