Kill Skills (2016) - full transcript

Skilled at killing, but not so skilled at living, Sammy Cohen, a French and London-based assassin, accidentally kills his fiancé, who happens to be the daughter of an Israeli gangster. ... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
What? Calm down.

No! I told you that.

No, listen. No.

I didn't have anything
to do with that.

I'm not trying
to double-cross you.

Listen, it was the guys from...

Listen, just try to be...

Oi! Can I bum a cigarette, mate?

What? No.

Listen, it was the guys from...

I didn't have anything
to do with that.

Please, just calm down.

Give us a cigarette.

- Get off.
- Give us a cigarette.

Fuck off!

What? No, no, not you.

No, it's just this prick
trying to nick a cigarette.

I'm not insulting you.


Come in.


Good to see you.

Come in.

Look at you.

Very elegant.

- Very fancy.
- Thank you.

Sarah, say hello to Sammy.

- Hi.
- Hi.

My office. Now.

I don't understand
why you treat me like this.

Haven't I always been
good to you?

When you arrived from Paris,
did I not take care of you?

Did I not welcome you into
my family with open arms?

- Did I not give you work?
- You did.

So why do you do this to me?

Can I speak?

I've got good news.
I got all the money.

Are you dumb?

I don't handle business
on Shabbat.

I'll keep it, then.

Don't be stupid.

Give it to him.

I can't take it either.

Fuck you! You take it
and you put it in the safe.

- Are you gonna open it?
- No, it's electronic.

I don't know the combination.

Can we go now?


You. Punch him.

What the fuck was that for?

That, my boy, was for being
a sick, degenerate asshole,

who took the risk
of gambling my money,

and you could easily
have come here today with
nothing to give me.

How do you know about...

You think I don't know
everything you do

every fucking minute of the day?

Now pull yourself together,
and go back to the table.

Father? Could I maybe
go up to my room?

Yeah, OK.


You know I bought a new dress
for Reuben's barmitzva?

Yeah? Is it a sexy one?

No, not sexy.

Of course it's sexy.

I bought it.

If she wears it,
it's going to be sexy.

Sarah, are you sure
you don't want to come with us
to the synagogue?

Yeah, I can't.

I have to study.

That's OK.

So, you coming with us or what?

No, thanks, it's not my thing.

- Stay out of trouble, OK?
- Always.

Did you know
your father sells ecstasy?

There's a shit load
in his office.

No, no!

I want some.


No, come on.

You sure?

All right. Okay.

How do you know the combination?

It's my birthday, isn't it?

I don't know your birthday.

You're pushing it.

Happy birthday.

- Do you want one?
- No, no, they're for you.

I'd rather have some coke.

Coke sucks!
No one does it any more.

I do coke.

Yeah, but that's because
you're old!

I love you.

I love you.

I'm going to take a shower.


Get up. Get up!

Wake up!

Get the fuck out of my house.

Get out of my house.
The police is coming.

But mark my words.

You're a fucking dead man.

Now fuck off!

You get out of here.

Police, madam.

We need to speak
with Mr. Bronstein.

Please don't.

No, please don't.

You don't want to do this.

You don't want to do this.

Eat. Eat.

Please don't.

- Another one.
- No, please don't.

Another one.

I don't want to die.

I have a family.

Another one.

I will find you
wherever you are,
you little piece of shit.

And I will kill you.

No bags?

So, that sign is
really discreet!

- Is Levy your real name?
- No.


Wearing sunglasses in November?
That's discreet?

If you saw my eyes,

you would ask me
to put them back on.


You're drunk?

And I'm not Cornelius's driver.
I am Cornelius.

Are we really going to use
those stupid code names?


- I'm Claes.
- I'm Sammy.

No smoking in the car.

His name is Peter Rasmussen.

He's 53 years old.

Senior executive.

In this folder,
I got his address,

and a list of all the places
he hangs out.

Are you even listening?

I can count and listen
at the same time.

You keep this phone on you
all the time.

And you wait for me
to call you to tell you
when, where and what.

Got it?


What about the gun?

No gun. The client wants it
to look like an accident.

Don't worry, Avi.

We'll find him.

Can you close the window?

You stink.

Can I smoke
if the window is open?



What's the hold-up?

It's the changing of the guards.

They look really stupid
with their big-ass hats.

They look like giant sex toys.

It's not stupid.

It's the Royal Danish
Elite Guards.

They must be really scary
when they show up
with their huge furry hats.

When I was 20,
I was one of them.

And I can promise you, with the
training we got, we scared the
shit out of people.

Then why have me come in
if you're that good?

I had you come
because I don't kill any more.

So what's your job now, then?

Consultant, head of security to
a large international company.

I do e-mail surveillance,

industrial espionage,
and cameras, and...

- Nice gun.
- Yeah.

Sure you don't want
anything more gangster?

A Desert Eagle, my brother.

That's some classy shit.

Cherry Pie has one
just like that.

Stop pointing that at me,
right now.

Who is Cherry Pie?


I'm Cherry Pie.

OK, whatever.

I'll take this one
and five grams of this, too.

Ten grand.

You're supposed always
to pick up this phone!

The deal is off.

You'll still get your money.

And I'll see you tomorrow.

I repeat, the deal is off.

Sorry, I don't speak Danish.

It's me.

How are you, mon ami?


Well, there's a problem
with your friend.

He didn't do
what was asked of him.


he did the exact opposite.

And the situation
has become delicate.

So I was wondering...

Are you sure it is the only way?

No, no, I trust you.


Yes, he was a good friend.

I think that you probably
make a mistake,

but listen...

you do what you have to do.

And please,

forgive me for this.

Well, goodbye, my friend.

You want to go outside?

Get some food,
or we could do something else?

No outside.

- No?
- No.

But I want to do something.


Yes, I'll be right down.

Why don't you ever
pick up the phone?

I picked it up this time,
didn't I?

Did you listen to the message
I left last night?

No, because the answering
machine is all in Danish,

so I didn't understand it.

- Do you have my money?
- Yeah, I've got it.

It's at my office.

Where's your office?

It's not far.

What's going on?

Change of plans.

The client wants to meet you.

Me? Why?

I guess he's impressed.

What if I don't want
to meet him?

Ah, come on!

It's not a trap.

If it's not a trap,
why are you laughing?

I'm sorry. It's fine. Trust me.

I promise you.

The police said,

"Did you know that Mr. Rasmussen
had gambling debts?"

And I said, "Gambling debts?

"And to dangerous men,
on top of that?"

So, for you.

Fuck! That shit is good.

It's schnapps.

But you've got to be careful.
It's a trap.

You know,

actually aquavitis Latin
for "water of life."

Isn't that ironic?

Yes. Yes, indeed.

No, we are all terribly saddened
by this horrible news.

Yeah, thank you.

It's like I'm being reborn.

Like I'm starting
all over again.

I feel sharper, I feel stronger,

I even feel taller.

- Physically taller?
- Physically.

I don't think that's possible.

I want to thank you
for making the decision for me.

I don't think
I would have had the guts.

-Can I ask you
a personal question?


What's it like to kill a man?

You tell me.

What do you mean?
You just killed him, didn't you?

I just pulled the trigger.

I think it's the one
that's paying

that's actually
doing the killing.

I don't understand.

You killed him.

I'm just the gun.

So what you're telling me is,

that I'm a killer?

You're a killer.

How does that make you feel?

I don't know.

I think I like it!

I even got the gun, already.

There you go.


Now look.

- That's a Luger, right?
- Yeah, it's my grandfather's.


- Put that down.
- Yeah, yeah.

I don't even know how to use it!

So you knew they would pin
the murders on the Serbians?

That was risky.

If it hadn't worked out,
I would have to...

- I thought you didn't
kill anymore.
- I don't.

And I'm happy that I didn't have
to break my rules for you.


- Do you want some?
- Nope.

I'm going to pretend
that you just didn't do that
right in front of me.

- You don't do drugs?
- No, and neither should you.

Right. Come on.

I don't know where you
live, though.

I have no idea what she just
said, but it turns me on.

Is that normal?

If you think that is sexy,

I do not want you
to meet my wife.

You have a wife?

And she won't mind that we come
in the middle of the night,

off our faces?

No! Mette...

she's cool.

You'll see.

How about
if we wake up the kids?

No kids.

Sure you don't want anything?

I'm OK, thanks.

You're holding up well.

Well, we didn't drink that much.

No, I mean, you look good

for somebody who just
killed a random guy.

Oh, you know about...?

See, I don't think
he was a random guy.

If he were a random guy, then
why would somebody pay me that
much money to kill him?

Is that how you deal with it?

Whatever suits you, I guess.

Look, he made bad choices and
he paid for them. That's that.

I didn't mean to be intrusive.

You don't have to explain to me.

He would have gone
one way or another, right?


You have to try this.

It's gravlax.

And I made it.

It's wild salmon,

seasoned with sea salt,

sugar and dill.

The Vikings
used to bury it underground

for a couple of months.

I set up Jonas's room for you.

It's way too late
to go back to the hotel.

Who is Jonas?

Um, I set up the guest room
for you.

It's ready.

- Morning.
- Morning.

- Want a coffee?
- Yeah.

- Your head aches?
- Yeah, it's the fucking aquavit.


What are you going to do now?

I don't know. Go back to bed?

No, I mean, are you going
to stay or go back to London?

The hotel is paid for a week,

it would be stupid
not to take advantage of it.



There's actually
a lot of things to see.

Most people just go and see
the Little Mermaid or Tivoli.

Or the changing of the guards.

You're in very good shape
in the morning.

I don't know. Sure, why not?


Sorry, I've got to go to work.

For the hangovers, we've got
a sauna. You should try it.

It helps get rid of the toxins.

I'll call you later.

You should take that off.

- It might burn.
- What, this?

I never take it off.

I feel naked without it.

You're Jewish?

Can't you tell?

So you're circumcised?

Are we that close
that we're discussing
my foreskin situation?

It's just a big debate
in Denmark right now.

- Yeah?
- They want to ban circumcision.

Really? Why?

They think it's barbaric.

But it feels better for women,
though, right?

When I was in Africa,

I helped doing
hundreds of circumcisions.

So you were a mohelin Africa?

What's a mohel?

Mohelis the Rabbi
that cuts off the baby's dick.

It's not only for babies.
It's for grown men too.

In some villages
we did over 200 a day.

I don't know if it's any better
for women or not, but...

for men, it helps reduce their
chance of getting AIDS by ten.


Do you know what's really good,
after a hot sauna?


A cold shower.

I'm glad you called.

I wanted to see you again,

Nice place.

- How much you want?
- Two.

Thanks, man.

Thank you.

Do you remember
when we studied Jethro?

Hashem sometimes takes the sins
of the parents into account,

when punishing the children for
the evil that they've done...

Are you saying that it's
my fault my daughter has died?

Is this the shit
you teach my son?

Well, you know what?
Go to Hashem
and tell him to fuck himself.

You see, there,
you hear the wise man.

Please, come in.

I've got a job for you.
If you're up for it.


Get dressed, then.

So you're not going
to come with me?


You're going to let me go
in there on my own? Seriously?

- If I thought you couldn't...
- Bullshit!

I told you, I won't do this.

I will not kill.
So please stop asking.

If I were you
I'd go to bed early tonight.

You'll need all your strength.

- Stop.
- Why?

Stop. It's enough!

- What's enough?
- I'm sick of this.

Sick of what?

You just call
when you want to fuck.

You can't treat people
like that. I'm not a whore.

Well, I've never offered to pay
you, have I?

This is going nowhere.

- Come on...
- No.


I don't speak Romanian.

Fuck you.

I think you'll be happy
with a Beretta. Or a Glock.

Damn, you have an Uzi!


I haven't got the silencer.

Did you have an Uzi
in the Israeli military?

I was never
in the Israeli military.

Do we really need a silencer?

You really need a silencer.

Where did you do the army, then?



Give me a Beretta, then.

You're a stubborn fuck,
aren't you?

No smoking in the car.

You're going to get in the way
of my last cigarette?

- You're quitting?
- Yeah.



You OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You did seven. I did six.

You win.


Can we go now?

You're hit?

Fuck! You're hit!

Come on, get up.

Get up!

Keep the pressure
on that bandage, Sammy.

Stay awake, Sammy.

Stay awake.

You're doing better.

Your fever is down.

I'm going to check
your bandages.


- A little morphine?
- Oh, yeah.

You little junkie!

- Hold this.
- It's really good, that stuff.

Hold it.

Did you learn to treat
gunshot wounds in Africa?


I was in Sierra Leone
during the civil war.

Is this where you met Claes?


He was a mercenary, back then.

He shot people,
I fixed them back up.

We were complementary.

Apparently, you still are.

I guess so.

What are you doing?

Nothing, I was just...

It's OK.

- You're up.
- Yeah.

- You shouldn't be.
- I feel better.

Come on.

You need your shot.

It's freezing.

It's revigorating.
The air will be good for you.

Can I ask you a question?

- Sure.
- Why did you stop?


Sometimes you get signs.

Like when...

When we lost our son.

When Jonas died...

I chose to believe
that what happened to me

happened because of
the things that I've done.

So I stopped doing them.

That's way too Christian for me.

It's actually Viking.

The Vikings used to believe

that under the Tree of Life,

the Norns would weave
the thread of all men's fate.

What's a Norn?

Goddesses of fate.
Past, present and the future.

And they would...

It's complicated.

Lately, I've been feeling that

it doesn't matter that much
anyhow, what I do.

Might as well
just start doing it again.

Are you crazy
to let him out in the cold?

And you're smoking?

Are you OK?

- I'll go for a run.
- All right.

Sammy, could you pour me
a whisky, please?

- Sure.
- And bring yours.

Thank you.

Don't smoke.

It's funny,
how Claes has taken to you.

That never happens.

I like him.

You too.
You guys are funny together.


You're very free.

Free, huh?

I mean, you know,

you're there,
and I'm here, talking to you.

Because I'm naked?


You know, it's nothing special
to see someone naked.

If he saw us together,
you naked in there, me here,

he wouldn't mind at all?

Just light me one
of your cigarettes, would you?



Did you leave London
because of a woman?

I don't want to talk about it.

Why not?

It seems we all have
our little secrets.

If you ever want
to talk about it...

If you ever want
to talk about it...


What are you doing?

Where is Claes?

He's sleeping.

What happened last night
must never happen again.


I know that.

How lucky I am,

to live with
two such handsome men.

I love this place!

Whose idea was this?

Oh, yeah, of course.

My little hired gun!

You said you had
some work for us.

Can I get you gentlemen
something to drink?

Whisky, neat.

Are you sure you don't prefer
a bottle of champagne?

Yeah. Whisky, neat.

I'll have the same.

- Yeah, I'll have a whiskey too.
- You?

You're not thirsty.

What was that?

- You two know each other?
- Yeah, a little bit.

Do you want me
to go talk to her?

- No, no, no...
- Are you sure?

- No, don't...
- Back in a second.

No, please.

I'll be back in a second.

- Wait.
- What do you want?

There's this guy at my table...

Yeah? So what?

So he's a very rich and powerful
man, and he likes you.

- So you do see me as a whore?
- No! I'm just saying...

I know exactly
what you're saying.

You can leave now.
Thank you very much.



What I wanted
to talk to you about is...

In Oslo...

there's this guy...

I'm having trouble with him.

You would like us
to take care of him?


- Ever been to Norway before?
- Nope.

You smoke too much.

Fucking Norwegians.

Norwegians are cool.
It's the Swedes
who are assholes.

Swedes, Norwegians, Danes...
You all look the same to me.

- No, we don't.
- Yeah.

He looks exactly like you.

No, he doesn't.


Do you want to party tonight?

Because I know a great place.



It's speed.

Yes. It's good.

I bought this disgusting speed
from this girl because I
thought it was coke,

and now my face is all numb.

You think this is funny?

If you want to work with me,
no drugs.

I've told you this before.
I hate drugs!

Listen, we've got
a good thing going,

and hopefully
it's just the beginning.

Don't fuck it up.

Yeah, whatever, Dad.

What's this?


Did you think I was a hooker?

No, I'm sorry...

Take your money back.

I'm not a prostitute.

No, of course you're not.
I'm sorry.

It's fine.

- Let's not talk about it.
- Cheers.



How well do you know Sammy?

I don't care about Sammy.

You're the one I want.

You know I work with Sammy?

I'm a killer.

You're my killer.

We've looked over the numbers.

And we can not do better.
This is our last offer.

I'm sorry, sir,
he won't go down on the price.

He's dead.

He just doesn't know it yet.

Come on, jump.

- What time is it?
- Let me see.

- Really?
- What?

I think we missed our plane.


I'm starving.

Where have you been?

Don't tell me,
you've been buying drugs.

No. Don't worry.

Come on, drink up.
I'm tired, I want to go to bed.

What? That's a new one.
You're tired?

Come on!

Hurry up.

- Have one yourself.
- I'm not thirsty.

Let me finish my drink.

Hurry up.

Good night.

- Can I help you with something?
- I'm your present.

Of course you are.

Could you excuse me
for a minute?

Thank you.

- Are you kidding?
- What?

What's that lady
doing in my room?

She's your present.

Are you insane?

Come in.

I thought you would be happy.

Why would I be happy?

You're always talking
about Africa and the hookers,

and "Once you go black
you never go back."

That's a long time ago.
Before I met Mette.

You never cheated on her?

Me? No.

- Never.
- Because I thought...

- You thought what?
- Nothing.

It's because...

you cannot even begin to imagine
how crazy I am about her.

It's hard to describe.

She's everything to me.

The reason why I get up
in the morning.

That's got to be nice.

Nicer than these
hotel chocolates.

Imagine all those people
that travel all year long,

with these stupid,

heart-shaped chocolates,

as their only sign
of human warmth.

Mette has made flaeskesteg.

What the fuck is flaeskesteg?

It's a traditional
Danish Christmas dish.

You have to extract the meat
from the breast

or the neck from the pig,

and keep the rind
to obtain crispy crackling...

I don't eat pig.

I've been living in this house
for a month and you still
didn't get that?

I don't eat pig.

Then how are you understand
our culture if you don't
eat the flaeskesteg?

Well, I guess I won't.

And I don't
celebrate Christmas either.

Jesus Christ!


Don't do that.
Claes might see us.

You've got to be shitting me.

It's just marzipan.

I don't eat pig.

It's candy, you idiot.

I still won't eat it.

Wait, don't. No.


So, you're buying her
presents, now?

You're in love with her,
aren't you?

How is that your problem?

We have to stop this.

- Stop what?
- This. You coming.

You have to stop.

So you're breaking up with me?

I guess I am.

Then you'll never
fucking see me again.

- I'd like that very much.
- You piece of shit.

- Who are you talking to?
- No one.

No one. Come here.


- I don't want that.
- Why not?

- I just don't want it.
- But you haven't even opened it.

Please put that down.


So, do we have a deal?



What's wrong?

It's just the first time we get
so little information on a hit.

Look how thin this file is.

Who gives a fuck?

I'm just wondering...

what a 30-year-old art director
could have done to him.

Do you have any coke?


You live in Berlin?


Are you an Arab?


A Jew?


Circumcised, then.

Tunisian? Moroccan?

How did you know?

My parents are Tunisian.
We're neighbours.

- Did you come with someone?
- Yeah.

Me too.
We're engaged to be married.

- Mazel tov!
- Thank you.

My name is Tarik.
What's your name?


How do I see you again?

I don't know.

- Come on, let's go.
- What? Did you do it?

No. We'll do it some other time.

Sure you don't want
to go for a drink?

No. I don't feel too good.

- It's still early.
- Let's get the car.

Avi, we have a new lead.

Some guy he worked with
in Paris.

I'm out.

- I'm happy that you came.
- Me too.

Where are we going?

Right here.

Right here? I didn't know
you were so romantic.

I don't know any Sammy Cohen.

I don't know any Levy,
or Rubenstein or Rosenfeld.

I don't know them,
and you know what?
I don't like them.

Hit him.

You don't know any Sammy Cohen?
That's not what I heard.

I've heard that not only
you know him,

but you also helped him
get out of London.

And now I want to know
where he is.

You know who I am and what I do,

so you can probably imagine

that you will not have
any password,

no information,

no matter how hard
you will hit me!

I guess we have to find out.

I cannot believe
that he's that stupid!

I don't read Danish.

"The soon-to-be husband of
the son of a rich industrialist

"was the victim
of a homophobic crime."

Fucking roøvhul, mand.
Idiot! Come on.

Morning, guys. Coffee?

What you did was careless.

- It wasn't careless, it was...
- Careless and dangerous.

You can't do things like that
and not tell us.

You wouldn't have taken the job
had I told you.

- God damn right.
- You let me do the talking.

- How is he treating you?
- Good.

- I feel like a princess.
- Really?

That's nice.


if you ever get tired
of that old fuck,

you call me.


- You're not eating?
- Not hungry.

I never want to see
that prick again.

Then don't.

Then who are we going to
work for?

I don't know.

Why don't we go on a vacation
and spend some of that cash?

Because I have to save
and reimburse the bank,

the house, the car...

That sounds a bit boring.

Yeah, it's boring.

That's easy for you to say.
You've got no responsibilities.

I didn't get into this line of
work to have responsibilities.

I'm beat.

I'm going to bed.

Night, honey.

Do you want to go to bed?

I'm sick of this.

Sick of what?

Sick of doing the same thing
every night.

I want to do something, I want
to go out, I want to party.

We can party.

Where do you want to go?

We can party right here.

Then I have to call a friend.

- So, this is where you live?
- Yeah.

Nice place.

- Good night.
- Take care.

I can't believe
I fell for a whore.

Because that's all you are,
right? A whore.

Don't you think
I saw you with him?

With who? Sammy?

You like
being treated like a whore

by that little,
pathetic gangster?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I never charged him.

You disgust me.

Hello, Victorine?

Can I speak to our friend?

But haven't you heard?

What have I done to you?


I buy you everything you want.

It's not enough.

Every time you're done
fucking me you go home

to your wife, your big house...

and I go back to my shitty life.

What is it that you really want?

You want me to leave my wife?
Just say it.

You would leave your wife
for a whore?

I'm sorry
about calling you that.

Of course you are.

It's simple.

You pay me what I want,

or I send these to your wife.

You're a businessman.

So what will cost you more?
This or a divorce?

I can't believe
that you're doing this to me.

To our friend. Skaål.

So you met him in Africa?


Actually when I got back.

He gave me
my first contracting jobs.

We used to work together
in Paris.

I'm beat.

I think I want to go home.
Do you want to come?

You go.

I want to have a few more.

No. You don't need a lap dance,
you need some water.

Please let me through.

Let me through. Thank you.

Hey, Cherry Pie.


- This one?
- Yeah.

Good stuff.

Nice place you've got here.

Come on, have a drink.

Cherry Pie.

You said you were going
to leave me alone.

Oh, come on!

You know
I'm never going to leave you.

Yeah, I know.

- Who are you talking to?
- What? No one.

Sell me another gram.

- I think you should
confront him.
- Who?

- Avi?
- Yes.

How do you know?

How do you know about...

Oh, you're some kind of...

I know because
you fucking told me, you idiot.

Avi, it's me.

Listen, we need to talk.

Talk about what?

What do you want to hear?

You want to hear
how your French friend...

squealed as I cut off his balls?

Of course it was me.

You want to kill me?
You come and find me.
I'm in Copenhagen, motherfucker.

Come tomorrow night
at the Babylon Club.

It's a strip club, you're going
to fucking love it, OK?

Have a great night.


Wake up, it's four o'clock.

Can I have a cigarette?


What time are you meeting Avi?

I have to go. Thanks.

I need your help.

He's going to kill me.

He's going to...



You whore.

You fucking little
immigrant whore.

Where were you?

-We were worried.
-I don't have time.
Where is Claes?

- What's wrong?
- We have to go.

There's a big problem with Lars.

Hey, guys.

Where is she?


Stop messing around!

Where's Lena?

I haven't seen her in...

No, no...

- You OK?
- Yeah.

Come on.

Put it down.

Come on, put it down. You don't
even know how to use it.

Are you sure?

I'm a gun, now.

I'm just a gun.

Come on.

- I'm sorry.
- Shut up!

Fuck you.

They know where you live.

- What?
- They know where you live.

My dealer came to the house.
They found my dealer.
We have to go.

What are you talking about?

I'm really sorry.
Please, let's go.

If something has happened
to her, I'm going to kill you.

You stupid, stupid fuck!

Go, go, go!


You know why I'm doing this?

Have you any idea what
it feels like to lose a child?

I thought your daughter died
because she took your pills.

He doesn't care about you.

You know he doesn't care
about you?

He doesn't care about you.

What is she doing here?

She's coming with us.

When we get to the next town,
drop us off.

I'm going to take care
of her now.

So now you're going
to fuck her life up as well?

That's what I do.
I fuck people's lives up.

Like I fucked up your life,
I fucked up your house,
and I even fucked...

Jesus Christ!

Don't you ever stop talking
about yourself?

You bitch, moan,
blame yourself for everything...

Give me a cigarette.

You're a smoker, now?

Maybe we needed this.

Maybe we weren't alive
in that house any more.

We can start a new life.

We've got money,
we can go anywhere.

So, where are we going?

I have no idea.

I guess France
is out of the question.

No, I can never
go back to France.

England, too?


What about Morocco?

My family had problems
in Morocco.

What about Sierra Leone?


Angola, Mozambique...
actually the whole of Africa.

We can't go to Romania either.

How about Australia?

That's far.

Far from where?