Kill Them All and Come Back Alone (1968) - full transcript

In 1864, mercenary Clyde MacKay leads a squad of hard-case cutthroats on a mission for the Confederate high command: infiltrate an enemy fortress and steal a million dollars in gold from the Union Army. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
A film produced by edmondo amati

First platoon!

Second platoon!

They are here!

Second platoon, forward.

Sergeant, inspection of the troops.

Sir, yes, sir!

Now that the general is here,
even buttons need to be polished.

You go to the first platoon,
you notify the second, and you the third.

If the union gets through our men,
Mexico will supply them.

Once there, they will be able to get
all the supplies they want.

- Unfortunately.
- A message from general headquarters.

- I have an urgent message for the general.
- Let's hope it is good news.

- The colony is surviving through...
- A message from command for the general.

Follow me.

Come in.

An urgent message from command
for the general.

Our boys held strong against
an attack on the river.

This is good news.

For the moment the union
will not be restocking their supplies.

Move, move. Get those cannons moved!

- Is this the last one?
- Yes.

Close it.

What the hell is going on?

Hey, you! Stop!

Who are you?

- You don't know?
- Civilians can't be around here.

I'm not hanging around.
I'm just unloading this sack.

Stop there!

Why aren't you in uniform?

Name, grade and number.

I can't tell you. I'm undercover.

Hey! There's no sleeping here!

Fire! Firel

run! Run!

Get busy! You too! Get down here!

Go, go, go! If that fire reaches
the arsenal the whole thing will blow!

- Who is it?
- Lieutenant, reporting.

What is this disturbance, lieutenant?

Fire started near the ammunition building.

I heard. What are your guards doing?
Are they sleeping or smoking?

Captain, sir,
those responsible will be punished.

- Start with yourself, lieutenant.
- Yes, sir.

Now out!

Come with me.

- What the...?
- Gotchal

nice job, captain.

And I'm to be relaxed, in your opinion?
Your security measures...


Is that enough for you, general?
Or should we continue?

No, I see.

- Where'd you get the rebels?
- I found them. What more do you want?

So you were able to take advantage,
Mr... Mr.?

Mac Kay. Clyde Mac Kay.

Mr. Mac Kay.

And you are convinced we can trust this
group of criminals, thieves, assassins?

These are not the people you wanted?

Each one works in his own specialty.

And what you want is pretty dirty.

Come see.

That's deker,

best in dynamite, general.

One stick, and he blows up anything.

As long as it is illegal and grandiose.

Who is that gorilla?

That's bogard.

He can kill one-handed.

And that is without any effort.

That's enough, hoagy.

Strange kid, hoagy.

Quick hands.

Kills, but then he feels bad.

Blade? Not into guns.

Half Indian and half Mexican.

Expert with a knife,
but doesn't skin them.

Nice sample group of well-appointed folks.
I must admit.

So, tell me. Who is that snot-nose
in the middle of you guys?

That snot-nose, general, is kid.

Agile like a monkey, and just as sly.

He's got one passion...

Kill in cold blood.

Gentlemen, these are my boys.
You like them?

Certainly. Let's go.

Given the importance of this mission,
I want to know about you too.

And truly, you've not said anything
about yourself, Mr. Mac Kay.

You modest or lying?

I never lie, captain.

And I can tell you
that I am worse than the others.

Surprised, Clyde?

The union keeps their funds
like this to buy rifles.

One coin roll for two dynamites.

Ring the alarm,
one bullet blows a million bucks.

We need that million for our weapons.

Go get it. And go in the grace of god.

- At your orders, sir.
- Captain.

Captain lynch is part of counterespionage.
He is the one who organized this mission.

But remember, Clyde, the confederate army
didn't hire you and knows nothing of you.

So officially I am the thief.


Take this. Pay your men.

Consider it an advance for
those who will die.

And those who come back?

Nobody is coming back.

- What does that mean?
- You will kill them.


Kill them all and come back alone.

Chuck Connors is Clyde Mac Kay

kill them all and come back alone

Frank wolff is captain lynch

Franco citti is hoagy

Leo anchoriz is deker

Ken wood is blade

Alberto Dell'acqua is kid

Hercules cortes is bogard

Directed by Enzo g. Castellari

Captain lynch!

What a surprise.

You followed me.

You don't trust me?

Of course I trust you.

I hate spies, captain.

But if you must follow me,
then best you come with us.

With pleasure. Then I also get to suffer
your company, Mac Kay.

Let's go. Time isn't going to wait for us.

You're right, hoagy. We need to cross
the river at sponcel, an hour from here.

Wait, Clyde.

The union controls it.
We should cross further west.

Only once.

When and where we go, I decide.

Got it?

Got it.

Let's go, boys.

Hey, you! You can't cross here.

Go back!

Get ready to fire, but don't hit him.

Hey, don't you hear me?


That's enough.

Let him approach.
I want to interrogate him.

Where do you want to go, stranger?
Don't you know this is union land?

So, are you crazy or deaf?

Didn't you even hear the shots?

And we did shoot lots of bullets.

Shoot? Well, you did shoot lots.

But I would say pretty badly.

They teach you to shoot at the academy.

Indeed. It'd be good for you to remember.

Don't worry. I won't turn my back to you.

Mr. captain.

No worries. I never shoot in the back.

Mr. Mac Kay.

Come on.

How long are we going to wait?
Until the union comes back?

Deker is right. Finish this.
Where is the gold, Clyde?

In the old mission church, todos Santos.
It was converted into a powder magazine.

There's an outpost blocking the road.

We go one by one and meet at the tavern.

They let civilians come in.

At nightfall we start,
and you know what to do.

Well, then. See you in todos Santos.

Stop there! Who are you?

A horse dealer from louisville.
I want to stay at the tavern.

Sergeant, a horse dealer from louisville.

Let him pass.

Go ahead. Come in.

Thank you.

They are ready when you are.

A convoy is on the way
to pick up the gold.

- You sure?
- An armed group is on the way.

I saw it.

- What do we do?
- Start immediately.

What are you saying?

In daylight? What hopes are there
to attack in daylight?

To steal a million dollars.

Ten dollars a day.

Push! Push!

Come on!

Don't make me lose my ten bucks!
Do it! Hold strong!

- What do you want?
- Beer.

I crossed the desert. I'm thirsty.

Crossed? You brought it with you!

- Here's your beer.
- Thank you.

Plans have changed.

A convoy is on the way to get the gold.

We start immediately.

- Bogard's not here yet.
- I can't wait for him.

Spread the word.

Push! Come on! You can do it!

Walter won again!

All right, who wants to try now?

You're afraid to try?

Come on, do it!

- Why don't you try?
- Sure, I'll do it, but with two hands!

He's too strong! Go on, do it!

Go on! Show how strong you are!

- Let's do it tonight! Come on!
- Who's going to be the man?


A convoy's coming for the gold.


I've got you worried, right?

I accept your challenge.

- But I challenge you with knives.
- Stuck there?

Oh, the challenge is more interesting.

Whoever's arm goes down cuts his vein.

Get ready to bleed.

Kid, go.

It's hot today.

- They are killing themselves in there!
- But we can't leave this post.

You can't leave?

Alarm! Alarm!

Hey! What's happening?

Have you all gone crazy?

Bogard! Finally, they need you in there.

Go, go!

Oh, bogard. Let's go.

Wait a second. Why did you do that?

I don't like him. Don't want him with us.
He's a spy.

Get going.


Deker! Here's the dynamite.

- Did you close it good?
- Yes, no water can get in.

You guys okay?

Good luck.

Let's go, let's go!

What a disaster! Who was that raging bull?

And now what?

Now we wait for the convoy to get here.

- Oh, man, that was wild.
- We needed a good throw down!

Move it. Water is needed at the outpost.

I'm coming.

A rumble to be remembered.

Hey there, under the sun is pretty hot.

Critters may have crawled in,
like a snake.

Even if that was possible,
let them drink what they want.

- Hey there!
- So long!

Here it is!

Boy, you took your sweet time! They are
probably dying of thirst out there.

What do you want? We had a swarm of flying
fists at the tavern today. Lots of fun!

You got some! A black eye!

Who cares?

Years since I've had such fun.

Let him pass.

So long, friends. Next it's your turn.

- Nice job, boys.
- Thank you.

What are we going to do with them?

Leave 'em. Can't be seen from up there.

Let's go.

When do we get to start shooting?

When blade rings the bell,
lookouts are gone.

Then deker is ready to blow up the cistern
and flood the powder magazine.

There's more dynamite than gold.

If the powder's not wet,
one shot, we're dead.

Clyde, when do I start the fire?

Right now. And don't spare anything.

A little confusion will help us
with those two.


Open up! The water is here!

Hey! Help me out here. It'll be dark soon.

You were to be here earlier, old goat.

You talk a lot, yet that tongue keeps on.

Why, you're not an old goat?

Watch out, sergeant. I am in shape today.

Holy hell! That's awful! It's hot as tar.

Fire! Alarm! Fire! Alarm!

Where? Fire?

Look! Up there!

- Up there on the hill!
- Go! Get the supplies! Hurry!

This could be a disaster! Hurry!
Get out there and put out the fire!

Hurry! Hurry!

If that fire gets here,
we are all done for!

Watch out, I think they've got it!

- We did it!
- Good job, boys!

Double whiskey tonight!

Double whiskey for all of you!
You guys deserve it.

- We escaped that one by our skin!
- Yeah. That could have been ugly.

By chance we caught it in time.

Imagine the fire reaching the powder!

By now there would be nothing left.

Who's there?

You hear that? There's a party up there!

Nothing goes down as smooth as whiskey!

Alarm! Someone's up there!

Take cover!

There he is, up there! Shoot him! Shoot!

Shoot there, under the water cistern!

Shoot him! Shoot him! Try to get him!

Watch out! Watch out!


Go! Go! Quick! We've got them!

Good job! Close it up.

That's it. We're done.


Hoagy! Open up!

Thanks to all of you!

Son of a bitch!

Disgusting bastard!

A million dollars.

Need any help?

You'll never be able to do it alone
with all that gold.

We will take care of it.

You take a rest.
You've already worked too hard.

You'll be left here tied up in the sun,
Clyde. You'll learn to betray friends.

That's right, no? Once for each of us.

Hold on, guys. Listen.

You are a gang of ingrates.

I was ordered to kill all of you.

What a nice gesture!

Did you hear that, friends?

All we need to do is tell you thanks.

- This bastard!
- Who wants to go first?

Come on then!
Say thank you and get on your way!

Or I shoot and the gold is gone!

Give up! You had a good time. It was fun.

What more do you want?
Leave me and get on your way.



Say your prayers, Clyde.

Company! Advance!


Stop them! Quick!

Get to the side! Be ready to shoot!

There's no escape. Sink it.

We can jump from here. Deker, smoke it!

Give up, confederates!

Give up or we'll blow you to pieces.

Okay. That's enough. We give up.

Get ready to capture them.

Hands up!
You're going to fill the work fields!

Work! There is no rest here.

Water! Water!

Put him in the box.
He'll forget about being thirsty.

Get up, move!


Thirsty are you? A little sweat is good.

Get inside!

Open the gate!
The lieutenant is back with prisoners.

- Is this the third platoon?
- Yes, the one you sent on patrol, colonel.

Mission completed, sir! Rebels captured.

Thank you. Dismount and release the men.

Your information was exact, sir.

It was at the river and we got 'em.

Interesting. These are wily folks.

They will be good workers.

For me they will be good informants.

Move! Forward.

Keep going! Go, move!
Keep walking. Forward!

Stop right there.

So you're union! You vulture bastard!

Take them away.

Get on! Move! Walk!

Hold it! Bring the tall one to my office.

I want to interrogate him.

So, Clyde, what have you got to say?

You are wearing a beautiful uniform.

Weren't you wearing gray at one point?

Well, Clyde, uniforms can be changed.

Uniforms don't count. Only money counts.

Right, and you get rich at our expense.

And the plan worked. Where's the gold?

I'm sorry, captain. I didn't take it.

The gold is still in the powder room.

You're too smart not to know
where you are.

But I am generous. We can make a deal.

as a confederate you disgusted me.

Thank you.

But a union soldier?

You make me vomit.

What's going on here?

- Back to your posts.
- Yes, sir.

Get on there! Move!

Into the sweatbox!

Hold this! Give me a hand.

They tried to get him to talk.

Did you see what they did to that bastard?

You're worried about that vulture Clyde?

No, but we will be next.

Shut up and work!

Stop right there or I shoot!

Leave him. The colonel wants him.

Move! Come with me.
You're going to be interrogated.


Everybody else, back to work!

He'll be roasted with the heat here.

We couldn't be sent to a worse place.

Don't complain. Others have it worse.

Relax, tomorrow the convoy arrives.

Feel better.

Deker, look.

Traitor! He talked.

Work, you dogs!

Move away, you two.

Clyde, this is good-bye.

I'm leaving soon. You'll stay.

Tonight will be an escape.

And you will follow him to the gold.


But I still haven't decided whom to bring.

Whom I want to help.

I don't understand.

Yes, you do. It should be you.

You are unique in the group.

You know how to use a gun and your head.

So what's your answer?

Captain, listen...

You make me vomit.

- Every night on guard duty?
- Unfortunately.

After inspection, let's get a drink.

Who goes there?

What do you want, deker?

You should know, dirty scoundrel.

- You betrayed us!
- What?

- You told them where the gold is.
- I didn't tell them anything.

I'm not crazy. The gold is mine too.
I'd be stupid to betray you.

You'd betray your mother
to save your skin.

You're a bunch of idiots!

I didn't talk!

Close your mouth, rotten dog.
We don't trust you anyway.

Go, go, quick!

Stop there! Don't move.


You killed him. He was yours.


And all because of a stupid suspicion.

What made you think bogard had talked?

I wonder who will be the last survivor,
and who will talk to me.

Poor guy.

Your friend fainted.

I suggest you keep an eye on him.

What's the point?

He's playing with us.

We escape alone, then figure out the rest.

Escape? It's that simple?

That easy?

It's not easy. But we must try.

I thought of nothing else,
locked up in there.

Listen, it is completely up to us.

A convoy of supplies arrives tomorrow.

If we work together,
all of us will be free.

In a line.

In your place.


- One at a time.
- There's enough for everyone.

Take yours and go. Who's next?


One at a time!

Forward! Move!

- What is this garbage?
- Take it and go! Eat what you're given.

Little more to this one.
He's new and hungry.

- Thank you.
- Come on, next one in line.

Move, move!

The supply convoy is here!

Stop here.

You all are free to go.

There are two wagons,
one with flour and one with meat.

Here is where you unload.

Here you go, kid. You will love it.

Here you go. Thank the army.

You eat it! This is pig food.

We're not swine, are we, friends?

Get in line! Settle down! Quiet!

In your places!

Everyone settle down.

In line! Move along, move along.

Get back there! Get back!

This is what you get. Take it.

I told you to get back! Get back!

Get them under control!

And where do you think you're going?

Stop there!

Hold it, deker.

Let go of that dynamite.

You don't need it.

Hold it, I said. Don't try to be a hero.
It's not worth the risk.

Disgusting swine!

Think, deker. You've got nothing to lose.

Let's partner up. Each gets half the gold.

And I let you go free from here, no risk.


This is yours?


Come on!

Stop there!

Here, Clyde!

It's here, in the middle of the river.

Come on. Let's do this.

It should be just down here.

Down, again.

Hey, lynch.

Did you find anything?

You know exactly what I found, bastard!

Where did you hide the gold?

If I knew, I'd tell you, then kill you.


I think I know where he hid it.

Tell me! Speak! Or I'll kill you.

Yeah! If you kill me, you'll never know.

Bastard! Son of a bitch!

I'm going to kill you!