Kill'em All (2017) - full transcript

After a massive shootout, a mysterious stranger (Van Damme) arrives at a local hospital on the brink of death. Then, a foreign gang brazenly comes to the hospital to hunt him down. His nurse, the sole surviving witness to the follow-up shootout, must face an FBI interrogation that unlocks a plot of international intrigue and revenge. With enough twists and turns, KILL'EM ALL will keep you guessing until the final bullet is fired. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
I'm Suzanne.

My name is Phillip.

I just...

I need more time to collect my thoughts

because it all seems like seeing a ghost

and explaining to you what I saw
is like unravelling a mystery.

Everything went by so fast

and all I remember was seeing
the shadow outlines of people

and then the darkness swallowed me up.

I let my mind be invaded
by all the things I used to be afraid of

that had suddenly appeared.

And it all seemed like a delusion.
So was I scared?

I have goose bumps now talking about it.

I was light headed, my palms were soaked,

I felt my heart pounding in my throat.

And then the adrenaline kicked in.

So what do you think?

Yeah. Of course I was petrified.

Pain is so strange.

A coyote that kills your little dog,

falling off your bike as a kid
and scraping your knee,

watching helplessly
as a loved one lays dying.

Then pain arrives, bang,

it's right there,

it's very real and to anyone
who's watching this, you look dumb.

Like you've been suddenly made a fool,

and there's no cure for it
unless there's someone there

who knows what you're going through.

Someone who's...

Someone who can help you.

That's why you're here.

We understand. We want to help you.

But we need you to drag your thoughts away
from whatever it is that's bothering you.

We need some details, Suzanne.

You don't mind if I call you Suzanne?

Why would I mind? That's my name.

Okay then, Suzanne.

Why would I mind? That's my name.

Let's go back. How did your morning start?

Okay. Okay, um...

Morning, uh...

Well, it was slow.
We had a few patients.

Just a few.
The ones we had were mostly stable.

How did you get involved?

- How did I get involved?
- Mmm-hmm.

I work there.

I was just doing my job
when this shit storm fell on me.

All right.


Have you ever seen this man?

Before today
I'd never seen that face in my life.

This is the man that
saved your life, right?


But what does that matter, he's dead now.

I know it's been
a hell of a day for you, Suzanne.

A lot of people died.

And you were there.

So we're just trying to figure out
why you were there.

Aren't there security cameras?
Why can't you just check the tapes?

I'm exhausted,
I wanna go home and feed my cat.

Well, you'll get to do that
pretty soon, Suzanne,

but what Agent Holman is trying to say here

is that we're just really trying
to figure out how you are still alive.

And I wanna know if she knows anything
about the assassination attempt.

Just give me a second here, okay?
I'm getting into that.

Look, what do you want me to say?

Why don't you just tell me so I can say it,
sign a statement and go home.

It doesn't work that way.

As you know the hospital
has been closed for,

yeah, a couple of years.

Only the ER is up and working...

No video.

we're having a delicate problem here.

You see we can't secure
a positive ID on you

so we can't just let you leave.

Check the personnel roster.

I'm an ER nurse at Redondo Coast Medical.

Well, the hospital's database
has been corrupted.

But we do have
a couple of guys working on it.

Might take some time.

So how is this supposed to work?

You want me to tell you what happened,
but we can't even get past who I am?

I didn't do anything wrong.

We don't know that yet, do we?

Let's just... Let's, you guys...
Let's all take a deep breath, hmm?

And let's go back to the beginning.

Ironically, it was a slow day.

Then several ambulances showed up at once
and it was complete chaos.

I immediately went
and tried to assist Dr Todd...

Yeah. Okay. Okay.

What's happening?

Well, it looks like we have
a victim with a gunshot wound.

Can we handle it?

Well, the rest of the place
might be shut down,

but ER is still up and running.

You two are here. My A-Team.
We should be fine.

I thought you said one ambulance?

That's what I thought.

We've got a mess coming in,
we need everyone to triage.

Prioritise, people.
Victims with vitals first.

No heartbeat? No treatment.

Dr Todd, we need you.

Sir? Sir, can you hear me?

- Yeah.
- Yeah? Where are you injured, sir?

- Let me see.
- The head.

Lay back, sir.

- You cut your arm, yes?
- Yes.

Okay. And your head?

- You hit your head, sir?
- Yeah.

- Do you think you have a concussion?
- I don't know.

Dr Todd.

What do you got?

Head wound, possible
concussion, and an arm laceration.

I think I can handle him myself.

I agree. Get him stable.
Come give us a hand.


Sir, you're going to be just fine.

I've got it from here.

You're gonna be fine, sir.

Take it easy. You're gonna be fine.
Lay back. Lay back.




Careful, careful.


I need your help.

- You need to help me.
- I know. Don't talk.

You're in shock. You'll only say
something you might regret later.

- Better?
- Yeah.


You don't get it. It's a fuck up.

It's a big fuck up. Okay?

- Come back, please.
- Okay. I'll be right back.



- What's going on?
- It's a diplomat or something.

He's in bad shape.

- Where is my security?
- Where are you taking him?

Fifth floor. There's still a clean room
and electricity up there.


Come on, let's go. Let's go!


Where is my security?

What are you doing? Sir, lay down.

Lay back down. Lay down.


Nothing. It was just weird.

What's weird?

His heart rate. It was steady.

Slow, even.

I mean, the guy was in
pain, he was bleeding,

but when I put my hand on his chest,

it was almost like he was asleep.

Mmm-hmm. And again remind me,

this was, uh, the first time that
you had seen Phillip, correct?


You didn't know him from Adam?

No, at this point,
he was just a patient to me.

Hold it, right there.

What do you mean, "At this point"?

Well, he ended up giving his life for mine,

so, of course,
now I'm gonna feel something for the guy.

Just please help us make this easier
for all of us, all right?

Maybe Agent Holman over there
could stop talking to me

like I'm his red-headed stepchild.

Oh, come on. He's just being thorough.

Yeah, a thorough asshole.

All right! All right now.

Let's just scale it back. Okay?


The Brokovich brothers.

I've been tracking these scumbags
all over Europe for a few years.

I know what they're capable of.

They're vicious, ruthless, murderers.

Ready to kill their own mother
for the right amount of money.

So you can understand
that we're interested in

how come you are still alive then?

Because most people they get
in contact with end up dead.

And how are guys like this
allowed to just walk around

when you obviously
already know all about them?

Did you see them?

I was getting to that.

- You can't get up.
- I'll be fine.

Go help other people. That's your job.

You're not well, you need stitches.

I'm okay. I'm fine.

Promise me you won't try to get up again?

I'm not going anywhere.

Where is he?

Where is he?

Rest in peace, brother.

I will avenge your death.

- No.
- Where is he?

What the hell?

Where is he?

Dr Todd?

Where is he?

I've never trusted you,
you son of a bitch.

You were always the sheep
hiding among the wolves,

now you're going to die.

Out of bullets, asshole?


No, I don't get it.

Why did you stay? I don't get it.

Why not run?

I don't know.
I'm a nurse, it's my job to help people.

Look, at this point, all I knew is that
there was a crazy, insane, violent dude

blocking my only exit.

I was scared. I didn't want to die.

This guy seemed like someone
who could help me stay alive.

Come on. Please!

Look, I don't know what you want me to say.

I didn't do anything but survive.

Since when is surviving a tragedy a crime?

This is a matter of national security.

And you have no rights.

Until we're satisfied with all
your answers, you got it?

If he's going to keep acting like this,

then I'm just gonna stop talking
and you two can go fuck yourselves.

- Hey. Hey.
- I don't need this.

You need me, remember?

- You need to pull that stick out of your ass.
- Mark!


Shut up.

Can you just go and check
on the computer system

or do something, please?

Yeah, I need to take a whiz.

Fantastic. I don't care. Just go.

Give us a second.

- Enjoy it.
- Thank you.


Go ahead.

What's going on?

You're hurt.
You have to let me stitch your arm.

Please! Let's get out of here.

Come on, we can go in here.

Come on, please.

Come on. Right in here. Come on.

Come on.

Take your jacket off.

Here, let me help you.

What do you think?

Here, look. I don't think she's lying.

Come on, bitch. Give me something.

She's lying.

I can smell it.

- Agent Holman?
- Yeah.

Thank you.

All right.

Look what I found under the Christmas tree.


They were all there?

Yeah, apparently a goddamned reunion.

What are you talking about?

Oh, well,
the ex-Serbian Minister's security team.

- Yeah.
- Recognise any of them?

So this is the deal.
Klaus is the leader.

What's going on?

- He's here.
- Did you kill him?

Son of a bitch escaped.

This isn't normal...

He is just one man.

Find him
and kill him like a fucking dog.

- For your brother.
- I will.


He's in the building.

Be ready.

Okay. Okay.

Dusan is the intimate type,
likes to work close in.

He seems to prefer small-calibre firearms
and sharp objects to do his damage.

And from our reports,
he seems to really love his job.

A real piece of work.

He was here in LA
just a few months ago

and that's the last we heard of him.

And then, we have Almira.
Now she's a bad, bad girl.

Hey, baby.

It is a little hot in here, isn't it?

I had a really good time tonight.

The dinner was excellent!

Why didn't you order any desert?

I wasn't really in the mood.
But now I am...

The question is...

Are you?

Love, where is your hair?

Gone on vacation?

And you will go soon...


A long vacation...

Don't work.

Work kills.

What are you doing?

Bye, love.

Ivan is the muscle.

He can fight.
But usually, he doesn't need to.

Have a nice day.

Second floor, third, fourth...

Go on.

those were the people who tried to kill me.

What did Phillip tell you?
Did he tell you what happened to him?

That's when he
started to trust me.

Are we gonna be able to get out of here?

How many people are trying to kill you?

What are we supposed to do now?

He told me he worked with them.

He said he was here in LA for business.

His boss had an important meeting
at the Plaza Hotel.

And he was part of his security team.

But that's when things went terribly wrong.

Yeah, things went wrong...

But, listen, we're more interested
in what Phillip told you.

What's his version?

I wasn't there.

I can only tell you what he said.

Hola, amigo.

- C?mo est?s?
- Bueno.

- Muchas gracias.
- De nada.

I need your help
to get me to the fifth floor.

This hospital is basically abandoned
except for emergency operations.

But I know a back way.

So, I can help you.

Do they have power there?


Okay. We've got to get
to him before they do.

Make it faster. Please.

I don't have anaesthesia.

That's okay. Please.

Hold still.

So after all this you still went with him.

What do you think I should have done?

Run down the stairs
and ask the guys with guns

to tell me their side of the story?

I don't know.

Can I tell you something
about your new friend?

He's nothing but a cold-blooded killer.

How was I supposed to know that?

Not five minutes before, he saved my life

- from a guy with a gun to my head.
- Hmm.

I just wanted to live.
I don't see how you can't understand that.

So then you helped him
get to the Serbian ex-Minister.


Yeah, if running and hiding
in a closet is helping,

then sure, yeah, I helped him.

No. I'm not accusing you of...

You might not be, but your friend here keeps
acting like it's a crime I'm still alive.

We're just trying to piece things together.

Just to make sure that everything adds up.


Want me to get you a calculator?

Now, that's funny.

But it doesn't add up.

Can I tell you something
about your friend Phillip?

See, Phillip was born in former Yugoslavia.

At that time, Yugoslavia was held together

by a communist dictator
with the name, Tito.

And it wasn't until the end of the Cold War
around '88 or '89

when the wall came tumbling down
that the whole communist system collapsed.

And with it, Yugoslavia.

Seven different ethnic groups
now became seven independent countries.

And Serbia had its brilliant idea
of starting a war.

They invaded their neighbours
Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia.

Big war erupted.

And over 300,000 people dead
and one million scattered in exile.

UN? Nah. They did little to nothing.

It wasn't until the US together with NATO
started to bomb the crap out of Serbia

that this war finally could come to an end.

Phillip had a father.

A political activist and journalist.

Now, that's a hot topic over there
in the Balkans

to be a journalist and political activist.

And he opposed the war.

Especially, the ethnic cleansing.

He told the world about this problem.

And he received death threats

and he was forced
to move his family constantly.

Eventually, his enemies caught up with him.

Are you okay?

Go, go, go.

That day changed
Phillip's life forever

and set the stage for what happened today.

Dusan, what's going on?


Dusan, are you OK?

Fuck! Fuck!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!


Are you okay?

I'm okay.

Should we take the elevator?

No, the stairs. It's safer.

Okay. Let's go.

So then you knew.

Knew what?

You know, I'm a nurse
not a super sleuth like you.

My job is to trust what people tell me,
so I can give them the best care possible.

Can you stop rubbing
this noble nurse shit in my face?

I'm not buying it.

All right, all right, okay, let's just
take it down a notch here, all right?

Suzanne, we are not the bad guys.

And the more information we get,
the better we can do our jobs.

Agent Sanders is right,
we're not the bad guys.

So what happened next, Suzanne?

I'm wearing down.

I need some sugar, food, water.


There's a break room just down the hall.

- Let's go.
- Yeah.

Radovan, I'm coming to you.

On my way to the second floor.

You okay?

We're almost there.

Here. It's right here. Come on.

You're bleeding again.

It's not my blood.


- What?
- My name is Phillip.

I'm Suzanne.

Suzanne. It's a nice name.


You're the type of girl
I would like to walk with you in the woods

and listen to the birds.

Plus, you're intelligent.

But I've got something to finish.

We're going to make it, okay?



Why don't you come and get me?

Don't be afraid.

I promise
I will give you the death you deserve.

Come out and die like a man!

In here.

He had time to fucking eat.

Son of a bitch.


Over here.

The radiation room.

The door locks.

Fucking imbeciles.

Where the fuck are you, Phillip?






Go to the 3rd floor.

On my way now.

Let's go.

Are these friends of yours?

Uh, something like that.

Well, I hate to break it to you
but your friends hate you.

The feeling is mutual.

I thought you said
just one guy tried to kill your boss.

There's a lot more people
than that out there.

They're cleaners.
They're here to finish the job.

Okay. Follow me.


Here's the file you requested.

Agent Sanders, they want you upstairs.

Carry on. Try not to kill each other.

Thank you.

- Now what do I have here?
- What's that?

Pictures of more bad guys
for me to not recognise?

It's a file on one Suzanne Goodwin.

That's you, right?

You know what's in here?

Let me guess.

It says, I was a good student
but a horrible girlfriend.

It says, when I was nine years old
I tried to steal a candy bar

but then I freaked out and put it back,

which then marked me as having
too much self-respect

to ever be considered
for recruitment at any spy agency.

Hey, listen up, Suzanne.

I might drop this whole
"I don't believe you" thing

if you can tell me a few things.

Sounds good? Okay?


Place of birth?


Mother's maiden?


Okay. SAT Score?

That's not in there.


Oh, this is interesting.

It says here you were arrested once.


Oh, my God.

You bastard.

- You don't know why?
- Of course I know.

Tell me.

Okay, if I tell you,

this whole "I don't believe you are
who you say you are" bullshit stops?

If you answer my question,
I'll believe anything you say.

I almost killed my boyfriend.

I guess he wasn't really my boyfriend,
I'd been on a few dates with him.

But he hit me
and tried to force himself on me,

so I beat the shit out of him.

He called the cops on me.
I spent one night in jail.

That's it.

You beat the shit out him.

I have my black belt.

Are you registered?

My uncle taught me hapkido martial arts
growing up.

- Oh, Billy Jack.
- What?

It's an old movie from the '70s.
Billy Jack.


My uncle said a girl in Orlando
ought to be able to protect herself.

It came in handy.

Do you still train?

No, I mean, not like I used to.

And my job is physically demanding
so it keeps me in pretty good shape.

Yeah, I guess I still know
how to handle myself.

Are you satisfied?



- What?
- My SAT score.

1480 out of 1600.

This floor is clean.

I'm looking for her.

Almira, they're coming towards me.
I hear them.

Hey, Phillip, what's the rush?


She's coming your way.

Good, I'm waiting.

Where are you, fucking sobaka?

Hey, there.

You hear that?

No. What?


No one is coming.

Just you and me.

Phillip can't beat Ivan.

Never could.


How long did it take
for the cops to get on the scene?

Um... I don't really know.
It seemed like an eternity to me.

According to records it took 21 minutes.

That's according to them.

Well, you didn't see any cops?

I was mostly inside running and hiding.

I didn't see anyone
until I was on the fifth floor.

So you killed Almira?

- No. I...
- No, that's what you said.

I wasn't trying to kill her.

I was defending myself.

But you're right, I mean,
maybe I should have asked her to stop,

so we could talk it over,
over, like, a skinny latte or something.

She seemed like such a nice person.

I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding
that made her try to murder me.

I'm done.

I can't do this any more, it's too much.

I'm gonna break.

Listen, we're almost there.
We're going to make it. Okay?

I want to leave.

Listen, you stay with me.
I get the job done.

We better stay together. Okay?

Do you really believe that?

If you want a guarantee,
I cannot give you one.

No, I'm gonna go.

I need to.

Thank you.


And good luck, I guess.

- Can you just tell me why?
- Why what?

Why this?

What really happened?

Stop playing me like an idiot.

You're not protecting anyone
at this point except for me,

and that's really a matter of circumstance
you put me in.


Look, if these guys really wanted
to kill your boss or whoever,

wouldn't they already
be up on the fifth floor?

Listen, you can go now and get killed.

Or you stay with me. I finish my job,

and you're staying alive.


I'll take my chances.

Oh, so you just abandoned him.

No, I just wanted to stay alive.

I didn't abandon him.

The story of his life...

What do you mean?

After his father got killed,

Phillip's mother was put on a watch list
as an enemy of the state.

They confiscated all her documents,
she couldn't leave the country.

And she was left with no other choice

but to send her son across the border
with a family friend.

You are an exceptional child,

you never forget that.

You push your boundaries daily
and you discover your true strength.

You were bred for greatness.

Me and your father, we did everything we could
do to make this life wonderful for you.

Your father will live on through you.

This man, he is an enemy of your people.

And one day you must do
everything in your power to stop him

and stop people like him. Can you do that?

Yes, Non.

You will find that the pain
of losing someone never actually leaves.

Don't you go one day
when you don't miss us immensely.

The love in your heart
that we share for each other...

I love you.

It will carry you
for the rest of your life.





Now to the kicker.

The man who killed Phillip's father

was the Serbian ex-Minister,

Dimitri Petrovic.

Oh, Jesus.

Now, this friend started
to train Phillip

in various forms of military
hand-to-hand combat.

And he taught him everything
there is to know about survival.

And this family
friend taught Phillip

how to live by the family code of Shala.

What does this crazy man do?
Your friend, Phillip? Huh?

Now that he's a trained killer.

He's a one man army.

Does he go after the guy
who killed his father?

Does he take him out?

No, not Phillip. He changes his identity.

He needs to get close to Dimitri Petrovic.

Looks good!


So he moves in, moves in and waits
until he can take his revenge.

Thirty years after
his father's assassination.

Wait, you said the Serbian ex-Minister
was a gangster?

Then how did he...

Well, you buy it
or in his case you take it by force.

He was a Bosnian Serb
who took advantage of the ethnic cleansing.

He used the movement to gain influence
and amass a network of criminal activity

using the government funds,

at the same time
that he was climbing the political ladder.


When Yugoslavia fell it
was complete mayhem.

And Petrovic capitalised.

- He took control over the arms in Serbia.
- Yeah.

And you control all the weapons,
you have all the friends in the world.

And bang, just like that,
Petrovic was now the Serbian minister.

Phillip waited 30 years
to take his revenge.

Let's call it a Balkan vendetta.

It happens all the time over there.

We didn't expect it to happen here,
on our territory.

Look at this.

What is that?

It's the seal of The Black Hand.

The what?

The Black Hand
is a group of Serbian assassins.

That's right. Your friend, Phillip,

he's the assassin.

Oh, my God.

Now let me tell you
what actually happened at the Plaza.

Our man, Petrovic,
was meeting with some Mexican drug lord.

They were going to help him to escape
to Ecuador or Venezuela.


Because they don't answer
to the International Court of Justice

and they have no extradition treaty
with the US.

You see,
Dimitri was planning an escape

to avoid prosecution for war crimes.

Phillip found out about this plan.

Based on our preliminary assessment
of the crime scene

there he was, mmm-hmm, in the kitchen.

There you have it.

He's The Black Hand.

He may have helped you, but...

He would have killed you
if you got in his way.

Probably good that you left when you did.

Actually I started to leave,
but then...

As I was going back down,
I heard someone coming up the stairs.

So, I got scared and turned around.

But when I got to the fifth floor,

all I saw were bodies.


Who shot me?

Am I safe?

Where is everybody?

Please, help me.

You killed my father.

I'm sorry, Phillip.

- You killed my father.
- I'm sorry!

Please don't.

I can make you rich. Don't.

That's for my father.

And that's for me.

Was Petrovic already
dead when you got there?

I guess so.

Who shot him?

I don't know.

Look. When I got to the fifth floor

all I saw were dead guards
and I heard gunshots, so I hid.

I can't tell you who killed him.

You can't or you won't?

I thought we settled this.
You said you were going to believe me.

I don't know who did it.

I was, you know, a little preoccupied
with trying not to get murdered.



Where are you?

You're out of bullets.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

You will die like your father.

Must breathe in.

Fuck you.

- Hold.
- Police.

Clear. Clear.

I am sending you to hell.

- Police. Police.
- Clear.

- I got you covered.
- Come on, sir, keep going.

- Move it. Move it. Check him.
- Gotta get going!


He's done, let's move. Push.

And that's it.

Mmm. Sounds scary.


I was lucky to make it out alive.

Did you see Phillip die?

Not exactly, they, uh,
fell through the window,

so I assume he did,

and then when the SWAT team got there,
I heard them say they were all dead.

Well, Suzanne, we couldn't find his body.

Well, I don't know what to tell you,
I told you everything I saw.

Well, it must have been Phillip then.

That killed them all.

I need some coffee.

Um, can I leave now?

Give Agent Holman your contact info.

So we can get a hold of you
if, uh, something comes up,

then you can go.


Oh, yeah.

Thank you once again.

Yeah, not a problem.

Yeah. I know. Hi.

We've got your number
just in case we need something else.

With a "Z."


My name. Suzanne with a "Z."
You misspelled it.


How do you know that?

Everyone makes that mistake.

Here you go.

- What are these?
- Hospital staff directory.

Finally got these computers to work.

Already cross referenced
with the deceased list.

It's not finished, but it's a start.

If they have a body
it would be in the deceased column.

All right. Thank you, Laura.

- Hey, wait.
- What?


You forgot to sign the statement.

Down there. Yeah.

My name.
Suzanne with a "Z." You misspelled it.




She can read backwards.

Your glasses, Mark.


Place of birth?


Mother's maiden?


She can read the files
through the reflection.

That's impossible.

Suzanne with a "Z." You misspelled it.

How do you know that?

But doable.

- Yeah, what?
- Suzanne Goodwin. She's there.

- Who?
- The nurse.

They found her at the hospital,
tied up and gagged.



Suzanne Goodwin.

Thanks, Suzanne.

Fuck. Shit.

I'm gonna find the bitch. I'm gonna
find her. I'm gonna find her.


What now? Told you.

Fuck. Shit. Shit.

You okay?

I'm good.

Breaking news.

Death before dishonour
In the name of the father

I came with an army of me
In aim to claim on a promise

I'm in the heart of the hardest part
Of my calling in life

And my only way out is to fight

There's no light at the end of the tunnel

And trouble's right around the corner
So I'm in over my head

Well, I'm going, but it's an omen

I'm focused and my opponent is broken
Holding on for dear life at the moment

It's not kill or be killed
It's an eye for an eye

With no shield in the field
I fight till I die

I'm not just trying to get by

This is a vendetta
Return to sender

Revenge is best served when it's settled

Hard rock
Hold the heavy metal trying to pop off

I'm on the frontline sipping on a Molotov

I haven't lived at all
Ever since I've been involved

I could sort 'em out
I'mma kill 'em all!

Kill 'em all!

Kill 'em all!

I was dealt the hand I had to deal with
The hand that's out to steal

When I had to pull a card, I was fearless

I was branded as the hand of the enemy

Knowing that raising a closed fist
Was my destiny

Looking up at my father with pride

I'm bawling inside
I'm about to put it all on the line

The call of the wild
I rise up for the fall off the vine

And I don't care if I survive
As long as you die

That's the mission with the ammunition
I'm driven, no prison, I'm never giving

Now listen, the greater business
To level with the decision

Dismissing the competition

Empty clips in our positions
Submitting 'em into perdition

Oh! This is best
I'm my flesh and my blood

And I won't rest until I'm all the way up

I haven't lived at all
Ever since I've been involved

I could sort 'em out
I'mma kill 'em all!

Death before dishonour
In the name of the father

I came with an army of me
In aim to claim on a promise

I'm in the heart of the hardest part
Of my calling in life

And my only way out is to fight

There's no light at the end of the tunnel

And trouble's right around the corner
So I'm in over my head

Well, I'm going, but it's an omen

I'm focused and my opponent is broken
And holding on for dear life at the moment

It's not kill or be killed
It's an eye for an eye

With no shield in the field
I fight till I die

I'm not just trying to get by

This is a vendetta
Return to sender

Revenge is best served when it's settled

This is best
I'm my flesh and my blood

And I won't rest until I'm all the way up

I haven't lived at all
Ever since I've been involved

I could sort 'em out
I'mma kill 'em all!

Kill 'em all!

Kill 'em all!

Kill 'em all!

Kill 'em all!