Killdozer (1974) - full transcript

Construction workers building an airstrip on a small Pacific Island encounter an ancient non-material lifeform which has lived in the ruins of an ancient temple for millenia. The entity is of course malevolent and commandeers the earthmoving equipment to the general detriment of all concerned. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
What's the hang-up, Beltran?

Well, she ain't gonna
make it up this hill, Kel.

Where's the D9er?

You can search me.

Hello, Mack.

Mack, this is Kelly. Come in.
I want to talk to you.

Mack, come in.

Hey, Mack. Beautiful!

Sure. Buckingham Palace.

You know, this place used to be
a refueling station during World War Two.

I'll bet there hasn't been
anybody here since.

I can't imagine why, Dutch.

Six square miles of
lush tropical garden spot.

Hey, look, what do you expect? We're only
200 miles off the coast of Africa, right?

All right, listen,
I'll get you some help.

- Veronica Lake.
- What?

Not "what," man. "Who."

This is Veronica Lake. Didn't
you ever hear of Veronica Lake?

- Ah.
- I want to tell you something.

This chick was cool before
they invented the word.

Come on, let's get out of here.
Kelly is gonna be on our tails.

- We're supposed to be fixing...
- You know what?

I'll bet there's some old
Life magazines around here.

All right, fellas,
what's the story?

Hey, coach, cómo se va?

Dutch used to be an old explorer scout,
he can't seem to break the habit.

Yeah, well, you fellas are being paid
to hack out a base camp

for Warburton's drilling crews,
not rummaging around.

See if you can find
the saddle of that D9.

Okay, okay, don't get uptight.

Hired the best.

We'll get your job
clone on schedule.

Only got five days left.

Ah, good point. I'll go
rev up my big yellow baby.

You do that. Come on,
Dutch, let's go.

Veronica Lake.



Hey, Dutch!

I want you to give Beltran
a hand on the access road!

Okay, sweetheart.


What's the matter?
It won't come out?

A funny-looking rock here.


It's metallic.

It doesn't match
the geological formation.

Maybe we've uncovered
Captain Kidd's treasure.

Well, whatever it is,
it's gonna have to come out.

You sound like the dentist.

Show you how it's clone, kid.

Get out of there, Mack!



Hey! What's the matter, boy?

Hey! Mack, what happened?


How could it happen?

I don't get it.

What was Kelly doing anyway?

Same as always. Pushing.

Well, driving the D9 is
Mack's job, not Kelly's.

My God, the guy is gonna die.

- Do you want Mack to hear you?
- Well, somebody's got to do something.

- Well, Kelly's on the radio.
- Calling who?

Look, the supply ship is four clays
out, and besides, it's too slow.

Oh, the sound of the guy.

Mack needs a doctor
in a hospital.

Well, maybe the company
can arrange for a mercy flight.

- And land where?
- Will you shut up?

We can rough out a strip
as quick as they can fly here.

Well, can't you patch me
through to a doctor?

I don't care.

Ghana, Liberia, anywhere
as long as he speaks English.

Are there any ships in the area?

Well, call me back
when you do know.

Might as well be on the moon.

Any chance of a plane?

I still can't figure it.

What happened, or how, or why.

How's it going, tiger?

What are you doing about
getting Mack to a hospital?


Gotta talk.

Sure. Plenty of time later, Mack.

No. No!


Come on, what do you
have to say to this joker?

- If it wasn't for him...
- Hey, now, come on.

Come on, man.

He's my buddy.

Listen, you hang in there, hear?

I'm sticking with ya, all the way.

We all are.

I don't want you looking at me.

You heard the man. Come on.

Did you see it?

See what?

I don't know exactly.

When you hit the rock.


Whatever it was,
you must have seen it.

I didn't see anything, Mack.

It was there.

It went and killed me, Kelly.

Oh, come on, Mack.

I'm telling you, I saw it.

It was a thing.

Oh, man.

It was weird.

Unreal. I never seen
anything like it, Kelly.

Sure, sure, it's okay.

Now lie back
and forget about it.

I saw it jump when
the blade hit the rock.

I'm trying to warn you, Kelly.

It's a blue light.

Oh my God.

It's there in the blade.

I ever tell you I
introduced him to his girl

at a Halloween party
back in the States?

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, but I called her up

ahead of time, see, and I said,
"Honey, put on two masks,"

so when Mack took off the first mask,
he saw the second and went, "Ah!"

I said, "Mack," I said,
"Well, man, what did I tell you?

Not much on looks,
but terrific personality."

- So what did he say?
- So he says, "Dutch,

would you like to play dunk
the apples," I said, "Certainly."

He said, "With your head,"
I said, "No way."

Don't go in there, Dutch.

Hey, I want to be
with my friend.

- But Kelly said...
- Hey, hey,

I don't care what Kelly said.

What was so important?


Better get a tarp.

We're gonna have to
bury him for the time being.

Is that you all got to say?

What's the good, Dutch?

He's bleeding in his own way.


Like an ice cube.

We should've had
a priest for Mack.

They'll send him back so
his folks can do a proper service.

Is Dennis gonna grace us
with his presence?

Kelly is bringing in the niner
so we can work on it tonight.

I haven't seen Dennis.

Dennis doesn't put himself
out even for Dennis.

Why should he care about Mack?

Hey, a man dying
makes everybody care.

Maybe a fella could care less
if he knew how somebody died.

Don't reach something
that isn't there, Dutch.

It doesn't help anyone,
least of all Mack.

I liked him, Chub.

I miss people I like.

Can we say goodbye now?


You only get one shot at it, Mackie.

What do you say?

His trip was short.

Too short.

Rest in peace, Mack.

We better go and turn in now.

Is he working late or getting
a head start on tomorrow?

There's only one way to say
goodbye to an Irishman, right?

Yeah. Mack, he'd like that.

Here, you... you knew him best.

Did I ever.

Man, that was the
most crazy, beautiful kid.

He and I worked together
on his first job.

You know, Chub, I sort of
showed him the ropes.

Only did he learn quick.

Listen, let me tell ya,
behind that young face,

he was about as green
as your average fire truck.

I remember this time we're working
down in Zanzibar, you know?

And it's hot, man, is it hot.

So we get clone and we go
out to the local saloon.

We're gonna relax a little bit,
have a

little coconut juice,
so we're sitting there.

In through the door walk
three of the local talent.

Well, they give us the eye.

I look at Mack,
Mack looked at them.

Bang, the kid is
gone like a shot.

I turn around...



What do you think you're doing?

Well, somebody's got to do it.

I thought it might be
kind of rough on you.

Since when would you care?

Oh. Sorry.

Mostly science fiction.

Yeah, he ate it up.

No sweat, huh?

It's got me really
strung out, that's all.

- Where did that come from?
- We're having one for Mac.

Then we're turning in. No problem.

Better make it fast because
nobody is sleeping late tomorrow.

Have a slug?

Go on.

Special occasion.

Nobody is gonna report you
to the company for one little shot.

The bar is closed.

What did you mean
report him to the company?

He's a dried-out drunk.

Making good with this job is
his last chance with the company.

Oh, you're a real
sweetheart, Dennis.

What's wrong, Kelly?

You always used to know when
to bear down and when to ease up.

- Look, I'm human.
- Well, then remember we are too.

Yeah, you're right.

- How did you get that?
- The D9er.

I want you to check her out
in the morning and I mean good.

Why? What's wrong?

You find out
and then you tell me.

Here, here, let me do that.

Give me some clue.

I don't like the way she acts.

I'm telling ya it was
a fluke accident, Bonnie.

There was no negligence.

Now, listen, you tell Warburton
nobody is letting him down.

He's got my personal guarantee that
this job is coming in right on the money.

Bonnie, one more thing.

Have you notified
McCarthy's mother?


Well, I want somebody to go
over there personally.

I don't want her getting
some lousy telegram.


Okay. Yeah.

Same time tomorrow.

Hey, Kelly! Kelly!

- What did you find?
- Nothing.

You sure?

I found the compression lever wire down,

the drain cocks open, the air intake
blocked, and the main fuel line cut.

- Yeah.
- How come?

- Because I didn't want her going anywhere.
- You sure made sure.

Well, you saw this.

Remember that 99M grader
we had nobody could handle?

Yeah. Think we got another?

It's a possibility.

Still, if you say she's okay...

Well, there...

...there was one thing.

Come here.

Right here.


You hear that?

I couldn't locate
whatever is causing it.

Probably not important.

Beltran came by asking
for her up at the Marrow pit.

Well, he's just gonna
have to make do with the D4.

I don't want anybody taking this machine
out until I give the green light, okay?

You holding back on me?

Yeah, I guess I am for right now.

Well, when the time comes...


Maybe I better move your cot into the ADD
so we can get some work clone around here.

Don't worry, I've got my job.

Then get at it now.

I'm getting tired of your attitude.

And I'm tired of being
kept in the dark.

What's this with
this funny blue light?

I'm no piece of candy.

You're a sour ball.

Yeah, and the best shovel
operator you'll ever have.

Now back to the blue light.

I'm listening.

You breathe one word...

You didn't take Mack seriously.

He was out of his head.


Makes sense.

Still, last night, I wondered...

I could've sworn
the D9 blade moved.

Almost took my foot out.

You better be more careful.

Hey! Turn that thing off!
Get out of there!

Can't hear you!

Get off!

Turn that thing off!

Beltran! Come back here!

Get off!

Grab and lift! Grab and lift!

It's Beltran! It's got no oil in it!


Makes you wonder.

Okay, how did it happen?

Don't give us none of that
about the D9er going haywire.

We want to know.

I don't know why.

You were there, you saw it.

Maybe you were seeing
pink elephants too.

Kelly, Mack and Al are dead.

Get off his back!

I saw Beltran lose
control and go plowing into

that radio before the
thing ran away with it.

He must have bailed out.

You saw by the tracks
how he got it.

- What more do you need?
- A logical explanation.

Yeah, well, he's got to come up
with one sooner or later.

It's gonna have to be later
because there's an hour of daylight left

and there's work to be done,
so let's get at it, huh?

Do you believe that guy?

Gee, Dennis, it's real
tough, you know?

I mean, Beltran and his wife
just started to plan a family.

Hey, you know
what I'd like to do?

I'd like to go swimming.

Me and Mack used to go swimming, we'd
go swimming all the time, mostly at night,

splashing around
like a couple of jaybirds.

People used to think
we were crazy!

We were crazy.

You have to be crazy
to be in this business, right?

Live hard, laugh hard 'cause...

Hey, Dennis, come on.

Go swim?

Yeah! Come on,
right now, we can go.

Sure. While we're at it,
let's send out for some pizza.


About Beltran, what
exactly did you see?

- Pink elephants.
- Straight, huh?

The D9er was operating
by itself when it ran him down.

Throttling, pivoting,
floating the blade.

- How?
- I don't know how.

Some malfunction
in the controls.

You've seen rogue
machinery operate before.

Look, I heard McCarthy too.

"I'm trying to warn you.

A blue light. My God,
it was there in the blade."

- You don't believe that.
- The question is, do you?


Dutch, shut that noise off
and get some sleep.

- When in doubt, boss around.
- Now don't you start.

Kelly, you can't play ostrich.

That D9 is harmless now.

It's out of fuel, racked up
out there somewhere,

so we leave it be and
let the company engineers

come in and find
the bugs in it later.

And if you're wrong?

Tomorrow is gonna be
another tough clay.

You better get some sleep.

Where have you been?

I don't believe Mack was delirious.

I saw the D9er operating all by itself.

- You're paid to work.
- You saw it, too, didn't you,

when it got Beltran?

Forget it.

You know, I suppose it's possible for
two guys to have the same hallucination,

but for two guys as different
as you and me, never.

Listen Buster, I've got a completion date,

- and I haven't got time...
- Come off it!

We're up against something we can't fight
until we can figure it out.

I picked up a piece of
that rock that you hit.

What about it?

You know geology better than me.

Look close, and tell me
if you ever saw anything like it.

Meteorite, maybe.

Oh, for the love of God,
man, will you face it?

Two of us are dead!

What'll it take to make
a believer out of you, another one?

All right, Sourball,
what do you think I should do?

We gotta level
with the other guys.

Assuming there is something inside
that dozer, we find it and destroy it.


We got plenty of dynamite.

Are you crazy, that D9er cost $90...

Okay, come on.

You see Dennis bail
out of bed this morning?




He and your friend, Kelly, are up to
something, I mean for them, not us.

I think the pressure's got to both of 'em.

They're lookin' out for number one and two.

I think this Mack thing
bought you a bad dream.

What bad dream?

There are two graves
down there on the beach,

and there's lots of room for two more.

Listen, Dutch, for once and for all,

you know there's not a more experienced
construction boss in the business.

So let's clam up this dumb talk,
and get this thing back on the job!


He's the most experienced
boss in the business.

Survival of management,
that's what they call it.

Guys like us, we're expendable.

You better take that paper bag off your
head and open up those trusting eyes.

You and me, Chub,

we're gonna be on the beach pretty soon.

Stretched out, Chub.

Four little bodies all in a row.

Hey, Dutch, Chub,
come here, I wanna talk to ya.

Okay, push.

Check it out, and gas 'em all up, will ya?

There's food, canned stuff,

two jars of water.

That ought to hold us 'till the
supply boat, day after tomorrow.

Hey, Dutch, will ya shut that thing off?

He's comin' off his spool.

Remote control.

That's got to be it, huh?

That thing is runnin' by remote control.


Listen, you guys.

We gotta do something.

I mean, something's wrong.


Machines just don't run by themselves.

That means there's
somebody else on this island.

You know, foreign spies, or something.

- How 'bout a mad scientist?
- No, listen, Dennis.

Come on, I'm serious.

- We're wastin' time.
- Wait!

There's gotta be a logical explanation.

Got 'em gassed up?


I'd sure like to know
what that D9er's runnin' on.

Yeah, so would I,
we gotta get outta here.

Where to?

- That high ground.
- Oh, we're not goin' after the D9?

Well, not until we figure out how.

That dynamite didn't phase it.

I still say it's remote control.

We can move faster, we'll hide and run,
gain time until that ship shows up.

You're callin' the shots.

Dutch, you better ride with me.

Hey, Dennis, did I ever tell you
I played in the Cotton Bowl?

In '64, I caught two touchdowns.

She won't make it any
further up this grade.

Well, I think we better
take a look around up there first.

We don't wanna get ourselves trapped.

Hey, guys, you wanna laugh?

Wait'll you hear the cockamamie story
ole Denny's been handin' me.

- Best we can do.
- Best?

Man, it's terrific!

Well, the truth is we don't know
anything for a fact.

Except that bulldozer kills.

That's good enough for me.

You stay here with Dutch.

Chub, let's take a look.

There's some logical explanation.

Hey, Dennis,


Want some music?

That thing can't hear.

Look, maybe this isn't such a good idea,
ya know?

Maybe we'd be smart to split up.

Kelly and Chub, you and me.

Like teams!

And we stand a better chance,
what do ya say?

Why not every man for himself?

You serious?

We stick together.

What about this slope,
ya think the D9er can get up?

Given time, it can make
a road anywhere it wants to go.

Well, then we'd better fight back.

What do you think about
building a signal fire,

maybe an airplane,
or a fishing boat might...

Well, Chub's got an idea.

We ambush that dozer,

- run his truck into it.
- And ka-pow!

Fire won't stop steel.

It'll take out the electrical systems
and the rubber.

Hey, that's beautiful.

I got a feeling we're
going about this wrong.

There's a good spot down the road
about a half a mile.

Let's get down there and set it up.

I'm beginning to get this, you know?

Sort of like being on patrol in Vietnam.

Yeah, sure.

Look out!

Chub, Chub!

Chub had a wife, Marjorie,

and two boys in college.

And a few good friends.

Yeah, for what that was worth.

I'll finish.

Do you believe that thing?

What's it waiting for?

What's its hurry?

It knew.

That ambush, it knew what we were gonna do,

and it did it first.

At least you got out, Dutch.

I'm no coward, Kelly.

I don't wanna die,

but that's not being a coward.

Of course it isn't.

Let's get outta here!

What if it comes?

We call for artillery support.

We got speed, we run,
and keep runnin' 'till help gets here.

Oh, that might not be for clays.

We gotta fight, gotta find
some way to total that thing.

You can't kill a machine.

Maybe we should appeal to its sense
of decency and fair play?

- You stink.
- All right, come on.

Both of you, knock it off.

Come on, Dutch.

Give me those.

Listen, don't bug him,
he's right on the edge.

I'm sorry.

Pain makes me snide.

Well, you take your shirt off,
I'll see what I can do.

Never mind, I can make it.

It's tougher alone.

Let's get outta here!


You hear that?

Hear what?

The surf.

Oh man, oh man, what I wouldn't give
for a moonlight swim, ya know?

Hey, Dennis...

I ever tell you about the time in Kuwait?

Me and Mack, we were...

What's it doin' out there?

Doin' a war dance.

Maybe it won't attack at night
like John Wayne's Indians.

You're crazy.

Coach, he's crazy.

He's gonna get us killed,
that thing's tr yin' to murder us.

Hey, easy, take it easy, Dutch.

Tell ya what,

how 'bout, uh,
for medicinal purpose only, huh?



Why don't you,

stretch out and relax for a little while,

we'll keep and eye on things.

Your private stock?

Might as well.

Dutch, put this back, will you?

You know you're finished with Warburton,
even if we do get out of this thing.

There's gonna be investigations

asking for things we don't have,

like a logical explanation.

So, we tell 'em the truth.

Like you did after that
Andes power plant fiasco?

- I told 'em the truth then, too.
- Oh, and they crucified you for it.

What'd it cost you?

Your job, your reputation?

You want a piece of advice?

Never have anything you care about losing.

Travel light,

and travel alone.

That's the way you play it.

And nobody lays a glove on me.

Long as you're HAPPY-

- Dutch!
- I'm goin' swimmin'!

Hey, Dutch!

Hold it!

The shovel!

Drop it on top.

Now you've got him blocked.

He's comin' fast!

Go higher.


Let's get outta here!

Dutchie was right.

You can't kill a machine.


Kill a machine.

Hey, wait a minute.

Of course you can't kill a machine.

Don't you see our mistake?


The thing, or whatever.

That's what has to be stopped.

But how?

I don't know how.

But there's a way.

There's gotta be a way, think man,
how do you go about killin' a...

A killer?

It's too heavy to hang,
it's too big to put in the gas chamber.

Wait a minute.

- Electricity!
- Brilliant.

I'm serious.


We shoot juice into that big dozer,
we got that generator.

Looks damaged.

Maybe, maybe not.

- We need a conductor of some kind.
- You're spinning

- your wheels, Kelly.
- No, I'm not.

It'll work,
and that's what's gonna make it work.

Come on, Sourball, give me a hand.

Got her straight?

Gonna make that dozer charge the grader.

When it gets both treads on that grid,

wham, we fry it like bacon.

Assuming it'll come from that direction.

I'll jockey the grader.

And assuming it's dumb
enough to be suckered.

Ancl you're gonna be at that generator
ready to throw the switch, right?

If it doesn't work?

It has to.

It's under warranty.

You know you may make it yet, Sourball.

Get down, it's coming!

Come on, dozer.

Come on!

Come on and get me!

Come on, over here!



The hum's gone.

The thing's dead.


But we're not exactly home free.

No, I guess not.

All we got is our word
that the thing existed.

You know, we could fake things.

Tell the authorities the guys
got caught in a landslide.

No, tell the truth.

No matter what?

No matter what.

You know, in about a hundred years
I might get to like you.

And blow your whole philosophy?

All I know is I'm sure glad to be alive.

So am I, Sourball.

So am I!