Kill Zone (2005) - full transcript

Chan, an articulate senior detective nearing the end of his career, is taking care of the daughter of a witness killed by ruthless crime lord Po. Martial arts expert Ma is set to take over as head of the crime unit, replacing Chan who wants an early retirement. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Qi Sha (Seven Killings) is the Power Star

Po Jun (Army Breaker) is the Ruinous Star

Tan Lang (Greedy Wolf) is the Flirting Star

According to Chinese astrology,
these three stars,

with their changes, could create or destroy
that beautiful life of yours.

Daddy, when will you and Mummy
take me to the beach?

Hoi Yee, sweetie, in a couple of days.

- Great! Mummy!
- Good girl.

After court today, Wong Po will spend
the rest of his life in jail.

Don't worry.
Things will be fine starting tomorrow.

Due to insufficient evidence,
Wong Po was acquitted.

All the charges against Wong Po
were dropped and he was released.

- Wah, Sum. Where's Ah Lok?
- They're alright.

- How alright?
- They're out of danger.

- And the witness?
- He and his wife are dead.

Their girl...

It hurts so much!

Come on!

Inspector Chan,
do you want me to call a tow truck?

27 calling. Over.

There's a car accident on Cypress Road,
Clear Water Bay. I'm handling it.

The baby...

Mrs. Wong, this is your second miscarriage.

- I'm afraid it might be habitual.
- What do you mean?

I'm sorry, Inspector Chan.

I've just got your report. Can we talk?

No, I'm busy.
Do you have to check my wound?

There's no infection in the wound.
No problem there.

- Then I won't be coming back next week.
- Inspector Chan...

I found a tumour in your brain.
It's malignant.

I want to have a child with you.

We'll talk about it later.

- Is it curable?
- The chance is slim, but there's still hope.

I see.

Did you see my little girl?

What are you doing, sir?

I'll treat you to a candy.

You'll have the orange one,
and I'll have the green one.

- What's your name?
- Hoi Yee.


As long as I'm alive, I'm going to nail you.


I've got a tumour.


My brain.

- Can it be cured?
- No idea.

That means you're going to be fine.

Back to work when you finish.

One after another, hands on the stairs!

Don't run! Stop...

Tell me!

Get down, over there!

Get down!

Put it this way, you go undercover,
you'll get promoted fast.

I'm not afraid of going undercover.

You want me to hang out with Wong Po,
but it's no good messing with him.

Once I get near him, there's no going back.

Wong Po's a nut case.

You've all had a taste of him.

We're not scared.
If we could, we'd gladly do it ourselves.

Why be a cop if you're so afraid?
Be a baker instead.

I'm sure I can find someone
willing to do this.

I'm sure you can't.

Don't be so cocky!

For a cop, death is not the worst thing.

Being bullied by the bad guys is worse.

Trust me,
I won't let anything happen to my men.

Three years later

What now?

You're retiring in 2 days.
Why are you giving me a hard time?

Let's not talk about that.

Inspector Ma's coming. Talk to him
about the hand-over of your team.

I have work to do.

You don't tell me about your work any more.

You'll know when it's done.

I know without you telling me.

You've been at war with Wong Po for years.
And you still can't get him.

He just gets bigger,
while you get more screwed-up.

Please don't make any trouble
before you retire.

Should I stop working before I retire?
Aren't you retiring soon?

Show me some respect.
I'm your boss after all!

Since I respect my job,
I can't spare any respect for you.

Did you see our new boss?

He used to be real cool.

He bashed one suspect into a halfwit
with a single punch.

Bullshit! Bluffing!

It's true.

Put on a good show,
to celebrate my retirement.

Police! Freeze!

Police! Stand still!


- Is everything alright?
- Everything's fine.

Come over and help me.

Our joint was wiped out by the cops.

We've lost both the stuff and the money.

- The same cops again?
- Yes.

Well, what are you up to?
Something happened?

It's a sunny day. Let's get a tan.

I didn't bring my swimming trunks.

None of us did. Welcome to our team.

My men are not bad.

- Who is the most able?
- Every one of them is able.

Words are empty. You'll get to know them.

Daddy, he threw the ball into the sea!

My goddaughter.

Her parents were killed by Wong Po.

You know about that case, three years ago.

She was so scared
that she couldn't remember a thing.

I want to take care of her,
but time is running out.

Nothing is for certain.

You won't understand until the last day.

Look at him. He seems conceited.

Don't say that, he's going to be our boss.

Boss, my foot!

Are you going to work under him?

Don't tell Chung, we are going
to take care of his little girl.

Wah, the day after tomorrow
is Father's Day.

What kind of present do you think
my daughter will give me?

Your wife and daughter left
more than 10 years ago.

My daughter's back.

She called me this morning,
asking to see me the night after tomorrow.

In two days, this will be your turf.

There're so many blocks in this division.
I can't manage them all.

The important thing is to know
who is the toughest.

Then, you go after him.

Everybody knows you can fight.

It's only hearsay.

Wong Po says

he's the boss here after midnight.

I've heard about it.

Hey! What are you doing?

What's going on? Stop!

What's going on here?

It was you who threw the bottle. Right?

Back off! Back off!

- Officer, is throwing bottles a crime?
- Stand still!

Frisking me? Stop that!

What's this?

Get up!

Take off your shoes.

Take them off.

Your socks too.

Get up.

Take one step backwards.

One more step.

Start skipping.

- I say skip!
- Skip my ass!

Stand still!

Want to put on a show?

As of tomorrow,
you'll be dealing with me, Fatso.

Fine, I'm looking forward to that.

Trust me. I won't let anything
happen to my men.

- What do you want?
- To report a crime.

Go downstairs!

- A murder case.
- What?

I was shooting the lagoon monster
and taped a murder.

Give me that!

Hold on! Don't move!

A kid brought in this tape.
There are some very clear shots.


Bring that bastard Wong Po in.

What for? He didn't kill the man.

Erase the part with the gunshot.
People can't tell from the rest.

Lok, go get that prick.

- Take care of the boy who brought the tape.
- Sure.

Call for support and arrest Wong Po.

How about Inspector Ma?
Should we inform him?

- Hiding something from me?
- Take a look at this yourself.

Officially, you won't be on duty until
tomorrow. You don't have to go. Let's go.

It'll give me a chance to pick up some more.
I'm coming with you.

- Is there another copy of the tape?
- No, no!

No? So many tapes here. No?

Don't take my tapes. They are mine.

I saw that man killing the guy.
I could be a witness if you want.

It wasn't that man who did it.
It was the fat guy!

- Really?
- It was the fat guy!

- Fat guy?
- Are you clear? The fat guy!

Wong Po!

You are suspected to be involved
in a murder case. You're under arrest.

You again?

Today's my son's one month birthday.
Don't make any trouble.

Today's the memorial day of one of my men.

You're coming down the station.

The fat guy shot the man!

The fat guy shot the man... The fat guy...

- You are nuts!
- The fat guy shot the man...

Is this a studio?
Do you think you are an artist?

They have the right to detain you
for 48 hours.

Give me your phone.

You can't make phone calls.
Ask your lawyer to do that for you.

Take it, if you dare!

- Hi, honey!
- Hi.

You can't pick me up?

Are you alright?

Our baby is one month old today,
and it's your first father's day.

You cannot come?

Let me talk to the baby.

Dad wants to talk to you.


Daddy misses you.

Honey, you're alright, aren't you?

Take the baby home and wait for me there.

- I want to get out today.
- I'll think of something.

Lok, let us handle it.

Tell Wah we've got that guy.

Now that we've taken Wong Po in,
there will be chaos.

Officially, you're not on duty until tomorrow.
Don't bother with this now.

Starting tomorrow,
I'll work with you on this case.

- Did he tell you what he was going to do?
- No.

He won't tell me.
Can't expect him to tell you.

These guys are too impetuous.
It's not good.

You should try restraining them a bit.

Remember! Charge him
if you've got evidence. If not, let him go.

Trying to run away.

Go to hell!

- Still running?
- Don't hit me.

Jump. Jump!


Stop fighting!

I'll shoot you!


Are you out of your mind?

That guy got my man killed.

And you killed him for that.
Can a cop do whatever he pleases?

We didn't see anything.

We only saw how you let the suspect
fall to his death.

- You want to frame me? Right?
- He's one of us!

Have you ever treated me as one of you?

So what? We're not buddies.
Do we have to tell you everything?

What do you want?

This is none of your business.
Why did you come?

You don't even trust your own men.

- Do you want to frame Wong Po.
- Yes!

If that man didn't die,
Wong Po would go free.

I'd like to get Wong Po too,
but not the way you are doing it.

I, myself, am responsible for this.

I have only one wish, which is
to put Wong Po behind bars.

You want to take it all on yourself?

Do you want to put all of us in jail?

And let that bastard go Scot-free?

- Do you know right from wrong?
- You are definitely in the wrong!

Why did you hit a suspect so hard
that he turned into a half-wit?

Because you knew he'd ruined
many lives, and it served him right!

That time,
the whole police force was behind you.

You tell me.
What is right and what is wrong?

There's no turning back now.

Turn a blind eye to this.
I won't give you any trouble.

Strike! Strike! Punch him!

Duck! Duck!

Cover yourself!

Kick! Kick and cover yourself!

Strike! Strike! Kick!

- You know how many men a gun can kill?
- Eat shit!

Strike! Strike!
Don't strike! Kick! Kick!

Kick him! Kick!

I've won!

- And you suck big time!
- One more game.

Come on, one more game!

You're a loser. You say you're going
to beat me every week.

You say you'll try harder
and play a better game every week.

But you lose every time you come back.

- A born loser.
- I'm not as gifted as you.

You have to duck when people punch you.

- Every week...
- Don't spend it all at once.

You say you'll try harder every week.

But you lose every time.

See you next week.

Try harder next week!

I killed him, and I'm turning myself in.
Arrest me, you jerk!

Shut your trap!

I did it. Take me in!

Arrest me! Why don't you arrest me?

All you cops listen, I'm the one responsible.

What did you do?

Shut up!

File all their reports!


- Who said you could use the phone?
- Give it to me!

Give it to me!

Let go! Let go!

Get the keys!

After tonight, you're done for.

You assholes won't get out
of this station alive.

We don't have enough evidence
to charge Wong Po.

So go get some evidence to nail him.

We haven't recovered the gun
that killed Ah Wai.

Get me a Chinese Tokarev pistol.
Fire a shot and take the bullet case.

Replace it with the one
in the properties room.

I'll do it.

Hello. It's Ah Lok.

Do you have guns?

Chinese Tok. How long will it take?

Waiting for his reply.

- Hello?
- Happy Father's Day, Dad.

Thank you.

I can't come so soon.

OK, I'll be there.

You'll wait for me, no matter what.

Alright, I'll call you again, sweetie.

Fine, goodbye.

I'm sorry.

- Hello?
- Godfather, have you finished work?

Godfather is still working.

Why don't you take a day off
on Father's Day?

I can't. I just can't.

Where's your old man?


I consider mine dead as well.

- Wait for me.
- Don't be late then.




- They have a gun. I'll go get it.
- I'll come with you.

Happy Father's Day.

Master Po, we've got the kid
who reported the case.

He's got a copy of the videotape.

- Jack, are you there yet?
- Yes.

My family is in Brazil.
I haven't seen them for a long time.

- How long have you been in the force?
- Seven years.

Inspector Ma, have you ever thought
of leaving the force?


From the first day I became a cop,
I've never thought of quitting.

My daughter is leaving tomorrow.

She wants to see me
and that doesn't happen every day.

If I don't see her today...
I'm afraid I'll never have the chance again.

It's all about fate.
No exception for father and daughter.

You can't fight your fate.
No sense complaining.


Do you think it'll be alright to go out now?

If they draw their swords, you draw your gun.

If they draw their guns,
together we have two guns.

If you really want to go, I'll go with you.

Turn it off.

7,000 is not enough. We want 70,000.

Do you want to play with me?

Do you want the gun or not?

They're the only ones who've got a gun.

And they're also the only ones
not connected with Wong Po.

I'll go get the money.

OK. Carry on.

Give this to your big boss.

Ask him, if you have any questions.

Chung, Wai is coming with me
to Statue Square, to see my daughter.

I'll be right back.

Say hello to Daddy.

I'm still working. I'll be back soon.

Chan Kwok Chung!

- Can't find him, Sir.
- Keep on searching.

Uncle Ba,
have you seen Chan Kwok Chung?

I haven't seen him, Sir.

Police! Stop!

I told you to stop!

Hello? Ah Lok got whacked.

They proved I was framing him,
and now I can't get out of the station.

Wah and Sum are in Statue Square.

Go now, to help them out.

Let's do a personality quiz.

If you had only one more day to live,
what would you do?

I'd want to spend it
with you and your mum very much.

"If you plan to spend it with someone
you love, you are a sentimental person."

- "If you..."
- I really want to spend it with you.

Let me finish first.

"If you want to try your luck
by staking everything,

"you don't keep your place
and go beyond your bounds.

"If you decide to spend the time as usual,
without telling anyone,

"you have a very strong personality."

They don't have your answer here.


Are you still mad with me?

Mad? I don't think about it now.

And you should stop thinking too much.
It won't help.

Just be happy and smile.

Brother Chung, I don't know if you
are doing the right thing. But I trust you.



Mum, this is Wah.

What is it?


How is he? Still in the hospital?

Is he still alive?

You always want him to die.

He passed away last month.

It doesn't matter who's right or who's wrong.

You don't have anyone
to fight with anymore.

If you want to pay your last respects,
go ahead.

Nothing else. That's it.

Here's a gift for you.

What is it?

You always want me to tell you.
Take a guess.

Try to think what I would give you
for Father's Day.

- Bye.
- Bye.


Take it easy. Speak slowly, Wah.

Wah, hang in there, Wah.

I took Wong Po's money.

Chung has been covering for us
for a long time.

I want to help Chung raise the kid.

The money... is in the trunk of Lok's car.

We are no good... no good...

Inspector Ma... We've wronged the force.

We've wronged Chung.

Where is Chung? Where is he?

Chung... Give Chung the money...

Chung... Chung.

They took Wong Po's money
in order to help you raise your daughter.

Do you know why I want to help you?

My father was a cop.

I grew up in the police quarters.

I watched my father march every day.

And I followed his steps on the balcony.

It was then that
I made up my mind to be a cop.

One time, my father was handling
a case of illegal firearm smuggling,

and he was surrounded
by a gang of outlaws.

He was shot more than 30 times,
all in his limbs.

He died after two hours of struggling.

As for the gang,
none of them were caught.

My father was very superstitious.

He said something about me.

"Thy life is governed by the Ruinous Star.
Be a soldier, and ill fate will befall thee."

With his last breath,
he told me not to be a cop.

I don't believe in fate.

I only believe there are things
only the police can handle.

All three of them were good cops.

So are you.

I'll go and get the money from the station.

We'll then go
and give it back to Wong Po together.

I'll wait here.


Do you know they tried to frame Wong Po?

I know.

You've given the force a bad name!

All that we've done, we've done it
for the reputation of the force.

Did you do anything for us?

Did anybody notice,
when they did their job well?

Wong Po has evidence now.
I can't pretend as if nothing has happened.

My men got killed, and I can't pretend
as if nothing has happened either.


Chan Kwok Chung, give me back
my money, and I'll call it quits.


God is fair.
Evil deeds must pay a price.

I'll pay you back on behalf of my men.

How could you kill... without your gun?

I'm bringing you the thing you want.
If Chung is still alive, let him go.

I don't know how much longer
he can hang in there.

I'll go down to meet him.

Hello, honey.

I'm alright.

Hello? Honey?


Hello? Honey...

Are you alright?
It's so noisy at your end.

Hello? Honey, the baby and I
miss you very much.

Do you want to talk to the baby? Honey?


Are you alright, honey?

I'm fine. I still have something in hand.
I'll be back soon.

The baby and I are just downstairs.
We'll come up.

Don't! Wait for me downstairs.


You don't intend to let me down?

You shouldn't have come.
We were asking for it.

I only want to gain back
some respect for my men.

My men are not bad.

- Who is the most able?
- Every one of them is able.

Words are empty.
You'll get to know them.

My goddaughter.

Her parents were killed by Wong Po.