Kill Your Darlings (2013) - full transcript

In the early 1940s, Allen Ginsberg is an English major at Columbia University, only to learn more than he bargained for. Dissatisfied by the orthodox attitudes of the school, Allen finds himself drawn to iconoclastic colleagues like Lucien Carr, William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac. Together, this gang would explore bold new literary ideas that would challenge the sensibilities of their time as the future Beat Generation. However, for all their creativity, their very appetites and choices lead to more serious transgressions that would mark their lives forever. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Underneath the lantern
by the barrack gate

Darling, I remember
the way you used to wait

It was there
that you whispered tenderly

That you loved me
You'd always be

Some things,

once you've loved them,

become yours forever.

And if you try to let them go

they only circle back
and return to you.

They become part
of who you are.

"Or they destroy you."

You can't show this to anyone.

Then tell the truth, Lu.

You weren't even there.

It's your truth. It's fiction.

You wanted him gone, too.
You sent him to me.

You'll kill me with that.


No. Allen!

Don't. No!


World News Today.

American daylight
bombers were busy again today.

Our Liberators
with fighter escort

have continued
the air offensive

with another sock at German
coastal installations in France.

Mud and slush are hampering
the Russian armies

from Estonia to the Black Sea,

but the Germans report a big new
Red Army push toward Romania.

A dispatch from Turkey
says the Germans

have begun
another general offensive

the Yugoslav partisans,

and, in the Pacific, American
troops on Los Negros fought a...

Uh... Any mail
come for me?

Why? Are you
expecting something?

No. No.

I told you
it wouldn't work.


You gotta get me outta here.

He nailed the window shut
while I was in the bath.

Dad didn't do that, Mom.

I nailed the windows because
you're not right. Shh!

He can hear you.
He got wires in the walls.

You have to rest,
clear your head.

Do you want to go
back to Greystone?

You wouldn't dare
put me back there.

Then listen to me.

He can hear you. Shh!

Can he still hear me?

What did I just say?

It's all right.

Quiet down.

Don't ever leave me.

Were you gonna tell me
that you applied?

I didn't want her to know.

"Love that is hoarded
molds at last

"Until we know,
the only thing we have"

"ls what we give away"

"ls what we hand away"

Have, hand. It's consonance.

Give, is. Assonance.

Hey, I wrote the goddamn poem.

All right?

Why don't you go
write your own?

Open it.

I got in.
You got in?

To Columbia University.
You got into Columbia.


Grab your coat
and get your hat

Leave your worries
on the doorstep

Just direct your feet

To the sunny side
of the street

Can't you hear
that pitter pat?

And that happy tune
is your step

Life can be so sweet

On the sunny side
of the street

I used to walk...

You don't wanna
go down there.

It's the land
of the fairies.

Head there,
you never come back.

Luke Detweiler,
Danville, Virginia.

Allen Ginsberg.

You're Jewish, right?

I'm getting good at telling.

The South Hall library
is a church

and these are the sacraments,

original folios of the most
important texts in history.


First Folio Hamlet.

The Gutenberg Bible.

These are among the university's
prized possessions.

Hands off the glass.

Let's hear a bit, shall we?

"On a Sunday afternoon,

"when the shutters are down

"and the proletariat
possesses the street

"there are
certain thoroughfares

"which remind
one of nothing less

"than a big



What is this nonsense?

Henry Miller.

Get down immediately.

That book is restricted.

Which is why I
committed it to memory.


What the hell
are you doing?

Alert the press. Tell
them Lucien Carr is innocent

That was highly unusual.

Campus is
actually quite quiet.

Moving on.

The Victorian sonnet has the
balance of three tenets,

rhyme, meter, conceit.

Without this balance,
a poem becomes slack,

an untucked shirt.

Professor Steeves.

Then how do you
explain Whitman?

Say more. Two more sentences.

Well, uh,
he hated rhyme and meter.

The whole point was
untucking your shirt.

What's your name?

Allen Ginsberg.


Your father, perhaps,
is the poet Louis Ginsberg?

He writes with
rhyming metered verse.

Why do you think
he chose that form?

Because it's easier.

This university exists
because of tradition and form.

Would you rather this building
be built by engineers

or Whitman and his boys
at play?

There can be no creation

before imitation.

Reports from
the front say the Nazis

Reports from
the front say the Nazis

are wheeling up fresh materiel
and reserves.

Shut the books.

We're taking my brother
with us to the social.

He ships out tomorrow.

I can't. You see
how much I have to do.

He's Navy.
It's catnip for the skirts.

You hymies are really
all about work, huh?



An oasis in this wasteland.

So how come you're
not at the social?

Oh, only the most antisocial
have to go

to an event
actually called one.


What, you drink
in your room?

How does a horrible bottle
of Chianti sound?

I don't drink.



I love first times.

I want my entire life
to be composed of them.

Life is only interesting
if life is wide.

To Walt Whitman.

You dirty bastard.

How's your Yeats?

Have you read A Vision?

Uh, never heard of it.

Oh. It's completely

And impossible.

He says that life is round.

That we're stuck on this wheel
of living and dying.

An endless circle.


someone breaks it.

You walked in here.
You ruptured the pattern.

Bang. The whole world gets wider.
Gets wider.

How did you...
Uh, it's consonance.

A reiteration of themes.

Are you a writer?

'Cause I've got
a job for a writer.

No, I'm not.

Well, you're not anything yet.


Isn't that you?


Phone call.

I'll be back.

Thank you.

I found the wires.

He's trying to
get inside my head.

Dad is not trying
to get inside your head, okay?

Put him on.

He's not here. He left.

Where'd he go?

I need you to come home now.

Mom, I can't come home.

Listen to me.

You have to look
after yourself.

I don't feel good.

Are you going
to the dance?



Who are you talking to?

No one.
Is he there with you?

No, Mom, he's not here.

Look, I will be there
as soon as I can.

I need you tonight.

I need you to promise me.

I promise. I love you.



Welcome to
the edge of the world.

You like my smile
You like my style

Well, why don't you
make me know it?

You like my walk
You like my talk

Well, there's
only one way to show it!

If you want to shake my hand
like they do it in Harlem

Allen in Wonderland.

Do you know her?

No, and I don't plan on it.

She tasted like imported sophistication
and domestic cigarettes.

Dave, where's the liquor?

I'll be right back.

You are pinching.

You are pinching.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You Okay?

What's that?

Nitrous oxide
for narco analysis.

Know thyself
and beshit thyself.

You ever done that?

Oh. No thanks.
I don't do the cannabis.

Show me the man
who is both sober and happy,

and I will show you
the crinkled anus

of a lying asshole.

Allen, Willy.
Willy, Allen.

Lucien, reefer.

Nice meeting you.

Is he a criminal?

He wishes
he were a criminal.

The Burroughs family
is richer than God.

Well, he looks
like a criminal.

He's a Harvard man.

He's going to be
an amazing artist.

His current medium
is himself.

What's that?

It's bunk for school.

Come on.
I want you to meet our host.

What we have, darlings and
demoiselles, is a circle.

Life is round.

Patterns, routines,

a wheel of self-abuse.

Margaret, don't even deny it.

He sounds like you.

Because it was me first.

Until the disruption
we long for comes along

and the circle is broken.

He used to be
my guardian angel,

but he said
I was too much work.

Take this unbloomed stalwart.

And you are?



Play nice, David.

Who comes uninvited
to my apartment.

Actually, I invited him.

No one notices him.

Look at him.
Why would we bother?

So the pattern
of our lives holds.

But who knows?

Under the right circumstances,

even he might change
the world.

In the distance
I heard a sound

The sound of marching men

So you met Lucien
in the lunch line,

and now he's all
that you can see.

Why don't you like me?

Because David was in
the same godforsaken line.

And then

Some earjob at the bar
just called me kid,

so I stole his drink.

That's Ogden Nash.

Who's Ogden Nash?

The best-selling poet
in the country.

you've heard this one.

"The girl who is bespectacled
she may not get her nectacled

"But safety pins
and bassinets..."

"Await the girl
who fassinets."

And that's what he's selling?
Ugh, I'll kill him.

Aim for the throat.

We're not going to kill him.

Even better, we're going to
make sure nobody remembers him.

How many men
started the Renaissance?

And the Romantics?

More, I suspect,
than this theory accommodates.

We're sending millions
to Europe

to fight the fascists,
but they're here.

Meter and rhyme...

And Professor Steeves.


They're all guards
in some prison.

Let's make the prisoners
come out and play.

Let's come up with
new words, new rhythms.

We need a name.

How did they
come up with "Dada"?

Tristan Tzara jabbed
a knife into a dictionary.

Shit. So that's been done.

A literary revolution
without writing a word.

Neat trick, Lu.

Well, I'm listening.

What about Yeats?

The New Vision.

Harlem soldiers
on the ground


You're hired.

On parade

Keep it moving,

Stay in line.

Fucking perverts.

"In the dawn,
armed with a burning patience

"we shall enter
the splendid city."

It's Rimbaud.

It's overwritten, I know.
He's allowed.

No. My mother.

This is bad. This is very bad.

What is?

She's gonna be furious.

Don't go then.

You don't understand.
I have to.


It's complicated.


I love complicated.

Dad? DOCTOR: Sign here.
Greystone will alert you...

What's going on?

Your mother needs her rest.


You can't do this.


Where were you?

I was out with a friend.

I called you.
I know.

It's time to go,
Mrs. Ginsberg.

No, you're not leaving.

He's already signed the papers.
Dad, don't.

It's for the best, son.
Your best.

You know... It's for her best.

It's not for my best. It's for her best.
Look at her.

Listen to her.

He's not gonna...
I know it's not. Don't...

Mom. Mom. Mom. Get off.

This is your fault.

Complicated enough?

At least you have her.

My father left me
when I was four.

I've been thinking
about what Yeats said.

To be reborn,
you have to die first.

What do you suggest?

I spent my entire life
making other people happy.

It's time I find happiness
the only way I see possible.

Oh, please.

Die already.

Where's the verve? The brio?

If it be that I am indulging
my self-consciousness

in justifying myself
or if it be...

That's a run-on.
Don't edit me.

The New Vision declares...

"Proclaims. " It's better.

the death of morality.

The expression of self.

The true, uninhibited, uncensored
expression of the self.

Words, boys.
Empty words.

Well, what do
you suggest?

The derangement of the senses.

What do you hate
from the pit of your gut?


Paterson, New Jersey.

My father.


And the Shakespeare...

All right.

Extraordinary men
propel society forward.

It is our duty
to break the law.

Really? It's how we
make the world wider.

You are an extraordinary man.

Well, thank you.

WILLIAM; Return Of the Native.


Tear 'em up, boys. Destroy
the old and build the new.

Chaucer. Gibbon.

Watch this.


What the hell is this?

Time slows down

as you drift deeper and deeper
into your cave.

We are exploring the avenues
of Allen's mind.

Dimly lit, I'm sure. What have
you done to my apartment?

Don't touch anything.
We need to write it all down.

Grab a pair of scissors. Get
this man a pair of scissors.

This is not your revolution.
This is my life.

What kind of life
is it, David?

It's mine.

Not everyone
gets an allowance.


Just get out.

I need to speak with you.


It only
has to be five pages.

You make me too smart, they're
gonna suspect something's up.

And get you sent back
to your mother again?

That would just
be the end of you.

Fuck you.

Kill your darlings,

your crushes,
your juvenile metaphysics.

None of them
belong on the page.

It is the first principle
of good creative work,

a work of fiction you will
deliver as your final exam.


Whitman Junior graced us
with his presence today.

"The New Vision.

"Extraordinary men
propel us forward.

"It is our duty
to break the law."


There's more life
in those five pages

thanin the dozens of bad sonnets
we've read in this class.

You want life?

You want the world on fire?

The war awaits.

What Will it be?

"The rose
that scents the summer air

"grows from
my beloved's hair."

Keep going.
That's my sonnet for Steeves.

We have the map.

We have the manifesto.

We need the work.

I was wrong.

Maybe you're not up
for this after all.

Show me your fucking map.

Mmm! Stop.

No, there's nothing here

because David's not here
to write it for you.

It's complicated.

I love complicated.

He is a professor
working as a janitor

so he can be near
his precious Lu-Lu.

He is a goddamn fruit
who won't let me go.

A fruit?

A queer.


You know,
let's get rid of him.

Right now, I just need you to
write us something beautiful.

First thought,
best thought.

Allen in Wonderland.


The Germans called
it the "Wunderdroge."

Prescribed for
superhuman feats.

But beware of the side effects

which include sudden
bouts of blindness,

diarrhea, heart palpitations

and a severe decline
in moral standards.

Unbloomed stalwart.

Come out and play.

What the hell are you doing?


But the words...

Oh, the words.


Lu, it's very rough.


The vision at last.

Can I see?

Where's Lu?

He's out.

With a senior football player.

A writer.

And handsome, too.


Jack. There it is.


You're not allowed
to be here.

That's odd since I'm the
only thing keeping him here.

Not anymore.

Piece of advice.

You don't know Lu.

As soon as you think you do,
he'll find someone else.

Maybe he already has.

What, are you moving in?

Where have you been?

I found a real writer.

Already a million words under
his belt before Columbia.

You mean Jack?

Why didn't you tell me?

What, am I
supposed to do newsreels?

What's that?

Oh, nothing.

If you're going to stay,
don't hog the blanket.

Why is Jack
a real writer?

Once you meet him,
you'll see what I mean.

Hey, AI.

Hey, AI.

Come on.


Oh! Fumble.

Jack, what was that?

The damn cat.

Shh! She painted it.
Say nothing.

- Hey, when did this come?
- Today.

It's from Sammy.
Where is he now?

I don't know.
Some battleship.

What do you think?

It's brilliant, no?

It's missing some
periods and commas.

It's better than
anything you've ever written.

I use periods and commas.

Both of you, quiet.

How are you, chum?

Sammy, you bastard.

Who's Sammy?

My best friend since I was 12.
Off in the Navy.

We've just been through 20
days of German shelling

every three hours,
night and day.

This will be
my last one for a while.

Tomorrow we 're headed out to the
front, some beach near Rome. Anzio?

Go sit at the table.

It's supposed to
be beautiful...

I didn't know
we were having guests.

What's this?

I was aiming for stew.

Yeah? You missed.

Come on, guys.

Where are you going?

Out? I have been
cooking all day for you.

What? What do you want?
Want me to eat shoe leather?

I'm hungry, and what you do
in the kitchen's unholy.

That's funny.
You talk like a Catholic,

but you fuck me
and won't marry me.

How does that work?
Shut your mouth, Edie.

I thought you
liked it wide open.




So, Al.
Thought my novel was shit?

Not exactly. It's not
what I would choose...

It's all true.

Jack served in
the merchant marines.

I left school
twice already.

Columbia's full of squares.

Not even sure why I
bothered to come back.

Why don't you
just ship out again?

Trust me, sometimes when I
fight with Edie, I want to.

Well, you two did just fight.

Carr, you're goddamn crazy.

"A new vision." Yeah.

Sounds phony.

Movements are
cooked up by people

who can't write
about the people who can.

I don't think he gets
what we're trying to do.

Listen to me.

This whole town's
full of finks

on the 30th floor
writing pure chintz.

Writers. A real writer's
gotta be in the beds,

down in the trenches
and all the broken places.

Where were your trenches, Al?


First thought, best thought.

Fuck you.
What does that even mean?

That's good.
That's one. What else?

Fuck your one million words.

Yes, even better.

You don't know me.

You're right.

Who is "you"?

"Be careful.

"You are not in Wonderland.

"I've heard the strange madness
long growing in your soul.

"But you are fortunate
in your ignorance,

"in your isolation.

"You who have suffered

"find where love hides.

"Give, share, lose,

"lest we die unbloomed."


That was beautiful, kid.

You wrote that?

You asked me to.

Forget Columbia.

Forget Ogden Nash.

Here's the plan, boys.
We join the merchant marines,

sail the world
until the war ends,

then jump ship and make it
to Paris for the liberation.

And you don't speak French.

Jack does.

It'll be us together
at the beginning.

It'll be the perfect day.

Jesus Christ.
Get your hands in the air.

You have managed
to matriculate and drop out

of Tulane, Bowdoin
and the University of Chicago.

Your attendance record here
is abominable.

You've ignored curfew.

Your papers, when you
bother to turn them in,

the assigned page limit.

Can you explain
why you're at Columbia?

Well, the same reason you are.

What is that?

Loose Barnard girls.

I know about
your difficulties,

about what happened
in Chicago.

You told him?

He's not the enemy.

You see, the university
acts in loco parentis.

You are our responsibility.

We're trying to find some way
to make this all work for you.

Who said anybody could know
anything about anything?

your temper.

Things were going fine

and you're just spreading rumors
to get me kicked out of here.

What the hell's going on?

Who's she?

Hi. I'm Edith Cohen.

What's she doing here?

I've been
divorced for some time.

I'll go wait outside.

This is the kind of
childish outburst...

So that's why
you locked Mom up.

Get back here

Lucien. Lucien.


Did he put you
up to this?


I stole the boat.

And it was tremendous.

Where are you going?

You know me now.

I'm only good at beginnings.

What, you're dropping out?

Best of luck.


My father showed up today
with some new woman

and in the middle of all the
"Allen's a screw-up" monologue,

all of a sudden,
I realized I don't care.

I've never not cared.

So, I told them it was my idea

to steal the boat.


Because I don't want to be
the person they think I am.

I am on academic probation
and I could get kicked out.

You can't leave.

You started something

and I have no idea
what I'm supposed to do next.

It's our turn.

Let's show them
what we can do.

You in?

You mustn't drink while you're
handling it, and no writing in it.

It comes back
exactly as you've got it.


Once you get the book,
treat it very, very well.

And you don't break the binding.
Now follow me.

All right.

Hey, no telling Edie.

Maybe you can help me
with something.

You're checking out
all these books.

I'm asking myself,
do you ever get checked out?

Twenty-five seconds.



Damn it. Shift's over.

See you tomorrow.

I'll go.

Hi. Uh, I wondered
if you could help me.


I'm looking for a book.


Does this book have a title?

Yes. Yes. Um...

It's called
The Day Amanda Came.


Well, um,
you'll have to wait.

I can't leave the desk.

I really need it.


Only for you.


So working here
must be a drag.

I like it. It's
the only way I meet boys.

They're very,
very strict at Barnard.

Oh, really? How strict?

Well, for example, they
would never let me do this.

Right. No.


Did you know
I've never done it

with someone who
was Jewish before?

I'm really excited to
see what it looks like.

Well, uh...

I'm sorry.

I thought you were saying
something, but not saying it.

Should we find your book?

The key.

There is no book.

Take it off.


You. You take it off.
Oh, okay.

I'm not a virgin. I have done
it with four guys already.

You're kind of
a virgin though, huh?


See, if you have done it before,
you'll last for 30 seconds.

Start counting.











I knew it.

I bet you don't even read.

I do.

This is it, guys.
This is our Bastille.

No chickening out.

Say, say, my playmate

Won't you lay
your hands on me

Mirror my malady

Transfer my tragedy

Got a curse I cannot lift

when the sunset shifts

When the moon is round and
full Gotta bust that box

Gotta gut that fish
My mind's aflame

We could jet in a stolen car

But I bet we wouldn't
get too far

the transformation takes

Its blood lust tanks
and crave gets slaked

Excuse me.

I think I saw some light
or movement in the library.

What just happened?

We know you're here!

Come on.


Bill, what the hell?
It's locked!

This way.

I think they're
this way.

We know you're here.

Come out!


Lu, that's enough! What's
wrong with you? Come on.

Not yet.
We have to finish.

Enough now! It's over!

Let me go! Allen!

Let go! Let...

Allen! Get off of me.

One prick.



Let's go!

You guys open
this goddamn door right now.

Open this
fucking door right now.

Open the fuck up.
Open the...

The South Hall library
is a church

and these are
the sacraments...

Oh, my


To literacy.
To literacy indeed.

Jack, that's you, isn't it?

Yup. Last year.

They still won.

Look at them.

Souvenir history.

To make people think they
left some mark on the world.

Because otherwise,
nobody would ever know.

I never want to
end up on that wall.

Have no fear.
You never will.

What's he doing here?

Since you didn't stop by earlier,
I just hoped to give you this.

Maybe he didn't
want to see you.

I think he can
speak for himself.

Yup. He says that we should
all have another round.

You've had plenty
of time to celebrate.

Your library high jinks
made the morning paper.

I'm sure you're
all very proud.

How do you know it was us?

Did he use that Bastille line?
'Cause I gave it to him.

I haven't seen you for days.

You left this at my place.

You told the guards we were there.
Nobody else knew.

You wanted me to get kicked out.
You ratted on me.

Stop, Lu. You're losing control.
You know what comes next.

I know what comes next.


Cut him off.

Best of luck, Janitor.

Excuse me?

We are over.


Look at me, Lu.

You said I was
everything to you.

You are everything to me.

Everything to me,
do you hear me?

Let's go.

Please, Lu. Please?

time and place.

Shut up, traitor.

You'd be dead
if it weren't for me.

You'd be boring
if it weren't for me.

And go!

Oh, my God!

Jack! Jack!



He broke his fucking neck.

The warrior poet
has passed on.


He lives!


Judges award a...


Oh, my God.


All right, Ginsy, your turn.


This is just the beginning,
you know.

Your fault, Ginsy.

It's all your fault.

First thought,
best thought.

I think I just
puked on the inside.

Let's go, Jack.


Al, are you coming?

No, Allen's got work to do.

Ten pages on Spengler's Decline of the West.
Due tomorrow.

Excuse me?

I'd be lost
without you, Ginsy.

Come on, lion.


Allied forces in Anzio...

Edie bird!

My Edie bird.

I'm just gonna use the loo.

Say hi to Gram.

...burrow and cover in a honeycomb
of trenches and foxholes.

We invited her over for her birthday.
We made her a cake.

Well, then we
should have a drink.

How about a drink,
Grandma Frankie?

You want some red wine?

Where the hell
have you been?

I was out.

I packed all your stuff.
It's in your bag.

I'm gonna be
at Gram's tonight.

Whoa, hey, hey.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

No, you just say that.
I'm sorry.

It's one of your million words,
and they don't mean anything.

Just don't be here when I
come back in the morning.

I know this is crazy.

I don't even know
what I'm doing here,

but I just had to

tell you I'm sorry.

Let me make it up to you.

Lu, where are you?

I'm going back to bed.

Another word
and I call the police.

What the hell?

Jesus Christ!

What kind of sick son of a bitch
would do something like this?

It was David.

I'll wring his fucking neck.

It's okay. It's okay.

I have another idea.


Your paper.

Where are you going?

Sailing out.

To Paris.

We're gonna make a ship
as merchant seamen.

Jack knows the tricks.

You weren't gonna tell me?

We both know
why you can't come.

FUCK you!

You're a phony.

And you got me
and Jack and Bill

making your vision come true

because you
can't do it yourself.

No, Allen.

You got what you wanted.

You were ordinary, just
like every other freshman.

And I made your life

Go be you now,
all by yourself.

Leave me alone.

You don't mean that.



Allen, have you seen him?

He's not in his room.

He left.

I did something wrong.

Really wrong.

You have no reason to help me.


I know who you are.

We're the ones he needs
but never wants.

It hurts, doesn't it?

All I'm asking is that
you tell me where he is.


Let me see your papers.

Two seamen
reporting for duty.

What's your name?

Arthur Rimbaud.

Go upstairs
to get on the docket.

Let's go get on the docket.

Goddamn son of a bitch!

Let me handle this.

How did you know
that I would be here?

I spoke to a guy upstairs.

I got us two passes.

I packed for both of us.

We can leave.

The reason I am leaving
is you.

Then you and Jack take them.
I'll catch up.

Come with me.

We're taking a walk.

We'll have a blue room

Can I have a whiskey, please?

A new room for two room

Where every day's a holiday

Because you're married to me

Not like a ballroom

A small room, a hall room

Where I can smoke
my pipe away

I'm sorry.

We will thrive on
Keep alive on



On little blue chairs

You sew your trousseau

This came for you today.


Jack, old chum.

I'm on a hospital ship now.
My gut's all tore up.

Anzio's gonna be the last place
I ever see with my eyes.

A mortar round came
and found me in my tent.

I can feel metal
under my skin some places.

Some went clean through.

They're not even trying
to take it out no more.

The nurses gave me
the same morphine

I gave to dying boys when
I didn't know what else to do.

"Wake, melancholy Mother,

"wake and weep!

"Quench within

"their burning bed,
Thy fiery tears,

"and let thou
loud heart keep..."

What was that?

Shelley's elegy for Keats.

What does that mean?

It means he's dead.

He didn't come
back here afterward.

Nobody on the floor saw.

We have two in custody. We're
still gathering evidence.

So what else do we
know about this guy?

Edie. ls Jack there?

You don't know?

Know what?

The police came and took him
down to the Tombs

8S 8H accessory.

Bill, too.

What happened?


Thank God.

He wanted to hurt me.

I had no choice.

You could've run,

called the police.


Somehow he found me
at the Marine Hall.

He said that no matter where
I went, he would follow.

When I confronted him,
he exploded.

I had to defend myself.

He wouldn't stop.

How did Jack and Bill
get roped into this?

I went to them after.

First, I went to Jack.

He told me to get rid
of the knife

and to forget the whole thing.

But then I went to Bill.

He told me to get a lawyer.

To confess.

To say that it was
an act of self-defense.

The DA is asking
for my deposition

in writing.

I can't do it.

I don't know what
I'm going to do.

I'm gonna be stuck in here
for the rest of my life.

Please don't leave me here.

I'll do it.

We're going to say
that it was an honor slaying.

"Relating to
a lethal attack committed

"when the accused is defending
himself against a known homosexual.

"If the accused
is heterosexual,

"he shall be pardoned.

"But if
the accused is homosexual,

"the charge of murder
in the first degree..."


It's $5,000 bail.

I know. I know it's a lot.

No Kerouac was ever
wrapped up in a murder.

Go to hell!

Would you all
just shut the hell up!

You must understand that David has
been following him for years.

When Lu went to Bowdoin, David
appeared out of thin air.

So I sent him to Chicago.


David turned up there, too.

Then when Lucien
wanted to go to Mexico,

guess who had a car
idling in the driveway?

But he didn't
have to go with him.

He spun a web
to ensnare my son.

That's why I brought him here.

Lot of good that did.

What happened in Chicago?

Thank God Lu has
you in his life.

You know what, Allen?

He calls you
his guardian angel.

That's what he called David.

That man ruined my son.

You're gonna help me
keep what's left of him.

Contrary to reports,

prison is not
a tonic for the spirit.

All the district attorney cared
about was that David was queer.

And what did you tell him?

I said yes.

Did David do something
to Lu in Chicago?

Christ, Allen,
please don't get involved.

I have to be.

I'm helping him
write his defense.

David was my friend.

And he's dead.

And did Lucien
tell you how he died?

He might not have wanted you
to know, Allen.

He tied David up.

Put stones in his pockets
to weigh him down,

and then dragged
him into the Hudson.


He was alive, Allen,

until Lucien made him drown.

Who are you?
Is he part of this business?

Leave him alone, Dad.

I paid your bail.

Don't talk to me like that.

Yes, sir.

The car leaves
in five minutes.

The libertine circle
has come to an end.

Go back to the beginning.

Breathe in

Breathe in

"Cook's County
Hospital of Chicago."

"David Kammerer."

He would leave me
alone in the house.

I was gonna die there.

No, you weren't.

Yeah, I know it.

No, Mom. Stop.

Hey. I'm okay now.

I'm your mother and I'm okay.

But you're not.

I'm in over my head.

Someone I know killed a man.


I don't know what to do.

He wants my help and I don't
know if I should give it to him.

I don't know if it's right.

It's just a mess.

You let him go.

Don't help him.

I can't, Mom.
He's my best friend.

Listen to me.

The most important thing your
father ever did was fail me.

You understand?

He loved you.

And the truth is, once,

you loved him back.

What about
what I need?

But the secret
ate away at you.

I was a kid, and you dragged
me into your perverted mess.

So in Chicago,
you tried to kill yourself.

How can you say that?
You know that's not true.

He rescued you.

I will never give up on us.

He saved your life.

You're pathetic.

You needed him
as much as he needed you.

Now I know how you felt.


When you wanted to die.

Do it.

Do it.


Some things,

once you've loved them,

become yours forever.

And if you try to let them go

they only circle back
and return to you.

They become part
of who you are.

"Or they destroy you."

You can't show this to anyone.

Then tell the truth, Lu.

You weren't even there.

It's your truth. It's fiction.

You wanted him gone, too.
You sent him to me.

You'll kill me with that.

Allen. No.

Allen! Don't. No!



Allen Ginsberg.

He'll be with you in a minute.
Please have a seat.

Mr. Ginsberg,
he's ready for you.

Mr. Ginsberg?

How did you expect us
to react to this?

No, please, tell me.

Professor Steeves says that you
submitted it as your final.

Well, then let me tell you.

It's smutty and it's absurd.

But you finished it.

You have taken incompletes
in two classes

and you are on
academic probation.

There are rules
that you agreed to

upon acceptance
into this university

and you managed to break and
you just keep breaking them.

You don't seem
to have much respect

for this institution.

So, you may either

retract this fiction
as your final

or you may choose
to be expelled.

What Will it be?


Consider me expelled.

No, this remains with us.

World News Today, brought
to you by Hasbro Corporation.

This came for you.

...exhibitors, dealers all over
America and in many foreign lands.

By shortwave broadcast direct
to important overseas stations

and leading newscasts
of our own country,

CBS reporters
witnessing firsthand news

of the world's
political and...

Survivors have assembled
in the streets in celebration.

This is the end
of a long darkness.

France and Europe
are finally free.

Another lover
hits the universe.

The circle is broken.

But with death comes rebirth.

You always take
the sweetest rose

And crush it
till the petals...

And like all lovers
and sad people,

I am a poet.

If I broke

Your heart last night

It's because
I love you most...


Don't look back into the sun

Now you know
that your time has come

And they said
it would never come for you

Oh, my friend,
you haven't changed

You're looking rough
and living strange

And I know you got
a taste for it, too

And they'll never forgive
you but they won't let you go

Oh, no

She'll never forgive you
but she won't let you go

Oh, no

Don't look back into the sun

You've cast your plans
but now you're on the run

And all the lies you said,
huh, did you say?

But when they played
that song at the Death Disco

It started fast
but it ends so slow

And all the time
it just reminded me of you

And they'll never forgive
you but they won't let you go

Let me go!

She'll never forgive you
but she won't let you go

Oh, no

And they'll never forgive
you but they won't let you go

Let me go!

She'll never forgive you
but she won't let you go

Oh, no