Kill Slade (1989) - full transcript

Slade (Patrick Dollaghan) is an American mercenary-turned-ranger. J.J. (Lisa Brady) is an American journalist. One of Slade's old compatriots, Flannigan (Danny Keogh) recruits him to kidnap J.J. when she arrives in Congella to keep her from doing an expose on United Nations food-aid diversions. But, Slade soon learns he's being double-crossed when he discovers his old compatriot is the head of the operation. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

Do you know this man, Major?


He's Lester Goldblum, an
American press photographer.

Where was he?

Should never have trusted your
men with security, Captain.

From now on, my men are in
charge of security.

Put this in the back of the truck.

You clean up that mess.

Slade, Slade, Slade!

Seven, eight, nine, go!

OK, all right.

All right.

Set 'em up, Joe.


Slade, Slade, Slade, Slade, Slade.

Good local wines, but there is
a white.

20, 40, go!



I was thinking about my article.
- Yes, your article.

How is your investigation coming

It's going well.

I haven't got anything on paper
and my editor

is threatening to pull me out if
I don't submit something soon.

You know, it's possible that
this graft is not

as big as you would suspect.

And that the food program is

The program's legit.

But the graft is even more
involved than I originally thought.

Do you have, evidence of this?
- As we speak.

My photographer is getting it now.


You know, I'm very concerned
about you.

If this is as big as you think
it is, you must be careful.

You could be in danger.
Would you excuse me?

Of course.
- Thank you.

60, 70, 80, 90, go!

Hey, can't win 'em all.

How 'bout it, honey?

How could you possibly turn
down a chance like this?

Very easily.

Well, I'm not a pushy kind of guy.

I'll settle for a few

Name's Slade.

What's yours?

Is he bothering you?
- No, he's boring me.

I should've known you were
with your daddy.

Hey, I like your doily there, pops.
- What the hell are you guys doing?

Don't you know who you think I am?

Hey, wait a minute, I always

and you guys.

Hey, you can't do this!
My ex is a personal acquaintance.


I'm sorry, JJ. I've just
got to get something soon.

You know what this is doing to
my schedule.

Tomorrow, I promise you.
- Tomorrow.

Always tomorrow.
I can't wait any longer.

I know, Bob. I'm asking
you to have faith in me.

I haven't got anything unless I
have the photographs.

I was supposed to get them today.
- I'm not being unreasonable, JJ.

You know that.
It's just that...

I'm sorry, Bob, there's
somebody at the door.

Hopefully, it's Lester with
the shots. I'll call you back.


Who is it?
- Police. Open up, please.

You're Ms. Jamison?
- Yes, what is it?

We're police.
Can we come in?

I've been in touch with the
embassy there.

They're making arrangements to
have the body flown home.

Yes, I've spoken with the embassy.
- Maybe you should just go down there.

See if there's anything they need.

Well, I have an appointment
with a Mr. Donaldson...

Donovan... I don't know...
At 11 o'clock.


And, hey, listen, I know it's
tough, but just hang in there.

I'll be all right.

I just can't believe it.

We've been through so much together.


I just don't buy he got mugged.
He was onto something.

You've told the police this?
- No.

I'm not sure who's involved.
I don't know who I can trust.

No, one doesn't know who one's
friends are these days.

Now, I have some business to
attend to.

So why don't you put your feet
up and relax?

Here's a cushion for you.
- OK, just... just for a little bit.

Here, make yourself comfortable.
- Thank you.

I'll be back in a very short while.
- OK.

Flannigan, come.
- Now this is goddamn serious.

Something's got to be done about her.
- Keep your voice down. She's here.

She was all the way to the embassy,
so I had to give her something...

The embassy?


All right.

Look at this.

Well, Mr. Flannigan, what do
you suggest?

Kill her?

She's too damn close.

And it doesn't help that...

That has nothing to do with it.

Well, I should bloody well
think it has.

Don't think, Mr. Flannigan.

It will get you nowhere.


Do we kill her?

Yes, in a manner of speaking.

A manner of speaking.

Well, we can't get rid of her
as easily

as we did the photographer.

She's far too prominent.

But I might have a way.

I'm sure you do, Mr.

What about that military contact
of yours... what's his name?

Major Bayela.

No, I can't involved Bayela at
this stage.

But I know someone else.

Bit of a sorry character, but
he'll do.

Name of Slade.

Aw, shit.

How far have you gone with your

of the food aid flood?

Progress is very slow, Mr.

I want this cleared, Victor.

These things take time, sir.

We do not have the time.

That the United Nations has
chosen Congella as one

of distribution points is quite
an honor

and we need the foreign capital.

I'm aware of that, sir.

You see, a scandal like this
could jeopardize all that.

We must put a stop to this, Victor...

Quickly and quietly.

That may not be possible, sir.

How so?

There's a woman... an American

She has stumbled onto the story.

Journalists tend to make a lot
of noise.

It's their business.

You mean she can expose the
fraud before we take action?

We must give this matter serious
thought, Victor.

Good day, dear Slade.

Well, look what crawled out
from under a rock.

Let me guess, you were just in
the neighborhood, Flannigan?

Brought you a present.

Stolen no doubt.

Woo, 12 years old.

You really went all out.

What's the occasion?

I, got a little proposition for you.

I'm not that kind of guy, Flannigan.

I got you a cup, but I'm a
little low on ice.

How are you on cash?

I'm listening.


Yes, yes, I understand.


No, no, my friend.

That is not the way I do business.

No, absolutely not.


JJ, did you sleep well? - Yeah.

How long was I sleeping?

It's just before 11:00.


Shit, I'm supposed to be at the

The embassy, of course.

Now, do you have all the papers
you're going to require?

No, the papers are at the hotel.

I've got to go to the hotel first

and then I've got to go to the

Look, can I drive you there?

At least let me walk you to your

That's all right, Mannie.

I can manage.

Thank you.

Here's the ransom note.

And no one gets hurt?

We keep her out of circulation
for a few days

till you got the nod from me.

What about this broadcast?

I mean, how am I gonna do that?

First broadcast... side A...

Second broadcast... side B.

Brilliant, you see how fast I
catch on?

$100,000... 100 grand.

What is this guy, nuts?

He's a very generous man.

And after the death of the

he's concerned for her well-being.

Sounds to me like he's more
concerned about his well-being.

Well, unlike you, Slade, he's a

Here's $20,000.

Consider it a down payment on
your services.

Probably counterfeit.

I haven't said yes.

I get the feeling that
something's coming on

and it feels so strong that it
must be love.

When I look at you, I see
someone new

but you never show that it must
be love.

You can love someone to share
your dreams.

Why don't you call me?

Call me.

Just you, honey.

Looking for someone... someone...

To share your dreams.

Why don't you call me?

Call me.

I'll set you free.




No one was supposed to get hurt.

I'm going to get a goddamn hernia.

Easy does it.

Nothing to it but to do it.

You know the place.

We know the place.

I still think it's crazy.

Let me give you a vehicle and a

No, it's not our way.

We'll be dead before sunset.

As you wish.

Good day, sir.

Good day.

Do you know if Ms. Jamison's in?

Let me see, sir.

Yes, there's her Jeep over there.

So it is.

Ha, looks like she's got a
parking ticket.

Good Lord, no, sir.

This is a hotel.

Hang on a sec.

I say, sir, look at this.

I think we should call the police.

Yes, Commissioner.

Hold the line, please.

Mavis, get me Major Bayela here

Thank you.

Excuse me, Commissioner, please

And you think the CRM is
involved in this?

I see.

Look, I'll get Major Bayela on
to this.

And, listen, I don't want a word
of this to leak out.


Thank you.

Let's go outside.

They have kidnapped the American
woman, Victor.

JJ Jamison?

Damn it!

There is a note claiming
resistant movement involvement.


Or it could be a smokescreen.

Could be.

I want you to take charge, Victor.

Her people back home must know
what we're doing

and they probably know much more
than we do.

My god, the ramifications.

Look, I want you to do what you
have to.

Yes, sir.

OK, I want you to know you're
in no danger.

I'm not gonna harm ya.

Just gonna keep you out of
trouble for a while.

And I consider this your own
personal tour

of the bush, all right?

I'm gonna set you down.

What are you... - Relax now.

Come on, Come on, relax... - Who
are you?

I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm not going to harm you. I
want you to stand up.

Come on. - What are you...

Stand up, stand up.

Lady, you're making this harder
than it has to be.

Now, I want you to sit down, all

Now, relax.


All right.

I can't see anything.

You can't see because you have
a blindfold on.

That's why they call it a
blindfold, all right?

Now, is that better?

I still can't see.

Look, I'm not a kidnapper.

I want you to understand...

I still can't see anything.

What are you talking about?

What have you done to me?

I can't see.

Wait a second.

Let me get a torch.

A torch?

What are you talking about?

A flashlight, lady.

What have you done?

Where are you?

This is not what I had in mind.

What did you have in mind?

Look, I know what the problem
is and it's only temporary.

We're going to be able to fix this.

You... you gotta trust me.

Come in.

Well, how did it go?


I made as much noise as I could
at the hotel,

but the police seem to have
clamped a lid on it...


Nothing in here.


After Slade's radio announcement,

tomorrow's edition will be full
of it.

Now, I'm meeting the hunting
dogs at the camp.

We'll wait for the broadcasts,
then go in

and say goodbye to Mr. Slade and
Ms. Jamison.

The hunting dogs.

Do you think...

They're good men.

Yes, but are they good enough?

I think I'd better be going if
I'm going to make it in time.

For a moment, I thought you
hadn't made it.

I've been here many hours.

It's just over that bridge...

About two miles.

Yes, we have seen it.

It's going to be a while yet.

Get some rest.

Do this often, Slade?

Girl turns you down at a bar so
you kidnap her?

You never turned me down.

I left.

Yeah, well, I wish you'd have
left me alone.

Can I get you anything?

Coffee, tea, a beer maybe?

Yeah, how about my eyesight back?

I guess that means no?

You know, you're an arrogant
son of a bitch.

How dare you make light of this?

This is serious.

Look, I said was sorry, all right?

I never intended... - Sorry
doesn't get it, pal.

And all your good intentions
don't mean shit now.

If you think you're going to get
away with this scot-free,

you're wrong.

People know who I am and they'll
track you down.

You can be sure of that.

All right, you made your point.

Like hell I have. I haven't
even begun yet.

You can't do this to me.

I can't even see the hand in
front of my face.

Look, I told you we're going to
take care of that.

Didn't I?

You know how much I can sue you for?

I can sue you for everything you

When I'm done with you, you're
not going

to have a pot left pee in.

And let me tell you something
else, Mr. Slade...

I'm all ears.

Enlighten me.

You disgusting pig.

You're an animal.

I cannot believe...

You can't, you know.

Can't what?

You can't sue me.

And why not?

Because this is Africa.

Things are different here.


Well, you listen to me, Mr.

I've taken about all the shit...

Look, I've got to run a little
errand here.

And if you behave yourself, I
will take these back off, lady.

Attention, attention.

This is Radio Free Congella,
broadcasting on 557 megahertz.

Here follows an important

The renowned American
journalist, Ms. JJ Jamison,

has been apprehended by the
enlightened forces

of the Congella Resistance Movement.

She will be brought to trial in
a free people's court

facing charges of American

and capitalistic exploitation.

More details will be released on
a later communique.

This is Radio Free Congella
signing off.

Now, if I take this off, do you

you're going to be a good girl?

Why are you...

Let me try it one more time, honey.

If I take this off, do you
promise to behave?

I seriously doubt if I was
going to run away.

What was that?

Early Stones.

Catchy tune?

Good beat, easy to dance to...

I'd give it about a 95.

You're out of your mind.

Only when I'm awake, honey.

Come on, it's time for bed.


No, you don't.

You lay one hand on me and I'm
gonna claw your eyes out.

Don't flatter yourself, baby.

Bed, as in sleep... shut eye.


Come on.


That's all I've been doing.

Right this way.

Come on, woman.

Don't call me woman.


Would you turn around?

Jesus. JJ: Shut up.

Zebra tango.

Zebra tango.

Come in, please.

Zebra tango receiving you.


Did you copy the communique
from the CRM?

Over. - Affirmative.


What is your state as is present?


We will wait until the next
communique before we move out.


Correction, zebra tango, you'll wait

until I arrive before you move.


You're breaking up.

I can no longer copy.

Zebra tango out.

Zebra tango.

Zebra tango, come in.



Step on it.

Hey, hey.

Tell you what I want to know.

How long do you think you're
going to keep me here?

Lady, would you give your mouth
a break?


I mean, you're not with the
Congella Resistance Movement.

Spoken like a true reporter.

Now, you know that and I know
that, but they don't know that.

Can we get some sleep now?

I mean, what's in it for you, Slade?

The money?

Money for my ransom?

You know, if you weren't blind,

I think I would let you go just so I

could get some peace of mind.

What's the payoff?

It's for your own good, lady.

Believe me.

And I suppose it hurts you more
than it hurts me.


Well, if you're not going to let
me sleep,

I might as well make use of this

Where are we going?

We're going to let a doctor
take a look at your eyes.

A doctor?

In the middle of nowhere?

Come on, don't worry.

He's a good doctor.

He saved my life more than once.

We go.

The time is good for us.

No, we wait.

How long?

Until he broadcasts again.

Don't worry, we'll go before dawn.

Move it.

Move it.

Step on it, Sir Jones.

OK, duck down again.

OK, straight ahead here.

I'm gonna turn you around into a
chair, OK?

Sit down.

Attaboy boy, girl.

Attention, attention.

This is Radio Free Congella,
broadcasting on 557 megahertz.

Mr. President, the broadcast.

Here is a further communique

regarding the abduction of Ms.
JJ Jamison by the CRM.

The American imperialist will be
given a fair and honest trial.

If she is found guilty, the CRM
will have no hesitation

in executing the prisoner.

However, sources have indicated
that there

may be an opportunity for a
bilateral trade of prisoners

between the CRM and the oppressive

dictatorship of the despot...

President Dere.

Details will be released as they
become available.

This is Radio Free Congella
signing off.

You're going to execute me?

Don't be ridiculous, woman.


Right this way, please.

Zebra tango, zebra tango.

Come in.


Zebra tango, you are
to take no action.

I repeat, no...


Move out.

We go.

He going to mess everything up.

Hope you're not too late.


Yes, Major.

Step on it.

Come on.

Come on, faster.


You know, every time I come here,

I forget how beautiful it is.

Look at that.

Yeah, it's really lovely.

Sorry, I forgot.

I'm getting used to it.

Well, we'll fix you up.


What is this place?

This is no hospital.

No, it's not exactly a hospital.

Where are you taking me, Slade?

What is this?

No, I'm not letting some
tribal woman

witch doctor touch me.

Slade! - Come on, come on.


It's gonna be all right. Come


You're gonna have to trust me here.

You all right?

Turn around.


Here, duck down here.

Duck down.

What the hell is this?

Would you show a little respect?

There's no one here.

I could have told you that.

There's no bloody Land Rover.


Look, I can't understand a word
you're saying.

This man happens to be a manyonga.

A what?

What is commonly referred to as...

A witch doctor.

Forget it, Slade.

Would you settle down?

Look, I'd just as soon put my life

in his hands as any Western
doctor that I know.

In fact, I've done so many times.

Well, I'm not.

Well, I don't think you have
much of a choice here now,

do you, honey?

Unless you want to decide
between him and me.


All right, it's settled.

He wants you to scoot closer so
he can examine you.

Son of a bitch figured it out.

They've left in a hurry.

Nothing is disturbed.

Perhaps they heard us.

They didn't hear us.

Maybe he heard you.

Can you track them from here?

We can track them. We go.

No, wait.

Burn it.

Burn everything.

Destroy the camp.

What did he say?

Take two aspirin and call him
in the morning.

Here, he said drink this.

What is it?


Says you'll have your
eyesight back by tomorrow.

Look, lady, if he says you'll
see, I believe him.

OK, you ready?

Stand up, stay down.

Give me your hand.

Yes, sir.








What the bloody hell is going
on here?

I have orders.

I couldn't wait around all day
for you, Major.

In any case, we were too late.

Too late?

They've gone.

He got wind of it somehow and

What the hell's going on?


Slade, what's going on?

Hold on.

No, you hold on, Major.

That convoy of yours is too slow.

I'm not going to be weighed down
by your extra baggage.

I'm warning you.

I heard you, Major.

But it's my neck that's on the
line right now.

Let's go, Let's go.

No problem.

Let's go.

Soldiers, go!

Let's go, soldier.

Yes, sir.

So this food aid stuff, it's,

some kind of racket?

I don't think my photographer
got killed for nothing.

Well, Flannigan said you're in
too much danger

to be poking around.

At least that much of his story
makes sense.

Flannigan... is he the guy that
hired you?


He's also the one who's trying
to kill us... him

and his hunting dogs.

He's got a pack of dogs?

They're worse than a pack of
dogs, honey...

Five or six albinos.

They're relentless.

They never stop.

How do you know they're trying
to kill us?

Are you kidding?

They'd just as soon kill us as
look at us.

Well, me anyway.

You they'll probably rape first.


Very funny, Slade.

No, Flannigan's not your boy.

He doesn't have the kind of
money to front this operation.

Somebody's gotta be pulling the

Are we safe yet?

Not till we get back to Lambaza.

You're not gonna be safe till
we're in your embassy.

We're far enough to double back,

You mean to tell me we've been going

the wrong way all this time?

Safest distance between two
points is a zig-zag, lady.


What's that?

Radiator... it overheats.

I knew I should have fixed that


I'm gonna open the bonnet.

The what?

The hood.

Hey, your eyes.

It's great.

You can see?

How do you feel?

I feel OK.

The little man did his job.

Yeah, what did I tell ya?

I told you you could trust me,
didn't I?

You wanna hand that to me?

I don't think so.

You wanna tell me what's really
going on here?

I told you.

Now, about that gun...

You haven't told me anything, Slade.

All I know is I was fine until
you came along.

Next thing I know, you kidnap me
and you blind me.

And now you tell me we're being

by some albino German shepherds!

Hunting dogs.

Who are trying to kill us.

For all I know, they're the good

and you're the one I should be
worried about.

You know, that gun's
got live ammunition.

It can kill people.

I don't know what your game is,

But I fully intend to find out
right now.

What are you gonna do, shoot me?



You just happened to tell the
albino German shepherds

exactly where we are.

You know, I'm the one who ought
to be pissed at you.

I'm hired to do a silly ass job
to protect you,

next thing I know, they burned
down my camp.

Now I'm running for my own life
with dead weight

tied around my neck... you.

Don't give me this martyr
routine, Slade.

I mean, you're a paid kidnapper.

Give me that.

And an incompetent one at that.

I don't know which is a bigger
piece of shit...

You or your Land Rover.

Piece of shit.

Well, you got your eyesight
back, right?

I mean, you don't need my help
anymore, do you?

I'll tell you what I'm going to do.

I'm going to give you little
farewell gift here.

I'm going to give you this piece
of shit Land Rover

and then you can just drive
right out of my life.

How's that sound? - That'll be
just fine with me.

Well, the keys are in it.

And the steering wheel is on
this side.

This is Africa.

Things are different here.

Why don't you get your door fixed?

It's your door now.

Hey, hold it.

No, don't try to apologize to me.

Don't worry.

Piece of shit.

Now... now that it's
finally found you,

where will you go to run to?

They're all around.

They're gonna need some answers.

Drape up those fancy dancers
caught in their game.

Run, baby, run.

Baby, run.

Even though the hounds are on
your trail.

Run, baby, run.

Baby, run.

You're free today and you can't
fail to deliver.

Wanna clean yourself up?


Get away.

Into the smoke, in the world.

Run, baby, run.

Baby, run.

Even though the hounds are on
your trail.

Run, baby, run.

Baby run.

You all right?

Gotta get this steering fixed.

I think you could use some sleep.

I didn't sleep too much last
night, did I?

Run baby, run.

Baby, run.

Run, baby, run.

Whoa, whoa.

Stop... stop, you idiot.

Go back, go back, go back.

He went that way.

Go back, go back!

We've got to take a break.

We go.

I have to rest.

You can rest.

We go.

You stay.

You go nowhere unless I say so.

Even Slade must rest.


Stop, stop!

Down there.


You fool!

I said forward.



You should have waited.

For what?

So what have you gained?

You will get nowhere chasing him
in blind pursuit.

I have a plan of action and you
will cooperate.

This stuff's pretty good.

What is it?

Can't tell you.

Why, is it something disgusting?

No, not at all.

Is it rattlesnake?


Don't have rattlesnakes in Africa.

What do you have, besides
misguided cowboys

on missions of mercy?

We got red-eyed crocodiles
that love to prey

on idealistic journalists.

Not to, change the subject,

but do you have a strategy here
or are you just winging it?

100% winging it.


Come here, I'll show ya.

OK, this is Lambaza, right?

Over here is where my camp is.

Or... well, at least it was.

Anyway, when we saw Flannigan,
we took this...

Took this road here.

And then we went across the bush
and I

suspect that we are about here.

We are exactly here.

The way he's going, Slade's
headed straight for the gorge.

Well, he can't cross there.


He can either cross here or go
up north.

That's crazy.

He wouldn't go north.

But he is crazy.

That's why he might just do it.


Now, tomorrow we're going to
try to get over

to the river and... if I remember
right... there is a ford there.

Great, so we have a new car.

A ford as in a bridge.

And then we can get over to the

And we can catch a highway and
we've got a clean shot

all the way to Lambaza.

Well, won't there be road blocks?

Doesn't matter.

Right, we can just go right
through in our new Ford.

You see this area here?

Now, it doesn't show it on the map,

but there just happens to be a
dirt road.

It'll take us from point A to
point where we want to go...

With a little bit of luck.

With a lot of luck.

Let's hope for a lot of luck.

A lot of luck.

Knowing Slade, he'll figure
we'll figure he'll go south.

So he'll wait till the last
minute to go north.

Unless he figures that you'll
figure that

we'll figure that he'll fake it.

Come on, Bayela.

Very funny, Flannigan.

Well, I guess it's time for bed.


Hey, you lay one hand on me, honey,

and I will claw your eyes out.

Can you spare some water?

I'd like to wash up.

Yeah, sure.

Thought you're supposed to
conserve water in the bush.

Are you kidding?

I could find about 20 gallons of

in 100 different plants and roots.

Besides, we parked by a waterhole.

It's down that way.

Thanks a lot.

Goddamn it, Slade!

Now what?

Are you all right?

Turn around.

You just called me.

What am I turning around for?

Give me back my clothes, you

What are you talking about?

Don't play innocent.

My clothes were right there, Slade.

What are you saying?

That I took your clothes?

Who else took them?

They didn't just get up and walk

Well, contrary to popular belief,

I do not have an answer for

But I will look for your
clothing, all right?

Turn around.

I'm turning.

Probably some animals for all I

I'll keep my eyes open for a warthog

wearing your bra and panties.


I'm turning.

I'm turning.

One out of two's not bad.

One out of two what?

Well, I couldn't find your skirt.


Look, I'll...

I'll look in the Rover and see
if I can find anything for you.

Here's what we'll do.

I'll go north.

The hunting dogs will follow him.

And you'll go to the ford.

Either way, we'll have them
boxed in.

I don't know.

I think...

Don't think, Flannigan, do as
you're told.

Or else suffer the consequences.

That's not bad.

It's not too good.

Come here.

It won't hurt a bit.

OK, turn around.

Turn around.

Is that better?

It is for me.

Here, help me up.

Always knew you wanted to get
into my pants.

Don't flatter yourself.

What is it?

It's time, we go.

Keep on his trail.

Keep pushing him.

You'll act as herders pushing
them into either mine

of Mr. Flannigan's net.

You go.

And remember... whatever happens...

Make sure.

We better go.


JJ, wake up. it's time to go.

It feels like I went to sleep

about five minutes ago.

More like five hours, but it'll
have to do.

How do you manage to wake up so

This is Africa.

Things are different here.

How so?

Well, the bush.

It kind of sings to you like an
early morning song.

It tells you when to rise and shine.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Don't squish it, it'll lose its


You mean people eat these?

I didn't hear you complaining
last night.

Come on.

Hey, come on, these babies are
full of protein.

More nutrition here than
crayfish and prawn and such.

The secret is in how you cook them.

On, let's break it up.

We've got to go.

I can't believe this.

These guys are good.

They're ugly, but they're good.


Aw, shit!

Don't tell me...

The emergency brake. - Yeah.

I knew I should have gotten that
thing fixed.


Well, let's see how much of this
baby we can salvage.

Be careful now.

Are you kidding?

It might explode.

Only on TV, honey.

And God knows how much that
resembles real life.

In every single episode, they got

some bungling detective somehow

every goddamn mystery, right?

Commercial by commercial till you

get down to the grand finale.

And then you get this car chase.

It always ends up in a collision.

And every single collision ends
up in an explosion.

You know what I mean?

It's ridiculous.

Fact is... statistically speaking...

Only about 4.6% of all car
crashes involve a fire.

You know?

Let alone an explosion.

You know what I'm talking about?

So I'm...

Jesus Christ!

I'm sorry.

You were saying statistically

We better get the hell out of here.

We just sign posted a direct
route to our front door.



You go.

Think you could slow down just
a little bit?

Just a little bit?

Just a little bit.


Does that help?

Yeah, thanks.

Don't mention it. - I won't.

Slade, I quit.

You quit? JJ: Yes.

Hell, you're fired.

Now just keep walking.

Know what I think, Slade?

I don't want to hear what you think.

How's that?

Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway.

How's that?

I think we're walking in circles.


Maybe we are, just to throw them
off course.

You ever think of that?

Come on, Slade, I gotta rest.

We stop now, you're gonna rest
in peace.

This isn't a trial run for when
it counts, honey.

Those guys mean business.

OK, OK, I...

You made your point, Mr.


Don't get too relaxed.

Come on.

Come on, come on, come on.

Faster, faster.

Over there.

Come on, move it.

Do you have any idea where
we're even going, Slade?



This point in in time, we happen

to be going down the hill.

Now, move it.

Well, what now?

We're a little further
north than I thought.

That's great, Slade.

Ford's back that way.

So what are we going to do?

I don't know.

Hunting dogs will be on us any
second, though.

That's a comforting thought.

No problem.


We go down.


You are not Butch Cassidying me.

What's the matter?

Can't you swim?

Slade, you can't be serious.

Come on!

Come on, woman, let's...

Don't call me woman.

You can call me whatever you want.

You see over here? You see?

Look. Look!


Here, give me that rope.

You see anything, I want you to
blast it.

What are you doing?

I'm doing my job.

Would you do yours?


Slade. SLADE: What?

I think I see something.

Well, shoot it for Christ's sake.

Good girl.

Good girl. My ass.

It's a bunch of birds.

Would you get down and stay down?

OK, now cover me.

If you see anything, I want you
to shoot it.

If you hear anything, I want you
to shoot it.

If the wind blows, blow it away.


What's wrong?

Nothing, it's fine.

Would you just keep a look out?

Look, I want you to cover me,
all right?

Hurry up, Slade.

I'll be right there.


Hey, give me the gun.

Give me your hand.

No, Slade...

Give me your hand.

Now, when you get halfway down,

I'm not ready!


I'm stuck!


Holy shit!



Are you all right?


Yeah, I'm all right.

Give me a hand.

Put it on me.

You just gotta know how to fall.


You just gotta relax, that's all.


All right?

Easy does it.

If you tense up, you can snap
just like a dry branch.

Easy does it.

That's the ticket.

Where did you learn all this,
Special Forces or something?

No, bar fights.

Should of let go earlier, you know.

I couldn't.

Why not?

Would've landed in the water.



What about the crocs?



I could've gotten killed out
there, Slade.

Hey, come on, JJ, I knew you'd
get out in time.

They would've been riled up.

They would have been waiting for me.

I could've lost a limb or something.

How could you tell me to fall?

Aw, you think you could've
survived that?

Well, maybe I could have.

Anyway you're all right, right?

So cut me a little slack.

I'll cut you some...


Hands up, Flanny.

Hands up!

Bet you want your $20,000 back,

JJ... get his gun.

Just as well, that one's empty.

Can we talk about this?

Shit, I guess not.


Got a little proposition for ya.

Guess that means no.

Goddamn it.

Shit, down.

Grab the gun.

You OK, slugger?

Did you see that move?

Yeah, I suppose you learned
that in bar fights.

Special Forces.

Come on.


Mannie Kostas?


This is Major Bayela.

Major Bayela.

Flannigan is dead.


Slade and the girl

know about the transfer.

Right. Thank you very much.


Step on it, Sergeant.

Let's go, guys.

Yes, sir.

You know what you're doing?

Let me guess, 100% winging it.

See how it feels?

Trade you for my shirt.





Want me to drive?

Are you serious?

Steering wheel's on the right.


Look at this.

Slade, this is exactly where my

went the night he was killed. -
Well, that's great.

We'll tell them that at the
American embassy.

Next stop... Lambaza.

No, next stop right here.

I'm not going there.


Can you believe this?

I wish I had a camera.

I wish you'd shut up.

You want to get us killed?

Well, well, well, if it isn't if
your boyfriend.

Don't start with me, Slade.

I wouldn't think of it, honey.

Hey, look, you wanted to come here.

We're here. You seen enough?

Come on, let's go.

Damn it.

Hello, Mannie.


Surprised to see me?


You're a very foolish girl.

Should have learned to leave
well alone.

And now?

You leave me no alternative.

Hey, that's no way to treat a
lady, Kostas.

Mr. Slade, I presume.

So you're the son of a bitch
who had my camp burnt down,

And had us chased all through
hell and back.

Mr. Slade, why don't you talk

Yeah, why don't we?

Way I got it figured, you still
owe me 80 grand,

but I think I'm gonna let that

Slade, what the hell are you doing?

I didn't do anything.

Isn't that the truth then?


Where did you come from?

You're not the only tough nut
around, Slade.

I don't get it.

It's quite simple, Ms. Jamison.

Kostas was a greedy bastard.

Wanted me to do all his dirty
work for him

for a mere pittance.

I've thrown my lot in with Bayela.


I thought you told me that he was...

Shut up.

You see, with military protection,

no one can stop this venture.

So Bayela's in with you, Flannigan?

What side is this guy on?

The winning side, Mr. Slade.

Bayela. At last.

Why do you have to kill him?


Because we're finished with him,
that's why.

You think he'd let us stroll in
and take

over his operation, dear?

Wait a second, Major.

Kostas fell for the phone call.

Yeah, I'd say so.

I have waited months to get the
goods on Kostas.

In one squeeze of your trigger,
you undo it all.

Get the goods on...

Why, you double-crossing bastard.

You go.

You call them off, Bayela.

Or you're a dead man.

I don't mind being beaten fairly.

But I won't be cheated.

A man of principle. - Right,

Round them up.

I'm getting lost here
somewhere, Bayela.

I mean, I... I don't get it.

I mean, if you knew that Kostas
was involved,

why couldn't you just do something?

I had nothing on Mr. Kostas
that would

stand up in a court of law.

Of course, Flannigan put
pressure on when

he has this kind of scheme.

Yeah, well, that's an

Look, Bayela, you've got to
understand that I

was set up on the get-go.

I mean, they said nobody's going
to get hurt, right?

I mean, do I look like a vision
of health or what?

Don't you think you put this
away, Mr. Slade?

This? Don't worry about

It's empty.

I was just bluffing.

Hey, what are guys doing?


Who called the press?

I had to call them.

I didn't anything.

Hey, JJ!


Hold it!

Hold it.

Hold it.

You got the wrong man.

Mr. Slade is guilty of nothing
except uncovering

this whole scam.

Hey, wait, wait, hold it.


Thank you.

Should I tell them the truth?

Why start now?

Why start now?

All right, you want the story?

Here's the way it went down.

Hey, Jack. JACK: Hi.

Hey, do you mind if I borrow this?

Yeah, sure.

Go ahead.


I had the game figured out but I

wasn't sure who all the...


Players were, right?

Now what?


JJ, is that you, babe?

Yeah, it's a bad connection.

Listen, you've got a reservation

on the red eye tonight.

Well, I wish you'd had told me

I would have but we've had a
hell of a time reaching you.

Listen, you can't believe how
hot this story is.

And... there'll be a surprise
for you when you come home.

Well, I've got one for you too, Bob.

What is it?

I can't make it.


Something's come up.


You mean I can't have you?

I don't understand.

No, I don't think you
understand, Bob.

This is Africa.

Things are different here.





Heading for a fall.

Winner takes it all.

Someone's gonna find out.

That is what I wanna see.

You guessed right.

You guessed it, baby, you
guessed it right.

You're not alone, you guessed right.

You guessed it, baby.

You guessed it right.

You'll never know you've been had.

You guessed right.

Comes as no surprise, the comet
in your eyes.

Want to follow you, we'll have
the time to realize.

You guessed right. You guessed
it, baby.

You guessed it.

You're not alone, you guessed right.

You guessed it, baby.

You guessed it right.

You never know.

You've been had.

You guessed right.

Love me tonight.

Love me tonight.

Tonight is the night.

Tonight is the night.

Love me tonight.

Love me tonight.

Tonight is the night.

You'll never know you've been had.

I'm in love.

Heading for a fall.

Winner takes it all.

Someone's gonna find out.

That is what I wanna see.

You guessed right.

You guessed it, baby. You
guessed it right.

You're not alone, you guessed right.

You guessed it, baby.

You guessed it right.

You'll never know you've been had.

You guessed right.

Love me tonight.

Love me tonight.

Tonight is the night.

Tonight is the night.

Hold me tonight.

Love me tonight.

Tonight is the night.

You'll never know you've been had.

You're in love.

Love me tonight.

Love me tonight.

Tonight is your night.

Tonight is the night.

Love me tonight.

Love me tonight.

Tonight is your night.

You'll never know you've been had.

You're in love, love, love, love.