Killed My Wife (2019) - full transcript

A man who loses recollection of the previous night gets framed for killing his wife and struggles to retrieve his memories. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food


Damn. My head hurts...

Who is it?


That's me.

Your wife Miyoung
was murdered last night.


I'm lieutenant CHOI
from Unnam district police.

May I come in?

Hold on.

Miyoung... My wife...

She is dead?


They are investigating
the scene now.

I have some questions for you.

Where were you last night?

Last night&

I had drinks with a friend.


I sometimes can't remember&

Hey, what are you saying?

This is just a formality.

Detectives asked me
to question you.

Just basic detective work.

Asking about alibi
at the time of crime.

We heard you two
were recently separated.

Did you fight a lot?

What the heck are you saying?

We keep all possibilities open.

Usually the victim
knows the criminal.

Are you saying, "I killed her?"

That's not what I'm saying.


You think you can just say
whatever you want?


It's a misunderstanding.

This isn't blood... is it?

The friend I drank with
yesterday is Jinsu.

He works at a large firm.

You can talk to him
on the phone.

Wait... Let me find my phone.

You can check my story...

What the?!



Hey, hey...


Don't move. Sir...

This is a misunderstanding!

It's a misunderstanding!

You bastard.

No... no way!

No... no way!

Killed My Wife



8 hours before the incident.

We had an opening, so I
thought you would get the job.


Why would they hire
someone who was fired?

That's what I talked
to HR about.

I wanted to let them know
you were fired without cause.

They told me
you had credit issues.

Why didn't you tell me?

You used up all your
severance pay too, right?

So that's why
you two are separated.

No, that's not it. No, no.

After that...

I can't remember.


What happened to my phone?


Jinsu, are you busy?

I told you yesterday.
We have an audit this morning.

I have something to ask you.

About what?

I'm very busy now.

Come to the office later.
Let's have lunch.

Hey Jinsu.
- Mr. PARK.


I don't have money...


I have to remember.

What's going on?

Murder? What happened?

The woman who just moved
in to 106.

What about her.

It's a murder..


Her husband wasn't with her?

They are separated.

Control the residents
of this apartment.

Yes, sir



Did you get fingerprint
off the door keypad?

Yes, sir. Forensic team
is nearly done.

Let's go in.


I was here last night!

I got knocked out by a bum...


Yes, boss.

No way. I am at the husband's,
but he wasn't here.

So, I'm asking
around the neighborhood.

Yes? What is it?

You saw him go out last night?


I need to hang up now. Yes.

Can't remember because
he was drunk? Yeah, right.

What's this?

"Sejung Construction,
PARK Jinsu"

PARK Jinsu?

Ah, Miyong.

3 months ago, Miyoung signed up
for 3 insurance policies.

Who is listed
as the beneficiary?

CHAE Jungho. The husband.

Do people often sign up for 3
life insurance policies at once?

That way you get around $500k.

Just 1 policy would only cover
the funeral cost.

$500k isn't even that much
these days.

Do you have insurance?



I think the police think
I'm the killer.

You know what sucks more?

I totally can't remember

I couldn't answer
the police man's questions.

I remember going
to the rice wine place.


I went to another place
with you, right?

Where did we go?

You can't even remember that?

You keep having these blanks
in your memory.

Ok, ok.
That's not the problem here.

So, after rice wine,

we bought cigarettes...

7 hours before the incident

Where do you wanna go now?

Let's go to a fun place.
Your treat.

Fun place?

How about you treating me
for a change.

What are you talking about?
I always treat you.

Those kids...

Hey, hey. Forget it.

Those kids
will become criminals&

Kids are scary these days.
Just look away.

What the fuck? Sorry.

I will buy nice liquor.
Let's go.

Nice liquor?


Let's go, go.

Hey, don't be like this.

What do you know
about married life?

You aren't even married&


What can I get you?

Another bottle, please.


Love needs money, you know?

Love needs money, you know?

You don't know shit.
So just shut up.


Then what?

Just go home.

Tell her that you are sorry.

Now? At this hour?

Did he really go home?

Did anything happen at the bar?

What thing?

But I left before you did.

I told you I had an audit in the
morning and you told me to go.

I did?


You know, how...
I get angry when I'm drunk.

I get angry when I'm drunk.

Nothing happened last night.

You drank a lot but we
just played darts and had fun.

Female in her 30s was murdered
at her house in Unnam. Police&

Hey, you are on the news.

The Segment is over.

What are you going to do now?

The police is looking for you.

I have to go.

Boss is looking for me.

Do you have money on you?

Take this.

Just take it.

If something comes up, call me.


I'm going now.

I'm Constable Yoo from
Unnam District Police.

I want to ask you about CHAE
Jungho. Please give me a call.

The police is messaging me&

Hello, sir!

Find anything?

Not much.

Forensics are working on foot
and finger prints.

We are checking phone
and banking records.


Sir, sir!

Which district is this?

The uniform looks great on you.

You making fun of me?

I'm not joking.

The police station
is very quiet since you left.

Where are you going?

Buzz off.


Good bye, sir.

Lieutenant, why are you so late?

Chief is really mad&

Cause of death?

It looks like blunt weapon
trauma to the head

is the cause of death.

We haven't found
the murder weapon yet&

Detective PARK thinks
it's an unplanned murder.

Who would carefully plan
to murder his wife?

We are going back
to the station.

We are not working together,
but thank you for coming.

Let's go.

Call me. Let's have a drink.
Go. Asshole.

You need to calm down.

Kimchi restaurant. Restaurant!

Good bye.


World is full of dickheads.

Lieutenant, what did
the victim's husband say?

He wasn't home.

I put out a warrant,
so he will be found soon.

You know that PARK

PARK Jinsu?

Did you call him?

He doesn't answer.
I left a message.

Keep calling&

I'm gonna check out the scene.

If the chief asks, tell him
I got here a while back.

Yes, sir. Dismissed.

Is there some ointment?

What's this?

Where did he get this money?

It's got to be dirty money&

3 hours before the incident


Honey, you didn't change
the pass code yet?

I told you not to come here


Always drunk.

You are not even going to
remember this tomorrow&

Did I just leave&

Come on. Come on&

I couldn't have done it

You went to the bar?

Did you go to Miyoung
after that?

Is this the right way?

Let's go that way.

Excuse me.

Hey, it's you.

You really came.

Do you know me?

What do you mean?

Wait here. I will be right back.

I have some questions.

Just wait here.

You drank a lot but we just
played darts and had fun.


I'm sorry.
I made you wait a long time.

That's ok.

Where shall we go?


Too fast.


Next, next.

What's this?

Who's this?

It's a girl.


That guy.

Did you see it?

Hey, that's him for sure.

Go back.

Yes, that's him.

We thought we got him,
so we followed him.

There was nothing.


Check this out.

We followed him until 10 AM,
but there was nothing.

He just went back home.

Let me look.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.


Hello, how can I help you?

This apartment.

Is there another exit
other than the front one?

Yes. There is a path
in the back.

A back path?

However, only the residents
use the path.

The CCTV there is a fake.

It's just a model.

I had drinks with a friend.

I sometimes can't remember&


-Do you work here?

Such a hard worker.


Last night.

Did you see someone suspicious
buying alcoholic drinks?

Last night?


I wasn't working last night&

How can I check the CCTV
over there?


I should ask the store manager.

Then call him and ask!


Lieutenant, we met
with PARK Jinsu.


What did he say?

He says he met with CHAE Jungho


They went to a bar
and then he went home.


Yes. Also

Jungho owes some money
to loan sharks&

That's why they were separated&

I'm his only close friend.

So, I bought him drinks
and told him to shape up.

I thought that would be enough,

but he just gave up.

$50 bills make our jobs
so much easier.

What are you doing?
Sign over here.

Oh yes&

Thumb print here.

Thank you.

Do you have any other
security deposit?

Isn't this enough for now?

I'll pay you back soon.

I'm sure you will.

I told him to go home
and see his wife.

I hate to say this&

But he may have killed his wife
and not remember a thing.

Jinsu said that?


Where's this bar
that they went to?

Yeah? Go ahead.
I will be there soon.


What now?

About the CCTV&

How did you know Jinsu
was involved with Jungho?

When did you join the force?

It's been 1 year 6 month
and 20 days!

I've worked 20 years.

You even tipped me.


Did I win some money?

Yeah. You won a lot of money.

I suck today.

Hurry up.

6 hours before the incident

Let's go again. $100!

I didn't school you enough?

Let's go.


Jinsu, you can't win
against me tonight.

You know why?

Today is my lucky day.

It looked like
he was losing on purpose.

You didn't notice it,
and you were really happy&

Jinsu, that bastard&


Never mind.
Did I leave after that?

I wouldn't be waiting here
at this hour if you did.

5 hours before the incident

You know what's hot these days?

Lottery ticket and Porter.

Economy is bad, so they buy
Lottery for a jackpot chance.

Others buy Porter
to make a living.

What do they do with a Porter?

They can deliver packages
and house moving jobs.

You wouldn't know about it,


How much do you earn
working here?

Isn't this job hard?

Apply for an accounting
clerk at our company.

You are pretty,
so you won't be fired.

What's pretty
got to do with the job?

That's everything!

Dirty bastard.

Face is good& Body is&

What are you doing?


I need to check you out to see
if you are fit for the job.

Are you okay?

I'm not okay.

Did we do something to you?

What did we do?

Bring me another bottle.

You broke it, you pay for it.

I'm sorry.

What kind of attitude is that?

Everyone is looking at me.
I'm so embarrassed.

I just wanted to enjoy a drink.

Why are you looking at me
like that?

You bitch.

Hey man. Be quiet.

What did you say?

There were many people
in the bar,

but no one helped&

They were just watching,

so I was really scared&

This is on me, so enjoy it.


Shouldn"t you be going?

I heard your friend say

Tell her that you are sorry!
I Love you!

Trust me!

Ah, right&

What did you do so wrong?

How old are you?

I'm twenty...

I told you that it was on me
several times.

You kept insisting
that you would pay...

But it was a check
that your friend gave you...

So, I told you to come
back tomorrow afternoon

and treat me to lunch...

I see...

I thought you remembered
and came...

I'm sorry.

Excuse me.

I'm from Unnam district police.

Yes. Is there something
I can help with?

We are investigating a crime
and require your assistance.

Have you seen this person?

Oh... huh.


He was here yesterday.

Yesterday? When did he leave?

11? 12?

Does he come often?

Yes, regularly.
He comes all the time.

We can't do business
without them.

Can you let us know
if he comes again?

I will do.



Why didn't you look around more?

Lieutenant! Are you ok?

Go. Get him.

CHAE Jungho!!!

CHAE Jungho!!!


CHAE Jungho!!!

Go. Hurry.

Isn't that a police officer?

I'm a policeman...
undercover mission.

But it was a check
that your friend gave you...

So, I couldn't just take it...

I don't have the check.

Where did this money come from...

3 month ago

Why are you looking
at my wallet?

Looks like you got some loan
from Ms.KIM yesterday.

What do you mean loan?

I need money to win money.

We are open for today.
Good luck.
-Grand Game Land-

It's open.

It's late today.

Police raid time,
so they have to be careful..

Let's go.


Hold on!

3 hours before the incident

Hold on!

Take this.

You always look for this
when you drink.

How did you know?

Just sober up.

Honey, I will sober up now!

I will make everything all okay.


I will earn money
and pay back the loan.

I... I...


I will take full responsibility

and make things all right.

I will take care of it.

Just trust me
and give me one last chance.

Fine, fine...

Let's talk tomorrow
when you are sober.

Yes, ma'am!

Nothing happened
until that point.

Should I just talk
with the police?

What was the text message?

Can you let me off over there?

Here's some ointment.

How can you lose him?

Sorry, sir. I requested tracking
by the taxi plate.



Why was Jungho here?

We were going to have lunch

But he forgot all about it.

He forgot?

Yes! He even forgot that
he helped me out last night.

Why didn't you tell me
that he was here?

He helped me out last night ...

I thought he was a nice guy.

He's a murderer.

He killed his wife!

He killed a person?

he is just a suspect--


Why would he run away
if he didn't do it?


Can I charge my phone?

We don't do that...

You can plug it into my charger.

Thank you. That would be great.

How can I tell her I was fired?

When I get a new job, I will
just tell her I changed jobs.


Construction companies
are going through restructuring.

It won't be easy...

Hey. Stop being pessimistic.

Bastard. Asshole.

Come to our store.

We are giving out gifts
to celebrate our opening.

What's this?

Honey, I'm off to work now.

Wait, wait!

You forgot your bag.

Right... my bag! I almost forgot.


Is everything ok?

Sure. Everything is all good.

You don't look so good.

I'm late. I'll be going now.

I'm late.

Have a great day!

2018 Haein Construction
Public Employment Announcement

I sent the money.

Thanks, Jinsu.

"Sejung Construction
Monthly Wage"

Why do you go to work so early?
Are you that busy?

We are really busy.

Go back to sleep.

Honey. Honey...

CHOI Pilyeon.


KIM Naksu.

Get on.

CHAE Jungho.


PARK Jiyong.


Get on.

Come to our store.

We are celebrating.
Check it out.

Please come to our store.

We are giving out gifts.

Please check it out.

Come on.

Damn it.

Mr. CHOI won $2,000 yesterday.

$2,000? For real?

Why can't I hit jackpot?

Hello, Ms. KIM.

Ms. KIM, we got one.

Where are we going?

Just follow me.

Why do we always go to places
like this?

What the hell?

These students found it
at the scene of the crime.

Was it really the first time
you were there?

Yes, sir.

My bro told me it's a good place
to go with a girlfriend.

What's the verdict?

We are running the print.

We need to wait some
time for the results--

Just arrest the husband
and compare the prints!

Can I get my cell phone?


Here you go.

Thank you.

Have a nice day. Thank you.

Nothing in call history...
text messages...

We are open. Sorry for the
delay. Good luck.
-Grand Game Land-

3 hours before the incident

I will take full responsibility
and make things all right.

Just trust me and give me
one last chance.


Let's just play one game.

Give it to me.

Jinsu. Jinsu!



"Ms. KIM"

Ms. KIM...

1 month ago

We can get like $50,000
in insurance money, right?

Take care of the rest,

Yes, ma'am.

Next. Please come here,
CHAE Jungho.

Son of a bitch.

That one.

Ms. KIM!

The other finger.

Damn it. Fuck...

That'd be class-4 disability,

Ms. KIM. Ms. KIM!

Little bit more time.
I will pay you back very soon.

What did you say
when you borrowed the money?

You said that it would be enough
and you would pay me back soon.

So, if you just give me
some more time.

How long do I need to wait?
Do it.

Let me go. You fuckers.

Maybe we can sell your wife?

Ms. KIM, not my wife...

Keep this a secret to my wife.

Just keep it a secret,
I will pay you back.

Your wife will be so touched.

Don't do it

I'm sorry!

I will give you exactly
one week, CHAE Jungho.

Ok. Ok. Thank you.

KIM Sojin...

Hey Jinsu.

Where are you?
The police is looking for you.

Can you call the police?

Ask them if a loan shark
named KIM Sojin

visited my wife yesterday.

Can you find out for me?

Is the loan shark the murderer?

Why don't you just go to the
police and tell them the truth?

I will be arrested
if I go there.

I will go
when I have a clear alibi.


Where are you going?

We got the phone records
for Miyoung.

Last call before her death
was with karaoke bar.

I'm on my way there.

Do you have to take this car?


I will go.

You find out more about Jung ho.

What? Lieutenant... Sir...

Does he even know the address?

Someone was killed!

I don't care
if you pimped out a girl!

Just look the other way
this once.



Hurry up and talk.

Do you want to close up shop?

It was about one month ago.

Ms. KIM brought over a girl.

She told me to pimp her out.

Good night!

Let's talk tomorrow!


Miyoung, can you do a job now?


Just take care of this client.


Her husband is addicted
to gambling.

She needed to earn money
to pay off her husband's loan.

Ms. KIM...


Go back a little!

Wh-What? Why?

They are under the legal age.

No way... That's strange...

Wait a minute.

Yes, lieutenant?

Have you heard of Ms. KIM?

Ms. KIM?

You mean the loan shark,
KIM Sojin?

Yeah... the loan shark.

She used to work
for credit cooperative

before starting
private loan business.

She's famous for
cutting off arms

of debtors for insurance money.

How do you know all this?

I've been in the force 1 year
6 month and 20 days.

Shut up!! Tell me the truth!

Actually, PARK Jinsu called me.

He told me that Ms. KIM may
have visited Miyoung yesterday.

He said that?

Yes. Also, we just got the
convenience store CCTV footage.

You are still at that store?


The store manager kept refusing
to show us the footage.

So, I wasted a lot of time.

He sold some liquor and
cigarettes to underage kids.

Got it. Ok.

Copy the footage and send it
over to criminal affairs.

Hang up!

If KIM Sojin threatened Miyoung...

CHAE Jungho came
to the apartment at midnight.

40 minutes later at 12:40,

he is shown leaving on the
convenience store CCTV...

20 minutes after that at 1am
Miyoung leaves.

She comes back home at 2:37.

Then the husband
is not the killer.

But he comes back later.

At 4am

I told you. Usually the husband
is the killer.

The estimated time of death
is between 3 and 4.

30 minute is enough.

Wasn't the loan shark Ms. KIM
there too?

Ms. KIM...

We thought
she was a resident here.

She came at 3:30
and left 20 minutes later.

So we have two suspects?

We will be right there.

Keep an eye on him.

That guy is coming to us.

Get your weapons.

We won't fail again.


If you fail again,
you are all dead.

I'm gonna hire real fighters
to replace you.

Yes, ma'am.

We will be right back.
Call Mr. HWANG.

We got a job to do tonight.


We are gonna take an eyeball.
Tell him to prep for that.


Ms. KIM!

He is in there.

How did...


Don't come.

I am not sure why you came back,
but thank you.

Ms. KIM.

You should have come earlier

It's too complicated now.

I got you.

We are a legit
licensed business.

We pay taxes on time.

No cash exchange for coins!

We don't give cash.
That'd be suicide.

We just run a normal business,
but you keep investigating.

This isn't right

Do you know Ms. KIM?


I don't know her.

I have no idea.
We are a very legit business.

Organ collection memorandum,
physical exam papers, all set?

Yes, ma'am.

[Ms. Kim]
Get things ready for Mr. HWANG.

We don't want to open late
like last time.

Yes, ma'am.

Why... did I... do that...

2 hours before the incident

No way.

Today is my super lucky day.



Waitress! Exchange money for me.


You should go home now.
Get up.

My boss gave you money
for a cab ride home.

Can you exchange this?

Do you know how much
you already lost?

You used all the check you had.

I will get you a coffee.
Sober up first.

I'm not drunk.

And... my wife gave me this.

I'm gonna save it
for later though.




Is Mr. CHOI here?

Not yet.

Shit. He should be on time.

I really hate people
who are not on time.

Those kind of people are
also late on interest payment.

Human trash...

Ms. KIM.

You should close the do
when you change.

Sorry. It's nothing
you haven't seen before.

Please close the door.

Get that guy.

What, what?

Money bag. Money bag!




This is all because of you!

I'm sorry.

It's ok. The guys will bring him
back soon.

Is this the right way?

Yeah! For sure.

Where is he?

Where the fuck...

Come here.

So, you little rat.
You were hiding here.

Do you know whose money this is?

Just give us the money back.

What are you talking about?

What did he just say?

I'm gonna shove a knife in you.


Don't come closer. Fuck.

Shit. He cut me!

1 hours 30minutes
before the incident

You have great skin.

Let's sing, darling.


I'm curious.

How old are you?

Does your husband know
you are here?

How old do you think I am?

I'm 17.

Hey, we are having fun now,
so shut up..

Shut your mouth.

If you married early,
you'd have a kid my age.

We are all just having fun here.

You are trash. Human trash.

Hey, how can you let
high school students in?

High school? Which room?

Room 5.
They had a lot to drink already.

Aren't they college students?
Are you sure?

They said it themselves.


Young kids these days.

What the fuck
are you doing here?

Turn off the music.

You assholes.

Come here. Assholes.


Did you say shit?

How old are you kids?


That girl must have
ratted us out.

Rat? You need to respect
your elders.

Should we call the police?


Do you know what happens
if you sell liquor to minors.

What the fuck did you say?

You are gonna be homeless
if we snitch.

I'm gonna mess you up...

Fucking retard...

Hey, stop it.

Let's go.

Don't throw that.

The floor is so dirty.

Don't spit. Fuck.

Fucking kids.


I got rid of them all..

Calm down.

Miyoung, even though
I'm in this business.

I don't stoop so low
to sell liquor to minors.

Drink this and calm down.

I love your smell.

Ok. I'll be outside...

Calm down and go home.

It was an honest mistake.

My kid is 12 years old.

And then?

Miyoung went home soon after.

Damn. There's nothing concrete.


This was the first time
we let minors in past 10pm.

This was really the first time
since we opened our doors.

You have to trust me.

What did you just say?

This was the first time.

That we let minors in past 10pm.

'No minors allowed after 10 pm'

He sold some liquor
and cigarettes to underage kids.

My bro told me it's a good place
to go with a girlfriend...

Oh my god...

Yes. I think this is the place.

Let's stake this place out.

Wait for someone
to come in or out.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Everyone uses smart
phone to keep books

and do all the fancy stuff.

You can't even do that?

I'm sorry.
I was going to keep books...

Where is Mr. HWANG?

We need to finish up
so we can open shop on time.

I spoke to Mr. HWANG about it

Yes. Mother. How are you?

I should have called you.

Of course I will visit
on Thanksgiving.

Holy shit.


Let's go get him.

Be quiet.

That's him, right?

Doesn't he look like someone
we know?

Yeah. It was them. Right.

It was definitely these kids.

They came to the Karaoke bar
and messed things up.

Call criminal affairs.

Send someone to pick them up.

Yes, sir.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Good night.

Unnam district here.

Detective PARK? Lieutenant?

Lieutenant, detective PARK
is looking for you.

Yes, the business is doing well.
Don't worry.

There's someone at the door.

Good bye.

He should stay quiet and repent.

What the hell is he doing?



Get out of the way.

You fucking rat.


I'm gonna kill you.


I'm gonna kill him myself.

I was going to let you live.


Mr. HWANG is here.

Let's take the organs out first.

Take this.

Police. Freeze!


Why do I have to act
like a criminal?

Did you kill someone?

I'm fucked. Shit.


JHANG Sungwoo!!


My name is JHANG Sungwoo.

Can't you talk louder?

I'm talking loudly.

Stop crying.

Detective. This can't be right.
My son is not a bad person.

This has to be a mistake.

Answer me.

It wasn't you, right?

Tell him you didn't do it.

Don't know? You keep saying
you don't know...

Thank you.

How are you doing?

I'm doing ok.

I'm sorry about this morning.

It's ok. I went
a little overboard too.

By the way...

You go ahead.

No, you go ahead.

I found a bag at your
wife's place this morning.

I was too drunk last night...

It was a mistake in judgement...

I was just about to
tell you about it.

If we add larceny
to the charges,

it will become way
too complicated.

Since I found the bag,
and we know where it belongs...

Let's just keep it quiet...

I will do as you say.

Thank you
for your consideration.

No problem.

Just consider it a good deed.

What do you mean?

Mr. CHAE Jungho.

Please come in.

Miyoung went home
soon after that.


30 minutes before the incident


I was gonna have some fun
tonight. This sucks.


Fucking hell.

My partner was great.
I was gonna fuck her.

How can you fall off from that?

Why does everything suck?

I knew you were gonna
hurt yourself. Retard.

Shit head.


Hey, over there.

Isn't that the bitch?

Yeah, that's the bitch.

We got screwed
because of that bitch.

That crazy bitch.

Fucking bitch...

Where are you going?

We got together
to enjoy the night.

Didn't we?

Let's continue the fun
where we left off.

Ms. KIM met with your wife,


Who are you?

Are you CHAE Jungho's wife?

Yes. What is this about?

She only visited a few times
and didn't even threaten her.

But your wife insisted
on paying back the debt.

She told Ms. KIM to keep it
a secret from you.

Ms. KIM kept it a secret
from you.

So that she can get money
from both of you.

That's the way to pay back
the money quickly.

CCTV, finger prints
from the evidence...

Suspect's confession.

Everything fits.

I don't know what to say.

How can I tell her I was fired?

When I get a new job, I will
just tell her I changed jobs.

Please check it out.

Come on. Come on...

What I did to protect
my pride...

All the lies I told...


Those kids
will become criminals.

Kids are scary these days.

Old man. Just go away.

Come back tomorrow afternoon...

Pretty girls working tonight?

Give us the best girls.

Let's see.

Room number 5!!

Okay, room number 5!


Hello, Miyoung.

We are open for today.
Good luck.
-Grand Game Land-

Let's just play one game...

Just one game.

Honey, are you sleeping?

Hey... Look at this.

I think...

We can start over...

Good night.

I will be leaving now.


3 years later

Let's start the roll call.







Little Fox?


Little Fox.

It says you didn't deposit
your fee.

Yes. I have the money
right here.


Don Quixote?

Is Don Quixote here?

Ah, yes. I'm here.


Before we get on board.

Thank you for joining
the Gold Star tour

over the holiday weekend.


I'd like to remind you
one more time.

Let's go.
We are all busy people here.

Yes, sir.

Did you all have a good dream?

Are you ready?

Got your $10,000...

Raise another $10,000!


Another $10,000!



Today... is my super lucky day.