Kill Zone (1993) - full transcript

An American colonel will pay any price to defeat the Viet Cong. When his unauthorized fighting force in Cambodia is discovered, he becomes a one man army, fighting a war of his own for a cause he knows is just. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
(exotic rock music)


- [Soldier] Incoming!

- [Officer] We need a stretcher.

- [Soldier] Get in with us.


- Where's that stretcher?

- [Soldier] Follow me, come on.

(explosions booming)

- [Officer] Where's that stretcher?

- Three-five, Bloomquist, get me three-five.

- Come in, come in, three-five, come in.

Come in, three-five.

- Bloomquist, come on, Bloomquist.

- Sir, nothing, I can't raise them.

(rapid gunfire and booming)

- [Soldier] Over here.

- [Officer] Down.

(rapid gunfire)

- [Soldier] Where's that medic?

- Take cover, take cover. - Get your heads down.

(booming and gunfire)

(intense music)


(explosions booming)


- Where's our goddamn air cover?

(rapid gunfire)


- [Soldier] Incoming!

- Burn, you bastards.


- [Soldier] Way to go.

(booming and gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)

- Fall back, hey, fall back.

Fall back.


(rapid gunfire and screaming)

Fall back.

- We're knocking it now, get under cover.

- Tango victor three-five, this is bravo three-seven.

Come in, three-five, come in.

- Go ahead, three-seven, this is three-five.

- I need a med evac, three-five,

and where the hell's my air cover?

- Request temporarily denied, three-seven, no can do.

- [Jeff] Three-five, this is Holland, I got wounded up here

and I can't hang on much longer.

- Give me that.

Holland, this is Colonel Wiggins.

Look, Tan Son Nhut is shut down, MACV won't give us nothing.

- Three-five, you have to pack up 40 more body bags

if I don't get some help up here and now.

- Shit.

Two-niner, this is three-five, are you up there?

- [Pilot] I copy you, three-five.

- You got any tricks you can pull?

- I'll see what I can do.

(tense music)


- [Soldier] Incoming.


(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)


(machine gun fire)

(rapid gunfire)

- [Soldier] Fall back, fall back.

(hopeful music)

- Birds coming in.

- Shit, captain, they made it.

- Ski, move it out, take them to the birds, let's move.

(rapid gunfire)

- [Soldier] Richard!

(explosions booming)


- Move it, let's go.

Come on, double time.

(helicopter whirring)

(rapid gunfire)


- Oh shit.

- Two-niner, come in, two-niner.

Two-niner, come in, over.

Nothing, sir.

(booming and screaming)


(explosion booms)


- Blue Lightning, Blue Lightning, this is three-seven.

Pull up, two-niner is down.

Pull up.

We're moving into sector two.

Take out sector one on my command, over.

- Roger, we copy.

We're moving in.



(rapid gunfire)

(tense music)

- Blue Lightning.

- Roger.

(booming and screaming)

(helicopter whirring)

(explosions booming)

(rapid gunfire)

(explosions boom)

(rapid gunfire)

(explosions booming)



- Let's move out.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Colonel.

- [Horace] What is it?

- They just hit ARVN Headquarters in Canturay Street.

- You know, it seems to me I got a request

from Major Vo just yesterday about a fuel transfer?

- They blew the truck, sir.

- Old buddy Vo.

Guy never sleeps, does he?

- We're sure gonna catch hell from MACV on this one.

- Nah.

The brass doesn't care about protecting

anything except their own asses.

Goddammit, I'm getting sick

and tired of the way this war is being run.

- Sir?

- Dismissed.

- Maybe we oughta try bombing the Pentagon.

- You got no idea how much I'd like

to do just exactly that, lieutenant.

When did you get this?

- Approximately 0700, sir.


Her name's Dien Loc, she's a medical doctor.

- Probably out there somewhere right now busting our chops.

- Pretty conclusive, sir.

A South Vietnamese officer in contact

with a known VC sympathizer and then the same day

we lose a fuel shipment.

- She's not a sympathizer, she's an operative.

Vo has been funneling information to the North through her.

- I'd say we got a case, colonel.

- Nope.

This doesn't leave the room.

We don't need MACV's confirmation on this one.

Do we, son?

(tense music)

- [Dien] Colonel, do you have them?


- We got the bastard.


(rapid gunfire)

Good evening, Major Vo.

Enjoying the nightlife with Dr. Loc?

- She was blackmailing me.

She threatened my wife and my children.

- That's too bad, well maybe you can help us out then.

Tell me who else were you talking to?

- Nobody.

Nobody but her.

- Nobody?


I want names.




Colonel Wiggins.

- Yeah?

- Cap.

We got a gook patrol on our ass about a half a click back.

- All right, split up.

(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)


(bones cracking)


(rapid gunfire)

(explosion booms)

(tense tones)

All right, go get some chow and hit the rack.

I'll see you guys in awhile.

- Captain Holland, you made it back.

- Finally.

- Sorry about Lennox.

- Not your fault.

What's the news on Tet, they get it contained?

- We got it under control in Tay Ninh

but everywhere else it's a mess, you wouldn't believe it.

MACV got caught with their pants down

and they're falling over themselves trying

to explain it to the press.

I don't see how the hell they can explain it.

The VC got 11 battalions into Saigon.

(helicopter whirring)

General O'Neal.

- The enemy is weak now.

He's desperate, scattered.

Sir, I want your permission to mount a counteroffensive.

Look at this.

Now, we have reliable information that suggests--

- Colonel, that is a map of Cambodia.

- Yes, sir, it is.

- This isn't what MACV wants to hear, Wiggins.

Confidentially, we're preparing a request

for troops from Washington.

A counteroffensive wouldn't look good, not now.

- Sir, you let us go where Charlie is

and we can bring him down, for God's sake.

- Look, Wiggins, across the border operations

are not sanctioned by the President.

That means no Americans in Cambodia, not even tourists.

- I will do anything I have to to win this war.

- Well, don't expect any backup

if your operation gets exposed.

- Captain Holland, you've got a debriefing, sir.

- That's why I'm here.

- By the way, do you have the body count?

- My men have much more important things to do

than feed the number crunchers in Washington.

- Well, I expect your report first thing

in the morning, colonel.

- All right, sir, you'll get your numbers,

but you tell the boys in Saigon they had better support

the men on the front line.

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

- All right, gentlemen, I got bad news,

we're pulling out tonight.


All the way uptown, let's go.

- All right, I'm ready for some pussy.

- Yeah, baby. - I like it.

- Hey, Bloom, you wanna go out and get laid, man?

- Oh, I gotta finish this letter to my girl.

- Oh come on, Guy, man, you got enough time for her.

By the way, man, that's D-E-A-R.

Oh come on, Guy, let's go.

(whooping and catcalling)

Shake it, baby, don't fake it.

Put in a bag.


- So what'd I tell you, huh?

- [Sheriff] I got a deal to close tonight.

- Woo-hoo, yeah.


- American soldiers in the house.

- Captain Holland?

The old man wants to see you.


- We got it going on here, sarge.

Woo, yeah.

- So, how's the colonel holding up?

- He's a great leader, Holland.

Hell, I'll say it, he's a genius.

I'd follow him anywhere.

- The man's unconventional.

- He doesn't play the game the way you're supposed to.

You know, if you ask me, he oughta be running this war.

- What is this?

- What's it look like?

- [Jeff] Railroad tracks.

- That's exactly what it is, captain.

- There's a huge French plantation

on the other side of the border.

They're running a small gauge railway,

supposedly to haul out the rubber.

- I've repeatedly asked for an airstrike

to disable that line, but MACV always denies me.

- Why?

- It's in Cambodia.

- All right, Ropes, I think I gotcha this time.

Lucky sevens over kings, buddy.


Well, I guess I'll just start counting this money,

go on over to the PX and buy myself some--

- Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Come back anytime, sweetheart.

There you go, captain, read 'em and weep.

- No, no no no no no.

You shit-canned me again.

- No way, captain, no way.

Marty open all night long.

- Attention.

- At ease, gentlemen.

That your money, marine?

- Yes, sir.

- Better get it off the table.

Well I got bad news, men, Firebase Maryland is gone.

I know a lot of you had buddies up there.

The trouble is the numb nuts at the desks

make us fight with our mittens on.

You think Ho Chi Minh does that to his troops?

Anybody recognize this territory?

- That's Cambodia, sir.

- That's right.

I've been interrogating prisoners.

It seems they've got a supply line just across the border

they're using as a springboard every time they hit us.

- All our problems can be traced right back to that.

- You never would have lost Lennox

if we'd been allowed to make a preemptive strike.

- Well why don't we hit them mothers then?

- Yeah, where does it say we always gotta play clean?

Come on, captain.

- Come on, let's go for it.

- Sir, if you wanna take out the NVA commander

who's running the show in our sector,

I can give you a highly motivated top notch LRRP team.

- Any of you speak the local lingo?

- No, sir. - Not me.

- Sir, how about Sergeant Park?

- Good idea.

- All you gotta do is give the go ahead, sir.

Let's get it done.

- We'll never get the nod if we go

for an official clearance.

- Captain, you know I can't order you to do this,

this is strictly off the shelf.

You men are the best I've got.

- Anybody wants out, speak up now.

- Payback time.

Payback time is payback time.

- Captain Holland, your job is to seek out those tracks

and destroy them.

(upbeat music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(helicopter whirring)

- Let's go, let's go.

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Let's go, move.

(exotic action music)

All right, other side of that ridge is Cambodia.

Once we cross that border, we no longer exist.

- What happens if we get caught?

- Don't expect any help from the actual MAC, sonny boy.

- Yeah, in other words, don't fuck up.

- Let's move.

- Sir, Captain Thuy is here to see you.

- Send him in.

- Colonel.

- What is it, Thuy?

- I am convinced that Major Vo was murdered.

- [Horace] Do you think the Cong did it?

- [Tan] No, sir, I don't.

- Who then?

- Apparently someone on the base, sir.

- An American?

That's a very interesting theory, Captain Thuy.

What are your analyses?

- We recovered three bullets from the body, sir.

They were all US-issued.

- Well, I don't think that proves anything.

We all know the VC have plenty of US-made firearms.

- I beg the colonel's pardon, but being Major Vo's adjutant,

I am well aware of the fact that for months now

you and your men have been persecuting him relentlessly.

- Just what are you proposing?

- I'd like to take ballistics of every sidearm

of every man in this CP, sir.

- No way, Captain Thuy, no fucking way.

- In that case, colonel, if you don't mind,

I'll take my request to MACV.

- Go ahead, be my guest.

They'll laugh in your little brown face.

- You know, Thuy, VC activity in Tay Ninh has dropped off

85% since Major Vo's untimely demise.

Everybody knew Vo was a double agent.

The VC drained him of all the information they had

and finished him off, that's all.

- That sort of an allegation could never stand up

in an American court of law, you know that, sir.

And even if he was guilty of what you said he did,

he still deserved due process.

Right now it all seems nothing

but an execution doesn't it, colonel?

- You listen to me, chief of police

pops a VC in the head right in the streets

of Saigon in front of God, the TV cameras,

and everybody, and you come complaining to me?

I suggest you drop this, that is my best advice.

- Yes, sir.

- What do you think?

- God, he's bluffing.

Anyway, they'd never take his word over mine.

(train whistle blowing)

(tense music)

(massive booming)

(breaks squeaking)

(explosions booming)

(tense music)

(rapid gunfire)


- [Ski] Shit, they're behind us.

- Let's move.

(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)

(speaking in foreign language)


(rapid gunfire)



(shouting in foreign language)

- Cap, those bastards are everywhere.

(rapid gunfire)

(shouting in foreign language)

- Let's move.


(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)

(shouting in foreign language)

- Let's go.


(shouting in foreign language)

(rapid gunfire)


- Spread out.

(tense music)

- Sheriff.

(shouting in foreign language)

(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)


- Move out.

(rapid gunfire)

- [Bloomquist] You all right, captain?

- Later, let's hoof it.

(shouting in foreign language)

(rapid gunfire)


- Hold up, hold up.


Bloomquist, he was right beside me.

(gunfire and screaming)

- They're torturing him.

Goddammit, they're torturing him.



- [Bloomquist] Help.


- We gotta pull this down, Troop.

We can't let 'em get away with this.

- Hold on.

Lay down some smoke.

(screaming and gunfire)

- [Bloomquist] Help.



- Go.

Cover him.


(rapid gunfire)

(shouting in foreign language)


- Hold your fire.

- Cease fire.

- Sergeant Park.

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Holy shit, they're gonna eat us.

- No, if they wanted us dead we'd be dead already.

(speaking in foreign language)

It's okay, they're friendly.

(speaking in foreign language)

- What'd he say?

- He said, "We have to bury the dead."

- What about the kid here?

- Bury him too.

(somber music)

(shouting in foreign language)

- Sergeant Park.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Ask her who she is.

- That's all right, I speak English.

I'm Waranya.

- Waranya?

- Yes.

Have your men rest in our huts.

- Okay, thank you.

- We don't see Americans here often.

What are you doing here, are you lost?

- Yeah, you might say that.

We got in a firefight with some NVA regulars.

Got a bit sidetracked.

- We don't have much to offer,

but we'll do what we can for you and your men.

- I appreciate that.

- What do we do now, Troop, go back to Tay Ninh or what?

- Well, the next contact's at zero hour.

We'll see what the colonel thinks then.

In the meantime, the NVA knows we're out here.


- It's a fucking hardball world, ladies.

- We better set up for the night.

Ski, take ASP, set up a defensive perimeter

at the edge of the village.

I'll come out and relieve you at--

- That's not necessary, captain.

We've got our own eyes in the jungle.

And believe me, we'll have an ample warning

about any unwelcome guests.

(ominous tones)

- Husband?

- My brother.

This is for you.

- Thank you.

- Bitter?

- No, no.

Maybe a little.

Where did you learn to speak English?

- From the nuns.

I speak French too.

- This is beautiful country around here.

It's very quiet and serene.

But your people, they seem so hostile.

- We are a peaceful people,

but we want the NVA out of our country.

Our own government won't even help us.

So we do what little we can when we can

with our own limited resources.

- Do you realize what would happen if you got caught?

- If they knew what we were up to,

they're gonna wipe us out any minute.

I suppose that makes us very brave or very foolish.

- Well, there's nothing foolish

about fighting for your country.

- My father would have disagreed.

When he was our head man he'd

always say, "Fighting is primitive."

He believed that education was the best way for us.

- Where is he now?

- The NVA killed him.

- I'm sorry.

Why did they kill him?

- This village is near their supply station

and objected in the use of our trails.

- And they killed him for that?

- He was executed in front of the entire village.

They were making an example for anyone

who interfered with their operations.

- Waranya, do you know where the supply station is located?

- Yes.

If we had the weapons and the manpower, we'd destroy it.

But we're not strong enough and it's too well-guarded.

(speaking in foreign language)

- Eagle Dress, this is Red Hawk.

Tracks are down, Eagle.

- Outstanding.

Son, you're gonna get a case of beer for this.

Where are you?

- We're at a local motel at 9119, considering our next move.

- Fly home, Red Hawk.

- Negative, but thanks for the invite, Eagle.

I got my nose on the main dump.

We're going for it tomorrow at dark.

- Maximize enemy casualties, Hawk.

I wish to hell I was with you.

(shouting in foreign language)

(ominous tones)

- [Jeff] NVA?

- [Waranya] Yes.

- All right, spread out, take cover.

(speaking in foreign language)

(shouting in foreign language)

(tense music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(tense music)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

(speaking in foreign language)

- Don't play games with me, colonel,

I know you ordered the murder of Tung Tran Vo

and I intend to uncover it.

- I didn't have anything to do with it, Thuy.

What's this?

- Chopper orders, sir.

The flight plans don't agree with your paperwork.

I believe you sent Holland to Cambodia.

- Look, the NVA abandoned Firebase Lennox two days ago.

Hoffman was just going back to check it out.

- You don't have to deny it, colonel,

we do have an agent in the field.

Colonel Wiggins, I can understand your desire

to act outside normal operating procedures,

but it can sometimes lead to regret.

I'd hate to see the colonel disgrace himself, sir.

- Listen, you piss-tube gook-faced asshole son of a bitch,

I am tired of sweet-talking you.

- That's the last time I'll take that from you, sir.

- Pick a finger.

Think he's a red?

- Negative, I checked him out thoroughly.

Hell, he went to Annapolis.

- Well, keep checking.

(tense music)

(rapid gunfire)

(tires screeching)


(speaking in foreign language)


(rapid gunfire)


- Go on, get outta here.

- No way.

- Look, we don't got a chance.

Get outta here.




(rapid gunfire)

- I'm sorry, sir, I know Lazaro meant a lot to you.

- They're trying to get to me.

They think they can hurt me with this...

Well they


Business as usual, gentlemen.

- [Troops] Colonel.


- Now stay here, it wouldn't do any good.

- That's their supply station.

They stockpiled it about a week ago.

(tense music)

(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)

(thrilling music)

(rapid gunfire)

(rapid gunfire)

(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)

(rapid gunfire)

- Here.

(rapid gunfire)


(explosion booms)


- They are all empty.

- They knew we were coming.

- That damn frigging train ambush

must've tipped 'em off to move the stuff.

- [Jeff] We're gonna have to find it.

- Maybe he can help us.


(shouting in foreign language)

(heavy breathing)

(speaking in foreign language)

- I know the place he means.

- Is it far from here?

- It's about a half a day, or even longer.

- All right, we'll leave at midnight.

- There's something else.

The NVA commander ordered American POWs be brought in.

- Human shields.


- I can take you to the place.

- No.

- I have to be with you when you destroy them.

- Your people need you here.

(peaceful music)

(ominous music)




Take it out.


(speaking in foreign language)

- [Prisoner] Food, food, please.



(explosion booms)


(thrilling music)

- [Soldier] Get down, get down.

Get down, get down.

(rapid gunfire)



(rapid gunfire)

(thrilling music)

- [Prisoner] Hey, get us out of here, come on.

Get us outta here.

(rapid gunfire)

- Get back, get back.

(rapid gunfire)

- Grenade.



(rapid gunfire)

(distant gunfire)


- ASP.

(somber music)

(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)




(thrilling music)

(rapid gunfire)

- [Prisoner] Now get us outta here.


(rapid gunfire)

(rapid gunfire)

(rapid gunfire)

- Sheriff, no!

(rapid gunfire)




Get back, back!

(explosions booming)

(triumphant music)


- Sir, someone here to see you.

- Show him in.

What can I do for you, Captain Thuy?

- How'd you get in here?

- Your men are outside.

We have them detained.

I wanted a word with you alone.

It's your arrest warrant, counter-signed by General O'Neal.

You are to be court marshaled for unauthorized

cross-border activities and the murder of Major Vo.

- The charges are totally unjustified.

- We have an eyewitness.

He identified Lieutenant Lazaro as the trigger man,

no doubt acting on your orders.

- VC eyewitness?

- His statement has been corroborated

by the ballistic test on Lazaro's gun.

- Lieutenant Lazaro was a splendid young officer.

I will not have you impugning his memory.

- Colonel Wiggins, you cannot operate a private army

unchecked, unscrupulously beyond the limits

of civilized military conduct.

Do you think you are God?

- You piss on his sacrifice by taking the word

of a lousy asshole Communist motherfucker, huh?



- Stay here, you come with me.



(rapid gunfire)


(rapid gunfire)


- Motherfucker.

- Hold it right there.

(rapid gunfire)

- All right, men, it's time to saddle up.

- Where we going, pappy?

- A job that needs to be done.


(helicopter whirring)

(somber music)

Year of the Monkey.

(rapid gunfire)

Year of the fucking Monkey.

- Okay, I'll handle this.

- Hey, good to see you, son.

- What are you doing here?

- Come for your report.

- We blew the dump this morning, sir.

- Yeah.

Hey, congratulations.

Looks like you put a damper on these gooks.

Disarm those men, troop.

- Hey, wait a minute, what are you doing?

- Line 'em up over there with the other ones.

Him too.

- No wait, that's Sergeant Park, he's on our side.

He's your man.

- All I see is a bunch of gooks.


Wanna hear something fucking hilarious?

Come here.

Listen, Jeff, I got some bad news for you.

Somewhere in this camp, somebody is working

for the South Vietnamese.

Now that is not good because if you can talk to the South,

then you can talk to the North.

Know what I mean?



- Wiggins, Wiggins, Park's been with us all the way.

We couldn't have done it without him.

- You NVA huh, huh?

You talk NVA?

You NVA?

Speak to me, Charlie.

- Wiggins, Wiggins, knock it off.

- Hey, poppy, look what I found over there.

- Why don't we hear what she has to say about that.

- It's my brother's.

He keeps in touch with the South, we have a common enemy.


- The man's dead, Wiggins.

He got killed this morning when we went to the ammo dump.

- [Horace] You believe her?

- Look, it's not too late.

Let's go back to Tay Ninh, we'll work everything out.


- They're all the same.

The reason we came to this country,

try to give it back to the people that own it.

I mean, how the hell do you tell the difference?

Well, if we can't tell which one of these ginks out here

is the agent, I guess we'll just have to do 'em all.

Payback for Lazaro.

- Wiggins, these villagers, these people helped us.

They're not gooks, they're people, good people.

They're fighting for their country just like us.

- Don't start going girl on me now, Jeff.

The enemy's all around us.

Look at 'em, they got no feelings.

- They hurt just like we do.

- Shut the fuck up, Holland.

Act like you got a pair.

These people aren't even human,

they're just a bunch of lying asshole motherfuckers.

- You've lost it, haven't you?

You've really fucking lost it.

- Shut him up.

Don't sweat it, son,

we'll have this village mopped up in a flash.

It'll be over before you know it.

Year of the Monkey.

(rapid gunfire)

- Wiggins, no!

- I'm doing what they wanted me to do.


What they didn't have the guts to do themselves.

(rapid gunfire)

All right, cease fire.

Cease fire, off.

You like the girl, don't you?

Cut the rest of 'em loose.

- Move.

Get outta here.

- Tell them to send a message to Charlie.

The beast is in the bush and he's hungry.


You'll accept it now, son, now that it's over.

All right, we're moving outta here.

We're gonna go hit and run all the way to Laos

where we'll do the most good.

You with us, Holland?

- What the hell are you gonna do when you run out of ammo?

- We'll steal it from Charlie just like he does from us.

We're gonna fight this war the way it oughta be fought,

the way it shoulda been fought at the very beginning.

- Wiggins, no!






(rapid gunfire)

(tense tones)


Wiggins, it'll never work.


- [Ropes] You okay?

- Yeah.

(thrilling music)



(somber music)


- What happened to Wiggins?

- He's dead.

Let's go home, Ropes.

(somber music)


(exotic rock music)